Lasikko - Monter - Showcase Corolla M930A, M950A, M730V, S530A, H-S530A Asennus- ja käyttöohje Käännös valmistajan alkuperäisestä käyttöohjeesta Installations- och bruksanvisning Översättning av tillverkarens originaldokumentation Installation- and Operation Manual 29.5.2015 4310600, 4310603, 4310606, 4310609, 4310612 METOS COROLLA 2| 29.5.2015 Lasikko Corolla M930A, M950A, M730V, S530A, H-S530A Asennus- ja käyttöohje Käännös valmistajan alkuperäisestä käyttöohjeesta 29.5.2015 4310600, 4310603, 4310606, 4310609, 4310612 METOS COROLLA SISÄLLYSLUETTELO 1.Varoitukset..................................................................................................................................................3 2.Asennus.......................................................................................................................................................4 2.1. Pakkauksen purkaminen...............................................................................................................................4 2.2. Laitteen sijoitus............................................................................................................................................4 2.3.Kokoaminen..................................................................................................................................................4 2.4.Sähköliitäntä.................................................................................................................................................4 3.Käyttöohjeet...............................................................................................................................................5 3.1. Toiminta (M930A, M950A, M730V, S530A)..................................................................................................5 3.1.1.Termostaatti..................................................................................................................................................5 3.2. Toiminta (H-S530A).......................................................................................................................................6 3.1.2. Temperature Controller.................................................................................................................................6 4.Ylläpito........................................................................................................................................................7 4.1.Puhdistus......................................................................................................................................................7 4.1.1. Lauhduttimen puhdistus (M930A, M950A, M730V, S530A)........................................................................7 4.1.2. Lasikon lampun vaihtaminen........................................................................................................................7 5. Laitteen poistaminen käytöstä.................................................................................................................7 6. Tekniset tiedot:...........................................................................................................................................8 6.1.Kyktentäkaaviot............................................................................................................................................9 6.2. Kylmäkaavio (M930A, M950A, M730V, S530A)......................................................................................... 10 7.Vianetsintä................................................................................................................................................ 11 8. Laitteen rakenne.......................................................................................................................................12 2| 29.5.2015 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA 1. Varoitukset 1. Säilytä tämä ohje koneen yhteydessä niin, että se on kaikkien, myös tulevien, käyttäjien saatavilla. 2. Varoitus: Laitteen ohjeiden vastainen käyttö saattaa johtaa vaaratilanteisiin! 3. Valmistaja ei ole vastuussa vahingoista, jotka aiheutuvat ohjeiden vastaisesta käytöstä. Tällöin raukeaa myös takuu 4. Lue nämä käyttöohjeet huolellisesti ennen laitteen asennusta. 5. Lapsia on valvottava, ettei ne pääse leikkimään laitteella. 6. Katkaise laitteen sähkönsyöttö poistamalla pistoke pistorasiasta ennen ylläpito- tai puhdistustoimenpiteitä. 7. Katkaise laitteen sähkönsyöttö poistamalla pistoke pistorasiasta jos laite jää pidemmäksi aikaa käyttämättä. 8. Jos laitteen sähköjohto vahingoittuu, tulee se viipymättä vaihtaa valtuutetun huoltoliikkeen toimesta. Laitteen käyttö on kielletty, jos sen sähköjohto on vaurioitunut. 9. Älä käytä laitetta pölyisessä ympäristössä tai räjähdysalttiissa ympäritsössä (paikoissa jossa syttyvää kaasua tai liuottimia). 10. Laitteen hävittäminen sen taloudellisen käyttöiän täytyttyä täytyy tehdä paikallisten määräysten ja lakien mukaisesti. Ota yhteyttä kierrätykseen erikoistuneeseen ammattihenkilöön. 11. Laite ei vaadi muuta ylläpitoa kun tässä ohjeessa mainitut puhdistustoimenpiteet. 12. Moottori on kestovoideltu eikä tarvitse voitelua. 13. Käytä laitteen huoltamiseen valmistajan valtuuttamaa huoltoliikettä 14. Tätä laite on tarkotettu ainoastaan sisäkäyttöön. STOP Yleisiä turvaohjeita: • Älä kosketa laitetta jos kädet tai jalat ovat märät. • Älä käytä laitetta paljain jaloin. • Henkilöt (mukaan lukien lapset), joiden fyysiset tai psyykkiset valmiudet tai tietotaito eivät ole riittävät eivät tule käyttää laitetta ilman turvallisuudesta vastaavan henkilön valvontaa. • Älä jätä laitetta ulos. • Älä vedä sähköjohdosta kun poistat pistokkeen pistorasiasta. Valmistaja pidättää oikeuden muutta laitteen rakennetta tai ulkonäköä |3 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA 2. Asennus Kuljetusta koskevia ohjeita (M930A, M950A, M730V, S530A) 1. Jotta kompressorin öljy ei joutuisi jäähdytysjärjestelmään on tärkeää, että laitetta ei kallisteta kuljetuksen aikana. Seuraa pakkauksen ohjeita. 2. Jos laitetta kuitenkin on jouduttu kallistamaan, tulee odottaa 12 tuntia ennen laitteen käynnistämistä jotta öljy ehtii valua takaisin kompressoriin. 2.1. Pakkauksen purkaminen Poista puinen pakkaus sekä pakkausmuovit. Varmista että laite ei ole vaurioitunut. Poista mahdolliset suojamuovit ruostumattomista teräspinnoista. Tärkeää Pakkausmateriaalit tulee pitää lasten ulottumattomissa. Kierrätä pakkausmateriaali paikallisten ohjeiden mukaisesti. 2.2. Laitteen sijoitus 1. 2. 3. 4. Älä asenna laitetta paikoille joissa käytetään suihkuavaa vettä. Sijoita laite tasaiselle tukevalle alustalle. Sijoita laite niin, että sitä voidaan valvoa. Jätä 20 cm laitteen ja seinien tai muiden esineiden väliin ilmankierron varmistamiseksi. Jos laite asennetaan lämpöä tuottavien laitteiden viereen, tulee välin olla isompi. Lukitse laitteen pyörien jarrut laitteen ollessa oikealla paikalla. 2.3. Kokoaminen 1. Sijoita hyllytasot hyllyjen kannattimille. 2.4. Sähköliitäntä Lue seuraavat huomautukset ennen pistokkeen asettamista pistorasiaan: 1. Varmista, että laite on maadoitettu määräysten mukaisesti. 2. Tarkista ennen kytkemistä, että laitteen arvokilvessä mainittu liitäntäjännite vastaa asennuspaikan jännitettä. 3. Varmista, että virransyöttö vastaa laitteen maksimikulutusta (A). 4. Älä käytä jatkojohtoja. 5. Ota tarvittaessa yhteyttä tekniseen neuvontaan. Laitetta saa liittää AINOASTAAN maadoitettuun pistorasiaan. 4| 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA 3. Käyttöohjeet Puhdista laite huolellisesti ennen käyttöönottoa. 3.1. Toiminta (M930A, M950A, M730V, S530A) 1. Varmista, että ”Power” -kytkin on [0] asennossa. Aseta pistoke pistorasiaan. 2. Sulje laitteen liukuovet. 3. Aseta ”Power” -kytkin asentoon [I] jolloin kompressori käynnistyy automaattisesti. 4. Sytytä ja sammuta valo ”Light” -kytkimen avulla. 5. Jos etulasiin kondensoituu höyryä, paina ”Heat” -kytkin höyrynpoistoasentoon [I] . 