The Pony Club Association of NSW State Showriding Championship To be held at White Park, Guernsey St, Scone. Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th December 2014, Host Zone 7 Commencing 8:30am NSWPCA Hendra Virus Policy The Pony Club Association of NSW has a mandatory requirement that ALL horses attending State Championships from January 1 2014 must have a current Hendra Virus Vaccination Certificate issued by Zoetis. A copy of this certificate must accompany all applications for a State Championship. All horses arriving at Championship venues will be scanned to confirm their Microchip number is the same as that on their Hendra Vaccination Certificates. No exceptions will be allowed. Scanning and Arrival Times Scanning of horse Micro-chip numbers and entry to the competition venue will be available ONLY during the following time periods: Thursday 4th December – 12pm to 6pm; Friday 5th December- 8am to 2pm. COMPULSORY FITNESS CHECK starting at 3:00pm FRIDAY 5th. Saturday 6th December - arrival and scanning ONLY by PRIOR ARRANGEMENT between 6:00am and 7:00am, followed by ridden COMPULSORY FITNESS CHECK between 6:30am and 7:30am STATE ENTRY FEE: $45.00 PER COMPETITOR (INC. GST) (One cheque from the Zone to be made out to PCANSW.) HOST ZONE STABLE FEE: $20 for stabling per horse per night includes shavings HOST ZONE CAMPING FEE: $11 per family per night. (Stabling and Camping form must be completed and sent directly to host zone.) ENTRIES CLOSE: 5pm Friday, 24th October 2014. All cheques must be from your Zone not personal cheques No telephone, or late, entries will be accepted ALL ENTRIES MUST COME THROUGH ZONES AND BE MAILED TO: The Pony Club Association of NSW PO Box 2085 WOLLONGONG NSW 2500 The association reserves all rights to alter any or all of the programs and conditions without due notice. All competitors compete at their own risk. 1. ENTRY TO THE COMPETITION VENUE The host Zone will provide a separate laneway near the entrance of the venue, entry to the competition must be via Guernsey Street, through which every float or truck must pass. At one point in the laneway, floats/trucks will be stopped and horses unloaded one at a time when directed by an official. Please complete the Horse Health Declaration form within three days leading up to the State Championship and present to event officials on arrival. Each horse will be immediately scanned for its Microchip number, which will be compared to that on its Hendra Vaccination Certificate. If correct, the horse/s and their transport will exit the laneway and enter the Championship venue for stabling/yards and camping. If the Microchip numbers on the scan and Hendra Certificate do not match, the horse must be reloaded and leave the venue immediately. If a late change of horse occurs, a copy of the new horse’s Hendra Vaccination Certificate must be presented at the time of scanning, together with a replacement PCANSW Horse ID Certificate with all required signatures and a Veterinary Certificate (if appropriate) for the scratched horse. A new Horse Health Declaration form will also be required. If arriving late ONLY due to extenuating circumstances (such as a car break down), please ensure your Team Manager is aware and contact the host zone contact Julee Gilmore on 0417 409 395 to arrange entry to the grounds. 2. ENTRIES All Entries must come through the Zone to the State office with one Zone cheque for the entry fee and one Zone cheque to be paid to the host Zone for stabling and camping. Cheques from individual competitors or Clubs will not be accepted. Entries will only be accepted on the official Entry Forms accompanying this schedule. CHAMPIONSHIP NOMINATION FORMS AND HORSE ID FORMS SIGNED BY THE ZONE CHIEF INSTRUCTOR AND OTHER DESIGNATED SIGNATORIES MUST ACCOMPANY ENTRIES FOR ALL COMPETITORS. Zone Chief Instructors are required to list entries in order of priority on the entry forms. If there are too many entries in an age group, riders entered last on the form may not be accepted. There will be no ‘pending’ for any State Event Qualifying & grading is at the close of nominations. 3. HORSE IDENTIFICATION Horse ID forms are required to be sent to the PCA NSW office with entries. Team Managers are required to bring a copy of the Horse ID to the fitness check. Note there will be NO HORSE HEIGHT MEASURING CONDUCTED AT THE VENUE. Each competitor is required to have their CLUB SENIOR INSTRUCTOR verify the horse height on the HORSE IDENTIFICATION FORM or supply a measuring certificate that has been verified by the competitors CLUB SENIOR INSTRUCTOR, documents to be supplied at the time of entry. 4. SCRATCHINGS All scratching are to be notified to the Zone Chief Instructor as early as possible. Refund of entry fees will only be granted if a copy of a Doctors, or Veterinary, Certificate is sent to the State office no later than 30 days from the completion of the championships. Ground fees are refundable where scratchings are notified no later than 14 days prior to the event. Stable and Camping fees will be refunded by host Zone and entry fees by the State Office 5. HORSE SUBSTITUTIONS In the event of illness or injury, (or for any other reason the Advisory Committee may allow), a horse may be substituted. If a horse is substituted the Association or Technical Delegate must be advised in writing not later than 6:00pm on the day prior to competition, by the Zone Secretary or Team Manager, giving the reason, together with the approval of the Zone Chief Instructor concerned and providing verification that the substitute horse is of championship standard. The substitute horse must be owned by a member of the rider’s Club and comply with all the conditions of nomination for the Championship for which it is being substituted. Any competitor riding a horse not fulfilling the above conditions will incur disqualification. 6. ELIGIBILITY OF COMPETITOR Competitors are required to have a recorded attendance at a minimum of 3 Pony Club instructional days in the preceding 12 months. (Membership cards are available from the Association office.) Verification of attendance is required by Club Secretaries prior to initialling column on the entry form. Entries will only be accepted from current financial and insured members of the Pony Club Association. New South Wales members’ names must appear on the register at the Association office. 7. ELIGIBILITY AND OWNERSHIP OF MOUNTS See current PCA Handbook. 8. HORSE WELFARE Pony Club Association NSW Council strongly recommends that all pony club members vaccinate their horses against the Hendra Virus and supports any Zone or Club who have introduced by-laws in regard to vaccinations. We recommend that you contact your local Department of Primary Industry for further updates and information on biosecurity measures to be implemented by members on 02 6391 3100 or see their website 9. PERFORMANCES (New South Wales Competitors only) Nominations to the Zone must be accompanied by current Show Riding Performance cards (available from the Association office). Club Secretaries are responsible for forwarding cards, with entry forms, to Zone Chief Instructors prior to them approving entrants of suitable standard and forwarding nominations to Association office. These must be signed to the correct grade by the Zone Chief Instructor. PLEASE NOTE Performance cards ARE NOT required to be forwarded to the Association office for this State Championship. 