Bulletin October 2014 7 Tishri/7 Cheshvan 5775 “The Community Synagogue in Southern Saratoga County” Founded in 1974 688 Clifton Park Center Road Clifton Park, NY 518-371-0608 Sharing thoughts with our Rabbi REV. PATRICK J. BUTLER, PASTOR ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OF ST. EDWARD’S THE CONFESSOR 569 CLIFTON PARK CENTER ROAD RABBI DR. CHANAN MARKOWITZ CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM 688 CLIFTON PARK CENTER ROAD PRESENT A SERIES OF JEWISH-CATHOLIC DIALOGUES “GOD, RELIGION, REASON AND THE CHALLENGES OUR WORLD FACES IN THE 21ST CENTURY” 1: Sunday, October 19th at 11 a.m. Rabbi Markowitz will deliver the sermon at St. Edward’s the Confessor 2: Tuesday, October 28th at 7:30 pm - The first Dialogue will be held at St. Edward’s on the topic: “GOD IN THE JEWISH and CATHOLIC TRADITIONS” 3: Friday, November 7th at 7:30 p.m. – Father Butler will deliver the sermon at Congregation Beth Shalom 4: Tuesday, November 11th at 7:30 p.m. – The second Dialogue will be held at Congregation Beth Shalom on the topic: “WHAT IS MEANING OF PRAYER IN THE JEWISH and CATHOLIC TRADITIONS?” ** ALL ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND ** SCHEDULE FOR SUKKOT SERVICES, 2014-5775 Sunday, October 5 – 9:30 AM to Noon Roof and decorate our Sukkah along with Men’s Club and Hebrew School Wednesday, October 8 – 7:30 PM– First Night of Sukkot Maariv Service followed by Kiddush in the Sukkah Thursday, October 9 – 7:30 PM – Second Night of Sukkot Maariv Service followed by Kiddish in the Sukkah Friday, October 10 7:30 PM- Shabbat-Sukkot Maariv Service followed by Kiddish in the Sukkah. Saturday, October 11 – 9 AM Shabbat Chol Hamoed Sukkot Morning Service followed by Kiddush in the Sukkah. Wednesday, October 15 – 7:30 PM Shmini Atzeret Maariv Service Light yizkor candles before Yom Tov candles at 6:08 PM Thursday, October 16 – 9 AM-11:15 PM - Shmini Atzeret – Yizkor will be recited during this service. 7:30 PM –GALA Simchat Torah Service and Celebration!!! Wonderful fun for young and old alike!!! DON’T MISS IT!!! Friday, October 17 – 7:30 PM Shabbat Bereshit Evening Service Saturday, October 18 – 9 AM We resume our Weekly Shabbat Morning Services followed by Rabbi Markowitz’ Torah Study. Sunday morning, October 19 at 10:30 AM Rabbi Markowitz will resume his popular Sunday morning lecture series. If you have any questions please call Rabbi Markowitz at 878-6299 or send him an e-mail at [email protected] PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Here we are at the New Year. Let’s make this a time for new beginnings and new resolutions! It was a pleasure to see the great attendance at the last Friday Nite Live Service. Thank you to Rabbi Markowitz, Jeff Stein, and the Klezmer band. Let’s all resolve to come to more services and more activities! Come for events by Sisterhood and the Men’s Club, join the newly formed Book Club, the Mah Jongg and Knitting groups, attend the Rabbi’s stimulating lecture series, and let’s come up with more ideas for more interest groups. All ideas are welcome! Contact me with your ideas and to volunteer to join committees. Things are happening so come on board. Don’t stay on the sidelines! We want YOU! Harvey EXECUTIVE BOARD President…………….…...….Harvey Finkelstein VP Administration…..………Linda Russell VP Membership…….….........Ray Franzone VP Fundraising……….…......Lin Guinipero Treasurer……………..….......Janie Garnett Financial Secretary………….Betsy Knorr Recording Secretary…......….Denise Smith Past president………………..Mark Silverman 399-8121 371-3641 877-6125 588-7775 357-8881 877-8957 348-0569 371-0256 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Richard Jacobs Doris Calderon Rob Schleifstein Dee Ann Coniglio Bob Silverman Sheila Alfasso BOARD OF ADVISORS Appointed Board members Men’s Club……………………….…Les Miller Cemetery……….………………..….Don Rubin Education……………………….…..Marla Sheffer House……………………..