march 2015 so el monte news:october So El Monte 2/19/15 8:21 AM Page 1 MARCH 2015 ❖ Published Monthly by the City of South El Monte Community Members Encouraged to Attend the City’s Town Hall Meeting The City of South El Monte will host a Town Hall Meeting on Thursday, March 12th, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The event will be held at the South El Monte Senior Center, located at 1556 Central Avenue. The Town Hall Meeting will provide updates of City issues and upcoming Capital Improvement Projects including upgrades to City facilities, streets, and sewer system. In addition to discussing infrastructure enhancements, the City will also showcase economic development and housing opportunities for our community. The public is strongly encouraged to attend this interactive event. Following the presentation, there will be an opportunity for members of the audience to ask questions and provide feedback. For additional information, please call (626) 579-6540. McDonald’s Restaurant Temporarily Closed for Renovations Meeting Wednesday, March 25th See page 3 Community Bike Ride RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER ECRWSS PAID PERMIT #87 EL MONTE City of South El Monte Upgraded to Silver Level Status on Energy Efficiency City of South El Monte 1415 Santa Anita Ave. South El Monte, CA 91733 PRSRT. STD U.S. POSTAGE See page 7 The City has received numerous inquiries from community members about the closing of the fast food restaurant McDonald’s located at 1185 Durfee Avenue adjacent to the south side of the 60 freeway. The franchise building built in 1979 has been demolished and is currently being rebuilt to offer patrons a modern restaurant with a variety of amenities such as a play area, a redesigned and more inviting dining area, and a single drive thru that forks into two ordering station. The new restaurant will feature a contemporary architecture design including inviting earth-tone colors, stone veneering, metallic corrugated panels, and complementary landscape. The new modernized McDonald’s restaurant will open tentatively this April. The City of South El Monte was recently presented with an award in recognition of reaching the Silver status in the Southern California Edison’s Energy Leader Partnership Program. The Silver status was achieved due to South El Monte’s energy efficiency projects, energy action plan, and marketing and outreach in the community. The upgrades included new pool pumps saving a total of 24,079 kilowatts-hours last year and the facility –wide lighting retrofits resulting in annual energy savings of 100,155 kilowattshours. The endeavors were made possible thanks to funding by Southern California Edison (SCE). The City’s Energy Action Plan consisted of comprehensive facility audits of energy use, developing and implementing long-term capital and maintenance endeavors in energy efficiency with savings attributes to ensure sustainability presently and in the future and reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. Southern California Edison Partnership Program works with local municipalities to help them overcome barriers to energy efficiency and help them develop long term initiatives by providing planning, technical and resource support, increased financial incentives and coordination with core SCE Energy Efficiency programs. Partnerships help local governments to lead by example –saving energy, money, and the environment. The City of South El Monte is committed to energy conservation and promoting energy efficiency throughout the community. The City is also member of the San Gabriel Valley Energy Wise Partnership (SGVEWP), an alliance between the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments and SCE to bring energy savings to the San Gabriel Valley through innovative public education and energy efficiency projects. See Page 5 march 2015 so el monte news:october So El Monte 2/19/15 8:21 AM Page 2 South El Monte News Page 2 South El Monte News South El Monte News is published monthly by the City of South El Monte. It is mailed to every residence in the City of South El Monte. South El Monte News is also mailed to all interested local, state and county officials. We welcome comments, press releases and community interest stories and will make every effort to include all appropriate information. For story ideas and translations, contact: Jennifer E. Vasquez Assistant City Manager City of South El Monte 1415 N. Santa Anita Ave. South El Monte, CA 91733 Telephone: (626) 579-6540 [email protected] MAYOR Luis “Louie” Aguiñaga MAYOR PRO-TEM Hector Delgado COUNCILWOMAN Angelica R. Garcia COUNCILMAN Joseph J. Gonzales COUNCILMAN Willhans Ili March 2015 City Council Meetings Upcoming City Council Meetings March 10th & 24th The City Council holds regular meetings at 6:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Agenda meetings are held in the Council Chambers inside City Hall. Special meetings are convened at other times as announced. You may now use your smartphone, iPad, or any mobile device to hear the audio of the City Council meetings as the meeting is in progress by going to the City’s website and clicking on the City Council agenda link. City Commission Meetings Planning Commission - Meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Community Services Commission –Meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Patriotic Commission - Meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Please refer to the City's website for further information on Meetings, Agendas, and Minutes. ◆◆◆◆◆ South El Monte News is not responsible nor liable for any claims or offerings, nor responsible for product availability that may be advertised. Opinions expressed in columns, letters and guest editorials are those of the author. