[SIGNING CEREMONY BOGOTA 2014.10.21 PRESS RELEASE] October 17, 2014 BELGIAN ECONOMIC MISSION to COLOMBIA SIGNING CEREMONY – CEREMONIA DE FIRMAS BOGOTA, October 21, 2014 17:15-‐17:45, Venue: Hilton Bogota, Hilton meetings A&B (2nd floor) Misión económica del Reino de Bélgica a Colombia Su Alteza Real la Princesa Astrid de Bélgica, Representante de Su Majestad el Rey, presidirá una importante misión económica belga que tendrá lugar del 18 al 22 de octubre a Colombia. Esta misión económica está organizada conjuntamente con la Agencia belga para el Comercio Exterior y con las Agencias regionales de promoción de Comercio Exterior e Inversiones de Bélgica (AWEX/Wallonia Trade & Investment, Brussels Invest & Export y Flanders Investment & Trade). La Agencia belga para el Comercio Exterior actuará como coordinadora de la misión. El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Reino de Bélgica se encargará de los aspectos políticos y protocolarios del programa. Altos representantes del gobierno federal (Su Excelencia Didier Reynders, Viceprimer Ministro, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores y Asuntos Europeos y Su Excelencia Pieter De Crem, Secretario Federal de Estado para Comercio Exterior) participaran en esta misión. Participaran también Su Excelencia Jean-‐Claude Marcourt, Vicepresidente y Ministro de Economía, Industria, Innovación y Nuevas Tecnologías del Gobierno de Valonia y Su Excelencia Cécile Jodogne, Secretaria de Estado de Comercio Exterior e Inversión de la Región de Bruselas-‐Capital. 109 empresas y universidades belgas participarán en esta misión a Colombia qué estará enfocada en los siguientes sectores económicos: construcción, energías y tecnologías medioambientales, agroindustria y minería. Asimismo participarán en la misión diversos medios de prensa y televisión de Bélgica. La delegación oficial y comercial Belga a Colombia represente 256 personas. Signing ceremony during the Belgian economic mission presided over by HRH Princess Astrid of Belgium, Representative of His Majesty the King, in the Republic of Colombia. It has become a tradition that representatives from a wide variety of sectors take part in the Belgian economic missions. The group of 256 people who participate in the economic mission in Colombia represent 7 universities, 10 federations and 102 companies active in different fields such as: Construction & Infrastructure, Environment, Energy and Renewable energies, Agro-‐industry and Mining and so many others. 1 | P a g e [SIGNING CEREMONY BOGOTA 2014.10.21 PRESS RELEASE] October 17, 2014 During the mission, 6 Belgian and Colombian companies and universities will conclude an agreement which will strengthen their cooperation in the months and years to come. The economic mission presided over by Her Royal Highness Princess Astrid of Belgium, Representative of His Majesty the King, underlines the strong bilateral relations between Belgium and the Republic of Colombia. It gives a new impulse to the economic growth and academic relations between the two countries. Press releases 1. BELGIUM SIGNING PARTY APEC-‐Antwerp/Flanders Port Training Center npo COLOMBIA SIGNING PARTY Puerto de Santa Marta Sociedad portuaria o o o Mr. Mauricio SUÁREZ RAMÍREZ , Director general of Puerto de Santa Maria Sociedad portuaria Mr Paul Verkoyen, CEO of APEC-‐Antwerp/Flanders Port Training Center Mr. Willem DILLEN, Senior Business Development Manager of the Antwerp Port Authority “Port Friendship through Port Knowledge” is the strong adagio of APEC-‐Antwerp/Flanders Port Training Center for 37 years. Since 1978, APEC-‐Antwerp/Flanders Port Training Center plays a fundamental role in the transfer of port knowledge from Flanders to the world. In all these years APEC has brought more than 14.000 people from 150 countries to Flanders. APEC operates as a window to the world, bringing people and expertise from all geographical corners of the planet to Flanders. APEC has been working together with Colombia since 1980. Today the Port of Santa Marta and APEC will sign a cooperation agreement. The purpose is to provide port related training and ensure that the training augments Santa Marta’s capabilities in maritime related activities. 2. BELGIUM SIGNING PARTY ULB COLOMBIA SIGNING PARTY ANDEAN PARLIAMENT 2 | P a g e [SIGNING CEREMONY BOGOTA 2014.10.21 PRESS RELEASE] October 17, 2014 o o o Mr. Javier REÁTEGUI ROSELLÓ , President of the Andean Parliament Mr. Eduardo CHILIQUINGA MAZÓN , General Secretary of the Andean Parliament Mr. Didier VIVIERS, Rector of the ULB-‐Université libre de Bruxelles The Cooperation between the Parliament and the University can contribute to the building of a communitarian conscience in the youth and knowledge about the Andean Integration System. Also, the cooperation can strengthen the Andean Parliament management abilities and the compliance of its supranational attributions, and contribute to the training of professional skills and competencies in the ULB students. The Parties consider a priority to establish mechanisms for the exchange of knowledge and human capital for the strengthening of an academic dialogue and the development of research projects that generate development and welfare for the people of Europe and the Andean Region. The cooperation will be developed based on the following strategic actions: • Internships -‐ Internships at Andean Parliament Headquarters in Bogota, Republic of Colombia for outstanding students from Master degree in the ULB. The careers of the students will be related to the nature of the work in the Andean Parliament, for example: international Relations, Political Science, Economics, etc. • Research Visits – Research Stays and visits of the Andean Parliamentarians and the employees of the General Secretariat to the campus of the University, in order to use the academic resources and interview teachers provided by the ULB • Academic Research -‐ Joint research and publications in fields of common interest, as well as mutual exchange of information, books, publications and other materials for research and teaching. • Technical training -‐ Implementation of joint training programs in specific issues of mutual interest. • Exchange of Specialists -‐ Exchange of teachers and experts for individual and joint institutional activities of the parties. • Events -‐ Development of joint activities such as forums, seminars, talks, workshops, etc., involving the Andean Parliamentarians and researchers of its General Secretariat, as well as teachers and alumni from the ULB. • Promotion and Communication -‐ Development of specific communication strategies for disseminating the outcomes of joint activities. The Investigations and research projects will be inscribed in the following areas: • Democracy, Governance and Electoral studies • Regional Integration Processes • Legislative studies and Political Actors • Peace Building • International and Economic Relations • Trade and Commerce policies • Migration policies 3 | P a g e [SIGNING CEREMONY BOGOTA 2014.10.21 PRESS RELEASE] October 17, 2014 3. BELGIUM SIGNING PARTY ULB COLOMBIA SIGNING PARTY UNIVERSIDAD COLEGIO MAYOR DE NUESTRA SENORA DEL ROSARIO o o Mr. Hans-‐Peter KNUDSEN QUEVEDO, rector of the Universidad Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario Mr. Didier VIVIERS, Rector of the ULB-‐Université libre de Bruxelles Universidad del Rosario is the oldest university in Colombia. It was created in 1653.The university now counts over 12.000 students and 1.600 professors, 5 faculties and 3 schools. Most faculties are located in the main campus in the historic-‐geographical center of Bogotá. Their motto is "Nova et Vetera" which means the old and the new. They value tradition but are perfectly aware that they have to keep up with modern times and plan for the future. Among their alumni, at least 28 of Colombia's presidents. The links between Universidad del Rosario and ULB are recent but strong and varied. For instance, this year, a Master thesis in culture management is being co-‐supervised by a professor from each university. Today, the two universities are signing a Memorandum of understanding and a Student Exchange Agreement. The two institutions will exchange 2 students per year, each way, in different fields and at different levels: -‐ Bachelor and/or Master Degree students in Sociology, Anthropology and Political Science; -‐ Master degree students in Culture Management. Moreover, the MoU will facilitate: 1. Exchange of professors, researchers and students for limited periods of time 2. Joint realization of publications, academic journals and any other type of document 3. Joint development of research projects 4. Joint creation, development and promotion of innovative educational activities 5. Organization of conferences, forums, and/or workshops 6. Exchange of academic materials and publications regarding developments in teaching and research 7. Participation in academic meetings, seminars, symposia, conferences, short courses, and summer programs 8. Joint study and/or research programs 9. Joint outreach and technology transfer activities. 4 | P a g e [SIGNING CEREMONY BOGOTA 2014.10.21 PRESS RELEASE] October 17, 2014 4. BELGIUM SIGNING PARTY ULB COLOMBIA SIGNING PARTY UNIVERSIDAD DEL ATLANTICO o o Mr. Rafael CASTILLO PACHECO, Rector of the Universidad del Atlántico Mr. Didier VIVIERS, Rector of the ULB-‐Université libre de Bruxelles In June 2000, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Universidad del Atlántico in Barranquilla and ULB. That agreement was initiated by professors of Tourism Management and resulted in many collaboration activities between researchers and teachers in the field. Nevertheless, students could not benefit from it. This new student mobility agreement aims at exchanging students between the two universities in the field of Tourism Science and Tourism Management. It will reinforce the strong existing links between Universidad del Atlántico and ULB. 5. BELGIUM SIGNING PARTY ULB COLOMBIA SIGNING PARTY UNIVERSIDAD EL BOSQUE o o Mrs María Clara RANGEL GALVIS, Vicerrectora Académica of the Universidad El Bosque Mr. Didier VIVIERS, Rector of the ULB-‐Université libre de Bruxelles The collaboration between Universidad El Bosque and the ULB in the field of Bioethics dates back in the late 1990s, when members of the ULB Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Bioethics (CRIB) visited Universidad El Bosque several times and participated in seminars and conferences. This collaboration has played a key role in the setting up of the Master and Ph.D. degrees in Bioethics at the Universidad El Bosque, in a pluralist, secular, progressive spirit. Both Master and Ph.D. in Bioethics (there are only 2 or 3 such Ph.D. programs in Latin America) are under the supervision of Prof. Jaime Escobar Triana (medical doctor, philosopher and former Rector). In the Latin American context, where the bioethical approaches are predominantly Christian, the input of ULB to the secular approach of Universidad El Bosque has been of prime importance. 5 | P a g e [SIGNING CEREMONY BOGOTA 2014.10.21 PRESS RELEASE] October 17, 2014 With this new agreement, Universidad El Bosque and ULB will strengthen their links in research and education. In particular, the mobility of Ph.D. students (including “cotutelles”) and post-‐doctoral researchers will be fostered, as well as the participation of professors in seminars and conferences. 6. BELGIUM SIGNING PARTY ULg COLOMBIA SIGNING PARTY UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTANDER o o Mr. Jaime de Jesús RESTREPO CUARTAS, rector of the Universidad de Santander Mr. Eric HAUBRUGE, First Vice-‐Rector of ULg-‐ Université de Liège Willing to strengthen scientific and pedagogical cooperation and to promote mutual knowledge, University of Liège (ULg), and Universidad de Santander (UDES) sign a Memorandum of Understanding as well as a mobility agreement to set up a student exchange programme. The subject of these agreements is the setting-‐up of a scientific and academic collaboration between ULg and UDES particularly in the field of Economics and Business Management. 6 | P a g e
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