The Slum Aid Project Human Development Indicators (SAHUDEI) 2009-2015 Slum Aid Project (SAP) Human Development Indicators (2009-2015) Slum Aid Project Human Development Indicators (SAP-SAHUDEI) 2009-2015 SLUM AID PROJECT’S (SAP) HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDICATORS. CHILDREN AND ADULTS Title Indicator Indicator Definition Data source measure Measuremen t process CHILDREN PROGRAMS Education Percent of boys Enrolled means Primary data Primary data: and percent of currently enrolled in the from 30 cluster girls who appropriate year of household random are enrolled in formal education for the survey and the Household/sc or have child‟s age. Completed slum Schools. hool survey, completed the means successfully verified by first seven passed the sixth year of Support years of formal formal education while groups leaders education. of the recommended age report. for that level. Percentage of Appropriate level and youths, girls age are determined by and boys who the country‟s Ministry have completed or Department of the 11 years of Education. formal These first years of education. formal school are often identified as primary or elementary school. The next 4 years are refered as the ordinary level of education in Uganda. Nutrition Percentage of 3 Meals This means Primary data Primary data: people having eating breakfast, Lunch from 30 cluster at least 3 meals and supper. household random per day. Stunted means the child survey household Slum Aid Project Human Development Indicators (SAP-SAHUDEI) 2009-2015 including boys has a Z–score below survey, and girls who minus 2 standard verified by are stunted deviations (SD) from the household,age median height-for-age height and of the NCHS/WHO weight standard. This indicates measurements moderate &/or severe . malnutrition. Diarrhea Percent of Diarrhoea means more Primary data Primary data: management children 0-4 than 3 loose stools from 30 cluster years with passed in a 24 hour household random survey. household diarrhoea in the period. Acceptably past managed means the survey, two weeks, child received increased verified by whose fluids (preferably ORT Community disease was or recommended home health centres acceptably fluid) during the disease and managed. and while recovering community care givers. Immunization Percent of Fully immunized means Primary data Primary data: children aged the child has received from immunization 12 – 23 months all National Ministry of household status verified fully Health (MOH) survey. by MOH immunized. recommended vaccines individual before 12 months. Must vaccination include immunisation cards. against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, measles, poliomyelitis and tuberculosis. Water Percent of Access to an improved Primary data Slum Aid Project Human Development Indicators (SAP-SAHUDEI) 2009-2015 Primary data: households water source means 30 from household 30 cluster who have year or more liters of water survey. random round access to per person per day, from an improved a potable source within Secondary data survey, water 15 minutes of the from other verified by source. household. Potable actors Community household source means a tap, Volunteers protected well, or other monthly protected water source. reports. FOR WOMEN VIOLENCE Number of AGAINST women WOMEN suffering from at least one form of violence against them Violence against women Includes -Sexual violence (rape and coerced sex) -Physical beating burning and starving people to death. -Emotional torture. -Economic violence (failure to provide the basic needs to their family members) Primary data 30 cluster from household random survey. household Secondary data survey, from other verified by women Community organizations Volunteers SAP Staff Community leaders monthly reports Sexual Number of girls Sexual violence is un Primary data 30 cluster violence coerced or wanted sex, or would from household random against young forced into have been avoided sex. survey. household girls having sex A girl can be sexually below the age abused either physically Secondary data verified by of 18. or verbally. from other -Community organizations or Volunteers ( The law stipulates that having sex with a girl below 18 years is a crime, it is also believed survey, Child focused SAP Staff organizations Community Slum Aid Project Human Development Indicators (SAP-SAHUDEI) 2009-2015 that children do not accept but are coerced to have sex by adults.) leaders monthly reports GENERAL INDICATORS House hold Percent of Coping strategies means Primary data Primary data: resilience households an adaptive coping from 30 cluster adopting coping strategy, sale of a liquid focus group random strategies or productive asset, so discussions & household within the past as to mitigate the impact household survey, year. of external shocks survey. verified by and/or environmental Primary data: Support group stress factors in order to Focus group heads. provide the household‟s discussions to basic necessities. identify local coping strategies, specific to the communities, to be used in a survey. Poorest house Percent of Poorest households Primary data Primary data: holds poorest means those households from Series of households. identified to be the most wealth ranking wealth . socially and/or exercises. ranking . economically exercises disadvantaged within a involving community community leaders and community members Slum Aid Project Human Development Indicators (SAP-SAHUDEI) 2009-2015 from sample communities. Community Community Community Primary data Primary data: participation participation in participation means that from focus 30 cluster development men, women, boys and group random girls perceive they discussions. household actively participate in all Primary data: survey, aspects of their Guided focus verified by development with group principal particular focus on discussions with caregiver programme planning, men,women, implementation, boys