Monte Matters 24 October 2014 - Term 4, Week 3

Monte Matters
24 October 2014 - Term 4, Week 3
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Cover photo: Official Opening of the O’Regan Arts and Cultural Common by Professor the Honourable Dame Marie Bashir AD CVO
Nicole Christensen
O’Regan Arts & Cultural Common
officially blessed and opened.
We remember with unending gratitude also Catherine
McAuley, and Mother Ignatius McQuoin, founder of the
Sisters of Mercy, North Sydney, who set this model of
Christian education from the earliest days of her arrival in
Dear Parents and Friends of Monte,
Last Sunday the sun was shining at the opening of the
O’Regan Arts and Cultural Common. With over 500 parents
With the inspiration of all those courageous individuals
and friends of Monte, it was truly a community event and
who have gone before, enriching the quality and the access
celebration. I thank all the Sisters of Mercy North Sydney,
to education of young Australian women, will further drive
past and present College Board and Committee members,
Australia’s prosperity, and not simply for material gain, but
staff, parents and friends who have contributed to this
to improve continually the quality of life – intellectual and
magnificent project which began in 1986. I especially
thank our official guests, Professor the Honourable Dame
Marie Bashir AD CVO, Bishop Terence Brady DD VG and
This will enable so many young Australian women to
Sister Loreto Conroy RSM.
achieve their potential, to be sensitive to issues of social
injustice and inequality, whether in our own beloved
Thank you also to all who contributed to the success of
nation, or beyond. And through the enriching experience
the day. The grounds looked amazing, the organisation of
of an education at Monte, they will develop a quiet inner
the event was superb and all members of our community
confidence to contribute meaningfully to an even better
were generous in their contributions across all facets
society in our land, and beyond.
of the event. I’d like to give my heartfelt thanks to the
Parents’ and Friends’ Association for treating guests to a
I was deeply touched to learn also that community service
delicious afternoon tea and refreshments.
involvement is expected of all Monte students, integral to
the middle years of the Baccalaureate expectations. Our
The exhibition spaces and the student performances were
fortunate Monte students will thereby quietly develop a
a celebration of creativity and positivity.
personal value system, which will guide their lives, and
imperceptibly will strengthen their capacity to be thoughtful
Finally, I’d like to share with you an excerpt from Dame
members of their communities – their world.
Marie Bashir’s official opening speech, which truly
encapsulated Monte’s vision and purpose. It was as
This new O’Regan Arts and Cultural Common will be a
inspiring as this extraordinary Australian woman. Dame
model for innovative and flexible learning, for stimulating
Marie was recently awarded Australia’s highest honour,
bright and beautiful young minds towards creativity, service
Dame in the Order of Australia and she is patron to more
to others and the quiet reward of “making a difference”.
than 370 charitable and service organisations.
I congratulate and thank all those who have inspired and
“It is indeed a privilege to join you all today on this
brought to fruition this great new chapter, and for allowing
significant, indeed a truly blessed new chapter in the life
me to share a wonderful occasion in the life of a great
of a fine college for young women. Today we give thanks
school – Monte Sant’ Angelo North Sydney.”
for the divine inspiration that has contributed to the fine,
the high quality education of young Australian women, an
Professor the Honourable Dame Marie Bashir AD CVO speech at the
enlightenment which enables them to fulfill their potential
opening of the new O’Regan Arts and Cultural Common, Sunday 19
and go on to contribute to the greatness of Australia, which
October 2014.
in turn contributes to the stability and harmony of the Asia
Pacific region and beyond.