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Important Phone Numbers Animal Control SEAACA (562) 803-3301 Anonymous Narcotics Tip Line (626) 292-3375 (626) 652-3111 Code Enforcement Message Hotline Chamber of Commerce (626) 443-0180 Fair Housing Council (626) 579-6868 Fire Department (626) 444-2581 Graffiti Removal Hotline (626) 579-7418 (626) 579-7777 Hospital Library (626) 443-4158 Los Angeles County Social Programs 211 Los Angeles County Assessor (South El Monte Office) (626) 258-6001 Los Angeles County Household Hazardous Waste (888)CLEAN LA Post Office (800) 275-8777 Sheriff’s Temple Station (626) 285-7171 Vector Control (562) 944-9656 UTILITY COMPANIES: March 7th Mayor & City Council Bike Ride March 7th & 8th Yards Sales March 8th Little Mr. & Miss. South El Monte Baby Pageant March 12th Town Hall Meeting March 14th Low Cost Pet Vaccine & Microchip Clinic March 19th Business Watch Meeting March 25th Neighborhood Watch Meeting March 28th Low Cost Pet Vaccine & Microchip Clinic April 4th Easter Breakfast Extravaganza April 11th Mayor & City Council Bike Ride April 11th Low Cost Pet Vaccine & Microchip Clinic April 13th -17th Athens’ Big Spring Clean-Up April 25th Low Cost Pet Vaccine & Microchip Clinic April 25th Chalk Art Festival May 1st Cinco de Mayo Celebration 1900 Central Ave. (626) 444-3158 Monday – Thursday 6:00 am – 4:30 pm May 2nd Mayor & City Council Bike Ride Mini Center May 8th Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Festival 1824 Central Ave. (626) 652-3156 Monday - Friday 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm May 9th Low Cost Pet Vaccine & Microchip Clinic Public Safety Center May 23rd Low Cost Pet Vaccine & Microchip Clinic 1443 Santa Anita Ave. (626) 652-3111 Monday & Wednesday 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Tuesday & Thursday 10:00 am - 12:00 pm & 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm May 25th Memorial Day Ceremony Electricity — Edison Phone — AT&T Trash — Athens Services Water — San Gabriel Valley Water Gas — The Gas Company (800) 655-4555 (800) 310-2355 (626) 336-6100 (626) 448-6183 (800) 427-2000 Local City Facilities City Hall 1415 N. Santa Anita Ave. (626) 579-6540 Monday – Thursday 7:00 am – 5:30 pm Community Center 1530 Central Ave. (626) 579-2043 Monday - Friday 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm Corporation Yard Senior Center 1556 Central Ave. (626) 448-0131 Monday – Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm *Dates subject to change. For more information, please visit march 2015 so el monte news:october So El Monte 2/19/15 8:21 AM Page 3 South El Monte News March 2015 City Council Presentations South El Monte business Sterling Machinery was presented with a plaque in recognition of their Top Tier American Made Band DoALL Saw and for their recent expansion on Rush Street. Sterling Machinery has been in our community for 61 years. A Certificate of Recognition was presented to Princess Diana Flores for representing Miss Friendly El Monte/South El Monte for 2012-2014. Certificates of Recognition were presented to the 2015 Miss Friendly El Monte/South El Monte Court. Stay Connected with the City of South El Monte Via Website: Facebook: City of South El Monte Government Twitter: CITYSEM Page 3 march 2015 so el monte news:october So El Monte 2/19/15 8:21 AM Page 4 Page 4 South El Monte News March 2015 City of South El Monte Urban Forestry Program The City of South El Monte’s Urban Forestry Program aims to maximize the aesthetic, safety, environmental, and economic benefits that trees provide to residents, businesses, and visitors by preserving, managing, and expanding the City’s urban landscape with trees and other vegetation. The City’s 1,600+ trees on public right-away, medians, and parks are pruned by trained arborists. Tree Trimming Schedule All carrotwood trees, regardless of area and trees on major streets including Santa Anita Ave., Central Ave., Durfee Ave., Rush St., Peck Rd., and Merced Ave., are trimmed on a yearly basis. Trees on residential streets are pruned on a 5 year pruning cycle (2013-2017). The City has 10 designated areas and two residential areas are pruned each year. Remaining Residential Tree Trimming Cycle 2015-2017: Year Area 2015 5&6 2016 7&8 2017 9 &10 Potholes The City of South El Monte Public Works Field Services Division is responsible for routine street maintenance including pothole repairs and crack sealing. Potholes, line cracks, and alligator cracks are defects on the roadway caused by environmental factors such as heat and rain. The Field Services Crew rehabilitates City streets to eliminate potholes that could pose public safety hazards. Large paving rehabilitation projects are generally contracted to outside paving companies. Report Potholes The City of South El Mote is aware that its staff can’t find all the potholes in the city; therefore, we rely on community members to report them when they see them. Individuals may report potholes on public streets within City boundaries by: • Using your mobile device (i.e. smart phone or tablet) with the FREE GoRequest application, available at the Apple App store and Android Market to report a pot hole. Simply open the application, select new issue, choose “Potholes/Street Repair” as the issue, take a picture, and tap –“submit”- the application picks up the location and sends the issue directly to the Public Works Field Services Division. • Submitting a Service Request on the City’s website at Simply click on the SEED (South El