Columbine Connections Columbine Unitarian Universalist Church October 2014 Volume 22, Issue 4 Inside this issue: Installation of Reverend Julia The very special ceremony of the Installation of Rev. Julia into our Col October Worship 2 Rev. Julia McKay’s Article 3 President’s Column 4 Blue’s Clues 5 Treasurer’s Report 6 Musical Articulations 6 SOSL Pictures 7 The UU Challenge 8 Ageing to Sageing 9 umbine congregation will be Sunday, October 5th at 4PM at 1st Unitari New Geo of Grace Group 9 an Society of Denver, 1400 Lafayette St., Denver Co, 80218. Geo of Grace Leaders Group 9 This timehonored worship service in the Unitarian Universalist tradi Wisdom Circle 9 Detention Center Vigil 9 tion is essentially a commitment ceremony – between the minister and Detention Center Vigil 10 the members of the congregation – to covenant together in devotion to InterFaith Holiday Program 10 each other and in loyalty to the ministry we aspire to live out in the Wadsworth Cleanup Project 10 world. We hope that EVERY member and friend will be part of this October STP Recipient 11 beautiful ceremony (in which many of the local UU clergy will also par Snack and Flower Signup 11 Harvest Festival and Auction 12 Book Club 13 ticipate), followed by a superfun reception with food, home brew, mu sic and fellowship in the social hall. Did you get your Evite invitation yet? If so, please RSVP through the Evite system. If you didn’t get an Evite, please email installa [email protected]. More information is available on Face book: See you at 1st Unitarian on October 5th at 4PM! 1 Worship for the Month of October Monthly Theme: Purpose October 5th, 10:30am Why is the UU Church in Lafayette.) This October 19th, 10:30 am Discerning Our Sky Blue? And, other curious ques tions about life! is the first of three pulpit Common Purpose exchanges that will help us Reverend Julia for the love and Seeking our life path individually and explore our common identity as collectively, as Unitarian Universalists, we Unitarian Universalists among responsibly search for truth and compassion she has shown to the diverse congregations. meaning. Using youth and children of Columbine. In Constant Practice Using Quaker discernment to inform our This special service is dedicated to We all have big questions from time the story of Jill Bolte Taylor in to time that popup in our lives. the spiritual practice of exploration, we will consider how to deepen Many of us have had spiritual her book, "My Stroke of Insight", our intention to discern our common purpose Rev. Jann proposes that UU’s as UU’s with each other and in the world. Rev questions and Reverend Julia has can be in constant spiritual been our goto person for the past practice – using prayer or year. The children and youth will be meditation to create presence in celebrating, in story and song, their their lives, support their hearts love for their Minister and ask her through difficult times, and in the question, “Why is the Sky their work for social justice. Blue?” Rev. Halloran is in her 16th year as minister of the Prairie October 12th, 10:30am Pulpit Ex Unitarian Universalist Church In Con change Sunday! Sermon: ““In stant Practice” of Parker. She also is President This morning The Reverend Jann Halloran, Minister of Prairie Unitarian Universalist Church in Parker, will be preaching. (Rev Julia will be preaching at Boulder Valley 2 of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice of Colorado and active in the metroarea interfaith community. She is a graduate of The Iliff School of Theology in Denver. Julia speaks. Choir sings. October 26th, 10:30 am Spooky: Why We Need Halloween Our own Jason Henderson, nationally known author of the young adult Alex Van Helsing vampire book series, the Ben 10 comic series and this Summer's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game for 3DS, will explore Halloween and the importance of spookiness in culture. This is a program that should definitely bring out the curious in all of us! Rev Julia McKay, MA, MDiv "Where [you are In some ways, it reminds me of the and friends – even visitors are called] is the place first month that I was here – August invited to four all allcongregation where your deep glad of 2013. I sat with most of you at conversations that will determine the ness and the world's many a circle dinner – listening. future direction of our growing Listening to what you thought our church: deep hunger meet.” Frederick Buechner priorities should be. What you thought our goals for the first • October 14th, 6:45pm – 8:45pm. • October 21st, 6:45pm – 8:45pm. November 11th, 6:45pm – So here we go entering our next ministry should be. And, wow ~ if phase of ministry together! It begins we didn’t just go out and achieve • with the commitment that we claim them! 8:45pm. • at the Installation: We pledge November 18th, 6:45pm – 8:45pm ourselves, so far as in us lies, to walk Now we are asking bigger questions. in Unity of the Spirit and in the bond Including what we should do this of Universal Love. particular year, but beyond this year Come and let your dreams for our into the next few years at least. future be heard! I look forward to participating with you in these Then in October we begin the amazing Columbine UU Challenge! Challenge We are going to be having a powerful discussion among us – This is NOT about