10. GENERAL RULES FOR STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS a. The Championship will be conducted under the rules of the Pony Club Association of NSW as set down in the current PCA NSW Handbook and as advised in Council minutes to date. Team Managers are to have a copy of the rules available for reference by their team members. b. The Pony Club Association reserves the right to alter, amend or delete any part of the program if circumstances arise which make it necessary. c. Competitors must realise that this is a State Championship and the standard will be high. It is the responsibility of Zone Chief Instructors to ensure the mounts and riders meet the required standard. d. PUNCTUALITY: Competitors must be punctual and may be disqualified if not ready when called. e. LEAVE: All riders are reminded that they may not leave the grounds until after the final presentation without permission from the Technical Delegate. Any rider who leaves without permission may be suspended from competing for a full twelve (12) months from the date of the breach of the regulations. f. VEHICLE PARKING: No vehicle is to park in a horse an area allocated for horses. (Parking areas will be clearly indicated.) All vehicles park at their own risk. A horse free area must be provided for vehicle parking. g. The commencement time for State Championships is from when back numbers are allocated and until the last horse leaves the presentation arena. h. Yards/stables may not be in the camping area and as such cannot be brought onto the grounds by competitors. Competitors must use yards/stables provided by host zone. 10. BRIDLE NUMBERS Bridle numbers will be issued to Team Managers on payment of a deposit of $10.00 per competitor. This fee must be paid before 6.00 pm on the day prior to competition by Team Managers. Competitors not collecting their bridle numbers by the specified time will automatically be scratched from all events. This fee is refundable on return of the bridle number, providing the bridle number is returned in good order. Team Managers are responsible for checking condition of bridle numbers and returning the same. Damaged bridle numbers will be charged to the Zone. 11. INTER-STATE COMPETITORS One State Team Championship awarded only. Teams are to comprise a maximum of four riders and a minimum of three riders. All scores to count. All inter-state entries are the responsibility of their own State Association. Inter-state entries must come through the State Secretary with the required accompanying cheques for the state entry fees and the host zone stabling and camping fees. All correspondence will be forwarded to the State Secretary only. All inter-state competitors represent their State and must wear the full Pony Club uniform of their State Association. This includes State saddlecloths, flags, banners etc. Interstate competitors ride under the rules of The Pony Club Association of NSW. 12. INTER-ZONE COMPETITORS (New South Wales competitors only) There will only be One Zone team Championship award. Teams are to comprise a maximum of four riders and a minimum of three riders. All scores to count. 13. GEAR REGULATIONS “The only jewellery permitted to be worn by riders when mounted are one stud per ear not exceeding 5mm in diameter and wristwatches (medical alerts are permitted). Wedding rings, if worn, must be taped.” 14. UNIFORM Zone Teams - Each Team to wear their own Zone uniform and saddlecloth. Full Pony Club uniform is to be worn i.e. shirt and tie and either fawn or oatmeal jodhpurs. White Jodhpurs and Stockman’s Trousers are unacceptable. Helmet checks will be conducted between 1 & 2pm on the day before the competition commences. 15. PROGRAMME Programmes available at the ground after 2.00 pm on the day prior to the first day of competition. Competitors failing to be ready when called may incur disqualification. 16. TEAM MANAGERS RESPONSIBILITIES A Team Manager for each age group must be named on the nomination form, together with addresses and telephone numbers. For Team Managers duties see current PCA NSW Handbook. Team Managers must be current financial and insured members of the Pony Club Association. It is stressed that Team Managers are in charge of their team whilst ever they are on the ground, Alcohol consumption must be strictly controlled. Zone Secretaries are required to furnish each Team Manager with a list of members for whom they are responsible at State Championships, together with a list of scratchings, prior to departure for the Championship. Team members should be notified by the Zone Secretary, through their Club Secretary, the name of their Team Manager for the Championship and be made aware of their responsibility to the Manager. This knowledge is to be available to all team members prior to departing for the venue. Team Manager must be suitably attired and wear identifying badges at all times, (available at Association office). For distinguishing purposes it is recommended that Team Managers wear the uniform of their Zone. Team Managers are required to attend the Team Managers meeting which follows the Fitness Check (TBA). Team Managers are to ensure that all competitors are mounted and present at Presentation. 17. FITNESS CHECK Horses will be checked for soundness during the afternoon on the day prior to the first event at approximately 3:00 pm. Riders must present horses ridden by their nominated rider. Bridle Numbers are to be worn. Riders must wear either full Pony Club uniform or a casual uniform of fawn jodhpurs, polo shirt (with collar and sleeves) in Club, Zone or State colours, together with regulation AS/NZ 3838, ASTM F1163, or EN 1384 approved riding helmet and boots. Team Managers are required to bring a copy of the Horse ID to the fitness check. COMPETITORS ARE REMINDED THAT NO HORSE MAY LEAVE THE GROUND AFTER THE HENDRA CHECK AT STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS UNTIL THE CONCLUSION OF THE FINAL PARADE WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Horses arriving at the venue Saturday morning (by prior arrangement) will be checked between 7:00am and 7:30 am on the first day of competition. Application for this check is to be made to Secretary by Team Manager on the day prior to the first day of competition. Suspect or doubtful horses may be asked to present for a further inspection by a veterinarian to make the final decision as to participation. Note - a horse, which is scratched as a result of the Fitness or Vet Check at a State Championship, shall not thereafter be ridden at the venue by any person. Destruction of severely injured horses: If a horse is so severely injured that on humanitarian grounds it has to be destroyed, the following procedure will apply; if the owner or his authorised representative is present this agreement will first be obtained by the official Veterinary Surgeon. If the owner or his representative is not available the Technical Delegate acting on the advice of the Official Veterinary Surgeon, may order the destruction of a horse. 