S SW Florida Chess Club Serving the SW Florida Chess Community Since 2009 November 2014 Newsletter This Month: *Staying Connected: ………………………………………………………. page 2 *Next Club Tournament: …………………………………………………. page 3 *Upcoming State Tournament: >> Gulf Coast New Year’s Open; Holiday Inn FT Myers Airport at Town Center ………. page 4 *Last Tournament Results: ...…………………………………………….. page 5 *Scholastic News: ……………………………………………….................. page 6 *Learning: ………………………………………………………………….. page 7 *Club Standings: …………………….………………………….................. page 8 >> Gulf Coast New Year’s Open; 1/2/15 – 1/4/15 On-line entry: http://www.bocachess.com/gulf-coast-new-year-s-open Florida SW Florida ChessChess Club Newsletter Club Newsletter 2/26/2013 10/20/2014 Page 1 Page of 8 1 of 8 COMMUNITY: Staying Connected Staying Connected… subscribe to a feed SWFCC is now on Facebook and Twitter: Stay connected by subscribing to any feed or follow us on Facebook or Twitter. Get instant updates to Club news and Member games as they’re posted. All posts are coordinated with our SWFCC website News page. Facebook Follow @SWFLChess RSS feed Blogger Calendar Facebook: NEW “SW Florida Chess Club” page on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SWFLChessClub Twitter: NEW “@SWFLChess” on Twitter. Follow SWFCC news alerts on Twitter to hear about the latest SWFCC news updates, member’s games posted or other news before the next monthly newsletter. http://twitter.com/SWFLChess RSS Feeds: SWFLCC runs two blogs through Feedburner. FeedBurner makes it easy to receive content updates in: My Yahoo!, Blogger, Newsgator, Bloglines, and other news readers or news aggregators. Feeds permit subscription to regular updates, delivered automatically via a web portal, news reader, or in some cases good old email. You can subscribe by clicking the reader icon, and get automatic notifications of the latest Club news items. News Blog: In the center of the News page there is a block dedicated to SWFCC News Blog. You can read Club news entries there, or click the link to go to the full Google Blogger blog, or click the “chicklet” icon and go to the full Feedburner Feed. Note, if you have a “reader” for your laptop or mobile device, you can subscribe by clicking the reader icon, and get automatic updates of Club news and/or Member games as they’re posted. Game Blog: Below the News Blog there is a block dedicated to SWFCC Game Blog. Click on the link or “chicklet” and go to the full Feedburner feed of all SWFCC games. Member’s Blog: Below the Game Blog there is a block dedicated to SWFCC member’s who have a chess related blog. Currently, there are two entries (Harvey & Greg) posted on chess.com and linked to the News page. Any member with a blog may submit a request to be linked to our News page. Calendar: On the left side of the News page there is a link and a calendar icon to take you to the calendar page. There you will see a Google Calendar. You can use the calendar directly, to check for new entries. This is also available on the Events page http://www.swfloridachessclub.com/Events.html Note, if you use “Google Calendar” on your laptop or mobile device, you can add the SWFCC calendar to your calendar, and get new calendar entries automatically added. Chess.com: In addition to being an on-line chess playing site, Chess.com has a great chess game viewer, with blog capability. SWFCC now has an established presence on Chess.com to make use of blogging games. I create a blog entry inside Chess.com, so that the game is loaded into a game viewer. I then link that Chess.com blog entry of the game into a regular blog, and run that through Feedburner, then link that to our News page Game Blog. If you have a Chess.com