sitting in a room answering questions like: going through a process of writing a • What are we passionate about? • What drives us? • What’s the “bottom line” of our mission statement or even a covenant statement and then doing nothing with the words. It IS about hearing what you think about our future direction as a congregation. This is NOT about letting a speaker fill our heads with his ideas. congregational life? • What values or commitments distinguish UU’s from others? • What guides our decisions and priorities? • Why are we here? If we disappeared from the neighborhood, what do you think people might say our It IS about letting your voice and congregation was about? ideas be heard and listening to your neighbors’ ideas. So – PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS. All members 3 conversations. See the Adult Faith Development section in this newsletter. Sending my love and wishes for a great fall! I can’t wait to see where we go next. Rev Julia President’s ColumnR ColumnRSue Fraley At the Board’s to ideas and leaders for classes. If presentation to you are interested, please talk to Rev. the Julia. And finally, Supporting Youth congregation in Faith Development. As I said that midSeptember, Sunday, this program is thriving and I described the 3 outgrowing their britches! We can goals that use teachers right away for one Columbine UU Sunday a month, and mentors Church’s starting next January. I have heard leadership set for this fiscal year at people say that this is where they our retreat in August. In case you learned things about Unitarian weren’t there for the presentation, I Universalism they never even knew want to make sure you have the they didn’t know. Please talk to chance to hear about the goals, and Martin BlueNorton or Lygia invite you to think about being Garrick if you involved in (any or all of) these want to find areas. out more. ♦ ♦ ♦ tie into the theme for this month “Purpose”. Why are we here what is Columbine’s purpose for ourselves, our children, each other those of us in need, and also for those who might need us out in the local community? Going even further, what is Unitarian Universalism’s purpose in today’s world? And how do we tie our own individual gifts and passions in with a greater purpose? These are rather expansive questions, I know. Each of us may be interested in a different one of those questions, and some of “Our goals and us aren’t thinking that way at all. our chalice Depending on what is going on in mosaic tie into our lives right now, we are all in Creating UU Identity and You may have the theme for different places of needing support Community Visibility noticed the this month and being able to give, and that cycle Expanding Adult Faith chalice mosaic “Purpose”. is a big part of our congregational Development Options in the back of life and our purpose of being a the sanctuary. church. Supporting Youth Faith Development Program This is something that members of leadership created at that same August retreat. On the blue mosaic The first goal will best be explored pieces, the outside of the chalice, we by coming to the “UU Challenge” each wrote what brought us here to workshop this fall, which is Columbine. On the green mosaic described elsewhere in this pieces, for the cup, we wrote what newsletter. This is for everyone, we keeps us here; and the yellow, the would like all of your voices in this flame, what moved us to volunteer process! The second goal, and/or to pledge our support for Expanding Adult Faith Development Columbine. There were definitely Options is another opportunity for some recurring themes, and I you to explore. We would like an imagine many of you would have organizer for this area, in addition similar responses. See what you think. 4 Our goals and our chalice mosaic It has been shown that having a purpose larger than oneself contributes to a happier more fulfilling life. For me, being part of Columbine and part of this denomination bring that into reality. I hope everyone else feels the same way. Sue Fraley October 2014 Blue’s CluesR CluesRYouth Faith Development The have broken Children’s wooden seat Faith slats and all six Development need sanding Team has and a coat of launched the paint. The ‘Adopta benches are Bench or made of wood Chair’ program for the chairs and and benches. and metal. If you, your family, team or group asked the question of “How can AdoptaBench or Chair The Adopt Program provides individuals the opportunity to paint and repair a bench or chair that not only pro we make this part of our church vides rest and relaxation for chil email me at colum accessible and enjoyable by the dren and adults, but our visitors [email protected]. [email protected]. entire congregation.” In response who come to the back yard of the to that question, church. When a bench or chair is In Peace, we met with the Facility Team adopted, a plaque will be placed Martin and members of the board to on the furniture in recogni discussed several options that can tion of the group, team, be built into our long range plans. family or individual who Things like more shade, a larger refurbished the item deck area, and several patio . chairs and tables. The chairs are in need of a our back play area. This past summer the Team took a hard look at the play area in the back of the church building and would