MEMBERS’ MEETING 23RD October 2014 SOMALIA AGENDA • • • • • • • • • • Introduction and overview of agenda Highlights of the Post-Gu results Alerts/field updates FSC responses and plans SRP review New Information Management Tool Cash guidelines Schedule of regional coordination meetings Capacity building AOB SOMALIA Information for Better Livelihoods KEY FINDINGS FROM THE 2014 POST GU SEASONAL FOOD SECURITY AND NUTRITION ASSESSMENT IN SOMALIA AND RECENT DEVELOPMENTS Food Security Cluster Meeting 23 October 2014, Nairobi SOMALIA Summary Results of the Post-Gu 2014 FS and Nutrition Situation Poor rains, conflict, trade disruptions and reduced humanitarian assistance led to a worsening of the food security situation across Somalia in the post-Gu 2014. Acute malnutrition increased in many parts of the country, particularly among children. 1.025 million people are acutely food insecure (IPC Phases 3 and 4) - a 20 % increase since Jan 2014; these are found in large numbers in rural and urban areas and among displaced populations of Bari, Nugaal, South Mudug, Galgaduud, Hiraan, Middle Shabelle, Lower Shabelle, Bakool, Gedo, Middle Juba and Banadir regions. Over 2.1 million additional people are classified as Stressed (IPC Phase 2); 218,000 children under 5 years of age are acutely malnourished of which 43,800 are severely malnourished and face a higher risk of morbidity and death Population groups with Global Acute Malnutrition rates exceeding 15 percent are found in urban parts of Bari Region and rural parts of Hiraan, Bay, Bakool, Lower Shabelle, Gedo, East and West Golis of Wooqoi Galbeed, Sanaag and Bari regions, and among displaced populations in Mogadishu, Kismayo, Dhobley, Dollow, and Dhusamareb. SOMALIA SUMMARY RESULTS SOMALIA ESTIMATED NUTRITION SITUATION Global Acute Malnutrition Projections: August–October 2014 ACUTE FOOD SECURITY SITUATION OVERVIEW Rural, Urban and IDP Populations: August - December 2014, Projection SOMALIA COMPARISON OF KEY INDICATORS Pre-2011, Gu 2011 (Famine) and Recent Seasons Major FS and Nutrition Indicators Deyr 2009/10 Gu 2010 Gu 2013 Deyr 13/14 Gu 2014 Crop production in southern Somalia (Tonnes) Consumer Price Index (CPI) for southern Somalia (March 2007=100) Average cereal price for southern regions Average Terms of Trade (daily labour wage to cereals) for southern regions Median Global Acute MalnutritionGAM rates (South-central) 126 400 198 200 17 900 48 500 128 200 87 800 89 500 192 215 254 358 187 211 235 7 240 8 490 12 162 18 789 7 113 7 719 11 099 11 10 6 4 13 12 8 21.2 15.95 25.85 39.5 16.1 15.1 17.3 Median Severe Acute MalnutritionSAM rates (South-central) Median Crude Death Rate-CDR (Southcentral) 5.4 2.05 5.2 17.2 3.9 2.8 3.7 0.9 0.80 0.34 1.85 0.38 0.76 0.6 Climate/rainfall Deyr Gu 2011 2010/11 (Famine) Worst drought in 60 years (La Nina) Deyr 2014/15 Near to above normal rainfall expected (El Nino) SOMALIA KEY MESSAGES Over 1 million people who are acutely food insecure (IPC Phases 3 and 4) require urgent and robust life saving and livelihood support through the end of the year An additional 2.1 million people who are in IPC Phase 2 and who struggle to meet their minimal food requirements through the end of the year will remain highly vulnerable to shocks that could push them back to food security crisis if appropriate support is not provided The estimated 218 000 acutely malnourished children (including the 43 800 who are severely malnourished) based on malnutrition prevalence rates at the time of the nutrition surveys are expected to increase to 393 000 and 78 600, respectively, through the end of the year (based on malnutrition incidence rates) – these groups of children require urgent and adequate life saving nutrition and health support; In the context of an underlying extreme vulnerability in Somalia, there is a need for continued humanitarian assistance to prevent further deterioration of the food security and nutrition, particularly in southern parts of the country affected by the conflict SOMALIA RECENT DEVELOPMENTS During Hagaa dry season rangeland conditions have significantly deteriorated in: north Gedo (Dawa pastoral), parts of Bakool, pastoral/ agropastoral livelihoods of Middle Juba and Hiran as well as parts of Central and Northeast (coastal of Bari region). This resulted in worsening livestock conditions and reduced milk production. In most of these areas, water prices have surged by 19-31% between July and September Off-season maize harvest, estimated at 4 000 tonnes, was collected in riverine areas of Middle Shabelle, Middle and Lower Juba and Gedo regions in Sep-Oct 2014; Cereal prices have reduced between