Using STAR Early Literacy Enterprise™ Scores to Match Books to Early Readers Renaissance Learning, Inc. offers two computer-adaptive assessments of reading skills: STAR Early Literacy Enterprise and STAR Reading™. STAR Early Literacy Enterprise, a criterion-referenced assessment for students in grades pre-Kindergarten to 3, measures students’ skills in ten content areas essential to reading readiness. Primary-grade teachers can use the data provided by STAR Early Literacy Enterprise to monitor students’ reading development and guide planning and instruction. STAR Reading, a norm-referenced assessment for students in grades 1–12, measures students’ reading comprehension. It provides Grade Equivalent (GE) scores as one measure of reading achievement. GEs indicate the normal grade placement of students for whom a particular Scaled Score is typical. For example, a student with a GE score of 1.3 has performed as well on STAR Reading as a typical first-grade student in the third month of school. For each student assessed, STAR Reading also provides a Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) to help teachers match appropriate books to students. A student’s ZPD represents the range of book readability levels that is neither too hard nor too easy, and is the level at which optimal learning takes place. To help teachers match books to early readers, Table 1 (on the next page) displays correspondences between STAR Early Literacy Scaled Scores and literacy development classifications on the one hand, and STAR Reading Scaled Scores, GE scores, and ZPD ranges on the other. This table was developed by linking (equating) STAR Early Literacy and STAR Reading Rasch ability scores, then converting the linkage results to Scaled Scores of the two assessments. The linking analysis began by identifying students who took the Enterprise versions of both STAR Early Literacy and STAR Reading concurrently during the 2012–2013 school year. More than 300,000 students who had taken both tests within 15 days of one another formed the concurrent tests data set. The linkage work employed linear equating analyses of a random sample of 25,000 matched pairs of scores from that data set. STAR Early Literacy Enterprise and STAR Reading measure related constructs, and were highly correlated (r = 0.71) in the concurrent data set. STAR Reading GE scores in Table 1 are based on 2014 norming data for the Enterprise version of the test, and therefore the Scaled Score ranges corresponding to the GE scores have changed somewhat compared to earlier published versions of the table. STAR Reading ZPD ranges are determined by the GE scores; the correspondence between GE scores and ZPD ranges is unrelated to the new norms, and has not changed. The primary purpose of Table 1 is to provide a link between STAR Early Literacy Scaled Scores and STAR Reading GE scores, and thus to ZPD ranges, in order to facilitate matching readers to books in Accelerated Reader. It can also be used to identify STAR Early Literacy and STAR Reading Scaled Scores that are approximately equivalent. However, those tests are not the same test, and do measure somewhat different aspects of reading development. Therefore, Table 1 is meant only as a general guide. It should not be used to make decisions about students’ early reading achievement or to calculate actual GE scores. Renaissance Learning™ | P.O. Box 8036 | Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495-8036 | (800) 338-4204 | © 2014 Renaissance Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. R11464.141021 Page 1 of 4 STAR Early Literacy—Using STAR Early Literacy Enterprise™ Scores to Match Books to Early Readers Table 1: Relating STAR Early Literacy Enterprise Scores to STAR Reading Scores STAR Early Literacy Enterprise Scaled Score Range STAR Reading Scaled Score Range GE ZPD Range NA NA NA 383–393 0–6 0.0 0.0–1.0 394–396 7–8 0.1 0.1–1.1 397–418 9–15 0.2 0.2–1.2 419–422 16–21 0.3 0.3–1.3 423–439 22–28 0.4 0.4–1.4 440–456 29–35 0.5 0.5–1.5 457–475 36–42 0.6 0.6–1.6 476–495 43–49 0.7 0.7–1.7 496–513 50–55 0.8 0.8–1.8 514–555 56–62 0.9 0.9–1.9 556–594 63–68 1.0 1.0–2.0 595–628 69–73 1.1 1.1–2.1 629–674 74–81 1.2 1.2–2.2 82–92 1.3 