205 Old Grassy Hill Road ∙ Orange, CT 06477 ∙ 203-799-2341 September-October 2014 www.orshalomct.org Elul 5774 Tishrei-Heshvan 5775 What’s Inside: In Memoriam…..…………..Page 2 From the Rabbi…….……...Page 3 From the President…..….Page 4 Note from Jody ..………...Page 4 Bar/Bat Mitzvahs………….Page 5 Education Director……....Page 5 Yizkor Book Form…….….Page 5 September Calendar.…..Page 6 October Calendar...….....Page 7 High Holiday Schedule..Page 8 Stuffed Animal Parade...Page 9 Lulav & Etrogs……………..Page 9 Sisterhood News….…....Page 10 Auto-Purchase Gift Cards………………………….Page 10 College Parents..….…....Page 10 Contributions………….….Page 11 Community Yizkor……..Page 13 Cemetery Service……...Page 14 High Holiday Flowers..Page 14 Coffee & Learn with Rabbi Wainhaus begins November 5 Annual Campaign Challenge!!! Tired of hearing about the Annual Campaign during the High Holidays? Would your holidays still be fulfilling if you didn't receive a pledge donation card? If you answered "Yes" to these questions then we have good news for you! You can eliminate the pledge cards and the Annual Campaign speech this Rosh Hashanah by making your Annual Campaign pledge now. If we get 60% of our members to pledge you will not be asked for any donations on Rosh Hashanah and you won't have to dispose of any more pledge cards! That's it! No hard sell. No explanation of how the Annual Campaign is needed in order to balance our annual budget. No discussion of the merits of contributing and working together as a community. To put it in NPR parlance, YOU CAN ELIMINATE OUR HIGH HOLIDAY PLEDGE DRIVE! All you have to do is send in your pledge today! Remember, pledge now, pay later! Thank you for your consideration! Annual Gazebo Service September 5, 7:00 pm High Plains Community Center SAVE THE DATE! ANNUAL KRISTALLNACHT COMMEMORATION SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd, 2014 9:00AM –11:30AM AT CONGREGATION OR SHALOM On November 2, Or Shalom will host its Annual Kristallnacht Commemoration. This program is made possible by a generous donation from the Men’s Club Yellow Candle Fund. This year we will celebrate the courageous, life-saving deeds of Eleanor & Gilbert Kraus. Our speakers will include Dr. Robert Braun, one of the “50 children” rescued by Mr. & Mrs. Kraus, and Mr. Steven Pressman, producer of the Emmy-nominated film “50 Children”. Several of the Kraus’ grandchildren will receive a special citation from Connecticut’s General Assembly. Mr. Pressman is married to Liz Perle, one of the grandchildren. (con’t on page 5) 1 Todah Rabah MORNING MINYAN Monday and Thursday mornings at 7:30 am Nancy Kline for chairing our Annual Red Cross Blood Drive. To Lois Winnick, Toby Zabinski, Holly Green, Paula Samuel, Civianne Bloch, Julie Mancher, Judy Kinstler, Sylvia Horowitz, Rebecca Kline and Rachel Kline for helping with the Blood Drive. Sundays at 9:00 am IN MEMORIAM Congregation Or Shalom’s Guiding Principles: To serve as a vibrant center for the practice and teaching of Conservative Judaism. To create a spiritual and social atmosphere in which congregants feel part of a larger synagogue family. The entire Congregation wishes to extend its heartfelt condolences to the families of: Alan Youngwood beloved brother of Lillian Malkus Arthur Hipshman beloved father of Phyliss Shapiro Lillian Groveman beloved mother of Arleen Winters Rita Gold beloved mother of Joshua Gold Or Shalom Office Hours Monday through Thursday 10:00 am—4:00 pm Friday 10:00 am—3:00 pm Rabbi’s Office Hours Barring emergencies, the Rabbi keeps office hours on Mondays from 8:30 am to noon, 4:00 pm—6:00 pm and on Thursdays from 8:30 am until noon. Please feel free to schedule an appointment with him during those hours. He will also be available other times during the week, as needed. To schedule an appointment, you can contact him at the office at 203-799-2341, on his personal phone number at 203-795-9815 or via email at [email protected]. Lighting Shabbat Candles A Peaceful Way to Usher in the Sabbath It is customary to light candles Friday evening in the home for Shabbat approximately 18 minutes prior to sunset. Here are candle lighting times for September-October 2014 in Greater New Haven: September 5 - 7:01 pm September 12 - 6:49 pm September 19 - 6:37 pm September 25 - 6:28 pm October 3 - 6:11 pm October 10 - 6:00 pm October 17 - 5:49 pm October 24 - 5:39 pm October 31 - 5:30 pm 2 From the Rabbi… What is a Child? The two events that triggered the war between Hamas and Israel this summer were acts of unspeakable violence: the kidnapping and execution of three defenseless Yeshiva boys, followed by