and girls. monitoring and Information evaluation. analyzed and report. indexed by a rating committee using specific rating guidelines. Social Social Social sustainability is Secondary data Secondary sustainability sustainability defined as the capacity from document data: Review of community within a community to review , i.e of documents development sustain the long-term Community from viability and impact of monthly development development processes. reports. programmes This capacity is focused Primary data and on how conditions for from community social focus group organizations. sustainability are created discussions. Primary data: through the character, Guided focus Slum Aid Project Human Development Indicators (SAP-SAHUDEI) 2009-2015 functioning, resource group mobilization and discussions networking skills of SAP CSG community Information organizations. analyzed and indexed by a consultant using specific rating guidelines. HIV/AIDS Number of the HIV: Human Immune Primary and Primary data: Prevention people affected Virus. Secondary data status verified and infected by AIDS: Aquired from HIV/AIDS by MOH, HIV/AIDS in Immunity Deficiency Care givers, Uganda Aids the area. Syndrome. Uganda Aids Commission‟ People infected by Commisssion Individual HIV/AIDS are those reports, review vaccination people who have been document. cards diagnosed to be Primary data HIV/AIDS Positive. from People Affected by focus group HIV/AIDS are those discussions people who are indirectly affected by HIV/AIDS because their close relative is affected. These are usually dependants of some sort to the affected person. These include, Children, spouses, neighbors, Slum Aid Project Human Development Indicators (SAP-SAHUDEI) 2009-2015 relatives, etc Human Percentage of Human Trafficking: Secondary data secondary Trafficking people involves scrupulously from data from trafficked from moving human beings enforcement Police, Local their homes to from one place to agents authorities , the slums or another nationally or nationally and schools etc from slums internationally internationally, across boarders reports review. Primary data from Schools and Community Drug abuse Percentage of Drug abuse for Youths in boys and girls Drug Abuse refers to from hool survey, the slum areas using drugs in psychoactive substances Community verified by the community. that Support people Secondary data take to reports review. Household/sc change the way they Primary data groups leaders feel, think or behave. from report. These may be man- Schools and made or occurring naturally Community substances focus group used without medical Discussions. supervision. Notes on Indicators 1 Education For Primary school gross enrolment (for all children living in the slum areas) Number of slum children enrolled in primary schools, regardless of age expressed as a percentage of the total number of slum children of official primary school age. Secondary school gross enrolment for slum children Slum Aid Project Human Development Indicators (SAP-SAHUDEI) 2009-2015 Number of slum children enrolled in secondary schools, regardless of age expressed as a percentage of the total number of slum children of official secondary school age. In youth literacy rates we look at ages between 15 and 24, expressed as a percentage of the total population in that age group 2 Diarrhea management Diarrhoea occurs when more than 3 loose stools are passed by a child in a 24 hour period. Acceptably managed means the child received increased fluids (preferably ORT or recommended home fluid) during the disease and while recovering. Diarrhea in children is very common in the slum areas because of the poor domestic and environmental hygiene methods used. 3 Nutrition Weight less than 2500 grams at birth for a child is regarded as under weight. Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), Multiple Indicators Cluster Surveys(MICS), Other national household surveys and data from routine reporting systems. Under weight for a child may be Moderate or Severe: below minus two standard deviation from median weight for age of reference population. Severe: below minus three standard deviation from median weight for age of reference population. Wasting- Moderate and severe: below minus two standard deviation from median weight for height of reference population. Stunting- Moderate and severe: below minus two standard deviation from median height for age of reference population 4 Immunization Government Funding of Vaccines: Percentage of vaccines that are routinely administered in a country to protect children and are financed by the Ugandan government. EPI- Expanded Programme on Immunisation: The Immunizations Programme in Uganda includes that against; Tuberculosis (TB), Diphtheria, Pertusis (Whooping cough),Tetenus (DPT), Polio, Measles, as well as vaccines for pregnant mothers to protect babies against tetanus, other vaccines , e.g hepatitis B (HepB), haemophilus influenza type b (hib) or yellow fever, may be included in the immunization programme. Immunisation programmes for infants or mothers can be measured by the percentages infants or mothers who received a particular vaccine against a certain disease at a specified age, time in place. 5 Water “ Water is life‟ People‟s accessibility to a clean water source considers the time one takes to reach a water source. 30 minutes has been considered as adequate time for one to reach a water source to at least collect enough water per person per day from a potable source. Potable source means a tap, protected well, or other protected water source. Measure: Percent of households who have year round accessibility to clean tap water in a slum area source as compared to the total number of people in the community.. 