President’s Message As club president, I would like to personally welcome you to the Wild Rose Hunting and Retriever Club (WRHRC). The WRHRC is dedicated to the betterment of hunting retriever breeds, through training, education, breeding and providing opportunity for individuals and their dogs to challenge hunt test standards. The WRHRC organizes hunt tests under the guidelines of the North America Hunter Retriever Association (NAHRA). I would encourage you to check out the NAHRA website ( to learn more. Over the years it has become clearly evident that the WRHRC greatest asset is its members. The knowledge, dedication and commitment of our club members are the qualities that your executive board members are truly proud of. The WRHRC is a volunteer organization. To get the most from your membership as a new club member I encourage you to become involved with club activities through volunteering. There’s no experience necessary and feel free to ask questions (ask lots of questions!) and take advantage of the various people and resources to assist you with your dog training. Included in this membership package are the following: A list of this year's WRHRC Executive Board Members A reference list of suggested books, videos and web sites A copy of the WRHRC Bylaws A map to the WRHRC training land by Kathyrn An air photo of the WRHRC training land Training Etiquette for the Kathyrn Grounds You can find all the Club information listed on our website at Should you have any questions or concerns at any time please feel free to contact myself or any of the executive board members. Sincerely, Ross Murphy 2014 WRHRC President Wild Rose Hunting Retriever Club 2014 Executive Board Members President Ross Murphy h. 403.667.0061 [email protected] Secretary Nancy Holland h. 403.274.8525 [email protected] Vice President Mike Pye h. 587.580.5050 [email protected] Treasurer Neil Holmes h. 403-271-8348 [email protected] Past President & Fundraising Chair: Greg Drew h. 403.286.6122 [email protected] Webmaster: Ross Murphy h. 403.667.0061 [email protected] Membership Lisa Williams 44 Sunmeadows Court SE Calgary, AB T2X 3H5 h. 403.256.7579 [email protected] Wild Rose Hunting Retriever Club Training Etiquette for the Kathyrn Grounds This year is seeing an increase in the use of the Kathyrn training grounds. Our older members are returning for another season of training along with new members trying to find a place and time to train. At times this may place a strain on the grounds. The Board felt there is a need to establish some general rules of etiquette to ensure everyone has an equal opportunity and positive training experience. Please try to abide by the following guidelines for the use of the grounds. 1. Last person to leave please close and lock the gate. 2. Stay on established trails and do not create new ones. Don’t drive your vehicle across the grounds to drop-off or pick up equipment because that is usually how new trails are started. Park on or to the side of established trails. 3. Try to be on time for organized training sessions or equipment days. Most trainers start at 9:00am on weekends although this varies. For those who arrive on time, please understand everyone has different schedules and can’t always make the designated start time. 4. Be considerate. The grounds are not large and it can be difficult to set up more than one training group without causing interference from loose dogs, whistles and popping guns. If you are training on the grounds please be prepared to accept other trainers into your training session and/or help them establish their own session in an area that will not cause interference. 5. Be considerate. If you arrive after others have started training, always ask those who are on the grounds ahead of you, if you can join their training group and/or ask them if they mind if you setup on another part of the grounds. Most trainers prefer to keep their groups small to achieve maximum efficiency and have a quality training session with time for reruns and corrections. Be prepared to do your own training if necessary. 6. Be prepared to pitch-in to set up equipment, throw birds, etc. when you join into a group. 7. Be prepared to share equipment. Dog training equipment is expensive to purchase and not everyone can afford to have all the necessary equipment. If you don’t have equipment to share ask others who are bringing birds, poppers and blanks, radios, etc. before you use theirs. If you are borrowing equipment ask if there is a way you can reimburse them for some of their operating expenses (i.e. cost of blanks, batteries and birds). 8. Police the area—when finished; keep it clean! If you are using surveyor tape to mark your blinds pick the tape up once you are finished. The tape is not biodegradable and is starting to litter the grounds. We all want to set up memory or pattern blinds and leave them marked for the next session. This is not practical on land as heavily used as the Club land. This also applies to all other litter (i.e. dispensed shells and cases, cans, paper, etc.). Pickup any litter you see, even if it was not yours. 