18. FITNESS CHECK TROPHY A Perpetual Trophy will be awarded to the smartest Zone (riders and team managers) at the Fitness Check. 19. GEAR CHECK Will be carried out prior to each competition Team Managers MUST be present. Riders are not at liberty to leave the enclosure after checking and prior to competing. Whilst an official gear check will be carried out, the safety of rider’s gear is ultimately the responsibility of the competitor. 20. EXERCISE Competitors may exercise horses in area provided. Horses may only be exercised (this includes lunging) by their nominated riders, except in the case of riders under 13 years, where an adult member may lunge the horse with the permission of the Team Manager. Horses exercised by other than their riders (if the rider is 13 years or older) or with unacceptable gear, may be disqualified from the Championship as a whole. Approved helmets and solid footwear are to be worn at all times when lunging. 21. PROFESSIONAL COACHING Competitors may not be coached by professional coaches while at the venue, at the risk of disqualification from the Championship. 22. DISQUALIFICATION The PCA Executive, together with the Advisory Committee, has the power to disqualify any competitor for a breach of any rule, or for unacceptable behaviour. 23. APPLICATION FOR EARLY LEAVE If, for any unforseen circumstance, a competitor wishes to leave the venue prior to the final presentation of awards (whether they be ribbon winner or not), their Team Manager is required to make a written request to be lodged at the Secretary's office at the venue for decision by the Association Advisory Committee. Failure to obtain permission may jeopardise future entry. 24. AGE GROUPS Ages are taken as at the first day of competition. Under 9 years 9 & Under 11 years 11 & Under 13 years 13 & Under 15 years 15 & Under 17 years 17 & Under 25 years 25. EVENTS Note: Riders under 17 may only wear Jodhpur boots in all classes. 26. CLASS INDICATORS Coloured wrist bands or coloured ribbons, relating to the respective height class for each rider, will be issued to the team manager at the completion of the fitness check. Riders are required to wear this wrist band or coloured ribbon throughout the competition to identify their height division. 27. AWARDS st a. INDIVIDUAL CLASSES: Riders will receive ribbons to fifh place. Five points will be awarded for 1 place down to 1 th point for 5 place. b. INDIVIDUAL CHAMPIONSHIP: The individual Champion will be the rider with the most points over the Championship as follows. c. RESERVE CHAMPIONSHIP: The reserve Champion will be the rider with the second most points over the Championship as follows. Under 9 years 9 & Under 11 years 11 & Under 13 years 13 & Under 15 years 15 & Under 17 years 17 & Under 25 years d. INTER-ZONE CHAMPIONSHIP: There will only be One Zone team Championship award. Teams are to comprise a maximum of four riders and a minimum of three riders. All scores to count. e. INTER-STATE CHAMPIONSHIP: There will be only One State team Championship award. Teams are to comprise a maximum of four riders and a minimum of three riders. All scores to count. 28. SCORING st nd rd th Scoring will be on the basis of 5 point for 1 place, 4 points for 2 place, 3 points for 3 place, 2 points for 4 place and 1 point for 5 place. Pairs and Teams of Four classes are not included in the point score. In the event of equality for the highest overall point score or for places in the Zone Team, a count back will be conducted in the following manner. The rider with the most first places, then the rider with the most second places and so on until a division is reached. If no division is reached the following criteria will apply. The highest place rider in the: 1. Riding Class 2. Bareback Class 3. Hack Class The final championship scores will be displayed for a minimum of 15 minutes prior to the award being made for the championship. The time of final posting of each score sheet will appear on the bottom of the score sheet. The parade for final presentation MUST NOT be marshalled until the posting of the final scores is imminent. The chief marshal should liaise with the Technical Delegate to determine the appropriate time. Final scoring calculations are time consuming and it is unwise to marshal competitors too early. 29. PROTESTS Protests must be lodged in writing, by the Zone Team Manager Secretary on the ground. Protests must be made no later than protest, or in the case of scores, within fifteen minutes of the against the qualification of competitors or horses must be commencement of the event. 30. together with a fee of $50.00 and handed to the one hour after the incident that gave rise to the final championship scores being posted. Protests lodged not later than one hour prior to the PRESENTATION OF AWARDS At the conclusion of the state championship/s, team managers assemble ALL MEMEBERS of their teams, mounted and in full uniform (whether ribbon winners or not) for the final parade and presentations. The failure of any competitor to comply may well jeopardize the receiving of an award and/or future acceptance for championship competition. The only exception is when special permission has been granted by the advisory committee following written application from the team manager (see 23). 31. ZONE FLAG/BANNER Zone Team Managers are requested to bring banners for official parade. Team Managers are to parade with teams. Riders must wear full Pony Club uniform for the parade. 32. RESPONSIBILITY Neither the Organising Committee, the Pony Club Association of NSW nor the PCA Advisory Committee accepts any responsibility for accident or illness of horse, to rider, groom, spectator or any other person or damage to motor vehicle during the currency of the Championship. Riders ride at their own risk. The Advisory Committee, together with the Executive of the PCA, are final arbiters in making decisions on protest or policy, and reserve the right to make any amendments, alterations or deletions to the programme as required. 