3.1.1. Termostaatti 0 0 0 I I I LIGHT HEAT POWER Temperature TemperatureController Controller Kompressorin merkkivalo. Valon palaessa kompressori käy Refrigerant RefrigerantLED LEDisison. on.Compressor Compressorisisrunning running Temperature Controller Sulatuksen merkkivalo Defrost DefrostLED LEDisison. on.Unit Unitisisdefrosting, defrosting,compressor compressorisisnot notrunning running Ylös-painike UP button UP button Temperature Controller Temperature Controller Down button Temperature Controller Alas-painike Down button Sulatuspainike Refrigerant LED is on. Compressor is running Manual defrost button Manual defrost button SetSet -painike button Set button Defrost LED is on. Unit is defrosting, compressor is not running UP button Down button Lämpötilan säätö Temperature Controller Temperature Controller Refrigerant LED is on. Compressor is running Refrigerant LED is on. Compressor is running Manual defrost button Defrost LED is on. Unit is defrosting, compressor is not running Defrost is on. Unit is defrosting, compressor is not running Adjusting the Refrigerant LED is on.LED Compressor UP button is running Adjusting theTemperature Temperature Set button , näytöllä näkyy asetuslämpötila 1. Paina set-painiketta UP button Defrost LED is on. Unit is defrosting, Down button compressor is not running 2. Aseta lämpötila ylös- ja alasDown buttonavulla. UP button -painikkeiden Refrigerant LED is on. Compressor is running Manual defrost button Adjusting the Temperature 1.1. Press Pressset setbutton button . The set temperature is displayed . TheManual set temperature defrost button is displayed Refrigerant LED is on. Compressor Down button Defrost buttonLED is on. Unit is defrosting, compressor is not running . Set 3. Tallenna lämpötila painamalla set-painiketta Manuaalinen sulatus 1. PressManual set button .button The set temperature Set button defrost UP button is displayed Defrost LED is on. Unit is defrosting UP button 2.2. Pres button totochange Set or button Down button Presup upbutton button ordown down button changeset settemperature. temperature. Adjusting the Temperature 2. Pres up button or down button to change set temperature. Adjusting the Temperature painettuna 6 sekunnin ajan. 1. Käynnistä sulatus pitämällä sulatuspainiketta Manual defrost button Down button 1. painamalla Press set button . The set temperature is displayed 2. Keskeytä käynnissäAdjusting oleva manuaalinen sulatuspainiketta Manual defrost button the 3. Press setTemperature button sulatus to exit 3.3. Press Pressset setbutton button Set button toto 1.exit Press set button . The set temperature is displayed exit Set button button or down button to change set temperature. 1. Press set button .2.ThePres set up temperature is displayed Manual Defrost 2. Pres up button the Temperature or down button to change set temperature. Adjusting Manual ManualDefrost Defrost the Temperature Press set buttonto change to exitsetAdjusting 2. Pres up button or3.down button temperature. 1. To start manual defrost press defrost button and hold for 6 seconds. 3. Press set1. button to button exit Press set . The set temperature is displayed |5 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA 3.2. Toiminta (H-S530A) 1. Varmista, että ”Power” -kytkin on [0] asennossa. Aseta pistoke pistorasiaan. 2. Sulje laitteen liukuovet. 3. Aseta ”Power” -kytkin asentoon [I] jolloin lämmitys käynnistyy automaattisesti. 4. Sytytä ja sammuta valo ”Light” -kytkimen avulla. Temperature Controller 0 0 I I LIGHT POWER Temperature Controller Temperature Controller Temperature Controller 3.1.2. Termostaatti Refrigerant LED is on. Compressor is running Temperature Controller Defrost LEDLED is on. UnitCompressor is defrosting, is not running Refrigerant is on. iscompressor running Lämmityksen merkkivalo. Valon palaessa on lämmitys päällä UP button Defrost LED is on. Unit is defrosting, compressor is not running Refrigerant on. Compressor is running Refrigerant LED isLED on. is Compressor is running Temperature Controller Ylös-painike Down button Temperature Controller UP button Defrost on.isUnit is defrosting, compressor not running Defrost LED isLED on. is Unit defrosting, compressor is not is running Temperature Controller Alas-painike Refrigerant LED is on. Compressor is running Down button Manual defrost button UP button UP button Defrost LED is on. Unit is defrosting, compressor is not running SetManual -painike defrost button Set button UP button Down button Down button Down button Refrigerant LED is on. Compressor is running Manual defrost button Defrost LED is on. Unit is defrosting, compressor is not running Set button Lämpötilan säätö Manual defrost Manual defrost buttonbutton Refrigerant LED is on. Compressor is running Defrost is on. Unit is defrosting, compressor is not running Refrigerant LED is on.LED Compressor Adjusting the Temperature UP button is running Set button 1. Paina set-painiketta , näytöllä näkyy asetuslämpötila Set button Set button UP button Defrost LED is on. Unit is defrosting, Down button compressor is not running Adjusting the Temperature 2. Aseta lämpötila ylösja alasDown buttonavulla. UP button -painikkeiden Manual defrost button Adjusting the Temperature 1. Press set button . The set temperature is displayed Down button Manual defrost button . Set button Temperature 1. PressManual set button .button The set temperature is displayed Set button defrost 3. Tallenna lämpötila painamalla set-painiketta Adjusting the Temperature Adjusting the 1. Press set button 2. Pres up button . The set temperature is displayed or down button to change set temperature. Set button Adjusting the Temperature 2. Pres up button or down button to change set temperature. Adjusting the Temperature 1. Press set button. The . The set temperature is displayed 1. Press set button set temperature is displayed 2. Pres up button or down button to change set temperature. 1. Press set button . The set temperature is displayed Adjusting 3. Pressthe setTemperature button to exit 3. Press set button to1.exit Press set button . The set temperature is displayed Pres orset downtemperature. button to change set temperature. 2. up Pres up button down.2.The button toischange set temperature. 2. Pres button or down button tobutton change 1. Press set or button set up temperature displayed 3. Press set Manual buttonDefrost to2.exit Pres up button or down button to change set temperature. Press set buttonto change to exitset temperature. Manual Defrost 1.2. ToPres up button or3.down button start manual defrost press defrost button and hold for 6 seconds. 3. Press set button to exit 3. Press set button 3. Press set button to exit to exit Manual Defrost 3. Press set button Manual to exitDefrost Manual Defrost 1. To start manual defrost press defrost button and hold for 6 seconds. 1. To start manual defrost press defrost button and hold for 6 seconds. Manual Defrost Manual Defrost Manual Defrost To startdefrost manual defrost press defrostand buttonhold and hold 6 seconds. 1. To start manual button for 6 for seconds. 6| 1. To start manual defrost press defrost button and hold for 6 seconds. Tomanual start manual andfor hold for 6 seconds. 1. To1.start defrostdefrost press press defrostdefrost buttonbuttonand hold 6 seconds. 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA 4. Ylläpito Seuraa ympäristön lämpötilaa Sopiva ympäristön lämpötila on 16°C - 32°C. 4.1. Puhdistus Puhdista laitteen sisäosia mahdillisimman usein. HUOM: Laitetta EI saa puhdistaa painepesurin avulla. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Katkaise aina virransyöttö laitteeseen ennen puhdistustoimenpiteitä. Puhdista laite kostealla liinalla, laite EI saa olla suoraan kosketuksessa veden kanssa Älä käytä hankaavia puhdistusaineita, nämä vahingoittavat laitteen pintoja. Käytä mietoa pesuaineliuosta ja huuhtele huolellisesti puhtaalla vedellä Puhdista ovien tiivisteet ainoastaan vedellä kostutetulla liinalla Kuivaa laite hyvin puhdistuksen jälkeen. Varoitus: Älä säilytä syttyviä aineita tai aerosolipakkauksia joissa syttyvää ponnekaasua laitteessa. 4.1.1. Lauhduttimen puhdistus (M930A, M950A, M730V, S530A) Lauhduttimen säännöllinen puhdistus pidentää laitteen ikää. Toimenpide tulee suorittaa opastetun henkilön toimesta 4.1.2. Lasikon lampun vaihtaminen Vaihda loisteputki SAMANLAISEEN uuteen loisteputkeen. Loisteputki on saatavissa varaosana 5. Laitteen poistaminen käytöstä Laitteen palveltua taloudellisen elinikänsä loppuun on sen hävittämisessä noudettava voimassa olevia paikallisia määräyksiä ja ohjeita. Laitetta EI saa hävittää talousjätteiden tai metalliromun seassa. Varo erityisesti vahingoittamasta jäähdytyspiiriä, varsinkin lämmönvaihtimen alueella. Jos laitettä säilytetään ennen hävittämistä tulee sähköjohto katkaista mahdollisimman lyhyeksi. |7 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT 6. Tekniset tiedot: PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT Malli Mitat (cm) Kapasiteetti (litraa) Hyllyjen lkm Teho (W) Kylmäaine: Kompressorin tyyppi: Nettopaino (Kg) Bruttopaino (Kg) Pakkauksen koko LxSxK (cm) S530A 90 x 54 x 79 115 2 468 R134a/185g GQR80TG(220V) (Kona) 90 100 98 x 58 x 93 Malli M730V-S Mitat (cm) 90 x 68 x 120 Kapasiteetti (litraa) 285 Hyllyjen lkm 3 Teho (W) 609 Kylmäaine:R134a/400g Kompressorin tyyppi: NE6187Z-220V (Embraco) Nettopaino (Kg) 185 Bruttopaino (Kg) 215 Pakkauksen koko LxSxK (cm) 95 x 72 x 132 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONA PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT Malli Mitat (cm)) Kapasiteetti (litraa) Hyllyjen lkm Teho (W) Kylmäaine: Kompressorin tyyppi: Nettopaino (Kg) Bruttopaino (Kg) Pakkauksen koko LxSxK (cm) 8| M930A M950A 90*79*137 150*79*137 340 600 4 4 631 869 R134a/400gR134a/600g NE6187Z-220V T6215Z-220V (Embraco)(Embraco) 220 305 260 355 95 x 83 x 149 L155 x 83 x 149 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT 罗应莲 Dimensions (cm) MODEL Capacity (Litres) Shelves Watts1 468W Net Weight (Kgs) 8 90KGS 9 Gross Weight (Kgs) 100KGS Packing Size(cm) L98*W58*H93 Q’ ty/20'GP 48 Q’ ty/40'GP 96 Q’ ty/40'HQ 96 6.1. Kyktentäkaaviot 10 2 Malli S530A 11 12 13 14 15 16 3 4 17 18 5 6 19 7 20 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT Model SIDE VIEW 编制 Malli H-S530A Mitat (cm) 90*54*79 Kapasiteetti (litraa) 115 S530A S540A 2 S550A Hyllyjen lkm KLTE-CBT-B50#A1 批准 图号 Teho (W) 765 90*54*79 120*54*79 150*54*79 M730V-S Nettopaino M740V-S(Kg)M750V-S M760V-S M770V-S M780V-S 80 115L 155L 200L Bruttopaino (Kg) 90 2 2 Pakkauksen koko