29 GHOSTGUM GROVE, UPPER COOMERA PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT LANDSCAPE INTENT RESPONSE TO GOLD COAST CITY COUNCIL INFORMATION REQUEST Issue D - September 2014 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE & ENVIRONMENTAL BYRNS LARDNER Suite 30212, Tower 3, Southport Central, Southport. QLD- Ph 07 55286712- PO Box 928, Southport BC, QLD, 4215 STATEMENT OF LANDSCAPE INTENT LANDSCAPE INTENT The intention of the Landscape Design for the Lifestyle Resort Development is to transform the gently sloping block into a green and leafy environment that will enable the seamless blending of the medium density development into the surrounds of the Coomera River residential area. The design will intend to create a green landscape that compliments both the design of the dwellings and the open space adjacent to the Coomera River. The generous setback of the development from the Coomera River has allowed for the planting of trees, shrubs and groundcovers within a landscape buffer along the site boundaries to the edges of the built form. Existing large trees across the site boundaries will be retained for their screening properties. This combination of strategic landscaping and retention of vegetation will soften the scaling of the architecture whilst creating a positive visual blending into the surrounds of the Coomera River frontage. The soft landscaping to the entry driveway will be treated with feature trees creating a tall, vertical element and evergreen round headed trees selected for their screening attributes. The trees will be combined with mass planted garden beds filled with hardy feature plants and low growing evergreen shrubs creating a leafy and shady setting either side of the driveway whilst providing a buffer to the rest of the development. Within the streetscape of the development, suitable shrubs and groundcovers shall be planted within linear garden beds located at the interface of the dwellings and the internal driveway. The Communal Facilities will be located along the eastern length of the development. Lap Pool, tennis court, bowling green, Covered BBQ facilities, open lawn areas, vine covered pergolas, bench seating and open timber decking will create generous entertaining spaces throughout the development. The delineation between the landscape and the built form will blend seamlessly through the integration of the dwellings and the dense landscaping to the site boundaries. The ground level planting reserve surrounding the dwellings will enable evergreen trees and native palms to grow, creating a green buffer when viewed from the adjacent residential properties. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE & ENVIRONMENTAL BYRNS LARDNER GROV E CONTEXT PLAN NA WA GHOS Y TGUM 4 4 EL IE 5 5 2 1 4 6 3 COOMERA RIVER 1. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 2. ADJACENT LIFESTYLE RESORT 3. PROPOSED REHABILITATION WORKS 4. ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS 5. EXISTING EASEMENT 6. EXISTING LINKAGE PATH NORTH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE & ENVIRONMENTAL BYRNS LARDNER LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN 3 2 7 8 1 15 6 6 4 6 6 9 13 5 14 10 6 LEGEND 1. VEHICULAR ENTRY WITH GATED ACCESS 2. PEDESTRIAN SITE ENTRY PATH WITH VISUALLY DISTINGUISHING PAVEMENT TREATMENT 3. FEATURE STONE SITE SIGNAGE 4. FORMAL EVERGREEN TREES TO FRAME ENTRY 5. VEHICULAR ENTRY POINT WITH ENTRY STATEMENT LEADING TO GHOSTGUM GROVE 6. VISITOR PARKING 7. SEMI-TRANSPARENT BOUNDARY FENCE SOFTENED WITH DENSE LANDSCAPING INSIDE THE BOUNDARY 8. PARK LINKAGE PATHWAY 9. BIO-RETENTION BASIN 10. PAVEMENT TREATMENTS TO ROAD INTERSECTIONS TO HIGHLIGHT SHARED ZONES