33. WORK HEALTH AND SAFETY As part of the Associations continuous improvement process, in regard to Work Health and Safety a Safety Officer will be appointed for all State Championships by the Host Zone, this Safety Officer will conduct a risk assessment for the event (including checking that all electrical appliances and leads have been tested and tagged and that power outlets are not overloaded), give a Safety Briefing at the start of the Championship and be the first point of reference for issues relating to Work Health and Safety. This Safety Officer will work in conjunction with the Technical Delegate to ensure the safety of all riders, officials and spectators. Riders, officials and spectators are reminded of the responsibility to themselves and others in regard to safety and requests that any issues be reported immediately. The Associations reminds all attending Pony Club Events that they must abide by the Associations rules and any direction given by the Technical Delegate, Safety Officer, members of the Advisory Committee or State Executive at State Championship events. Riders/ parents/guardians are reminded that while the Association is always mindful of member’s safety and will conduct Risk Assessments and uphold the Associations rules at a Championship it is the riders/ parents/guardians responsibility to decide whether to attend or not to attend an event. Riders/ parents/guardians should always undertake their own Risk Assessment before each championship this assessment should take into consideration weather conditions, the distance to be travelled and safety of riders and horse welfare. For further information on Risk Assessments and the Associations rules please see our website 34. SAFETY OFFICER A person appointed by the Event Organizing Committee to prepare, distribute and implement a safety plan AND to coordinate emergency responses during a competition. This person is not a medical officer and should not participate directly in providing emergency care, but rather should arrange for and facilitate the response by appropriate personnel and then record and document any incident(s). This person should not be assigned to any other function pertaining to the hosting of the competition. 35. VENUE DETAILS White Park, Scone; (more information attached) Located on Guernsey Street Scone and is with walking distance to main shopping centre and RSL Club. Entry to competition venue must be via Guernsey Street (Main entrance and ample room to set up a stop point to check horse vaccinations. Power is very limited – only approx 30 outlets which includes access to a generator. Amenities – o Womens – 7 showers and 12 toilets o Mens – 6 showers and 12 toilets Stabling – fully enclosed, cost @ $20.00 per night, includes shavings. Competitors must bring their own water and feed buckets. Stable must be cleaned (wet spots and manure, with shaving raked to sides, prior to leaving or be charged a $40.00 cleaning bond. All stables will be allocated to individual competitors. Competitors are not allowed to swap stabled without the expressed permission of the committee. Stable map attached. Camping – cost $11.00 per night, per family. Stable and Camping form must be completed and sent directly to host zone. 36. CAMPING AND STABLING Camping & Stable fees are refundable where scratching’s are notified no later than 14 days prior to the event, nomination fees will be refunded upon production of a doctors or veterinarian certificate. Please fill out the Zone Camping and Stabling form and send with payment directly to the zone. HOST ZONE STABLE FEE: $20 for stabling per horse per night includes shavings HOST ZONE CAMPING FEE: $11 per family per night. (Please complete the Host Zone stabling and camping booking form enclosed and return with payment directly to address provided on form.) Please find the following forms attached. 1. Championship Nomination Form – To be completed by rider/parent or guardian and include all appropriate signatures. 2. Horse Identification Form ‐ To be completed by rider/parent or guardian and include all appropriate signatures. A current Hendra Vaccination Certificate must accompany this form. 3. Hendra Vaccination Certificate Example – An example of the Hendra Vaccination Certificate that must be provided. 4. Horse Health Declaration Form ‐ Please complete the Horse Health Declaration form within three days leading up to the State Championship and present to event officials on arrival. Please do not post to the State Office. 5. Host Zone Stable and Camping Booking Form ‐ Post this form with cheque to Scone Pony Club, State Show Riding Co Ordinator, PO Box 400, SCONE NSW 2337. 6. Host Zone White Park Scone Venue Details 7. Host Zone Merchandise Order Form ‐ Cheques made payable to Zone 7 Pony Club Association. Order must be received by 10th October. Orders and Queries to: Sue Foreman, 655 Dry Creek Road, Scone NSW 2337. 37. PROGRAM FOR SHOW RIDING 2014 DAY ONE – SATURDAY Class 1 Rider Under 9 years Class 2 Rider 9 & under 11 years Class 3 Rider 11 & under 13 years Class 4 Rider 13 & under 15 years Class 5 Rider 15 & under 17 years Class 6 Rider 17 & under 25 years Class 7 Pair of Riders (same Zone) Under 13 years Class 8 Pair of Riders (same Zone) 13 & under 17 years Class 9 Pair of Riders (same Zone) 17 & under 25 years Class 10 Team of 4 Riders (same Zone) Under 13 years 13 & under 17 years Class 11 Team of 4 Riders (same Zone) Class 12 Team of 4 Riders (same Zone) 17 & under 25 years ** Horses in classes 13 to 30 must be nominated as either a Hack or Show Hunter Hack and cannot compete in both categories. Class 13 Pony Hack Not exceeding 12.2 hands Class 14 Show Hunter Hack Not exceeding 12.2 hands Class 15 Pony Hack Over 12.2h. and not exceeding 13h. Class 16 Show Hunter Hack Over 12.2h and not exceeding 13h. Class 17 Pony Hack Over 13 h. and not exceeding 13.2h. Class 18 Show Hunter Hack Over 13 h and not exceeding 13.2h. Class 19 Pony Hack Over 13.2h and not exceeding 14h. Class 20 Show Hunter Hack Over 13.2h and not exceeding 14h. Class 21 Galloway Hack Over 14h and not exceeding 14.2h. Class 22 Show Hunter Hack Over 14h and not exceeding 13.2h. Class 23 Galloway Hack Over 14.2h and not exceeding 15h. Class 24 Show Hunter Hack Over 14.2h and not exceeding 15h. Class 25 Hack Over 15h and not exceeding 15.2h. Class 26 Show Hunter Hack Over 15h and not exceeding 15.2h. Class 27 Hack Over 15.2h and not exceeding 16h. Class 28 Show Hunter Hack Over 15.2h and not exceeding 16h. Class 29 Hack Over 16 hands Class 30 Show Hunter Hack Over 16 hands Class 31 Educated Pony Hack Not exceeding 12.2 hands Class 32 Educated Pony Hack Over 12.2 hands and not exceeding 13 hands Class 33 Educated Pony Hack Over 13 hands and not exceeding 13.2 hands Class 34 Educated Pony Hack Over 13.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands Over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands Class 35 Educated Galloway Hack Class 36 Educated Galloway Hack Over 14.2 hands and not exceeding 15 hands Class 37 Educated Hack Over 15 hands and not exceeding 15.2 hands Class 38 Educated Hack Over 15.2 hands and not exceeding 16 hands Over 16 hands. Class 39 Educated Hack DAY 2 – SUNDAY Class 40 Handler Class Under 9 years Class 41 Handler Class 9 years and under 11 years. Class 42 Handler Class 11 years and under 13 years Class 43 Handler Class 13 years and under 15 years Class 44 Handler Class 15 years and under 17 years Class 45 Handler Class 17 years and under 25 years Class 46 Bareback Rider Under 9 years Class 47 Bareback Rider 9 years and under 11 years Class 48 Bareback Rider 11 years and 13 years Class 49 Bareback Rider 13 years and under 15 years Class 50 Bareback Rider 15 years and under 17 years Class 51 Bareback Rider 17 years and under 25 years Note: Pleasures Hacks: Snaffle bits with cavesson nosebands permitted. No whips or spurs allowed. Class 52 Pleasure Hack (snaffle bit) Not exceeding 12.2 hands Over 12.2h and not exceeding 13 hands Class 53 Pleasure Hack (snaffle bit) Class 54 Pleasure Hack (snaffle bit) Over 13 hands and not exceeding 13.2 hands Class 55 Pleasure Hack (snaffle bit) Over 13.