July-September in most parts of the South (17-31%), but are still higher than a year ago. However, in areas affected by trade restrictions (Bakool, Gedo) from insurgents the prices continued upward trend Preparation for Deyr planting has started in late September in most parts of the South. However, a military offensive carried out by Somalia’s National Army and allied forces against the insurgents in the South, has adversely affected land preparation activities in parts of Lower and Middle Shabelle regions The Deyr rains started on time in the 1-2 dekads of October in most parts of the country; until now the rains have been of light to moderate intensity and mostly of poor coverage Localised river flooding is reported in parts of Middle Shabelle, Lower Juba and Gedo regions (affecting some cash crops/ fruit trees); The risk level of flooding along the Juba and Shabelle rivers, especially in the lower reaches, is High during the coming week due to anticipated rains in Somalia and within the Ethiopian Highlands (SWALIM, Flood Watch Bulletin, 21 Oct 2014). SOMALIA IMPLICATIONS FOR FOOD SECURITY OUTCOMES The post-Gu (August-December 2014) food security situation currently remains unchanged There are concerns over impacts of conflicts and floods (in the riverine) on Deyr seasonal activities; this may have implications in terms of reduced farm labour opportunities for poor farmers and possibly reduced/ delayed Deyr crop harvest The Deyr rains have slightly improved rangeland conditions in parts of the country, but some areas still remain dry FSNAU will continue close monitoring and providing updates of the situation in a timely manner. SOMALIA TIMELINE OF FOOD SECURITY ASSESSMENTS FS assessments Dates of assessments Areas to be assessed (specify in brackets) Joint Food Security/ Nutrition IDP representative surveys Oct. 25- Nov. 12, 2014 Northeast (Bossaso, Qardho and Garowe) Northwest (Hargeisa, Ber-bera and Burao) Central (Galka'ayo) Central (Dhusamareb/Guri-Ceel) Baidoa Mogadishu Kismayo South (Dhobley and Dolow) Northeast (Bari) Northwest (Sool) South (Mogadishu/ Kismayo) South (Middle and Lower Juba, Gedo, Bay, Bakool, M. & L. Shabelle and Hiran) Northwest (Awdal& W. Galbeed) Northeast Northwest Central South Joint Food Security/ Nutrition Urban Oct. 25 - Nov. 16, 2014 representative surveys Urban Rapid Assessment Dec. 1-7, 2014 Gu-Karan Assessments Deyr Preliminary Assessment Nov. 10-20, 2014 Nov. 20-27, 2014 Deyr rural assessment Dec. 18-31, 2014 Regional Analysis Jan 3- 8/9, 2015 Hargeisa & Garowe FSNAU All Team/ Partner Analysis of Deyr assessments results Jan 10-22, 2015 Hargeisa SOMALIA Questions? SOMALIA FIELD UPDATE: September Assessment Mission to Bulo Burto • Inter-cluster assessment conducted in Bulo Burto on September 23rd. • Focus group discussion with farmers and agropastoralist. • Key informant interviews with AMISOM, elders, NGOs, local authorities and women and youth representatives. SOMALIA FIELD UPDATE: September Assessment Mission to Bulo Burto • Below average cereal production Table 2: Cereal Production in Bulo Burto/Maxaas District in 2014 Gu Production Gu 2014 as % of Gu Gu 2014 as % of Gu Post War Average Gu 2014 Season (Metric Tons) 2013 (1995-2013) Maize and Sorghum 200 36% 19% Gu 2014 as % of 5 year average (2009-2013) 51% • 2014 FSNAU food security outlook (Jul-Dec) Table 3: Population and Number of People in Need in Bulo Burto/Maxaas District by Livelihood Zone, Jul-Dec 2014 Livelihood Zone UNDP 2005 Population Estimate Stressed (IPC Phase 2) Crisis (IPC Phase 3) Emergency (IPC Phase 4) Hiraan Agro-Pastoral 46 669 25 668 8 167 0 Southern Inland Pastoral 28 003 9 801 0 0 Hiraan Riverine 14 001 8 016 2 660 0 Urban 22 365 0 0 8 946 111 038 43 485 10 827 8 946 Total SOMALIA FIELD UPDATE: September Assessment Mission to Bulo Burto • Riverine – Lower than average harvest. – Lack of proper irrigation systems. Non-functioning equipment and low fuel availability. Lack of inputs. • Agro-pastoral/Pastoral – Lower than average harvest. – Livestock deaths reported. Livestock diseases reported. • Markets – Some availability of goods and presence of multiple retailers. – Significantly higher than average prices SOMALIA FIELD UPDATE: September Assessment Mission to Bulo Burto Bulo Burto Market Prices 60000 Price (SOS) 50000 40000 Red Sorghum (1 kg) 30000 White Maize (1 kg) 20000 Rice (1 kg) 10000 Sugar (1 kg) 0 Vegetable Oil (1 litre) Fuel (1 litre) Price Comparison: Sorghum 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Beletweyne - Red Sorghum (1 kg) Bulo Burto -Red Sorghum (1 kg) SOMALIA FIELD UPDATE: September Assessment Mission to Bulo