Munuaiskorvaushoito lapsilla Heikki Valkonen SULAT 2015 Helsinki Sisältö • • Sisältö • Lasten akuutti munuaisvaurio • Eri munuaiskorvaus modaliteetit Ei sisälly • Biomarkkerit • Krooninen munuaisten vajaatoiminta • Antikoagulaatio Yleistä • Tutkittua tietoa vähän, lähinnä retrospektiivisiä tai rekisteritutkumksia • Hemodialyysi käytännöt ekstrapoloitu aikuispuolelta • Lapsilla käytetyt dialyysimuodot • Peritoneaalidialyysi • Intermittoiva hemodialyysi • Jatkuva hemodialyysi Akuutti munuaisvaurio (AKI) • Merkittävä vaikutus • Kuolleisuuteen • Tehojakson pituuteen • Ventilaattori hoidon pituuteen AKI - luokittelu • RIFLE • pRIFLE • AKIN • KDIGO pRIFLE Estimated CCL Risk eCCL decrease by 25% Injury eCCL decrease by 50% Failure eCCL decrease by 75% or eCCL < 35 ml/min/1.73m2 Loss Persistent failure >4 weeks End stage End-stage renal disease (persistent failure >3 months) eCCL = (k * height (cm)) / Crserum (mg/dl) Urine output <0.5 ml/kg/h for 8 h <0.5 ml/kg/h for 16 h <0.3 ml/kg/h for 24 h or anuric for 12 h infant (LBW < 1y) 0.33; Infant (term < 1y) 0,45 Child or Adolescent Girl 0.55 Adolescent Boy 0.7 tors unique to neonatal renal physiology, as described earlier. At this time, there is general acceptance that an SCr increase of 0.3 mg/dL or more (KDIGO AKI stage 1) is sufficient to trigger concern for AKI in neonatal patients in the appropriate clinical context.42 Thus, modifications to the KDIGO definition have been made in a proposed neonatal AKI definition as follows.8 Because SCr normally declines over the first week of life,43 each SCr is compared with the lowest previous value. In addition, because Vastasyntyneiden AKI:n luokittelu Box 1 Proposed neonatal AKI classification Stage SCr Urine Output 0 1 No change in SCr or increase <0.3 mg/dL SCr increase !0.3 mg/dL within 48 h or SCr increase !1.5–1.9 " reference SCra within 7 d SCr increase !2 to 2.9 " reference SCra SCr increase !3 " reference SCra or SCr !2.5 mg/dL or Receipt of dialysis !0.5 mL/kg/h <0.5 mL/kg/h for 6–12 h 2 3 <0.5 mL/kg/h for !12 h <0.3 mL/kg/h for !24 h or anuria for !12 h a Baseline SCr is defined as the lowest previous SCr value. Modified from Jetton JG, Askenazi DJ. Update on acute kidney injury in the neonate. Curr Opin Pediatr 2012;24(2):191–6. 0,3 mg/dl = 26,52 µmol/l 1,0 mg/dl = 88,4 µmol/l 2,5 mg/dl = 221 µmol/l Lasten AKI • 2106 lasta (Ei sydänkirurgisia potilaita) • AKI 17.9% (377 / 2106) (AKIN classification) • Kuolleisuus • 10.3% AKi ryhmässä vs. 1.7% • OR 3.7 • Pidempi teho-hoito aika • Pidempi ventilaattorihoidon tarve Alkandari et al. Critical Care 2011, 15:R146 Lasten AKI Alkandari et al. Critical Care 2011, 15:R146 Page 6 of 12 Table 1 Patient characteristics by AKI status and variable associations with AKIa,b Mean (± SD), median or n (%)e AKI (n = 377) Non-AKI (n = 1,729) P valuec AKI risk factors adjusted ORs (95% CI)d 5.0 (5.5), 2.2 6.0 (5.7), 4.0 0.002 0.99 (0.97 to 1.01) PRISM scoref 7.9 (6.3), 7 4.8 (4.6), 4 < 0.001 1.10 (1.08 to 1.13)g Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Ste-Justine 116 (30.8%) 620 (35.9%) 0.06 0.79 (0.61 to 1.02) Female gender 161(42.7%) 757 (43.8%) 0.7 1.00 (0.79 to 1.27) Mechanically ventilated 226 (60.0%) 747 (43.2%) < 0.001 1.52 (1.18 to 1.94)g Measured bSCr 218 (57.8%) 757 (43.8%) < 0.001 2.22 (1.72 to 2.86)g Postoperative (noncardiac) 102 (27.1%) 624 (36.1%) 0.001 0.68 (0.51 to 0.90)g Admission for trauma Documented infection 15 (4.0%) 39 (10.3%) 