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands Class 56 Pleasure Hack (snaffle bit) Over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands Class 57 Pleasure Hack (snaffle bit) Over 14.2 hands and not exceeding 15 hands Class 58 Pleasure Hack (snaffle bit) Over 15 hands and not exceeding 15.2 hands Class 59 Pleasure Hack (snaffle bit) Over 15.2 hands and not exceeding 16 hands Class 60 Pleasure Hack (snaffle bit) Over 16 hands. Note: All horses are eligible for Working Hunter classes (see below for heights of obstacles). **** Class 61 Working Hunter Not exceeding 12.2 hands Class 62 Working Hunter Over 12.2 hands and not exceeding 13 hands Class 63 Working Hunter Over 13 hands and not exceeding 13.2 hands Class 64 Working Hunter Over 13.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands Class 65 Working Hunter Over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands Class 66 Working Hunter Over 14.2 hands and not exceeding 15 hands Class 67 Working Hunter Over 15 hands and not exceeding 15.2 hands Over 15.2 hands and not exceeding 16 hands Class 68 Working Hunter Class 69 Working Hunter Over 16 hands Class 70 Pair of Pony Hacks Not exceeding 13 hands Class 71 Pair of Pony Hacks Over 13 hands and not exceeding 14 hands Class 72 Pair of Galloway Hacks Over 14 hands and not exceeding 15 hands Class 73 Pair of Hacks Over 15 hands Class 74 Team of Four Pony Hacks Not exceeding 14 hands Class 75 Team of Four Galloway Hacks Over 14 hands and not exceeding 15 hands Class 76 Team of Four Hacks Over 15 hands. **** Heights / widths of obstacles for Working Hunter classes. Classification Height Width Ponies not exceeding 14 hands 45 cms 55 cms Galloways, over 14 hands and not exceeding 15 hands 60 cms 70 cms Hacks, over 15 hands 75 cms 85 cms 38. INFORMATION FOR COMPETITORS A. HANDLER CLASSES Pony Club Handler classes are judged strictly on the Handler’s ability to show a horse in a led class. No consideration is given to the horse other than grooming and presentation. The ability of the handler to show the horse is the only criteria being judged. The procedure for judging is as follows:‐ 1. The horse and handler enter the ring at a brisk walk as directed by the Steward. 2. The horse is led from the near side and must walk at the same pace as the Handler moving in a brisk, alert manner. 3. When instructed to line up, the Handler stands the horse squarely on all four feet and presents the horse in a position which does not obstruct the Judge’s view of the horse at any time, whilst remaining on the near side of the horse. The Handler must not stand in front of the horse. 4. The Judge will then call upon individual Handlers to present and parade their horse. 5. When turning the horse, it must be to the right to give the Judge a full view of the horse. The Handler should know where the Judge is at all times so as not to obstruct the Judge’s view of the horse. 6. Handlers must always keep their position in the line and allow reasonable space between the horses on either side. If asked to change position in the line, the Handler will lead the horse forward and circle the line and approach the new position from behind. 7. The Handler must be alert and courteous and respond quickly to instructions from the Judge or Steward. Guidelines for Judging: a. The horse is to be clean and well presented. b. No consideration will be given to the horse’s confirmation or type. c. The horse must be shown in a bridle with a snaffle bit which is well fitted, neat and clean. d. A show whip, which may not exceed 1 metre in length, may be carried. e. The Handler is to be well presented and wearing Pony Club uniform. f. The classs is judged solely on the Handler’s abilityy to show the horse. oints Handers should avoid the following: In order to gain maximum po 1. o recognise an nd correct fau ults of the horsse’s position. Failure to 2. Kicking, h hitting or haviing leg contacct with the horrse. 3. Talking w with other con ntestants. 4. Failure off the horse to o lead properlyy. 5. Failure to o stop the horrse before turning when at a walk or trott. 6. Loud voicce commandss to the horse. 7. Turning tthe horse in th he wrong dire ection. 8. Blocking the Judge’s view of the horse. 9. move to avoid being bumpeed or stepped on. Causing tthe judge to m 10. Unsportssmanlike behaaviour which m may cause elim mination. B. WORKIN NG HUNTER –WORK OUT T WORKING G HUNTER –W WORK OUT C. TEAM OF FOUR WORKOUT For teams Under 13 years Form lineup in section, then‐ 1. Walk out in single file (approximately 40m) 2. Trot a circle to the right in single file 3. Change direction, form half section and trot circle left 4. Form section and canter a circle (left rein) 5. Change direction canter half circle right 6. Canter back to judge and halt through trot and walk 7. Sustain halt 5 seconds while saluting DIAGRAM KEY X – Judge Walk Trot Canter For teams 13 – Under 25 years Starting from the lineup, in section 1. Walk in section 2. Trot a figure of eight in section 3. Canter a figure of eight in section 4. At the completion of the right (2nd) circle of the figure of eight, change rein 5. Go on to a larger circle at the canter (left rein) 6. At the canter on the left rein form half section 7. Trot 8. Form single file at the trot 9. Walk and at the same time form a section 10. Come back to the halt in front of the judge 11. Sustain halt five seconds while saluting Note: From 7 – 9 is done on one large circle DIAGRAM KEY X – Judge Walk Trot Canter Witches hats will be put in place to indicate where the team is to change from walk to trot to canter and canter to trot to walk. The Pony Club Association of N.S.W. Office 7, 25 Victoria Street Wollongong NSW 2500 CHAMPIONSHIP NOMINATION FORM Phone: (02) 42298977 Fax: (02) 42298966 Email: [email protected] Correspondence to: PO Box 2085 Wollongong NSW 2500 Australia CHAMPIONSHIP NOMINATION FORM RIDER PARTICULARS NAME IN FULL ............................................................................................................................................……………………………..… ADDRESS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. P/C ……………... PHONE ……………………………………………………….. MOBILE ………………………………………………………………. EMAIL ……………………………………………………………………………. DATE OF BIRTH ..............................................………... AGE GROUP ......................................................…CLUB ......................................................... ZONE ............................…………....... THIS IS A NOMINATION FOR STATE ...........……………...................…….............................……………………………. (Name of event) TO BE HELD AT ............................................................………. ON ….................................VECHILE REGO NO.............................. PLEASE INDICATE IF YOU WILL BE COMPETING IN EITHER HACK OR HUNTER CLASSES……………………………………... HORSE PARTICULARS REGISTERED NAME or STABLE NAME (if not registered) ...................................................................................................................