TJMC WEEKLY UPDATE Unitarian Universalist

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Adult Faith
Sunday,October 12: Kol Nidre
What might this Aramaic declaration, which is recited in the synagogue
before the beginning of the evening service on every Yom Kippur, have
to offer us Unitarian Universalists? [Two services, 9:15 and 11:15.]
For information about our Lifespan Faith Development Program and classes
for children, youth and adults--contact Leia Durland-Jones
Please click HERE to go to the Adult Faith Development (AFD)/Religious
Education (RE) section for AFD/RE events and information.
The next Newcomers Orientation will be tomorrow October 11 from 9:0012:00 in The Summit House. Childcare will be provided. For more information
contact Jean Newland at [email protected].
Sunday October 12th- Celebrate marriage equality! Please join us in the social hall
after each service to share a symbolic (and delicious) wedding cake. Many couples
at our church are for the first time experiencing legal recognition of their marriage,
leading to spousal health care benefits, filing jointly on taxes, and legal adoption. Thank
you for standing on the side of love as a welcoming and supportive congregation.
Nature Spirit, Sunday, October 12, 1 pm Church Parlor. Lisa Kelly will lead us in
an exploration of Samhain, which is celebrated on October 31st. She will share a brief
history, a few stories, and a short ritual. Refreshments will be served. This is an open
group. All are welcome. Email [email protected].
October 12 - Young Adultscontinue their month of exploring spiritual practices with a
labyrinth walk. Alex McGee will lead. Food is provided. Meet in Lower Hall kitchen (as
usual) or on labyrinth (weather permitting). Questions? [email protected].
Midweek Worship Service Wednesdays, 11:45 AM to 12:30 PM: For more
information, contact Leia (293-8179 Ext. 3#) or go to the online church calendar and
click on the event.
Young Adults October 19 - Making prayer beads!
Meredith and Tristan will
provide materials and lead the group. Shane and Stephanie Corpolongo will bring food.
Newcomers welcome. Meet in Lower Hall. Questions? [email protected].
Annual Chili Cook Off & Bingo Friday October 24th from 6:00-8:00. Sponsored
by the UU Guys and RE Committee. An event for the whole family.
On Nov. 2, 2014 after the second Sunday service there will be a
Congregational Meeting to vote on three items: a public witness statement
about the divestment of our Endowment Funds of investments in fossil fuel companies,
b y l a w s changes concerning the Endowment and Finance committees and the
acceptance of the Strategic Plan's Goals and Objectives. It is important that we hear
from all members of the congregation on these issues. Childcare will be provided.
Click HERE for UUA Monthly
The Maitreya Loving Kindness
City Space - 5th Street at the
Downtown Mall
October 24-26th
[email protected]
The Rockfish Wildlife Sanctuary is holding a photo contest and has extended the
deadline til October 15. Bring your 8X10 photo of Virginia wildlife or nature scenes to
The Great Frame Up in Rio Hill with a suggested donation of $20 per entry. Your print
will be matted and displayed and finalists announced at the party on October 25. Great
prizes, and raffle items, all to support this wonderful wildlife rehabilitation center. For
more information go to Click HERE for the flyer.
TJMC Holiday Card to Benefit UUSC (Unitarian Universalist Service
Committee): Every year TJMC sends a holiday card to UUSC in December, enclosing
dues and contributions and listing names of members and friends supporting UUSC
during the year. Edith Good is collecting tax-deductible donations and memberships for
2014. To add your name to this distinguished list, see her after Sunday services. Checks
justice affiliate
SCRIP October 1 - 20, every day a different retailer will offer a 20% rebate for
20 minutes only. The bonus rebate will only be available from 1:00 - 1:20 p.m. Eastern
Time, so if you're in a different time zone please plan accordingly. We'll send out an
email announcing each day's special retailer earlier that morning. Make sure you check
in everyday so you don't miss one of your favorite stores! We'll post updates on
the too, so follow us there so you can see updates right
in your News feed.
Greeters and Ushers Needed: If you enjoy welcoming newcomers to the church, you
have an opportunity to do this when you become a greeter. Please contact Jenny Gaden
([email protected]; 434 293-6275) or Kasha Viets-Wood between Sept. 29 and Oct.
13 ([email protected]; 434 286-3336) for more information.
If you are going through an illness, loss, or transition, and want the ministers
to know, please tell us! Our church is a large vibrant community, and we need your
help to alert us when you might need support including meals or a pastoral visit. You may
contact Alex McGee at [email protected], 293-8179 ext. 2 or Erik Wikstrom at
[email protected], 293-8179 ext. 1
Pledge Payments with Credit Cards: Click HERE.
Would you like to provide the altar flowers on Sunday to mark a special
occasion or to honor someone or just to help create beauty in our
sanctuary? Your name and the occasion you are marking can be included in the order
of service. Contact Leia Durland-Jones or sign up on the bulletin board outside the
church office. You can bring the flowers yourself or make arrangements with Leia to
have them purchased.
Needed: Social Justice Council Co-Chair. The Social Justice Council is seeking a
new Co-Chair. You would work with Stephanie Jones, the current Co-Chair. The SJC is
an umbrella group of the many social justice committees at TJMC-UU, and one of its
major responsibilities is facilitating the monthly Social Action Collection. For more
information and to express interest, please write to
[email protected].
October Artist: Laurel Moore. Laurel Moore, fiber artist, first began working with
needle and thread as a child when her mother taught her the basics of stitching and
knitting. Interest in this creative art form remained with her into adulthood, expanding
into surface stitching of simple embroidery and needlepoint pre-fabricated kits. Ms.
