Kol Yisrael
October - November 2014 / TISHRI - CHESHVAN - KISLEV 5775
Simchat Torah with DRUMSTRONG / Back Cover
NEW Lifelong Learning Classes / page 12
A Celebration of Cantor Elias Roochvarg / page 18
Kol Yisrael
October - November 2014 / TISHRI - CHESHVAN - KISLEV 5775
Temple Israel Clergy
Rabbi Murray Ezring (704) 362-2796,
[email protected]
Rabbi Noam Raucher (704) 362-2796,
[email protected]
Cantor Elias Roochvarg (704) 362-2796,
[email protected]
Denise Johnson, Executive Assistant to
the Clergy (704) 362-2796,
[email protected]
Table of Contents
Rabbi Ezring’s Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 4
President’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 5
Rabbi Raucher’s Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 6
Cantor’s Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 7
Temple Israel Gematria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 7
Life Events/Announcements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 8
Torah Tots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 8
TIRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 9
Temple Israel Staff
B’Nai Mitzvah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 9
Anne Weiss, Executive Director
(704) 362-2796,
[email protected]
Karen Himebaugh, Controller
(704) 362-2796,
[email protected]
Monty Bennett, Membership and
Outreach Director (704) 362-2796,
[email protected]
Ariel Krusch, Director of Youth &
Young Adult Engagement
(704) 944-6816,
[email protected]
Terri Cathcart, Facilities Manager
(704) 362-2796,
[email protected]
Silver Stream Creative Group, Marketing
(704) 362-2796,
[email protected]
Elle (Flo) Knight, Executive Assistant
(704) 362-2796,
[email protected]
Youth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 11
TI Religious School
Rabbi Tracy Klirs, TIRS Education
Director (704) 944-6786,
[email protected]
Arlene Mayo, TIRS Administrative
Assistant (704) 944-6785,
[email protected]
Lifelong Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 12
Social Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 14
Sisterhood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 15
Social Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 16
Alternative Services & Special Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 17
Anniversaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 19
Birthdays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 20
Yahrzeits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 22
Donations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 24
Temple Israel 2014-2015
Executive Committee
Lynne Sheffer, President
Ron Weiner, 1st Vice President
Adam Petricoff, 2nd Vice President
David Rosenthal – Treasurer
Marcie Williams – Secretary
Barry Bobrow – Immed. Past
Kol Yisrael is published bi-monthly for
members and friends of the community. Due
to preparation time, printing, and mailing
deadlines, articles must be received by 6 weeks
prior to the month of issue. We reserve the
right to edit for length and consistent editorial
tone. Email your submissions to: marketing@
templeisraelnc.org or mail to: 4901 Providence
Road, Charlotte, NC 28226.
Board of Trustees
Michael Abadi
Jon Berger
Dedee Cygler
Al Garten
Peggy Gartner
Rael Gorelick (Presidential Appointee)
Graig Harr (Presidential Appointee)
Miles Levine
Dan Ruda
Stacey Schuler
Steven Starr
David Thrope
Liz Winer
Irving Bienstock – Social Club
Denise Abadi – Sisterhood
TBD – Men’s Club Representative
Kol Nidre Services, 6:15pm
Yom Kippur Morning Services, 10:00am
Sermon, 12:30pm
Yizkor, 1:00pm
Study Session, 4:30pm
Restorative Yoga, 4:30pm
Mincha Service/Neilah, 5:30pm
Break Fast, 7:55pm
Torah on Tap: Break Fast Party - Let’s Eat the Night Away, 8:30pm
Erev Sukkot
Sukkot Services, 9:30am
Sukkot Services, 6:15pm
Sukkot Services, 9:30am
Torah Tots: Sukkot Special (in the TI sukkah), 5:45pm
Shabbat Dinner In The Sukkah, 7:00pm
Torah on Tap: Sukkot Shabbat Dinner, 7:30pm
Bonim vs. Gesher God Squad Laser Tag Battle, 7:00pm
Sukkot-A-Palooza, 10:45 am
Rabbis’ Chuck Wagon, 12:15pm
Great Maze Craze of 2014 (Mahar), following Rabbis’ Chuck Wagon
Social Club: Adult-only Dinner & Program in the Sukkah, 6:00pm
Shimini Atzeret Services, 6:15pm
Thurs OCTOBER 16
Shimini Atzeret and Yizkor Service, 9:30am
Erev Simchat Torah Service, Alef consecration, Drumstrong, 6:45pm
Simchat Torah Services, 9:30am
Rock HaShabbat, 6:15pm
Lifelong Learning: Walking With Mitzvot, 7:00pm
Social Action: Domestic Violence Awareness weekend
Torah Tots, 10:00am
Rosh Chodesh Study Group, 1:00pm
Mechina Retreat, 7:30pm
Bar Mitzvah of Michael Zacks, 5:30pm
Lifelong Learning: Intro to Judaism, 9:30am
Sisterhood Paid Up Membership and Torah Fund Luncheon, 11:00am
JAVA JEWS, Special Edition: Son of Hamas, 7:00pm
Jewish Pumpkin Carving Competition & Pizza Night (Gesher), 6:00pm
Lifelong Learning: Walking With Mitzvot, 7:00pm
B’Not Mitzvah of Lauren Mond and Zoe Sherman, 9:30am
Java n’ Jeans service, 10:00am
Lifelong Learning: The Secrets Behind A Successful Prayer-Full Life, Part I,
Lifelong Learning: Jewish Meditative Techniques-The Paths of Touching Our
Own Soul, 11:00am
Lifelong Learning: Walking With Mitzvot, 7:00pm
Guess Who’s Coming To Shabbas, 7:00pm
Bat Mitzvah of Jules Oringel, 9:30am
Bat Mitzvah of Bailey Silverman, 5:30pm
Lifelong Learning: Intro to Judaism, 9:30am
Lifelong Learning: The Secrets Behind A Successful Prayer-Full Life, Part I,
Lifelong Learning: Jewish Meditative Techniques-The Paths of Touching Our
Own Soul, 11:00am
Bowling for a Cause! (Mahar), 12:30pm
GOT MITZVAH? Social Action Lounge Night & Dinner (Gesher), 6:00pm
Lifelong Learning: Walking With Mitzvot, 7:00pm
Social Club: Federal Reserve Bank Tour, 9:00am
Torah Tots, 5:45pm
Torah on Tap: Thanksgiving Potluck Shabbat Dinner & Services, 6:00pm
Congregational Shabbat Dinner (Fall Harvest), 7:00pm
Kavanah Service, 10:00am
Bat Mitzvah of Samantha Gitlin, 5:30pm
Lifelong Learning: The Secrets Behind A Successful Prayer-Full Life, Part I,
Lifelong Learning: Jewish Meditative Techniques – The Paths of Touching Our
Own Soul, 11:00am
Lifelong Learning: Two Faiths, One Family, 4:30pm
Lifelong Learning: Walking With Mitzvot, 7:00pm
Torah on Tap: Second Harvest Food Bank, 6:00pm
Shabbat Service, honoring Cantor Roochvarg, 9:30am
Torah Tots: Thanksgiving Special, 10:00am
Kiddush Luncheon, honoring Cantor Roochvarg, 12:00pm
Concert & Reception, honoring Cantor Roochvarg, 7:00pm
Lifelong Learning: Intro To Judaism, 9:30am
Lifelong Learning: The Secrets Behind A Successful Prayer-Full Life, Part I,
Lifelong Learning: Jewish Meditative Techniques-The Paths of Touching Our
Own Soul, 11:00am
Charlotte Checkers Hockey Game (Bonim), 12:30pm
Lifelong Learning: Two Faiths, One Family, 4:30pm
Social Action: Men’s Shelter of Charlotte, 12:30pm
JAVA JEWS, Special Edition: Son of Hamas, 7:00pm
TI members at the 2014 Yiddish Institute’s Wildacres Retreat
A long time ago, I was
given a Peanuts book
as a birthday present.
I still have that little
shirt pocket book called:
Happiness Is…. According
to Charlie Brown and the gang, happiness is
everything from a security blanket to being left alone
to play piano, to a nickel with which to pay for just
about anything, to actually kicking the football or
from Lucy’s point of view, picking it up so that Charlie
Brown falls to the ground frustrated. But the one
I liked best was Snoopy’s response: dancing on air.
How true it is that music, singing and dancing can all
bring us out of sadness. The right beat, chords, words
or movements raise our spirits both emotionally and
spiritually. That is the real secret behind the Hasidic
Nigun. Words don’t matter, only the voice and the
movement that accompanies it.
Sukkot, our thanksgiving holiday, follows just 4 days
after Yom Kippur. We shake the lulav, march around
the synagogue on a daily basis and sing psalms. The
true joy of Sukkot is a non-Biblical holiday tacked
on the end of its eight days. The holiday of Simchat
Torah. For one day we let loose to express our love
and joy of Torah. It is the day on which we complete
the reading of the Torah and immediately begin
reading again from the first letter of the first word of
the first sentence of the first chapter of the Genesis.
For one day, we drink a little, dance a lot, and sing.
This year, Erev Simchat Torah is going to be very
special at Temple Israel. We are partnering with
Drumstrong, to set the beat for our hakafot. As you
know, Drumstrong is an organization created to
raise attention and funding to fight Cancer. Therefore,
we will include special prayers for those who struggle
against cancers and other life threatening illnesses as
well for the researchers who seek to eradicate cancer.
In celebration of Simchat Torah I also invite you to
join with me and Rabbi Raucher to enjoy our love of
Torah by studying Torah together every week. Watch
for a special announcement of how you can join us
without leaving your home or office.
Hag Sameach,
Enjoy a wonderful year of dance, music, and the
beauty of understanding Torah.
–Rabbi Murray Ezring
Service & Candle Lighting Times
Shabbat Service Times
Candle Lighting
Friday: 6:15pm
October 3: 6:45pm
Saturday: 9:30am
October 10: 6:35pm
October 17: 6:26pm
Minyan Times
October 24: 6:18pm
Sunday: 9:00am, 5:30pm
October 31: 6:11pm
Monday-Thursday: 7:30pm November 7: 5:04pm
Thursday: 7:30am
November 14: 4:59pm
Saturday: 5:30pm
November 21: 4:55pm
November 28 4:53pm
Weekly Events
Visit our online calendar (www.templeisraelnc.org)
for a complete listing of upcoming events
Tuesday With Torah, 9:30am
Temple Israel Religious School (electives), 4:45pm
Torah Sparks, 12:30pm
Adult B’Nai Mitzvah class (starting 10/23),
*Contact the Clergy office for information.
Shabbat Experience (grades K-6), 10:00am
Temple Israel Religious School, 9:15am
Calendar Notice
Temple Israel strives to ensure that the calendar information is
complete and accurate. However, event information may change.
For up-to-date information, please visit our online calendar on our
website, www.templeisraelnc.org. Thank you.
by Lynne Sheffer
The many ways we
connect with and engage
our children of all ages
As we transition and
celebrate our fall holidays,
our children are transitioning back to school and
new beginnings. In my previous articles I discussed
the importance of relationship building as a primary
way to strengthen our synagogue. Relationships are
equally important for our children and their families.