Monte E-Services Direct) image on the home page, submit a request, select the type of request (problem, question, complaint), choose “Potholes/Street Repair” as the issue, provide a location of pothole and click on the send button. The issue will be sent directly to the Public Works Field Services Division. • Calling the Public Works Yard at (626) 444-3158 during regular business hours: Monday through Thursday from 6:00 am to 4:30 pm; and provide a location. Requests for potholes will be checked and taken care of as quickly as possible. Residents and businesses are notified in advance of trimming of City trees via a door hanger and the placement of “No Parking” notices. Individuals are asked to follow the parking restrictions and not park on the street until the trees have been pruned and the area has been cleaned. Broken Tree Limbs or Other City Tree Issues Residents and businesses may report broken tree limbs or other issues with City trees to the Public Works Field Services Division at (626) 444-3158 or City Hall at (626) 5796540; or by making a service request on the City’s website at Simply click on the SEED (South El Monte Services Direct) image, select the “Submit Request” button, and provide requested information. For additional information, please call (626) 579-6540. Trees on Private Property Property owners are responsible for trees, shrubs and bushes planted on private property. Vegetation cannot impair the view of the street signs, traffic signs, or any other control devices or signs placed upon the streets for the safety and convenience of the public. To report a tree located on private property that has branches that are hanging too low over a street or public right-of-way or is dangerous or an obstruction to public pedestrian, bicycle or vehicle travel, please call the South El Monte Code Enforcement Department at (626) 652-3111. The Threat Hiding in Your Yard Does it feel like 2015 is already passing by quickly? Life is extremely busy for many people. We work hard to achieve our goals and dreams, but sometimes, we may miss the little things that can ruin our day or affect our health. The little things we’re talking about are the mosquitoes in your yard. They may not seem like much, but the mosquitoes in South El Monte can ruin your next family gathering or, worse, put you or a family member in the hospital. Asian tiger mosquitoes are in South El Monte and they are hiding in small containers in your yards. These bloodsuckers are invasive and can transmit dengue and yellow fever. Even worse, Asian tiger mosquitoes can lay their tiny eggs in almost any container. This includes toys, buckets and old tires. They are also found swimming in water used for plant cuttings. These mosquitoes have even been found in stagnant water in a potato chip bag! Although summer may seem like a distant future, the threats in your backyard are very close and can attack very soon. Winter and spring will have very warm days, which means if you leave any stagnant water around your home, you will definitely be feeling the bite. With the increased threat of dengue fever, yellow fever and chikungunya in LA County, this is a big public health issue that affects your entire family and your neighbors. That is why the city of South El Monte and the Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control District are fighting this invasive threat. But we need your help. Here are some ways to get rid of these dangerous mosquitoes: 1. Call 562-944-9656 for FREE reporting – Let us know if you experience daytime bites or sightings of black-and-white mosquitoes. You can also report online at 2. Dump and drain stagnant water once a week. 3. Spring clean! – NOW is the time to clean up your yard before you create homes for thousands of mosquitoes. Remember, one bottle cap of stagnant water can hold 100 mosquito larvae! march 2015 so el monte news:october So El Monte March 2015 2/19/15 8:21 AM Page 5 South El Monte News Page 5 March 14 & 28 April 11 & 25 May 9 & 23 June 6 & 20 march 2015 so el monte news:october So El Monte Page 6 2/19/15 8:22 AM Page 6 South El Monte News March 2015 march 2015 so el monte news:october So El Monte 2/19/15 8:22 AM Page 7 South El Monte News March 2015 Bikers cruising during Community Bike Ride. Offers Taekwondo, Chen Taiji, Private lessons SPECIAL OFFER $40 for the first month trial lesson Taekwondo and Taiji all levels for Children, Women, Men Congrats Master George D. Silver medalist at US Open 10138 East Garvey Ave suite F1, El Monte Page 7 march 2015 so el monte news:october So El Monte 2/19/15 8:22 AM Page 8 Page 8 South El Monte News March 2015 County Libraries Hold Giant Used Book Sale EMUHSD Awarded Golden Bell Award from CSBA by Anne Donofrio-Holter The El Monte Union High School District (EMUHSD) has been awarded a Golden Bell from the California School Boards Association (CSBA) for its Advanced Placement (AP) - Onward and Upward: Closing the Achievement Gap program. It has been the goal of the EMUHSD to increase the number of high poverty minority students taking and succeeding in rigorous AP classes. "AP classes improve education in struggling urban districts such as the El Monte Union High School District," said Keith Richardson, Director II of Research and Curriculum/CTE Service. "In El Monte, AP exposes students to new subjects like economics and psychology and creates opportunities for those who might not otherwise think of themselves as college material." According to Richardson, AP classes become especially critical when almost all EMUHSD students need financial aid and scholarships to attend college. AP credits not only help students save money