Burto Any market based intervention requires more market analysis to avoid causing inflation Recommendations • Food assistance by FSC partners already underway. • Monitoring household food security and market conditions. • Once security access improves in peri-urban and rural areas, livelihood support to riverine and agropastrolist. • Based on security access and market conditions; cash for work. • Vaccination and treatment of livestock. • Limited restocking for destitute pastoralists. SOMALIA FSC MONTHLY RESPONSES (GAPS AND CHALLENGES) SOMALIA IASN & LA: Achieved Through August 1000000 900000 800000 700000 Responses Delivered On average FSC Partners have delivered 328,320 LA responses and 378,117 IASN responses per month 600000 Livelihood Assets 500000 400000 Improved Access and Safety Nets 300000 200000 100000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug SOMALIA Partners Reporting (Through Aug) 16 14 On average 11 partners report per month 12 10 UN 8 LNGO INGO 6 4 2 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug SOMALIA Improved Access & Safety Nets July August September SOMALIA Livelihood Assets July August September SOMALIA 2015 SRP Review - FSC SOMALIA 2015 SRP Review Current plan is under review Targeting 3.1 million food insecure individuals Setting response targets based on FSNAU results. Targets are completed but need to be endorsed by the SAG 2015 is the final year of the 3 year SRP 2015 SRP projects have been submitted and reviewed SOMALIA 2015 SRP Review 2014 Objective 1: Objective 2A: Improved Food Access Safety Nets Objective 2B: Livelihood Inputs Livelihood Assets Objective 4: Capacity Building SOMALIA 2015 SRP Review Draft Objectives Strategic Objective (SO) Cluster objective (CO) Key cluster indicators SO 1 Provide immediate improved household access to food to people in “emergency” throughout the year; and those in “crisis” during the livelihood lean season Indicator 1: Percentage of individuals in Emergency accessing at least 50% of MEB per person per day on a monthly basis through humanitarian assistance Baseline: 89% Target: On average, 90% of the target population reached per month for 12 months for “emergency” caseloads; and 90% of target population reached per month during lean season for “crisis” caseloads Indicator 2: Number of vulnerable individuals benefiting from relevant safety nets activities (as a function of the cluster target) Baseline: 94% of target population Target: 95% of targeted population SO 3 Provide seasonally appropriate and livelihood specific inputs to increase the productive capacity of rural livelihoods; invest in the construction and/or restoration of household and community productive assets to build resilience to withstand future shocks and prevent further deterioration. Indicator 1: Percentage of target population in Crisis and Stressed IPC phases receiving a basket of livelihood inputs (seeds, tools, animal vaccinations/treatments, irrigation pump hours, tractor hours, fishing gear, etc. Baseline: 77% Target: On average, 75% of target population reached per season. Indicator 2: Percentage of target population that have participated in the rehabilitation/construction of assets or received training Baseline: 32 % Target: On average, 75% of target population reached SOMALIA gFSC Information Management Tool SOMALIA What is global Food Security Cluster? SOMALIA SOMALIA Food Security Cluster Information Management When an emergency strikes, among the responsibilities of a country-level Food Security Cluster is to: Coordinate partner responses to ensure that planning and implementation of food security responses avoid gaps and duplications, and are comparable and timely to affected populations. Information Management is essential SOMALIA At the moment, this is achieved through various 4/3W matrixes, vary country-by-country SOMALIA gFSC IM Tool • To facilitate and harmonize the Food Security Clusters’ data collection and sharing, the gFSC has developed a web-based Information Management (IM) Tool that will be accessible to all Food Security Clusters around the world. • The IM tool aims to make data collection, processing and response analysis globally comparable. • By producing standard reports and maps the IM tool can visualize gaps of partner responses, and help avoid duplication of humanitarian assistance. • Consistent information sharing by partners will facilitate project tracking, and result in evidence based decision making for strategic intervention and improved implementation. SOMALIA History of Tool Development • Based on Somalia Food Security Cluster IM Tool (first version in 2011), and South