About Our Speakers!! APIC Palmetto Annual Conference October 22-24, 2014 Embassy Suites Carla Alvarado, PhD. - Research Scientist Emerita at the University of Wisconsin - Madison; 19 years in Infection Prevention and Control; served on the national APIC Board of Directors . 200 Stoneridge Dr., Columbia, SC, 29210 Phone: 803-252-8700 Fax: 803-929-7627 Zain Kassam, M.D. - Chief Medical Officer with Open Biome in Medford, MA; Internal Medicine & Gastroenterology; Fellow of Royal College of Physicians in Canada. Linda Formby, BSN, RN, CIC—President Paula Guild, MN, RN, CIC— President-elect Sue Boeker, BSN, RN, CIC—Past President Shanetta Williams, BSN, RN, CIC —Secretary Mary Holmes, MT, CIC—Treasurer Jennifer Macaluso, BSN, RN-Membership Secretary Matthew Crist, M.D. - Infectious Disease Physician, _____________________________ 2014 APIC Palmetto Board _____________________________ _____________________________ To reserve your room online, go to: http://embassysuites.hilton.com/en/es/group s/personalized/C/CAEGSES-PIC20141022/index.jhtml _____________________________ $121 nightly (single or double occupancy) Medical Consultant and Healthcare Associated Infections Section Director at S.C. DHEC; served at Tennessee Department of Health in HAI and Antibiotic Stewardship Program; served at Georgia Department of Public Health as the Director of HAI and Respiratory Disease Unit Rose Seavey, RN, CNOR, CRCST, CSPDT President/CEO of Seavey Healthcare Consulting, LLC; consultant for Sterile Processing; previously served on the AORN Board of Directors. Linda Dickey, RN, MPH, CIC - Director of Epidemiology and Infection Prevention for the University of California Irvine Medical Center; 2014 Facility Guidelines Institute Health Guidelines Revision Committee member Andrew Streifel, MPH, REHS - Hospital Environment Specialist with the Department of Environmental Health and Safety at the University of Minnesota; serves on committees such as ASHRAE Standard 170 for Healthcare Facilities, NACADA standard for Duct Cleaning, and Health Guidelines Revision Committee. Gwen Usry, MSN, RN, CIC—Upstate Director Beth Rhoton Mary Holmes Cile Guerry Maxine Johnson Connie Steed, Adjunct Paula Guild, Chair Kyle Puckett Renee Hilburn Joanna Sarver Sue Boeker, Adjunct 807 North Main St. Linda Formby, Adjunct c/o Kyle Puckett 2014 Program Planners APIC Palmetto Dale Haselden, MT, CIC—Lowcountry Director Traveler’s Rest, SC 29690 Cathy Blanks, RN, CIC—Midlands Director APIC Palmetto– 089 32nd Annual Education Conference October 22-24, 2014 Embassy Suites Columbia, SC Spreading Knowledge Preventing Infection TM Kathleen M. McMullen, MPH, CIC. - Infection Preventionist at Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri; published in AJIC, Chest, Journal of Urology and others. Karen Hoffman, RN, BSN, MS FSHEA - Infection Preventionist in Survey and Certification Group at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid; clinical instructor for Division of Infectious Diseases at University of North Carolina School of Medicine; Speakers continued reverse side Objectives: Promote patient safety through interdisciplinary educational opportunities for infection prevention partners and patient safety stakeholders Provide opportunities for learning and networking through educational sessions, vendor exhibits, and poster presentations Promote clinical and experiential growth of APIC Palmetto members by providing education on current evidence-based practice infection prevention topics Wednesday, October 22, 2014 Pre-Conference!! 