LxSxK (cm) 98 x 58 x2 93 613W 647W 105KGS 120KGS 115KGS 130KGS L128*W58*H93 L158*W58*H93 34 26 72 58 72 58 21 22 23 24 25 26 M730V-S M740V-S M750V-S M760V-S M770V-S M780V-S Dimensions (cm) Model 90*68*120 120*68*120 150*68*120 180*68*120 210*68*120 240*68*120 Capacity (Litres) 285L 390L 500L 610L 717L 825L 3 3 3 3 3 3 609W 692W 829W 998W 1036W 1242W Net Weight (Kgs) 185KGS 225KGS 260KGS 300KGS 340KGS 380KGS Gross Weight (Kgs) 215KGS 260KGS 300KGS 345KGS 385KGS 440KGS L95*W72*H132 L125*W72*H132 L155*W72*H132 L185*W72*H132 L215*W72*H132 L245*W72*H132 SIDE VIEW PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONA Shelves Watts Packing Size(cm) Q’ ty/20'GP 18 13 10 9 7 6 Q’ ty/40'GP 36 27 22 18 15 12 72 54 44 36 30 24 Malli M730V Q’ ty/40'HQ |9 METOS COROLLA Watts 631W 800W 869W 1035W 1248W Net Weight (Kgs) 220Kgs 265Kgs 305Kgs 350Kgs 440Kgs Gross Weight (Kgs) 260Kgs 310Kgs 355Kgs 405Kgs 510Kgs Packing Size(cm) L95*W83*H149 L125*W83*H149 L155*W83*H149 L185*W83*H149 L245*W83*H149 Q’ ty/20'GP 12 10 7 6 29.5.2015 4 Q’ ty/40'GP 28 23 15 14 8 Q’ ty/40'HQ 28 23 15 14 8 Mallit M930A & M950A Model SIDE VIEW Dimensions (cm) H-S530A 90*54*79 120*54*79 H-S550A 150*54*79 Capacity (Litres) 115L 155L 200L Shelves 2 2 2 Watts 765W 805W 845W Net Weight (Kgs) 80KGS 95KGS 110KGS Gross Weight (Kgs) 90KGS 105KGS 120KGS Packing Size(cm) L98*W58*H93 L128*W58*H93 L158*W58*H93 Q’ ty/20'GP 40 26 24 Q’ ty/40'GP 86 56 52 Q’ ty/40'HQ 86 56 52 Malli H-S530A 6.2. Kylmäkaavio (M930A, M950A, M730V, S530A) 10 | H-S540A c Kompressori C Lauhdutin F Puhallin E1 Höyrystin E Paisuntaventtiili D Kuivain 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA 7. Vianetsintä Ongelma Mahdollinen syy Toimenpide Laite ei toimi Laite ei ole kytketty päälle Tarkista, että pistoke on pistorasiassa ja että ”POWER”-kytkin on asennossa [I] Sähköjohto tai pistoke vaurioitunut Kutsu huolto Sulake Tarkista sulake Sähkönsyöttöongelma Tarkista sähkönsyöttö Sisäinen vika Kutsu huolto Laite ei jäähdy (M930A, Kylmäainevuoto M950A, M730V, S530A) Puhallinvika Laite ei lämpene (H-S530A) Valo ei toimi Kutsu huolto Kutsu huolto Lauhduttimen ilmankierto estynyt Varmista, ettei laite ole liian lähellä seiniä tai muita esineitä tai lämmönlähteitä Lauhdutin likainen Kutsu huolto Viallinen lämmityselementti / termos- Kutsu huolto taatti / lämpötila-anturi Ylilämpösuoja lauennut Kutsu huolto Loisteputki on rikki Vaihda loisteputki Loisteputken sytytin on rikki Vaihda sytytin Jos vika ei poistu, ota yhteys valtuutettuun huoltoon. Älä koskaan yritä korjata viallista laitetta itse. | 11 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA 8. Laitteen rakenne Malli S530A 1Liukuovi 2Takapaneeli 3Ohjauspaneeli 4Termostaatti 5Kytkin 6 Kytkin ”Power” 7Ylähylly 8 Sivulasi, oikea 9 Ylähyllyn kannatin 10 Loisteputki 11 Loisteputken suoja 12Pohjahylly 13 Sivupaneeli, oikea 14Ilmankiertoritilä 15Höyrystinpuhallin 16 Höyrystimen suoja 17Höyrystin 18 Kaareva lasi 19 Sivulasi, vasen 20Etupaneeli 21 Sivupaneeli, vasen 22Lauhdutin 23 Lauhduttimen puhallin 24Kompressori 12 | MODEL S530A S540A S550A SIDE VIEW Model S530A S540A S550A Dimensions (cm) 90*54*79 120*54*79 150*54*79 Capacity (Litres) 115L 155L 200L Shelves 2 2 2 Watts 468W 613W 647W Net Weight (Kgs) 90KGS 105KGS 120KGS 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA Malli M730V 1. Liukuovi 2. Ilmankiertoritilä 3. Ohjauspaneeli 4. Termostaatti 5. Kytkin 6. Kytkin ”Power” 7. Automaattinen paisuntaventtiili 8. Ylähylly 9. Ylähyllyn kannatin 10. Loisteputki 11. Loisteputken suoja 12. Keskihylly 13. Keskihyllyn kannatin 14. Etummainen ilmankiertoritilä, rst 15. Alahylly 16. Taaimmainen ilmankiertoritilä, rst 17. Höyrystinpuhallin 18. Höyrystimen suoja 19. Höyrystin 20. Kompressori 21. Lasi, ylä 22. Lasi, vasen (22-A Lasi, oikea) 23. Neliskulmainen lasi 24. Lauhdutin 编制 罗应莲 批准 25. Lauhduttimen puhallin MODEL M740V-S 26. Kuivain M730V-S KLTE-CBT-B50#A1 图号 M750V-S M760V-S M770V-S M780V-S 1 8 21 9 10 22 11 23 12 2 13 14 15 16 3 4 24 17 18 5 6 19 7 20 25 26 M730V-S M740V-S M750V-S M760V-S M770V-S M780V-S Dimensions (cm) Model 90*68*120 120*68*120 150*68*120 180*68*120 210*68*120 240*68*120 Capacity (Litres) 285L 390L 500L 610L 717L 825L 3 3 3 3 3 3 609W 692W 829W 998W 1036W 1242W SIDE VIEW Shelves Watts | 13 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA 编制 Mallit M930A & M950A 1. Liukuovi 2. Ilmankiertoritilä 3. Ohjauspaneeli 4. Automaattinen paisuntaventtiili 5. Termostaatti 6. Kytkin 7. Kytkin ”Power” 8. Ylähylly 9. Ylähyllyn kannatin 10. Loisteputki 11. Loisteputken suoja 12. Toinen hylly 13. Toisen hyllyn kannatin 14. Kolmas hylly 15. Kolmannen hyllyn kannatin 16. Etummainen ilmankiertoritilä, rst 17. Alahylly 18. Taaimmainen ilmankiertoritilä, rst 19. Höyrystinpuhallin 20. Höyrystimen suoja 21. Höyrystin 22. Kompressori 23. Kaareva lasi 24. Lasi, vasen (24-A Lasi, oikea) 25. Lauhdutin 26. Lauhduttimen puhallin 批准 莫扬 27. Kuivain MODEL M930A-S KLTE-CBT-B26#A1 图号 M940A-S M950A-S M960A-S M980A-S 8 9 10 1 11 23 12 13 24 14 15 2 16 17 18 3 25 19 4 5 20 6 21 7 22 26 27 SIDE VIEW 14 | Model M930A-S M940A-S M950A-S M960A-S M980A-S Dimensions (cm) 90*79*137 120*79*137 150*79*137 180*79*137 240*79*137 Capacity (Litres) 340L 470L 600L 730L 990L 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA Malli H-S530A 1Liukuovi 2Takapaneeli 3Ohjauspaneeli 4Termostaatti 5Kytkin 6 Kytkin ”Power” 7Ylähylly 8 Sivulasi, oikea 9 Ylähyllyn kannatin 10 Lampun suoja 11Halogeenilamppu 12Pohjahylly 13 Pohjahyllyn kannatin 14 Sivupaneeli, oikea 15Ylilämpösuoja 16Puhallin 17 Lämmityselementtien suoja 18Lämmityselementti 19 Kaareva lasi 20 Sivulasi, vasen 21Etupaneeli 22 Sivupaneeli, vasen 23Pohjalevy | 15 Monter Corolla M930A, M950A, M730V, S530A, H-S530A Installations- och bruksanvisning Översättning av tillverkarens originaldokumentation 29.5.2015 4310600, 4310603, 4310606, 4310609, 4310612 METOS COROLLA INNEHÅLLSFÖRTECKNING 1.Varningar.....................................................................................................................................................3 2.Installation..................................................................................................................................................4 2.1.Uppackning...................................................................................................................................................4 2.2. Placering av apparaten.................................................................................................................................4 2.3.Montering.....................................................................................................................................................4 2.4.Elanslutning..................................................................................................................................................4 3.Bruksanvisningar........................................................................................................................................5 3.1. Funktion (M930A, M950A, M730V, S530A).................................................................................................5 3.1.1.Termostat.....................................................................................................................................................5 3.2. Funktion (H-S530A).......................................................................................................................................6 3.2.1.Termostat.....................................................................................................................................................6 4.Underhåll.....................................................................................................................................................7 4.1.Rengöring.....................................................................................................................................................7 4.1.1. Rengöring av kondensorn (M930A, M950A, M730V, S530A)......................................................................7 4.1.2. Byte av apparatens lysrör.............................................................................................................................7 5. Avställning och demontering (miljöskydd)..............................................................................................7 6. Tekniska data..............................................................................................................................................8 6.1.Kopplingsschema.........................................................................................................................................9 6.2. Kylschema (M930A, M950A, M730V, S530A)............................................................................................ 10 7.Felsökning................................................................................................................................................. 11 8. Apparatens uppbyggnad.........................................................................................................................12 2| 29.5.2015 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA 1. Varningar 1. Förvara dessa anvisningar i apparatens närhet så att alltid de finns tillhanda för alla användare, även för framtida användare. 