132 (7.6%) 67 (3.9%) 0.01 < 0.001 0.59 (0.33 to 1.07) 1.92 (1.23 to 2.99)g 5.4 (9.7), 1 2.2 (8.6), 0 < 0.001 Not applicable 9.7 (21.7), 3.1 4.6 (16.2), 2 < 0.001 Not applicable 39 (10.3%) 30 (1.7%) < 0.001 Not applicable Characteristics (N = 2,106) AKI risk factors Age, years Outcomes Length of mechanical ventilation, days PICU length of stay, days PICU mortality a AKI = acute kidney injury; bSCr = baseline serum creatinine; I = confidence interval; OR = odds ratio; PICU = pediatric intensive care unit; PRISM = Pediatric Risk of Mortality; SD = standard deviation; b AKI was defined according to the traditional Acute Kidney Injury Network staging system by using the lowest SCr level in the previous three months or ageand gender-based normative values as bSCr. Patients with no SCr data available were assumed not to have developed AKI; cP values are based on the univariate comparison test performed between AKI and non-AKI groups; dadjusted ORs were calculated based on multiple logistic regression analysis to evaluate independent risk factors for AKI; en (%) data represent the column percentage (for example, proportion of AKI patients who were female and proportion of AKI patients who were treated at Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Ste-Justine); fonly 2,085 patients had PRISM scores available; gstatistically significant (P < 0.05) ORs represent independent AKI risk factors. Alkandari et al. Critical Care 2011, 15:R146 bSCr measured and not being a postoperative patient (odds ratios shown in Table 1). shows that, overall, almost all AKIs occurred within the first two or three days after PICU admission. Vastasyntyneen AKI • Perinataali hypoksia • VLBW ( < 1500g ) • Synnynnäiset sydänviat • Sydänkirurgia joka vaatii sydänkeuhkokenetta (23 - 52%) • ECMO (71%) • Sepsis • Synnynnäiset munuaisten ja virtsateiden anomaliat Jetton JG, Askenazi DJ. Clin Perinatol 41 (2014) 487–502. Nestelasti ja AKI • • CRRT hoidettuja lapsia N=297 • Sepsis(31.2%) • Kantasolu siirto (15.2%) • Sydämen vajaatoiminta (11.5%) • Hemato/Onkologia (8.8%) Lineaarinen suhde mortaliteetilla ja nestelastilla 320 Figure 1. Mortality rates of pediatric intensive care unit patients receiving continuous renal replacement therapy subdivided by degree of fluid overload. Error bars represent • 1% nestelasti lisä -> 3% lisäys 95% confidence intervals for the mortality rate in each fluid mortaliteettiin overload group. There was a statistically significant difference in mortality among the 3 groups. Patients with ! 20% fluidVol overload had2significantly higher mortality than patients SM Sutherland, et al. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 55, No (February), 2010: pp 316-325 with ! 10% fluid overload and those with 10%-20% fluid a o r 0 p h ( c w ( C f s s o Dialyysi indikaatiota • Hoitoresistentti asidoosi ( pH < 7.1) tai hoidosta huolimatta nopeasti syvenevä asidoos • Anuria tai oliguria • Hoitoresistentti hyperkalemia (> 6 - 6.5) • Kliinisesti merkittävä nesteretentio (keuhkopöhö, nouseva IAP), joka ei hallittavissa diureetein • Uremia (enkefalopatia, pahoinvointi, kouristukset, perikardiitti, vuoto) Koska aloittaa munuaiskorvaushoidot? • Edellisten indikaatioiden täyttyessä? • Nestelasti ? • • 10%— 20% ———— > 20% • Kunnes furosemidilla ei vastetta ? Kuinka kauan voidaan odottaa spontaania munuaisten toipumista? Coarctation repair Truncus arteriosus repair Anomalous origin of coronary artery