1:00 pm: Registration open 2:00 pm: Pre-conference Welcome 2:15 pm: Disinfection and Sterilization Boot Camp: Best Practices in Reprocessing Reusable Medical Devices Rose Seavey, MBA, BS, RN, CNOR, CRCST, CSPDT 3:30 pm: Break 3:45 pm: Taking the Chaos out of Preparing for an Accreditation Survey in Sterile Processing Rose Seavey, MBA, BS, RN, CNOR, CRCST, CSPDT 4:45 pm: Wrap-up/ Evaluations Department of Professional Development: Roper Saint Francis Healthcare is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the South Carolina Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Thursday October 23, 2014 Friday, October 24, 2014 7:00 am: Registration/ Continental Breakfast 7:30 am: Rise and Shine! 7:30 am: Atypical Mycobacterium in Surgical Site Infections Connie Steed, RN, CIC/ Beth Smith, RN 8:00 am: Welcome/ Opening Remarks Linda Formby, RN, CIC, Chapter President Business Meeting Breakfast Late Breaking Session 8:15 am: Key Note: Infection Prevention: Managing Chaos—Boots on the Ground Carla Alvarado, Ph.D. 9:15 am: Break Conference Registration Deadline: Sept. 26, 2014 - First come, first served To use PayPal to pay for the conference, click on the ―Donate‖ button on our website: http://www.apic-palmetto.org/news_events.html 9:00 am: Opening Remarks 9:15 am: Surgical Asepsis and Infection Prevention, Kathleen M. McMullen, MPH, CIC 10:15 am: Clostridium Difficile Update, Matthew B. Crist, MD, MPH 11:15 am: Break ___________________________________________ Name ___________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________ City, State, Zip ___________________________________________ Facility 9:30 am: Human Factors Engineering 11:30 am: Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT) — Stool Bank Patient Safety Processes Carla Alvarado, Ph.D. Dr. Zain Kassam, Gastroenterologist ___________________________________________ Phone 10:45 am: Legionella 12:30 noon: President’s Luncheon/ Awards Banquet ______________________________________ Andrew J. Streifel, MPH, REHS 11:45 am: Networking Lunch 12:30 pm: Vendor Exhibits Open 2:45 pm: Dessert/ Coffee 3:00 pm: 2014 Guidelines for Design and Construction of Hospitals and Outpatient Facilities Changes Linda Dickey, RN, MPH, CIC 4:00 pm: End Stage Renal Disease—Rules and Regulations for Infection Prevention Beth Maloney, RN, Carolinas Hospital System 5:00 pm Closing Remarks / Evaluations Speakers (cont’d) Beth Maloney, MSN, RN–Experience in Nursing, Administration and Dialysis; provides education, consultation, and mock survey for dialysis providers. Julie Justo, Pharm. D - BCPS Infectious Disease, Antibiotic Stewardship; Assistant Professor in SC College of Pharmacy 1:45 pm: CMS Survey and Certification Standards Update, Karen Hoffman, MS, RN, CIC, FSHEA 2:45 pm: Critical Antimicrobial Stewardship Program Components for Success Julie Justo, PharmD, MS Email APIC No Yes, ID# ________________ Member: Special Dietary Needs ___________________ Registration options & fees: Please “CHECK” the days you plan to attend: Date Oct. 22 Pre-Con Oct. 23 Day 1 Oct. 24 Day 2 I will attend! 3:45 pm: Closing Remarks / Evaluations Poster Presentation Info: Share your knowledge and hard work! Submit a poster to be entered into a drawing for one free registration to APIC Palmetto’s 2015 Education conference! ♦ Guidelines: 4x8 standard board, handouts, your contact information ♦Send your application to Kyle Puckett Email: [email protected] Ph: 864-455-9243 Full Conference—$185.00 (includes Pre-Con) Single Day Price (Oct. 23 or 24) - $110.00 per day Pre– Conference —$45.00 Handouts will be available for downloading prior to, during, and after the conference via a provided web link. Contact Hours: Total-13.75 available; Day 1—2.5; Day 2—6.0; Day 3—5.25 Send Registration form and Payment to: APIC Palmetto c/o Kyle Puckett 807 North Main St. Traveler’s Rest, SC 29690 Email: [email protected] Phone: 864-455-9243
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