2. Varning: Att använda apparaten på ett sätt som strider mot anvisningarna kan leda till farliga situationer! 3. Tillverkaren ansvarar inte för följder som uppstår på grund av att apparaten används på fel sätt eller att bruksanvisningen inte följs. Härvid hävs även garantin. 4. Läs dessa anvisningar noggrannt innan apparaten installeras. 5. Barn bör övervakas så att de inte kommer åt att leka med apparaten. 6. Bryt alltid strömtillförseln till apparaten innan rengörings- eller underhållsåtgärder utförs. 7. Bryt strömtillförseln till apparaten genom att avlägsna stickproppen från uttaget om apparaten blir oanvänd för en längre tid. 8. Om apparatens elkabel skadas bör den omgående bytas ut av auktoriserad servicepersonal. Det är förbjudet att använda apparaten om elkabeln skadats. 9. Använd inte apparaten i en dammig omgivning eller på platser där explosionsrisk (antändliga lösningar och gaser) föreligger. 10. Då apparaten nått slutet av sin ekonomiska livslängd och tas ur bruk, skall gällande direktiv och bestämmelser följas. Ämnen, som ovarsamt behandlade belastar miljön och återanvändbara material omhändertages bäst genom att använda branschens yrkesarbetskraft. 11. Apparaten kräver inget annat underhåll än den rengöring som nämns i denna manual. 12. Motorn är permanent smord och behöver således inte smörjas. 13. Endast auktoriserad servicepersonal får utföra service på maskinen. 14. Denna apparat är endast avsedd för inomhusbruk. STOP Allmänna säkerhetsföreskrifter: • Vidrör inte apparaten om händer eller fötter är våta. • Avnänd inte apparaten barfota. • Apparaten bör inte utan övervakning av en ansvarig person användas av barn eller personer som lider av fysisk eller psykisk ohälsa. • Lämna inte apparaten utomhus. • Dra inte i sladden då du avlägsnar stickproppen ur vägguttaget. Ta alltid tag i stickproppen. Tillverkaren förbehåller rätten att göra ändringar på apparatens konstruktion och utseende |3 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA 2. Installation Transportanvisningar (M930A, M950A, M730V, S530A) 1. För att undvika att kompressor-olja hamnar i kylsystemet är det viktigt att apparaten transporteras i upprätt ställning. Följ råden på förpackningen. 2. Om apparaten trots allt har lutats bör man låta den stå i upprätt ställning i 12 timmar innan den startas så oljan hinner rinna tillbaka i kompressorn. 2.1. Uppackning Tag bort emballaget. Kontrollera att maskinen inte har fått några transportskador. Avlägsna eventuell skyddsfilm från ytorna i rsotfritt stål. Viktigt • Förpackningsmaterialet bör hållas utom räckhåll för barn. • Förpackningsmaterialet skall tas om hand för förstöring eller återvinning enligt lokala bestämmelser. 2.2. Placering av apparaten 1. 2. 3. 4. Placera inte apparaten på platser där den kan bli utsatt för vattenstrålar. Placera apparaten på ett plant och stadigt underlag. Placera apparaten så att den kan övervakas. Lämna ett mellanrum på 20 cm mellan apparaten och närliggande väggar och föremål för att säkerställa aggregatets luftcirkulation. Om apparaten placeras intill värmealstrande föremål bör mellanrummet vara större. Lås bromsarna på apparatens hjul då den står på rätt ställe. 2.3. Montering 1. Placera hyllplanen på plats. 2.4. Elanslutning Läs följande innan du ansluter apparaten till elnätet: 1. Försäkra att apparaten är jordad enligt förordningarna. 2. Försäkra före anslutning till elnätet att elanslutningen på installationsplatsen överensstämmer med de värden som anges på apparatens typskylt. 3. Använd inte skarvsladdar. 4. Tag vid behov kontakt med vår tekniska rådgivning. Apparaten får endast anslutas till ett jordat uttag. 4| 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA 3. Bruksanvisningar Rengör apparaten noggrannt innan den tas ibruk. 3.1. Funktion (M930A, M950A, M730V, S530A) 1. Försäkra att ”Power” -avbrytaren är i läget [0]. Placera stickproppen i vägguttaget. 2. Stäng apparatens skjutdörrar. 3. Ställ ”Power” -avbrytaren är i läget [I] varvid kompressorn automatiskt startar. 4. Tänd och släck belysningen med hjälp av ”Light” -avbrytaren. 5. Ställ ”Heat” -avbrytaren i läget [I] om det bildas imma på frontglaset . 3.1.1. Termostat 0 0 0 I I I LIGHT HEAT POWER Temperature TemperatureController Controller Signallampa för kompressorn. Kompressorn går då lampan lyser Refrigerant RefrigerantLED LEDisison. on.Compressor Compressorisisrunning running Temperature Controller Signallampa för avfrostning Defrost DefrostLED LEDisison. on.Unit Unitisisdefrosting, defrosting,compressor compressorisisnot notrunning running Upp-knapp UP button UP button Temperature Controller Temperature Controller Ner-knapp Down Downbutton button Temperature Controller Avfrostningsknapp Refrigerant Manual defrost buttonLED is on. Compressor is running Manual defrost button Set-knapp Set button Set button Inställning av temperatur Defrost LED is on. Unit is defrosting, compressor is not running Temperature Controller Temperature Controller UP button Down button Refrigerant LED is on. Compressor is running Manual defrost button Refrigerant LED is on. Compressor is running Defrost LED is on. Unit is defrosting, compressor Defrost is on. Unit is defrosting, compressor is not ru Adjusting the Refrigerant LED is on. LED Compressor UP button is running Adjusting theTemperature Temperature button temperauren visas på displayen , denSetinställda 1. Tryck på Set-knappen UP button Defrost LED is on. Unit is defrosting, Down button compressor is not running 2. Ställ in ny temperatur med hjälp av upp- 1.1. Press Pressset setbutton button 3. Spara den nya ochUPnerDown button button -knapparna Refrigerant LED is on. Compressor is running Manual defrost button . The . Theset settemperature temperatureisisdisplayed displayed Adjusting the Temperature Down button Manual defrost button Refrigerant is on. Compressor Defrost is on. Unit isLED defrosting, compressorisisrun button temperaturen genom att trycka på set-knappen . Set LED 1. Press set button . The set temperature is displayed button Manual defrostSet button UP button Defrost LED is on. Unit is defrosting, com Manuell avfrostning UP button 2.2. Pres orordown set Set button totochange Down button Presup upbutton button downbutton button change settemperature. temperature. the 2. Pres up button or down button Adjusting to change setTemperature temperature. Down button Adjusting thetryckt Temperature i 6 sekunder. 1. Starta avfrostningen genom att hålla avfrostningsknappen Manual defrost button 1. nytt Press set. button . The setbutton temperature is displayed 2. Avbryt avfrostningen genom att set trycka på avfrostningsknappen Manual defrost Adjusting the Temperaturepå 3. Press button to exit 3.3. Press Pressset setbutton button Manual Defrost Manual ManualDefrost Defrost Set button 1. Press set button . The set temperature is displayed Set button Pres button or down button to change set t 1. Press set button .2.The set up temperature is displayed 2.Adjusting Pres up button or down button to change set temperatur the Temperature totoexit exit |5 Adjusting the Temperature Press set button to exitset temperature. 2. Pres up button or3.down button to change 1. To start manual defrost press defrost button and hold for 6 seconds. 3. Press set button 1. Press set buttonto exit . The set temperature is displayed 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA 3.2. Funktion (H-S530A) 1. Försäkra att ”Power” -avbrytaren är i läget [0]. Placera stickproppen i vägguttaget. 2. Stäng apparatens skjutdörrar. 3. Ställ ”Power” -avbrytaren är i läget [I] varvid kompressorn automatiskt startar. 4. Tänd och släck belysningen med hjälp av ”Light” -avbrytaren. Temperature Controller 0 0 I I LIGHT POWER Temperature Controller Temperature Controller Temperature Controller 3.2.1. Termostat Refrigerant LED is on. Compressor is running Temperature Controller Defrost LEDLED is on. UnitCompressor is defrosting, is not running Refrigerant is on. iscompressor running Signallampa för uppvärmning. Värme-elementet är påkopplat då lampan lyser UP button Defrost LED is on. Unit is defrosting, compressor is not running Refrigerant on. Compressor is running Controller Refrigerant LED isLED on. is Compressor is running Temperature Upp-knapp Temperature Controller Down button UP button Defrost LED is on. Unit is defrosting, compressor not running Defrost LED is on. Unit is defrosting, compressor is not is running Temperature Controller Ner-knapp Refrigerant Down button Manual defrost buttonLED is on. Compressor is running UP button UP button Defrost LED is on. Unit is defrosting, compressor is not running Set-knapp Manual defrost Set button UPbutton button Down button Down button Down button Refrigerant LED is on. Compressor is running button Inställning avSet temperatur Manual defrost Manual defrost buttonbutton Manual defrost button Refrigerant LED is on. Compressor is running Defrost LED is on. Unit is defrosting, compressor Defrost is on. Unit is defrosting, compressor is not ru Refrigerant LED is on. LED Compressor Adjusting the Temperature UP button is running button temperauren visas på displayen 1. Tryck på Set-knappen Set button, denSetinställda Set button UP button Defrost LED is on. Unit is defrosting, Down button compressor is not running Adjusting Temperature 2. Ställ in nythe temperatur med hjälp av uppochUPnerDown button button -knapparna Manual defrost button Adjusting the Temperature 1. Press set button . The set temperature is displayed Down button Manual defrost button . Set button . The set temperature is displayed button Manual defrostSet button 3. Spara den nya genom att trycka på set-knappen Adjusting thetemperaturen Temperature Adjusting the Temperature 1. Press set button 1. Press set button . The set temperature is displayed 2. Pres up button or down button Set button to change set temperature. Adjusting the Temperature 2. Pres up button or down button to change set temperature. Adjusting the Temperature 1. Press set button. The set . The set temperature is displayed 1. Press set button temperature is displayed 2. Pres up button or down button to change set temperature. . The set temperature is displayed Adjusting the Temperature 1. Press set button 3. Press set button to exit 3. Press set button to exit 1. Press set button . The set temperature is displayed Pres button or down button to change set t 2. up Pres up button or down or button down button to.2.The change set temperature. 