Long-term Oxygen Therapy on Pulmonary Hemodynamics in COPD Patients* Effects of A 6-Year Prospective Study Jan Zielinski, MD, FCCP; Miroslaw Tobiasz, MD; Iwona Hawrylkiewicz, MD; Pawel Sliwinski, MD; and Grzegorz Palasiewicz, MD Objective: To investigate effects of 6 years of domiciliary oxygen therapy on pulmonary hemodynamics in a large group of COPD patients. Design: Prospective longitudinal study with serial measurements. Setting: Research institute of pulmonary diseases. Patients: Ninety-five patients (72 men, 23 women), mean age 58±9 years, had COPD but were free of any other serious disease. Functional characteristics at entry, mean±SD, were as follows: FVC=2.24±0.51 L; FEV1=0.84 ±0.31 L; Pa02=55±6 mm Hg; PaC02=48±9 mm Hg; mean pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP)=28±11 mm Hg; and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR)=353±172 dynes-cm-5. Methods: Pulmonary hemodynamics were investigated using Swan-Ganz thermodilution cathe¬ ters. After initial assessment, all patients were started on a regimen of long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT). Follow-up consisted of medical examination, spirometry, and arterial blood gas analysis every 3 months. Pulmonary artery catheterization was repeated every 2 years. Results: Seventy-three subjects survived 2 years of LTOT. In 39 subjects catheterized after 2 years, PAP fell from 25±8 to 23±6 mm Hg (not significant [NS]). From 31 patients who completed 4 years of LTOT, hemodynamic data were obtained in 20. In these 20 patients, PAP averaged 24±7 mm Hg at entry, and 23±5 and 26±6 mm Hg after 2 and 4 years, respectively (NS). In 12 patients who completed 6 years of LTOT, PAP was 25±7 at entry, and 21 ±4, 26±7, and 26±6 mm Hg at 2, 4, and 6 years, respectively (p<0.01 for 2 vs 6 years). PVR was 313±159 dyne-s-cm-5 at entry, and 268±110, 344±82, and 332±205 dynescm"5 at 2, 4, and 6 years, respectively (NS). During 6 years of follow-up, Pa02 decreased from 61 ±3 to 46±9 mm Hg (p<0.001) and PaC02 increased from 44±13 to 49±9 mm Hg (p<0.01). Conclusion: LTOT for 14 to 15 h/d resulted in a small reduction in pulmonary hypertension after the first 2 years followed by a return to initial values and subsequent stabilization of PAP over 6 years. The long-term stabilization of pulmonary hypertension occurred despite progression ofthe airflow limitation and of hypoxemia. (CHEST 1998; 113:65-70) Keywords: COPD; long-term oxygen therapy; pulmonary hemodynamics Abbreviations: CO=cardiac output; LTOT=long-term oxygen therapy; MRC Medical Research Council; NOTT=Nocturnal Oxygen Therapy Trial; PAP=pulmonary arterial pressure; PH=pulmonary hypertension; PVR=pulmonary vascular resistance = T) ulmonary hypertension (PH) is a common com- ¦*¦ plication of advanced COPD. It develops as a result of chronic alveolar hypoxia leading to the pulmonary arterial wall remodeling.12 In the past, the PH in COPD patients was found to be an important prognostic factor.35 *From the Department of Respiratory Medicine, Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases, Warsaw, Poland. Study supported by State Research Committee Grant No. 669/ S4/92. Manuscript received April 10, 1997; accepted June 13, 1997. Zielinski, MD, FCCP, Department of Reprint requests to: Jan Medicine, Institute of TB and Lung Diseases, Plocka Respiratory 01-138 Poland 26, Warsaw, Therefore, the first trials with prolonged oxygen treatment in patients with severe COPD were con¬ ducted to assess its effects on arterial pres¬ (PAP).6 The results pulmonary very encouraging. A in the PH reduction was observed after significant several weeks of continuous7 or 15 to 17 h/d oxygen sure were treatment.89 Investigations on longer use of long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT) also showed