like to “Adopt “AdoptaBenched or Chair” please contact Martin J. Blue BlueNorton at the Church or fresh coat of paint and some While looking over what we new vinyl coverings for the already had it was discovered that seats. They are made of met the six benches and five chairs al with cushioned seats were in need of some TLC. The which provides an oppor CFD Team decided to offer an tunity for the artistic side of opportunity to the congregation a team or individual to come to adopt these neglected chairs out! Several of the benches Columbine Connections 5 Treasures Report October 2014 October begins a very busy time at Colum Store, such as handmade crafts, business If donating to the auction is not your thing bine Church. We kick off the month with services or artwork. Another donation item you can help by simply coming to the dinner the installation ceremony for Reverend Julia is for you to host an activity that a number of enjoying an evening out, or better yet, buying on October 5th and we move head on into people can sign up for during the event to be from the General Store, signing up for events planning for our annual Columbine Fall hosted later in the year. We have had group or bidding on the items during the action. Harvest Dinner and Auction. The event will snowshoe trips, bike rides, hikes, cemetery Many people fill their social calendar for the be November 15 this year at 5:30 at the tours in the past. This year there might even year by participating in the wide variety of church. This is a major fundraiser for both be a craft beer tasting that you can sign up events and activities that are offered. Columbine Church and a charity selected by for. Finally, we do a live auction of other One final note about the auction, Columbine our Just Act committee. Columbine keeps the events. Popular items from previous auctions Church has arraigned again to accept credit first $5000.00 raised from the event and have been hosting an afternoon of bridge, cards during the month of November to then splits the remaining proceeds evenly having a personal chef for an evening, or make purchasing easier for the event. Credit between the church and our selected charity. hosting dinners of various themes. If you cards with also be accepted each Sunday in As part of the Columbine community, there have questions, be sure to track down any November for Equal Exchange and Scrip are many ways that you can contribute to the one of the many auction committee mem sales in the lobby after service. success of the event. First, you can donate bers, who will be identified by wearing signs items for the event to be sold in the General after upcoming services. Donation ideas are only as limited as your imagination. Look forward to seeing you there! Mike Morris Musical Articulations Dear Columbine, The day has arrived! I don’t need to remind you to be sure to attend Julia’s installation on Sunday, October 5th… But I will anyway! The music ministry will be involved along with pretty much every part of the congregation. Please come celebrate this joyous occasion with us! One thing I will be focusing on this year is refining and supporting the amazing musicians we have at Columbine already. I am so blessed to serve a community that loves music to the extent that we do! So, if you have a “sUUpreme” vocal ensemble, a flute choir, or any musical act based out of the church (or if you’d like to start one), let me know! Not only would I be happy to find a Sunday for you to share your music with the community if you wish, but I am also more than happy to coach or clinic your group, giving you professional feedback on your form and technique. You know where to find me! A final mention I’d like to make this month is that 2013-2014 will be my first year of the three-year UU Musicians Network/UUA Music Leadership Credentialing Program. The curriculum the program centers around this year involves Care and Ethics, and Leading a Choral Rehearsal, so I’m doing a lot of professional development work surrounding those facets of music leadership in a UU congregation. If you’re interested to know more about the program or the curriculum, which the congregation has graciously invested in, see me during coffee hour, and I’d be more than happy to talk about it. Thank you to everyone for this incredible opportunity. As always, I’d like to remind everyone that Thursday night choir rehearsals are open to anyone interested in singing, so please don’t hesitate to join us from 6:45 to 8:45 in the sanctuary! Thanks to the incredible new singers who joined our ranks to make Julia’s installation a success! I hope you will stick around awhile, because we’re just getting started! Yours in song, Matthew Frisk, Director of Music Columbine Connections 6 Columbine Congregants at the Standing on the Side of Love Service 7 OCTOBER 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Thu 2 Highlight of Events Fri 3 Sat • October 5thR 5thRInstallation 4 • October 10thR 10thR12thR 12thRWomen’s Retreat 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 • October 12thR 12thRUU Conversations • October 14thR 14thRUU Challenge • October 21stR 21stRUU Challenge Adult Faith Development Opportunities Everyone mark your calendars for... THE UU CHALLENGE! An empowered ALL ALLcongregation conversation on four Tuesday evenings: October 14th and 21st, November 