the vengeful murder of a Palestinian teenager. Both were obscene, barbaric acts. But there was one glaring difference between the two incidents: In the aftermath of the murder of the Yeshiva boys, followers of Hamas took to the streets of Gaza, passed out candies and danced. After the murder of the Palestinian teenager, however, the Israeli government condemned that atrocity as “immoral and anti-Jewish”, and immediately hunted down the teenager’s Israeli murderers. And after being tried, they will undoubtedly spend a good part of their lives behind bars. These diametrically opposite reactions to unmitigated evil speak volumes about the reality Israel must deal with on a daily basis: While the Jewish state dedicates itself to the impossibly difficult task of destroying rocket launchers deliberately embedded in bedrooms, hospitals, classrooms and mosques, Hamas carries out its program of Jihad by deliberately aiming its rockets at Israeli population centers. While Israelis anguish over the death of innocents, the followers of Hamas rejoice. While Israel celebrates life, Hamas celebrates death. Elie Wiesel, a survivor of the death camp Auschwitz, received the Nobel Prize for turning the nightmarish experiences of his youth into a “message of peace, atonement and human dignity to mankind”. A few weeks ago, he published an open letter in U.S. newspapers, condemning Hamas’s sacrifice of Palestinian children in the name of martyrdom. I’ve excerpted several sentences from his letter: “…What we are suffering through today is not a battle of Jew versus Arab or Israeli versus Palestinian. Rather, it is a battle between those who celebrate life and those who champion death. It is a battle of civilization versus barbarism… While the suffering of those in Gaza is immense and a true tragedy, the blame lies solely with Hamas who use children as human shields and stores rockets and ammunition in nurseries, schools, hospitals, and family homes… Palestinian parents want a hopeful future for their children, just like Israeli parents do. And both should be joining together in peace…But before sleepless mothers in both Gaza City and Tel Aviv can rest, before diplomats can begin in earnest the crucial business of rebuilding dialogue, the Hamas death cult must be confronted for what it is.” Wiesel concludes: “Let us return child sacrifice to the darkest corner of history, and work toward a brighter future with those who choose life, Arabs and Jews alike, all of us Abraham’s children.” The Torah reading read on Rosh Hashanah is the “Binding of Isaac”, the near-sacrifice of Abraham’s beloved child. In that story, although Abraham lifts his knife to sacrifice his son, God implores him to stop. The bible’s message is clear: We do not “own” our children. Our children are not “ours”; they are not “objects” put on earth to be sacrificed on the altar of their parents’ ends. As the poet Kahlil Gibran wrote, “…Our children come through us, not from us; they are with us, but they do not belong to us…” Judaism has thus always seen child rearing as a sacred trust and a holy responsibility. The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, may his memory be a blessing, once reprimanded a parent whom, he’d heard, would often angrily strike his children: The Rebbe said: “Would you strike someone else’s child? Your hand would surely tremble before you hit another’s child!” How much more so should you tremble before you strike God’s child!” May the parents of Gaza be mindful of this insight, first bequeathed to us by Abraham, our mutual father. Toward Shalom in 5775, Wishing you much Gezunt and Simhah in the year ahead, Rabbi Alvin Wainhaus 3 From the President... Shana Tova! הבוט הנש I would like to extend my personal greetings for a Happy and Healthy New Year to you and your family. I would also like to extend an additional special welcome to our new member families. We are glad you are here to celebrate and share with us. As I wrote last year, the Jewish New Year, marked by Rosh Hashanah, begins a period of personal and community reflection. It restarts the cycle, affording us the opportunity to evaluate and re-center; to focus and reprioritize; to take a step back and chart the course forward. While there is no need to wait for the High Holidays to do so, in the spirit of reflection and forgiveness I apologize for anything that I have done that may have hurt any of you. One act that I must apologize for, an omission from my last article in which I recognized our graduating High School Seniors , I inadvertently omitted our own Aliyah Oestreicher. Please join me now