positive results. Stark et al10 observed in five COPD patients a fall in a mean PAP by 12 mm Hg after 8 months of LTOT given for 15 h/d. Cooper et al11 found a decrease in PAP by 2.2 mm Hg after 1 year of LTOT for 15 h/d CHEST / 113 / 1 / JANUARY, 1998 Downloaded From: http://journal.publications.chestnet.org/ on 10/28/2014 65 patients. All those studies, however, were not controlled and enrolled relatively small numbers of patients. In two controlled studies, oxygen treatment group vs no oxygen group (Medical Research Council [MRC])12 or continuous oxygen vs nocturnal oxygen (Nocturnal Oxygen Therapy Trial [NOTT])13 were compared. In the MRC study,12 patients breathing with oxygen for 15 h/d showed the stabilization of PAP during almost 2 years of treatment. In patients from the control group (no oxygen), PAP increased Hg per year. byIn2.8themmNOTT trial,13 patients treated with contin¬ uous oxygen (in fact 18 h/d), demonstrated a fall in PAP by 3 mm Hg, whereas no change in PAP was observed in patients receiving oxygen for 12 h. The in 40 COPD second measurements were performed after 6 months of oxygen treatment. Weitzenblum et al14 studied pulmonary hemody¬ namics in COPD patients before and after introduc¬ tion of LTOT. Before oxygen, PAP increased on average by 1.5 mm Hg/yr. In the same group of patients breathing oxygen for 16 h/d, PAP decreased byIn2.2 mm Hg/yr. studies mentioned above, pulmonary hemody¬ were assessed only twice, before and after shorter or longer periods of oxygen therapy. Those studied revealed some discrepancies in the assess¬ ment of the magnitude of a fall in PAP in short-term studies vs long-term use of domiciliary oxygen. There was no prospective study describing effects of LTOT over a long period, with repeated measurements of hemodynamics at regular intervals. pulmonary The aim of our study was to investigate pulmonary hemodynamics in a large group of COPD patients receiving LTOT. Pulmonary catheterization was re¬ peated in survivors every 2 years. namics Table and Lung Function Data in 1.Anthropometric 95 COPD Patients at Entry for LTOT Variable Mean±SD Age, yr 58±9 72:23 2.24±0.51 0.84±0.31 55±6 73±9 Sex ratio, M:F FVC, L FEVi, L Pa02, mm Hg Pa02/02* 48±9 PaC02, mm Hg 7.38±0.05 PH *Pa02/02:=arterial oxygen tension breathing supplemental oxygen. position using the pressures were Swan-Ganz thermodilution catheter. The on a polygraph (Minograph 34 or recorded Mingograph 81 Polygraph; Siemens-Elema; Solna, Sweden). was measured in triplicate using a computer (CO Computer 5000; Universal Medical Instrument Inc; Rahway, NJ; or COM-1; Edwards Labs; Irvine, Calif). The details of the pulmonary catheterization were described else¬ where.19 Spirometry was performed using a dry spirometer (Vitalo¬ graph; Maidenhead, UK). Normal values were those of the Cardiac output (CO) European Community for Coal and Steel.20 Arterial blood gases measured using microelectrodes (Radiometer ABL; Radi¬ ometer; Copenhagen, Denmark; or Corning 248; Halstead, UK). All patients gave written informed consent. The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Institute. After initial measurements, patients were started on a regimen of LTOT using an oxygen concentrator (Healthdyne BX-5000; Brussels, Belgium). The regular follow-up consisted of a medical examination, spirometry, and blood gas measurements every 3 months. Pulmonary artery catheterization was repeated at 2-year were intervals. Statistical Analysis Results are reported as mean values±SD. Baseline data were compared with follow-up data using a paired t test or analysis of variance. Statistical significance was assumed when p<0.05. Results From 95 enrolled Materials and Methods Ninety-five consecutive COPD patients, 72 male and 23 female, who were qualified for