6 Violence Against Women in the slum areas: Violence Against Women (VAW) in the slum areas is as old as the slums themselves. In spite of the growing interest in fighting this social evil, no explicit measure is in place or sight to completely curb it out of existence Slum Aid Project Human Development Indicators (SAP-SAHUDEI) 2009-2015 “There is no week that passes without hearing a story where a woman has been battered or assaulted in some way around” (A local councilor II, Wabigalo parish) What is Domestic Violence? There are two key words to consider here; domestic and violence. Simply looked at, „Domestic‟ refers to anything, related to a home or family, „Violence”, on the other hand, is any force, passion or intensity used with intention to cause violation, destruction , hurt or pain. This then makes it clear that Domestic violence refers to force, passion or intensity intended to hurt destruct, pain or violate someone‟s rights in a home or family setting. 7 Social sustainability Social sustainability is defined as the capacity within a community to sustain the long-term viability and impact of development processes. This capacity is focused on how conditions for social sustainability are created through the character functioning, resource mobilization and networking skills of community organizations, support groups etc.. “SAP‟s niche to empower community support groups will go a long way in facilitating development processes while engaging the government and other relevant authorities. In the end, this will enhance sustainability.” Measure: Number of community programs that have successfully been sustained after the programs ended against the total number of programs in a specific community in a given period. 8 Community participation Community participation is when people in an area with a common goal to achieve a development objective in areas such as hygiene, education, moral stability, etc work together to accomplish that specific goal. Community Organization refers to mobilization of people in an area with a common goal to achieve development objectives Slum Aid Project invested a lot of effort and time in what has come to be known as Community support group Organization. This is a relatively new concept in Community Development. In terms of definition, Community Organization refers to mobilization of people in an area with a common goal to achieve development in areas such as hygiene, education and moral stability. Measure: Percentage number of people participating in community work against the total population of adults in a specific community. ommunity Organization refers to mobilization of 9 Poorest house holds. Poorest households means those households identified to be the most socially and/or economically disadvantaged within a community. Measure: Number of Households identified as to be the most socially and/or economically disadvantaged within a community against the total number of households in the community. House hold resilience 10 HIV/AIDS Estimated HIV/Prevelance rate- Percentage of adults (aged 15-49) living with HIV/AIDS in a specific slum area. Estimated number of people (all ages) living with HIV- Estimated number of people living with HIV/AIDS in a specific slum area. Estimated number of women living with HIV/AIDS- Estimated number of women living with HIV/AIDS in a specific slum area. HIV Prevalence among young men and women: Percentage of young men and women living with HIV/AIDS per slum area. Comprehensive Knowledge of HIV- Percentage of People (Men and women) and young men or young women (15-24) who correctly identify the two major ways of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV (Using Condom Slum Aid Project Human Development Indicators (SAP-SAHUDEI) 2009-2015 and limiting sex to one faithful partner). Who also reject the two major misconceptions about HIV transmission and know that a healthy looking person can be HIV-infected. Condom Use- Percentage of People (Men and women) and young men or young women (15-24) who say they used a condomthe last time they had sex with a non-marital, non cohabiting partner during the last 12 months. Children orphaned by AIDS- Estimated number of children (aged 0-17) who have lost one or both parents during the last 12 months. Orphaned School attendance: Percentage of children (10-14) who have lost both biological parents and who are currently attending school as a percentage of non- orphaned children of the same age living with at least one parent and who are attending school. Drug Abuse Understanding what drugs are is fundamental to understanding their potential abuse. A psychoactive substance is something that people take to change the way they feel, think or behave. Some of these substances are called drugs, and others, like alcohol and tobacco, are considered dangerous but are not called drugs. The term drugs also covers a number of substances that must be used under medical supervision to treat illnesses. For our purposes then, we will talk about drugs as those man-made or naturally occurring substances used without medical supervision basically to change the way a person feels, thinks or behaves so that they "can have fun." While it is difficult to give an accurate picture of the extent of drug abuse among youth because of the severe lack of information, we can look at smaller samples of young people in slum areas for some indication of the direction youth culture is taking. Finally, drug abuse damages the ability of people to act as free and conscious beings, capable of taking action to fulfill their needs. How free drug abusers are when they have no control over their actions or reactions is debatable. What is unarguable is that by giving in to bio-chemical processes that are deviant, a drug abuser loses what makes humans admirable and unique. It is believed that many of the youths in the slum areas are using drugs which has led to increased crime rates in the slum areas. Measure: Percentage of youths on drugs as compared to the total number of the youths in the slum areas. Slum Aid Project Human Development Indicators (SAP-SAHUDEI) 2009-2015
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