Welcome to the 24 hour gym. If you are wondering about the answer to the question To what extent is weight training the answer to obesity, you have come to the right place. The answer is just over there This is Henry the Nutritionist he will tell you about nutrition and supplements Henry Nutrition ` Peter Peter this is peter he will take you through the advantages and issues of weight training Michael This is Michael he knows all the different types of weight training and body types Michael ` Conclusion Conclusion ` Exit The advantages of weight training can help your body grow and repair faster. Weight training can prevent and cure diseases and illnesses such as Depression, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, breast cancer, stress and anxiety. Body building can also help with staying physically and mentally fit and can help you go to sleep easier and have a better and deeper sleep. It helps with giving you a better body image so you can feel confident with most things you do and helps strengthen your bones and builds your bone mass. Working out grows and strengthens your muscles such as your neck, shoulder, back, abdominal area, etc., and gives you more power and endurance. Weight training boosts your metabolism and reduces your body fat and decreases your waist measurement/body fat measurement and it improves your flexibility and reduces pulling your muscles, back pain, etc. Some teenagers start weight lifting very early which can be bad for you because it messes up the growing structure of your bones, muscles, etc., and it can stunt your growth because of this. If you don’t receive the right amount of nutrition (malnutrition) (like people in Africa) you can start getting life threatening diseases. Learn More Go Back End Show Drug abuse is a major issue with body builders; they mostly take steroids which contain testosterone. There are two types of testosterone: Androgenic and Anabolic and they both have different effects, Androgenic is responsible for primary and secondary sexual characteristics including enlargement of the penis, voice changes, hair growth, etc. The Anabolic effects are accelerated growth of muscle, bone, and red blood cells. These are target effects of all bodybuilders. Go Back End Show Peters Wife Go Back End Show Negative and positive impacts of Supplements: Supplements may get you big but what are you really consuming at the end of the day? Dietary supplements are commonly used by Bodybuilders and many high level athletes that want the nutrition fast. Supplements can be used to replace meals, enhance weight gain, promote weight loss or improve athletic performance. All the supplements out there the most being used are vitamin supplements, protein powder, Branched chain amino acid (BCAA), glutamine, creatine, meal replacement products, weight loss products as well as testosterone boosters, nitric oxide. Supplements are used to enhance body composition and to improve the workout. Learn More Go Back End Show Here I will be explaining some of these supplements: Most athletes and bodybuilders cannot go without Protein. The most simplest and efficient way to get fast acting protein is from protein powder. But over the years they have made protein in many forms such as ready to drink shakes, bars, bites, oats, gels and powder. In order to gain the best diet protein powder and other sorts of protein should be toppled with their day to day meals. Protein is usually metabolized 59 grams an hour. In your sleep your body uses 90 calories per hour due to vital functions. Protein: helps to achieve maximal strength and muscular gains. Also starts the repairing process due the muscular fibres been torn after an intense workout. -whey protein contains high levels of essential amino acids and BCAA. For most athletes out there whey protein should be used due to its high profile on EAA and BCAA which all helps in muscle recovery. Great for anytime of the day -whey isolate is a type of protein that has 0 carbs, fat free, cholesterol free and has a higher percentage of pure protein. It’s also a fast absorbing source of protein great as a post workout. Learn More Go Back End Show -hydrolyzed whey protein: hydro whey is digested and absorbed faster than standard whey protein. Hydrolysed whey protein Mixes smoothly after a workout. -casein protein: casein a slow digestive protein source and it’s great to take it before bed to feed your muscles with sustained protein. -soy protein: soy protein a low fat low cholesterol and vegetarian protein source -egg protein: A high quality lactose free protein Thermogenic products (fat loss) Thermogenic product is a product that promotes weight loss due to its thermogenesis it increase your body temperature, increase metabolic rate and increases rate in the burning of body fat. These products only work best when you have an appropriate diet to go along with this product. Many of these thermogenic products contain caffeine, aspirin, guggulsterone, hydroxycitric acid, bitter orange, green tea extract, and green coffee extract. All these ingredients have had some increase in weight loss but are very potent. Testosterone boosters Test boosters are used to increase your testosterone levels which help build muscle. Test Boosters are not as effective as Steroids but you can still see the changes happening. Learn More Go Back End Show Steroids Anabolic steroids are referred to anabolic androgen. These drugs are used to mimic the effects of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone in the body. The use of steroids is to enhance and increase protein synthesis within the cells which results in the build-up of cellular tissue, muscles. Steroids come in many forms such as oral pills, injectable steroids, creams/gels for tropical application and skin patches. Taking steroids as an injectable is more effective than taking it by pill, creams/gel. Taking it as a pill is harder for your body to digest and only 1/6 is available in active form. Steroids have been used by men and Women to