2. Pres button to change set temperature. 1. Press set button set up temperature is displayed Manual Defrost 3. Press set button to exit 2. Pres up button or down button to change set temperatur Press set buttonto change to exitset temperature. Manual Defrost 2. Pres up button or3.down button 1. To start manual defrost press defrost button and hold for 6 seconds. 3. Press set button to exit 3. Press set button 3. Press set button to exit to exit Manual Defrost 3. Press set button Manual to exitDefrost Manual Defrost 1. To start manual defrost press defrost button and hold for 6 seconds. 1. To start manual defrost press defrost button and hol Manual Defrost Manual Defrost Manual Defrost To start manual defrost pressfor defrost button and hold for 6 sec 1. To start manual defrost press defrost 1.button and hold 6 seconds. 6| 1. To start manual defrost press defrost button and hold for 6 seconds. Tomanual start manual andfor hold for 6 seconds. 1. To1.start defrostdefrost press press defrostdefrost buttonbuttonand hold 6 seconds. 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA 4. Underhåll Håll ett öga på omgivningens temperatur Passlig omgivningstemperatur för apparaten är 16°C - 32°C. 4.1. Rengöring Rengör apparatens inre alltid då det är möjligt. OBS: Apparaten får INTE rengöras med trycktvätt. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Bryt alltid strömtillförseln till apparaten innan underhålls- eller rengöringsåtgärder utförs. Rengör apparaten med en fuktig duk. Apparaten får INTE komma i direkt kontakt med vatten Använd inga slipande rengöringsmedel eller -redskap, detta skadar apparatens ytor. Använd milt renöringsmedel och skölj med rent vatten Rengör dörrarnas tätningar endast med en duk som fuktats i endast vatten Torka apparaten väl efter utförd rengöring. Varning: Förvara inga antändliga vätskor eller aerosolförpackningar med antändlig drivgas i montern. 4.1.1. Rengöring av kondensorn (M930A, M950A, M730V, S530A) Regelbunden rengöring av kondensorn förlänger apparatens livslängd. Åtgärden bör utföras av skolad personal 4.1.2. Byte av apparatens lysrör Lysröret bör bytas ut mot ett nytt motsvarande lysrör. Lysrör samt tändare finns att få som reservdel. 5. Avställning och demontering (miljöskydd) Då apparaten nått slutet av sin livslängd bör man vid avställning och demontering följa i kraft varande lokala direktiv och anvisningar. Apparaten får inte läggas bland hushållsavfall eller metallskrot. Undvik noggrant att skada kylrören, i synnerhet i närheten av värmeväxlaren. Om apparaten förvaras innan avställning bör man kapa elkabeln så nära apparaten som möjligt. |7 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT 6. Tekniska data PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT ModellS530A Mått (cm) 90 x 54 x 79 Kapacitet (liter) 115 Antal hyllor 2 Effekt (W) 468 Kylmedie: R134a/185g Kompressortyp: GQR80TG(220V) (Kona) Nettovikt (Kg) 90 Bruttovikt (Kg) 100 Förpackningens mått BxDxH (cm) 98 x 58 x 93 Modell M730V Mått (cm) 90 x 68 x 120 Kapacitet (liter) 285 Antal hyllor 3 Effekt (W) 609 Kylmedie:R134a/400g Kompressortyp: NE6187Z-220V (Embraco) Nettovikt (Kg) 185 Bruttovikt (Kg) 215 Förpackningens mått BxDxH (cm) 95 x 72 x 132 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONA PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT 8| M930A M950A 90*79*137 150*79*137 340 600 4 4 631 869 R134a/400gR134a/600g NE6187Z-220VT6215Z-220V (Embraco)(Embraco) 220 305 260 355 95 x 83 x 149 L155 x 83 x 149 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCAT Modell Mått (cm) Kapacitet (liter) Antal hyllor Effekt (W) Kylmedie: Kompressortyp: Nettovikt (Kg) Bruttovikt (Kg) Förpackningens mått BxDxH (cm) PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA 罗应莲 Dimensions (cm) MODEL Capacity (Litres) Shelves 2 Watts 468W Net Weight (Kgs) 90KGS 1 8 9 Gross Weight (Kgs) 100KGS Packing Size(cm) L98*W58*H93 Q’ ty/20'GP 48 Q’ ty/40'GP 96 Q’ ty/40'HQ 96 6.1. Kopplingsschema 2 Modell S530A 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3 4 17 18 5 6 19 7 20 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT Model SIDE VIEW 编制 ModellH-S530A Mått (cm) 90*54*79 Kapacitet (liter) 115 Antal hyllor 2 S530A S540A S550A Effekt (W) 765 KLTE-CBT-B50#A1 批准 图号 80 150*54*79 90*54*79 Nettovikt (Kg) 120*54*79 M730V-S Bruttovikt M740V-S M770V-S M780V-S (Kg) M750V-S M760V-S 90 115L 155L 200L Förpackningens mått BxDxH (cm) 98 x 58 x 93 2 2 613W 647W 105KGS 120KGS 115KGS 130KGS L128*W58*H93 L158*W58*H93 34 26 72 58 72 58 21 22 23 24 25 26 M730V-S M740V-S M750V-S M760V-S M770V-S M780V-S Dimensions (cm) Model 90*68*120 120*68*120 150*68*120 180*68*120 210*68*120 240*68*120 Capacity (Litres) 285L 390L 500L 610L 717L 825L 3 3 3 3 3 3 609W 692W 829W 998W 1036W 1242W Net Weight (Kgs) 185KGS 225KGS 260KGS 300KGS 340KGS 380KGS Gross Weight (Kgs) 215KGS 260KGS 300KGS 345KGS 385KGS 440KGS L95*W72*H132 L125*W72*H132 L155*W72*H132 L185*W72*H132 L215*W72*H132 L245*W72*H132 SIDE VIEW PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONA Shelves Watts Packing Size(cm) Q’ ty/20'GP 18 13 10 9 7 6 Q’ ty/40'GP 36 27 22 18 15 12 72 54 44 36 30 24 Modell M730V Q’ ty/40'HQ |9 METOS COROLLA Watts 631W 800W 869W 1035W 1248W Net Weight (Kgs) 220Kgs 265Kgs 305Kgs 350Kgs 440Kgs Gross Weight (Kgs) 260Kgs 310Kgs 355Kgs 405Kgs 510Kgs Packing Size(cm) L95*W83*H149 L125*W83*H149 L155*W83*H149 L185*W83*H149 L245*W83*H149 Q’ ty/20'GP 12 10 7 6 29.5.2015 4 Q’ ty/40'GP 28 23 15 14 8 Q’ ty/40'HQ 28 23 15 14 8 Modeller M930A & M950A Model SIDE VIEW Dimensions (cm) H-S530A 90*54*79 120*54*79 H-S550A 150*54*79 Capacity (Litres) 115L 155L 200L Shelves 2 2 2 Watts 765W 805W 845W Net Weight (Kgs) 80KGS 95KGS 110KGS Gross Weight (Kgs) 90KGS 105KGS 120KGS Packing Size(cm) L98*W58*H93 L128*W58*H93 L158*W58*H93 Q’ ty/20'GP 40 26 24 Q’ ty/40'GP 86 56 52 Q’ ty/40'HQ 86 56 52 Modell H-S530A 6.2. Kylschema (M930A, M950A, M730V, S530A) 10 | H-S540A c Kompressor C Kondensor F Fläkt E1 Evaporator E Expansionsventil D Torkare 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA 7. Felsökning Problem Möjlig orsak Åtgärd Apparaten fungerar inte Apparaten har inte kopplats på Gransska att stickproppen sitter i uttaget och att ”POWER” -avbrytaren är i läget [I] Stickpropp eller elkabel har skadats Kalla på service Säkringen har slagit av Granska säkrningen Elmatningsfel Granska elmatningen Intern fel Kalla på service Apparaten kyls ej ned Läckage i kylsystemet (M930A, M950A, M730V, Defekt fläkt S530A) Kondensorns luftcirkulation förhindrad Kondensorn smutsig Kalla på service Kalla på service Försäkra att apparaten inte står för när väggar eller andra föremål eller värmekällor Rengör Apparaten blir inte varm (H- Felaktig termostat / värme-element / Kalla på service S530A) temperaturgivare Överhettningsskyddet har löst ut Kalla på service Belysningen fungerar ej Lysröret trasigt (M930A, M950A, M730V, Lysrörets tändare trasig S530A) Byt lysrör Belysningen fungerar ej (H-S530A) Byt lampa Halogenlampan trasig Byt tändare Kontakta service om felet kvarstår. Försök ALDRIG reparera apparaten själv. | 11 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA 8. Apparatens uppbyggnad Modell S530A 1Skjutdörr 2 Bakre panel 3Styrpanel 4Termostat 5Avbrytare 6 Avbrytare ”Power” 7 Övre hylla 8 Sidoglas, höger 9 Gejder för övre hylla 10 Lysrör 11 Skydd för lysrör 12Bottenhylla 13 Sidopanel, höger 14 Galler för luftcirkulation 15Evaporatorfläkt 16 Skydd för evaporator 17Evaporator 18 Böjt glas 19 Sidoglas, vänster 20Frontpanel 21 Sidopanel, vänster 22Kondensor 23 Kondensorns fläkt 24Kompressor 12 | MODEL S530A S540A S550A SIDE VIEW Model S530A S540A S550A Dimensions (cm) 90*54*79 120*54*79 150*54*79 Capacity (Litres) 115L 155L 200L Shelves 2 2 2 Watts 468W 613W 647W Net Weight (Kgs) 90KGS 105KGS 120KGS 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA Modell M730V 1. Skjutdörr 2. Galler för luftcirkulation 3. Styrpanel 4. Termostat 5. Avbrytare 6. Avbrytare ”Power” 7. Automatisk