This strategic management plan is the result of the work done collaboratively by the Board of Education of District 54, the Administrative Team, and the Illinois Association of School Boards. been updated for the 2015-2017 school years. This plan has TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Mission Statement 3. Vision Statement 4. Value Statements 5. Goal Areas a. Student Development b. Curriculum c. Fiscal Responsibility d. Communication and Community e. Staff 6. Action Plans INTRODUCTION A strategic management plan is crucial for an organization to plan. The formulation of this plan began with a self-evaluation. It included creating school district mission and vision statements. Developing the goals and objectives of D54 and identifying the values that the school community holds were also part of the process. Documenting an action plan that identifies those objectives and delegating that responsibility to a named supervisor allows D54 to evaluate the progress the supervisor has made toward the objectives. A time frame was designed in which to achieve the specific objectives. The Board of Education spent four months working on this project in the 2008-2009 school year for the benefit of the 2009-2010 school year. The Illinois Association of School Boards facilitated the discussion at four board work study sessions. Each session was approximately 3 hours in length. Each school board member was given homework and projects to work on for the next meeting. The administrators provided insight and professional opinions during the process. This plan was updated through a SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threat) analysis conducted by the Board of Education (BOE) in spring of 2010 for the 2010-2011 school year. The BOE has continually reviewed and refined the process annually. Multiple data points have been added and/or adjusted through the years. The inclusion of data from multiple stakeholders include certified staff through a Climate & Culture Survey, parents and community members through a Safe & Supportive Schools survey, Students through a Student Needs Assessment, financial information from the county assessor and clerk’s offices, PMA Financial Advisors, and legislative information from the Illinois State Board of Education and the Illinois Association of School Administrators. The plan was updated for each ensuring school year including, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014, and 2014-2015. The current plan is for three school years 2015-2018. The BOE follows an annual planning and evaluation cycle which includes the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Board & Superintendent agree on Goals for the year (Feb/March) Administration creates “action plan” with required resources and accountability (approved by the BOE). (March/April) The Superintendent is given authority and resources to achieve goals. Superintendent creates goals for her work. (Approved by BOE) (April/May) The BOE evaluates its own processes and effectiveness. (July) The Superintendent completes a self-evaluation of work & progress toward goals (Nov/Dec) The BOE evaluates Superintendent Performance in light of progress toward goals. (Jan) The BOE evaluates progress toward district goals & changing internal & external realities. (Jan/Feb) The following action plans will be the implementation. An ongoing analysis of the indicators will be the measuring stick of success for the Board of Education and the Administration. This plan will be the basis for the decisions that are made and the amount of resources that are allocated. In other words, who gets what and how much, will be determined by the strategic management plan. This plan will be distributed to our community. The intent is to make sure that the students receive the absolutely best possible educational experience while the Board remains a faithful steward of the tax dollars that D54 has received. The strategic management plan will be evaluated and updated annually. Mission Statement Inspiring Excellence in Every Child Every Day Vision Statement Morris Elementary School District 54 will provide an environment of excellence in education, which inspires a passion for learning, critical thinking, artistic creativity, and problem solving. Students will be empowered to develop tools to maximize their academic, social, and civic potential. We believe: every child deserves an excellent education; in diverse educational experiences in a safe, secure, and healthy learning environment; in educating the whole child; that the district should be fiscally responsible; that the community has a responsibility to support educational aspirations; in holding high standards; in regular evaluation and development to improve all aspects of District 54; in open and honest communication with all stakeholders; that parental involvement is critical to student success; that every child has the potential to be a leader; in providing service learning opportunities to inculcate compassion and humility. GOAL AREAS Student Development - Provide each student an opportunity to develop social & emotional growth as well as pursue as many talent areas as possible and provide each child leadership development opportunities. Improve student achievement by utilizing a data driven decision making process to customize education in order to increase student academic and behavioral outcomes. Curriculum - Develop 21st century learners who are critical thinkers, are comfortable using technology, and are excellent problem solvers. Fiscal Responsibility - Demonstrate fiscal responsibility while at least maintaining and striving to enhance our current level of educational opportunities. Communication and Community: Staff: Improve open, honest, and effective communication with all stakeholders. - Foster innovation, communication, and collegiality among all staff. Employ, evaluate, develop, and retain excellent staff. G o a l : Provide each student an opportunity to develop social & emotional growth as well as pursue as many talent areas as possible and provide each child leadership development opportunities. OBJECTIVE: ACTION PLAN Increase social/emotional supports for students in District 54. Adoption process for social/ emotional curricula Curriculum Implementation Expansion of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) VERIFICATION INDICATORS Professional Development and Training; Curriculum Guide Development Both Buildings are recognized by IL PBIS Network SUPERVISORS RESPONSIBLE Administrative Team Administrative Team Associate Principals; PBIS Teams TARGET DATE Adoption of Curriculum; Development of Curriculum Scope and Sequence FY15 FY16 --- --F16 F17 F15 F16 F17 OBJECTIVE: TARGET DATE SUPERVISORS RESPONSIBLE VERIFICATION INDICATORS ACTION PLAN Increase student involvement in the school and community to promote leadership and service opportunities for students. Explore Service Learning Opportunities for Students Implement Graduation Requirement for Student Service Expand Internal and External Opportunities for Increased Student Involvement Promotion of Early Literacy for Preschool Aged Students Service Learning Projects per Trimester at WOE; Service Learning Projects per Semester at Shabbona Amend Graduation Requirements to include Service Learning for Student Promotion Establish relationships with community and civic organizations (Kiwanis / Park Pointe / Student Ambassadors) Once Upon A Time Early Literacy Initiative Reports to Board of Education Administrative Team; Building Based Committees Administrative Team Administrative Team; Building Based Committees; Advisors/ Sponsors District Principal; Once Upon A Time Team FY15 FY16 FY17 --F16 --- F15 F16 F17 F15 F16 F17 OBJECTIVE: ACTION PLAN Explore IMSA Fusion Program Explore Rube Goldberg Machine Contests VERIFICATION INDICATORS IESA Speech Contest held annually in November Investigate IMSA STEM application process Investigate Rube Goldberg application process Advisors/ Sponsors Administrative Team/ Science Teachers Administrative Team / Science Teachers TARGET DATE Implement and promote individual, duet, and group dramatic interpretation through IESA Speech Contest. SUPERVISORS RESPONSIBLE Support extra-curricular, co-curricular activities at District 54. --FY16 FY17 FY15 F16 F17 F15 F16 F17 Goal: Improve student achievement by utilizing a data driven decision making process to customize education in order to increase student academic and behavioral outcomes. OBJECTIVE: VERIFICATION INDICATORS ACTION PLAN D54 will monitor, continue, and evaluate the implementation of systemic academic and behavioral supports for students through Response to Intervention (RtI) and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Data team meetings focusing on reading and math Grade Level Goal Setting using universal interventions Utilize School Wide Information System (SWIS) data to drive systematic behavioral supports for students and teachers Monthly grade level meetings; monthly board reports Grade level SMART goals Monthly PBIS meetings; monthly board reports SUPERVISORS RESPONSIBLE TARGET DATE Administrative Team FY15 FY16 FY17 Administrative Team Administrative Team FY15 F16 F17 F15 F16 F17 OBJECTIVE: TARGE T DATE SUPERVISOR S RESPONSIBLE VERIFICATION INDICATORS ACTION PLAN Focus on process for utilizing data driven decisions for academic outcomes. Using common team time to analyze classroom data to individualize education for all students based on localized assessments Build a calendar for expected team time data meetings Developing Common Localized Assessments Administrative Team FY15 FY16 FY17 OBJECTIVE: Utilize School Wide Information System (SWIS) data to establish criterion for secondary and tertiary behavioral supports Establish secondary and tertiary behavioral interventions for students VERIFICATION INDICATORS Establishment of a Tier II team Universal and Tier II team meetings to develop and establish criterion Protocols established for behavioral interventions Administrative Team Administrative Team Administrative Team TARGET DATE ACTION PLAN Establish a Tier II team SUPERVISORS RESPONSIBLE Focus on process for utilizing data driven decisions for behavioral outcomes. FY15 FY16 --- --F16 F17 --F16 F17 OBJECTIVE: TARGET DATE SUPERVISORS RESPONSIBLE VERIFICATION INDICATORS ACTION PLAN Professional Learning Communities will be established in all grade levels and/or content area based on the Learning by Doing Framework. Administrative research District wide book study Professional Development Common Plan time Administrative team professional development All staff members receive a copy of the book Learning by Doing Professional Development calendar of events Staff members have common plan time Administrative Team Administrative Team Administrative Team Administrative Team FY15 ----- --F16 --- --F16 F17 ----F17 G o a l : Develop 21st century learners who are critical thinkers, are comfortable using technology, and are excellent problem solvers. OBJECTIVE: ACTION PLAN Develop a District Wide Technology Vision. Establish a district wide technology vision team Develop a three to five year technology vision plan Develop a scope and sequence of technology skills and expectations Provide instruction in the use of technology at the earliest possible grade Explore feasibility and need for technology integrationist FY15 F16 --- Admin Team --F16 F17 Students will complete grade level appropriat e localized technology modules Admin Team Professional development for classroom teachers and technology integrationist Admin Team --FY16 F17 ------- OBJECTIVE: District curriculum and assessments will be aligned to the Common Core State Standards through the Professional Learning Community (PLC) process. TARGET DATE FY15 FY16 --- Admin Team Presentation of scope and sequence; all grade levels will receive appropriate applications that will improve their skill development ACTION PLAN Admin Team Presentation of the technology plan VERIFICATION INDICATORS VERIFICATION INDICATORS SUPERVISORS RESPONSIBLE TARGET DATE Tech team to develop a tech vision document OBJECTIVE: Increase curriculum rigor and relevance across the District. Math English Language Arts Science Social Studies Comprehensive Curriculum maps that include interventions, enrichments, common assessments, and technology integration for Math Comprehensive Curriculum maps that include interventions, enrichments, common assessments, and technology integration for English Language Arts Comprehensive Curriculum maps that include interventions, enrichments, common assessments, and technology integration for Science Comprehensive Curriculum maps that include interventions, enrichments, common assessments, and technology integration for Social Studies --FY16 FY17 --FY16 FY17 F15 F16 --- F15 F16 --- ACTION PLAN VERIFICATION INDICATORS Standards Based Reporting K-5 Update promotion policy grades 6-8 Standards based reporting for academic, behavioral, and lifelong learner traits including digital portfolios to demonstrate student skill sets Demonstrate proficiency across five core classes for promotion G o a l : Demonstrate fiscal responsibility while at least maintaining and striving to enhance our current level of educational opportunities. OBJECTIVE: The Superintendent and finance committee will monitor all spending in D54 Adoption of annual budgets Financial reports reviewed monthly within set allocations SUPERVISORS RESPONSIBLE The Superintendent and finance committee shall maintain an amount not to exceed 103% of previous year’s expense amount Superintendent Superintendent TARGET DATE VERIFICATION INDICATORS ACTION PLAN D54 will monitor and evaluate year over year budget amounts by fund balance, specifically for expense accounts. First Quarter FY15 Ongoing 2015 OBJECTIVE: Work with District Architect to continue to develop White Oak Presentation of Shabbona building plans if necessary Presentation of White Oak building plans if necessary --- Presentation of changes, if necessary, to the Capital Improvement Plan for the District SUPERVISORS RESPONSIBLE Work with District Architect to continue to develop Shabbona Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent TARGET DATE VERIFICATION INDICATORS ACTION PLAN Maintain a plan to fund and prioritize necessary maintenance and improvements of existing buildings. Ongoing 2015 Ongoing 2015 Ongoing 2015 OBJECTIVE: Allocate a minimum of 20% of the total TIF surplus dollars to the Sinking Fund Line item in D54 budget Presentation of balance of sinking fund after annual audit SUPERVISORS RESPONSIBLE Continuation of Sinking Fund in the Bond and Interest Fund Superintendent Superintendent TARGET DATE VERIFICATION INDICATORS ACTION PLAN Monitor the ‘Sinking’ Fund for future general obligation payment in Bond and Interest Fund. Ongoing 2015 Ongoing 2015 OBJECTIVE: D54 will support and encourage economic growth in the district Report on functions attended Report on economic growth in the District SUPERVISORS RESPONSIBLE The Superintendent will attend various economic growth workshops and functions Superintendent Superintendent TARGET DATE VERIFICATION INDICATORS ACTION PLAN D54 will participate with other organizations to promote growth within the District. Ongoing 2015 Ongoing 2015 OBJECTIVE: The District will focus on technology grants Report on grants written and awarded Report on any grant writing activity The district will offer grant writing workshops to staff when feasible --- SUPERVISORS RESPONSIBLE The District will monitor and focus on state wide grant opportunities Superintendent Superintendent --- TARGET DATE VERIFICATION INDICATORS ACTION PLAN D54 will continue to seek grant dollars. Ongoing 2015 Ongoing 2015 --- OBJECTIVE: The Superintendent shall work with state officials to keep school funding a priority Report on meetings with local officials to discuss revenue increasing opportunities Report on State funding SUPERVISORS RESPONSIBLE The District shall work with local officials to promote local commercial and industrial growth Superintendent Superintendent TARGET DATE VERIFICATION INDICATORS ACTION PLAN D54 will maximize all revenue opportunities. Ongoing 2015 June 2015 OBJECTIVE: The Superintendent will monitor and evaluate fund