Moore explored more traditional and contemporary fiber arts through membership in the
Embroiderer's Guide of America and local classes. She participated in the EGA's Master
Craftsman Program in Crewel Embroidery, studying the history of embroidery, the
materials and stitches used in European and early American crewel embroidery, and
classic Jacobean designs. Ms. Moore trained with noted British fiber artists Jan Beaney
and Jean Littlejohn, who inspired her to experiment with mixed fiber media and a
combination of techniques, such as felting, embellishing, surface stitching and beading,
to create a finished piece. Additional training with Australian artist, Sharon Boggon,
helped Ms. Moore develop her own creative designing abilities. The majority of pieces
on display are original designs.
2015 Attraction Coupon Books Available Today!
B u y a guide in the social hall after church and support our youth's service trip to
Appalachia in June. Attraction Guides are $25 and give you hundreds of dollars of
savings at local restaurants, grocery, craft and sporting goods stores as well as car
washes and even Black Friars Playhouse! A great gift for local friends or family.
Children, Youth and Adult Faith Development
Want to learn more about children and youth faith development
Contact Leia to receive the weekly Lifespan Faith
Development e-newsletter.
Check out the exciting offerings awaiting your participation. Classes begin this week so
register today. Visit and click the link on the left hand side of the
home page or stop by the Faith Development table in the social hall.
Adult Faith Development: Wednesday Wonderings, from 12:15-1:15 PM in Summit
House Room 1 weekly. Using the book Religion Can Make Sense (the weekly radio
broadcasts of the Universalist minister Clinton Lee Scott.) Come to all sessions or drop
in when you can.
The Jefferson Legacies Initiative Film Series, "The Long Walk Home," Wednesday
October 15, Sanctuary. Throughout the year we will be showing films that deal with
issues of race in America. Some will be fiction, others documentaries, yet each is
intended to open minds and hearts and provoke conversation. Attend one or attend them
all. [NOTE: all of the films (with the exception of The Wilderness Journey) are available
both through Amazon Prime and Comcast Xfinity On-Demand. After each film has been
shown at church, a closed and dedicated FaceBook page will be created so that those
who choose to watch the film at home for whatever reason will have an opportunity to
engage in conversation. Also, Rev. Erik has created Covenant Group sessions for each
of the films. For ideas about how your covenant group might make the most of these
opportunities, talk with Rev. Erik.] REGISTER
What's the "T" in LGBT, And What Does It Have To Do With Our Bathrooms?
Monday, October 20, 7-9 PM, church parlor. Towards the end of last year signs
appeared in and around our bathrooms lifting up the issues of how even something as
seemingly innocuous as gender-specific bathrooms can be a challenge for a
congregation that is trying to truly be welcoming. Many people who have no issues with
t h e "L" and the "G" are less comfortable when it comes to the "T" - transgender
persons. This program will be an opportunity to bring our questions, our discomfort, as
well as our clarity and our courage. Leaders: Rev. Erik and Deborah Rose. REGISTER
Creative Writing Group, Monday October 20, 6-8 PM, Summit House Room 2.
Experienced, emerging and novice writers share their work in various genres such as:
short story, poetry, essay, memoir and screenplay. In a supportive environment, writers
receive praise and constructive criticism. Each writer requests specific kinds of feedback.
In some cases, participants seek motivational strategies to stimulate their writing.
Ultimate goals are socializing and enjoyment. Led by Ed Hootstein. REGISTER
Conscious Parenting, teleconference course starting Tuesday October 21 and
running 8 weeks from 8:30-9:30 p.m. Eastern Time. O n e of the first online AFD
classes to be offered at TJMC UU, a look at ways we can become more conscious
parents! I've often heard people say of parenting, "No one's written a manual." Well, we
have. The Conscious Parent lays out the essential elements of enlightened parenting
from the child's tender years through adulthood. Parents who follow the part it
describescan be confident that they're giving their child the best of what it means to be
human," Philip Golabuk, author o f The Conscious Parent. Preregister by October
13.Leaders: Cathey Polly and Mario Hostios. REGISTER
Discover Your Strengths, Thursdays October 23 & 30, social hall, 7-9 PM. "All too
often, our natural talents go untapped. From the cradle to the cubicle, we devote more
time to fixing our shortcomings than to developing our strengths." Gallup's best-selling
StrengthsFinder assessment helps people to identify their top strengths, and gives
advice for how to use them every day to better realize our potential. This two-session
course will introduce the assessment tool and the 34 unique strengths identified by the
tool, and discuss participants' individual StrengthsFinder results. The objective of the
class will be a better awareness of our talents and how to use them. Leader: Adam
Slate. Fee: Participants will be required to purchase their own copy of the Strengths
Finder 2.0 book, which includes an access code to take the assessment; available on for $15.18. REGISTER
If I'm Creating My Reality, Why Am I Getting This? 8 week teleconference course
starting Thursday October 23 and running 8 weeks from 8:30-9:30 p.m. Eastern
Time. A remarkable look at deliberate intending and conscious living. Leaders: Cathey
Polly and Mario Hostios. Cathey and Mario are certified facilitators through the Field
Center. They have studied several ways of living meaningful, and happy lives, including
Christian and Buddhist traditions. They have discovered this course to be transformative
in reclaiming their native joy, curiosity, and sense of belonging to life. REGISTER
Please Click HERE to see the full
schedule. Films are shown the first and
third Fridays each month in the Church
Parlor at 6:30PM.
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TJMC - Unitarian Universalist
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TJMCUU Weekly Update submissions should be emailed to
[email protected] by 12:00 noon Wednesday.
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