We provide many and varied opportunities for our
youth of all ages to build and strengthen their
relationships with friends, family, God, community,
Jewish living and Israel. I am proud of our innovative
and meaningful offerings for this upcoming year and
would like to share those with you.
Opportunities for our children:
. Religious school inspires life long learning, Jewish
living, strong Jewish identity and opportunities for
building friendships among students and between
. Youth group activities stimulate spiritual,
educational and social development.
. Shabbat family services inspire spirituality and
children’s active participation.
. Shabbat dinners allow for celebration of our
traditions with friends and family.
. Family education programs focus on family learning
and involvement.
. Social Action and mitzvah projects provide ways to
care for others in need.
. Madrichim in our religious school learn to assist and
teach others.
. Children and their families serving as buddies for
new families learn about welcoming.
. Senior Stories and visits to senior communities
allow for intergenerational experiences.
. Comprehensive B’nai Mitzvah preparation deepens
Jewish practice.
. Confirmation allows for more in-depth exploration of
Jewish values.
. Consolidated Hebrew High School furthers learning
and interaction with other teens.
L to R: Madison Harr, Graig Harr, Eliana Harr
. College Outreach program provides students with
continued connection and support.
Above L to R: Greyson Silverman, Samantha Levinson, Karinne Bernanke, Jordan Schuler
Below L to R: Owen Stoogenke, Dana Stoogenke, Miranda Stoogenke
Thank you to our religious school advisory
committee, PTO, Education Director, Youth
Director, teachers, staff and clergy who make
these offerings possible for our children and help
us fulfill the obligation to “teach our children
Warmest Regards,
[email protected]
Keep Calm And
Drum Strong
The High Holy Day season
from Rosh Hashanah all
the way to Simchat Torah is exhausting. (There, I
said it.) It’s not the time we spend in synagogue
praying that tires us so much as it’s the reflection
and introspection that drain our souls. If we take
them seriously, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
can have a huge spiritual impact on our lives. To
honestly consider the life we lived over the past
year means that we might find our selves humbled,
proud, embarrassed and/or hopeful. And during
this time of year we can get so wound up in the
successes and failures of life that we lose sight of the
present moment. Are we really those people we have
discovered? Is there any hope for change or growth in
us? In a time of real spiritual highs and lows how do
we remain intact?
Sukkot is certainly a remedy. If Rosh Hashanah and
Yom Kippur remind us of how we’ve fallen short and
where our potential really lies, then Sukkot is the first
step in realigning our priorities. The Sukkah takes us
out of our comfort zones and forces us to look at life
without all its distractions. The bare bones nature of
the Sukkah reminds us that we’ve got to strip away
all the interference and get back to what’s really
necessary and important. From there we can rebuild
over the course of the year and create a life of real
But Sukkot only gives us a framework (pun intended)
for how to approach life. We need something else
that really gets us revved-up. That’s where Simchat
Torah comes in. It’s not specifically referred to in
the Torah as such; more as an extra day to celebrate
with God and community after Sukkot has concluded.
Simchat Torah demands that we dance. To dance!? Of
all things why is dancing the next logical step in this
path of spiritual realignment?
Consider for the moment that the mind, body, and
spirit are all interconnected. Body movement, then,
can serve as a tool to express and communicate all
of our fears, hopes, and dreams. On Simchat Torah
we shout to the Heavens in thanks for a chance to
confront our fears and another year to live out our
hopes and dreams for a better life and world. We take
all the spiritual baggage we’ve accumulated over the
High Holidays and we shake it off as we dance seven
raucous circles (hakafot) around the congregation.
This is not just a celebration at the end of a long
holiday season. Rather, it is a celebration for the
opportunity of a new life.
This year, Temple Israel is teaming up with
Drumstrong to liven up Simchat Torah (October
16th, 6:45pm). DRUMSTRONG interactive rhythm
events support cancer education, research and
survivorship globally. We will sing our songs, beat
the drums, and stomp our feet in celebration. We
will not only drum to beat cancer. We will drum in
support of anyone living with cancer, anyone who
survived cancer, and anyone we’ve lost to cancer.
The drumming during Simchat Torah will serve as a
heartbeat to remind us that life still requires living;
and that the memory of loved ones lost never dies.
We will also drum in pure and simple celebration of
life having nothing to do with cancer because once
the holidays are concluded the only thing we are left
with are the choices we make in our daily lives. This
is the moment to cathartically shout, stomp, and love
our way into a new year and new life. Please contact
(RabbiRaucher@TempleIsraelnc .org) if you’d like a
chance to drum during our Simchat Torah celebration
and visit www.drumstrong.org to learn more about
their initiatives.
See the back cover of
the bulletin for
information on our
Simchat Torah
celebration, with
Welcome to our new members!
(July 1-August 31, 2014)
by Cantor Elias
Be One In A Minyan!
Our congregation, like
most others, consists of
many sometimes-overlapping communities: There
is the community of learners, who attend adult
education classes to learn more about their religion
and culture. There are the Sisterhood and the Men’s
Clubs, who sponsor activities that benefit the Temple
in many ways, social, religious and financial. There
are the Friday night regulars and the Saturday
morning regulars, who come for the chance to
worship together in a warm and participatory service.
And there is the community which, sooner or later,
we all join, the community of mourners. Unless there
is a minyan, a quorum of ten Jewish adults, the
community of mourners cannot perform the mitzvah
of saying Kaddish. Sometimes, when there have
been a lot of recent deaths in the congregation, the
bereaved can, by themselves, constitute a minyan,
but this is not usually the case.
Therefore, the community of mourners—which
includes not only the recently bereaved, but also
those observing the yahrzeit (anniversary of a death)
of a loved one—needs YOU to be an enabler, to
guarantee a minyan, so Kaddish can be recited. If
you come one night a week, a Thursday or Sunday
morning, or even once a MONTH, your presence may
make the difference between nine and ten!
There is a story in Jewish tradition of an elderly man
who was planting a tree. He was asked, “Old man,
why are you bothering to plant a tree when you know
you will not live to enjoy its fruit or its shade!” He
responded, “As others before me planted trees so that
I would be able to enjoy their fruit and shade, so I
now plant for those who come after ME.”
Likewise, I say to those of you who are still blessed
with both parents alive: Come to minyan as an
enabler, so that when the time comes (may it not
be for many years) that you join the community of
mourners, other enablers may follow your example.
Stefanie Aranda (Jocelyn & Evan)
Samuel & Rubina Batt (William, Charles, & Henry)
Justin Bregman
Russell & Sharon Browning (Jordan & Aaron)
Jeremy & Andrea Davids (Jake, Spencer, & Dakota)
Victor & Julia Glauberman (Timothy & Bella)
Stephen Garvin
Uriel Gottesman
Jeffrey & Lauren Halperin (Jacob & Olivia)
Kaleb Hopkins
Gordon Hull & Maya Socolovsky (Ilan Socolovsky-Hull, Amia
Socolovsky-Hull & Gali Socolovsky-Hull)
Jonathan & Sara Kulbersh (Julian)
Joshua & Adina Loewensteiner (Eliana)
Peggy McManus
Zeev Neuwirth & Lisa Davidson (Emily Neuwirth)
Jacob Neuwirth
Michael Rousso
Paul & Joy Rousso (Maxwell & Alex)
Brian & Ilyssa Rubenstein (Sofia & Carly)
Terry Schirok
Brian & Meredith Siegel (Madeline & Jacob)
Mark & Iris Simon (Andrew)
Marc & Shari Sokolowicz (Jordan & Justin)
Gregory & Jessica Weill (Jack & Isabella)
Temple Israel Gematria by
David H. Rosenthal, Treasurer
In this edition of Kol Yisrael,
we provide a “snapshot” of
our community’s revenue and
expenses for the 2013-2014
Fiscal Year (unaudited). We
are also pleased to report our
congregational family has grown
by 36, since January 1, 2014.
I welcome any suggestions
for this column, and more
importantly, conversation
regarding our community,
its finances and
May you and your family
immediately be inscribed
and sealed for a good and
sweet year, and for a good
and peaceful life.
[email protected]
Our condolences to:
• It is with great sadness that we inform you of the
passing of Benay Kleeger Chandler, mother of Sharon
(Andrew) Chandler Bodenheimer and Steven Chandler,
grandmother of Elyse and Ian Bodenheimer, and Madison and
Emma Chandler, and sister Lynn Rimell on July 12, 2014.
• It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of
Joseph Porter Sims, father of Cindy Levinson, on July 24,
Thank You:
• Thank you to our Temple Israel family for the generous and
thoughtful cards, donations, visits, lunches, dinners, snacks
and support. Irv looks forward to seeing everyone soon. With
much appreciation, Dedee & Irv Cygler and Family.
Life Event Announcements
If you would like to have your happy event, wedding, engagement or
birth announcement published in Kol Yisrael, please submit your written
information via e-mail to [email protected] or fax it to 704362-1098. If you have an illness or a death in the family, please contact
the Clergy Office at 704-362-2796.
• It is with great sadness that we inform you of the
passing of Sylvia Palis on August 10, 2014.
• It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing
of Deborah Hoffman on August 19, 2014.
• It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing
of Eugene Nichol, brother of Adele Prosono, on August 20th Births:
• Ross and Amy Udoff joyfully welcomed the arrival of their
daughter, Olivia Rose (6lbs., 2oz., 19 1/4in.), on July 11. Proud grandparents are Norman and Dorothy Shapiro of
Charlotte, NC and Ed and Amy Udoff of Atlanta, GA.
• Jonathan and Sara Kulbersh joyfully welcomed the arrival of
their son, Julian Mack, on July 17, 2014.
• Janice and Danny Bernstein and Pearl and Alan Mann joyfully
announce the birth of their grandson, Everett Alexander Mann.
He was born (7 lbs., 11 oz., 20 in.) on July 25th in Rockville,
MD. Proud parents are Bethany and Tommy Mann. Proud greatgrandparents are Mary and Simon Wojnowich.
• Ali & Gene Kavadlo are thrilled to announce the birth of their
grandson, Julian Heaney (6 lbs., 12 oz.) born on August 27,
2014. The proud parents are Ilana Kavadlo & Dylan Heaney of
Greenpoint, Brooklyn.
• Mikhail and Alla Mogilevsky joyfully announce the birth of
their twin grandchildren. The baby boy and baby girl were
born on Wednesday, September 3rd in Baltimore, MD. Proud
parents are Gregory and Rachel Mogilevsky.
• Dedee and Irv Cygler are thrilled to announce the engagement
of their daughter, Jessica Gould Cygler to Joshua Woog
Wagner, son of Susan and Stephen Wagner of White Plains and
Southampton, New York.
• Mazel Tov to Shellie & Harvey Barer on the marriage of their
son, Josh Brill, to Louise Clauson. Louise is the daughter of
Barbara Clauson of Kauai, HI and the late Tom Clauson. Josh
and Louise are residents of Los Angeles, CA.