11th and 18th, 6:45pm8:45pm in the Columbine Church Sanctuary. We claim to be a cutting edge religion with the courage to meet the challenges of our generation, even transform the world. However, this past year many people have said that they do not fully understand what Unitarian Universalism is, or what a UU stands for. Con sidering all that is happening in the world, we really NEED to know! As we move into the future, every cultural institution will be either engaging life’s challenge or drifting with life’s tide. The question is: “Will the Columbine congregation be a choreographer in the world’s dance or will it dance to someone else’s steps?” The purpose of this series is to empower a conversation that will answer this question with a compelling outcome. Our conversation will be geared to four critical issues: ♦ What is our social mission in the world? (a clear and compelling mission motivates resources, focuses energy, and determines organization) ♦ What is our transforming message to the world? (a congregation’s message is its only tool of personal and social transformation) ♦ How does cultural transformation happen? (knowing how to create change is synonymous with knowing how to influence socie ty) ♦ How do we invent an attractive social identity? (the measure of social recognition is the measure of social power) The answers to these four questions are decisive because they will instruct us how to create and model a compelling Unitarian Univer salist message to the world. The answers revealed will drive our congregational destiny. Come let your voice be heard!! The UU Challenge is sponsored by the Minister, Board, CoSMiC, and the Council. Day care will be provided. The Facilitator is Rev Robert Latham. As a settled Unitarian Universalist minister, Robert he has been in Davenport, IA, Ft Worth, TX, Milwaukee, WI and Golden, CO. He has been an Interim Minister in many other congregations. From 201113 he served as the In terim District Executive for the Pacific Central District. Robert is head of MYTHing Link Consulting that provides a variety of services to liberal congregations and organizations ( His published works consist of The Unitarian Universalist Extension Manual (1985), Moving On From Church Folly Lane (2006), A Tale of Boxes (2009) and brochures entitled Lessons From Vietnam: Why Nothing Has Changed (2011), Is There a Future for Unitarian Universalism? (2012). Columbine Connections 8 Adult Faith Development Opportunities - Continued Are you interested in Positive, Conscious, Creative Aging? The answer is Sage Sageing! In the Columbine Church Sanctuary Class will be scheduled when the remaining 8 spots are filled Based on the transformative work of Rabbi Zalman SchachterShalomi, author of From Ageing to Sageing, A Profound New Vision of Growing Older, this class will look at living the last third of life with great meaning and purpose. The topics include Becoming an Elder, Harvesting Life Wisdom, Forgiveness and Mortality, and Sharing our Gifts with the World. The class operates in a circle format and lessons will be combined with journaling techniques for deeper selfunderstanding. Instructor: Rosemary Lohndorf, a certified Journal to the Self® instructor, retired educator, and member of UU in Boulder, will lead this class of to move participants from Ageing into Sageing. 8 spots available! Reserve yours soon by contacting [email protected] A workbook is required at a cost of $20 per person; if this causes a financial hardship arrangements can be made with Rev Julia for assistance if needed. Geography of Grace Circles begin again! Another signup sheet added! If you are interested in learning a friendly relationship process that fosters deeper listening skills, greater spiritual and emotional intelligence, and getting to know others in our congregation more profoundly, then Geography of Grace is for YOU! If you imagine creating a small circle of people where spiritual growth and personal renewal happen this course is for YOU! This curriculum uses metaphors of external geography to explore our “internal geography” – or the landscape of the soul. Many teachers have likened the soul to a “wild animal”: that our inherent essence will only come out when the space is safe, trustworthy, and respectful. In this circle, we will endeavor to create this kind of space for one another. Facilitated by Rev Julia. 6 sessions will be scheduled when the group fills. Only 12 spots available! Please sign up on the back ledge of the sanctuary or RSVP to Rev Julia if you would like to attend. [email protected] Geography of Grace Leaders: This group is only for those people who have completed a cycle of the Geography of Grace class. We have the exciting opportunity of continuing our exploration together and also interfacing with other circle lay leaders from other congregations. Join Rev Julia on September 16th and 30th from 6:45pm 6:45pm8:45pm in her office. office Please RSVP [email protected] if you will be joining us. Wisdom Circle Monday’s 6:30R8:00 pm This group is an opportunity to grow your capacity for spiritual practice, mindfulness, and increase your resilience in life! We sit in 30 minutes of meditation, and then bask in the shared wisdom during Wisdom Circle as we discuss a spiritual topic following mediation. The talking stick is taken up by anyone who wishes to speak