LTOT between 1986 and 1991, The diagnosis of COPD was based on participated in the study. generally accepted criteria.15 Qualification criteria for LTOT were described elsewhere.16 Briefly, to qualify, patients had to present with stable hypoxemia (Pa02<55 mm Hg) assessed in the steady-state period of the disease. Also patients with moder¬ ate hypoxemia (Pa02=56 to 65 mm Hg) were accepted for LTOT if signs of chronic cor pulmonale or tissue hypoxia were present (hematocrit>55%, ECG signs of right ventricular hyperthrophy,17 or signs of PH on the chest radiograph18). The mean age of studied patients at entry to the study was 58±8 and their functional characteristics (Table 1) showed years, severe airflow limitation with chronic respiratory failure and mild polycythemia. Pulmonary hemodynamics at baseline (Table 2) revealed resting PH and highly elevated pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR). Pulmonary hemodynamics were studied at rest in the supine 66 Downloaded From: http://journal.publications.chestnet.org/ on 10/28/2014 patients, Thirty-nine subjects agreed Table 73 survived 2 years. catheterized again. to be 2.Pulmonary Hemodynamics in 95 COPD Patients at Entry to the Study* Variable Mean±SD Heart rate, beats/min 90±15 39±12 4±4 38±12 17±7 28±11 9±6 PRVS, mm Hg PRVD, mm Hg PPAS, mm Hg Ppad> mm Hg PPA, mm Hg Pw, mm Hg CO, L/min PVR, dyne-s-cm~5 4.77±1.67 353±172 ventricle ventricle dia*Prvs=right systolic pressure, PRVD=right stolic pressure; PPAS=pulmonary arterial systolic pressure; Ppad=pulmonary arterial diastolic pressure; PPA=mean pulmonary arterial pressure; Pw=mean pulmonary wedge pressure. Clinical Investigations On average, they had been using oxygen for 14.7 h/d. Results of the initial and the second catheterization are shown in Table 3. There were no significant changes in the studied variables. 4 years of LTOT. Thirty-one patientstocompleted Twenty-one agreed have the third pulmonary catheterization. The average oxygen use in that group was 13.5 h/d. The results of all three catheterizations performed in those patients are shown in Table 4. There were no statistical differences in the ten¬ hemodynamic parameters. Only arterial oxygen sion decreased significantly (p<0.05) after 4 years of LTOT as compared to the initial values and the values after 2 years. Nineteen patients completed 6 years of LTOT. Twelve of them were willing to contribute to the study again. They had been using oxygen for 14.6 h/d. The results of four pulmonary catheterizations and evolution of arterial blood gas values in those patients are shown in Table 5. Discussion this is the longest prospective knowledge, effects of breathing supplemental study describing on oxygen pulmonary hemodynamics in patients with severe COPD, complicated by hypoxic PH. The results of our investigation are strengthened by intermediate data taken at regular intervals. The study has clearly14shown that LTOT administered for h/d induced a small reduction of approximately PH during the first 2 years of LTOT. Thereafter, PH returned to the initial To our level and showed stabilization for the next 2 years. Our results obtained investigations are during the first 2 years of consistent with the studies of Table 3.Pulmonary Hemodynamics and Arterial Blood Gases in 39 COPD Patients Before and After 2 years of LTOT* Variable Entry After 2 yr p Value Heart rate, beats/min 88±16 86±15 NS 37±11 36±10 NS 3±3 NS3±3 37+11 34±10 NS 15±7 15±5 NS 25 ±8 23 ±6 NS 8±3 NS 7±5 4.75±1.5 5.21 ±2.0 NS CO, L/min (34) 313±144 311±134 NS PVR, dyne-s-cm~5 (27) 59±8 53±8 <0.05 Pa02, mm Hg 46±9 50±9 NS PaC02, mm Hg *For abbreviations see Table 2. Numbers in parentheses represent the number of subjects in whom the variable was registered if not in all. Values are means±SD. NS not