in congratulating Aliyah on achieving this milestone. Congratulations - well done! You probably know that the Annual Campaign Committee issued a challenge to the membership this year; achieve sixty percent participation by August 15 and we will dispense of both the Pledge Cards, and the President’s Annual Campaign appeal at the High Holidays. We are still in the midst of that challenge at this writing, so I don’t yet know if we achieved the goal or not, but so many of you have stepped up to the plate. I would like to acknowledge and thank you all for your generous and timely pledges. Or Shalom doesn’t happen without a lot of hard work from many different people. I would like to recognize and thank our office staff, Jody, Virginia and Joan for all their hard work this year. Their continued efforts are what make Or Shalom tick, and on behalf of the entire congregation, I would like to express our gratitude. I would also like to introduce and welcome a new member of the administration team – Mary Caruso. Mary joined the team in July and will be providing administrative assistance. Welcome Mary! You may have already learned that Jody has tendered her resignation as Synagogue Administrator, Congregation Or Shalom. She has accepted a position as Executive Director at Congregation B’nai Jacob. On behalf of the entire congregation I would like express our collective gratitude for her years of service and dedication. We wish her well in her new endeavor. I would also like to recognize the Board of Directors, Committee members, the education staff and all the volunteers who perform yeomen’s work, planning and organizing the various events and programming at our synagogue. Great work! I’m looking forward to another exciting year. For those of you that have mulled the idea over, maybe this is the year that you roll up your sleeves and get involved. We have 13 standing and several ad-hoc committees. There’s something for everyone. Lastly, but most importantly I would like to close this article to wish you health and happiness for the New Year, 5775. May you enjoy the company of your loved ones, families and friends. And may you be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life for a good year. Shalom. Bill A Note from Jody Dietch As many of you may have heard, I made the difficult decision to leave Or Shalom for another position. I will not be going far, as I will be the new Executive Director for Congregation B’nai Jacob in Woodbridge. I want to thank all of you who have been so supportive during my seven plus years working as the Synagogue Administrator for Or Shalom. It was an honor to be selected for that position back in 2007 just as it is an honor for me to be selected by B’nai Jacob. It is important for everyone to know that I applied for the position after careful consideration. I was in no way “recruited” by anyone at B’nai Jacob. When their Executive Director left, I decided it was an opportunity for me to become an Executive Director. The fact that it is B’nai Jacob really is more about my family and its proximity and familiarity for me and my family. I thank you all and look forward to a continued positive relationship with everyone. Best wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year. Jody 4 From the Education Director: Welcome Back! Our first day of school this year is Friday, September 5th. As a family, come to the Gazebo Service and we will daven under the stars. If you have been wondering who your child's teacher will be, the wait is over. Our youngest students in kindergarten and 1st grade will have Morah Beth. Morah Rivka will be teaching 2nd and 3rd grades. Mrs. Sachs has moved up with her class and will be teaching 4th grade. The 5th and 6th grades will be taught by Mrs. Schwartz. As always, the 7th grade B. Mitzvah class teacher is Rabbi Wainhaus. If you haven't registered yet, it's never too late. Please contact me for further information. Barbara Shevis YIZKOR SERVICE BOOKLET Please have submission in to the office by September 10 Below is the Yizkor Service Booklet Form for submissions in the 5775 Yizkor Book, please send it in by September 10, 2014. If you wish to have a family member’s name listed in the booklet, please fill out the information below and mail it with a check to the synagogue office: 205 Old Grassy Hill Road, Orange, CT 06477. Only the names that are sent to the Synagogue, using the form below, will be included in this booklet. You must resubmit each year but you can indicate “same as last year”. (Please note: we cannot bill your Or Shalom account for the Yizkor Book. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.) Please send a donation of $10.00 per name (maximum donation $50). 2014 YIZKOR FORM NAME:__________________________________________ DONATION $_________________ ($10 per name, Maximum $50) Names of Departed: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (Kristallnacht program con’t from page 1) In early 1939, few Americans were thinking about the darkening storm clouds over Europe’s Jews. But one ordinary American couple decided something had to be done. Despite overwhelming obstacles – both in Europe and the United states – Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus made a bold and unprecedented decision to travel to Nazi Germany and Austria in an effort to save as many Jewish children as possible. Fewer than 1,200 unaccompanied children were allowed into the United States throughout the entire Holocaust, in which 1.5 million Jewish children perished. The fifty children saved by the Krauses turned out to be the largest single group of unaccompanied children brought to America. Bar/Bat Mitzvahs Spencer & Mason Shepard will celebrate their B'Nai Mitzvah on September 13, 2014. They live in Orange with their parents, Seth and Hallie, and their dog Sadie. Spencer is a 8th grade student and Mason is a 7th grade student at Amity Middle School. For their Bar Mitzvah project, they collected food, toys, supplies and donations to the Connecticut Humane Society. Madeline Rosenberg will celebrate her Bat Mitzvah on October 18, 2014. Maddy lives in Orange with her parents, Harry and Helen, and her older brother Evan. She is a student at Amity Middle School. For her mitzvah project, Maddy volunteered at the Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen (DESK). Maddy continues to volunteer at DESK and plans to maintain her involvement there throughout the school year. _________________________________________________ 5 6 22 Service 7:30 am 29 Service 7:30 am Board Meeting 7:30 pm 21 Service 9:00 am Cemetery Services 12:30 Shelton 1:30 Orange 2:30 West Haven 28 Service 9:00 am Fast of Gedaliah No School Building of the Sukkah (following Minyan) 15 Service 7:30 am Sisterhood Dinner 6:30 pm 30 23 16 No Zumba No Zumba Zumba 7-8 pm Zumba 7-8 pm Zumba 7-8 pm LABOR DAY OFFICE CLOSED 9 2 1 Service 7:30 am 8 Service 7:30 am TUESDAY MONDAY 14 Service 9:00 am No School 7 Service 9:00 am SUNDAY Erev Rosh Hashanah Service 7:00 pm 24 Healing Circle 7:45 am No School 17 Healing Circle 7:45 am 10 Healing Circle 7:45 am 1st Day of Hebrew School Grades 2-7 3 Healing Circle 7:45 am WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 2014 25 1st Day Rosh Hashanah Service 8:30 am (see HH schedule) No Zumba Office Closed Zumba 7-8 pm 18 Service 7:30 am Zumba 7-8 pm 11 Service 7:30 am Zumba 7-8 pm 4 Service 7:30 am THURSDAY 26 2nd Day Rosh 27 Hashanah Service 8:30 am (see schedule) Welcoming the Sabbath Approx. 6:15 pm Office Closed 27 Shabbat Shuvah Service 9:30 am Selichot Service 10:30 pm @BEKI 20 Service 9:30 am 19 Service 7:00 pm 6 Service 9:30 am 13 Service 9:30 am Spencer & Mason Shepard B’nai Mitzvah, am Gazebo Service !! 7:00 pm At High Plains Community Center SATURDAY 12 Service 7:00 pm 5 FRIDAY ELUL 5774- TISHREI 5775 7 13 Service 7:30 am 5th Day Sukkot 12 Service 9:00 am 4th Day Sukkot No School 27 Service 7:30 am 26 Service 9:00 am Board Meeting 7:30 pm 20 Service 7:30 am 19 Service 9:00 am Men’s Club Sukkah Event 6 Service 7:30 am Monday 5 Service 9:00 am Sunday 28 21 Zumba 7-8 pm Zumba 7-8 pm 29 Healing Circle 7:45 am 22 Healing Circle 7:45 am 15 Healing Circle 7:45 am No School 7th Day Sukkot Erev Shemini Atzeret Farewell to Sukkah 7:00 pm (bring coats) 14 6th Day Sukkot Zumba 7-8 pm Erev Sukkot Sukkot Children’s Event Service in Sukkah 7:00 pm (bring coats) 8 Healing Circle 7:45 am 1 Healing Circle 7:45 am Wednesday Zumba 7-8 pm 7 Tuesday OCTOBER 2014 Zumba 7-8 pm 30 Service 7:30 am Zumba 7-8 pm 23 Service 7:30 am Service 9:30 am Yizkor approx. 11:00 am Office Closed Simchat Torah 6:30 pm No Zumba 16 Shemini Atzeret Service 7:00 pm No Zumba 9 Sukkot Service 9:30 am Office Closed No Zumba 2 Service 7:30 am Thursday 31 Service 7:00 pm 24 Service 7:00 pm Stuffed Animal Parade Rosh Hodesh Heshvan Shabbat Service 7:00 pm 17 Simchat Torah Service 9:30 am Office Closed Service 7:00 pm In Sukkah (bring coats) Sukkot Service 9:30 am Office Closed 10 3 Erev Yom Kippur Service 6:30 pm Operation Isaiah Friday TISHREI-HESHVAN 5775 25 Service 9:30 am Rosh Hodesh Heshvan 18 Service 9:30 am Madeline Rosenberg Bat Mitzvah, am 11 Service 9:30 am 3rd Day Sukkot 4 Yom Kippur Service 8:30 am (see HH Schedule) Saturday High Holiday Schedule 2014/5775 Community Selihot Service (Ushering in the Season of Spiritual Renewal) At Beth El Keser Israel (BEKI) Saturday evening, September 20, 10:30 pm Erev Rosh Hashanah, Wednesday evening, September 24 th 7:00 pm – Holiday Evening Service First Day Rosh Hashanah, Thursday, September 25th 8:30 am – Shaharit Morning Service 9:30 am – Torah Service Approx. 