KEY NOTE SPEAKERS Prof. Dr. M. Madheswaran Principal, Mahendra Engineering College Mallasamudram– 637 503 Email id: [email protected] Topic: “Segmentation of Blood Vessel in Retinal Images” REGISTRATION FEE Category PG Students/ Research Scholars/ Academicians Industrial Delegates Fee per Participants Rs. 600/Rs. 1000/- Participants are requested to make their own arrangements for their accommodation. Important Dates Dr. C. Velayutham Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Aditaanar College of Arts and Science, Tiruchendur – 628 218 Email id: [email protected] Topic: “Mammogram Image Segmentation using Roughset Theory” Dr. J. Satheesh Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore Email Id: [email protected] Topic: “Optimization Techniques in Medical Image Segmentation” Dr. R. Manavalan Associate Professor and Head, Department of Computer Applications (PG), K.S.R. College of Arts and Science, Thiruchengode, Nammakal. Email Id: [email protected] Topic : “Extraction of Prostate region from TRUS images” Last date for Registration: 14/11/2014 Mode of Payment Payment may be made through DD in favour of “Thangavel K Coordinator UGC SAP”, Payable at Salem. The registration amoun may also be deposited in the following account: Account Number : IFSC Code : Branch : Medical Image Segmentation Techniques (MIST-2014) 21 – 22 November, 2014 8450101002634, CNBR0008450, Canara Bank, Periyar University, Salem ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Chief Patron : Prof. Dr. C. Swaminathan Vice Chancellor Patron : Dr. K. Angamuthu Registrar Convenor : Dr. K. Thangavel Professor & Head Secretary : Mr. I. Laurence Aroquiaraj Members : Dr. C. Chandrasekar Mr. S. Sathish Dr. H. Hannah Inbarani Dr. R. Rathipriya CONTACT ADDRESS: Mr. A. Kaja Mohideen Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences, PSG College of Technology, Peelamedu, Coimbatore - 641004 Email id: [email protected] Topic: “Automatic Segmentation of Lung Nodule and Lobes in CT Images” Two Day Research Workshop On Jointly organized by The Department of Computer Science (Supported by UGC-SAP) and Incubation and Technology Transfer Centre Dr. K. Thangavel Convenor MIST – 2014 Mobile: 9486237009 E-mail:[email protected] Mr. I. Laurence Aroquiaraj Organizing Secretary MIST – 2014 Mobile: 9894358505 E-mail:[email protected] PERIYAR UNIVERSITY Salem – 636 011 Tamilnadu India ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY The Periyar University was established by the Government of Tamilnadu in the year 1997. The University got the 12(B) and 2f status from the University Grants Commission. The University is named after a great social reformer popularly called Thanthai Periyar E.V.Ramasamy. He fought for the cause of protecting and promoting the interest of the oppressed and the downtrodden in India especially in Tamilnadu. One of his missions was to provide equal opportunity for all including the oppressed and the downtrodden in education and employment. Periyar University covers four backward districts namely Salem, Namakkal, Krishnagri and Dharmapuri. The University at present has 24 Departments, five Constituent Colleges and one PG extension centre offering various UG, PG, M.Phil, and Ph.D. programmes. The Department updates its syllabi frequently to attract young talents from all over the country. The academic activities of the Department, during the last four years, were focused on teaching and research programmes in computer science with a view to train post-graduates and researchers who can contribute significantly to the requirements of professional organizations in the field. financial support to the start-up companies and enable the tenant companies to mature over a period of 2-3 years and graduate to a commercial place to do the actual business. The involvement of the faculty of the institute in the technology start-up activity reinforces teaching and research, strengthens linkages between education and industry, and also better aligns education to meet market requirements. The Department currently runs four academic programmes leading to the award of M.C.A., M.Sc. (CS), M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees. The mission of the Department of Computer Science is to impart high quality post graduate education and carry out leading edge research in various research areas such as Image processing, Pattern Recognition, Data Mining, Mobile Computing and Bioinformatics. ABOUT THE WORKSHOP ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT INCUBATION AND TRANSFER CENTRE TECHNOLOGY The Department of Computer Science was established in the year 2002, with the objective of imparting high quality education in the domain of Computer Science and Applications. The Department received Rs. 54.50 Lakhs for Special Assistance Programme (SAP) from UGC in the year 2011. With rapidly evolving technology and the continuous need for innovation, the Department has always produced quality Professionals, holding important positions in Information Technology industries in India and abroad. Recognizing the importance of Technology Incubation, many institutions of higher learning have already taken initiatives to nurture this activity. These include policy measures, infrastructure support, entrepreneurial training, IPR facilitation, and create a framework to nurture technology incubation. The incubation centres provide a host of services to new enterprises and facilitate linkages that are congenial for their survival and growth. The centres also network with Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists who provide mentoring and Segmentation is a vital aspect of medical image processing. It aids in the most important tasks in improving medical diagnosis and therapy. A Region of Interest (ROI) is a selected subset of samples within an image identified for a particular purpose. In medical image segmentation, this identifies the boundaries of objects such as organs or abnormal regions in the images. The main motive is to discuss the problems encountered in segmentation of medical images, and the relative merits and limitations of methods currently available for segmentation of medical images. This workshop will feature invited talks, key note addresses and hands on training. DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE (Supported by UGC-SAP) and INCUBATION AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTRE Periyar University, Salem, Tamilnadu-636 011 Two Day Research Workshop on Medical Image Segmentation Techniques (MIST-2014) PROGRAMME SCHEDULE VENUE: SENATE HALL (PRIDE BUILDING) Day 1 10.00am - 11.15am Inaugural Function 21.11.2014 (Friday) 11.15am 11.30am Tea Break 11.30am - 01.00pm Dr. M. Madheswaran Topic : “Segmentation of Blood Vessel in Retinal Images” 01.00pm – 02.00pm Lunch Break 02.00pm - 03.30pm Dr. R. Manavalan Topic : “Extraction of Prostate region from TRUS images” 03.30pm 03.45pm Dr. R. Manavalan Tea Break Day 2 10.00am - 11.15am Dr. J. Satheesh Kumar Topic : “Optimization Techniques in Medical Image Segmentation” 03.45pm - 05.00pm [Hands on Training] 22.11.2014 (Saturday) 11.15am 11.30am Tea Break 11.30am - 01.00pm Dr. C. Velayutham Topic : “Mammogram Image Segmentation using Roughset Theory” 01.00pm 02.00pm 02.00pm - 03.30pm 03.30pm 04.00pm 04.00pm – 04.30pm Lunch Break Mr. A. Kaja Mohideen Topic: “Automatic Segmentation of Lung Nodule and Lobes in CT Images” Tea Break Valedictory Function
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