account, you can be “friends” with the Club. Our account is SWFLChessClub, and the profile is: http://www.chess.com/members/view/SWFLChessClub . SW Florida Chess Club Newsletter 10/20/2014 Page 2 of 8 COMPETE: Next Club Tournament SW Florida Chess Club First Saturday Swiss Estero Recreation Center 9200 Corkscrew Palms Blvd. Off Corkscrew Road; between US41 & I-75, exit 123 When: November 1, 2014 Format: 3-SS G/55; +5sec / Scholastic G/30; 5d USCF Dual Rated (Analog clocks: G/55, all SD rules apply) A digital clock with time delay or increment capability is preferable to any other clock in a game with any sudden death time control. Rule 42D Registration: 9:15 to 9:45 -- Ends 9:45 sharp! Enter here: http://form.jotform.us/form/42775610540149 Sections: Regular/Open - Sections based on entries, sections may be merged Scholastic ** (ages 7 & up - U1200) **May play up a section if USCF 1000 & above** Rounds: 9:55 – 12:25 – 2:30 (ends 4:30pm) 25 minute lunch break 11:55-12:20 Byes: No Byes, only 3 rounds, must commit to all rounds Entry Fee: **Free Entry – for rating only** Entry Form: http://form.jotform.us/form/42775610540149 [To Withdraw -- please text 239-218-2118] *** For USCF Rating Only! *** ** Must have a current USCF ID; ** Rec. Center: membership required at $10 one-time fee Tournament directed by Greg Gordon, USCF Local-level TD, email: [email protected] cell: 239-218-2116 SW Florida Chess Club Newsletter 10/20/2014 Page 3 of 8 COMPETE: Upcoming State Tournament GULF COAST NEW YEAR’S OPEN JANUARY 2, 3 & 4, 2015 HOLIDAY INN FORT MYERS AIRPORT AT TOWN CENTER 9931 INTERSTATE COMMERCE DRIVE FORT MYERS, FL 33913 $15,000.00, BASED ON 200 PAID ENTRIES IN CASH PRIZE SECTIONS, 50% MIN. GUARANTEED 50 GRAND PRIX POINTS OPEN: 1ST PLACE - $1,600 & TROPHY, 2ND PLACE - $1,000, 3RD PLACE - $700, 1ST U2400 - $500, 1ST U2300 - $400, 1ST U2200/UNR. - $200 UNDER 2100: 1ST PLACE - $1,100 & TROPHY, 2ND PLACE - $800, 3RD PLACE - $500, 1ST U2000 - $400, 1ST U1900 - $200 UNDER 1800: 1ST PLACE - $1,000 & TROPHY, 2ND PLACE - $700, 3RD PLACE - $500, 1ST UNDER 1700 – $400 UNDER 1600: 1ST PLACE - $1,000 & TROPHY, 2ND PLACE - $700, 3RD PLACE - $500, 1ST UNDER 1500 – $400 UNDER 1350: 1ST PLACE - $900 & TROPHY, 2ND PLACE - $600, 3RD PLACE - $400, 1ST UNDER 1250 - $300 UNDER 1100: TROPHIES FOR 1ST TO 3RD PLACES & 1ST U900, 1ST U700, MEDALS TO ALL OTHERS TOP SENIOR PRIZE (AMONG ALL SECTIONS, MUST BE AT LEAST 50 ON JAN. 2): $200 FORMAT: THREE OR TWO DAYS, 5 ROUND SWISS, OPEN SECTION GAME 90+30 SEC. INCR., ALL OTHER SECTIONS BUT U1100 GAME 120 d5, U1100 GAME 90 d5 (ALL SECTIONS TWO DAY OPTION, ROUND 1, GAME 60 d5), OPEN SECTION WILL BE FIDE RATED ON-SITE REGISTRATION: UP TO HALF HOUR BEFORE START OF ROUNDS On-Line entry: http://www.bocachess.com/gulf-coast-new-year-s-open ROUNDS: 3-DAY: 1ST ROUND FRIDAY AT 7:30 PM; 2-DAY: 1ST ROUND SATURDAY AT 10:00 AM; 2ND ROUND SATURDAY AT 1:15 PM; 3RD ROUND ALL SECTIONS BUT U1100 6:30 PM, 3RD ROUND U1100 5:45 PM; 4TH ROUND SUNDAY AT 9:30 AM; 5TH ROUND ALL SECTIONS BUT U1100 2:30 PM, 5TH ROUND U1100 1:45 PM; WITH INCR. OPEN SECTION TIMES COULD BE DELAYED ENTRY FEES: $99 IF RECEIVED BY 12/30, $10 MORE LATER AND ON-SITE; FREE ENTRY FOR GMs & IMs ($99 DEDUCTED FROM PRIZE); UNDER 1100 SECTION $39 BY 12/30, $10 MORE LATER AND ON-SITE; USCF MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED; UNRATED PLAYERS MAY PLAY IN OPEN, U1350 OR U1100 SECTIONS ONLY; RE-ENTRY CASH PRIZE SECTIONS $49; $10 SERVICE CHARGE FOR REFUNDS BLITZ TOURNAMENT: GAME 5 d0, FRIDAY AT 2:00 PM; ENTRY FEE $15 FOR THOSE PLAYING IN MAIN TOURNAMENT, $25 FOR ALL OTHERS; PRIZES BASED ON ENTRIES LOCATION: HOLIDAY INN AIRPORT TOWN CENTER, 9931 INTERSTATE COMMERCE DRIVE, FORT MYERS, FL 33913, FREE PARKING HOTEL: SPECIAL RATE OF $89 PER NIGHT, $99 WITH BREAKFAST, INCLUDES FREE INTERNET, REFRIGERATOR, RESERVE BY 12/12 OR RATE MAY INCREASE; CALL 239-561-1550 AND ASK FOR GROUP CODE “GCN” OR, WITH THE BREAKFAST, “GCW” MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE BOCA RATON CHESS CLUB AND MAIL WITH THE REGISTRATION FORM TO: BOCA RATON CHESS CLUB, 2385 EXECUTIVE CENTER DRIVE, #100, BOCA RATON, FL 33431 PH.