on tuition, but help students develop college-level academic skills that enable them to succeed in their first college year. Objectives of the Advanced Placement - Onward and Upward: Closing the Achievement Gap program were to expand the number of subjects offered, increase the number of sections offered and to increase the number of students taking the exams and getting passing scores. Through expansion of the program, EMUHSD demonstrated that in offering AP classes to a more diverse group, the average score was boosted. Only 3% of school districts in the U.S. achieved increases in AP scores while expanding the program, with EMUHSD achieving the largest gains in access and performance of any medium-sized school district in the nation. To ensure best outcomes for students, the EMUHSD Board of Trustees "is committed to a data-driven, criterion-referenced evaluation process involving administrators, teachers and partners, and evidence demonstrating program quality, significance and effectiveness." With all five board members present, Richardson was proud to be asked to receive the award along with Board President Salvador Ramirez. "I felt quite honored," said Richardson. "We as a district spent so much time and work into making the program a success." Board members agreed that it was quite an honor to be recognized at the state level. The District also received a $1,000 award from the CSBA professional business affiliates which will be used for AP supplies and college awareness mentoring for at-risk students. "Being a recipient of this award only proves that if the doors of opportunity are open, the students will take advantage, regardless of ethnicity or social economics," said Richardson. "All students have the ability to achieve and thrive academically if given the opportunity. I'm proud to say that we, at EMUHSD, have proven this to the be the case." Jesus Holguin, CSBA president and a graduate of the El Monte-Rosemead Adult School, told board members how proud he was when he learned EMUHSD was a recipient of this year's Golden Bell. The District received its award at the CSBA's annual education conference held last month in San Francisco. Those at the conference had an opportunity to attend various workshops which board member Ricardo Padilla found to be very informative. The Golden Bell Awards program promotes excellence in education by recognizing outstanding programs in school districts and county offices of education throughout California and reflects the depth and breadth of the education programs necessary to address students' changing needs. “Books! Books! Books!” and more books will be for sale on Saturday, April 11, 2015 at the County of Los Angeles Public Library system-wide used book sale. Sales will be booming at all County libraries that are regularly open on Saturdays. Whether it’s a mystery, a cookbook, or a preschool picture book, readers will find what they’re looking for at the largest book sale in the County. The sale is sponsored by the County Library’s Friends of the Library Groups and the Los Angeles County Library Foundation. All proceeds will be used to benefit the community libraries of the County of Los Angeles Public Library. The South El Monte Friends of the Library will be holding their Book Sale outside the library on Friday, April 10th and Saturday, April 11th. Come by to get some great deals and support your local library! The “Books! Books! Books!” event is scheduled to coincide with National Library Week, April 12-19. During this week, libraries throughout the nation celebrate the importance of books, reading, and library services. Drop by your local County library and join the celebration of libraries while you pick up a few bargain books for your reading enjoyment. Find library locations at the County of Los Angeles Public Library Web site,, or call the County Library for information at (562) 940-8403. march 2015 so el monte news:october So El Monte March 2015 2/19/15 8:22 AM Page 9 South El Monte News Page 9 march 2015 so el monte news:october So El Monte 2/19/15 8:22 AM Page 10 South El Monte News Page 10 March 2015 South El Monte Senior Center 1556 Central Avenue, South El Monte Hours of Operation Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Closed on major holidays Programs, events, and fees are subject to change. For additional information, please call 626.448.0131. Upcoming Senior Center Events Senior Market Day Thursday, March 5th & April 2nd 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Office of Rep. Linda Sanchez Community Office Hours Wednesday, March 11th 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Blood Pressure Screening Lunch Monday – Friday 11:30 a.m. by Greater El Monte Community Hospital Tuesday, March 24th 10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Haircuts Meals on Wheels Monday, March 30th Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Bingo Be Well Nutrition Program Super Bingo Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. Bilingual Bingo 3rd Friday of the month at 1:00 p.m. Mondays 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. march 2015 so el monte news:october So El Monte March 2015 2/19/15 8:22 AM Page 11 South El Monte News Page 11 march 2015 so el monte news:october So El Monte Page 12 2/19/15 8:22 AM Page 12 South El Monte News March 2015 City of South El Monte TOWN HALL MEETING Join us for a public meeting to learn what is happening in your community. Thursday, March 12, 2015 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. South El Monte Senior Center 1556 Central Avenue South El Monte
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