AND TO SOFTEN THE HARDSCAPE 11. ROUND HEADED EVERGREEN STREET TREES TO RESIDENTIAL FRONTAGES 12. ALTERNATE DRIVEWAY TREATMENTS CONSISTING OF COLOURED CONCRETES / EXPOSED AGGREGATES TO COMPLIMENT ARCHITECTURE 13. FLOWERING FEATURE TREES TO THE ROAD CORNERS 14. EVERGEEN NATIVE SCREENING TREES & SHRUBS TO THE WESTERN BOUNDARY 15. PRIVATE OPEN SPACE TO THE REAR OF THE RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS 16. CENTRAL FACILITIES 17. RECREATIONAL FACILITES 18. TENNIS COURT 19. REHABILITATION AREA REFER TO ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 20. PATHWAY TO PROVIDE LINKAGE WITH ADJOINING PATHWAY NETWORK 21. COOMERA RIVER 17 6 16 11 11 12 18 19 14 13 16 10 6 10 20 6 19 21 0 5 10 20 NORTH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE & ENVIRONMENTAL BYRNS LARDNER CENTRAL FACILITIES DETAIL LANDSCAPE PLAN 19 LEGEND 1. SHARED ZONE HIGHLIGHTED BY COLOURED CONCRETE / OXIDE FINISH 2. ENTRY PATHWAY WITH SCENTED ARBOR 3. VISITOR CAR PARK 4. LAWN BOWLS GREEN / BOULES COURT 5. COVERED PERGOLA WITH SEATING BELOW 6. PAVED VIEWING AREA 7. TROPICAL GARDENS PROVIDING SEPARATION TO RESIDENCES 8. PAVED PATH 9. LINKAGE PATHWAY CONSISTING OF DECOMPOSED GRANITE 10. PLANTER WITH FLOWERING FEATURE SHADE TREE WITH SEATING WALL BELOW 11. TIMBER DECK 12. PAVED BREAK OUT SPACE 13. TENNIS COURT 14. COVERED PERGOLA WITH BBQ FACILITIES 15. SHADE TREES PLANTED ALONG PATHWAY 16. SCENTED ARBOR WITH LINEAR CONCRETE BENCH SEATING BELOW 17. SEATING WALLS 18. OPEN LAWN AREAS 19. REHABILITATION PLANTING 20. BIO-RETENTION BASIN PLANTED WITH SUITABLE WSUD PLANT SPECIES 21. LANDSCAPED GARDENS TO THE REAR OF THE RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS 18 21 20 4 9 5 4 3 6 2 1 7 15 11 10 3 17 14 16 21 12 13 KEYPLAN 0 5 10 NORTH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE & ENVIRONMENTAL BYRNS LARDNER CENTRAL FACILITIES DETAIL LANDSCAPE PLAN LEGEND 13 12 15 16 4 5 1 3 2 6 7 8 16 1. SHARED ZONE HIGHLIGHTED BY COLOURED CONCRETE / OXIDE FINISH 2. ENTRY PATHWAY LEADING INTO CENTRAL FACILITIES 3. STAIRS DOWN TO PAVED TERRACE 4. RAMP DOWN 5. CENTRAL FACILITIES BUILDING 6. GRASSED BREAK OUT SPACE WITH INSITU CONCRETE BENCH SEATING 5. COVERED BBQ FACILITY WITH LINEAR BENCH SEATING 6. OUTDOOR DINING AREA 7. POOL FENCE 8. SUN DECK 9. LAP POOL 10. SEMI COVERED RAISED SUN DECKS 11. SPA 12. TENNIS COURT 13. SEATING AREA WITH VINE COVERED PERGOLA ABOVE 14. LINKAGE PATHWAY CONSISTING OF DECOMPOSED GRANITE 15. REHABILITATION PLANTING 16. DENSE LANDSCAPED GARDENS TO THE REAR OF THE RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS PROVIDING VISUAL SEPARATION & SOFTENING BETWEEN THE RESIDENCE & THE FACILITIES 17. PATHWAY TO LINK WITH ADJOINING PATH NETWORK 10 9 11 10 14 KEYPLAN 17 0 5 10 NORTH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE & ENVIRONMENTAL BYRNS LARDNER LANDSCAPE ELEVATIONS PARK INTERFACE GATED ENTRY FEATURE ENTRY OPEN STYLE POOL FENCE TTO BOUNDARY TO COMPLY WITH CPTED PRINCIPLES RESIDENTIAL INTERFACE FEATURE ENTRY MIXED MATERIAL ARTICULATED WALLS & SIGNAGE WALL MIXED MATERIAL ARTICULATED WALLS 1.8m HIGH GOOD NEIGHBOUR FENCE 1.ELIENA WAY ENTRY ELEVATION ENTRY INTERFACE The main entry to the development will consist of mixed material entry walls to compliment the architectural facades of the built form. The walls will frame the entry whilst providing a backdrop to the feature trees & shrubs selected to highlight the development. Along the park interface open pool style fencing will provide a level of transparency for passive visual surveillance. Further along the northern boundary a good neighbour style fence and dense landscaping will provide visual separation between the development and existing residential