9. Be considerate of our neighbors. They have pets and livestock that from time to time may wander over into your training area. Be patient and nicely shoo them off. If that doesn’t work then move to another area on the grounds. Do not let your dog wonder into the neighbor’s yards or allow it to worry their pets and livestock. 10. During the summer we have long hours of daylight. Try to confine any training that might disturb the neighbors to reasonable hours. Very early or very late may not be practical if it keeps the neighbors awake. 11. Guests are not covered by our insurance except at sanctioned events and should be apprised of that fact. They may, in future, be asked to sign waivers. If you bring guests keep the numbers minimal and don’t abuse the privilege, or the guest policy may have to be altered. Please encourage our guests to join the club and contribute to the future maintenance and development of the club and the grounds. 12. The large pond East of the training grounds is out of bounds. You may use the large body of water or the canal system on the land and the small pond East of the road adjacent to the canals only. 13. Above all enjoy your training session. Make it a good experience for you, your dog and your training companions. WILD ROSE HUNTING RETREIVER CLUB AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The object of the Society is the advancement, in every legitimate manner possible, through the breeding, training, and applied field events, for the betterment of hunting retriever breeds. The society’s further objectives are the protection of the interests of hunting retriever breeders and owners; the dissemination of information and knowledge regarding the same; and the conservation of game and wildlife; all in co-operation with others of like interests. To encourage and promote responsible ownership, and the ethical breeding of quality purebred hunting retrievers. To take all reasonable progressive actions to protect, conserve and advance the interests of the owners, handlers and breeders of hunting retrievers, including cooperation with other likeminded organizations. To conduct, promote and support various field events, including approved and/or licensed field tests for hunting retrievers, while encouraging excellence in sportsmanship. To educate handlers, owners and the public in the efficacy, use, care and training of hunting retrievers, including the hunting retriever’s usefulness as a conservation partner. BY-LAWS OF THE WILD ROSE HUNTING RETREIVER CLUB BY-LAW I MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Membership in the Club shall be of six classes, namely: (a) Regular; (b) Junior; (c) Family; (d) Patron; (e) Honorary Life; (f) Associate Section 2. (a) Regular Membership shall consist of such persons owning or interested in hunting retrievers, whose application form has been submitted in writing, accompanied by the appropriate fee, to the Secretary or Membership Committee Chairperson, and upon recommendation for acceptance by the Executive shall be entitled to all privileges of the Club and shall by the first general meeting thereafter pay the required annual dues as prescribed from time to time by the Executive. Membership application forms shall be supplied by the Club. (b) Junior Membership shall consist of such persons who have not reached their eighteenth birthday prior to the annual meeting. Junior members shall be accepted in the manner herein before provided for the acceptance of Regular Members. A Junior Member shall be entitled to all privileges of the Club except voting and holding office. A Junior Member shall then, by the first general meeting after acceptance, pay the required annual dues as prescribed from time to time by the Executive. (c) Family Membership shall consist of those persons of the same nuclear family, including adults and children under the age of eighteen years. Family Members shall be entitle to all privileges of the Club, excepting that only ONE family member may vote and hold office. Family Membership shall be accepted in the manner herein before provided for in the acceptance of Regular Members. Family Members shall then, by the first general meeting after acceptance, pay the required annual dues as prescribed from time to time by the Executive. (d) Patron Membership will include those persons or corporations who are accepted by a minimum of 75% affirmative vote of the Membership entitled to vote and present at a general meeting. Patron Membership will be for the current year. Patrons shall have no vote. (e) Honorary Life Membership will be those persons who display an outstanding