April 17,1945. D_ B, REPLQGLE _ 2,373,916 DUST FLOW INDICATOR FOR SUCTION CLEANING DEVICES Original‘ Filed April 9, 1941 2 Sheets-Sheet 1 20 2f 1 34 ' 25 ' 22 " 5. v v - > QtWQ/MM D. B. EEPLOGLE Wm April 17, 1945. D. B. REPLOGLE 2,373,916 DUST FLOW INDICATOR FOR SUCTION CLEANING DEVICES Original Filed April 9, 1941 v 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 - ' Zinnentor D. B. EEPL OGLEL , %Ww w. XML, Cittorneg I Patented Apr-.17., 1945 ' "23.73316 jf PATENT ' Q‘FFi-EE nusr'rcow iNnroA'ronFon sparrow ' - 1 :~ . CLEANING Demons:- _ Daniel Benson Replogle,~ "deceased, ' late of _ Berkeley,'0alif.', by Bank of‘ America National‘ ~ Trust & Savings Associat'r0n,, San Francisco,. _ C'aIiL, vCarl S. Replogle; Piedmont‘, Harold E. Queen, .Berkeley, and Laurie H. tB‘ul‘lock, Berkeley, ‘Calif; executors, assignors. to. The ‘ . Ohio Citizens Trust: Company, 11012610,.Qhi1); a corporation of Ohio, as trustee ~ Original application April‘ 9,1 1941, Serial No; 387,717. Divided and this application’ Novem ber‘l'?, 1943; ‘Serial No. 5101,8111 '' ' ".avo'ilaims. ’ (01.30.2-655, able description.‘ ' I . ~ v platen I - Referring to the drawings and with particular? reference to‘Fig. l-,'; the numeral 11!‘ denotes a p01‘ ' tion of thefuselage- of an airplane‘ of‘any' suitable type; When the plane is in motion being’ driven by means of its propellers, the forward motionof & the'ship. tends to produce a condition of increased if pressure at the ‘forward portion'of' the ship and used for clearing; theirbaggage, clothing, etc.»of any dust, pestifercus-insects or’larva which may have- accumulated and these same cleaning rap-‘F a' conditioniofv reduced pressure toward‘ the. rear end‘ thereof; This reduced pressure, orpartial .pliances maybe used if desired. for clearing table _ I, r appliance'is not in use‘. _ of the passengers for appliancesv which may be ' _> closing the suctionconnection when i‘ the cleaning . I ' Fig. 8{ is- an-‘enl‘arged detail showing a valve for On account of the great increase‘in' air travel. particularly betweenthe ‘tropics. and‘ northern climates, there is now an urgentneed on the ‘part ~ debris and litter of every kind, -. paratus‘is connected‘- to a- rear compartment of the. Theinvention relates to cleaning devices for airplanes and like moving vehicles'wherein the partial vacuumfcreated at certain portions of the vehicle while in motion is utilized for the'_opera-' tion of suction cleaning appliances or any suit'-_ vacuum‘ is‘utilized according to my invention to , . - Furthermore, in the compressed air passenger operate‘ suction cleaning appliancesfno separate a _ v compartments of airplanes, periodical change of air is necessary andthev cleaning appliances- of source-of power beihgrequi‘red for the operation ’ ‘ I ‘of such devices. ‘the present ‘invention may also be employed tov The reference character H denotes a passenger assist in ventilating ‘such ‘compartments; ' .20.v compartment which is generally ?lled ‘with air The present application is ‘a-‘division of my under pressure somewhat greater than thenormal application Serial No. 387,7l’7,‘?le'd April 9, 1941, ' atmospheric pressure. such pressure being; main. .and the claims of the present applicationaredi . tained in any suitable manner ‘as. by providing, > rected particularly to the ‘combined valve and " .25 ventilating means at the forward or pressure por- , dust indicator which is included in the system. 1 tion ofthe plane. Such means do not constitute The invention will be. more readily understood by referenceto the accompanying drawings and. . Y the following detailed description-which are in~ tended as villustrative only and not as limiting the any portion ofthepresent invention and are. not ' ’ ‘speci?cally; disclosed herein. since'theyare well known in the art. , . . . i t l2 there. is indicated a wall or partition invention to the particular details of construc—> 30 separating the passenger compartment H from tionset forth therein. ' In the drawings: the rear portion of the plane. Extending, rear wardly from. the-partition. l7. toward the tail of‘ theyplane. isa passage, [3 which extends tothe tail portion of the plane at which a. partial vac - Fig. 1 is a view somewhat diagrammatic mj character, partly [in side elevation and partly in section, showing aportion of an airplane equipped uumis created when the plane is; in motion. This ‘ passageway‘may extend inde?nitely through a with a cleaning appliance in accordance with the present invention-‘ 1 . _ t g ‘ . i hollow brace to the tail ‘of the fuselage, that is, Fig; 2' is a view on an enlarged scale partly in end elevation-and partly in'section, showing a ' the same'tubethat carries the suction maybe a hollow brace,_being a component part of thefuse-v dust indicator employed in the system; the dust deflector being directly in front of the air inlet; . 