…. ATTENDEE PARTICUARS PLEASE LIST THE DETAILS OF ALL PEOPLE (ADULTS/CHILDREN) ACCOMPANYING THE NOMINATED RIDER BELOW. NAME RELATIONSHIP CLUB/ZONE MOBILE DATES YOU ARE YOU TO RIDER PHONE WILL BE AT CAMPING ON THE CONTACT THE GROUNDS? IF SO AT EVENT GROUNDS WHAT NIGHTS? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I HAVE READ THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE ABOVE CHAMPIONSHIP AND ON BEHALF OF MYSELF/ MY SON/ DAUGHTER (circle which is applicable) AGREE TO ABIDE BY THEM AND I CONFIRM THAT THE NOMINATED MOUNT IS OWNED/LEASED (circle which is applicable) BY …………................................................................................A MEMBER OF .......................................................……………………… PONY CLUB. NOTE: I understand that the competitor must attend the presentation parade on the final day unless he/she have been given permission, by the advisory committee, to leave early. SIGNED .................................................................................……….. PARENT/GUARDIAN (IF RIDER UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE) SIGNED .................................................................................……….. RIDER 18 YEARS & OVER _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ I HEREBY VERIFY THAT THE ABOVE RIDER IS A FINANCIAL MEMBER OF THE .......................................................................................………………. PONY CLUB AND HAS ATTENDED AT LEAST THREE PONY CLUB INSTRUCTION DAYS IN THE PRECEDING 12 MONTHS. SIGNED ...............................................................................…………………… CLUB SECRETARY _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ I HEREBY VERIFY THAT THE ABOVE RIDER IN MY OPINION IS OF A SUITABLE STANDARD TO COMPETE IN THE ABOVE CHAMPIONSHIPS. SIGNED .............................................................................……………………. CLUB SENIOR INSTRUCTOR _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ I HEREBY VERIFY THAT THE ABOVE RIDER HAS SUBMITTED PERFORMANCE CARDS TO ME AND IN MY OPINION IS OF A SUITABLE STANDARD TO COMPETE IN THE ABOVE CHAMPIONSHIPS. SIGNED .............................................................................………………….. ZONE CHIEF INSTRUCTOR (OR DEPUTY) The financial support of the NSW Department of Tourism, Sport & Recreation is acknowledged The Pony Club Association of N.S.W. Office 7, 25 Victoria Street Wollongong NSW 2500 Phone: (02) 42298977 Fax: (02) 42298966 Email: [email protected] u Correspondence to: PO Box 2085 Wollongong NSW 2500 Australia ZONE: ___________________ BACK NUMB ER (TO BE CO MPLETED BY O FFICE) :_____________________ HORSE IDENTIFICATION (Required for all State and National Championships ) Horse Identification forms must be forwarded to the PCA office with State Championship entries. Failure to produce a Horse ID form may jeopardise entry. RIDERS NAME: ______________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________________ PHONE: ________________________ DATE OF BIRTH: __________________________ ZONE: ___________________ CLUB: ___________________________ HORSE’S FULL NAME: ______________________________________________________________________________ DATE OF HENDRA VACCINATION:_________________________ COPY OF CERTIFICATE TO BE ENCLOSED MICROCHIP NUMBER: ______________________________________________________________________________ PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CODE (PIC):_____________________________________________________________ OWNERS NAME: _________________________________________________ LEASED: YES/NO If not owned by rider please provide a copy of the lease agreement COLOUR: _________________________________ HEIGHT: ___________________________ SEX: ______________ __________ BREED: MARKINGS: __________________________________________________________________________ BRANDS: __________________________________________________________________________ AGE: _____________ I verify that horse height recorded above to be a true and accurate measurement. Signed: _________________________________________(Club Senior Instructor) Date: ____________ I certify this to be the horse entered by the above riding member for the __________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________(Championship/event), to be held at __________________________________________________________________ on ______________________________. Signed: ______________________________ (Zone Chief Instructor) Date: ______________________ _______ Signed: ______________________________ (rider if 18 years or over) Date: ______________________ Signed: ______________________________ (parent/guardian if rider under 18) Date: ______________________ AM EX PL E Horse Health Declaration EVENT: Ownerand/orpersoninchargeofhorse–Pleaseprovidedetailsofbothifdifferent Fullname: RIDERZONE:________ Date: Fulladdress: (residential Phonenumber: Postcode: Mobile number Email: PropertyofOriginofHorses Fulladdress:ifdifferentto above Postcode: PICnumber: Breed Description/ Sex Thoroughbred Chestnut gelding MicrochipNo/ Brands Registeredname StableName 9390000005624631 MayLodgeFudge Fudge Hasthehorsebeen HeVvaccinated?If sodate. Areyoustablinghorse/sovernight? (Pleasetick) Declarationbyownerorpersoninchargeofhorse/s Yes No I,declarethatthehorse/snamedabovehas/havebeeningoodhealth,eatingnormallyandnotshownsignsofillnessduring thelast3daysleadinguptothisevent.IgivemyauthorisationfortheEventcommittee/TDtocallforveterinaryinspectionof thehorse/snamedabove,shouldtheybeshowingsignsofillnessatanytimeduringthecourseoftheevent.Iagreetopay anyveterinaryfeesincurredasaresultofthisveterinaryexamination. IAGREETOENSURETHAT: 1. Ifrequiredbeforemovement,allhorseswillbeshampooed,rinsedandallowedtodry,andtheirhooveswillpicked cleanofallsolidmaterialandwashedwithshampoo. 2. Allvehiclesandequipmentaccompanyingthehorsesshallbeinacleanconditionatthestartoftraveltotheabove mentionsevent. 3. TheinformationcontainedinthisHorseHealthDeclarationistrueandcorrecttothebestofmyknowledge. 4. IagreetoabidebyallconditionsanddirectionsofthePCANSWrulesandregulationsandEventorganisers. 5. Iacknowledgethatfailuretocomplywiththeabovemayresultinrefusalofentrytothevenue,disqualificationorother disciplinaryactionasdecidedbyPCANSWJudiciary/DisputesCommittee. 