10:15 am – Immediately following the prayer for the ill, Rabbi will announce that he will meet all children in the backyard for a Holiday gathering. Afterwards, Rabbi will lead the children back into Sanctuary for Shofar sounding. Approx. 10:45 am Shofar Sounding Following Shofar Sounding, children are dismissed to Youth Services (one hour):Holiday Celebration: 3-7 year-olds Junior Congregation: 8-11 year olds Approx. 11:15 am – Rabbi’s Sermon (followed by Musaf) 1:00 pm – SERVICE ENDS Tashlikh ceremony follows at Wright’s Pond 6:15 pm – Minhah/Maariv Second Day of Rosh Hashanah Friday, September 26th 8:30 am – Shaharit Morning Service 9:30 am – Torah Service Approx. 10:45 am – Shofar Sounding Following Shofar Sounding, children are dismissed to Youth Services (one hour) Holiday Celebration: 3-7 year-olds Junior Congregation: 8-11 year olds Approx. 11:15 am – Rabbi’s Sermon (followed by Musaf) 1:00 pm – SERVICE ENDS 6:15 pm – Minhah/Maariv (Conclusion of Rosh Hashanah) Shabbat Shuvah – The "Sabbath of Repentance" Saturday morning, September 27th at 9:30 am Erev Yom Kippur – Friday, October 3rd 6:15 pm – Kol Nidre – Operation Isaiah Yom Kippur – Saturday, October 4th 8:30 am – Shaharit Morning Service 9:30 am – Torah Service Approx. 9:45 am – Immediately following Rabbi’s Torah commentary he will announce that he will meet all children downstairs, for a retelling of the story of Jonah Approx. 10:45 am – Children are dismissed to Youth Services, directly from Rabbi’s retelling of Jonah: Holiday Celebration: 3-7 year-olds Junior Congregation: 8-11 year olds Approx. 11:15 am – Rabbi’s Sermon (followed by Yizkor & Musaf) 1:15 pm – BREAK 5:15 pm – Minhah (followed by Neilah & Break-Fast) High Holiday Chair Set Up Please come and help set up the chairs for the High Holidays. We will be setting them up Monday, September 22 at 7:00 pm. High school students will get community service credits. Operation Isaiah Each year, on Rosh Hashanah, after the Rabbi’s sermon, we hand out brown paper shopping bags for Operation Isaiah, our annual Kol Nidre food drive appeal. It is a tradition at Or Shalom to hand out the bags as people leave on the first day of Rosh Hashanah. Members take the bags home and then return them filled with non-perishable grocery items during the week prior to Yom Kippur or as they come to synagogue for Kol Nidre. Financial donations are also accepted, and checks can be made out to “Congregation Or Shalom” and note in the memo Operation Isaiah. Last year we collected enough food and donations to provide 6,977 meals! Let’s increase that this year, as the need continues to increase. 8 President Obama Awards 2013 National Humanities Medals President Barack Obama presented the 2013 National Humanities Medals to nine individuals and one organization July 28 for outstanding achievements in history, cultural studies, filmmaking, cultural commentary, and historic preservation. Among the medalists was Or Shalom’s own, historian David Brion Davis. The National Humanities Medals were presented in conjunction with the National Medals of Arts at a White House ceremony. The National Humanities Medal honors individuals or groups whose work has deepened the nation’s understanding of the humanities, broadened our citizens’ engagement with the humanities, or helped preserve and expand Americans’ access to important resources in the humanities. COME JOIN THE STUFFED ANIMAL PARADE Friday, October 24, 2014 The Service starts at 7:00 PM Join the Rabbi as he tells the story of Noah and the Ark. Children are invited to bring their favorite stuffed animal to Services and parade “to the Ark” as we celebrate the story of Noah! David received it for “reshaping our understanding of history. A World War II veteran, he has shed light on the contradiction of a free Nation built by forced labor, and his examinations of slavery and abolitionism drive us to keep making moral progress in our time,” per the press release from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Join us as we celebrate Simchat Torah!!!! October 16, 6:30 pm Lulav & Etrogs Call the office to order your set today. $40 per set. Please order by September 30 9 Use Auto-Purchase for Monthly Grocery Gift Cards! Many