Nicole Christensen, Principal
Sally O’Keeffe
HECS Advisor
‘The best I can say is, know your
purpose. If you are clear on why
you are doing something, then
that sense of purpose will sustain
you.’ Julia Gillard
Last Friday evening, several members of the College staff
‘gender-appropriate’ work. To do so would be very ‘last
century’ and unthinkable in 2014. To an audience of
female leaders in education, Ms Gillard was speaking to
the converted when she talked about the importance of
women in Australia and the world. The Monte staff who
attended left the event buzzing with enthusiasm and
inspiration and with many ideas and pieces of wisdom to
pass on to our students.
were given the opportunity by Wenona School to meet
and listen to Australia’s first female Prime Minister, Julia
Year 11 have continued this semester to hear from
Gillard. In an address that focused not on government
distinguished ex-students of the College talk about their
policies or political viewpoints but on leadership, Ms
own career paths and experiences in leadership. Once
Gillard spoke about her experiences and reflected on
again we have been fortunate to host Sue Bailey, former
her achievements and her mistakes. In a very balanced
CEO of Virgin Mobile Australia and now member of the
way, she spoke about the sense of purpose that led
Executive Leadership Team at Optus, as well as hearing
her to a political career and the famous resilience she
from Ms Linda Brown, Ms Lisa Mayoh and Ms Robyn
needed to exercise as a member of parliament, a shadow
Hakelis, dynamic and accomplished women working in
spokesperson, a deputy leader, the Deputy Prime Minister
service industries, the news media and the law. Mrs Nicole
and finally the Prime Minister of Australia.
O’Donnell from the Ex-Students’ Association facilitates our
sessions and we remain very grateful to her for her hard
Ms Gillard reflected on the importance of merit in the
work in connecting our current students with interesting
creation of Cabinets; she spoke to a senior Wenona student
and motivating Monte graduates. The reflection on her
about being optimistic that in the future women will
own journey each woman provides, gives our students
routinely serve as Prime Minister (so routinely the fact a
confidence and a sense of assurance that is essential in
woman leads an Australian government is regarded as a
creating a happy and successful career.
‘non-issue’); when asked about gender-related criticism in
the media, Ms Gillard focused on maintaining a sense of
Year 10 undertake their Work Experience and Portfolio
self that rose above such out-dated thinking. ‘Resilience is
Interview Program from 17 – 21 November and many
a muscle’, she said, and one needs to exercise it consciously
are very excited about exploring the world of work from
for it to grow.
a first hand perspective. I would now like to extend an
invitation to fathers with daughters in Year 8 (and who
At Monte, we are in the privileged position of specialising
do not know any girls in Year 10) to participate in the
in the education and formation of young women and we
Portfolio Program as an interviewer; a more detailed
routinely push and prod our students into stretching their
advertisement is included in this week’s Monte Matters.
intellects and imaginations as far as they can go. We do
not apply limitations to their leadership opportunities and
Sally O’Keeffe
we do not temper their aspirations with questions around
Higher Education and Careers Advisor
Inma Suarez
Head of Department
Languages Scholarships
Once again, Monte girls have been selected as recipients of
the scholarship to Germany during the end of year break
December 2014 - January 2015. Congratulations to Brigid
Fagan and Marie-Claire Weatherhead, who have both
won a full scholarship in the annual competition for
Year 11 students of German, sponsored by the German
Bastille Day and Tour de France
Chamber of Commerce. They were selected on the basis
The French classes have celebrated the much-loved
of their excellent ability in German as well as their
Bastille Day celebration indulging in French food and
knowledge of culture and current affairs. Brigid and
watched the Le Defilé sur Les Champs Ellysées and the
Marie-Claire will be spending two months in Germany
fireworks, commenting on the solemn nature and the
with a family and attending school. The presentation
international aspects of the event.
will take place in October in the presence of Professor
the Honourable Dame Marie Bashir AC CVO, former
Students viewed La Tour De France discussing the
Governor of NSW, who is patron of the Society which
international importance of the event and the magnificent
sponsors the scholarships. This prestigious award has
opportunities it offers in showcasing of the French
now been granted to 30 students from Monte since
Languages Peer Tutoring Program
This year for the first time, three Year 10 Indonesian
Thank you to all the senior students who have contributed
students Sarah Binney, Jamiah Yip and Claire Miller
to the wonderful success of this program, in which junior
applied for the Australia Indonesia Association of NSW
students are tutored weekly over two terms by senior
Commonwealth Bank Scholarship 2015 – a two-week
languages students.
congratulate the three girls for entering the competition
In total, 70 students were involved this year. The association
and we are pleased to announce that one of them, Claire
allows both junior and senior students to benefit from the
Miller, has now been shortlisted. We wish her all the
experience, deepening the understanding of language
best in her interview for selection, in which she will be
skills and establishing bonds between the middle school
required to demonstrate her language ability and reflect
and the senior school, in a spirit that encapsulates the
on how she may be an good Ambassador for Australia.