expansionsventil 8. Övre hylla 9. Gejder för övre hylla 10. Lysrör 11. Skydd för lysrör 12. Mellanhylla 13. Gejder för mellanhylla 14. Främre galler för luftcirkulation, rostfritt 15. Nedre hylla 16. Bakre galler för luftcirkulation, rostfritt 17. Evaporatorfläkt 18. Skydd för evaporator 19. Evaporator 20. Kompressor 21. Glas, övre 22. Glas, vänster (22-A Glas, höger) 23. Fyrkantigt glas 24. Kondensor 编制 罗应莲 批准 图号 25. Kondensorns fläkt MODEL M740V-S M750V-S 26. Torkare M730V-S KLTE-CBT-B50#A1 M760V-S M770V-S M780V-S 1 8 21 9 10 22 11 23 12 2 13 14 15 16 3 4 24 17 18 5 6 19 7 20 25 26 M730V-S M740V-S M750V-S M760V-S M770V-S M780V-S Dimensions (cm) Model 90*68*120 120*68*120 150*68*120 180*68*120 210*68*120 240*68*120 Capacity (Litres) 285L 390L 500L 610L 717L 825L 3 3 3 3 3 3 609W 692W 829W 998W 1036W 1242W SIDE VIEW Shelves Watts | 13 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA 编制 Modeller M930A & M950A 1. Skjutdörr 2. Galler för luftcirkulation 3. Styrpanel 4. Automatisk expansionsventil 5. Termostat 6. Avbrytare 7. Avbrytare ”Power” 8. Övre hylla 9. Gejder för övre hylla 10. Lysrör 11. Skydd för lysrör 12. Hylla 2 13. Gejder för hylla 2 14. Hylla 3 15. Gejder för hylla 3 16. Främre galler för luftcirkulation, rostfritt 17. Nedre hylla 18. Bakre galler för luftcirkulation, rostfritt 19. Evaporatorfläkt 20. Skydd för evaporator 21. Evaporator 22. Kompressor 23. Böjt glas 24. Glas, vänster (24-A Glas, höger) 25. Kondensor 26. Kondensorns fläkt 莫扬 批准 27. Torkare MODEL M930A-S M940A-S KLTE-CBT-B26#A1 图号 M950A-S M960A-S M980A-S 8 9 10 1 11 23 12 13 24 14 15 2 16 17 18 3 25 19 4 5 20 6 21 7 22 26 27 SIDE VIEW 14 | Model M930A-S M940A-S M950A-S M960A-S M980A-S Dimensions (cm) 90*79*137 120*79*137 150*79*137 180*79*137 240*79*137 Capacity (Litres) 340L 470L 600L 730L 990L 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA Modell H-S530A 1Skjutdörr 2 Bakre panel 3Styrpanel 4Termostat 5Avbrytare 6 Avbrytare ”Power” 7 Övre hylla 8 Sidoglas, höger 9 Gejder för övre hylla 10 Skydd för lampa 11Halogenlampa 12Bottenhylla 13 Hållare för bottenhylla 14 Sidopanel, höger 15Överhettningsskydd 16Fläkt 17 Skydd för värme-element 18Värme-element 19 Böjt glas 20 Sidoglas, vänster 21Frontpanel 22 Sidopanel, vänster 23Bottenplatta | 15 METOS COROLLA 16 | 29.5.2015 SHOWCASE Corolla M930A, M950A, M730V, S530A, H-S530A Installation- and Operation Manual 29.5.2015 4310600, 4310603, 4310606, 4310609, 4310612 METOS COROLLA TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.Warnings.....................................................................................................................................................3 2.Installation..................................................................................................................................................4 2.1.Unpacking.....................................................................................................................................................4 2.2.Positioning....................................................................................................................................................4 2.3.Assembling...................................................................................................................................................4 2.4. Electrical connection....................................................................................................................................4 3. How to use..................................................................................................................................................5 3.1. Functioning (M930A, M950A, M730V, S530A).............................................................................................5 3.1.1. Temperature Controller.................................................................................................................................5 3.2. Functioning (H-S530A)..................................................................................................................................6 3.1.2. Temperature Controller.................................................................................................................................6 4.Maintenance...............................................................................................................................................7 4.1.Cleaning........................................................................................................................................................7 4.1.1. Cleaning the Condenser (M930A, M950A, M730V, S530A).........................................................................7 4.1.2. Replacing the Interior Lamp.........................................................................................................................7 5. Instructions for Disposal............................................................................................................................7 6. Technical specifications:............................................................................................................................8 6.1. Electric Wiring Diagrams..............................................................................................................................9 6.2. Working principle diagram.......................................................................................................................... 10 7. Trouble shooting....................................................................................................................................... 11 8. The machines structure...........................................................................................................................12 2| 29.5.2015 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA 1. Warnings 1. This instruction manual is an integral part of the machine and must be kept for any further consultation. 2. Warning: Never try to use this machine for applications which are not described in the instructions or in a way which is not described in the instruction or under conditions which are not similar those described in the instructions, otherwise severe hazards may occur! 3. This Machine should be used only for the purpose for which it was designed . Any other use is inappropriate and therefore dangerous. The manufacturer will not be held responsible for any damage caused by improper use. 4. Before installing and operating the Machine read carefully this operation manual . 5. Keep the machine out of reach for children! Do not allow children to play with the machine. 6. Unplug the machine from outlet when not in use, before putting on or taking off parts and before cleaning. 7. Be sure to unplug the machine if not using the machine in a long time. 8. If the supply cord is damaged the cord should be replaced by the manufacturer, authorized service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard. 9. Do not use the machine in a dusty environment or in an explosive atmosphere (inflammable gases, vapours and vapours from organic solvents). 10.Disable a defective machine in an obvious way, so that it does not represent a hazard to others and dispose of the machine according to the regulations from the local authorities. Please see instructions for Disposal in th is manual. 11.Other than cleaning mentioned in this instruction manual, no additional maintenance or servicing of this machine is required. 12.The motor is permanently lubricated and will require no oil. 13.Repairs, when necessary, must be performed at an authorized service facility. 14.The machine is suitable for indoor use only. STOP Basic safety rules: • Do not touch the machine when hands or feet are wet. • Do not use the machine when barefooted. • Do not allow the machine to be used by chidren or untrained persons. • Do not leave the machine outside. • Do not pull on the electrical cord when unplugging the machine. The company reserves the right to modify the construction or appearance without notice |3 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA 2. Installation Useful instruction for transport (M930A, M950A, M730V, S530A) 1. In order to prevent the oil contained in the hermetic compressor from flowing into the cooling circuit, it is necessary to always carry, store and handle the machine in a vertical position, following the instructions found on the packaging. 2. If the machine was accidentally or purposely placed in a non -vertical position during transport, before operating the machine, it shou ld be kept in a straight position for approximately 12 hours to alllow the oil to flow back into the compressor. 2.1. Unpacking Remove wooden case board and plastic covering. Should you find any damage as a result of transit, please contact your dealer immediately. Remove the plastic film from all the stainless steel panels (if has). Important The various packaging should be kept from Children since they are potentially dangerous. Dispose the packaging according to the regulations from the local authorities. 2.2. Positioning 2.3. Assembling 1. Do not install the machine in the area where waterjet could be used. 2. Place machine on a horizontal and sturdy surface. 