congregants have asked for it and now it is available. We know you want to support Or Shalom’s Gift Card program but don’t always remember. So we are making it even easier. Use the form on the website to submit and sign up for monthly auto-purchase. On the first of each month, we will charge your credit card for the amount you specify and mail the gift cards (Stop & Shop and/or ShopRite) to you. All you need to do is email us confirmation that you received the cards! It is that easy! If you have any questions, contact Jody or Joan in the office for more information. Save the Date September 15, 2014 Sisterhood Membership Dinner Program Featuring Connecticut Artist, Lois Goglia who will share with us her journey from creating masterworks on x-rays to her most recent magnificent one-of-a-kind scarves Attention: All parents of college students: The Koach Committee sends out holiday packages to Or Shalom’s college students during the year. Please send your college student’s address and e-mail so that they can be included and remembered at the holidays! Email Robin Fox at [email protected]. -Robin Fox & Dara Brosler YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE JOIN US AT PRO-ISRAEL AIPAC COMMUNITY–WIDE EVENT SEPTEMBER 11 AT CONGREGATION B’NAI JACOB 7:00 PM PROGRAM AND DESERT RECEPTION With the ongoing conflict on the ground and unprecedented regional threats surrounding Israel’s existence, it has never been more important to gather as a community. Please join us for a pro-Israel event featuring Dr. Jonathan Adelman and Mr. Tony Badran as we moderate a panel covering Israel and America’s global threats. REMEMBER: The Iron Dome was critical in protecting Israeli citizens from Hamas Rockets. Congress was critical in voting for funding Iron Dome. AIPAC was critical in lobbying Congress to vote for Iron Dome RSVP to Hadas Peles [email protected] or 617-3992553. 10 Contributions GENERAL FUND To: Arnie Goldberg in honor of his “Surprise Birthday Party” From: Gail & Manny Cohen To: Jeffrey Schpero in appreciation for his thoughtfulness From: Judith & Mark Sklarz To: Nancy Rosen & family in memory of beloved husband, Warren Rosen From: Boots & Jules Landwirth To: Steve Miller in honor of his milestone birthday To: Arleen Winters & family in memory of beloved mother, Lillian Groveman From: Jane Kasper & Jim Blume To: Alan Krivit in honor of his special birthday From: Judi & Arnold Goldberg To: The Gampel Family in memory of Stanley Gampel From: Deeva Laubstein & Barry Goldblatt RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND To: Rabbi Wainhaus in appreciation From: Mary Ellen Bostic; Phyllis & Michael Flaks; Norma & Paul Barash To: Nancy Rosen & family in memory of beloved husband, Warren Rosen From: Elaine & Jerry Braffman; Leslie & Joel Wasserman In memory of our beloved father, Arthur Hipshman From: Phyliss & Steven Shapiro SOCIAL ACTION FUND To: Linda Bazarsky in memory of Harold Roberts From: Jimmy Shure To: Sandra Kaplan & family in memory of beloved sister, Susan Robbins To: Delana & Mark Severs & family in memory of beloved son, Steven Severs From: Minna & Lewis Kaufman YOUTH FUND To: Phyliss Shapiro & family in memory of beloved father, Arthur Hipshman From: Pat Violette FLOWER FUND To: Leo Vine, get well wishes To: Earl Slusky, get well wishes From: Selma Yudkin FLOWERS FOR THE HIGH HOLIDAY Susan & Robert Aaronson; Kas Asher; Norma & Paul Barash; Jeffrey Berkley & Linda Snowe; Carole & Seth Berman; Elaine & Gerald Braffman; Leslie Bufferd & Marilyn Kleiman; Donald Cohen; Sue & Gus Davis; Susan & Eric Gallant; Judi & Arnold Goldberg; Taube Gurland; Joan & Jack Holden; Burton A. Kaplan; Jane Kasper & Jim Blume; Nancy & Martin Katz; Carol & William Kaufman; Nadine & Arthur Klein; Irene & Bennett Lebov; Kay Ellen & Michael Loewenthal; Jan & Steve Miller; Marla & Carl Russell; Mortimer H. Saffran; Arlene & Peter Schwartz; Carol & Larry Shapiro; Margie & Joe Shapiro; Carl Stahnke; Nancy & Don Tamis; Doreen & Andy Testa; Regina Wolf; Toby & Mike Zabinski HERB WIENER BREAKFAST FUND (MORNING MINYAN) To: Shirley Fiedler in honor of receiving the “Shomrei Or” award To: Jimmy Shure in honor of the birth of his granddaughter, Chloe Alexa To: Civianne & Eric Bloch in honor of the birth of their granddaughter, Keziah Rose To: Margie & Joe Shapiro in honor of the birth of their grandson, Noah Gerald From: Norma & Paul Barash To: Lois & Ian Winnick in honor of their 50th anniversary From: Joyce & Seymour Nepiarsky To: Norma & Paul Barash in honor of the birth of their grandson, Henry Daniel To: Sandy Weinstein, best wishes for a speedy