1.3–2.3 93–105 1.4 1.4–2.4 744–756 106–120 1.5 1.5–2.5 757–766 121–137 1.6 1.6–2.6 138–153 1.7 1.7–2.7 154–171 1.8 1.8–2.8 788–797 172–188 1.9 1.9–2.9 798–806 189–206 2.0 2.0–3.0 807–815 207–223 2.1 2.1–3.1 816–823 224–240 2.2 2.1–3.1 824–830 241–257 2.3 2.2–3.2 831–836 258–273 2.4 2.2–3.2 300–382 675–720 721–743 767–776 777–787 Literacy Classification Emergent Reader Transitional Reader SEL SS = 675 Probable Reader SEL SS = 775 Renaissance Learning™ | P.O. Box 8036 | Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495-8036 | (800) 338-4204 | © 2014 Renaissance Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Recommended Assessment(s) STAR Early Literacy Enterprise STAR Early Literacy Enterprise and STAR Reading STAR Reading R11464.141021 Page 2 of 4 STAR Early Literacy—Using STAR Early Literacy Enterprise™ Scores to Match Books to Early Readers Table 1: Relating STAR Early Literacy Enterprise Scores to STAR Reading Scores (Continued) STAR Early Literacy Enterprise STAR Reading Scaled Score Range Literacy Classification Scaled Score Range GE ZPD Range 837–841 Probable Reader (continued) 274–288 2.5 2.3–3.3 842–846 289–303 2.6 2.4–3.4 847–849 304–317 2.7 2.4–3.4 850–853 318–330 2.8 2.5–3.5 854–856 331–343 2.9 2.5–3.5 857–858 344–355 3.0 2.6–3.6 859–861 356–367 3.1 2.6–3.7 862–864 368–378 3.2 2.7–3.8 865–865 379–389 3.3 2.7–3.8 865–867 390–399 3.4 2.8–3.9 868–868 400–409 3.5 2.8–4.0 869–869 410–419 3.6 2.8–4.1 870–870 420–428 3.7 2.9–4.2 870–872 429–437 3.8 2.9–4.3 873–873 438–446 3.9 3.0–4.4 874–874 447–455 4.0 3.0–4.5 876–876 456–465 4.1 3.0–4.6 876–877 466–474 4.2 3.1–4.7 877–878 475–483 4.3 3.1–4.8 878–878 484–492 4.4 3.2–4.9 878–879 493–502 4.5 3.2–5.0 879–880 503–511 4.6 3.2–5.1 880–881 512–521 4.7 3.3–5.2 881–882 522–531 4.8 3.3–5.2 882–882 532–542 4.9 3.4–5.3 882–883 543–552 5.0 3.4–5.4 883–884 553–563 5.1 3.5–5.5 Renaissance Learning™ | P.O. Box 8036 | Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495-8036 | (800) 338-4204 | © 2014 Renaissance Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Recommended Assessment(s) STAR Reading (continued) R11464.141021 Page 3 of 4 STAR Early Literacy—Using STAR Early Literacy Enterprise™ Scores to Match Books to Early Readers Table 1: Relating STAR Early Literacy Enterprise Scores to STAR Reading Scores (Continued) STAR Early Literacy Enterprise STAR Reading Scaled Score Range Literacy Classification Scaled Score Range GE ZPD Range Recommended Assessment(s) 884–884 Probable Reader (continued) 564–574 5.2 3.5–5.5 STAR Reading (continued) 885–885 575–586 5.3 3.6–5.6 885–886 587–597 5.4 3.6–5.6 886–886 598–609 5.5 3.7–5.7 886–887 610–621 5.6 3.8–5.8 887–887 622–633 5.7 3.8–5.9 887–888 634–645 5.8 3.9–5.9 888–888 646–658 5.9 3.9–6.0 889+ 659+ 6.0 4.0–6.1 In addition to providing approximate GE scores and ZPDs, this table helps determine whether a student previously tested with STAR Early Literacy Enterprise could complete a STAR Reading test. The 2001 STAR Early Literacy Validation Study data indicate that a student with a STAR Early Literacy Enterprise Scaled Score of 682 or higher is likely able to complete a STAR Reading test without getting frustrated. However, teachers should consider both the Scaled Score and their knowledge of the student’s reading proficiency when selecting a reading assessment. Moreover, although a student may be capable of taking a STAR Reading assessment, teachers may want to continue using STAR Early Literacy Enterprise with the student to diagnose strengths and weaknesses in literacy skills and to plan reading instruction. Renaissance Learning™ | P.O. Box 8036 | Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495-8036 | (800) 338-4204 | All logos, designs, and brand names for Renaissance Learning’s products and services, including but not limited to Renaissance Learning, STAR, STAR Early Literacy, STAR Early Literacy Enterprise, and STAR Reading are trademarks of Renaissance Learning, Inc., and its subsidiaries, registered, common law, or pending registration in the United States and other countries. © 2014 Renaissance Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. R11464.141021 Page 4 of 4
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