# 561-479-0351 WEBSITE: www.bocachess.com (ONLINE ENTRY AVAILABLE) E-MAIL: [email protected] TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR - JON HASKEL, NATIONAL TD, INTERNATIONAL ARBITER & INT’L ORGANIZER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGISTRATION FORM NAME__________________________________________________________ PHONE #______________________________ ADDRESS_______________________________________________________ E-MAIL________________________________ _____________________________________________________________SCHEDULE (3 OR 2 DAY) ___________________ SECTION PLAYING IN: OPEN_______ U2100______ U1800_______ U1600_______ U1350_______ U1100_________ USCF I.D # ______________________________________ __EXPIR. DATE _________________________________________ IF ANY BYES NEEDED INDICATE HERE (LIMIT OF 2, ½ PT. BYES, MUST REQUEST PRIOR TO RND. 2)____________ SW Florida Chess Club Newsletter 10/20/2014 Page 4 of 8 COMPETE: Last Tournament Results SWFCC October Swiss Results (G/55+5) SWFCC October Swiss… We had twenty one players participate in our October Swiss; four played in the U2000 section, twelve in the U1700 section and five in the Scholastic section, which was paired as a round robin. U2000 Section has clear winner… 1st Place … Jay was the clear winner scoring 2.5/3 Results… U2000 Jay ……… 2.5 / 3 U1700 Adam …... 3.0 / 3 U1700 Section has Perfect Score… 1st Place and perfect score… Adam scored a perfect 3.0 / 3 to take first place in the U1700 section. Adam picked up 46 rating points and improved his rating to 1782. Adam is a chess monster… ☺ He hasn’t lost a game in his last 6 events. Upset win Upset win… Tony scored 1.5 / 3 with another upset win; this time in round one against Kevin 1602. He lost to Ed 1672 in round 2, then played to a draw against Colon 1396, in round 3. Tony picked up over 100 rating points and improved his rating to 1185. SW Florida Chess Club Newsletter 10/20/2014 Page 5 of 8 COMPETE: Scholastic News SWFCC October Swiss Results (G/30; d5) Scholastic Section… The October Swiss was the Scholastic Section’s Thirteenth tournament. Five players participated; Stephen, Max, Kasun, Dylan, and Owen from Sarasota. 1st Place Tie… 1st Place Tie… Kasun, Stephen and Dylan all scored 4.0 /5 to tie for first place. Results… 1st Place Kasun ---------------- 4.0 / 5 Stephen ---------------- 4.0 / 5 Dylan --------------- 4.0 / 5 SW Florida Chess Club Newsletter 10/20/2014 Page 6 of 8 LEARNING: An Instructive Ending Strategic elements in Rook & pawn endgames… Transitioning to a simpler endgame is a typical method of exploiting a material advantage. Flohr-Vidmar, Nottingham 1936 In situations of no material advantage, and with a positional advantage not so clear, the method of realization involves improving the favorable strategic qualities for our position, without neglecting the whole tactical arsenal. In addition to activation and coordination, one of the most important techniques to understand is the creation of weaknesses in the opponent’s pawn structure. Without such weaknesses there are no objects to attack. Very often, one weakness is not enough, because it is easily defended. In such cases, it is necessary to create another weakness, ideally on the flank opposite to where the opponent has concentrated his forces. > Use the viewer to play through: http://www.viewchess.com/cbreader/2014/10/3/Game28845645.html White to move… White has a positional advantage but must find the correct plan for its realization. The following annotations are based on those of A. Alekhine. 