from pulmonary artery repair Complete atrioventricular canal repair Ventricular septal defect and coarctation repair Ventricular septal defect Valvuloplasty, mitral Konno procedure Absent pulmonary valve repair Other Varhainen PD sydänkirurgian jälkeen 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 2 11 Early vs late PD • 1.0 Early = Leikkauspäivänä 0.8 • Retrospektiivinen tutkimus • 3550 sydänleikkausta • Early PD Late = 1.POP tai myöhempi Survival probability • Delayed PD 0.6 0.4 Log-rank P = 0.02 146 PD hoidettua lasta 0.2 • • 109 Early PD 43.5% pienempi kuolleisuus varhaisessa PD:ssä Bojan M, et al. Kidney International (2012) No. at risk: 109 86 0.0 37 0 69 62 52 50 48 Early PD 24 21 19 19 16 15 Delayed PD 15 30 45 60 75 The prop dialysis o a Relative at the ‘ more t Propen Abbreviation: AKI, acute kidney injury. • peritone 90 Days of follow-up Figure 2 | Ninety-day survival among patients with early and delayed peritoneal dialysis. Survival is shown using Kaplan–Meier curves. Patients with peritoneal dialysis (PD) 82, 474–481;10.1038/ki.2012.172; The pr betwee Early P proced and de extraco associa was co relative had go of the v overlap s.d. ¼ 0 s.d. ¼ 0 tive, a betwee weight rendere no furt Sho betwee signific and a s rate in PD gro largest group Peritoneaali dialyysi • Ensisijainen ja yleisin vaihtoehto pienillä lapsilla • Yksinkertainen aloittaa • Halpa • Soveltuu myös hemodynaamisesti epävakaalle potilaalle • Ei vaadi antikoagulaatiota Peritoneaali dialyysi • PD-katetrin laitto suhteellisen yksinkertainen toimenpide • Ei vastaa teholtaan hemodialyysiä • Usein saavutetaan riittävä puhdistuma ja nesteen poisto • Nesteenpoistoa ei voi kontrolloida yhtä tarkasti kuin hemodialyysillä Peritoneaali dialyysi • Glukoosi osmoottisena molekyylinä • • • Muodostaa voimakkaan osmoottisen paine gradientin vatsakalvolla -> Ultrafiltraatio Puskurit • laktaatti • bikarbonaatti Elektrolyytit • Natrium • Kalium • Kalsium Edellytykset peritoneaali dialyysin onnistumiseen • Ehjä vatsakalvo joka toimii filtterinä dialyysille • Intraperitoneaaliset absessit • Kiinnikkeet • Tuore laparotomia • Pallearuptuura • Toimiva PD-katetri (väliaikainen tai pysyvä) • Välineet • Nesteet, letkut, filtraatti pussi Peritoneaali dialyysi komplikaatiot • Peritoniitti • Katetri infektiot • Vuoto • Suoliperforaatio • Katetri ongelmat: Tukokset, kipu, virtaus ongelmat, … Peritoneaalidialyysi annostus • Dialyysi volyymi 10 - 20 ml/kg tai 600 - 800 ml / m2 BSA • Esim: Tunnin kierto: Sisään 5min - vatsaontelossa 40min - ulos valutus 15min CRRT • Soveltuu kaiken ikäisille • Tosin mitä pienempi lapsi sitä enemmän ongelmia dialyysireitin kanssa • Vaatii kätännössä aina antikoagulaation (sitraatti, hepariini, epoprostenoli/PGI-2, LMWH) • Monimutkaisempi laitteisto • Helposti yhdistettävissä ECMO kiertoon - 2012 Munuaiskorvaus hoitojen syyt ORIGINAL ARTICLES Table II. Differences in survival depending on primary diagnosis Primary diagnosis Number/total (% of cohort) Survive Non-survivors Survival versus non-survival P value Sepsis Cardiac disease Inborn error of metabolism Hepatic Oncology* Primary pulmonary Renal† Otherz 25/84 (30%) 16/84 (19%) 13/84 (15%) 9/84 (11%) 6/84 (7%) 5/84 (6%) 5/84 (6%) 5/84 (6%) 9/25 (36%) 6/16 (38%) 8/13 (62%) 0/9 (0%) 3/6 (50%) 3/5 (60%) 4/5 (80%) 3/5 (75%) 16/25 (64%) 10/16 (62%) 5/13 (38%) 9/9 (100%) 3/6 (50%) 2/5 (40%) 1/5 (20%) 2/5 (40%) .37 .59 .15 <.01 .73 .44 .09 .19 *3 neuroblastoma, 