…….…...Mark Silverman Interfaith……………………….… Israeli Affairs……...…………..….....BJ Rosenfeld Publicity…………………………….. Reyut………..……………….…….. Carol Davis Ritual………………………………...Joyce and Mel Toub Rob Schleifstein Sisterhood ……………….……….. Fern Hayden Gift Shop…………………………… Lin Guinipero Social Action………………..…….…Michael Weitzman Web ………………..………………..Chris Grossman COEJL……………………. . .………Lew Morrison Listserv………………………………Jackie Betters/Sandie Vipler Bulletin…………………………… .Diane Silverman/Jackie Betters Harvey N. Finkelstein President 518-399-8121 The deadline for all articles for the bulletin is the 15th of the month prior to publication. [email protected] Please email your articles to [email protected] or you can drop them off at the synagogue office. Rabbi Markowitz’s office hours for the winter: Tuesday through Friday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM You can also reach him by calling his cell phone at 518-878-6299 or by sending him an e-mail at [email protected] October Birthdays Oct. 5 7 8 8 10 14 19 19 26 26 27 Stuart Zamlong Eve Kaufman Diane Silverman Roberta Moses Pola Dobry Lauren Paige Janice Lyng Henry Paige Eva Sheffer Michael Weitzman Ellen Markowitz MAZEL TOV to Our Temple Family Betsy & David Knorr 10/21 Ellen & Chanan Markowitz 10/21 30 yrs 7 yrs From the desk of Morah Tziporah Hebrew School is off to a good start! We’re learning about Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur. The Daled class is learning how to chant Haftarah. ******************************************* A big TODAH RABBAH to Carol Davis for taking care of our library books & making sure they are accessible to our youngest readers. ******************************************* A big Thank you to our Torah & Haftarah Chanters during Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur: Doris Calderon, Shaina Smith, Sandy Roth, Rachel Sangaline, Anna Weiskopf, Mel Toub, Stan Simkins, Ellen Bechky, Sophie Sheffer, Jonathan Barnett, Joshua Sangaline, Jordan Stern, Emma Ehrlich, and Melissa Kearns. May you all continue to go from strength to strength. ********************************************** A little look ahead: On Sunday morning, Oct. 5th, the Hebrew School will be making Sukkah decorations & eating ‘Pizza outside in the Hut’. Please join us & help put up this year’s Sukkah. ********************************************** B’shalom, FLO Miller Director of Education MEN’S CLUB REPORT Shalom everyone from the tired but happy Picnic Committee. We hope all those who attended on Sunday September 7th, had an enjoyable and delicious afternoon. Although attendance was down from the past few years, I sensed that lively conversation and friendly shmoozing were, as always, the norm. Sisterhood Autumn Message When you read this, High Holiday Services will have just finished up. Thank you to Rabbi Markowitz, Flo Miller, Jeff Stein and our wonderful Choir for providing us with a meaningful High Holiday experience. Let’s not forget Joyce Toub (Ritual). Thank you to Linda Russell for organizing, preparing and cooking the Break-the-Fast. This event was attended by a small group of people, which provided an intimate and delicious way to start the New Year. I would like to thank all those who helped make this event happen. First, my wife Diane, and our ever present office (and kitchen) commander, Jackie Betters for their help in planning, shopping and cooking. Ray Franzone, Men’s Club treasurer, for working the door and handling the finances. A round of applause to Jeff Russell who again this year entertained with memorable songs from our younger days, and offered music trivia for those who enjoyed his performance. The joint Sisterhood/Men’s’ Club event held at the Shmaltz Brewing Company on September 21, 2014 was enjoyed by all. Last but definitely not least, to our group of early and late drop-ins who assisted with last minute watermelon slicing, beverage