3. Please install the machine in locations where it can be overseen by trained personnel. 4. For good ventilation, keep a distance of 20cm (7 in ches), between unit and walls or other objects. Increase the distance if the obstacles are a heating source. When the dispenser is in place, press the brake on the wheels in order to keep it level. 1. Put shelves board onto the shelves. 2.4. Electrical connection Before inserting the plug into the electrical socket, carefully read the following: 1. Make sure that the machine is properly connected to an efficient grounding system, in complialce with current safety standards. 2. Make sure that the voltage is in accordance with what indicated on the ’serial number’ label applied on the chassis. 3. The current available is sufficient for the maximum required by the machine. 4. If necessary, use only approved multiple outlets, in compliance with current safety standards. 5. If in doubt, consult only specialized technicials. By law, the machine must always be grounded. 4| 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA 3. How to use Before using, the machine should be cleaned carefully as it comes into contact with food. 3.1. Functioning (M930A, M950A, M730V, S530A) 1. Make sure that the ”Power” switch is in the [0] position, plug in the machine. 2. Before starting the machine, ensure the sliding doors are properly closed. 3. Turn the ”Power” switch to [I] position, the condensing unit will automically start. 4. For lighting, turn the ”Light” button to [I] position. 5. If there is some condensations on front curved glasses, please turn the ”Heat” switch to [I] position for defogging. 0 0 0 I I I LIGHT HEAT POWER Temperature TemperatureController Controller 3.1.1. Temperature Controller Refrigerant LED is on. Compressor is running Refrigerant LED Refrigerant LEDisController ison. on.Compressor Compressorisisrunning running Temperature Defrost LED is on. Unit is defrosting, compressor is not running Defrost DefrostLED LEDisison. on.Unit Unitisisdefrosting, defrosting,compressor compressorisisnot notrunning running UPUP button button UPTemperature button Controller Down buttonbutton Down Down button Temperature Controller Temperature Controller Refrigerant LED is on. Compressor is running Manual defrostdefrost button Manual button Manual defrost button Defrost LED is on. Unit is defrosting, compressor is not running SetSet button buttonUP button Set button Adjusting the Temperature Temperature Controller Temperature Controller Down buttonLED is on. Compressor is running Refrigerant Refrigerant LED is on. Compressor is running Manual Defrostdefrost LED is button on. Unit is defrosting, compressor is not running LED is Unit is defrosting, compressor is not running Refrigerant LED is on. Defrost Compressor ison. running UP button 1. Press setthe button . TheSet setbutton temperature is displayed Adjusting Adjusting theTemperature Temperature UP button 2. Pres up button Defrost is on. Unit is defrosting, compressor is not running DownLED button or UP down button to Down changebutton set temperature. button Refrigerant LED is on. Compressor is running Manual defrost button Adjusting the Temperature 1.1. Press set . The setManual temperature isis displayed defrost button Down button Refrigerant is on. Compressor Press setbutton button displayed Defrost LED is on. Unit is LED defrosting, compressoris isrunning not running Set button . The set temperature 3. Press set button to exit Manual Defrost 1. Press set button . TheSet setbutton temperature is displayed Manual defrost button Defrost LED is on. Unit is defrosting, compressor is no UP button Down button UP button totochange set to change set temperature. change settemperature. temperature. Down button Adjusting the Temperature andManual hold for 6 seconds. defrost button defrost button Set button Adjusting 2.2. Pres orordown button 2. Presthe up Temperature button or down button Presup upbutton button down button 1. To start manual defrost press 1. Press Press set button press The set temperature 2. To stop manual or 3.automatic defrost defrost button is displayed Manual defrost button Adjusting the Temperature set button to. exit 3.3. Press Pressset setbutton button Set button . The set temperature is displayed Set button or down button to displayed change set temperature. . The set temperature is 2. Pres up buttonthe Temperature or down button to change set temperature. Adjusting 1. Press set button totoexit exit Presset upbutton button 1. 2.Press Manual Defrost Adjusting the Temperature Press set button or down to exitbutton 2. 3.Pres up button to change set temperature. 1. To start manual defrost press defrost button and hold for 6 seconds. |5 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA 3.2. Functioning (H-S530A) 1. Make sure that the ”Power” switch is in the [0] position, plug in the machine. 2. Before starting the machine, ensure the sliding doors are properly closed. 3. Turn the ”Power” switch to [I] position, the heatimg will automically start. 4. For lighting, turn the ”Light” button to [I] position. Temperature Controller 0 0 I I LIGHT POWER Temperature Controller Temperature Controller Temperature Controller 3.1.2. Temperature Controller Refrigerant LED is on. Compressor is running Temperature Controller Defrost LEDLED is on. UnitCompressor is defrosting, is not running Refrigerant is on. iscompressor running Heating LED. When lit the heating is on UP button Defrost LED is on. Unit is defrosting, compressor is not running Refrigerant on. Compressor is running Refrigerant LED isLED on. is Compressor is running Temperature Controller UPUP button Temperature Controller Down button button Defrost LED is on. is defrosting, compressor not running Defrost LED is on. Unit isUnit defrosting, compressor is not is running Temperature Controller Down buttonbutton Refrigerant LED is on. Compressor is running Down Manual defrost button UP button UP button Defrost LED is on. Unit is defrosting, compressor is not running SetManual button defrost button Set button UP button Down button Down button Down buttonLED is on. Compressor is running Refrigerant button Adjusting theSet Temperature Manual defrost Manual defrost buttonbutton Refrigerant LED is on. Compressor is running Manual Defrostdefrost LED is button on. Unit is defrosting, compressor is not running LED is on. Unit is defrosting, compressor is not running Refrigerant LED is on. Defrost Adjusting Temperature UP button Set 1. Press setthe button . The setbutton temperature isCompressor displayed is running Set button Set button UP button Defrost is on. Unit is defrosting, compressor is not running DownLED button Adjusting the Temperature 2. Pres up button or UP down button to Down changebutton set temperature. button Manual defrost button Adjusting the Temperature 1. Press set button . The set temperature is displayed Down button Set button 3. Press set button to exit Adjusting the Temperature Manual defrost button Adjusting the Temperature 1. Press set button . TheSet temperature is displayed button Manual defrost button 1. Press set button . The setset temperature is displayed 2. Pres up Adjusting buttonSetthebutton or down button to change set temperature. Temperature 2. Pres up button or down button to change set temperature. the Temperature 1. Press set button. TheAdjusting . The set temperature is displayed 1. Press set button set temperature is displayed 2. Pres up button or down button to change set temperature. 1. Press Press setbutton button The set temperature is displayed Adjusting the Temperature 3. set to. exit 3. Press set button to exit 1. Press set button . The set temperature is displayed 2.Press Presset upbutton button or down button to change to displayed change set 2. up Pres up1.button or button down to change set temperature. 2. Pres button or down settemperature. temperature. . The setbutton temperature is Manual Defrost 3. Press set button to exit 2. Pres up button or down button to change set temperature. Press set button or down to exitbutton Manual Defrost2. 1.3.Pres up button to change set temperature. To start manual defrost press defrost button and hold for 6 seconds. 3. Press set button to exit 3. Press set button 3. Press set button to exit to exit Manual DefrostManual 3. Press set button to exit Defrost Manual Defrost 1. To start manual defrost press defrost button and hold for 6 seconds. 1. Defrost To start manual defrost press defrost button and hold for 6 seconds. Manual Manual Defrost Manual Defrost 1. To start manual defrost press defrost button and hold for 6 seconds. 1. To start manual defrost press defrost button and hold for 6 seconds. 6| 1. To start manual defrost press defrost button and hold for 6 seconds. Tomanual start manual andfor hold for 6 seconds. 1. To1.start defrostdefrost press press defrostdefrost buttonbuttonand hold 6 seconds. 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA 4. Maintenance Observe the ambient temperature The machine is suitable for an ambient temperature range between 16°C - 32°C. 4.1. Cleaning Clean the interior of the appliance as often as possible Caution: Do not clean the machine by water jet. 1. Before carrying out cleaning, remove the power plug. 2. The machine may be cleaned with a damp towel, but may never get in direct contact with water 3. Do not use abrasive powders that might impair the interior parts of showcase. 