Mercy value of Service.
Selamat sukses Claire!
Italian Film Festival 2014
On Thursday 16 October, the HSC and IB Year 11 Italian
classes left for an excursion to Norton Street Cinema
Leichhardt. We started off the excursion with a much
anticipated stop at Mezzapica, a famous pasticceria
in Sydney, where we enjoyed an assortment of Italian
pastries such as cannoli and zuccherati.
The film we watched was called “Amori Elementari”
or ‘Elementary Love’, it followed the sweet, but actionpacked stories of children falling in love for the first time.
This excursion was a great experience for all involved as
it enabled us to expand on our Italian skills and immerse
ourselves in Italian culture.
Alice Dardare
Year 11
Spanish Paella
The Year 11 IB Spanish class have been studying the
food of the Spanish-speaking world and where fortunate
enough to have the opportunity to view the making
process of the traditional dish of Spain, paella and speak to
the award-winning chef and his assistants. The event was
organised for staff to celebrate with Catherine Alcock’s ten
years of service as Principal of the College. The paella was
an enormous size, fit for 100 people, and cooked on the
premises. ¡Deliciosa!
Inma Suarez
Head of Languages and Internationalism
By Debra Kidd
Head of HSIE
All of Year 9 has
recently undertaken
an educational 3-day
tour to our national
Whilst in Canberra they were given
the opportunity to visit:
• The Australian War Memorial -
• Australian Museum of Democracy
investigating WW1, WW2, and the
(Old Parliament House) -
undertaking interactive activities or
1945 to the present such Vietnam and
participating in a role-play of The
• Electoral Education Centre -
• National Capital Exhibition Centre
participating in voting and discovering
and Mt Ainslie -
our democratic past.
participation in activities in fieldwork
to develop a sense of place and history
• High Court of Australia -
of Canberra.
as part of their Civics and Citizenship
exploring its role and function and
viewing a current case on Asylum
• National Museum -
meeting the cost of the excursion, the
Seekers and refugees.
investigating Indigenous perspectives
past and present.
These educational activities focused
democratic system and role playing
democratic debate.
Australian Government is contributing
funding of $20 per student under
the Parliament and Civics Education
• Parliament House investigating
Australian Government recognises the
importance of all young Australians
being able to visit the National Capital
these costs. This rebate is paid directly
to the College upon completion of the
Debra Kidd
Head of Department HSIE
By Madeleine McDonald
Year 10
On Wednesday 15 October, Year 10
the next 15 years, which sparked
Our experience at Mini-Model UN was
students Julia Marks, Grace Morahan,
fierce discussion about the use of
very rewarding and enjoyable for all
renewable energy resources including
involved, and we would like to thank
McDonald attended UNSW’s Mini-
hydroelectricity, geothermal power,
Ms O’Keeffe for her organisation of
Model UN Conference.
nuclear power, solar power and OTEC
this event. I encourage other Monte
girls interested in politics and current
events to become involved in future
students from public, private and
Over three sessions, a multitude of
issues were discussed and a draft
Sydney. On arrival at UNSW, we were
resolution was also created.
placed into groups of two or three
The committee eventually reached
an emergency simulation of the United
a resolution which was passed with
Nations Environmental Program.
11 votes for, 6 votes against and 3
of depleting
reserves within
Madeleine McDonald
Year 10
representing 20 different countries in
The simulation discussed the issue
Model United Nations Events!
We work with the communities we serve
to identify needs and to ensure our
responses enhance community wellbeing.
Monte Sustainability Project
In June this year, eight IB students decided to undertake
the challenge of creating a vegetable garden within Monte.