'lage of the plane. . Fig. 4 is an axial section. through they indicator. ‘I ~ Connected to the ., forward. end of‘ the suction passage i3‘thro-ugh a dust indicator or the like A is a flexible ‘hose 15 connected to a wand-like suction'pipe. 16 which may be of. hard ?ber or any ' and showing its attachment to a partition wall. . ' suitable materialand which‘ is provided with a ‘ Fig. 3 is a sectional view'of the‘ ‘same showing - the de?ector shiftedslightly to causeqwhirling of dust about the indicator. ' Fig. 5‘ is a diagrammatic view of an. airplane showing a modi?cation in which, a suction con nection is located at the side thereof. 7 . 6 is. an'enlarged detail sectional View of the same showing cleaning appliances attached to the suction connection, ' f i -. . Fig. 7 is‘ a somewhat diagrammatic view partly in side elevation and partly in section showing a further modi?cation wherein the cleaning ap . suction nozzle or floor tooli'l at the end thereof . I The hose pipe 15. is‘preferably long enough so _' that the nozzle ll will reach?any portion of the compartmentll'which it is desired to clean. A suitable extension device maybe employed‘ if de sired and thenozzlel or vfloor tool l1 may be sub stituted by any other ‘formiof nozzle as, is well, ' known in the cleaner art. ,The upper curved , n portion of Wand ltrnay function as a handlefor 2 2,373,916 moving the appliance over the floor or other sur face to be cleaned. The indicator-A serves the dual purpose of dis— ing 38 when the valve 3‘! is raised and this cas ing is provided with a suitable transparent top 4|. If desired the top 4| may be formed as a valve as in the construction shown in Figs. 1 to 4. 'Where ?ltering is desired a suitable screen 42 closing the quantity of dust being drawn through the system and of providing a valve for opening or closing communication between the passenger similar to the screen 29 may be employed. compartment and the rear of the plane. Thus, ?exible pipe i3 is connected to the transparent this valve serves also as a ventilating means. As shown the indicator includes a cylindrical casing top 4| and is connected at its other end to a A wand such. as is shown at 34 in Fig. 6 or a tubular 20 suitably secured to the partition I2 as indi 10 member_ l6 such as is shown in Fig. 1, either of cated in Figs, 1 and 4 and is~provided with an which may be equipped'with any suitable ?oor opening 2| communicating through an opening cleaning tool. Where the suction pipe discharges in the partition 12 with the suction passage 13. directly to the outside of the plane the ?lter or The casing is also provided with an inlet open screen may be omitted if desired. However, such ing 22 communicating with a short pipe 23 over ?lter performs the usual function of preventing which the end of hose I5 is adapted to be ?tted. loss of valuable articles which may be drawn into Revolvably ?tted within the casing 20 is an' the nozzle of the suction cleaner by mistake and inner cylindrical valve member 24 having a dome would otherwise be discharged to the atmosphere. shaped transparent top 25 which may be formed Theoperation of the ,various forms of clean of glass, Celluloid, or transparent plastic material 20 ing apparatus herein set forth will be, apparent such as vinyl resin or the like. The» rotatable valve is provided with a ?ange 26 which is turned from the foregoing description. As the plane is over a ?ange on the top member 25 and serves partial vacuum is created toward the rear por traveling forward by rotation of its propellers a This ?ange also pro tion thereof and any suction pipe connected to a vides a ?nger grip for rotating the valve. The -25 location where reduced pressure exists may be valve member is provided with an opening 21 used in the operation of various forms of clean which may be brought into registry with the open ing apparatus. The indicator A or A’ serves to ing 22 or may be rotated to shut off communi inform the operator of the quantity of dust which cation between the front and rear portions of the is being drawn into the apparatus. It may be partition [2. 30 noted that dust passing through a transparent Extending upwardly part-way across the open passage is not readily observable when traveling ing 2'! is a de?ector 28 preferably formed integral at the rate usual in the operation of suction with the valve member 24 which may be brought cleaners, and an enlarged chamber such as is directly into the path of the dust laden air en provided by the indicator A and A’ has the effect tering through the inlet passage 23 or‘may be 35 of slowing the motion even in the neutral posi ' to hold the same in place. moved slightly to one direction or the other so tion of the de?ector (Fig. 2) ‘and therefore ren as to cause whirling of the dust either in a clock wise or a counter-clockwise direction depending