October 25, 2014 Shabbat Rosh Chodesh – Parshat Noach 1 Cheshvan, 5775 Please note that our services use the Artscroll Sabbath & Festival Siddur (prayer book) Torah & Haftorah readings may be found in either the Hertz or the Artscroll edition Chumash. Hertz Artscroll Continuing Education Parshat Noach: Genesis 6:9‐11:32 p. 26 p. 30 *Rabbi Bier’s morning class meets daily in the Haftorah for Shabbat Rosh Chodesh: Isaiah 66:1‐24 p. 944 p.1208 library after breakfast!* Forest Park Drasha by David Feder Monday Night Talmud Monday7:45‐8:45pm Kiddush this morning is sponsored by Gerry & Brenda Canter, Chabura – Tractate Next class: Oct. 27 honoring their granddaughters, Sari, Samantha, and Olivia, and their Sanhedrin with R. Bier daughter Debbie’s birthday, and their 43rd anniversary. Mazal Tov! Siddur Literacy Tuesday 6:30pm with Mitzie Friedman Hiatus “Shabbat Shabang” at the JCC playground/play‐scape 3:00pm Parsha Class Tuesday 7:30pm Greater Springfield Shabbat Afternoon Women’s Class 4:30pm with Rabbi Davis Next class: Oct. 28 Home of Amy Mager , 59 Fairfield St. Springfield. History, Halacha & Wednesday 7:45pm Eunice Dr. Talmud Class by Dr. Ira Pollack 5:30pm Hashkafa with Next class: Oct. 29 Forest Park Shabbat Class by Yehuda Edry 5:00pm Rabbi Moshe Bier Thursdays, 1:00pm Mincha/Seudah Shlishis is sponsored by Naomi Schoenberg observing Talmud Class (Frieder Mem. Talmud Shiur) the yahrzeit of her father, Charles Broad. 5:30pm Meets in the Jewish with Rabbi Davis Nursing Home Forest Park d’var Torah by Dan Garfield Next class: Oct. 30 Shabbat Concludes/Havdalah 6:36pm Mazal Tov Mazal Tov to the Pava Family on the birth of a baby girl in Jerusalem to Gila & Naftali Abrahmson. Proud grandparents are Daniel & Batsheva Pava & glowing great‐grandparents are Sam & Beverly Pava. Mazal Tov to Arianna Bouchard, daughter of Barbara & David Bouchard, granddaughter of Arthur & Kitty Levy, upon becoming a National Honor Scholar. Got news? Please keep us in the loop. Call the Office: 413‐567‐0036 (Sharing your simchas is not selfish and it helps build community!) What’s Nu? Kids...Food...Noa & Ofek...Wombats?! Monday, October 27, 6:30-8:00pm CBT Youth Wing. Kids! Grab some snacks and hang out with Noa & Ofek, our awesome Israel youth emissaries. Questions & wombat inquiries: Contact Mr. Edry (413) 567-0036 “Escape from Iran” Guest Speaker Mrs. Edna Bension Postponed to Shabbat, Nov. 15th Thank you Torah Tours & Hosts We are deeply grateful to those who extended hospitality to our Torah Tours Team including HOSTS: Herzl & Hagit Ben Naim, Carol & Richard Engelson MEAL SUPPORT: Miriam & Ira Pollack, Alan Goodman, Amy & Daniel Mager Garfield, Joy Reid, Dalia & R. Davis MASS TRANSIT: Yedidya Pollack & R. Davis (with gratitude to the Pollacks for van usage) ADD’L SUPPORT: Ken Abrahams, Ken Gorenstein, and Betty Szlajen. Special thanks to Joy Reid, Rona Rosen, Mary Nathanson, Amy Mager, Sue Scott, Cheryl Stambovsky and Joyce Rosen for immense extra efforts in the Kiddush dept. during the holidays. Thank you as well to Sue & Finn Scott, Mary Nathanson, Dr. Michael Rosen, Amy Mager, and Eitan Garfield, for deconstructing the Forest Park sukkah, and to Joel Creeger for hours of 'overtime!' We appreciate your hard work! Due to scheduling conflicts, Mrs. Edna Bension will be unable to join us Shabbat Nov. 1 for "Escape from Iran". We have tentatively rescheduled to Shabbat, Nov. 15. Note that because Edna is one of Boston's most beloved kosher caterers, she must accept business if it comes her way for any given weekend. This could affect the weekend