chilling, set-up and knock-down of tables and chairs, and general clean-up. Thank you Barry and Karen Hamerling, Bob Silverman, Yogi Guinipero, Greg Pyle and Lew Morrison. If I missed anyone please forgive me, my eyes were clouded by burning hot dog smoke. Entertainment Books are in ($25.00 per book). They are selling fast, but we have a few left. Please contact Janice Lyng at [email protected] to reserve your book. On Sunday 9/14 a small but hard working crew did our annual clean-up of the Beth Shalom cemetery in Rotterdam. Older stones were cleaned, and branches, brush and vines were cleared from fences and the very overgrown but beautiful street entrance gate. Renovation of the gate is a project for another time. Thank you Don Rubin and Paul Michel. Don’t forget, Sukkah building on Sunday October 5th. Hope to see you there. Mark Silverman Acting MC Pres. Please mark your calendars for the special Synagogue, Sisterhood, Hebrew School Latke/Chanukah event scheduled for Sunday, December 14 th. We will need volunteers to make the latkes; we will need lots of latkes again this year as this will be a synagogue wide event during which our Hebrew School will be hosting the Hebrew School from Congregation Agudat Achim. This is a great way to get involved. We are selling $5.00 Boscov’s Friends Helping Friends discount shopping passes. For just a $5.00 donation you get 25% off all your shopping at Boscov’s on October 21st. Please contact Dee Ann Coniglio at [email protected] to buy your $5.00 Boscov’s Friends Helping Friends 25% discount shopping pass. Don’t miss out on this great value opportunity. Get involved! Help Sisterhood help our Synagogue, Hebrew School as well as the Community wide programs we now support. Together, we can succeed in helping Sisterhood sustain its vitality and well-being in support of our Synagogue. We’d love for you to experience Congregation Beth Shalom Sisterhood for yourself. We truly need all of you! However, if you are unable to donate your time to Sisterhood, you can always support us with your dues. Sisterhood’s dues structure is on a calendar year; it is never too late to join and support our Sisterhood. The more funds Sisterhood has, the more Sisterhood can contribute in support of our Synagogue, Hebrew school and our Community-wide sponsored events. Stay tuned for further details on upcoming programs such as another joint Sisterhood/Men’s Club event to be held at the Racino in Saratoga, a joint program with Hadassah, a family bowling event and periodic off-site dinners. If you have any suggestions for programing or events, please contact me at [email protected]. Good health and best wishes to all. Remember: Everyone is welcome to attend our monthly planning sessions. The schedule for the planning sessions for October – December, 2014 is shown below: Monday, October 20, 2014 - 7PM, Synagogue Sunday, November 16, 2014 - 11AM, Synagogue Sunday, December 14, 2014 - 11AM, Synagogue Fern Hayden Sisterhood President Member Oct. 2 2 4 5 5 5 7 10 10 10 13 13 15 15 17 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 27 31 31 Tishrei 8 8 10 11 11 11 13 16 16 16 19 19 21 21 23 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 28 28 28 29 29 29 Heshvan 3 7 7 A B B/L C D D/L F F/L GF GM H aunt brother brother-in-law cousin daughter daughter-in-law father father-in-law grandfather grandmother husband OCTOBER YAHRZEITS Deceased Michael Kupferman Leslie Miller Elaine Lowenberg Paul Michel BJ Rosenfeld Michael Kupferman Steven Ostroff Michelle Rafael Raylene Jacobs Leslie Finkelstein Barry Hamerling Donald Rubin Anne Ross Deborah Huber Christine Grossman Beverly Magidson Harriette Weitzman Audrey Cohn Stanley Simkins Sandie Vipler Roberta Moses Barbara Geizer Sandie Vipler Doris Calderon Peter Rosenfeld Richard Marshall Ellen Bechky Ann Ross Linda Guinipero Arnold Elman Sandie Vipler Phyllis & Lewis Morrison M M/L N S S/L