hance there levels of fitness and athletical traits Learn More Go Back End Show Side effects of steroids taken by large doses: liver damage, increase cholesterol, Gynocomastia (Development of breast tissue in males), acne, increase in testosterone levels (Roid rage), dreaces the size of male testicles, gender identity disorders, by producing secondary male charactristics, deeper voice, increased bone and muscle mass, facial hair, increased levels of red blood cells, and clitoral enlargement in female. Using steroids can also have a risk in leading to osteoporosis Supplements have changed peoples life’s along with the right training routine their bodies are functioning in a better state. Although food is the primary source, supplements is there to enhance your diet and to supplement you if you haven’t received the right nutrients in that day. Taking supplements and incorporating weight training to your routine will enhance the effects that are being done for example taking thermogenic products (fat burners) without doing weight training will still help a little bit but won’t get the results you want, but as soon as you enter the gym and start lifting with the products the effects of them will work much more efficiently. Go Back End Show Nutrition: Having the right nutrition is important in having a healthy life. Nutrition plays a major role from preventing many diseases entering your body. Nutrition stops some of these problems: stroke, hypertension, atherosclerosis, some forms of cancer, type 2 diabetes, and osteoporosis, dental caries, gall bladder, disease and nutritional anaemia. Our day to day diet does not just cause disease but cause many genetic factors that affect our genes and genetics. The Recommended dietary intake is around 2,000 calories. RDI stands for recommended dietary intakes of all essential nutrients. Donald Layman who is a nutritionist says the RDI for protein is around 56 grams. More than 90 precent of Australian consume there food from cereals, grains and milk products. Learn More Go Back End Show In order for Australians to keep off the obesity levels is to consume foods with lower calorie intake as well as on sugarier foods. They should eat plenty of vegetables, legumes and fruit, eat plenty of cereal, preferably wholegrain, limit saturated fat and moderate total fat intake, choose foods low in salt and the most important one is to drink plenty of water. More than 60 percent of your body is made up of water there for you need the water you drink to replace the ones that are being used and urinated. Nutrition has changed people’s lives along with weight training. Due to this people have either lost weight for personal reasons or there even just to get fit and have a healthier life. Learn More Go Back End Show Nutrition is an important factor in losing weight and having a healthier life. Without the proper nutrition our bodies would not function as well and may get many side effects such as cancer. At the end of the day you are what you eat. So if you eat healthy you are healthy and vice versa. Having the right diet for example a low calorie, low carbohydrates and high protein diet will help lose weight dramatically and maintain your muscle, along with weight training you will be in the perfect shape. Since you’re having a low calorie diet your body will be triggered to use all the fat in your body for your body functions as well as using the fat for energy to lift weights or do cardio and therefore it will start using fat as a main source of fuel. So having the right nutrition and diet along with weight training can change the shape of your body in days and change your life (keto diet). Go Back End Show Henry’s collection Go Back End Show Impact of body type Genetics plays a major role in body functions and body types, one of the roles of genetics are making up your muscular cells and fibers that we inherit from our parents, for example if your mum has muscular calves your likely to have naturally muscular calves, therefore you see body builders such as Arnold Schwarzenegger having perfectly shaped pectoral muscles that many other bodybuilders want but they cant have cause its partly based on your genetics and he finds it easier to build those muscles than most others. You can have big muscle but in order to do that you must progress on your program and be self motivated enough to take on the perfect body shape Learn More Go Back End Show Ectomorph The ectomorph body type is long arms and legs and a short upper body. They also have long and thin muscles. Ectomorphs usually have a very low fat storage; therefore they are usually referred to as skinny. An example would be a basketball player. Ectomorphs have the most difficulty putting on muscle mass, therefore, that should be one of the main goals for them. The ectomorph should; use heavy sets and use low repetitions. They should also rest and eat plenty during the day, with an increase in total calorie intake. Ectomorphs can get away with eating fats since their fast metabolism is able to burn it off. It is important that they minimize or stop other aerobic activities such as running and or other sports. Doing this will save the calories for crucial building of muscle tissue. Learn More Go Back End Show Mesomorph The mesomorph is someone with a good rate of muscle growth. They have large bones, solid torso combined with low fat levels. They also have wide shoulders with a narrow waist. An example is an Olympic gymnast. Mesomorphs are the people with the best bodybuilding physique. By keeping their fat levels down and their rate of muscle growth high, they are the ideal physique. They will find it simple to build muscle; therefore they should take advantage of this and aim for a balanced physique. Mesomorphs should train with basic exercises and continue a balanced meal program. Outside aerobic activity should be kept at average. Learn More Go Back End Show Endomorph The endomorph body is people with an increased amount of fat storage, due to having a more fat cells