We are planning to plant various vegetables and herbs
and so far we have planted basil, beetroot, silver beet and
chives. We will be planting more vegetables and herbs
and will be maintaining the garden in conjunction with
MEGA - Monte’s Environmental Group for Action.
From this project, we have learnt how to maintain specific
vegetables and herbs, such as basil and beetroot, and we
have learnt to work collaboratively with each other and
the Monte maintenance staff in planning the garden.
This project will benefit the Monte and wider community,
as the herbs will be used by the Monte Hospitality students
and the vegetables planted will be given to Night Patrol
to distribute and possibly to soup kitchens at which we
Monica Morgan, Rachel Firmer, Sofia Liguori, Charlotte
Hutchinson and Jessica Tu, Year 12
By Lauren Heath , President MSAMN P&F Association
the event ‘alfresco’ on the tennis courts under the stars. So
dust off your dancing shoes, buy your ticket today and ask
another parent to join you.
Lauren Heath
P&F President
[email protected]
Friday 31 October
Monte Golf Day
Tuesday 4 November
Melbourne Cup Lunch
Thank you to the wonderful parent and student volunteers
who brought slices and sandwiches and helped set up,
serve and clean up on Sunday. It was a very special day
with a strong sense of community.
However, my husband reported a sad conversation he had
Tuesday 11 November
P&F General Meeting
with a Monte parent on the bus to work on Monday. He
asked if the person had been on Sunday. No was the reply
Saturday 15 November Christmas Cocktails with
“I feel awkward, I don’t really go to those things.” Why?
Because this person is a single parent.
As a school community, we have to make every effort to
make sure that all parents feel included in the social life
of the school and the responsibility is on all of us. There
are things we can do. With any events that are organised,
whether at school, in a public place or at a private home,
be on their own or new to the school. Giving a person a lift
and keeping them company at a function are easy things
Year 7 outfitting
to do. The Monte community bus has a seat for everyone,
Outfitting for Year 7, 2015 begins on Monday 10 November
so let’s make sure that no parent is left sitting alone.
through to 20 November. Help will be needed on these
could a special effort be made to include people who might
days 8.00am to 12.30pm - lunch provided and lots of
And let’s start with the upcoming events:
glucose enriched foods. Please email Margaret or Jan on
Monte Golf Day on Friday 31 October - RSVPs close on
[email protected] or 9409 6256.
Wednesday 29 October.
Melbourne Cup Lunch on Tuesday 4 November.
Year 10 senior suit outfitting begins on Monday over
Christmas Cocktails with Catherine on Saturday 15
a two week period. Students can come in before school,
morning tea and lunchtime on the allocated days. Please
note both Wednesdays are not outfitting days and the
This is the first end-of-year Cocktail Party we have held
shop is not open on Fridays.
in many years and is an informal celebration of the
festive season and an opportunity to acknowledge and
Margaret Eade
celebrate the leadership of Catherine Alcock. There will
College Shop Manager
be a fantastic live band, Crunching Numbers, lots of great
food and wine and, weather permitting, we plan to hold
TIMOR LESTE Fundraising Evening
13 NOV 2014
On 13 November 2014 Monte will
launch the Timor Leste “Food for
Thought” Project at a cultural evening.
The evening will raise funds to meet
the nutritional and literacy needs of
450 young students in the Collegio
in Maliana, Timor Leste, with whom
Monte has already established strong
The Monte community continues to
endeavor to respond to the hungers
of our time in ways that are creative,
compassionate, respectful, life-giving
and life-changing.
In 2014, a group of Monte students
and teachers visited Timor Leste on
the inaugral Service and Cultural
Immersion program to this country.
support and assistance during their
visit to the Sisters of Mercy who are
working with the Timorese people
providing early childhood learning
centres and programs for education
and health.
Junior Theatresports
Congratulations to the Year 8 team who have made
Please refer to the flyer in the Community Notices section
it through to the Final of the Junior Theatresports
of Monte Matters for more details about this Packemin
Competition. This will be at Sydney Church of England
Youth Production and how you can support our girls by
(Shore) School on Friday 31 October commencing at
purchasing tickets.