significant. PRVS, mm Hg (31) PRVD, mm Hg (31) PPAS, mm Hg PPAD, mm Hg PPA, mm Hg Pw, mm Hg (29) = NOTT13 and Weitzenblum et al14 that showed sim¬ ilar reduction in PAP after 6 and 31 months of LTOT, respectively. If our patients were not treated with oxygen, one could expect the slow but steady rise in PAP. In the MRC study,12 21 patients in the control group showed an increase in the mean PAP by 2.8 mm Hg/yr. Weitzenblum et al14 found in 16 COPD patients an annual increase in PAP of 1.5 mm Hg. It seems that the progression of PH in COPD patients not treated with oxygen may differ from one another. Weitzenblum et al21 were able to subject totwo groups of COPD patients. In the first separate a group, long-term stabilization of PH was observed. In the second, there was a rapid progression of PH. The difference in the PAP course was related to deterioration of the arterial blood gas values. In the latter group, 5-year follow-up showed an increase in PAP from 17.7 to 30.3 mm Hg. At the same time, Pa02 decreased from 66 to 59 mm Hg. Our patients would belong to the latter group, as there was a definite fall in Pa02 from 61 to 49 mm Hg during 6 years. Therefore, one would expect a significant increase in PAP during the 6 years had they not been treated with oxygen. finding study in our An interesting was in the CO with oxygen treatment. This an increase phenomenon after 2 and 4 years of LTOT; however, it did not reach the significance level. An increase in the CO after 1 year of LTOT was also found by Leggett et al22 and Cooper et al11 The increase in the CO may reflect the improve¬ ment in the right ventricle function after oxygen treatment. In short-term studies, oxygen given to COPD patients improved right ventricular func¬ tion, as measured by the right ventricular ejection fraction.2324 However, Biernacki et al,25 using a more accurate method of measurement of the right ventricle function, did not find any change in the right ventricular contractility or in the cardiac index after short-term administration of oxygen. The results of our study could be biased by the fact that not all subjects who started on LTOT and survived >2 years were investigated for the second time. In fact, 39 of 73 survivors were recatheterized. To elucidate this problem, we compared the initial functional and hemodynamic data of catheterized and noncatheterized patients. There was no difference in the mean FVC, FEVX, Pa02, PaC02, or PAP between those two groups at entry to the study. We may assume that the investigated patients were functionally similar to the patients who refused the second catheterization. There¬ fore, our data seem to be representative for the whole studied sample. The compliance was better after 4 and 6 years of was seen CHEST / 113 / 1 / JANUARY, 1998 Downloaded From: http://journal.publications.chestnet.org/ on 10/28/2014 67 Table 4.Pulmonary Hemodynamics and Arterial Blood Gases in 20 COPD Patients Before, After 2 and After 4 Years of LTOT* Variable Heart rate, beats/min PRVS, mm Hg PRVD, mm Hg PPAS, mm Hg PPAD, mm Hg PPA, mm Hg Pw, mm Hg CO, L/min PVR, dyne-s-cur5 PaOs, mm Hg PaC02, mm Hg *For abbreviations see Entry 2yr 4 yr p Value 87±18 35±8 3±3 35±8 15±6 24±7 8±4 4.42±1.5 344 + 147 62 ±5 48±9 88+14 32±7 3+2 32±7 89±16 39±7 4+4 37±8 17±6 26±6 8±3 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS Tables 2 and 3. Values 15+5 23+5 7±4 5.58±2.3 320±137 57±6 49±8 are means 5.53±2.1 312+65 47±7U <0.05 NS 54±8 +SD. difference between entry and 4 years, p<0.05. Significant * between 2 and 4 Significant difference years, p<0.05. LTOT. The hemodynamic data were obtained in 20 of 31 subjects who completed 4 years of LTOT. Pulmonary hemodynamics were measured in 12 of 19 patients who completed 6 years of LTOT. even after many Whyof does PAP