balances Report on refinancing or refunding opportunities Report on fund balances and summarize through the Levy Booklet which will be posted on the district website SUPERVISORS RESPONSIBLE The Superintendent and finance committee shall evaluate the debt structure Superintendent Superintendent TARGET DATE VERIFICATION INDICATORS ACTION PLAN D54 will work to maintain the tax levy at a financially justifiable level to the local taxpayers. Ongoing 2015 Ongoing 2015 OBJECTIVE: The Superintendent will develop alternative budget scenarios utilizing the PMA financial forecasting software Annual presentation of contingency plan to finance committee Presentation of alternative plans to finance committee SUPERVISORS RESPONSIBLE The Superintendent will monitor, evaluate, and update the contingency plan Superintendent Superintendent TARGET DATE VERIFICATION INDICATORS ACTION PLAN D54 will continually update the contingency plan for financial shortfalls and challenges. Ongoing 2015 Ongoing 2015 G o a l : Improve open, honest, and effective communication with all stakeholders. OBJECTIVE: VERIFICATION INDICATORS ACTION PLAN Manage effective means of communication with all stakeholders in the community. District Newsletters Report to the Community Open Public Forum for various initiatives Roadmaps Written Curriculum Guides Published Three Newsletters Published Annual Report to the Community Hosting Open Public Forums Roadmaps for PBIS, RtI Curriculum guides posted per grade level OBJECTIVE: VERIFICATION INDICATORS ACTION PLAN Manage electronic means of communication with stakeholders. Continually update the district website Explore social media opportunities – District Facebook page Explore instant communication options Website homework hotline Alert Solutions Routine presentation of district website: Front page update, athletics page update, board postings Statistics on website Statistics of instant communication Homework hotline/ information on website Weekly email, voicemail, text through Alert Solutions OBJECTIVE: Manage and Monitor communication between staff and parents/guardians. Classroom Newsletters PK-5 Course Specific Syllabi in 6-8 grades Tracking of contact logs Presentation of a Classroom newsletter Presentation of a course-specific syllabus VERIFICATION INDICATORS ACTION PLAN Parent/Guardian contact log OBJECTIVE: Continue to build a relationship with the senior citizens in D54. VERIFICATION INDICATORS ACTION PLAN Continue to Promote Seniors Supporting Schools Placement within the schools to compliment skill set and comfort level Welcome back to the New School Year informational session Payment of minimum wage up to tax burden of D54. G o a l : Foster innovation, communication, and collegiality among all staff OBJECTIVE: Staff evaluation. ACTION PLAN VERIFICATION INDICATORS Transition to the Danielson model Digital Portfolio aligned to the Danielson Model Evaluation tool aligned to Danielson model for teacher evaluation Completion of digital portfolios by staff members OBJECTIVE: Maintain a positive environment. Guidelines set by Senate Bill 7 and the Performance Evaluation Reform Act --- Provide appropriate and instant feedback through focused walk-throughs Evaluations complete in timely manner ACTION PLAN VERIFICATION INDICATORS Climate and Culture survey to identify positives and negatives in buildings and district level Climate and Culture committees at building and district levels Presentation of Climate and Culture results Agendas and minutes from the building and district level committee meetings OBJECTIVE: Maintain a professional environment. ACTION PLAN VERIFICATION INDICATORS Building level leadership teams School Improvement teams Staff informational meeting with Superintendent and Bookkeeper Benefit Summary Report on content of team meetings Report on Rising Star Process Report on content of staff informational meetings Review of benefit summary documents OBJECTIVE: To provide guidance and help assimilate staff members new to D54. ACTION PLAN VERIFICATION INDICATORS Provide staff development to new certified and non-certified staff members Monitor the state-approved district mentor program for first and second year teachers Global Compliance Network video training tools Report on new staff development Report on new staff retention rates Report on GCN completion and compliance OBJECTIVE: Retention of Excellent Staff. ACTION PLAN VERIFICATION INDICATORS Utilizing the ratings through the evaluation tool Pre conferences with staff members Report to board on retention rates for tenured and nontenured teachers BOARD OF EDUCATION Scot Hastings, President Carol Narvick, Vice-President Caroline Cummings, Secretary Dave Obrochta Patrick Stevens Jerald White Bonnie Cap --- Post conference with meaningful feedback --- Classroom walkthroughs --- Professional Development Opportunities --- ADMINISTRATION TEAM 2014-2015 Dr. Teri Shaw, Superintendent of Schools Christopher Maier, District Principal of Schools Christopher Popidinski, Assoc. Principal, White Oak Elementary Scott Stehlik, Associate Principal, Shabbona Middle School Melissa Lohse, Director of Special Populations Jessica Boe, Dean of Students/Activities Director MORRIS ELEMENTARY EDUCATION ASSOCIATION Carol Anderson, Co-President Megan Dralle, Co-President ILLINOIS ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL BOARDS Larry Dirks
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