7.00pm. All welcome – tickets at the door $10 and $5.
Congratulations Amelia and Olivia!
Music Tour
We are excited to announce that we are in the preliminary
Sarah Thompson
stages of planning a music tour to Japan for the June/
Head of Performing Arts
July school holidays in 2015. This tour will involve girls
currently in the Orchestra, Concert Band, Wind Ensemble
Music Academy
and Junior and Senior Choirs. There will be an information
Forms are now available for girls wishing to take
session at 6.00pm on Wednesday 29 October in the Theatre
individual vocal or instrumental lessons in 2015. These
in the new O’Regan ACC building. You and your daughter
are available from outside the Performing Arts Staffroom
are invited to attend.
on Level 2 of the O’Regan ACC, or downloadable from the
Monte website. Girls who had lessons this year do need
Musical Theatre Congratulations!
to complete the form, even if continuing with the same
Congratulations to Year 7 students Amelia Hughes and
Tutor. If you have any queries about the Music Academy
Olivia Trani who have successfully auditioned for a role
program please don’t hesitate to contact me on ayoung@
in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat which
will run from 9-24 January 2015 at The Concourse in
Chatswood. They will perform alongside Sam Moran (The
Mr Andrew Young
Wiggles, Play Along with Sam), Harmony Lovegrove (The
Head of Music Performance
Voice Kids, Schools’ Spectacular) and a cast of Sydney’s
most talented young performers.
By Sister Lecia RSM
Mary, Mother of God, Queen of All Saints, Star of the Sea.
Last week I wrote about Saints. This week’s message, I feel, must be devoted to The Queen of All Saints. We can
be very grateful that the Catholic Church has always encouraged devotion to Mary.
Our Church documents written about devotion to Mary by Popes and Saints, include the Catechism of the
Catholic Church, which I find an amazingly informative and inspirational work. They are available on the
Catholic website, and would be very worthy of our attention.
Let me just quote from St Louis de Montfort, a great devotee of Mary:
“Of Mary there is never enough. We have not yet praised, exalted, honoured, loved and served Mary as we
ought. She deserves still more praise, still more respect and still more love, and still more service.”
Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta kept constant company with Mary. She believed “Mary can teach us silence –
how to keep all things in our hearts as she did, and how to pray in the silence of our hearts.” She taught people
this simple, but poignant prayer: “Mary, Mother of Jesus, make me alright. Mary, Mother of Jesus, be a Mother
to me now.”
I will never forget the Year 9 Monte student who once told me she had no earthly mother, but that Mary was
her only Mother now. I wonder if she is still able to imagine herself cuddled close to Mary’s heart, trusting her
motherly love and care. I strongly suspect she can.
There are numerous devotions to Mary. In trying to find one suited to our situation, we ought not dismiss the
Rosary, because it is a beautiful meditation on the life and teachings of Jesus, and because Mary has asked us to
use it. Sometimes we do have to force ourselves to pray!
It would be splendid if this one page could lead us to think about Mary, pray to her, ask her to bring us closer to
her Son, and help us foster devotion to Mary in our children and others. Remember, Mary is the most effective
advocate we could ever have. And she is so truly human!
May Mary Star of the Sea, shine on us and guide our path!
Sr Lecia RSM
By Stuart Hanrahan, Sports Program Manager
Australian Catholic Social Justice Council
This week I would like to share with you the final four steps
Monte will be entering Triathlon teams into the NSW All
in the ‘Ten steps Towards Being a Good Sport’ which forms
Schools Triathlon on 27 February 2015. The team event
part of the Australian Catholic Social Justice Council’s
consists of three students - one per discipline. Each student
2014-15 statement – A Crown for Australia: Striving for the
will train in their discipline and then combine as a team
Best in our Sporting Nation.
for the competition.
Step 7: Challenge the High Costs
Triathlon teams will need one swimmer, one cyclist and
You may not be able to influence the oversized fees that
one runner from the same age group. Ready made teams
some sportspeople are paid but you can influence local
can join or individuals can join and we will endeavour to
and even national clubs. Ask them if the constant changes
match them with similar athletes in the correct age group.
to club jumpers, for example, are for good reasons or just
Age groups are based on the age that the student turns in
for financial gain. If you have sports equipment you no
longer use, hand it on to someone else. Ask yourself if the
new equipment being bought for clubs or personal use
• Junior 12-14 years
was manufactured under fair trade conditions.