• Evelyn Hochstat proudly announces the marriage of her
grandson, Daniel Brenner, to Esty Ostro on August 31. The
wedding took place in New Jersey.
Mazel Tov:
• Mazel Tov to Temple Israel’s Sisterhood for receiving a 2014
Jewels In The Crown Award from the Women’s League for
Conservative Judaism at their convention this summer.
Come celebrate Shabbat with
Temple Israel and Torah Tots!
Temple Israel’s high-energy, exuberant Shabbat program
is for preschoolers and their parents, and includes songs,
Torah parades, movement, and stories or puppetry. Shabbat
morning programs are followed by a Shabbat friendly craft
or hands-on activity. A healthy and bountiful Kid-dush is
served after each program.
Services are led by Miss Patty and Rabbi Noam (Friday
evening, 5:45pm) and Miss Patty and Rabbi Klirs (Saturday
morning, 10:00am).
Friday, October 10 – Sukkot Special (in the TI sukkah)
Saturday, October 25
Friday, November 14
Saturday, November 22 (Thanksgiving Special)
Michael Alan Zacks
October 25, 2014
Parents: Janice & Steven Zacks
For his Mitzvah project, Michael has volunteered
at The Room at The Inn, and has delivered
remembrance candles throughout our community
for Yom Hashoah.
Lauren Emilee Mond
By Rabbi Tracy G. Klirs, Director
Lauren has worked with a variety of charities
for her Bat Mitzvah project. She has helped
fundraise and assist on projects for the
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and the
Ronald McDonald House. Currently, she is
working to set up swim lessons for children with
special needs. So much has changed at Temple Israel Religious School
this year, I can’t possibly cover it all in one article! So
I’ve decided to focus on a different aspect of our new
program in each issue of Kol Yisrael. In this issue I’ll
focus on Project ETGAR, the dynamic curriculum for middle
school students in Conservative congregational schools.
Project ETGAR is sponsored jointly by the United
Synagogue of Conservative Judaism and the Melton
Research Center of the Jewish Theological Seminary of
America. The curriculum consistently receives rave reviews
from students, parents, teachers, and administrators.
ETGAR features student-centered learning which integrates
projects, art, music, films, games, primary text study and
other meaningful activities. Research and experience
with early adolescents was also used in developing the
curriculum and is ideally suited in both content and format
to Conservative synagogue schools.
TI Religious School is piloting the Project Etgar curriculum
this year in Vav (6th grade) and Zayin (7th grade). Core
units include Friendship, Sifrei Kodesh (Sacred Literature),
Kashrut, and Bikkur Holim (Visiting the Sick). Gemilut
Hasadim/Jewish Living programs are integrated into the
units, incorporating active, informal learning experiences
into students’ lives. Our new Vav and Zayin Judaics
teachers, Hannah Wenger and Stefan Pienkny, are thrilled
with the new program and are looking forward to keeping
their students continuously challenged, engaged and
excited about what they’re learning.
November 1, 2014
Parents: Darren & Staci Mond
Zoe Paige Sherman
November 1, 2014
Parents: Lauren & Craig Sherman
For her mitzvah project, Zoe participated in
several Tikkun Olam projects. She held a
food drive for Blessings in a Backpack, which
benefited students at Huntingtowne Farms
Elementary School. She has also mentored
students at J.H. Gunn Elementary and has
participated in several school supply drives.
Zoe has also helped make sandwiches for the
homeless and has volunteered at the Bark in the
Park dog festival.
Jules Oringel
November 8, 2014
Parents: Susie & Joe Oringel
For her Mitzvah project, Jules has been working
with Bright Blessings, which provides monthly
birthday parties for homeless children.
Bailey Rose Silverman
November 8, 2014
Parents: Suzanne and Marshall Silverman
Bailey is helping the Animal Shelter by raising
money and collecting needed supplies for her
Mitzvah project.
Beauty is...
Samantha Gitlin
November 15, 2014
Parents: Stephanie & David Gitlin
2823 Providence Road
C h a r l o t t e , N C
email:[email protected]
p 704.364.2014
f 704.364.2013
c 917.208.3116
For her Mitzvah project, Samantha is volunteering
her time at an assisted living facility working with
Opening Day at Temple Israel
Religious School (TIRS), 2014-2015
*Kol Yisrael cover photo was taken at Opening Day of TIRS, 2014.
6th-7th Grades
Bonim vs. Gesher God Squad Laser Tag Battle
BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Join your friends on the BONIM
TEAM (6th & 7th Graders) in our epic, second annual Laser Tag
Battle! This night includes 3 rounds of laser tag and an arcade
Saturday, October 11, 7:00-9:00pm
Drop-off and Pick-up at Sports Connection in Ballantyne
$12/TI-Y Members; $16/Non-Members
To register your child for
any program, please contact
Ariel Krusch at 704-944-6816
or [email protected]
8th-12th Grades
Bonim vs. Gesher God Squad Laser Tag Battle
BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Join your friends on the GESHER
GOD SQUAD (8th-12th Graders) in our epic, second annual Laser
Tag Battle! This night includes 3 rounds of laser tag and an
arcade card.
Saturday, October 11, 7:00-9:00pm
Drop-off and Pick-up at Sports Connection in Ballantyne
$12/TI-Y Members; $16/Non-Members
Jewish Pumpkin Carving Competition & Pizza Night
ALL 8th-12th Graders Welcome
Join your friends for an epic Jewish Pumpkin Carving
Competition. There are prizes for the individual or team with
the most creative “Jewish” pumpkin. The night will also
include a pizza dinner.
Wednesday, October 29, 6:00-7:00pm
(before Hebrew High!)
Gorelick Hall
$5 per person
GOT MITZVAH? Social Action Lounge Night & Dinner
ALL 8th-12th Graders WELCOME!
Do you need community service hours? Or just want to give
back to our Charlotte community? Join your friends as we
complete various mitzvah projects. Projects may include
making sandwiches, pillows, cards, or get well gifts for those
in need in our local community shelters and hospitals. This
evening also includes dinner.
Wednesday, November 12, 6:00-7:00pm
(before Hebrew High!)
Levine JCC Teen Lounge
$5 per person
Teen Coalition Presents: Hunger Games Mockingjay
Pre-screening For Hunger Awareness & Advocacy
Open to ALL teens in 6th-12th Grades
More information to come!
Charlotte Checkers Hockey Game
ALL 6th & 7th Graders WELCOME
Join your friends as we head Uptown to watch our
Charlotte Checkers hockey team kick some ice!
Sunday, November 23, 12:30-4:30pm
Drop-off and Pick-up @ TIRS Building
$15/TI-Y Members; $20/Non-members
Spaces are limited on the bus – must rsvp by
Wednesday Nov. 19!
Teen Coalition Presents: Hunger Games Mockingjay
Pre-screening For Hunger Awareness & Advocacy
Open to ALL teens in 6th-12th Grades
• 6th Grade Mechina RetreatSaturday, October 25-Sunday, October 26
3rd-5th Grades
The Great Maze Craze of 2014!
ALL 3rd-5th Graders WELCOME!
Can you handle the challenge? We will begin the afternoon
at the Rabbis Chuck Wagon for lunch and then head off for
THE GREAT MAZE CRAZE of 2014. Don’t forget to reserve your
seat on the bus!
Sunday, October 12, 12:30-4:00pm
$12/TI-Y Members; $15/Non-Members
Bowling for a Cause!
ALL 3rd-5th Graders Welcome!
Come bowl with Mahar Youth Group! Join your friends as we
head out to Park Lanes to bowl for a good cause, supporting
Jewish Family Services. Price includes 2 hours of unlimited
bowling, bowling shoes, and transportation. Spaces on the bus
are limited!
Sunday, November 9, 12:30-4:00pm
Drop-off and Pick-up at TIRS Building
$12/members; $15/non-members
• 10th Grade Confirmation Trip to Atlanta- Thursday,
October 30-Sunday, November 2
• 11th & 12th Grade Post-Confirmation OvernightSaturday, November 8-Sunday, November 9th
Taught by Rabbi Murray Ezring
Wednesday evenings, 7:00-9:00pm
October 22, 2014 – January 14, 2015
Walking with Mitzvot is a course designed by
the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies to help
each of us discover a fuller understanding of Judaism as
a way of life. There cannot be Judaism without mitzvot,
any more than there can be a brain without a body. How
we understand the mitzvot in general and each mitzvah
in particular will have a tremendous impact in our
dedication to a life of commandments and to the particular
commandments our communities will value, teach, and do.
Join Rabbi Ezring as we investigate the value concepts
that have created the pattern of life we know as Judaism
today. Through small group study and large group
discussion, we will explore high quality, stimulating
and challenging materials that enable us to expand
our understanding of the basic concepts and tenets of
Conservative Judaism.
Taught by Cantor Elias Roochvarg
Sunday mornings, 11:00am – 12:00pm
November 2, 9, 16, & 23
Taught by Rabbi Murray Ezring
Sunday mornings, 11:00am – 12:00pm
November 2, 9, 16, & 23
Taught by Rabbi Noam Raucher
Sundays, 4:30 – 6:00pm
November 16 & 23, December 14 & 21
Two Faiths, One Family is a 4-week discussion-based
course for couples of dual faith. This is a guided,
nonjudgmental space for Jews and their non-Jewish
partners to talk, learn, and grow – together and as
individuals. Location TBA. Snacks & babysitting provided.
*The above classes are FREE to all Temple Israel members.
Cost for non-members is $36. To register, contact the
Clergy Office at 704-362-2796 or email (clergyoffice@
And, it’s not too late to register for…
Sunday mornings (most), 9:30am
Thru April 19, 2015
Intro to Judaism is NOT a Hebrew school class for adults.
Intro to Judaism is an opportunity for self-reflection and
growth as we explore the Hebrew language and Judaism’s
greatest ideas, themes, and values.
Note: This class is taught by Rabbi Noam Raucher in partnership
with the Louis & Judith Miller “Introduction to Judaism
Program” at American Jewish University.
Costs: Members, $65; Non-Members, $100.
For more information or to register, contact the Clergy office
at 704.362.2796 or visit www.templeisraelnc.org
Torah On Tap
For more information on any of these events, or to RSVP,
contact Ariel Krusch at (704) 944-6816 or akrusch@
Break Fast Party: Let’s Eat the Night Away
Saturday, October 4, 8:30pm
terrorist organization and unveils the truth about his own
role, his agonizing separation from family and homeland,
the dangerous decision to make his newfound faith
public.” (amazon.com) Available at Amazon.com and at
Barnes & Noble.
Questions? Contact Rabbi Noam Raucher at
[email protected]
Thanksgiving Potluck Shabbat Dinner & Services
Brixx Wood Fired Pizza Foxcroft
You have fasted all day, now join Torah On Tap as we eat
the night away! Join other young adults in the greater
Charlotte Jewish community as we celebrate the end of
Yom Kippur and the start to an exciting New Year. We
provide free appetizers to start you off. Feel free to invite
all your friends, just let us know how many people will be
attending so we can save you a seat.