not normalize, There were years breathing oxygen? hopes based on results of animal studies that LTOT might reverse the PH in COPD patients. The pulmonary circula¬ tion of the rat was widely used as a model to study a human hypoxic PH. In rats recovering from chronic hypoxia, the re¬ gression of pulmonary vascular changes was arterial intima increased out of proportion to either the changes in the media or the adventitia. Histopathologic studies of the pulmonary arteries of patients who died after being treated with domi¬ have shown persistent structural ciliary oxygen were changes. They especially evident in the intima of small pulmonary arteries and arterioles.2930 There is no evidence so far (and to our knowledge) that LTOT is able to eliminate the noncellular irrevers¬ ible intimal fibroelastosis.31 Another reason for limited effects of oxygen on vasculature may be an insufficient num¬ pulmonary ber of oxygen-breathing hours. The MRC and NOTT studies showed better effects of 18 h vs 15 h of oxygen breathing on pulmonary hemodynam¬ ob¬ served.26 However, Heath27 pointed out that a rat poor animal model to study hypoxic PH in man. In hypoxic rats, there is a rapid muscularization of small pulmonary arteries and arterioles leading to severe medial hypertrophy. In man, however, chronic hypoxia leads to migration of vascular smooth muscle cells into the intima and to their proliferation there. This results inin rather moderate PH. Wright et al28 showed that COPD patients, was a ics.12-13 et Selinger from al32 demonstrated that removal of oxygen patients with COPD who had been LTOT caused immediate increases in PAP receiving and PVR. Sliwinski et al33 showed that some COPD patients Table 5.Pulmonary Hemodynamics and Arterial Blood Gases in 12 COPD Patients Before and After 2, 4, and 6 Years Variable PPA, mm Hg Pw, mm Hg CO, IVmin PVR, dynes-cm-5 Pa02, mm Hg PaCOs, mm Hg of LTOT* Entry 2 yr of LTOT 25±7 7±2 4.55±1.5 21±4 6±2 6.58±0.9 268 ±110 56±7 44±7 313±159 61±3 44±13 4 vr of LTOT 6 yr of LTOT 26±7f 26±6* 6±3 5.87±0.7 344 ±82 7±3 4.43±0.5 332±205 49±7§ 50±7I! 46±9§ 49±9!l *For abbreviations see Table 2. Values are meansd SD. fTwo years vs 4 years, p<0.05. *Two years vs 6 years, p<0.01. ^Initial vs 4 years and initial vs 6 years, p<0.001. "initial vs 4 years and vs 6 years, p<0.01. 68 Downloaded From: http://journal.publications.chestnet.org/ on 10/28/2014 Clinical Investigations breathing supplemental oxygen, 2 L/min, may expe¬ rience significant arterial blood desaturations during sleep. This may result in episodes of increased PAP every night. Apart from insufficient oxygen-breathing hours, in some patients it is impossible to raise arterial oxygen pressure above 60 mm Hg. Furthermore, abnormal distribution of ventilation, leaving a certain number of alveoli deprived of supplemental oxygen, may contribute to the persistence of the structural changes in the pulmonary arteries. Long-term domiciliary oxygen prolongs life in patients with COPD, despite inexorable progres¬ sion of airflow limitation and of hypoxemia. One of the beneficial effects of oxygen is an elimination of alveolar hypoxia. This prevents progression of the PH and development of clinical signs of cor of COPD pulmonale. 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Through its leadership, education, CHEST -|-^ the t.¦¦¦«¦¦ lOUNDATION research, and communications program, the College is dedicated to the improvement of cardiopulmonary health and critical care worldwide. For information about contributing, contact the CHEST Foundation at: phone: 847-498-1400 fax: 847-498-5460 or Website: http://www.chestnet.org 70 Downloaded From: http://journal.publications.chestnet.org/ on 10/28/2014 Clinical Investigations
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