2 acute lymphocytic leukemia, 1 hemophagocytic syndrome. †Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease, cortical necrosis, unknown cause of chronic kidney disease, renal agenesis, congenital nephrotic syndrome. z2 nephrotoxin, 1 congenital diaphrmatic hernia, 1 Omenn’s syndrome, status post bone marrow transplant, 1 censored. Askenazi)DJ)et)al.)Con1nuous)Renal)Replacement)Therapy)for)Children)#10)kg:)A)Report)from)the)Prospec1ve)Pediatric) Con1nuous)Renal)Replacement)Therapy)Registry.)J"Pediatr"2012.") ) CRRT aloitus 1. Dialyysikanyyli 2. Filtteri 3. Antikoagulaatio 4. Dialyysikoneen säädöt / dialyysi annos 5. Ravitsemus 6. Priming (veri / kirkas / albumiini) Hemodialyysikanyyli Paino 2 – 6 kg 6 – 15 kg 15 – 30 kg > 30 kg Väliaikainen katetri 6.5 – 7 Fr 8 Fr 9 – 10 Fr 11.5 – 12.5 Fr Paino 2.5 – 8 kg 8 – 15 kg Tunneloitu katetri Väliaikainen katetri Medicomp 8 Fr 15 – 20 kg Medicomp 8 tai 12.5 Fr 20 – 40 kg > 40 kg Medicomp 12.5 Fr Palindrome 14.5 Fr Hemodialyysikanyyli Katetrin koko ja sijainti vaikuttaa kelan ikään Hackbarth R et al. The effect of vascular access location and size on circuit survival in pediatric continuous renal replacement therapy: A report from the PPCRRT registry. Int J Artif Organs 2007; 30(12): 1116 – 1121. Dialyysiannos / modaliteetti • CVVH, CVVHD, CVVHDF, SCUF • Kaikki modaliteetit mahdollisia lapsilla • Dialyysi annos 2000 - 3000 ml/h/1.73 m2 • Koneeseen säädettävä n. 10% suurempi annos kuin tavoitellaan, dialyysikoneen downtimen takia Septinen AKI ja CRRT • CRRT:llä mahdollisesti immunomoduloiva vaikutus • Puhdistaa inflammaatio mediaattoreita korkeilla annoksilla • “Munuais annos” = 20 - 30ml/kg/h • “Sytokiini annos” = 50 - 70 (-100) ml/kg/h • Toisaalta puhdistaa myös antibiootteja, hivenaineita, aminohappoja, yms… High-volume hemofiltration septic acute kidney 33.9 hours) [26]. specifically described; it was noted that three 1.5 tofor R E S E A Rhowever, CH Open Access patients in the HVHF group and one in the SVHF had injury: a systematic and meta-analysis hypothermia, defined as a core temperature review <34°C while Discussion High-volume hemofiltration for septic acute kidney receiving CRRT [28]. Associated with this, core temperature A systematic search of the literature for randomized 1,2 3 4 5 Edward Clark1,2, Amber Molnar Olivier Joannes-Boyau , Patrick M trials Honoré , Lindsey Sikoraaccording was significantly lower inOthe HVHF ,compared with SVHF controlled evaluating HVHF, to the Par6* group (37.2°C versus 37.9°C; P < 0.001). The authors also de- dubice definition [29], compared with SVHF as adjuvant and Sean M Bagshaw 1,2 4 5 Edward Clark , Amberoccurred O Molnar1,2more , Oliviercommonly Joannes-Boyau3, therapy Patrick M Honoré , Lindsey Sikora scribed that hypophosphatemia for sepsis and septic AKI, found only four eli6* and Sean M Bagshaw among HVHF-treated patients (65%) compared with SVHF gible studies for analysis. The quality of each study in(54%); however, hypophosphatemia was not specifically cluded in our review was reasonable, considering the Abstract • [28]. 