recovery From: Renee Livers In memory of my beloved father, Harvey N. Ladin From: Leslie Wasserman To: Arleen Winters & family in memory of beloved mother, Lillian Groveman To: Josh Gold & family in memory of beloved mother, Rita Gold From: Abby & Mitch Goldblatt A donation from John Kelman YAHRZEIT FUND IN MEMORY OF: Albee Trieber beloved brother-in-law of Selma Yudkin Ruth Rinn beloved mother of Marilyn Biagioni William Clayman beloved husband of Janet Clayman Harry R. Friedman beloved husband of Barbara Friedman Harry R. Friedman beloved father of Diane Gluck Irene Lichtman beloved sister-in-law of Diane Gluck Irwin S. Gurland beloved husband of Taube Gurland Leon Liberman beloved father of Rosette Liberman Aloin E. Stark beloved husband of Marilyn Stark Max Raizman beloved father of Elaine Wisot Herman Yargotah beloved father of Joel Young Herman Bernard beloved father of Norma Barash Morris Garelick beloved grandfather of Nancy Katz & Salome Noun 11 Leo Galanty beloved father of Toby Rockwell Gladys Lubin beloved mother of Andrew Testa Mary Deutsch beloved mother of Gladys Horowitz Eva & Philip Saffran beloved parents of Mortimore Saffran Adolph Weissman beloved uncle of Larry A. Lambert Samuel Spencer beloved father of Susan Dworkin Charles Shapiro beloved father of Margie & Joe Shapiro Morris Aaron Horowitz beloved father of Bernie Horowitz Alec Goldberg beloved father of Dale Hurwitz Goldy & Charles R. Sachs beloved parents of Ellen Bernblum Rose Sherman beloved mother of Susan Davis Jean B. Schpero beloved sister-in-law of Edith Schpero Larry Seiderman beloved nephew of Joel Young Rose Becker beloved mother of Benny Becker Celia Schlesinger beloved mother of Caroline Begelfer Martin Dworkin beloved father of Warren Dworkin Ruth & Aaron Epstein beloved parents of Randi Glauberman Mitchell Loberfeld beloved father of Ronald Loberfeld Betty Bassett beloved mother of Judith Moskowitz William Jaffe beloved father of Francine Richter Millie Ungerleider beloved mother-in-law of Linda Ungerleider Gwenn Cohen beloved wife of Allen Cohen Irene Swirsky beloved mother of Ina Geller Rose Becker beloved mother of Minna Kaufman Irving Broder beloved father of Joan Pearl Ethel Pearl beloved mother-in-law of Joan Pearl Susan Winicour beloved sister of Carole Slusky BRICK LIST REGULAR BRICKS $4 SILVER $7 GOLD $10 CHAI $18 Call Evelyn Silvers (203)874-6083 (before 9:00 pm & NOT Saturdays) REGULAR BRICKS To: Civianne & Eric Bloch, Mazel Tov on the birth of granddaughter, Keziah Rose To: Sharon Teller, best wishes on your special birthday From: Lisa & Harry Greenwald To: Judy & Barry Kipperman, Mazel Tov on granddaughter Elyssa’s Bat Mitzvah From: Evelyn & Clifford Silvers; Maxine & Jerry Schwartz To: Lisa Greenwald, best wishes for a speedy recovery From: Lorna & Paul Pincus To: Judi Goldberg, best wishes on your special birthday From: Judi & Alan Moskowitz To: Lois & Ian Winnick, Mazel Tov on your 50th wedding anniversary From: Sharon & Richard Teller To: Lisa & Harry Greenwald, wishing you both good health From: Lois & Ian Winnick To: Sandy Weinstein, best wishes for a speedy recovery From: Lauren & Paul Seplowitz; Lorna & Paul Pincus To: Sharon & Bruce Lippman, Mazel Tov on the birth of granddaughter, Chani Orly From: Beverly & Michael Propen To: Harry Greenwald, best wishes for a speedy recovery From: Evelyn & Clifford Silvers; Sharon & Richard Teller; Norma & Charles Fleischman; Judi & Alan Moskowitz; Judi & Paul Greenspan; Sharon & Bruce Lippman; Lauren & Paul Seplowitz; Maxine & Jerry Schwartz To: Phyliss Shapiro & family in memory of beloved father, Arthur Hipshman To: Lillian Malkus & family in memory of beloved brother, Alan Youngwood To: Josh Gold & family in memory of beloved mother, Rita Gold To: Arleen Winters & family in memory of beloved mother, Lillian Groveman From: Robin & Bill Fox; Linda & Martin Zwerdling To: Josh Gold & family in memory of beloved mother, Rita Gold From: Deneen & Gary Pearl; Lauren & Paul Seplowitz To: Judi Goldberg, best wishes for a speedy recovery From: Judi & Paul Greenspan To: Peter Weinstein, best wishes for a speedy recovery From: Ann & Bob Cole To: Phyliss Shapiro & family in memory of beloved father, Arthur Hipshman From: Lauren & Paul Seplowitz To: Barbee Joy Hall, Best wishes for a speedy & complete recovery From: Lois & Ian Winnick GOLD BRICKS To: Lois & Ian Winnick “Happy 50th”! May you have many more! From: Karen & Herb Marsh CHAI BRICKS To: Phyliss Shapiro & family in memory of beloved father, Arthur Hipshman From: Marcy & Ira Zoock Amazon Shopping Commission Shop Amazon.com using the link