W Yetta Kupferman Irving Miller Sarah Yanovitz Gilbert Eliaachim Norah Lessne Sally Shapiro Bonnie Ostroff Irving Kleid William Levine Julius Ziperstein Harry Hamerling Sarah Rubin Herbert Ross Herbert Ross Ira Scott Esther Weintraub Hyman Chesner Judith Golub Zelda Simkins Louis Lass Lloyd Moses Ann Moskowitz Julius Horowitz Donald Blanchard Celia Feuerstein Ralph Marshall Jack Feltingoff Bessie Krever Gertrude Lash Annabelle Scher Gussie Lass Amanda Morrison Relationship M F M GF M GM M F B F F M H F F SM F S M GF H M GF B GM F F M M M GM D mother mother-in-law niece or nephew sister sister-in-law wife What better way to remember loved one(s) than to have a plaque placed on our Memorial Wall in memory of them. For more information on purchasing a plaque you can call the synagogue office 371-0608 and speak with Jackie. The cost for each plaque is $250.00 *************************************************************************************** Remember that special date with either a leaf or an acorn or even a stone on our Tree of Life. Congregants and interested public may celebrate a mitzvah (happy occasion) or commemorate a memory by purchasing one or more of the following: Leaves - $180 Acorns - $500 For further information regarding purchasing a leaf, acorn or stone for the Stones - $1500 Tree of Life, please contact Jackie at 371-0608 We gratefully acknowledge these contributions General Fund in memory of Reyut fund in memory of Sidney Grumet by: Shelley Schimelman Sonia Toub by Joyce and Mel Toub Sylvia Grossman by: Bernard Grossman Ruth Bechky by Joyce and Mel Toub Joyce and Mel Toub send “Well Wishes” to Roberta Boss Leonard Rose by: Ellen Finch and Walter Rose Sam Sedlik by: Roberta Boss Torah Fund in memory of Endowment Fund General Fund in honor of Live Music Fund: Rabbi’s Disc. Fund in memory of Simmy Fund in memory of Joseph Franzone by: Marcie and Ray Franzone Joan Forman by Barry Forman Ida Horowitz by: the Vipler family Joseph Viplich by the Vipler family Sylvia Horowitz by the Vipler family A donation was made to the Rabbi’s Disc. Fund Peace Garden Fund by Toby and Arnie Elman Various programs at Congregation Beth Shalom Are generously supported in part by Jewish Federation of Northeastern NY THREE fundraisers with NO NET COST to you SCRIP The list includes hundreds of businesses nationwide—retail stores, supermarkets, restaurants, hotels, rental cars, pharmacies, movie theaters, i-tunes, Amazon… to name just a few. VENEZIA’S Enjoy great pizza, salad, eggplant, and other delicious food – dine-in or take-out. HANNAFORD Purchase gift cards through the synagogue Sisterhood and use when you grocery shop. Congregation Beth Shalom receives a percentage of the gross value of your scrip, Venezia’s, and Hannaford purchases and you get to spend the full face value!! Shop for your own everyday needs and give as gifts. This is a painless way for you to support our fundraising efforts!!! Please contact Lin for additional information or to place an order. Lin: [email protected] or call 518-588-7775 Do you have a special event coming up that you would like to share with your family, friends and synagogue family? Why not sponsor an Oneg or Kiddush? Sponsoring a Kiddush is honoring, celebrating, memorializing, and congratulating any individual/s or event. A Kiddush is a wonderful way to bring people together and begin to celebrate the Sabbath too. For more information you can call the synagogue office and speak to Jackie at 371-0608 or call Linda Russell at 371-3641 Various programs at Congregation Beth Shalom Are generously supported in part by Jewish Federation of Northeastern NY 25% OFF AT BOSCOV’S Tuesday, 10/21 (any Boscov’s) 25% off Friends Helping Friends Donate $5.00 to Beth Shalom Sisterhood Get your coupon and SHOP Call Dee Ann 371-6801 or Jackie 371-0608 to get your coupon All Are Welcome to a Community Lunch Nurturing the Body & Soul Come join us to enjoy a warm meal, or just to socialize with fellow Southern Saratoga area neighbors on Wednesday, October 1st 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM St. Edward the Confessor Church Social Hall 569 Clifton Park Center Road. Desserts to share are most welcome. RSVP…. Please due to limited seating: 371-7372 ext 227 Hosted by St. Edward’s Church and Congregation Beth Shalom “Future Wednesday meal dates” October 29th WEST END BAGELS 518-952-4762 www.westendbagels.com Thank you to the Jewish Federation of Northeastern NY We wish to thank the Jewish Federation for their support of our Friday Night Live Services. Their continued support helps to enhance the spiritual experience. 5 Southside Drive, Clifton Park, NY 12065 Whitefish Salad, Boars Head Deli NYC Recipe, Catering Premium Nova Scotia Lox Voted Best Bagel 2014 Harvey CLIFTON PARK PODIATRY Richard C. Berkowitz, DPM, FACFAS Medical and Surgical Care of the Foot 1673 Route 9 Halfmoon, NY 518-383-3338 Remember that special date with either a leaf or an acorn or even a stone on our Tree of Life. Congregants and interested public may celebrate a mitzvah (happy occasion) or commemorate a memory by purchasing one or more of the following: Leaves - $180 Acorns - $500 Stones - $1500 For further information regarding purchasing a leaf, acorn or stone for the Tree of Life, please contact Jackie at 371-0608 HALFMOON MOBIL Courteous, Quick and Clean Route 9 and Sitterly Road (across from Hewitt’s) Clifton Park, NY Locally Owned and Operated PREMIERE TRANSPORTATION GROUP David J. Brown, President 456 North Pearl Street Albany, NY 12204 518-459-6123 Professionally Chauffeur-driven Sedans, Limousines, Vans, and Coaches NEW BOOK CLUB The Robert & Dorothy Ludwig Schenectady JCC on the Golub Family Campus proudly presents the Second Annual: Capital Capabilities The newly formed nonfiction Book Club of Congregation Beth Shalom met and had 2 hours of great discussion with Professor Arthur Benner from SUNY University Jewish Studies history department. An event celebrating the artistic talents of people with disabilities The group chose for its next meeting to be held on Tuesday, October 21st at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Lew Morrison, 7 Bear Brook Court, Clifton Park. Honorary Chair: Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara The next book that was chosen is Breach of Trust by Andrew Bacevich and another book on the same topic is Drift by Rachel Maddow (also suggested reading). Many will be reading both books that are about the soldiers and the military of the United States and “America’s dangerous drift into a state of perpetual war”. Emcee: Dori Marlin CBS6 We welcome new members, both men and women, and plan to continue exciting, stimulating monthly group discussions. RSVP to Lew Morrison at [email protected] or 371-7334. Looking forward to seeing you there! Harvey Finkelstein at [email protected] Or 399-8121 Lew Morrison and Harvey Finkelstein Book Club Coordinators Knitting Club News The knitting group will be meeting Wednesday, October 22 at 7 pm at the home of Hana Mondelblatt. Mark your calendar, come and knit and schmooze. Newcomers welcome. Let Hana know you are coming by emailing [email protected]. Thanks, Marcie Sunday, October 19, 2014, 1PM – 4PM Schenectady JCC 2565 Balltown Road, Niskayuna, NY Free, family friendly event featuring demonstrations, arts and crafts, art exhibits, live music created by individuals with disabilities, an inclusive multimedia quilt from across the Capital Region, and more. Partners: Loving Resources, Schenectady ARC, OPWDD, YWCA of Northeastern NY, Center for Disability Services, Congregation Gates of Heaven, Congregation Beth Israel, Sponsors: MVP Health Care of Schenectady County For more information, call 518-377-8803 or email [email protected]
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