contribution not only to the Club but also to the hunting retriever in general. This person shall be dedicated to the objects of the Club and will have clearly shown this through their deeds, contributions and accomplishments. The acceptance of an Honorary Life Membership must be passed by a unanimous vote of the Membership entitled to vote and present at a general meeting, and also be unanimously accepted by the Executive of the Society. There will be no dues for this class of membership and they are entitled to vote. (f) Associate Membership will consist of those persons owning or interested in hunting retrievers who simultaneously maintain a regular membership in another dog club or who will not actively avail themselves of the day-to-day resources of the club. Associate Membership shall be accepted in the manner herein before provided for the acceptance of Regular Members. Associate Members shall then, by the first general meeting after acceptance, pay the required annual dues as prescribed from time to time by the Executive. Associate members shall have no vote. 2 Section 3. Any member of the Club wishing to withdraw from membership may do so upon notice in writing to the Executive. BY-LAW II BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1. Board of Directors or Executive shall mean the Board of Directors of the Club and shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and at least one but not more than three other directors, one of which may be the Past President. All will be members of the club duly elected by the voting membership of the Club. Section 2. The Executive shall, subject to the By-Laws or directions given it by majority vote at any meeting properly called and constituted, have full control and management of the business and affairs of the Club. Meetings of the Executive shall be called by the President and shall be held as often as the business of the Club shall require, but at least once every three months. A special meeting of the board may be called on the instructions of any two members of the Executive provided they request the President in writing to call such meeting, and state the business to be brought before the meeting. Meetings of the Executive shall be called by ten days notice in writing mailed to each member or by three days notice by telegram, courier, telephone or E-mail. Any four members shall constitute a quorum, and meetings shall be held without notice if a quorum of the Executive is present, provided however, that any business transactions at such meetings shall be ratified at the next regularly called meeting of the Executive; otherwise they shall be null and void. Section 3. The Executive, or its appointee, shall govern all official events and shall handle all matters pertaining to the management of the club. The Executive shall handle all Club activities where a Committee Chairman is not otherwise provided and shall direct the payment of bills and expenses incurred by the Club. The Executive, or its appointee, shall review all applications for membership and make such recommendations for acceptance, as it deems fit. BY-LAW III OFFICERS Section 1. The Officers of the Club shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary; all of whom shall be elected by the Membership from the slate elected at the Annual General Meeting by the Membership. The officers shall hold office until the next Annual General meeting. In the event of an unforeseen vacancy or resignation, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment from the current Executive to complete the unexpired term of such office. The Directors, if required by the parent organization, must be a member in good standing of the requisite parent organization. 3 Section 2. DUTIES OF OFFICERS (a) President. The President shall, if present, preside at all meetings of the Club and/or the Executive shall have the right to request any other officer or member to preside temporarily and for a specified purpose. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The office of the President shall not be held by any one person for more than two consecutive years. The President, if required by the parent organization, must be a member in good standing of the requisite parent organization. (b) Vice-President. It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to assist the President in the discharge of his duties and execute the duties of the President in his absence. In the event of a vacancy of the office of President, the Vice-President shall automatically fill the office for the unexpired term, if ratified by the Regular Membership at the next general meeting. The members shall have the right to appoint the chairman for that particular meeting. The Vice-President, if required by the parent organization, must be a member in good standing of the requisite parent organization. (c) Treasurer. The