Sukkot Shabbat Dinner & Services
Friday, October 10
6:00pm- Services and 7:30pm- Dinner
Celebrate the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, with a delicious
Shabbat dinner at the home of Rabbi Noam and Tamar
Raucher. First, join us at Temple Israel at 6pm for Shabbat
services! The evening continues with Shabbat dinner at
7:30pm. The entrees, drinks, and challah are provided by
us - we will ask you to bring a side dish or dessert to share
based on a sign-up list to be sent around when attendance
is finalized. SPACES ARE LIMITED!
JAVA JEWS, Special Edition: SON OF HAMAS
Monday, October 27 & Monday, November 24
7:00-8:00pm - Starbucks @ Harris Teeter Morrocroft
Friday, November 14
6:00pm- Services and 7:30pm- Dinner @ Camp Mindy
Who doesn’t a delicious Thanksgiving dinner, especially
when you combine it with the beauty of a Shabbat dinner?
What better way to get in the Thanksgiving mood than
with the Torah On Tap crew? Join us at Temple Israel at 6
PM for Shabbat services! The evening then continues with
a Thanksgiving inspired Shabbat dinner at Camp Mindy at
7:30 PM. Come on down with your favorite Thanksgiving
side dish or dessert and we’ll provide the main dishes,
drinks, and challah. Closer to the event, we’ll provide a
sign-up list for dishes.
Second Harvest Food Bank
Thursday, November 20
The Second Harvest Food Bank is in need of volunteers!
Join Torah on Tap in giving back to the community just
before Thanksgiving as we help Second Harvest sort,
inspect, and pack food for distribution to people at risk
of hunger. Over the past year, Second Harvest of Metrolina
has distributed over 45 million pounds of food to more
than 550 agencies and the need for volunteers is as great
as ever.
In this special two part series book club, we will discuss
the captivating New York Times bestseller, Son of Hamas,
by Mosab Hassan Yousef. “Since he was a small boy,
Mosab Hassan Yousef has had an inside view of the deadly
terrorist group Hamas. The oldest son of Sheikh Hassan
Yousef, a founding member of Hamas and its most popular
leader, young Mosab assisted his father for years in his
political activities while being groomed to assume his
legacy, politics, status . . . and power. But everything
changed when Mosab turned away from terror and
violence, and embraced instead the teachings of another
famous Middle East leader. In Son of Hamas, Mosab
reveals new information about the world’s most dangerous
Temple Israel supports The Men’s Shelter
of Charlotte’s mission to end homelessness
in Charlotte by providing their guests
with meals along with warm clothing and
toiletries. Because of support by TI and other
generous organizations, nearly 400 men have
moved to more appropriate housing since July
2013. By providing hope and encouragement to the men, together, we
can help end homelessness!
Temple Israel members will be cooking a delicious meal at the Temple
during the afternoon, and serving the meals and distributing clothing/
toiletries to 150 men at The Men’s Shelter on Statesville Ave. in the
evening, on the following days:
Sunday November 23 – Chairperson: Jonathan Berger email: [email protected]
Sunday – December 24 – Chairperson: David Thrope email: [email protected]
We are in need of volunteers to cook & serve food and collect/
distribute clothing & toiletries. We are in need of Tzedakah to
purchase the food for the dinners (Temple Israel Social Action Fund).
We are also requesting donations of winter coats, pants, long sleeve
shirts, boxer underwear, hats, gloves, socks, razors, soap, toothpaste,
tooth brushes and deodorant.
*Please drop off your donation at Temple Israel on November 23 and/or
December 24.
Temple Israel provides food to children
in need at Huntingtowne Farms
Elementary School (HFES) every
weekend throughout the school year.
We are looking for volunteers to help us come stuff the backpacks every
other Thursday afternoon in the school’s media center. Please visit our
sign-up genius page at the address below and select some times that
work best for you:
We are in need of single servings of: Juice boxes, fruit cups,
raisins, tuna, soup, granola bars, Nutri-Grain bars, cereal boxes,
oatmeal, macaroni & cheese and/or WalMart Gift Cards.
Would you like to make a difference to the lives of K-5 Children in need
at HFES? To get involved please contact Tracy Brown [email protected].
Thank You for your support of the Shalom Park
Freedom School. Twenty Five Students from HFES
continued their learning and had a fun and safe
summer due to this Mitzvah.
Inspiration from Albert Einstein:
Einstein wrote – “Strange is our situation here upon earth. Each of us
comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to
divine a purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is
one thing we do know: that man is here for the sake of other men…”
Join the entire Temple Israel community to help others on Sunday
January 18, 2015 (MLK weekend). This will be a wonderful opportunity
for individuals and families to get involved and make a difference in our
community. By participating in Mitzvah projects you will be sharing
in Tikkun Olam (repairing the world). Bring your entire family and
participate in projects that address needs in the Jewish and broader
Charlotte community. For more information please contact: Jonathan
Berger, Temple Israel Social Action Chair, Email: jbergertisa@gmail.
com, Cell phone: 704-995-1732.
Temple Israel will partner with the Urban Ministry
Center to open our Temple to provide shelter and
food for homeless people on: Saturday, January
10, 2015, Saturday, January 24 and Saturday,
January 31.
For more information or to get involved, please contact Sandro
Nascimento – email: [email protected]
Many thanks for donating school
supplies to assist children in need
at HFES! We continue to accept
donations of school supplies to
support students and teachers. To
get involved in HFES please contact:
Susan Rabinovich at srabinovich@
October is Domestic Violence Month: Take a Stand
Headlines tell the story daily. Ray Rice and Greg Hardy
of football fame convicted of domestic violence. The
President announces that dating violence at college
campuses is reaching epidemic proportions. Statistics show
that some form of abuse exists in one in three teen
relationships and in one in four homes. Silence,
standing still and misinformation perpetrate abuse. Judaism demands justice and commands that we help
those in need.
Temple Israel has dedicated the weekend of October 24-25 to raise
awareness for its congregants as part of the Jewish community’s
campaign during Domestic Violence Awareness Month. “We encourage all
to attend service, wear the purple ribbons provided throughout the month,
read the stories of Jewish survivors in brochures and on free-standing
silhouettes, and especially learn the signs and symptoms of abuse,” said
Social Action Chair Jonathan Berger. “Understanding will allow us to
recognize and help a friend, our child’s classmate, or a loved one who may be
suffering, perhaps unknowingly, at the hands of an abuser.”
Also as part of DV Awareness Month, women and teens 15+ can learn to
protect themselves and others in possible dangerous situations, both outside
and within the home, by participating in a Safety Course led by Captain Irwin
Carmichael of the Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s Office scheduled for Sunday,
October 12 at 1:00 PM at the Levine JCC. Program participants can preregister at the JCC Front Desk.
For more information on October programs contact info@jfscharlotte.
org or 704-364-6594. For information on domestic abuse visit the
local Jewish community web site, www.shalombayit-nc.org.
Temple Israel Sisterhood
Welcome to a new and exciting year for Temple
Israel Sisterhood. Denise and I have been hard at
work setting up programs and events to engage our
Sisterhood members. We attended the Women’s League
for Conservative Judaism convention in Whippany, New
Jersey this past July and would like to share with you
some thoughts and impressions.
Approximately 450 delegates from the United States,
Canada and Mexico came together for the first conference
held over Shabbat. We attended seminars and visited
wonderful vendors with an eye toward bringing back new
gift ideas to The Rose Room, our TI Judaic Gift Shop. We
attended magnificent Shabbat services where women were
literally dancing in the aisles. Each and every person
there could feel the buzz and excitement in every room
during this conference.
In addition to the shmoozing and meeting many new
people some highlights of the convention included the
installation of our own Barbara Ezring as one of several
International Vice Presidents of Women’s League. Our
TI Sisterhood was the recipient of an Emerald Level
“Jewels in the Crown Award.” This highest-level award
for Excellence in Programming reflects the innovative
and creative ways in which our Sisterhood has developed
programs over the last two years. This is the third time
we have won this award and we should be very proud of
all the Sisterhood officers and members who worked to
create such interesting programs.
But what was most impressive was the ruach and
inspiration derived from being a part of a conference
with hundreds of women whose dedication and dynamic
leadership supports and encourages each region and
individual synagogue Sisterhoods to strive to create and
maintain the atmosphere where we all come together to
learn, to explore and to live Masorti Judaism. It was an
experience we will long remember.
TI Sisterhood Judaica Gift Shop
Sunday* 9am-12:30pm
Tuesday-Thursday 10am-1pm
Friday 11am-1pm
Monday - closed.
For appointments, please contact Cindy Jennes,
[email protected] or 704-443-7643.
*The Rose Room Gift Shop will be continuing Mitzvah Dayze
every Sunday, and we will donate 10% of all sales to the
Sisterhood Youth Program Fund.
Thank you to Frank & Wendy Rosen for their donation to the
Kiddush Fund for August 2014.
We look forward to creating such an atmosphere here at
Temple Israel, and we invite you to all join us in sharing
new experiences together.
Hilary and Denise
If you have any questions please
Hilary Rosenbaum at
[email protected] or
Denise Abadi at
[email protected]
True to our mission, members of the Social Club have had a
very active summer. Instead of staying home you could have
found the Social Club at the Mint Museum for a docent led
tour, at CPCC enjoying the musical “Mary Poppins”, at BB&T
Stadium rooting for the local Triple A league Charlotte Knights
baseball team and lastly a trip to the Museum of the New
South. Just thinking about all we have done makes me want
to just sit, catch my breath and sip some Southern sweet tea.
Enough with the past. Let’s look at what is planned for
October & November!
On OCTOBER 13 at 6:00pm we are having our annual Adultonly Sukkah Dinner. Catered by Jered Mond of Izzy’s Catering,
we will have dinner, family style, in the sukkah. Our speaker
will be the new shalicha from Israel, Ali Rodavsky. Cost:
MEMBER, $18. DEADLINE: October 2, 2014. RSVP to either
Ruth Goldberg 704-366-8903 or Irving Bienstock 704-5420094.
On NOVEMBER 13 at 9:00am we have rescheduled the tour
for the Federal Reserve Bank (Uptown). After the tour of the
bank we will go to lunch. For those who desire we will have
buses from the JCC leave from Shalom Park and take them to
the Bank, to lunch and return to the JCC.
On a sad note, Evelyn Hochstat is leaving us (& Charlotte.)
Evelyn has decided it is time to spend more time with her
family in Boston. For many years Evelyn has been very active
not only in the general Charlotte community, but also in the
Jewish Community and as a member and head of Temple Israel
Social Club’s Publicity Committee. Evelyn will be missed very
much and we hope that she can return often so that we can
see her always-smiling face.
If you are looking for that different gift, a membership in
The Social Club could be the start of something that lasts
a lifetime. Call Ruth Goldberg (704) 366-8903 for more
More Than Just
the Best Bagels
Members of Temple Israel’s Social Club watch the Charlotte
Knights play at BB&T Ballpark, August ‘14
Homemade Soups, Salads,
Sandwiches and Panini.