4. Use neutral soap and a little warm water to wash the interiors, Rinse carefully with water in order to remove any residual of soap. 5. Clean the door seals with water only 6. Always wipe dry after cleaning Warning: Do not store explosive substances such as aerosol cans with a flammable propellant inside the appliance. 4.1.1. Cleaning the Condenser (M930A, M950A, M730V, S530A) Periodic cleaning of the Condenser can extend the life of the appliance. Only trained personnel should perorm the task. 4.1.2. Replacing the Interior Lamp Warning: Replace the old lighttube with a new identical light tube. The Lamp Assembly is available as a spare part. 5. Instructions for Disposal When replacing your old machine with a new one, please comply with the following information: Old machines are not worthless rubbish. Valuable raw materials can be reclaimed by recycling old machines. Render old machine unusable: 1. Pull outthe mains plug, 2. Cut off the mains cable ai d di scard with the mains plug Caution: Refrigerants in refrigeration machines and gases in thermal insulation must be disposed of professionally. Ensure that refrigeration tubing is not damaged prior to disposal. Please discard the machine according tothe regulatlons from the local authorities. |7 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT 6. Technical specifications: PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT Model S530A Dimensions (cm) 90*54*79 Capacity (Litres) 115 Shelves2 Watts468 Refrigerant:R134a/185g Compressor type: GQR80TG(220V) (Kona) Net Weight (Kgs) 90 Gross Weight (Kgs) 100 Packing Size(cm) L98*W58*H93 Model M730V Dimensions (cm) 90*68*120 Capacity (Litres) 285 Shelves 3 Watts 609 Refrigerant:R134a/400g Compressor type: NE6187Z-220V (Embraco) Net Weight (Kgs) 185 Gross Weight (Kgs) 215 Packing Size(cm) L95*W72*H132 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONA PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT Model Dimensions (cm) Capacity (Litres) Shelves Watts Refrigerant: Compressor type: Net Weight (Kgs) Gross Weight (Kgs) Packing Size(cm) 8| M930A M950A 90*79*137 150*79*137 340 600 4 4 631 869 R134a/400gR134a/600g NE6187Z-220V T6215Z-220V (Embraco) (Embraco) 220 305 260 355 L95*W83*H149 L155*W83*H149 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT METOS COROLLA 罗应莲 Dimensions (cm) MODEL Capacity (Litres) Shelves 2 Watts1 468W Net Weight (Kgs) 90KGS Gross Weight (Kgs) 8 9 100KGS Packing Size(cm) L98*W58*H93 Q’ ty/20'GP 48 Q’ ty/40'GP 96 Q’ ty/40'HQ 96 2 6.1. Electric Wiring Diagrams Model S530A 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3 4 17 18 5 6 19 7 20 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT Model H-S530A Dimensions (cm) 90*54*79 Capacity (Litres) 115 Shelves2 S530A S540A S550A Watts765 KLTE-CBT-B50#A1 批准 图号 Net Weight (Kgs) 80 90*54*79 120*54*79 150*54*79 M730V-S Gross M740V-S M750V-S M760V-S M770V-S M780V-S Weight (Kgs) 90 115L 155L 200L Packing Size(cm) L98*W58*H93 Model SIDE VIEW 编制 29.5.2015 2 2 613W 647W 105KGS 120KGS 115KGS 130KGS 21 L128*W58*H93 L158*W58*H93 34 26 72 58 72 58 22 23 24 25 26 M730V-S M740V-S M750V-S M760V-S M770V-S M780V-S Dimensions (cm) Model 90*68*120 120*68*120 150*68*120 180*68*120 210*68*120 240*68*120 Capacity (Litres) 285L 390L 500L 610L 717L 825L 3 3 3 3 3 3 609W 692W 829W 998W 1036W 1242W Net Weight (Kgs) 185KGS 225KGS 260KGS 300KGS 340KGS 380KGS Gross Weight (Kgs) 215KGS 260KGS 300KGS 345KGS 385KGS 440KGS L95*W72*H132 L125*W72*H132 L155*W72*H132 L185*W72*H132 L215*W72*H132 L245*W72*H132 SIDE VIEW PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONA Shelves Watts Packing Size(cm) Q’ ty/20'GP 18 13 10 9 7 6 Q’ ty/40'GP 36 27 22 18 15 12 Q’ ty/40'HQ Model M730V 72 54 44 36 30 24 |9 METOS COROLLA Watts 631W 800W 869W 1035W 1248W Net Weight (Kgs) 220Kgs 265Kgs 305Kgs 350Kgs 440Kgs Gross Weight (Kgs) 260Kgs 310Kgs 355Kgs 405Kgs 510Kgs Packing Size(cm) L95*W83*H149 L125*W83*H149 L155*W83*H149 L185*W83*H149 L245*W83*H149 Q’ ty/20'GP 12 10 7 6 29.5.2015 4 Q’ ty/40'GP 28 23 15 14 8 Q’ ty/40'HQ 28 23 15 14 8 Model M930A & M950A Model SIDE VIEW Dimensions (cm) 90*54*79 H-S540A 120*54*79 H-S550A 150*54*79 Capacity (Litres) 115L 155L 200L Shelves 2 2 2 Watts 765W 805W 845W Net Weight (Kgs) 80KGS 95KGS 110KGS Gross Weight (Kgs) 90KGS 105KGS 120KGS Packing Size(cm) L98*W58*H93 L128*W58*H93 L158*W58*H93 Q’ ty/20'GP 40 26 24 Q’ ty/40'GP 86 56 52 Q’ ty/40'HQ 86 56 52 Modell H-S530A 6.2. Working principle diagram 10 | H-S530A c Compressor C Condenser F Fan E1 Evaporator E Expansion valve ca pillary tube D Dry-filter 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA 7. Trouble shooting Fault Possible Cause The appliance is not working The appliance is not switched on Check the appliance is plugged in correctly and switched ON Plug and Lead are damaged Call POLAR agent or qualified technician Fuse in the plug has blown Replace the plug fuse Power Supply Check power supply Internal Wiring Fault Call POLAR agent or qualified technician The appliance is not cooling Coolant Leak (M930A, M950A, M730V, Fan Motor Failed S530A) Airflow to the condenser obstructed Condenser is clogged The appliance is not heating (H-S530A) Action Call POLAR agent or qualified technician Call POLAR agent or qualified technician Increase the gap between appliance and obstacles/heat source Call POLAR agent or qualified technician Broken heating element / thermostat Call service / temperature probe Overheating protector has tripped Call service The Light does not work Bulb has blown (M930A, M950A, M730V, Bulb Starter has blown S530A) Replace Bulb The Light does not work (H-S530A) Replace Bulb Bulb has blown Replace Starter Warnlng; If the machine has any problem or has been damaged, do not try to repair or replace it by yourself. Please ask for the authorized service department for help. | 11 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA 8. The machines structure Model S530A 1 Sliding door 2 Back panel 3 Controller board 4 Digital thermostat 5 Switch SC791 6 Power Switch SC767 7 Top Shelf 8 Right side glass 9 Top shelf bracket 10 Light 11 Light cover 12 Bottom shelf board 13 Decoration right panel 14 Rear s/s air grill 15 Evaporator fan motor 16 Evaporator cover 17Evaporator 18 Curved glass 19 Left side glass 20 Decoration front panel 21 Decoration left panel 22Condenser 23 Condenser fan motor 24Compressor 25 Bottom panel 12 | MODEL S530A S540A S550A SIDE VIEW Model S530A S540A S550A Dimensions (cm) 90*54*79 120*54*79 150*54*79 Capacity (Litres) 115L 155L 200L Shelves 2 2 2 Watts 468W 613W 647W Net Weight (Kgs) 90KGS 105KGS 120KGS 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA Model M730V 1. Sliding door 2. Ventilation grill 3. Controll panel 4. Digital thermostat 5. Switch 6. Power Switch 7. Automatic expension valve 8. Top shelf 9. Top shelf bracket 10.Light 11.Light cover 12.Middle shelf 13.Middle shelf bracket 14.Front s/s air grill 15.Bottom shelf 16.Rear s/s air grill 17.Evaporator fan motor 18.Evaporator cover 19.Evaporator 20.Compressor 21.Top glass 22.Left Side glass (22-A Right Side glass) 23.Rectangled glass 24.Condenser 编制 罗应莲 批准 25.Condenser fan motor MODEL M740V-S 26.Dry filter M730V-S KLTE-CBT-B50#A1 图号 M750V-S M760V-S M770V-S M780V-S 1 8 21 9 10 22 11 23 12 2 13 14 15 16 3 4 24 17 18 5 6 19 7 20 25 26 M730V-S M740V-S M750V-S M760V-S M770V-S M780V-S Dimensions (cm) Model 90*68*120 120*68*120 150*68*120 180*68*120 210*68*120 240*68*120 Capacity (Litres) 285L 390L 500L 610L 717L 825L 3 3 3 3 3 3 609W 692W 829W 998W 1036W 1242W SIDE VIEW Shelves Watts | 13 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA 编制 Models M930A & M950A 1. Sliding door 2. Ventilation grill 3. Controll panel 4. Automatic expension valve 5. Digital thermosta 6. Switch 7. Power Switch 8. Top shelf 9. Top shelf bracket 10.Light 11.Light cover 12.Second shelf 13.Second shelf bracket 14.Third shelf 15.Third shelf bracket 16.Front s/s air grill 17.Bottom shelf 18.Rear s/s air grill 19.Evaporator fan motor 20.Evaporator cover 21.Evaporator 22.Compressor 23.Curved glass 24.Left side glass (24-A Right side glass) 25.Condenser 26.Condenser 莫扬 fan motor 批准 27.Dry filter MODEL M930A-S M940A-S KLTE-CBT-B26#A1 图号 M950A-S M960A-S M980A-S 8 9 10 1 11 23 12 13 24 14 15 2 16 17 18 3 25 19 4 5 20 6 21 7 22 26 27 SIDE VIEW 14 | Model M930A-S M940A-S M950A-S M960A-S M980A-S Dimensions (cm) 90*79*137 120*79*137 150*79*137 180*79*137 240*79*137 Capacity (Litres) 340L 470L 600L 730L 990L 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA Model H-S530A 1 Sliding door 2 Back panel 3 Controller board 4 Digital thermostat 5 Switch SC791 6 Power Switch SC767 7 Top iron shelf 8 Right side glass 9 Top Shelf bracket 10 Cover for halogen bulb 11 Halogen bulb 12 Bottom grill 13 Bottom shelf bracket 14 Decoration right panel 15 Overheat protector 16Fan 17 Heating element cover 18 Heating element 19 Curved glass 20 Left side glass 21 Decoration front panel 22 Decoration left panel 23 Bottom panel | 15 METOS COROLLA 16 | 29.5.2015 METOS COROLLA 29.5.2015 | 17
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