Treasurer shall receive and give receipts for all monies due the Club, and deposit such monies in a Bank account in the name of the Club. He/she shall pay all bills and expenses incurred by the Club when authorized to do so by the Executive or membership. The Treasurer will be responsible for the collection of all Annual dues. The Treasurer shall keep a book for the purpose of accounting for all monies of the Club and of all financial dealings therewith. He/she shall present an up to date financial statement at each meeting or more often if required by the Executive or Membership. The book shall be held in readiness for inspection by the Auditor at any time after the Treasurer has been notified in writing ten (10) days prior to the required time of auditing. The Treasurer shall sign and also require another Officer of the Club to be a co-signator for all cheques drawn on the account of the Club. The Treasurer shall have the right to have on hand the sum of one hundred ($100.00) dollars in petty cash to take care of any emergencies that may arise, which might otherwise be a problem if such a sum were not immediately available. The Treasurer, if required by the parent organization, must be a member in good standing of the requisite parent organization. (d) Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a correct, full and impartial account of the proceedings of each meeting of the Club. Furthermore, it shall be his/her duty to read the account of the previous meeting at the next general meeting of the Club body recorded. He/she will attend all meetings of the Club and/or Executive and take Minutes of such meetings. Following the reading of any of the above, or both sets of the Minutes, if it is necessary that they be corrected or amended, it shall be the responsibility of the Secretary to make such changes. He/She shall have custody of the Minutes Book, records and other property of the Club that he is entitled to be in possession of while holding the Office of Secretary and shall allow the use of or the giving up of the same only under orders of the Executive. The Secretary, or other appointee of the Executive, shall keep an official roll of members giving names and addresses and date of acceptance. He/She shall attend to all printed matter ordered by the Executive and shall purchase such books and stationary as may be required to do the function. He/She, or other appointee of the Executive, shall notify all members at their last known address of all meetings of the Club at least seven (7) days before the time for which the meeting is called. The Secretary shall receive and present all correspondence and communication at the next general meeting after which it was received. The Secretary, if required by the parent organization, must be a member in good standing of the requisite parent organization. 4 Section 3. Each Officer, on the expiration of his official term, shall transfer all property whatsoever of the Club in his possession to his successor immediately. BY-LAW IV MEETINGS Section 1. General Meetings (GM) of the Club, when called, shall be held on the second Monday of the month where possible. The Minutes of the previous meeting shall be read at said meeting. General Meetings of the Club may be called by the Secretary upon the instructions of the President or the Board by notice in the regular mail or by telephone, electronic mail or facsimile to all members at their last known address' or phone number at least eight (8) days prior to the date of such meeting. Section 2. Annual General Meetings (AGM) shall be in December of each year and shall be for the purpose of electing the Board and setting a schedule of events for the ensuing year. Annual General Meetings of the Club may be called by the Secretary upon the instructions of the President or the Board by notice in the regular mail or by telephone, electronic mail or facsimile to all members at their last known address' or phone number at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of such meeting. Section 3. Special General Meeting (SGM) of the Club may be called at any time by the Secretary upon the instructions of the President or the Board by notice in the regular mail or by telephone, electronic mail or facsimile to all members at their last known address' or phone number at least eight (8) days prior to the date of such meeting. A Special General Meeting of the Club may also be called by the President or Secretary upon receipt by him/her of a Petition signed by three (3) members of the Club in good standing setting forth the reasons for calling such meeting. Notice shall be by writing or by telephone, electronic mail or facsimile to all members at their last known address' or phone number at least eight (8) days previous to such meeting. Section 4. Eight (8) members in good standing of the Club shall constitute a quorum at any general meeting of the Club. Four (4) board members shall constitute a quorum at any Executive meeting. Section 5. Any Member of the Club entitled to vote that has not withdrawn from membership or been suspended or expelled as herein provided shall have the right to exercise their vote at any general meeting of the Club. Such votes must be made in person and not by proxy or otherwise. 