6. Intheeventofhorsemovementrestrictions,eachparticipantwillberesponsibleforthefullcare,maintenanceandcost oftheirhorseincludingfeeding,agistmentandveterinarycosts. Signature PrintedName Date Thissectionforeventorganizerstocomplete Theabovehorsehasundergoneavisualcheckandatthisstageisdeemedtobefittoenterthevenue.Ifatalatertimethis horseshowsanysymptomswhichmayposeabiosecurityriskthishorsewillbere‐accessedandmaybequarantined. _______________________________________ ________________________________________________ Signed PrintedName STABLE & CAMPING BOOKING AT WHITE PARK, SCONE Competitors Name: _____________________________________________________ Zone: _____________________________________________________ Vehicle Registration: _____________________________________________________ Date In: Costs: ____________________ Date Out: _________________ Camping _____ site @ $11.00 per site per night = $ _________ Stabling _____ @ $20.00 per stable per night = $ _________ Conditions The Upper Hunter Shire Council maintains the stables at White Park – conditions of use are dictated by the Council Fees – - Hire fee per night $20.00 per stable, per night - Cleaning fee $40.00 per stable Hire fee includes bedding (wood shavings) Competitors are to only use the horse box that is allocated to them. Swapping boxes is not permitted Horses are not to be kept in the horse event arenas at any time – ie Rodeo arena, steel yards Horse box cleaning fee applies ($40.00) unless appropriately cleaned by user. Appropriate cleaning includes all manure and wet spots being removed from the stable and placed in the designated manure heaps. Remaining shaving to be raked to side of stable to allow wet spots to air. If the Council charges the SSRC Committee for cleaning of a stable the fee will be passed onto the competitor’s Zone for payment. For all queries in regards to stabling, please contact Julee Gilmore 0417 409395 Access to power is extremely limited, competitors are encouraged to bring their own generator Camping is restricted to the railway side of the gully – ie no camping on the competition side of the grounds. Access to camping area is via the Guernsey Street entrance. Post this form and cheque to Scone Pony Club, State Show Riding Co Ordinator, PO Box 400, SCONE NSW 2337 I ………………………………..…………………… (Parent/Guardian of Competitor) have read and understand the above conditions. …………………………………………………….. Signed ……………………………..……… Date 2014 State Show Riding Championships White Park Scone Feed Merchant MacCallum Inglis Main Street Scone Phone 02 6545 1234 To ensure you get what you need, please phone in your order prior to arrival Deliveries can be made on prior arrangement Saddlery Marsh Carney Saddlery 124 Kelly Street Scone Approx 1.6 klm from White Park Phone 02 6545 1599 Open till 12pm on Saturday Motels Scone Motor Inn 53 New England Highway, Scone Approx 1.9 klm from White Park Airlie House Motor Inn 229 New England Hwy Scone Approx 2.1 klm from White Park Colonial Motor Lodge 9 Guernsey Street Scone Approx 1.7 klm from White Park Scone Swimming Pool 14 Guernsey Street Scone Approx 1.7 klm from White Park Phone 02 6545 3079 Phone 02 6545 1488 Phone 02 6545 1700 Phone 02 6545 1102 Dining Scone RSL – Chinese & Australian Restaurant 71 Guernsey Street Scone Phone 02 6545 1669 Within walking distance from White Park Pubs – Bistro food – all located in main street The Royal Hotel Phone 02 6545 1722 The Belmore 02 6545 2078 Willow Tree Hotel 02 6545 9552 Fast Food The Vogue Café McDonalds AahPizzaBella Eagle Boys Subway 02 6545 1165 02 6545 3545 02 6545 2452 131433 02 6545 3288 This is just a selection of what is on offer in Scone. For full details please visit the following website to see what our town has to offer or google “Scone NSW” PCA NSW State Show Riding Championships SCONE - 6th and 7th December, 2014 Merchandise Form Client Name - Zone Riding Championships Client Name7 -State ZoneShow 7 State Show Riding Championships Reference - 37235_1 Reference - 37235_1 Date - 6 Date August - 62014 August 2014 Graphics Graphics - ST - ST STYLE A Client Name - Zone Riding Championships Client Name7 -State ZoneShow 7 State Show Riding Championships UNIT $ incl. GST POLO - STYLE A SHORTS Adults SIZE Reference - 37236_1 Reference - 37236_1 Date - 6 Date August - 62014 August 2014 Graphics Graphics - ST - ST STYLE B XS S M L XL 2XL 3XL 4XL 2Y 4Y 6Y 8Y 10Y 12Y 14Y 16Y 5XL TOTAL QTY TOTAL $ TOTAL QTY TOTAL $ TOTAL QTY TOTAL $ TOTAL QTY TOTAL $ $42 QTY Youth SIZE $42 QTY UNIT $ incl. GST POLO - STYLE B Adults CAP Youth SIZE XS S M L XL 2XL 3XL 4XL 2Y 4Y 6Y 8Y 10Y 12Y 14Y 16Y 5XL SIZE $42 QTY UNIT $ incl. GST SHORTS Adults Youth $42 QTY SIZE XS S M L XL 2XL 3XL 4Y 6Y 8Y 10Y 12Y 14Y 16Y 4XL 5XL $36 QTY SIZE $36 QTY CAP UNIT $ incl. GST Red One size fits most $15 Purple One size fits most $15 GRAND TOTAL $ SEE OVER FOR SIZE GUIDE Cheques made payable to Zone 7 Pony Club Association. Order must be received by 10th October Orders and Queries to: Sue Foreman Ph: 02 6545 0448 655 Dry Creek Road Mob: 0419 262 258 Scone NSW 2337 Full Name: ...................................................................................................................... Address: ......................................................................................................................... Phone: ................................................................... Zone: .............................................. PCA NSW State Show Riding Championships Merchandise Size Guide ADULTS POLO Measurement Position XS S M L XL 2XL 3XL 4XL 5XL A. SHOULDER 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 HALF CHEST 51 53 56 58 61 65 69 73 77 HALF HEM 50 52 55 57 60 64 68 72 76 CENTRE BACK 68 70 73 75 78 82 86 89 93 SLEEVE LENGTH 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 SLEEVE OPENING HALF 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 Measurement Position 2Y 4Y 6Y 8Y 10Y 12Y 14Y 16Y SHOULDER 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 HALF CHEST 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 HALF HEM 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 CENTRE BACK 45 51 54 56 59 61 63 65 SLEEVE LENGTH 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 SLEEVE OPENING HALF 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 16 YOUTH POLO ADULTS SHORTS Measurement Position XS S M L XL 2XL 3XL 4XL 5XL TO FIT WAIST CIRCUMFERENCE 56 62 66 72 78 84 88 92 96 HALF WAIST (RELAXED) 24 27 29 32 35 38 40 42 44 SIDE SEAM 41 42 44 45 46 48 49 50 51 LEG OPENING 31 32 34 35 36 37 39 40 41 BACK RISE 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 FRONT RISE 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Measurement Position 4Y 6Y 8Y 10Y 12Y 14Y 16Y TO FIT WAIST CIRCUMFERENCE 56 60 62 64 66 68 70 HALF WAIST (RELAXED) 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 SIDE SEAM 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 LEG OPENING 21 22 24 25 26 28 29 BACK RISE 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 FRONT RISE 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 YOUTH SHORTS LATE ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED ZONE:_____________ THE PONY CLUB ASSOCIATION OF NEW SOUTH WALES 2014 STATE SHOW RIDING CHAMPIONSHIPS OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM – UNDER 9 YEARS Club Secretaries are required to forward entries accompanied by a grading card for each entrant to the Zone Chief Instructor. The Zone Chief Instructor will make the final decision after viewing the grading card on entrants to take part in State Championships. Club Secretaries must allow sufficient time prior to the Closing date for Zone Authorities to review and forward entries to PCA office. NAME (PLEASE PRINT) (NB: NOMINATIONS TO BE IN ORDER OF PRIORITY) Date of Birth Hendra Vac Cert encl Attended 3 Rally Days HORSE DETAILS HORSE’S NAME CLUB Age Sex Height Colour State Entry Fee $45.00 Per rider AS ZONE CHIEF INSTRUCTOR, I HAVE CHECKED THE GRADING CARDS FOR EACH NOMINEE AND I AM SATISFIED THAT THEY ARE OF THE REQUIRED STANDARD TO COMPETE. A GRADING CARD AND HORSE ID FORM IS ATTACHED FOR EACH COMPETITOR. SIGNATURE (Zone Chief Instructor) ...................................... DATE: ................