Service times & Mass Intentions SATURDAY 25th October: Feria (4.45 – 5.15pm Confessions at Christ the King) 5.30pm (Mass at Christ the King) SUNDAY 26th October: 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time 9.30am Mass: Private Intention 11.00am (Mass at Christ the King) MONDAY 27th October: Feria 9.15am Holy Rosary 9.30am Mass: Private Intention TUESDAY 28th October: Feria 9.15am (Holy Rosary followed by Mass at Christ the King) WEDNESDAY 29th October: Ss. Simon & Jude, Apostles 9.15am Holy Rosary 9.30am Mass: Private Intention THURSDAY 30th October: Feria 9.15am (Holy Rosary followed by Mass at Christ the King) FRIDAY 31st October: Feria 9.15am (Holy Rosary followed by Mass at Christ the King) SATURDAY 1st November: (4.45 – 5.15pm Confessions at Christ the King) 5.30pm (Mass at Christ the King) SUNDAY 2nd November: All Saints 9.30am Mass: Private Intention 11.00am (Mass at Christ the King) This week... Altar Server Izzy Reader: Edmund Jarvis Offertory Procession: Irene Sellars & Liz Molloy Ministers for Holy Communion: Mary & Val Flowers: Mrs McCann Coffee Rota Caroline Scott Church Cleaning: Mr & Mrs Walker Offertory Envelopes: £ 181.00 Loose: £ 96.00 Total: £ 277.00 Missions £99.96 Thank you very much! Tellers: Deirdre O’Ryan & Cecelia Harrison Christ the King: Telephone no. 01332 340161 Nottingham R C Diocesan Trustees (Company Number 7151646 Charity Number 1134449) Church of All Saints Belle Vue Road, Ashbourne Derby DE6 1AT Parish Priest: Fr John Guest T: 01335 342 236 E:[email protected] Assistant Priest: Fr. John Martin T: 07714460526 Deacon: Keith Bunyan T: 01335 360350 Website: Sunday 26th October 2014 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time 1st Reading: Exodus 22:20-26 Psalm:17 R: I love you, Lord, my strength. 2nd Reading: Thessalonians 1:5-10 Gospel: Matthew 22:34-40 Communion antiphon: We will ring out our joy at your saving help and exult in the name of our God. My Dear Friends, Jesus does not create new commandments. In today’s gospel he chooses the two on which, he says, “hang the whole Law, and the Prophets also”. Both of them involve love, love of God and love of our neighbour as ourselves. What does such love mean? When the commandment speaks of the love of God it demands a commitment of heart, soul and mind. This is no light nod in God’s direction in case things go wrong. It means we base our lives on our relationship with him. In the Jewish order of thinking, we commit ourselves totally to him because he has committed himself totally to us, freeing us from slavery and sin. We live out our love of God in the second of the great commandments, the love of our neighbour as ourselves. Note that we are not asked to hate ourselves. We too are part of the love equation. We are called to respect, take care of, listen to, be kind to ourselves as well as our neighbours. And we know from St. Luke’s parable of the Good Samaritan who we mean by our neighbour, the one who is in the greatest need… and sometimes that too can be ourselves. Fr. John Youth Worker Vacancy The Catholic parishes of the city of Derby are looking for a dynamic and inspiring Youth Worker who: • has a passion for experience in gathering and inspiring young people in their faith • is a gifted communicator • will liaise with and support clergy and catechists in the preparation, celebration and follow up for the sacrament of Confirmation. • will develop a programme for Young Leaders within the city parishes. Based in Derby city.24hrs week. £20,000 per annum pro rata. For an application pack please contact Fr Paul Newman, St Alban’s, The Presbytery, Roe Farm Lane, Derby DE21 6ET, E: [email protected] Closing date for applications is Monday 3rd November. Interviews Wed. 12th November. Ashbourne Churches Together Prayer Group 3rd November at Brailsford Methodist Chapel 12 noon followed by lunch at the Rose and Crown in Brailsford. 1st December in St John’s Church 12 noon followed by Christmas Lunch in St John’s hall. Booking essential as places are limited. Names for lunch on both days to Mary Sharpe 01335 370 636 Part time Vacancy at CAFOD Diocesan Office: Are you able to support a growing team of volunteers? CAFOD is seeking to recruit a Diocesan Officer with strong communication & IT skills and a willingness to travel throughout the diocese, based in the CAFOD Nottingham Office at The Briars, Crich, Derbyshire. Further info & application form: Closing date 6th November. African Catholic Community Derbyshire African sung Mass: Sunday 2pm, November 2nd at 2.00pm. Brothers & Sisters, Parents, Guardians, Students, all Africans and friends of Africa in Derbyshire and beyond are reminded/invited to: African Sung Mass in African Languages by Africans in Derbyshire. St. George’s Church, 40 Village Street, Derby, DE23 8SZ. Please come with everybody in your Family and invite all your Friends. We have a lot to share and enjoy. A reminder: African Mass will also be celebrated at 2pm on these other Sundays & dates in this year: December 7th December 21st – Christmas Party, Carols & Christmas Gift Day. For further information, please contact Sylvia Mchampda: 07833468893 or Fr. Jude Eze Ebere: 07429147165 A Diocesan Day on Families and Faith on November 22nd at Christ the King Voluntary Academy, Darlton Drive, Arnold, Nottingham. 10am- 4.00om (Cost £12 to include lunch). Guest speaker: Bishop John Sherrington, Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster. HOST, a voluntary activity, is looking for kind, friendly, hospitable people who would welcome an international student at university here, far from his or her own family, to their home. This could be for a day, a weekend or Christmas, and you don’t need to live near a university, as students will travel for the privilege of meeting you, learning about real life in this country, and sharing their own cultures: www.hostuk. org or call 0207 739 6292. Please bring in your Faith in the Families boxes for counting. Christmas coffee morning – Saturday 6th December We need to raise money towards the cost of repairs to the church and presbytery, which will cost approximately £10,000. Your support and help would be welcome with any new ideas of suggestions. For further details contact Bill on 01335 345837. St Joseph’s & Columba Club Reunion 2014 Friday 21st November, 730pm at Littleover Social Club, Blagreaves Lane. Entertainment includes Irish Dancing, Comedy, Music, Disco - £2 Adults - £1 Children (pay on the door). All proceeds to support ‘Mary’s Meals’ a charity supporting children in Malawi. Please remember in your prayers the following people who are sick or housebound: Kath Armstrong, Irene Bolton, Giovanni Caruso, Fr Tony Colebrook, Hubert Connell, Fr Peter Coyle, Erika Cundy, Robert Cundy, Fr Hugh Doherty, Tom Donnelly, Roger Finch, Veronica Gadsby, Bob Ginns, Jim Hannigan, Louise Levison, Fr. John Joe Maloney, Mgr. Jonathan Moore, Mgr Joe Phelan, Pat and Pam O’Donnell, Fr. Eamonn O’Hara, Joan Shaw, Peter & Yvette Smith, Fr Peter Wade, Bernie Walker, Mgr. Edward Walker, Oliver Watson and Ellen Williamson. May they be comforted and healed. We remember in prayer our departed brothers and sisters, especially Gladys Sunnuck, Joseph Edgar and all whose anniversaries occur at this time. May the Lord welcome them with gladness.
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