• Intermediate 15-16 years
• Senior 17 years and over
Step 8: Support sports people who show positive values
Many sports people have become community leaders
All participants will be expected to attend one Monte
supporting health and inclusiveness, campaigning against
training session per week as well as undertake one
violence and discrimination, and working for equality and
other training session in their discipline per week. This
poverty relief. Support players at local, state and national
is required in order to ensure that students attain the
level who show positive value: send them a text or email,
appropriate fitness level required for this event.
go and watch them, ask them to come and talk to your club
or school.
Please contact Mrs Kelly at the PDHPE office if you are
interested [email protected]
Step 9: Challenge over-commercialisation, drugs and
Companies that sponsor sporting clubs are making a
• Charlotte Lloyd and Harriet Gillson who were recently
valuable contribution to the community. But often, sport
selected in the Australian Junior Volleyball Squad. The
can become a commercial enterprise in itself and lose
girls will trial later in the year in an effort to make the
sight of the good it should be doing for society. Similarly,
final team.
clubs may turn a blind eye to drug abuse and the growing
influence of gambling. Make your views known to
“Just because it didn’t last forever, doesn’t mean it wasn’t
individuals and clubs that exhibit that downside: unfair
worth your while.” -- Author Unknown
play, excessive gambling, drugs, or a win-at-all-costs
Stuart Hanrahan
Sports Program Manager
Step 10: Understand that not everyone loves sport
Not everyone may share your enthusiasm for your
particular sport or team – or for any sport at all. Some
people have very strong personal reasons for being
alienated from sport – for example, experiences of
bullying exclusion or sexism at school or in later life.
Respect their choices and be sensitive in expressing your
own enthusiasm.
By Stuart Hanrahan, Sports Program Manager
I would like to thank coaches Kate Weber, Claudia Johnson
and Amy Duchemin-Nichols for all their hard work in
preparing us for the competition and always believing in
Madeleine Urquhart
Year 10
Football Captain ...
O’Sullivan and I am the
for 2014 – 15. I have been
fortunate to be apart of
Touch Football at Monte
since Year 7, and I have
program offers students
the experience to make
great friends with girls from many different years,
which is what I have definitely experienced, and it’s also
a great way to stay fit and healthy, whilst also offering a
Aerobics Gymnastic Nationals
On Sunday 21 September five teams travelled to Brisbane
to compete at the Aerobic Gymnastic Nationals. This is
the last competition of the 2014 season and the teams
worked incredibly hard to prepare for this event. Monte
did extremely well, with three teams coming home with
Charlotte Elliot and Amber Brooks: Level 3 Senior Pair,
3rd place.
Madeleine Urquhart and Bridget Murray: Level 4 Senior
Pair, 4th place
Madeleine Urquhart, Bridget Murray, Kimberley Dwyer
and Courtney Culverson: Level 4 Senior Group, 1st place.
I would also like to acknowledge Lara Meaney, Jasmine
Dempsey, Hannah Colgan, Emma Hillier, Millie Alder and
Olivia Terry for their outstanding efforts in the biggest
sections of the entire competition. All girls have made
massive improvements since the State Competition and
showed the increasing ability of the Monte Aerobics team
social or competitive environment. I have represented
Monte in the CGSSSA Carnivals, where we have come
away with amazing results in the past few years. I was
also honoured to be selected to be a representative at
the NSWCCC Carnival last year in Wagga Wagga. It was
a great experience as I was exposed to the higher levels
of Touch Football by players from across the State. Over
the next season I hope to ensure that every Monte girl
playing Touch Football is enjoying their team and their
competition, maintaining a high levels of enthusiasm and
school spirit, along with showing sportsmanship.