Catering for all Occasions.
Approved Caterer for Shalom Park
2921 Providence Road, Suite 102,
Charlotte, NC 28211
Alternative Services & Special Events
Join us for one (or all) of our new themed
Congregational Shabbat Dinners, as we explore
a variety of cuisines from across the globe!
Celebrate Shabbat with us in November as we
appreciate the bounty of a Fall Harvest dinner.
Adults: $18 and Children: $9, ages 3-12.
Come check out Temple Israel’s Rock HaShabbat
service (in the sanctuary) for a fast-paced, hour
and fifteen-minute service led by The Ruach,
Temple Israel’s own “house” band.
Children under 3 are free. RSVP information will
be announced closer to the dinner.
Rock HaShabbat takes place the 3rd Friday
night of each month (6:15pm), unless otherwise
noted, and is easily one of Temple Israel’s most
enjoyable services.
*There will be no Rock HaShabbat in the month of
Java n’ Jeans meets on the 1st Shabbat of
the month (10:00am.) This is a learner’s
service, where we ask questions and learn about
individual prayers in depth. The 1st hour is
devoted to prayer and the 2nd hour is for a
thought provoking Torah discussion.
Kavanah meets on the 3rd Shabbat of the
month. The Kavanah service combines the
ancient practices of Jewish prayer and meditation
in an effort to create space for reflection and
growth. The more one bends one’s mind, the
better (The Talmud).
“Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbas?”
is a new initiative at Temple Israel,
which is run entirely by its members.
The program has congregants hosting
Shabbat dinner in their homes,
and inviting other congregants
and potential members.
In subsequent months, those who were
guests will have the opportunity to host
others - allowing us to reach our goal
of every Temple Israel member either
hosting or attending a Shabbat dinner.
Our next dinner is scheduled for NOVEMBER 7th.
If you are interested in participating, please contact
Stacy Levinson (704-846-0606) or
Cindy Jennes (704-443-7643) or
by email at [email protected].
To see how this national program started, visit www.
Temple Israel Book Club
Wednesday, Nov. 19 at
Please join us as we discuss
Henna House: A Novel by Naomi
Eve. The novel, is about Adela,
a young Jewish girl in early
20th century Yemen. As Adela
grows, we follow her family and
its community through their
journey to the prosperous port of
Aden; marriages and death; the
establishment of Israel; and finally
their departure for Israel in the
famous airlift Operation On Wings
of Israel.
The book is available at the public
and Jewish libraries, and for
purchase on-line for about $20
For additional information, contact
Linda levy ([email protected] or
Celebrate 5775 by joining us
for a meal in our Sukkah!
Friday, Oct. 10 at 7:15pm
Celebrate Sukkot alfresco, with a delicious dinner in the Sukkah
immediately following Shabbat/Sukkot services.
Prices: $18/adult and $9/child (ages 3-12). Children under 3 are free.
RSVP online (under “Register For An Event”) at www.templeisraelnc.org or
by calling the temple office at 704-362-2796.
Sunday, Oct. 12 at 12:15pm
Join us as we celebrate the fall harvest! Rabbis Ezring & Raucher will be
grilling up hamburgers, hot dogs & more!
A vegetarian option will also be available.
Prices: $7/adult and $5/child (12 years old and under).
RSVP online (under “Register For An Event”) at
www.templeisraelnc.org or
by calling the temple office at 704-362-2796.
Dear Friends,
As you observe the Days of Awe between
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we wish
you a Happy New Year and an easy fast.
We have an annual tradition of having the
Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure on the
first Saturday of October. By the time we
realized that due to the changing nature
of the Jewish calendar, both Yom Kippur
and our race fell on the same day, it was
too late to attempt to move the race.
We are incredibly sorry that so many of
our friends and supporters could not be
with us and hope you understand this
unintentional calendar conflict.
Please join us in praying for a cure to
this disease that impacts so many in our
entire community. Our hearts and minds
are with you all. G’mar Hatimah Tova…
May You Be Sealed for a Good Year in the
Book of Life.
For a cure, Susan G. Komen Charlotte
anniversaries - October 2014
October 5
Peter & Cindy
Marc & Cheri
October 6
Matt & Elisa Rudnet
October 8
Henry & Susan
October 11
October 16
October 18
October 21
October 25
October 29
Mathew & Rachel
Gerald & Charlotte
Robert & Cheryl
Mark & Debbie
David & Debra Van
Miki & Yael Osovski Barry & Amy Sobel
Chip Wallach &
Judith SchindlerWallach
Stephen & Penni
Richard & Jo Ann
October 22
October 27
October 31
Bill Kwiatkowski &
Michelle Bamford
Abraham & Bette
Steven & Janice
Melvin & Caren
Steven & Talia
Mark & Cindy
October 24
October 28
October 20
Wayne & Wendy
Jon & Stephanie
Alan & Denise
Simon & Mary
Chris & Marcie
October 12
October 17
Stephen & Judy
Ofer & Tara Hubara
Stephen & Heidi
October 9
Stephen & Judith
Jason & Dana
October 19
Leon & Jennifer
Colin & Elaine
Bradley & Liz Winer
Sean & Amy Tyndall
anniversaries - November 2014
November 1
November 8
November 12
November 18
November 24
November 28
Jeff & Wendy
Leo & Rachel
Howard & Julie
Rich & Jenny
Bob & Ann Abel
Gary & Maxine
Louis Sinkoe &
Kevin Levine
November 15
November 19
November 25
Jeremy & Andrea
Steven & Susan
Mark & Amy
Daniel & Beth
November 6
Evan & Deborah
Irving & Lillian
November 9
Dan & Cindy
November 21
Michael & Anne
November 7
Robert & Naomi
November 16
Richard & Robin
November 26
Nat & Bernice
November 10
Sam & Shiri
November 23
Harry & Gloria
November 17
Adam & Wendy
November 27
November 5
Ron & Adele Gordon Jeffrey & Carol A.
November 2
David & Samara
Brian & Ilyssa
November 4
Danny & Fayne
Eric & Joanna
Adam & Sari
David & Beth
Gary & Jodi Michel
Jeffrey & Marcia
Norman & Marcy
November 29
Richard & Suly
November 30
Bob & Carol
Steven & Sandy
Alan & Jan Raznick
BIRTHDAYS - October 2014
October 1
Harvey Barer
Amy Fine
Scott Goodman
Amanda Luckey
Jacob Neuwirth
Andre Plaisance
October 2
Danny Cohen
Jack Cohen
Angelica Rosen
October 7
Marvin Barman
Jonathan Gould
Stephen Kramer
Amia SocolovskyHull
Mollie Tepper
October 8
Gerald Aronoff
Alejandro Becker
Melissa Cole
Seth Goodman
Sofia Rosenberger
David Aaron Tepper
Gary Wirth
October 9
October 10
Saul Brenner
Barnet Weinstock
George Couchenour
Mia Golub
October 11
Diego Keller
Warren Lesack
October 12
October 13
Jeffrey Gorelick
Stacie Coblenz
Stanley Greenspon Shirley Goodman
Michael Jaffa
Ruth Strassburger
David Samuel
October 14
Jacob Halperin
Lily Stone
Patricia Weisman
October 15
Teren Branson
Victor Glauberman
Corey Margulis
Debora Pizer
Simon Wojnowich
October 16
Jacob Barrocas
Matthew Choffin
Elana Congress
Barry Perlmutter
Mary Wojnowich
October 17
Jason Ackerman
Max Cohen
Adam M. Eisner
Sean Justin Ostrow
Marni Ransenberg
October 18
Alison Gray
Alan Raznick
Rachel Rozenberg
Jodie Rachelle
Sydney Schulman
October 19
Elliot Adler
William DeLoach
Robert Kwiatkowski
Anita Shapiro
David Share
Rachel Titlebaum
October 20
Sarah Choffin
Spencer Davids
Dana Kapustin
Ethan Levine
Evan Pollack
Brenden Slomka
October 21
Ryan Brown
Emma Brown
Robert Lichstrahl
Marni Rudick
Samuel Schulman
Halli Danielle Sigal
October 22
Ariel Krusch
Rebecca Stern
Harold Weisman
October 23
Louis Fish
Libby Gray
Marc Keller
Judy Laxer
Lauren Mond
Juliana Oringel
Larry Schwartz
Max Sherrill
Melissa Starr
Alana Stillitano
October 24
David Gamlin
Benjamin Kelly
Isaac Luski
Adam Rosenberger
Marc Silverman
October 25
Kathy Berlin
Jerome Levin
Brian Roth
Ira Slomka
Perry Tannenbaum
Natalya K.