5 BY-LAW V ORDER OF BUSINESS Section 1. The order of business at all meetings of the Club and of the Executive shall be as follows: (a) Record of Officers and Members Present (b) Reading of the Minutes of the last Meeting (c) Report of the Executive and Officers and reading of the Minutes of the Executive (d) Report of Committees (e) Reading of Correspondence (f) Business arising out of Correspondence (g) Unfinished business (h) New business (i) Discussion of topics in the interest and welfare of the Club (j) Setting date of next general meeting Section 2. All voting on motions shall be by show of hands and any member may call for a recount of votes immediately after the result has been announced. The Mover of any motion shall have the right to demand and obtain a vote by secret ballot. Section 3. The Club shall be governed in the conduct of its meetings by parliamentary procedure, unless otherwise provided in the By-Laws, and it shall be the duty of the presiding Officer to rigidly enforce the Rules of Order. The authority for questions of procedure shall be the most current edition of Roberts Rules of Order. BY-LAW VI NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS Section 1. A Nominating Committee, consisting of the President and two (2) Regular members, shall present a slate of nominees for consideration for election by the Membership at the Annual General Meeting. Section 2. Two Scrutineers shall be appointed by the presiding Officer to conduct the election of the Directors of the Club. Section 3. Election of the Directors shall be conducted by secret ballot. 6 Section 4. Before nominations take place the Secretary shall make a record of all paid-up members present at the meeting. Only paid-up members shall be eligible to vote. Section 5. No member absent from the Annual General Meeting or General Meeting where an election takes place for any Executive position may be nominated unless a written statement signed by the absent member is presented to the Secretary signifying his intention to stand for election. BY-LAW VII EVENTS Section 1. The Executive shall govern all Events held by the Club. Section 2. The Executive or its appointee shall complete, within thirty (30) days after the close of any Event, a complete statement of all matters, financial and otherwise, relating to the Event. BY-LAW VIII DUES Section 1. Membership Year of the Club shall be the Calendar Year. Section 2. The Annual Dues for all classes of Membership shall be set from time to time by the Executive and shall be payable in the first thirty (30) days of the year to ensure continuous membership. Section 3. No member shall be entitled to the privileges of the Club as provided in the By-Laws unless and until all Annual Dues, fees or monies due to the club have been paid in full. Continuous membership shall cease at the expiration of 30 days from the start of the current year unless the Annual Dues for the current year have been paid. 7 BY-LAW IX AUDITOR Section 1. The Auditors shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club to hold office until the next Annual General Meeting. Section 2. The Auditor shall submit a duly certified report of the finances of the Club prior to the Annual General Meeting corresponding to their term of office. The Treasurer will make all financial records available to the auditors for the proper completion of their duties and further provide a Balance sheet and Income statement for the period to be reported at the Annual General Meeting. BY-LAW X CHANGE OF INFORMATION Section 1. It shall be the duty of each member to notify the Executive of any change of address, phone number, facsimile number and E-mail address immediately. Any notices issued by the Club to members’ addresses, phone numbers, or E-mail addresses previously provided, and appearing on the roll shall be valid notice. BY-LAW XI SUSPENSION AND EXPULSION Section 1. If any member is in arrears for Annual Dues or fees in any year their membership shall be automatically dropped from the membership list the expiration of one (1) month from the due date of such arrears and shall be disentitled to privileges or powers in the Club until re-instated. The member can be reinstated upon clearing all arrears and payment of such penalties as the Executive may prescribe from time to time. Section 2. Any member upon a 75% affirmative vote of all members in good standing entitled to vote at any duly called meeting can be expelled or suspended from membership for any cause, that the Club may deem reasonable. Notice of the agenda and intention of this meeting will be made in writing to the last known address, or notice by e-mail, telephone or facsimile to each member delivered eight (8) days prior to the date of such meeting. 