8th May 2014 Our Ref: 1310_a_Glenrose Woolworths - Landscape Response to council referral letter 23.04.14. Warringah Council 725 Pittwater Rd, Dee Why, NSW Care of: McKenzie Group Andrew Cowan, Senior Planner Level 6, 189 Kent St, SYDNEY NSW 2000 8298 6800 acowan@mckenzie‐group.com.au Client: Fabcot Pty Ltd Layne O'Neill, Development Manager NSW Corporate Property, Woolworths Limited P 02 8885 4764 E [email protected] 1 Woolworths Way Bella Vista, NSW 2153 PO Box 8000 Baulkham Hills, NSW 2153 RE: LANDSCAPE DESIGN RESPONSE –LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES – Reference: DA 2013/1447, 56‐58 Glen Street, Belrose. Retail Shopping Centre development and associated car parking proposal. This letter forms both a summary of changes to the landscape plan as well as forming an addendum to the Arborist report by Elke Haege landscape architect + consulting arborist. The plans referred to in this letter are: a) Landscape plan: L_101_Revision E. Dated: 08.05.14 b) Arboricultural impact assessment: (Arborist report), Revision A, Dated: 26.03.14. Arborist plan within the report: A_602_Revision A. 24.03.14 The following changes have been made to the landscape plan as an outcome of the meeting with Warringah Council on 29.04.14. 1. Along Glenrose Place, the truck turning movements require the removal of the Eucalyptus robusta – swamp mahogany (T.128) and previously proposed landscape including 13 proposed trees. The tree proposed for removal is shown to be removed on both Plan ‘A_602_RevA’ and ‘L_101_RevE’. The changes with the proposed landscape is updated on landscape plan: ‘L_101_RevE’. 2. Along Glen Street (south of the site) the following changes have been made as requested and agreed upon with council during the council meeting on 29.04.14. a. Small trees within the verge that were proposed in the landscape plan have been removed and replaced with low native and low maintenance grasses/sedges. b. Additional landscape (trees and low shrubs) have been added within the site boundary in the most southern row of perpendicular car spaces in the place of a total of 10 car spaces (configured in 5 areas using 2 car spaces each for tree planting within the development and to provide additional shade and screening). mobile: 0410 456 404 ph: 9361 4426 fax: 9356 3088 2/17 Kellett St, Kings Cross, NSW, 2011 ABN:32828038804 www.elkeh.com.au [email protected] 3. The stormwater and civil engineering plans have been updated and included as a base layer to the landscape plans. Relevant changes include: a low wall at the site boundary (500mm – northeast of site) for flood mitigation, a levy in the north eastern zone of the site, and the location of stormwater pits which has been coordinated with the arborist and landscape plans. A low and undulating earth levy is also shown on the northeastern zone of the site for stormwater mitigation and this is shown with proposed low native grass plantings and trees for stability. 4. The northeast corner of the site: The removal of trees (outside the site boundary) in the northeastern corner (as directed by council – council meeting 29.04.14) includes approximately 28 replacement native trees to form screening and new and reconfigured pathways outside the site boundary to provide clearer access to nearby residents. The following is an updated summary showing approximate numbers of trees being retained and removed and planted on and adjoining the site (within 5m of the site boundary). Arborist Report On site Outside the site (within 5m) Totals Trees recommended for retention. 11 35 46 Trees proposed for removal 50 26 76 Further investigation recommended 0 2 2 Total number of trees assessed: 124 Landscape Proposal New Trees proposed 58 86 154 Total trees retained+ new proposed 69 121 190 Total trees on and adjoining the site currently = 124. Total trees to be retained plus proposed = 190. A net gain of 66 trees. Yours sincerely, Elke Haege Elke Haege Landscape Architect & Consulting Arborist B. LArch (Hons) (UNSW) Registered Landscape Architect AILA (#001539) Dip. Arboriculture AQF Level 5. mobile: 0410 456 404 ph: 9361 4426 fax: 9356 3088 2/17 Kellett St, Kings Cross, NSW, 2011 ABN:32828038804 www.elkeh.com.au [email protected]
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