Elena Zilber
October 26
Jacob David
Scott Gorelick
Deborah Koulpasis
October 27
Ian Bodenheimer
Jason Kimbrell
Robert Stein
October 28
Teri Ackerman
Jonathan Clymer
Jodi Cohen
Carly Kwiatkowski
Stacy Levinson
Adele Prosono
Ada Shapiro
Cindy Spil
Allan Stark
October 29
Talya Cohen
Drew Cohen
Michael Dillhyon
Roslyn Husney
Lita Katz
Barbra Marcus
Riley Shapiro
Lauren Sherman
October 30
Dalya Kutchei
Deborah Neimkin
October 31
Monica Cole
Jordan Forsythe
Bella Glauberman
October 5
Staci Mond
October 6
Jill R. Balick
Dan Biber
Ari Spector
October 3
Jacob Bernhardt
Suly Chenkin
Olivia Cohen
Anna Kate Petricoff
Marisa Varian
October 4
Eli Coblenz
Lindsay Comen
Jessica Goldberg
Marcy Mehlman
BIRTHDAYS - November 2014
November 1
Sam Baumstein
Jennifer Golynsky
Megan Hochman
Jordan Hochman
Isaac Meltsner
Stephen Powell
Jacob Swartz
November 2
Elaine Chernotsky
Alec Framm
Charlotte Kunkel
Irene Share
Zoe Sherman
Marc Titlebaum
Phil Warshauer
Daniel Zilber
November 3
Ryan Balick
David Levin
Julie Sheffer
November 4
Monty Bennett
Zayna Bock
Areli Keller
Nancy Strunk
November 5
Alicia Brigham
Steven Hoagland
Aly Lerner
Aaron Saltzman
Bailey Silverman
November 6
Robert Adler
Mariah Lina
Elaine Dobbs
Caren Frank
Drew Hirsch
Robert Kipnis
Noam Raucher
Heidi Rotberg
Zoe Wojnowich
November 7
Ron Jonathan
Todd Gorelick
Janice Nalibotsky
November 8
Milton Berkman
Cheryl Comen
Emily Blair Jaffa
Miriam Rosenthal
Harry Swimmer
November 10
Shayna Burack
Arline Dobken
Michelle Ross
Michael Strunk
Jeffrey Vaughan
Janice Weiner
Jared Wisotsky
November 11
Susan Estroff
Meredith Gartner
Abby Greenfield
Brooks Foster Jaffa
Alexander Margulis
November 13
David Brigham
Stephen Hader
Michael Koss
Sari Lerner
Aaron Zucker
November 14
Jacob Carbuto
Joshua Carbuto
Wendy Cohen
Jacob Framm
Judith Kahn
Joshua Kipnis
Craig Madans
Gloria Peper
November 15
Phyllis Campbell
Carmen Fragoso
Arthur Lavitt
David Schwartz
Sylvia Swartz
Henry Vogelhut
November 16
Michael Flash
November 17
Lisa Becker
Michelle Lesack
Kevin Levine
Naomi McRary
Blair Michelle Sklut
November 18
Louise Kantor
Zachary Levi
Helene Levine
Daniel Ruda
November 12
Alyssa Bernstein
David Holloman
Andrew Kapustin
Celia Mandel
Elijah Raucher
Wendi Reichard
Lara Schewitz
Robert Snyder
Faith Swartz
November 19
Carol Prystowsky
Matthew Rubin
Abram Sheffer
Ben Weinreb
November 21
Jonah Bernhardt
Philip Coblenz
Mary Gordan
Ann Katz
Laura Reich
Howard Winokuer
November 22
Robert Bernhardt
William Porter
November 23
Alan Hersh
Zahava Rosenberg
November 24
Deborah Hirsch
Glenn Kaufman
Marilyn Milden
Karen Rosenthal
Parker Serbin
November 20
Robert Abel
Allen Baum
Saul Curson
Jeffrey Ditesheim
Abigail Ditesheim
Max Ganem
Daniel Garten
Roslyn Greenspon
Madelyn Kunkel
November 26
Natalie Berman
Sheryl Hollander
Willem Seidman
November 27
Sarah Ackerman
Ron Cohen
Tamara Cohen
Milton Goldstein
Barbara Weiner
November 28
Elizabeth Hannah
Beth Listhaus
November 29
Sanford Benjamin
Herbert Fellman
William Gorelick
Rachel Reich
Elias Roochvarg
November 25
Wendy Lichstrahl
Madeline Siegel
November 30
David Krusch
Paul Rubenstein
Jared Schwartz
Jerry Segal
May Their
memories Be
A Blessing
*Denotes a plaque
Week of October 3
Leonard Abramovitz*
Ernestine Ascher
Hyman B. Badt
Bernie Berkman*
Rita Bock
Lilly Bruck
Morris Dixon
Laura Feingold
Charles Furst
Abby Garfein
Meyer Goodman*
Jason Goodman
Ethel Goodman
Minde Herman
Maury Herman
Sydney Hochheiser
Dorothy Holloman
George H. Katz
Florence Katzen*
Henrietta Kirschbaum*
Herman Kritzer*
Robert Leibowitz
Hyman Levine
Mary Ann Levinson*
Julius Mann*
Herbert Mero
Solomon Michel
Sabri Mouadeb*
Gittle Mueller
Sarah Murnick*
Myra Nalibotsky
May Nussan
Jacob Orenstein*
Meyer Paul
Milton Peck
Esther Phillips
Herman Poliakoff*
Saul Pollack
Zackary Powell
Amy Ringold
Stephen Rippner
Cindy Michelle Roth*
Sam Roth
Dudley Salem
Stanly Seidman
Bernard Selzer
Oscar Silber*
Rose Smith
Carl Spector*
Rosalee Starer
Samuel Tepper*
Jerry Turk
Maurice Wallsh*
Joseph Weiss*
Mildred Yanko
Week of October 10
Barry Allweiss*
Sarah Alperin*
Abraham Arshansky
Leo Ascher*
Morris Ashendorf*
Vivian Axelband
Robert Bamford
Ilse Bergen*
Esther Bober
Alan Brickman
Milton Charatz*
Nate Cohen
Lee Doliner
Libbye Dumont
Simon Einhorn*
Benjamin Ellis
Frances Garten
Isidor Glass
Shirley Glazer
Manny Goldberg
Rose Lee Golden*
Mark Goodman
Michael Kirschbaum*
Emma Koralek*
Morris Leibman
Josephine Levey
Janice Levin
Nellie Levy
Adolph Liling
Jack London*
David Lowell
Robert Margulis
George Nagel
Eleanor Nevid*
Nathan Otto Newman*
Jerome Paul
Judy Perlin
Bertha Rabinovich
Margaret Schwartz
Anna Segal*
Sol Shapiro*
Philip Sharp
Benjamin Silverstein*
Minna Stern*
Erna Stern
Mae Stoll
Judith Sweet
Nathan Thrope
Reta Volynskaya
Sylvia Wernick
Sylvia Wingrod
Jack Woltman*
Minnie Ziegelheim
Week of October 17
Nathan Allenstein
Arthur Aschenberg*
Lillian Beck
Lillian Blecher
Charles Buller
Nat Cohen
Leslie Cohen
Max Darholt*
Jacob Ely*
Ernest Friedman*
Pat Geller
Samuel Glassman
Kevin Green*
Rose M. Greenberger*
Marvin Halperin
Toby Halperin
Gertrude Hoffman*
Miriam Kandall
Golda Kohl
Jerome Kropp*
Anna Levine*
Rachel London*
Joseph R. Molko*
Week of October 17
Rebecca Myer
Gaye Osborne
Ellen Pearlman
Merle Polakov Prior*
Harry Rafkin
Albert Reich
Tanchum Richardson
Rausie Robinson
Rose Rosenberg
Harry Rosman
Helen Rothandler
Rubin Rothandler
Edgar Schwab
Anna Simanowitz
Otto Slesinger*
Harold Starr
Harry Tarnopol*
Isidor Turk
Esther VanVliet*
Benjamin Waldman
Irene Lewith Weinstein*
Victoria Zacks
Week of October 24
David Abrams
Florence Bedrick*
Morris Bottner
Sarah Cohen*
Evelyn Cohen
Staff Sergeant Louis*
Peter Felder
Michael C. Fisher*
Mike Fisher
Jean Fogel*
Frances Fries*
Pesla Fuchs*
Benjamin Gittlin*
Clara Goldstein*
Sydney Goozner*
Simon Green
Saina Harris*
Isaac Helbein*
Max Hoffman*
Theo Holstein
Eli Hyman
Morris Isacoff
Ben Jaffa, Sr.*
Felice Jentis
Hanya Kandlis*
Charlene S. Kaplan
Rebecca Kaplan*
Harry Levenkrone*
Ada Levy*
Meyer Levy*
Debbie Maslov*
Minnie Mazursky*
Alvin Miller*
Hyman Posner*
Arthur Reichard
Larry Rockman*
Maurice Rogovin*
Rebecca Roth*
Elliot Sanderson*
Annette Seitlin
Nathan Silver*
Sylvia Speizman*
Julius Sundheimer*
Faigie Vinegar
Ruth Wallins
Sally Wasserman
Edith Weber
Peter Weiland
Dora Weiner*
Bernard Wernick
Abraham Yanko
Haskel Youman
Week of October 31
Alan Abrams
Louis Barman
Isaac Berkman*
Irving Bernstein
Bryan Binder
Jennie Blum
Abram Burgen*
Simon Estroff
Marilyn Farwell*
Ruth Jay Flohr*
Sylvia Fratkin*
Stanley Gertzman
Aaron Gleiberman*
George A Gould*
Max Gropper
Morris Gross
Leo Grosswald*
Joyce Haber
David Heskins*
Harriet Kabat
Clara Kandalis*
Betty Kaufmann
Eileen Kennedy
Beatrice K. Lavitt*
Joseph Lesack
Sheldon Levine
Milton Levy
Etta Levy*
Leonard Madans*
Morris Mandel*
Joe Miller*
Deborah Mixer*
Lois Pall
Joseph Pinchuk*
Gittel Polk
Evelyn Rosen*
Dr. Maurice
Albert Rousso*
Blanche M. Schefflin*
Harold Schwartz*
Abraham Shaffir*
Stella Shapiro*
Randy Sinkoe*
Celia Sklut*
James Stanley
Irving Strogatz
Jennie Warren
Helen Wyle
Into God’s Hand I Commit My Spirit
The Solitary Flame of the Yahrzeit light is a silent tribute to the preciousness
and eternity of the human soul. Attending services, reciting Kaddish and
contributing to tzedakah (charity) are appropriate ways to commemorate
your loved one’s memory.
If you are interested in purchasing a permanent Memorial Plaque and have it placed in
our Memorial Gallery, please call the Clergy Office (704) 362-2796 for more information.