dwellings. GREEN BELT TO COOMERA RIVER INTERFACE The interface will consist of a landscape buffer to visually enhance the southern boundary. Swathes of planting along the development line will form horizontal green belts across the development. These linear landscape zones will be densely planted with medium native evergreen trees, dense evergreen shrubs and strappy leaved groundcovers. The green belt will soften the dwellings and the site as a whole. STREETSCAPE DWELLINGS SCREENING TREES Where possible, medium sized native trees shall be strategically planted between dwellings to aid in the screening of the development when viewed from the surrounding Coomera River. Whilst the trees are selected for their screening attributes, the objective for the placement of the trees is to not hinder the external views from the residential dwellings. BUFFER PLANTING COOMERA RIVER EXISTING VEGETATION REFER TO ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 1 2 KEYPLAN 2. COOMERA RIVER INTERFACE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE & ENVIRONMENTAL BYRNS LARDNER LANDSCAPE ELEVATIONS SHARED ZONE STREETSCAPE SHARED ZONE STREETSCAPE UPPER DRIVEWAY UNITS 1. TYPICAL UPPER DRIVEWAY ELEVATION SHARED ZONES The Shared Zones will be highlighted by the use of mixed paving treatments flanked by feature trees planted in mass planted garden beds. The function of the paved shared zones is to visually reinforce the dual use of the hardscape areas STREETSCAPE The intention of the landscape design for the internal streetscape is to create a leafy and shady environment for residents of the development. The regular planting of evergreen round headed trees & colourful groundcovers within linear garden beds will break up the hardscape of the internal driveway whilst softening the built form. LOWER DRIVEWAY UNITS 2 2. TYPICAL LOWER DRIVEWAY ELEVATION 1 KEYPLAN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE & ENVIRONMENTAL BYRNS LARDNER PLANT LIST & LANDSCAPE IMAGES PROPOSED PLANT PALETTE SPECIES NAME COMMON NAME FEATURE STREET TREES AGATHIS robusta BRACHYCHITON acerifolius ELAEOCARPUS grandis Qld Kauri Pine Flame Tree Quandong INTERNAL GARDENS & LANDSCAPE BUFFER TREES & PALMS ARCHONTOPHOENIX alexandre ARCH. cunninghamiana ALLOCASUARINA littoralis CASUARINA glauca ELAEOCARPUS ‘eumundii’ FLINDERSIA australis LOPHOSTEMON confertus MELALUECA sp. WATERHOUSEA floribunda Alexander Palm Bangalow Palm Black Sheoak Swamp Oak Eumundii Crows Ash Brush Box Paperbark Weeping Lily Pily SHRUBS ACMENA sp. ALPINIA sp. ACACIA sp. CALLISTEMON sp. DORYANTHES excelsa GREVILLEA sp. LOMANDRA sp. METROSIDEROS sp. PHILODENDRON xanadu STRELITZIA reginae CORDYLINE sp. HOVEA acutifolia GREVILLEA sp. MELALEUCA sp. SYZIGIUM sp. LOMANDRA sp. Allyns magic Native Ginger Wattle Bottlebrush Spear Lilly Grevillea Matrush NZ Christmas Bush Xanadu Bird of Paradise Pointed Leaved Hovea Grevillea Paper bark Lily Pily Matrush GROUNDCOVERS CRINUM pedunculatum DIANELLA sp. HIBBERTIA scandens LIRIOPE muscarii Swamp Lily Flax Lily Snake Vine Evergreen Gian BIO-RETENTION ACMENA smithii BABINGTONIA similis BANKSIA robur CALLISTEMON viminalis CAREX appressa DODONAEA triquetra GAHNIA sieberiana HIBISCUS diversifolius HOVEA acutifolia LEPTO polygalifolium LOMANDRA longifolia Creek Lilly-pilly Twiggy Baeckea Swamp Banksia Weeping Bottlebrush Tall Sedge Hops Bush Red-fruited Sedge Swamp Hibiscus Pointed-leaf Hovea Wild May Common Matrush Other species may be selected based on the design principles. Refer to Ecological Management Plan for Rehabilitation Species LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE & ENVIRONMENTAL BYRNS LARDNER
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