4 tutkimusta joissa verrattu matala vs korkea annoksista ( >for 50ml/kg/h) defined inherent challenges blinding an extracorporeal therAbstract hemodialyysia Introduction: High-volume hemofiltration (HVHF) is isan attractive therapy for the treatment of septic acute kidney The study byIntroduction: Joannes-Boyau et al.hemofiltration [26] reported apy.therapy Our found thatacute HVHF, High-volume (HVHF)three an attractive forreview the treatment of septic kidney compared with injury (AKI). Small experimental and stroke, uncontrolled studies suggested and survival benefits mortalat adverse events (one acute one myocarSVHF, hadhemodynamic nohemodynamic significant impact on atshort-term injury (AKI). Smallembolic experimental and uncontrolled studies have have suggested and survival benefits higher doses of HVHF than those used for the high-intensity ity, arms of the RENAL and ATNand studies. aim was to aim was to higher of HVHF those for the high-intensity arms of the RENAL ATNOurstudies. Our • doses dial infarction, and onethan episode ofused major postoperative kidney recovery, improvement in hemodynamic proN = 470, Kaikilla septinen sokki, ainoastaan aikuisia, ei sydänkirurgiaa evaluate the effects of high-volume hemofiltration (HVHF) compared with standard-volume hemofiltration (SVHF) evaluate the effects of high-volume hemofiltration with standard-volume hemofiltration (SVHF)In a bleeding). One major adverse event occurred in(HVHF) the compared file, or reduction in ICU or hospital length-of-stay. for septic AKI. for septic AKI. Methods:28-päivän • Outcome: mortaliteetti A systematic review and meta-analysis of publications between 1966 and 2013 was performed. The review injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis was limited toreview randomized-controlled trials thatof compared HVHF (effluent rate greater ml/kgwas per hour) versus Methods: A systematic and meta-analysis publications between 1966than and502013 performed. The review SVHF in the treatment of sepsis and septic shock. The primary outcome assessed was 28-day mortality. Other outcomes was limited to assessed randomized-controlled trials that compared HVHF (effluent rate greater than 50 ml/kg per hour) versus were recovery of kidney function, lengths of ICU and hospital stays, vasopressor dose reduction, and adverse SVHF in the treatment of sepsis and septic shock. The primary outcome assessed was 28-day mortality. Other outcomes events. assessed were Results: recovery kidney function, of were ICU included. and hospital stays, vasopressor dose and adverse Fouroftrials, including 470 totallengths participants, Pooled analysis for 28-day mortality didreduction, not show any meaningful difference between HVHF compared with SVHF (OR, 0.76; 95% CI, 0.45 to 1.29). No included events. studies reported statistically significant differences between groups for any of the secondary outcomes. Adverse Results: Four trials, 470 total participants, were included. analysis forin 28-day mortality events,including including hypophosphatemia and hypokalemia, were morePooled commonly observed HVHF-treated patients,did not show although reportingbetween was inconsistent across studies. any meaningful difference HVHF compared with SVHF (OR, 0.76; 95% CI, 0.45 to 1.29). No included Conclusions: Insufficient evidence exists of a therapeutic benefit groups for routine for use of HVHF septic AKI, other than on studies reported statistically significant differences between any offorthe secondary outcomes. Adverse an experimental basis. Given the logistic challenges related to patient recruitment along with an incomplete Figure 2including Forest plot hypophosphatemia for odds of 28-day mortality. events, and hypokalemia, more commonly in HVHF-treated patients, understanding of the biologic