………..... ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FROM NOMINEES FOUND TO BE UNFINANCIAL AT THE PCA OFFICE AT THE DATE OF CLOSING OF ENTRIES Please indicate nights camping at venue if applicable LATE ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED ZONE:_____________ THE PONY CLUB ASSOCIATION OF NEW SOUTH WALES 2014 STATE SHOW RIDING CHAMPIONSHIPS OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM –9 to Under 11 YEARS Club Secretaries are required to forward entries accompanied by a grading card for each entrant to the Zone Chief Instructor. The Zone Chief Instructor will make the final decision after viewing the grading card on entrants to take part in State Championships. Club Secretaries must allow sufficient time prior to the Closing date for Zone Authorities to review and forward entries to PCA office. NAME (PLEASE PRINT) (NB: NOMINATIONS TO BE IN ORDER OF PRIORITY) Date of Birth Hendra Vac Cert encl Attended 3 Rally Days HORSE DETAILS HORSE’S NAME CLUB Age Sex Height Colour AS ZONE CHIEF INSTRUCTOR, I HAVE CHECKED THE GRADING CARDS FOR EACH NOMINEE AND I AM SATISFIED THAT THEY ARE OF THE REQUIRED STANDARD TO COMPETE. A GRADING CARD AND HORSE ID FORM IS ATTACHED FOR EACH COMPETITOR. SIGNATURE (Zone Chief Instructor) ...................................... DATE: ................………..... ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FROM NOMINEES FOUND TO BE UNFINANCIAL AT THE PCA OFFICE AT THE DATE OF CLOSING OF ENTRIES State Entry Fee $45.00 Per rider Please indicate nights camping at venue if applicable LATE ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED ZONE:_____________ THE PONY CLUB ASSOCIATION OF NEW SOUTH WALES 2014 STATE SHOW RIDING CHAMPIONSHIPS OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM – 11 TO UNDER 13 YEARS Club Secretaries are required to forward entries accompanied by a grading card for each entrant to the Zone Chief Instructor. The Zone Chief Instructor will make the final decision after viewing the grading card on entrants to take part in State Championships. Club Secretaries must allow sufficient time prior to the Closing date for Zone Authorities to review and forward entries to PCA office. NAME (PLEASE PRINT) (NB: NOMINATIONS TO BE IN ORDER OF PRIORITY) Date of Birth Hendra Vac Cert encl Attended 3 Rally Days HORSE DETAILS HORSE’S NAME CLUB Age Sex Height Colour AS ZONE CHIEF INSTRUCTOR, I HAVE CHECKED THE GRADING CARDS FOR EACH NOMINEE AND I AM SATISFIED THAT THEY ARE OF THE REQUIRED STANDARD TO COMPETE. A GRADING CARD AND HORSE ID FORM IS ATTACHED FOR EACH COMPETITOR. SIGNATURE (Zone Chief Instructor) ...................................... DATE: ................………..... ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FROM NOMINEES FOUND TO BE UNFINANCIAL AT THE PCA OFFICE AT THE DATE OF CLOSING OF ENTRIES State Entry Fee $45.00 Per rider Please indicate nights camping at venue if applicable LATE ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED ZONE:_____________ THE PONY CLUB ASSOCIATION OF NEW SOUTH WALES 2014 STATE SHOW RIDING CHAMPIONSHIPS OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM – 13 TO UNDER 15 YEARS Club Secretaries are required to forward entries accompanied by a grading card for each entrant to the Zone Chief Instructor. The Zone Chief Instructor will make the final decision after viewing the grading card on entrants to take part in State Championships. Club Secretaries must allow sufficient time prior to the Closing date for Zone Authorities to review and forward entries to PCA office. NAME (PLEASE PRINT) (NB: NOMINATIONS TO BE IN ORDER OF PRIORITY) Date of Birth Hendra Vac Cert encl Attended 3 Rally Days HORSE DETAILS HORSE’S NAME CLUB Age Sex Height Colour AS ZONE CHIEF INSTRUCTOR, I HAVE CHECKED THE GRADING CARDS FOR EACH NOMINEE AND I AM SATISFIED THAT THEY ARE OF THE REQUIRED STANDARD TO COMPETE. A GRADING CARD AND HORSE ID FORM IS ATTACHED FOR EACH COMPETITOR. SIGNATURE (Zone Chief Instructor) ...................................... DATE: ................………..... ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FROM NOMINEES FOUND TO BE UNFINANCIAL AT THE PCA OFFICE AT THE DATE OF CLOSING OF ENTRIES State Entry Fee $45.00 Per rider Please indicate nights camping at venue if applicable LATE ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED ZONE:_____________ THE PONY CLUB ASSOCIATION OF NEW SOUTH WALES 2014 STATE SHOW RIDING CHAMPIONSHIPS OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM – 15 TO UNDER 17 YEARS Club Secretaries are required to forward entries accompanied by a grading card for each entrant to the Zone Chief Instructor. The Zone Chief Instructor will make the final decision after viewing the grading card on entrants to take part in State Championships. Club Secretaries must allow sufficient time prior to the Closing date for Zone Authorities to review and forward entries to PCA office. NAME (PLEASE PRINT) (NB: NOMINATIONS TO BE IN ORDER OF PRIORITY) Date of Birth Hendra Vac Cert encl Attended 3 Rally Days HORSE DETAILS HORSE’S NAME CLUB Age Sex Height Colour AS ZONE CHIEF INSTRUCTOR, I HAVE CHECKED THE GRADING CARDS FOR EACH NOMINEE AND I AM SATISFIED THAT THEY ARE OF THE REQUIRED STANDARD TO COMPETE. A GRADING CARD AND HORSE ID FORM IS ATTACHED FOR EACH COMPETITOR. SIGNATURE (Zone Chief Instructor) ...................................... DATE: ................………..... ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FROM NOMINEES FOUND TO BE UNFINANCIAL AT THE PCA OFFICE AT THE DATE OF CLOSING OF ENTRIES State Entry Fee $45.00 Per rider Please indicate nights camping at venue if applicable LATE ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED ZONE:_____________ THE PONY CLUB ASSOCIATION OF NEW SOUTH WALES 2014 STATE SHOW RIDING CHAMPIONSHIPS OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM – 17 TO UNDER 25 YEARS Club Secretaries are required to forward entries accompanied by a grading card for each entrant to the Zone Chief Instructor. The Zone Chief Instructor will make the final decision after viewing the grading card on entrants to take part in State Championships. Club Secretaries must allow sufficient time prior to the Closing date for Zone Authorities to review and forward entries to PCA office. NAME (PLEASE PRINT) (NB: NOMINATIONS TO BE IN ORDER OF PRIORITY) Date of Birth Hendra Vac Cert encl Attended 3 Rally Days HORSE DETAILS HORSE’S NAME CLUB Age Sex Height Colour AS ZONE CHIEF INSTRUCTOR, I HAVE CHECKED THE GRADING CARDS FOR EACH NOMINEE AND I AM SATISFIED THAT THEY ARE OF THE REQUIRED STANDARD TO COMPETE. A GRADING CARD AND HORSE ID FORM IS ATTACHED FOR EACH COMPETITOR. SIGNATURE (Zone Chief Instructor) ...................................... DATE: ................………..... ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FROM NOMINEES FOUND TO BE UNFINANCIAL AT THE PCA OFFICE AT THE DATE OF CLOSING OF ENTRIES State Entry Fee $45.00 Per rider Please indicate nights camping at venue if applicable
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