8 BY-LAW XII BORROWING POWERS Section 1. For the purpose of carrying out its objects, the Club may borrow or raise or secure the payment of money in such manner as it deems fit, and in particular by the issue of debentures, but this power shall be exercised only under authority of the Club, and in no case shall debentures be issued without the sanction of an Special resolution of the Club. BY-LAW XIII AMENDMENTS Section 1. The by-laws of the Club may be rescinded, altered or added to by a Special Resolution passed by a three fourths majority of such members entitled to vote at a general meeting of which thirty (30) days written, telephone, facsimile or electronic mail notice, specifying the intention to propose a special resolution, has been duly given. No proxy votes are allowed. Any member may forward a proposal for amendments to the by-laws. The proposal must be made in writing and be forwarded to the Board with signatures of at least five members who are in favor of the specified amendment. Amendments may also be proposed by the Board. BY-LAW XIV REMUNERATION Section 1. Unless authorized at any meeting and after notice of it shall have been given to the entire membership in writing, no Officer or Member of the Club shall receive any remuneration for his/her services. BY-LAW XV INSPECTION OF RECORDS Section 1. The books and records of the Club may be inspected by any member of the Club at the Annual General Meeting provided for herein or at any time upon giving reasonable notice and arranging a time satisfactory to the Officer or Officers having charge of same. Each member of the Executive shall at all times have access to such books and records. BY-LAW XVI GEOGRAPHICAL AREA OF OPERATION The Geographical area of operation of the Club shall be the area within a four hundred- (400) kilometer radius of the city limits of the City of Calgary, Alberta. 9 BY-LAW XVII DISPOSAL OF ASSETS Section 1. The Club may be dissolved through the adoption of a Special Resolution for that purpose conducted in the manner herein before set out. Upon the adoption of this Special Resolution of the Club, all the assets of the Club shall be liquidated. All proceeds of the liquidation of the assets of the Club shall be donated to the following organization or in the event that the following has ceased to exist, a reputable Western Canadian companion animal organization: The Companion Animal Health Fund c/o Western College of Veterinary Medicine University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 0W0 DATED this _______ day of _____________, AD, 2002 Name Occupation Address 1. Stu Smoley Officer in DND 88 Summerfield Close Airdrie, Ab. T4B 1Y1 2. David Fishley Manager 1014 Radford Road N.E., Calgary, Ab. T2E 5G5 3. Wayne Brennen Consultant Box 2264 Station M Calgary, Ab. T2P 2M6 4. Ivan Muzik Professor 608 Edgemont Bay N.W., Calgary, Ab. T3A 2K8 5. Terry Byrne Horticulturist 1452 43 Street N.E., Calgary, Ab. T2G 3L6 6. Joe Di Santo 10 FIELD BOOKS, DVD’S AND REFERENCES Books TRAINING WITH MIKE LARDY – Volumes I, II & III – Mike Lardy RETRIEVER WORKING CERTIFICATE TRAINING – Rutherford, Branstad, Whicker RETRIEVER PUPPY TRAINING – Loveland & Rutherford THE 10-MINUTE RETRIEVER – John & Amy Dahl RETRIEVER TROUBLESHOOTING BOOK – John & Amy Dahl SMARTWORK FOR RETRIEVERS – Volume One – Evan Graham SMARTWORK II; SECRETS OF THE PROS – Volume Two– Evan Graham SMARTFETCH – Evan Graham BUILDING A BETTER RETRIEVER; Drill and More – Carol Cassity TRITRONICS RETRIEVER TRAINING – Jim & Phyllis Dobbs with Alice Woodyard TRAINING THE HUNTING RETRIEVER – Bill Tarrant RETRIEVER TRAINING TESTS – James Spencer TRAINING RETRIEVERS FOR MARSHES AND MEADOWS – James Spencer RETRIEVER TRAINING DRILLS FOR MARKING BOOK – James Spencer RETRIEVER TRAINING DRILLS FOR BLIND RETRIEVES BOOK – James Spencer DVD’s SOUND BEGINNINGS RETRIEVER TRAINING – Jackie Martens TRAINING A RETRIEVER PUPPY with Bill Hillmann RETRIEVER TRAINING FUNDAMENTALS with Bill Hillmann FOWL DAWGS Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4 – Rick Stawski E-COLLAR CONDITIONING – Mike Lardy TOTAL RETRIEVER TRAINING – Mike Lardy TOTAL RETRIEVER MARKING – Mike Lardy THE ART AND SCIENCE OF HANDLING RETRIEVERS – Dave Rorem RETRIEVERS...FROM THE INSIDE, OUT – Butch Goodwin SMARTWORK – Multiple DVD’s from Puppy Program to Transition – Evan Graham PERIODICALS RETRIEVERS ONLINE - RETRIEVER JOURNAL - FORUMS ONLINE ARTICLES - look up training tips N ¾Club land surveyed by WID ¾Land available to members ¾Ponds available to members ¾Pond ”out of bounds” ¾Entrances
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