Ciara O’Sullivan
Touch Football Captain
By Stuart Hanrahan, Sports Program Manager
Monte Sant’ Angelo Mercy College Invites students and parents to the annual Sports Awards Dinner 2014 With Guest Speaker Emma McKeon Australian Swimming Champion and Commonwealth Games Gold Medalist Date: Wednesday 19th November 2014 Venue: 6.00pm -­‐ 10.00pm Cost: McQuoin Centre $40 per person Time: Two-­‐Course dinner served RSVP: Monday 10th November 2014 Tickets on sale through Trybooking:
-­‐ BYO Drinks (including alcohol for parents). -­‐ Students are required to wear full summer uniform and blazer (not sports uniform). -­‐ Parents are required to select their own seating. Instructions on how to do this will be provided in the booking process. Students will be seated together. -­‐ Capacity is 500 please book early to secure your seat. -­‐ If there is no booking then entry will not be permitted. MONTE NOTICES
Monte Active is a fun, physical program designed to offer a
variety of movement styles to increase fitness and energy;
improve posture and reduce pain; educate about nutrition,
relaxation and breathing skills.
There are some well-founded benefits of movement
especially for teens which include:
Reducing the risk of disease, anxiety and depression
Improving body image and self-esteem
Increasing capacity for greater academic achievement
With end of year exams and assessments fast approaching
aerobic activity such as the exercise offered in the
Monte Active program can have a positive effect on
academic achievement by improving behaviours such as
concentration, focus and attentiveness.
The sessions are held on Monday and/or Wednesday
afternoons from 3.30pm - 4.30pm with students meeting
on the pool deck. The sessions are facilitated by Megan
Hinchley from Holistic Lifestyle Coaching.
Students who wants to trial can email Kim Vandervelde
Head of PDHPE on [email protected] or
just show up on one of the afternoons.
Students come and try a session for free!
Kim Vandervelde
Head of PDHPE
Would you like to join an interview panel in the Year
10 Portfolio Program?
On Thursday 20 and Friday 21 November, the College will
host its annual Portfolio Interview Program for Year 10.
Every girl is interviewed by a panel of three people: a
teacher, a member of the Monte community and a Year
11 student.
To create more gender-balanced panels we would
specifically like fathers of Year 8 students, who do not
have daughters in Year 10 and who do not know any girls
in Year 10, to be involved.
Session 1 Thursday 20 November 2014 8.30–10.30am
approx finish time. 3 fathers required
Session 2 Thursday 20 November 2014 10.30– 2.30pm
approx finish time. 3 fathers required
Session 3 Thursday 20 November 2014 1.30–3.20pm
approx finish time. 3 fathers required
Session 4 Friday 21 November 2014 8.30– 10.30am approx
finish time. 3 fathers required
Session 5 Friday 21 November 2014
10.45 – 12.45 approx finish time. 3 fathers required
Session 6 Friday 21 November 2014 1.20 – 3.20 pm approx
finish time. 2 fathers required
If you would like to be involved, please email Sally O’Keeffe
on [email protected]. All interview supporting
materials and logistical information will be forwarded to
those participating.
Sally O’Keeffe
Higher Education adn Careers Advisor
By Lauren Heath , President MSAMN P&F Association
MONTE P&F GOLF DAY The President’s Cup Friday October 31st Melbourne Cup
Tuesday, 4th of November, 12 Noon ~ 4 pm
North Sydney Harbourview Hotel
17 Blue Street, North Sydney.
$95.00 per head
How hard can it be? Join Monte Parents and Friends in a fun Ambrose competition at Moore Park Golf Club to win the prized President’s Cup! Arrive at 7.30am for a 8am shot gun start. Stay for lunch and for awards and prizes. $60 per player Carts $40 pay on the day Champagne on arrival, a Three Course Meal, Lucky Door
Prizes, Sweeps & a Stunning view over Lavender Bay to
the Harbour Bridge. ( Drinks purchased at bar prices )
Tables of 8
( Book a table with friends or we will
happily place you on a table )
RSVP Tuesday, 27th of October
Contact Jenny Avvenevole 0418 459 808
[email protected]
Purchase your ticket at