Week of November 7
Cynthia Abrams
Solomon “Jimmy”
Leo Fleischer*
Samuel Fligel*
Joseph Friedman
Tanchum Geller
Ruth Gerstenfeld
Lena Glass
Edward Glazier
Howard Glazier*
Sanford C. Goldfarb*
Abraham Goldman
Harold Bernard Gordan*
Etta Greenspon
Rosa Grossman*
Hanya Kandlis*
Harry Katzen*
Bessie Batya Katzin
Frances Kaufman*
Sheila Kneller
Maxine Koss
Zeesah Leib*
Else Mann*
Meyer Mastbaum
Nancy Meisel
Alex Pearlman
Kiril Plyuyko
Abram Pomerance
Edward Putzrath
Frank Reynolds
David Riff*
Dora Rosen
Morris Roth*
Samuel Sager
Bertha Salem*
Beatrice Saltzman*
Mickie Schulman
Tech. Sgt. Paul
Lewis Shapiro
Esther Shapiro
Richard Solomon
Sylvia Solow
David Starer*
Stephen Kent
Maurice Swimmer
Saul Tanenbaum
Harry Tannenbaum
Donald Tepper*
Paul Vero*
Max Weisman*
Sally Winokuer
Esther Wolfert*
Herman Yellen
Eileen Zalla
Alex Zilber
Week of November 14
Enrique Hirsch* Baicovitz
Elaine Berger
Illia Beygel
Clara S. Blady
Lillian Bottner
Louis G. Boxer*
Tsiliya Braverman
Julius Cahn*
Ida Levine Citron*
Sheldon Dray
Alfred Frahm
Ann Frohman*
Ceila Furgatch
Irving Goldberg*
Heinz Goldstein*
Helen Gordan*
Ben Grobstein
Fritz Hannes*
Eka Ida Hochstat
Abraham Kaplan*
Jacob “Jack” Leibowitz*
Michael Leighton
Solomon Leonard
Abraham Levine*
Golde Levine*
Mildred Levith
David Paskie*
Matilda Rabinowitz
Aaron Rosen
Stanley Roskind
Jack Ruda
Jane Ruda
Lilian Sager
Ruth Saxe
Bess Schnitzer
Lawrence Shapiro*
Irving Shapiro*
Ada Sheinhaus*
George Smallman
Honey Smallman
Dorothy Sobel
Samuel Streger
Nathan Sutker*
Sol Tenner*
Arthur Tirsun*
Henry Tuchler
Clement Wyle
Lionel Zamore*
Week of November 21
Esther Ackerman*
Herman Arenson*
Hedwig S. Ascher
Ida Bienstock*
Martin Blumberg
Harold Bodner
Jean Bojum
Jerome Comen
Samuel Elfmon*
Wendy Fabes
Kitty Farber
Joseph Feller*
Fannie Fisher*
Meyer Fleichman
Leah Glazier*
Bernard Gottlieb
Pauline Helschien
Sitta Holstein
Evelyn Jacobs*
Mabel Jones
Boris Jouravlev*
Harry Kaller
Louis Karp*
Jack Karro*
Berdie Kaufman*
Rose Kaunitz
Week of November 21
Sadie Kirsch*
Rose Koslow
Shirley Kramer*
Ben Leader*
Fred Lewin*
Sondra Lichstrahl
Virginia Livingston
Harold Mendelsohn
Ruth Miller
Frances Peetluk
Pearl “Pebby” Polk*
Hyman Polk*
Alice Pugh
Irene Ribakove
Adele Rindner
Abraham Rubinfeld
David Sheffer
Harvey Silton
Isaac Sinkoe*
Sylvia Smith
Joe Smolen*
Ernest Stern
Louis Stiefel*
Benjamin Watnik*
Bertha Weinreb
Marvin Widis
Joseph Zahavi
Elinor Zakin*
Week of November 28
Martin Ashkin
Isadore Blumenthal*
Shirley Bukatman*
Lester Cutler
Joseph Farb
Blanche Fingold
Rene Levy Glaser
Stella Goldberg
Katherine Goldstein*
Golda F. Kaplan*
Virginia LAST
Seymour Malman
Saul Mandel
David Nagel
Yehuda Peter
Helyn Reich*
Janine Rosner
Janine Rosner
Bette Wolfson
Sheina Shpack*
Bernice Silber*
Irene G. Steinberger*
Amelia Sulman
Sophia Swimmer
George Weinstein*
Pinhas Wojnowich*
Lyba Wojnowich*
Temple Israel gratefully acknowledges these donations made between July 1, 2014 and August 31, 2014
Aaron Gleiberman
Simchat Torah
Celebration Endowment
Florence Jaffa
For a speedy recovery
By Rhoda Gleiberman
Louis Sinkoe
In memory of Benny Sinkoe
By Rhoda Gleiberman &
Toby Spitzer
In memory of Lewis Spitzer
By Rhoda Gleiberman &
Leigh Jacobson
For a speedy & full recovery
By Rhoda Gleiberman &
Alene & Samuel
Strause Emergency
Endowment Fund
Toby Spitzer
In memory of Lewis Spitzer
By Sam Strause
Lynne Sheffer
In honor of your birthday
By Sam Strause, Susan Lourie,
David & Julie Weiser, Jay &
Michelle Strause, Lucky & Lisa
Bayles & Joanne Mack
In memory of Mary Warner
By Sam & Leonard Strause
Louis Sinkoe & Kevin Levine
In memory of Benny Sinkoe
By Sam Strause & Lisa Strause
Ann Slesinger
Education Fund
Les & Mary Gordan
In honor of the birth of their
By Bob & Leigh Jacobson
Donald & Susan Jacobs
In honor of the birth of their
By Bob & Leigh Jacobson
Harry & Gloria Lerner
In honor of the birth of their
By Bob & Leigh Jacobson
Michael & Renee Flash
In honor of the birth of their
By Bob & Leigh Jacobson
Elliot Gartner
In honor of your 65th birthday
By Bob & Leigh Jacobson
Mona Radiloff
In honor of your birthday
By Bob & Leigh Jacobson
Evelyn Berger
For a speedy recovery
By Bob & Leigh Jacobson
Julius & Natalie Farber
In memory of David Raddock
By Bob & Leigh Jacobson
Margi Goldstein
In memory of Arnold Levinson
By Bob & Leigh Jacobson
David Hirsch
In memory of Sandra Fligel
By Bob & Leigh Jacobson
Morey Sheffer
In memory of Evelyn Sheffer
By Bob & Leigh Jacobson
Jeannie Stein
In memory of Alan Stein
By Bob & Leigh Jacobson
Scott & Jeff Gorelick
In memory of Shelton Gorelick
By Bob & Leigh Jacobson
Teri Ackerman
In memory of Vivian Leibowitz
By Bob & Leigh Jacobson
Toby Spitzer
In memory of Lewis Spitzer
By Bob & Leigh Jacobson
By Al & Phyllis Garten
Louis Sinkoe
In memory of Benny Sinkoe
By Bob & Leigh Jacobson
Leigh Jacobson
For a speedy & full recovery
By Julius & Natalie Farber
Henry Hirshmann
In honor of your birthday
By Leonard Slesinger
Paula Camilli
In memory of June Gross
By Meg Slesinger
Cathy Slesinger
In honor of your birthday
By Mona Radiloff
Boxer Medical
Endowment Fund
Jay Ashendorf
In honor of your birthday
By Deane Boxer
Assistant Rabbi’s
Tzedakah Fund
Celia Scher Holocaust
Ruth Wiesner
By Arlene Davis
Harry Wiesner
By Arlene Davis
Rabbi Noam Raucher
In appreciation of Lewis
Spitzer’s eulogy
By Toby Spitzer
Rabbi Noam Raucher
In appreciation of your
services to the Hirsch & Fligel
By David, Scott & Adriane
Betsy Grant Kaperonis
In memory of your parents
By Margi Goldstein
Barbara & Jerry Levin
Religious School
Endowment Fund
Jerry & Barbara Levin
In honor of your grandson’s
By Ed & Jill Newman
Building Endowment
Larry Schaen & Terry
In honor of your wedding
By Harvey & Shellie Barer
Cantor’s Music Fund
Cantor Ellias Roochvarg
In appreciation of your work
By Eugene & Elena Zilber
Cantor Elias Roochvarg
In appreciation of your
services to the Hirsch & Fligel
By David, Scott & Adriane
Cantor Elias Roochvarg
In appreciation of helping our
family during this difficult
By Bernie & Teri Ackerman
David Silverman
Scholarship Endowment
Cindy Levinson
In memory of Joseph Porter
By Marc & Mattye Silverman
Eric & Lori Sklut
In honor of your daughter’s
By Marc & Mattye Silverman
Barbara Sklut
In honor of your
granddaughter’s engagement
By Marc & Mattye Silverman
Leon & Sandra Levine
In honor of your
granddaughter’s engagement
By Marc & Mattye Silverman
Barbara & Jerry Levin
In honor of your grandson’s
By Marc & Mattye Silverman
Mark & Linda Goldsmith
In honor of your son’s
By Marc & Mattye Silverman
Abe & Rose Luski
In honor of your wedding
By Harvey & Shellie Barer
Education Endowment
Norman & Dorothy Shapiro
In honor of your
granddaughter’s birth
By David & Judy Miller
Teri Ackerman
In memory of Vivian Leibowitz
By Ron & Janice Weiner
Louis Sinkoe
In memory of Morris Benny
By Ron & Janice Weiner
Toby Spitzer
In memory of Lewis Frank
By Ron & Janice Weiner
Joseph & Tara Spil
In honor of the birth of your
By David & Judy Miller
Morey Sheffer
In memory of Evelyn Sheffer
By Barry Bobrow & Karen
Etta & Louis Greenspon
Senior Endowment
Toby Spitzer
In memory of Lewis Frank
By Roz Greenspon & Marty
By Joel & Sandy Hirschman
Scott Gorelick
In memory of Shelton Gorelick
By Stanley P. Greenspon
Jeff Gorelick
In memory of Shelton Gorelick
By Stanley P. Greenspon
Bill Gorelick
In memory of Shelton Gorelick
By Stanley P. Greenspon
Maureen O’Keefe
In appreciation of your
special care & concern
By Stanley P. Greenspon
Nat Roberts
In honor of your 90th birthday
By Stanley P. Greenspon
Al Levine
Wishes for a speedy recovery
By Stanley P. Greenspon
Scott Hirsch
In memory of Sandra Hirsch
By Stanley P. Greenspon
Leigh Jacobson
In appreciation of your
outstanding work directing
the Celebrating Life program
By Stanley P. Greenspon
Matthew Pera
In memory of Al Pera
By Stanley P. Greenspon
Gordon Cole
In memory of Herbert Cole
By Stanley P. Greenspon
Harry & Gloria Lerner
In honor of the birth of your
By Stanley P. Greenspon
Evelyn Engel
In memory of Herbert Engel
By Stanley P. Greenspon
Debra Engel
In memory of Herbert Engel
By Stanley P. Greenspon
Temple Israel gratefully acknowledges these donations made between July 1, 2014 and August 31, 2014
Carla Engel Cook
In memory of Herbert Engel
By Stanley P. Greenspon
Roz Greenspon
In memory of Herbert Engel
By Stanley P. Greenspon
Dr. Sanford Benjamin
In appreciation of your
special care & concern
By Stanley P. Greenspon
Michael Greenspon
In appreciation of your
special care & concern
By Stanley P. Greenspon
Lawrence Greenspon
In appreciation of your
special care & concern
By Stanley P. Greenspon
Keith Greenspon
In appreciation of your
special care & concern
By Stanley P. Greenspon
Kathie Minnon
In appreciation of your
special care & concern
By Stanley P. Greenspon
Brenda Van Valen
In appreciation of your
special care & concern
By Stanley P. Greenspon
Leigh Jacobson
For a speedy recovery
By Audrey Madans
General Fund
Arthur Mazur
For a speedy recovery
By Audrey Madans
Lois Schneider
In honor of your birthday
By Steve & Judy Kaufmann
By Les & Mary Gordan
By Fern Sanderson
By Audrey Madans
Adele Prosono
In memory of Eugene Nichol
By Frank & Ruth Paul
By Al & Marcella Oxman
By Monty Bennett
Teri Ackerman
In memory of Vivian Leibowitz
By Adrian & Andrea Mesoznik
By George & Lois Schneider
Bernie Ackerman
For a speedy recovery
By Audrey Madans
By Craig & Dorothy Madans
By Maxine Klenicki
Morey Sheffer
In memory of Evelyn Sheffer
By Adrian & Andrea Mesoznik