Sudan IM Tool, now taken to global scale SOMALIA Users • Country-level Food Security Clusters – Country Admin: CC/IMO – Country User : IMO • Partners • Donors • User support at global level SOMALIA What doesn’t change? Data Capture and Analysis Process Partners complete a planning sheet for EACH planned activity in their over all programme Standard Reports/Maps Reporting Deadline Project entered into tool by Cluster IMO Partners enter monthly outputs of each activity compared to planned information in tool. SOMALIA Improvements Automated Reports 1) Planned Response by geographic area 2) Total Actual Response by geographic area 3) Target Report by geographic area 4) Pivot Data Automated Reports/Maps 1) Percentage Actual/Planned: Beneficiaries by geographic area 2) Gap Analysis: Beneficiaries by geographic area SOMALIA Partner Module: Log In SOMALIA Example: Updating Actual Values SOMALIA SOMALIA Example: Planned Response Report SOMALIA SOMALIA SOMALIA Somalia FSC IM Tool Training • First training: Late 2014 • Contact: Patricia Michael [email protected] Ruco Van Der Merwe [email protected] SOMALIA CASH BASED PROGRAMMING IN SOMALIA Guidelines for cash based programming in Somalia Background Objective of the initiative Structure of the guidelines Brief overview of the content SOMALIA CASH BASED PROGRAMMING IN SOMALIA Background and objectives Background There is an increased use of cash based programming in Somalia. Numerous guidelines already exist for cash programming, including for Somalia. Increased expectation of accountability / monitoring. Objectives To develop a “practical” document supporting field manager to develop cash programming proposals. Support some standardization coordination/funding platforms. across project for Support accountability and justifications for cash programming. (monitoring / review of proposal). SOMALIA CASH BASED PROGRAMMING IN SOMALIA Structure of the guidelines Guidelines structured as: • Key aspects to consider when designing a cash transfer project. • Limited plain text. Table, ticking boxes. • Nine modules. List of references available for further readings, proposed template. SOMALIA CASH BASED PROGRAMMING IN SOMALIA Overview of the content Module 1: The basics of cash transfer programming • Definition of type of cash and voucher approaches. • History of cash transfers in Somalia. • Lessons learnt on cash transfer programming in Somalia. • Key stakeholders in a typical cash transfer programming. Module 2: When is cash appropriate? • Needs assessment and response analysis. • Market analysis. • Access. • Types of risks and mitigation strategies. • Gender issues, power relations and vulnerable groups. • Cost-effectiveness. • Coordination and political feasibility. • Timeliness effectiveness. • Seasonality. Module 3: Planning and designing cash interventions • Determining the project objectives. • Selection of cash transfer programming. • Complementary programming. • How much to give and when to give it? SOMALIA CASH BASED PROGRAMMING IN SOMALIA Overview of the content Module 4: Implementing cash interventions • Participation, sensitisation and accountability. • Targeting and registration. • Cash delivery mechanisms, monitoring and accountability. Module 5: Monitoring and evaluation • Monitoring. • Evaluation. Module 6: Focus on vouchers • When to use vouchers. • Cash or commodity vouchers. • Designing vouchers. • Vouchers redeemable with local shops and traders. Module 7: Focus on cash for Work • Appropriateness. • Project selection. • Targeting. • Payment amounts and frequency. • Implementation. • Gender and vulnerable groups. SOMALIA CASH BASED PROGRAMMING IN SOMALIA Overview of the content Module 8: Focus on unconditional cash transfer • Appropriateness. • Implementation. • Delivering cash. Module 9: Risk management • List of risks and their related mitigation strategy. SOMALIA FSC CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT SOMALIA TRAINING UPDATES TRAINING VENUE DATE NO. OF PARTICIPANTS Introduction to Project Cycle Management Dolo 22nd - 25th Sep 2014 14 Intermediate Targeting and Protection in the Project Cycle Management Dolo 27th- 29th Sep 2014 12 SOMALIA TRAINING PLAN – NOVEMBER TRAINING TITLE Introduction to Project Cycle Management VENUE Hargesia Intermediate Training on Targeting and Protection in the Project Cycle Management Hargeisa FSC VC/Focal Point Workshop ACTUAL TRAINING DATES 3rd – 6th Nov 2014 8th – 10th Nov 2014 12th – 14th Nov2014 Hargesia SOMALIA Thank you for your time • For any inquiries or comments please contact : [email protected] SOMALIA
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