of the 15th as well. We will keep you informed. Parsha Trivia: Parhsat Noach is one of 6 parshiyot named for a human. Can you name the other 5? What would YOU do with $10,000? Cong. B'nai Torah Presents 50/50 Reverse Raffle Here's the deal: Tickets: $100 each and may be purchased by individuals or collectives. (Get together with a friend and split the cost & winnings.) Multiple prizes, cash, goods, and services are available to be won. Prizes to be rewarded during a reverse raffle event, i.e. the winning ticket is the last one drawn. Raffle to take place Chanukah, Dec. 18th, 7pm at a delicious Latke bash. TICKETS ARE SELLING OUT QUICKLY GET YOURS NOW! For more information contact the CBT Office Around Town Shabbat Shabang! Where: JCC Playground & Playscape When: Every other Shabbat afternoon 3-4:30pm, beginning tomorrow! What: We are parent/guardians of Jewish children (pre-k through gr. 2) coming together to create a fun, Shabbat social experience for our children and ourselves. OLDER KIDS WELCOME! Cost: FREE & OPEN TO ALL! From our friends at Temple Beth El and CAMERA Media Bias Against Israel Wednesday, October 29, 7pm at Temple Beth El. The TBE Adult Ed. Committee invites you to a program concerning media bias against Israel. Keynote speaker: Steve Stotsky, Senior Research Analyst with CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America). RSVP to Temple Beth El appreciated. Beit Midrash in Motion Sunday, Nov. 2, 10:00am Presented by Dalia Davis at Heritage Academy, 594 Converse St., Longmeadow All are welcome, parents, grandparents, tots & young ones. Please RSVP to Heritage 413‐567‐1517 by October 29th. Hebrew Lessons with Morah Lior Have you been putting off learning/improving your Hebrew? It's a new year. Time to make it happen! In 10 lessons of 45 minutes each you will be able to read Hebrew. Classes begin November 19. Registration accepted through Nov. 12 Cost: $120 Please contact Lior Helman at 413‐231‐7873 In Our Family Happy Birthday Happy Anniversary Shira Atik, Arthur Levi, Sidney Weiner, David Bloomberg, Fay Smith, Brian Acker. Bart Nierenberg & Mariola Jarzynska, 14 yrs. Mitchell & Darlene Wener, 14 yrs. Refu’ah Shleimah – Speedy Recovery Nachum ben Devorah, Gertrude Weiner, Shifra bas Rachel, Rose Mary Swart, Hy Neigher, Carolyn Levine. We observe the following Yahrzeits Irwin Acker, Sara Michelson Bloom, Henry Levine, Sonia Robinovitz, Sylvia E. Michelman, Esther Newman, Stephanie Richey, Sara Richman, Ina Winokur, Ida Wise, Judith Baker, Abraham Chase, Sarah Pollack, William Sachs, Isabel Belcher, Harry Gladestone, Nathan Sommer, Marcos Tenenbaum, Harold Chernock, Julia Levitt, Kenneth Buder, Alice Gabali. Services for the Week of October 26, 2014 Shacharit ‐ Morning Services Minchah & Maariv ‐ Afternoon & Evening Services Sunday 8:00am Sunday –Friday 5:30pm Monday & Thursday 6:50am Friday Candle Lighting (10/31) 5:27pm Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 7:00am All weekday services are held at 2 Eunice Dr., Longmeadow Congregation B’nai Torah Two Eunice Drive Longmeadow, Massachusetts 01106 / Forest Park Shabbos Minyan 124 Sumner Ave. Springfield Telephone: 413-567-0036 Email: [email protected] Web: http://www.bnaitorahma.org Office hours Monday thru Friday 9:00am - 1:00pm Rabbi Max Davis Rabbi Yaakov Wolff Youth Director: Yehuda Edry Office Administrators: Lisa Nascembeni & Annie Rivera Officers: Ken Abrahams, Ed Greenbaum, Ken Gorenstein, Beverly Hirschhorn, Bruce Robinovitz, Joel Creeger Ritual Chair: Bart Nierenberg
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