below and Or Shalom will receive a commission! It is easy---no cards, no codes, no signing up. Just follow the link and shop! Click on this link to get started: http://smile.amazon.com/ch/06-0874061 12 Or Shalom to Host Open Community Yizkor Congregation Or Shalom is once again offering all non-members an opportunity to come to a free community-wide Yizkor Memorial Service on Yom Kippur Day (October 4) at 4:00 PM. Welcome! New Members: Wendy and Eric Severs This service, which will last under an hour, is open to the public without any membership obligation. The Service will be led by the Ritual Committee Chair, Robert Spaulding and his wife Tova Clayman. Rabbi Alvin Wainhaus noted that this is an opportunity for Or Shalom to help fill a void among non-affiliated Jews in and around the Orange community. “Everyone should have the opportunity to come say Yizkor for their departed relatives and we hope they will come and take advantage of this opportunity,” Wainhaus said. From the Red Cross: I would like to express my thanks to you and Congregation Or Shalom for its commitment to American Red Cross Blood Services. On behalf of the patients we serve, we thank you for hosting your blood drive. Your drive resulted in 46 presenting blood donors, and we were able to collect 48 pints (120% of 40 pint Goal) of lifesaving blood. Each of those donations could help save up to 3 lives! Every day someone somewhere needs blood. Without dedicated coordinators and sponsors like you serving as a vital link between the blood supply and those who need blood, the Red Cross could not carry out its lifesaving mission. Again, thank you for your efforts in coordinating a successful blood drive! We look forward to working with you on the next drive. Paul G Leahy Account Manager Recruitment and Outreach 13 NEEDED: Reading Partners for School Children WHO?: FLOWERS FOR THE HIGH HOLIDAYS Would you like to make a donation for flowers on the High Holidays? Each year we ask for donations towards flower arrangements for both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Please fill out the form below and mail it to the Synagogue office: 205 Old Grassy Hill Road, Orange, CT 06477. All donations will be recognized in the newsletter. YOU! Become a JCL Reading Partner Today. You can be part of a child’s “success story”. It’s easy (really, it is!). By volunteering just one hour each week you can improve a child’s chance of academic success and build their confidence in ways that are priceless. The Jewish Coalition for Literacy (JCL), program of the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven, invites you to attend its Orientation and Information for new and returning literacy volunteers to learn how you might get involved and give back. FLOWERS FOR THE HIGH HOLIDAYS NAME OF MEMBER__________________________ AMOUNT OF DONATION: o $18 o$36 o$54 oOther: $___________________ Wednesday morning, September17th, 9:30AM, JCC, 360 Amity Road, Woodbridge All adults are welcome. No Prior experience required. Esteemed panel – Fay E. Brown, Ph.D. Associate Research Scientist, Yale Child Study Center; Krista Bergin, Literacy Intervention Facilitator, New Haven Board of Ed and Cheryl C. Durwin, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology Assistant Chairperson, Psychology Department, SCSU, will present best practices of reading with a child and highlight the importance of reading partners giving children a nurturing opportunity to help them succeed. Dr. Brown will also highlight Dr. Jim Comer’s program regarding character traits that are a valued part of many of our schools core curriculum. Contact Brenda Brenner, JCL coordinator, for more information and to register for the coffee [email protected] or 203 387-2424 x 308. ANNUAL CEMETERY MEMORIAL SERVICE, SEP 21 Please join Rabbi Wainhaus as he officiates at the Cemetery Services on Sunday, September 21, 2014 at : 12:30 pm- Beth Israel Cemetery, Shelton 1:30 pm-Beth Israel Cemetery, Orange 2:30 pm-Or Shalom Cemetery, West Haven If you would like to send a donation in memory of your loved ones, please complete the form below and mail to the office with your check. We thank you for your kind support. ------------------------------------------------------CEMETERY MEMORIAL SERVICE, SEPTEMBER 21 NAME ____________________________________ ADDRESS__________________________________ IN MEMORY OF___________________________ DONATION $_________ Please mail to: Congregation Or Shalom, 205 Old Grassy Hill Road, Orange, CT. 06477 14 References Available 15 New Patients Only 16
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