than the average person. They have a wide waist and a large bone structure. An example is a power weight lifter. The training regime is quite different from the previous two body types. The rep range for exercises should be kept high and training should be quick. This is because they should be trying to get rid of calories, which is what is difficult for endomorphs to do. Therefore, additional aerobic activity is recommended. For endomorphs a low calorie diet is a must. Go Back End Show Types of weight training: hyper trophy Hypertrophy-Specific Training is a method of strength training for the fastest muscle growth. It is also done without letting your muscles get used to the exercise by changing the workout every week to have maximum results. progressive overload One of the fundamentals of resistance exercise is the principle of progressive overload. Progressive overload means that you increase the workload gradually over time as your muscles accommodate to the resistance with the objective of gaining strength and/or mass. For example, suppose that you've been lifting biceps curls for two weeks with 12 pounds, 10 repetitions, and then at week three, 12 pounds is easy and you can lift more. Bodybuilding Bodybuilders train in a specific manner to achieve a specific goal: making their muscles bigger. They tend to lift in the eight to 12 rep range and only train one muscle group per day, per week. This type of training is the best for making your muscles larger but not necessarily stronger. Learn More Go Back End Show Power Lifting Power lifting is the best type of training for maximal strength -- what many people would consider "brute" strength. A power lifter's goal isn't appearance, it's strength. Power lifters focus on lifting an extremely heavy amount of weight for only a few repetitions. Circuit Training Circuit training is when you do a number of exercises in quick succession, usually lifting a light amount of weight for a high number of repetitions. For example, doing 20 bench presses, 20 squats and shoulder presses with little or no rest in between. This type of training is ideal for burning fat, increasing endurance and making some gains in strength. Isometric Isometric weight training is when you hold a weight up in one position for a given amount of time without going through a range of motion. For example, holding a dumbbell straight in front of you for 30 seconds. This type of training increases your stamina and makes you stronger in the positions you hold. Learn More Go Back End Show German Volume Training German Volume Training is similar to bodybuilding in the sense that you only work certain muscle groups once a week, but it places a strong emphasis on increasing muscular endurance. So, not only does it make your muscles larger, it also makes them better at keeping up a certain amount of resistance for a long period of time. The way it is done is by lifting the same amount of weight 10 times for 10 sets. Each week, you try to increase the amount of weight slightly so that you become a little bit stronger ever time you do it. Obese people and weight training The type of weight training that is used is arguably the most important part of losing weight by means of weight training. If one obese person is power lifting while the other is circuit training the effects will be drastically different. The vast majority if not all the obese people that go to the gym, their main priority is to lose weight but power lifting would not help these people burn fat in the same way that circuit training would. And with circuit training, not only do you burn fat like cardio, but you also get the muscle gain that most obese people need from sitting around for so long and losing all their previous muscle mass. Go Back End Show Michaels Body Types Body Types Go Back End Show Conclusion So, To what extent is weight training the answer to obesity? Obese people need to lift weights because this will: 1) speed up their resting metabolism, so even if these people are lying around they will be burning more calories than they were previously 2) Tone muscles and thus yield a firmer, shapelier appearance, and 3) vastly improve fitness. The fat-burning effects of intense strength training are much more significant than the fat-burning effects of cardio exercise. 4) Prevent diseases. There are countless health advantages to weight training that you wont be able to achieve from cardiovascular training 5) Builds muscle as well as losing weight which every obese person needs In our opinion, and after looking at all our research we have decided that Weight training is much more useful in the battle against obesity than cardiovascular training for these reasons. Go Back End Show Bibliography Side effects of weight lifting 2004 - 2012, SteadyHealth, accessed 17 September 2012, <http://www.steadyhealth.com/articles/Side_effects_of_weight_lifting_a12.html>. Jenson, J 2012, 5 Types of Weight Training, LiveStrong, accessed 21 September 2012, <http://www.livestrong.com/article/509759-5-types-of-weighttraining/#ixzz26gtrvRne>. Body Types 101 2012, FreeTrainers, accessed 18 September 2012, <http://www.freetrainers.com/c/fitness_guide_faq/body_types_genetics/>. Vitamin and Mineral Supplement Fact Sheets n.d., Office of Dietary Supplements, accessed 18 September 2012, <http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/listVitaminsMinerals/>. Clark, S 2012, What you need to know about supplements, Fox News, accessed 18 September 2012, <http://www.foxnews.com/health/2011/02/15/need-knowsupplements/>. Bodybuilding supplement 12 September 2012, Wikipedia, accessed 18 September 2012, <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bodybuilding_supplement>. Nutrition 2012, Australian Institute of Sport, accessed 18 September 2012, <http://www.ausport.gov.au/ais/nutrition>. Belski, Regina. Personal Interview. 17 September 2012. Kingsley, Michael . Internet Chat Interview. 10 September 2012. Go Back End Show
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