mechanisms by which HVHF were may modify outcomes, further observed trials should focus on although reporting wasextracorporeal inconsistent across studies. alternative therapies as an adjuvant therapy for septic AKI rather than HVHF. Conclusions: Insufficient evidence exists of a therapeutic benefit for routine use of HVHF for septic AKI, other than on The definition of what along constitutes volume in Introduction an experimental basis. Given the logistic challenges related to patient recruitment withhigh an incomplete Sepsis is a common cause of critical illness and the leading HVHF remains unclear [6,7]. Based on the results of two understanding of the biologic mechanisms outcomes, further trials[8,9] should focus on large modify randomized-controlled trials (RCTs) and subcause of death for patients admitted toby the which intensiveHVHF care may sequent reviews unit (ICU) [1]. Ittherapies has been theorized that the removal of for alternative extracorporeal as an adjuvant therapy septicsystematic AKI rather than[10,11], HVHF.the adequate dose of inflammatory mediators and/or bacterial toxins from the bloodstream could result in a beneficial downregulation of hemofiltration treatment for acute kidney injury (AKI) (that is, the renal dose) has been defined as an effluent Dialyysiannos / antikoagulaatio - 2012 Table VII. CRRT circuit data in children #10 kg • • • 84 lasta vuosilta 2001 – 2005 Yhdysvalloista Kaikki alle 10kg painoisia Sitraatti 55%, hepariini 45% £5 kg (N = 170) >5 kg (N = 251) Anticoagulation protocol Citrate 76 (45%) 155 (62%) Heparin 94 (55%) 96 (38%) Prime Blood 164 (96.5%) 202 (80%) Saline 5 (3%) 29 (12%) Albumin 1 (0.5%) 20 (8%) Parameter Blood flow* (mL/kg/min) 12 (7.9-15.6) 6.6 (4.8-8.8) Daily effluent volume* 3328 (2325-4745) 2321 (1614-2895) (mL/h/1.73 m2) Circuit life 28 (11-67) 37 (16-67) P value <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Sy 5t sim ica wi am tio ate of an tho str co *Median (IQR). ho im who were unable to achieve dry weight after CRRT initiation suc had higher mortality. an FO has been shown to be associated with mortality in crit3,12-18 Askenazi DJ et al. Continuous Renal Replacement Therapyically for Children #10and kg:adults. A Report from Prospective Pediatric thi ill children We the provide data suggesting Continuous Renal Replacement that Therapy 2012. var theseRegistry. effects areJ Pediatr applicable to small children. After contw trolling for PRISM 2, FO, Paw, urine output at CRRT, and 0.15 Mikä modaliteetti on paras? • Kaikilla modaliteeteilla edut ja haitat • Punnittava potilaskohtaisesti • Huomioitava • Nesteen poisto • Clearance / Dysequilibrium • Elektrolyytti tasapaino • Lapsen hemodynamiikka • Infektio status The GOOD: CRRT • Good • Tehokas • Helposti kontrolloitavissa • “Fysiologinen” • Hemodynaamisesti epävakaalle paras vaihtoehto • • Ei kontraindikaatioita • Bad • Kallis • Vaatii henkilökunnan koulutuksen • Katetri infektiot Ugly • Dysequilibrium riski • Antikoagulaatio The Bad: iHD • • Bad • Työläs ja kallis • Hemodynaamisesti vaativa • Vuorokauden nesteenpoisto 2-4h aikana! Good • Erittäin tehokas • Ugly • Dysequilibrium riski The Ugly: PD • Good • • • Bad Halpa • Huono puhdistuma Melko nopeasti toteutettava • Kontraindikaatiot • Ugly • Yksinkertainen • Nesteenpoisto huonosti kontrolloitavissa • Sopii myös epävakaalle hemodynamiikalle • Peritoniitti riski
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