By Gary & Jane Levinson
By Alan & Ruth Goldberg
Lynne Sheffer
In honor of becoming Temple
Israel’s President
By Tov M’od Havurah
Lynne Sheffer
In honor of your birthday
By Michael & Jennifer Koss
By Steve & Janice Zacks
By Margi Goldstein
By Mike & Sue Littauer
By Mark & Cindy McManus
By Irv & Dedee Cygler
By David & Sandy Brenner
By David & Beth Thrope
By Monty Bennett
By David & Judy Miller
Lynne Sheffer
In honor of an excellent
By Samuel & Linda Levy
Gary & Chris Palis
In memory of Sylvia Krasner
By Adrian & Andrea Mesoznik
Ira Madans
For a speedy recovery
By Craig & Audrey Madans
Ruth Sachs
In honor of your 85th birthday
By Mark & Cindy McManus
Cindy Levinson
In memory of Joseph Porter
By Bernie & Teri Ackerman
Faye Leven
By Lori Sklut
Josef Sklut
By Eric Sklut
Susan Jacobs
In honor of your birthday
By Audrey Madans
Fern Sanderson
In honor of your birthday
By Audrey Madans
By Stephen & Judith
Henry Hirschman
In honor of your 94th birthday
By Mark & Cindy McManus
By Alan & Ruth Goldberg
By Eveyln Hochstat
Florence Jaffa
For a speedy recovery
By Elliot & Peggy Gartner
By Les & Mary Gordan
By Abe & Rose Luski
By Bunny Bramson
Leigh Jacobson
For a speedy recovery
By Elliot & Peggy Gartner
By Irving & Lillian Bienstock
By Les & Mary Gordan
Eric & Lori Sklut
In honor of your daughter’s
By Al & Helene Levine
By Simon & Mary Wojnowich
Leon & Sandra Levine
In honor of your
granddaughter’s engagement
By Simon & Mary Wojnowich
Barbara Sklut
In honor of your
granddaughter’s engagement
By Simon & Wojnowich
Mark & Linda Goldsmith
In honor of your son’s
By Simon & Mary Wojnowich
Jerry & Barbara Levin
In honor of your grandson’s
By Simon & Mary Wojnowich
Simon & Mary Wojnowich
In honor of the birth of your
great grandson
By David & Judy Miller
Daniel & Janice Bernstein
In honor of the birth of your
By David & Judy Miller
Alan & Pearl Mann
In honor of the birth of your
By David & Judy Miller
Michael Abadi
In honor of your 60th
By Abe & Rose Luski
Julius Goldman
In honor of your 79th Bar
Mitzvah Anniversary
By Abe & Rose Luski
Al Levine
For a speedy recovery
By Paula Musler
Toby Spitzer
In memory of Lewis Spitzer
By Abe & Rose Luski
By Becky Bamford
Harvey & Shellie Barer
In honor of your wedding
By Abe & Rose Luski
Irv Cygler
For a speedy recovery
By Frank & Ruth Paul
Alan & Ruth Goldberg
In honor of your wedding
By Bunny Bramson
By George & Lois Schneider
Louis Sinkoe
In memory of Morris Benny
By Eric & Lori Sklut
By Alvin & Helene Levine
By Bernie & Teri Ackerman
By Matthew Luftglass & Meg
Fay Sinkoe & Family
In memory of Morris Benny
By Catherine Tepper
Adam Spitz
In memory of Jeanne Richards
By Adrian & Andrea Mesoznik
Hospice Fund
Edward & Beth Sugarman
In memory of Rose Sugarman
By Mark & Jean Kirsch &
Jeff & Shannon Sugarman &
In memory of Rose Sugarman
By Mark & Jean Kirsch &
Pam Sugarman, Tom &
Daniel Rosenberg
In memory of Rose Sugarman
By Mark & Jean Kirsch &
Richard & Elaine Sugarman
& Family
In memory of Rose Sugarman
By Mark & Jean Kirsch &
David & Susan Kirsch &
In memory of Rose Sugarman
By Mark & Jean Kirsch &
Alan, Jean & Kari Libthman
In memory of Rose Sugarman
By Mark & Jean Kirsch &
David & Brenda Goldberg &
In memory of Rose Sugarman
By Mark & Jean Kirsch &
Kiddush Fund
Lynne Sheffer
In honor of your birthday
By Adam & Wendy Petricoff
Pransky Family Camp
Ramah Scholarship
Toby Spitzer
In memory of Lewis Spitzer
By Baila Pransky
By Ruth Silverman
Teri Ackerman
In memory of Vivian Leibowitz
By Baila Pransky
Carol Gorelick
In memory of Shelton Gorelick
By Baila Pransky
Scott Gorelick
In memory of Shelton Gorelick
By Baila Pransky
Jeff Gorelick
In memory of Shelton Gorelick
By Baila Pransky
P’ninah Gorelick Gimbel
In memory of Shelton Gorelick
By Baila Pransky
Bill Gorelick
In memory of Shelton Gorelick
By Baila Pransky
Jeff Richek & Beth Sussman
In honor of your upcoming
By Mike Eisner
Florence Jaffa
For a speedy recovery
By Baila Pransky
Leigh Jacobson
For a speedy recovery
By Baila Pransky
Morey Sheffer
In memory of Evelyn Sheffer
By Sam & Ellen Waldman
Rabbi Ezring’s
Tzedakah Fund
Michael Abadi
In honor of your birthday
By Steve & Sharon Hockfield
Rabbi Murray Ezring
In appreciation for all you did
for our family
By Adele Prosono
Temple Israel gratefully acknowledges these donations made between July 1, 2014 and August 31, 2014
Rabbi Murray Ezring
In appreciation of your
presence in our lives
By Eugene & Elena Zilber
Rabbi Murray Ezring
In appreciation of all you do
By Toby Spitzer
Rabbi Murray Ezring
In appreciation of helping our
family during this difficult
Bernie & Teri Ackerman
Leigh Jacobson
For a speedy recovery
By Donald & Susan Jacobs
Herbert Cole
In memory of my father
By Gordon Cole
Lynne Sheffer
In honor of your birthday
By Steve & Sharon Hockfield
By Rich & Jenny Rosenthal
Cindy Levinson
In memory of Joseph Porter
By Steve & Sharon Hockfield
By Alan & Marcelle Oxman
By Andy & Tammy Cohen
By Donald & Susan Jacobs
Jerry Schuler
By Gary Schuler
Toby Spitzer
In memory of Lewis Spitzer
By Steve & Sharon Hockfield
Louis Sinkoe
In memory of Benny Sinkoe
By Steve & Sharon Hockfield
Alan & Pearl Mann
In honor of the birth of your
By Allan & Marcelle Oxman
Simon & Mary Wojnowich
In honor of the birth of your
By Allan & Marcelle Oxman
Julius Symons
By Diane Symons
Rock HaRuach Band
Cindy Levinson
In memory of Joseph Porter
By Adrian & Andrea Mesoznik
By Dan & Toby Ruda
By Sam & Nancy Bernstein
Sadie Starr Silver Fund
Leonard & Judi Strause
In honor of your wedding
By Marvin & Anita Shapiro
Bill & Patty Gorelick
In honor of your
granddaughter’s Bat Mitzvah
By Marvin & Anita Shapiro
Marcelle Gorelick
In honor of your daughter’s
Bat Mitzvah
By Marvin & Anita Shapiro
Simon & Mary Wojnowich
In honor of the birth of your
great grandson
By Marvin & Anita Shapiro
Eric & Lori Sklut
In honor of your daughter’s
By Marvin & Anita Shapiro
Jack & Vera Mendel
In honor of your 50th wedding
By Marvin & Anita Shapiro
Jonathan & Sara Kulbersh
In honor of the birth of your
By Marvin & Anita Shapiro
Marvin Shapiro
In honor of your birthday
By Leon & Sandra Levine
David & Susan Kirsch &
In memory of Rose Sugarman
By Marvin & Anita Shapiro
Mark Kirsch
In honor of your birthday
By Marvin & Anita Shapiro
Sam Lerner Sukkot
Garden Fund
Lynn Edelstein
In honor of your birthday
By Leon & Sandra Levine
Shelton Gorelick Family
Endowment Fund
Carol Gorelick & Family
In memory of Shelton Gorelick
By Marty Birnbaum & Roz
By Ed & Gail Green
By Al & Helene Levine
By Robert & Ellie Valenstein
By Joel & Paulette Cohen
Jeff & Bari Gorelick &
In memory of Shelton Gorelick
By Adrian & Andrea Mesoznik
By Roz Greenspon & Marty
By Al & Helene Levine
By Shirley Goodman & Family
By Robert & Ellie Valenstein
Scott & Dana Gorelick &
In memory of Shelton Gorelick
By Adrian & Andrea Mesoznik
By Shirley Goodman & Family
By Robert & Ellie Valenstein
By Bernie & Teri Ackerman
P’ninah Gorelick Gimbel
By Robert & Ellie Valenstein
Bill & Patty Gorelick &
In memory of Shelton Gorelick
By Adrian & Andrea Mesoznik
By Roz Greenspon & Marty
By Shirley Goodman & Family
By Robert & Ellie Valenstein
Gorelick Family
In memory of Shelton Gorelick
By Gary & Jane Levinson
By Richard & Suly Chenkin
Faye Sinkoe
In memory of Benny Sinkoe
By Scott & Dana Gorelick
Brenda Moore
In memory of Benny Sinkoe
By Scott & Dana Gorelick
Beverly Grey
In memory of Benny Sinkoe
By Scott & Dana Gorelick
Louis Sinkoe
In memory of Benny Sinkoe
By Scott & Dana Gorelick
By Al & Helene Levine
Simon & Mary Wojnowich
In honor of the birth of your
By Jeff & Bari Gorelick
Alan & Pearl Mann
In honor of the birth of your
By Jeff & Bari Gorelick
Cindy Levinson
In memory of Joseph Porter
By Scott & Dana Gorelick
Sick & Visitation Fund
Sutker Family
In memory of Steve Sutker
By Norman Steinberger
Sisterhood Youth
Program Fund
Ariel Krusch
In memory of your
By Landon & Alana Stillitano
Sharon Bodenheimer
In memory of Benay Chandler
By Darren & Staci Mond
Social Action - Fox
Kathy Scheer
In appreciation of being a
loving sister & dedicated
By Sam & Ellen Waldman
Lynne Sheffer
In honor of your birthday
By Jeff & Jody Cohen
By Harvey & Shellie Barer
Stuart Ostrow Youth
Pat Royal
In memory of Marie Rainey
By Lauren Ostrow
Joan Gross
In memory of Melvin
By Lauren Ostrow
Pat Brooks
In memory of Dawn Brooks
By Lauren Ostrow
Sunday Morning
Minyan Breakfast Fund
Mae Goldman
In honor of your 90th birthday
By Howard & Julie Levine
Wendy and Frank
Rosen Endowment Fund
Louis Sinkoe & Family
In memory of Benny Sinkoe
By Janet Jaffa
By Frank & Wendy Rosen
Frank Rosen
In honor of your birthday
By Dan & Toby Ruda
William Ashendorf
By Deane Boxer
Alfred Solow
By Robert Solow
Ethel Stern Cohen
By Stuart & Jodi Cohen
Sidney Fisher
By Ed & Sheila Fisher
Raymond Bennett
By Monty Bennett
Bernard Rafkin
By Julius & Natalie Farber
4901 Providence Road
Charlotte, NC 28226
P: 704-362-2796 F: 704-362-1098
Temple Israel is a welcoming, egalitarian, and progressive
Conservative Jewish congregation that fosters study, spirituality,
worship, mitzvot, human well-being, and fellowship in order to
further Jewish ideals, identity and community.
Simchat Torah is holy pandemonium!
Thursday, October 16
Services begin at 6:45pm
Bring your unbridled enthusiasm and get ready to drum, sing, and dance your
way through a celebration of Torah, community and life with Temple Israel and
drumstrong. Drum for strength, sing for thanks, and dance for celebration!
Snacks, drinks and tasty libations (21+) provided. All ages welcome!