1.e4! White profits by the fact that Black's Rook is tied to defense of the a-pawn and is unable to threaten thethe King-side, forcing Black to weaken his position there in a decisive >> Playor thedefend moveson using chess viewer: manner. What follows is a classic example of how to play such an endgame. http://www.viewchess.com/cbreader/2013/10/22/Game27469982.html 1…fxe4, 2.fxe4 dxe4, 3.Kxe4 Ra7, 4.Kf4 h6, 5.h4 Ke6, 6.Kg4 Ra8, 7.h5 g5, If 7...gxh5, then 8.Kxh5 Rg8, 9.g4 winning easily. 8.g3 Ra7, 9.Kf3 Ra8, 10.Ke4 Ra7, 11.Kd4 White could also play immediately 11.Re5. 11…Kd6, 12.Ke4 Ke6, 13.Re5+! Forcing entrance for either the Rook at e8, or the King at f5. 13…Kd6, 14.Re8 c5 Desparation! 15.Rd8+ Kc6 Or 15...Kc7, 16.Rh8 cxb4, 17.axb4 and wins. Averbakh shows an even more convincing variation: 17.Rh7+ Kb8, 18.Rxa7 Kxa7, 19.axb4 (transformation into a winning pawn endgame.) 19...Kb6, 20.Kf5 Kb5, 21.Kg6 Kxb4, 22.Kxh6 a5, 23.Kg6 a4, 24.h6 etc. 16.Rc8+ Kb6, 17.Rxc5 Rh7, 18.Ke5 Kc6, 19.Re6+ Kb5, 20.Kf5 Rf7+, 21.Rf6 (1-0) >> Play through with the viewer: http://www.viewchess.com/cbreader/2014/10/3/Game28845645.html SW Florida Chess Club Newsletter 10/20/2014 Page 7of 8 COMPETE: Club Standings -- 2014 Listed are Club Members active in USCF rated tournaments. USCF U2300 USCF U1600 1. Navin Sawalani -------- 2253 22. Kevin Beal -------------- 1597 2. Mike Lucente ---------- 2060 23. Steve Etzel -------------- 1554 3. Alexander Shah ------ 2002 24. Herb Valdsaar ---------- 1522 4. Carlos Molina --------- 1997 25. Ioannis Gountas -------- 1524 5. Sam Sokhanvari ------ 1928 26. Ron Madl ---------------- 1524 6. Jay Brightman --------- 1915 27. Julio Irigaray ------------ 1428 p11 7. Jim Oberweis ----------- 1901 28. Joe Perkins --------------- 1510 8. Rob Cheyne ----------- 1885 29. Greg Gordon ----------- 1470 9. Aaron Liftig ------------ 1826 p21 30. Lawrence Cerrato ------ 1465 10. Carlos Gimon ---------- 1825 p6 31. Wade Keller ------------- 1463 11. Ray LeBlanc ------------ 1817 32. Harvey Reed ------------- 1429 12. Jerry Planta ------------ 1785 33. Lee DE Witt ------------- 1479 13. Danny Jones ------------ 1757 p20 34. Rich Donnelly ----------- 1400 14. Adam Roark ----------- 1728 35. Adam Gilardi ----------- 15. Jeffrey Kish ------------ 1705 36. Desmond Brivik ----------- 1365 p11 16. Ed Carpenter ---------- 1659 37. Ed Vinent ---------------- 1364 17. John L. Green --------- 1645 p21 38. Colon Campos ---------- 1306 p6 18. Craig Amacker ------- 1636 39. Landon Howard * -------- 1304 19. Ethan Hinds ------------- 1627 40. Philip Kennedy ---------- 20. Ken Wendling ---------- 1608 41. Tony Burrus * ------------- 1185 21. Shawn Simon ----------- 1613 p6 42. Quinton Pittlekow ------- 971 p7 43. Joe Realbuto ------------- 1397 p20 1207 950 p3 44. Harrison Vollmer --------- 892 p3 Scholastic Section – USCF 1. Ezekiel Labendz ----------2. Matthew Gheorghe ------3. Alexey Fraind ------------4. Rahul Mathur ------------5. Owen Rhoads -------------Play in Open Section • Landon Howard ---• Tony Burrus -------- SW Florida Chess Club Newsletter 6. Kasun Navaratna --------7. Dylan Flegel ---------------8. Daniel Whitehouse ------9. Stephen Zell -------------10. Ilia Fraind ---------------11. Jaylon Jones -------------12. Max Banach -------------13. Owen Jones --------------- 661 574 642 588 507 1304 1185 10/20/2014 444 438 430 430 416 236 108 106 Page 8 of 8
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