or you may simply pass the stick to the next person without saying anything. We listen respectfully to each other and feel no obligation to respond or to give advice. Everything shared in Wisdom Circle stays within the Circle. We are always glad to welcome visitors and new members! Please contact [email protected] with any questions. Page 9 9 Columbine Connections October News From The JustACT Team Detention Center Vigil on Monday, October 6th for those in most need Join us from 6:00 6:007:00 pm at the of support. The ICE for forprofit GEO Detention Center children have been leading our chants at 30th & Peoria in Aurora, CO. For information or to carpool contact lately as we march to Maureen Flanigan at 303 303972 972 the front of the 9453 or buckner detention center and [email protected] Directions pause to listen to the from the church: Take I I25 north to individuals and families I70 east. Exit south (right) at Peoria who are dealing with then turn right (west) at 30th. We begin the vigil with a honk and detention and deportation. Though wave on the corner of Peoria and each month’s vigil is a little different, th 30 . Then we move to a more we have the same dreamto empty contemplative spirit and gather in a this jail and return the people inside circle to show our care and concern to the love of their families. MidOctober Interfaith Holiday Program Begins Mid Share the warmth of the Holiday will provide information about the many cannot make it to the grocery Season with those who otherwise family: names, ages, gift request and store. We also ask for a simple gift would not have anything. It is hard clothing size. We ask for a new for them to enjoy. InterFaith is so to believe that InterFaith’s article of clothing for each child, a thankful for our continued support Christmas Holiday Program new toy or gift, a little something for of their program and is looking registration begins in October! We the parent(s) and a gift certificate for forward to working with us again will have our list of families by the a holiday meal. For the seniors we this year. nd rd 2 or 3 week of October, which ask for a box of food for them since Wadsworth Cleanup Project Scheduled for Saturday, October 25that 9:00 am. We’ll meet at Columbine UU Church The signup sheet is on the ledge in for instructions, tools, and bags. It’s the sanctuary or contact Roger Pe great exercise for everyone and a terson at: [email protected]. super opportunity for families with kids over 7 years. Columbine Connections 10 JustAct Continued Colfax Community Network An Avenue of Hope is the Split the Plate Recipient for October We have a new Split the Plate motels along these stretches of efforts to secure employment and recipient for the October 19th Colfax have become temporary permanent housing, and helps find service: the Colfax Community housing for many families severely resources during crises. For more Network. This nonprofit affected by poverty. information about the breadth of organization provides services and Colfax Community Network reaches support, check their website supports for families who live in the out to families and individuals living motels along Colfax Avenue. Once a in the motels to meet their Please give generously to support gateway to the Rockies for the immediate needs by providing food this worthy program that seeks to and clothing, as well as flu shots and raise up individuals and families basic well care. There are a variety who are truly on the margins of of programs for children to support society. If you are unable to attend healthy activities and school success the service on October 19th and and to minimize their exposure to would like to contribute, please mail the crime in the area. CCN also op or deliver your check or cash with erates a food and clothing bank, the notation on it to “Colfax th wealthy in the early 20 century, the works with individuals in their Community Network STP.” We now have a Signup Genius for Snacks and Flowers! This is a great way to share and contribute to our church. And best of all, a remind will be sent out 2 days before your signup date- enough time to get what you need! to learn more about how to get involv Please sign up Would here if you youlike would like to bring snacks: Feel free to write in the 'My Comments' section what you'll be bringing. If you would like to bring flowers sign up here: After you sign up there will be a section for you to let us know if they are in honour of someone or a significant event. Both links are ongoing, showing signups for this month and next. They will be updated at the end of each month. So what are you waiting for? Go sign up now! Volume 22, Issue 4 11 Columbine Harvest Festival Dinner and Auction November 15th, 5:30 PM Our Harvest Festival evening will kick off with our cash and carry Country Store, followed by dinner, entertainment and then the live auction. The Columbine Country Store is a great way to donate small, lessexpensive items like homemade treats, knitted goods or decorations. Our Columbine Country Store gives people the opportunity to donate and purchase treats knowing that all the proceeds go to our annual fund raising evening. Here’s a link to the Country Store donation form: We always have a great selection of items in our Events and Live Auction. Things that have been popular in the past: dinners; canvas and cocktails; hikes, biking, snowshoeing; game nights; athome concerts. BE CREATIVE! Here’s a link to the Event donation form: Another big hit at our Festival is the Children’s Auction. For the past three years the Children’s Faith Development Team has sponsored a fall auction just for the kids. Families donate five dollars per child and in return they receive five hundred dollars each of fun money which they use during the Children’s Auction. Every child 5th grade and younger will get to bid on large and small toys and gifts we will have up for auction. This gives the whole family an opportunity to participate in our Harvest Festival Dinner and Auction. The Auction is a major fundraiser for us, plus we will be giving a significant portion of the auction proceeds to Rainbow Alley, one of our JustACT partners. Rainbow Alley is a dropin center that supports LGBT youth and their allies. Rainbow Alley offers a wide variety of programs: family support groups for young teens, career and educational counseling, programs for gender nonconforming and transgender identified youth, advocacy and community organizing for marginalized communities, HIV information and testing and much more. Because Rainbow Alley serves the marginalized population of LGTBQ youth and aligns with our UU principles, JustACT has chosen it to receive a percentage of the funds raised at this year’s Harvest Festival Auction. Last year we donated $2,683 to Colorado Immigration Rights Coalition. They used the money to help immigrant families that were displaced by last year’s flooding. We’re looking forward to making a big donation to Rainbow Alley this year! Admission for the evening (includes the yummy dinner) is only $10 for adults and $5 for children between the ages of 3 and 11 years. Plus there is a family maximum for parents and kids of only $25. If you think you might want to help out with this year’s auction, please contact Kathy Derrick at kthyder [email protected] or Taylor Powers at [email protected]. There are many opportunities for volunteering, from set up or clean up, to helping organize the Country Store, or being on the Finance team. We know there is a spot for you! If you’re not sure where you might fit in, please contact Kathy or Taylor and they’ll help you decide. 12 The Columbine UU Church Book Club will meet Wednesday, October 22nd The book being discussed Wednesday, October 22nd, is “Snow Falling on Cedars” by David Guterson At times an interracial romance, a murder mystery, a courtroom drama, and a fictionalized chronicle of the World War II internment of JapaneseAmericans, this book pulls the reader into an accurate rendering of life on an island in Puget Sound. The disparate aspects of the novel are seamlessly interwoven into a narrative that allows the reader to embrace the plot, the characters, and the deadon descriptions of the physical characteristics of the novel's setting. The Book Club meets at 7:30 p.m., at the church on the fourth Wednesday of each month. Interested members gather at 5:45 p.m., at a local restaurant prior to the meeting. A little early because it might be more crowded. The resturaunt chosen for October is India’s Best Address: 1500 W Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: 3034849535 Web address: The book chosen for discussion in November/December 2014 is “The Crow Road” by Iain Banks When Prentice McHoan, the irrepressible hero of Banks's wily novel whose loves include drink, cars, girls and history, returns from university in Glasgow to his family home in Gallanach for his grandmother's funeral, his thoughts turn to his uncle Rory, a travel writer who disappeared eight years earlier. When Prentice runs into Janice, an old girlfriend of Rory's, the two wonder together if Rory has gone away the Crow Road (Scottish for died), and Janice reveals that Rory gave her a folder of his poems and notes before he disappeared. Rory's writings are tantalizingly cryptic and turn out to include outlines for a novelin progress titled Crow Road. Fueled by his uncle's notes, his own curiosity and a good bit of brown liquor, Prentice sets off to find his uncle in an engaging narrative that admirably balances bawdy Scottish humor, crafty character development and some good oldfashioned mystery. Prentice finds his closureRfor better or for worseRand things are tied up neatly (maybe too neatly) by the end. Readers unfamiliar with Banks's prodigious output have a great starting point here. Note: the November meeting will be on Dec 3rd due to Thanksgiving. There is no December meet ing! You need not have read the book to participate, and visitors are welcome. For information about the restaurant please contact Debbie Doyle, Book Club Coordinator ([email protected]) 3036979503 13 Officers Sue Fraley, President Greg Lauer, Vice President Maura Wamsley, Secretary Mike Morris Treasurer Trustees David Manning Taylor Powers Deb Suzuki [email protected] 303-972-1716 Columbine Unitarian Universalist Church Staff Rev. Julia McKay, Minister [email protected] Martin Blue-Norton, Director of Faith Development [email protected] Matthew Frisk, Music Director [email protected] Cris Cardenas, Church Administrator [email protected] Columbine Unitarian Universalist Church 6724 S. Webster Street Lileton, CO 80128 303-972-1716 14
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