on the direction of rotation, as set forth in my dering the dust visible, but such dust is rendered 1941, entitled Dust ?ow indicator forv suction cleaning devices, now Patent No. 2,269,483, dated January 13, 1942. A suitable screen 29 may be placed across the opening 2| leading to the pipe from the direct path as indicated in Fig. 3. If desired a suitable barometer B (Fig. 1) may be employed to show ?uctuations in difference - more Visible by eddying and causing it to re travel many times in the same path as is the application Serial No. 381,200, ?led February 28, 40 case where the de?ector is angularly removed l3 if desired. between the inside and outside atmospheric pres~ 45 sures, since the cleaning apparatus is only oper Instead of having the passage l3 extend to’ the tail of the plane as indicated in Fig. 1, a valve 30 may be provided at one side of the fuse lage at a point where partial vacuum exists. A ?tting 3! may be provided communicating with 50 this valve as indicated in Fig. '7 and a ?exible hose 32 may be attached at one end to such ?t ting and at its other end attached to a pipe 33 able when a- considerable degree of difference exists; ‘ ‘The invention has been described in detail for the purpose of illustration but it will be ap parent that variations and modi?cations may be resorted to without departing from the spirit of the invention. We claim: - I ‘ comprising 'a tubular handle which communi 1. In an air-method cleaning system, including cates with the outlet of an indicator A’. A wand 55 a series of'tubular elements connecting zones of like suction pipe 34 is connected to the inlet pipe different pressures, a dust indicator interposed of the indicator-and may be provided with any ‘between a pair of successive tubular elements suitable suction tool not shown. The hose is comprising a coupling element having inlet and sui?ciently long to permit movement of the ap outlet pipes, a rotatable ‘member having a trans pliances to any part of the interior of the plane. 00 parent window, and de?ecting means carried by The construction of the indicator A’ may be simi said rotatable member and adapted to be posi lar to that shown at A in Figs. 1 to 4 inclusive, or tioned adjacent said inlet opening for the pur may be of the type disclosed in my above men pose of directing air and dust onto the window. tioned patent. The general function of both in said de?ector being movable to various angular dicators is the same. The curved pipe 33 may 66 positions with reference to the inlet opening for be used to move the cleaning device back and the purpose of causing whirling movement in forth across the surface to be cleaned. either direction within the indicator. 2. In a'suction cleaning system, a dust indi In the construction shown in Figs. 7 and 8 a ?uid-tight partition 35 is provided at the rear cator comprising a cylindrical chamber having separating the suction compartment 36 from the 70 an inlet for dust laden air in the cylindrical wall forward portion 50 of the plane. The compart of the chamber and an outlet opening at the bottom thereof, a transparent window located op ment 36 may be opened to atmosphere and the posite the outlet opening, de?ecting means lo partition 35 is provided with a ?ap valve 31 cov cated adjacent the inlet opening adapted to di ering an opening 38. A nipple 39 at one end oi the cylindrical casing 40 is inserted in the open~ 75 rect air and dust onto the window, and means 3 2,373,916 for angularly adjusting’ said de?ecting means to cause whirling movement of the air about the ’ outlet,‘ said means being adjustable to cause a whirling movement-in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction, and a rotatable cylindrical axis of the cylindrical chamber, said‘ adjusting valve‘ member ?tting within the cylindrical wall ‘means including a rotatable cylindrical valve said chamber, saidtransparent window con member ?tting Within the cylindrical wall of said 5 of stituting the cover for said rotatable cylindrical chamber, said Window serving as a cover for said valve member, and said de?ecting means being carried thereby. ‘ 3. In a suction cleaning system, a dust indicator , comprising a cylindrical chamber having an inlet 10 for dust laden air in the cylindrical wall of the chamber, and an outlet opening at the bottom ' member, and‘ said de?ector being carried thereby. BANK’ OF AMERICA NATIONAL , TRUST 8a SAVINGS ASSOCIATION, _ By T. F. REYNOLDS, ‘ . , ‘Asst. Tru‘st O?icer, " CARL‘ S. REPLOGLE, HAROLD E. QUEEN, ‘ thereof, a transparent window closing the top of LAURIE H. ‘BULLOCK, e ' the chamber, means located adjacent the inlet opening for de?ecting the incoming dust and at‘ 15 Executm's, o)‘ the Estate of‘ Daniel Benson toward said window prior to‘ passing through the Replogle, Deceased.
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