BRC GAS Equipment B R C G A S E Q U I P M E N T GROWING TOWARD THE FUTURE A L T E R N A T I V E B R C G A S F U E L S E Q U I P M E N T The use of traditional fossil fuels is a major cause of air pollution, concerning carbon monoxide emissions, photochemical smog, toxic and particulate emissions. Environmental problems are becoming more and more urgent, exactly like energy dependence. p o l l u t i o n e n e r g y ecowareness The use of alternative fuels reduces pollutants and exhaust emissions. In addition, most of these fuels can be domestically produced and derived from renewable sources. Operating on alternative fuels reduces dependency on shrinking oil supplies and improve air quality. I B R C G A S 1 N D X E Q U I P M E N T t h e c m p a w e n y a r e o u r injection p r o d u c t s systems s t r u c t u r e traditional systems m i l e s t o n e s CNG compressor stations t h e p l a n t s A departments 4 m p l a r o r o k d g e u i t c s i t n g o n c s i t i D-OEM customized installations e n g i n e e r i n g R & D e m i s s i o n s l a b 3 company o w h o 2 E q u a l i t y p p r o o u r v a After*market & m a r k e t s W o r l d w i d e OEM l M a r k e t worldwide D-OEM worldwide BRC Group of Companies B R C G A S E Q U I P M E N T 1 t h e c o m p a n y W B R C G A S H O W E A R E E Q U I P M E N T BRC Gas Equipment is among the world leaders in designing and manufacturing components and complete system for vehicle conversion from gasoline to LPG or CNG and complete CNG filling station. All the production comply with most stringent international rules in force. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1* THE COMPANY who we are structure milestones the plants Lambda Control Systems solenoid valves reducers injectors Electronic Control Units LPG / CNG valves CNG compressors W O R L D W I D E B R C G A S S T R U C T U R E E Q U I P M E N T FUEL SYSTEM SOLUTIONS IMPCO Technologies BRC Srl MTM | BRC Gas Equipment Zavoli Tommasetto Achille Teleflex GFI(Necam , Koltec ,AG ,GFI) BRC Pakistan 1* THE COMPANY IMPCO Europe Rohan BRC India JEHIN korea Impco Australia WMTM Brazil who we are structure IMPCO USA and Kanada BRC Argentina MTE Srl milestones IMPCO Japan MTM WORKFORCE >1000 units MTM Italy TURNOVER 2008 168 milion € EXPORT the plants more than 70 countries M B R C G A S I L S T O N E S E Q U I P M E N T Creation of BRC (Bogetti Romano Cherasco), located in Cherasco, Italy for the commercialization of LPG/CNG products provided by different vendors; 1962 Foundation of M.T.M. (Meccanica Tecnica Moderna) in Cherasco made by two brothers, Mariano and Piero Costamagna 1977 Acquisition of BRC trademark by M.T.M.; development and production of a complete LPG and CNG systems; first BRC Lambda control systems (about 150.000 kits sold) 1992 1998 2002 2003 2005 2006 1* THE COMPANY E Launching of “Flying Injection”, first “serial” multipoint injection system on the market (available until 2003; about 35.000 kits sold) Development and mass production of BRC multipoint sequential injection systems, called “SEQUENT”. This is a family of products always under progress accordingly to the upgraded engine technology available in the new car models. M.T.M. – BRC Gas Equipment and the American IMPCO TECHNOLOGIES start to cooperate in the alternative fuels with important synergies Merger with IMPCO TECHNOLOGIES and creation of the world largest group in the field of alternative fuel. The Holding company called “Fuel Systems Solutions” is stock listed at NASDAQ stock exchange. Delivery of the first BRC compressor for CNG filling station. who we are structure milestones the plants THE B R C G A S I TA L I A N HEADQUARTER PLANTS E Q U I P M E N T “ALTO” “SEDE” “RAYTON” TOTAL SURFACE : 4.100 m2. TOTAL SURFACE: 25.000 m2. COVERED SURFACE: 3.300 m2. COVERED SURFACE: 11.200 m2. TOTAL SURFACE: 22.500 m2. COVERED SURFACE: 7.500 “OCI” m 2. “MTM COMPRESSOR” TOTAL SURFACE : 15.000 m2. COVERED SURFACE: 7.500 m2. TOTAL SURFACE: 22.500 m2 COVERED SURFACE: 11.500 m2. T O T A L S U R F A C E : COVERED SURFACE: W O R K F O R C E : 1* THE COMPANY who we are structure milestones the plants 8 9 . 1 0 0 m 41.000 > 7 0 0 m 2 . 2 . u n i t s “ B R C G A S S E D E ” E Q U I P M E N T •R&D •Press & Advertising Office •Manuals Redaction •Homologation •Emission test and power test bench •Installation Workshop •Quality Dept. •Purchasing Office •Products Assembly Line •Technical Support SEDE* ALTO * OCI * RAYTON * COMPRESSOR * “ B R C G A S A L T O ” E Q U I P M E N T Mechanical machining plant for brass and aluminum components (valve, reducer, gauge, rail, joint, etc..) SEDE* ALTO * OCI * RAYTON * COMPRESSOR * “ B R C G A S O C I ” E Q U I P M E N T Warehouse Kit packaging line Marketing & Sales Dept. Shipping Dept. Warranty Dept. SEDE* ALTO * OCI * RAYTON * COMPRESSOR * “ B R C G A S R A Y T O N ” E Q U I P M E N T Vehicle Installation Center Finance Dept. Administrative Dept. SEDE* ALTO * OCI * RAYTON * COMPRESSOR * “MTM COMPRESSOR” B R C G A S E Q U I P M E N T CNG Compressor Station Assembling SEDE* ALTO * OCI * RAYTON * COMPRESSOR * B R C G A S E Q U I P M E N T 2 company departments M B R C G A S A R K E T I N G E Q U I P M E N T • New market approach and Customer contacts from first stage up to sales with a customer-oriented approach • Project management designed following customer’s policy and requirements [After-Market, DOEM and OEM] • sales strategies definition and markets analyses • organization of promotional activities (trade fairs, exhibitions, advertising campaigns etc.) • Market trend analysis 2*DEPARTMENTS marketing production Logistics Iinstallations engineering emissions lab quality P B R C G A S R O D U C T I O N E Q U I P M E N T • processing raw and semi processed material, mainly brass and aluminum components • Transfer and dedicated machines, assembly lines, designed and customized for specific product manufacturing • Final Product assembly 2*DEPARTMENTS marketing production logistics Installations engineering emissions lab quality L B R C G A S O G I S T I C S E Q U I P M E N T • Kit assembly lines • Goods packaging • Shipments and billings • Fully processed materials stock, suppliers management based on client’s orders forecast • Production planning and stock management 2*DEPARTMENTS marketing production logistics installations engineering emissions lab quality D-OEM CUSTOMIZED INSTALLATION B R C G A S E Q U I P M E N T In “RAYTON” plant the LPG/CNG systems are installed on the basis of specific processes and lay-out defined for each model as per homologation requirements. AUTOMATIC ASSEMBLY LINES: N° 2 AUTOMATIC 13 stations each N° 3 M.T.M. Automatic with 9 stations each N° 2 M.T.M. Manual with 9 stations each PRODUCTION CAPACITY: 15 ~ 25 cars / shift (8h) AUTOMATIC 12 ~ 18 cars / shift (8h) M.T.M. 6000 cars/month FINAL TESTING Final test for system parameter testing, leakage control, electronic control, functionality and performance BRC Gas Equipment is improving the D-OEM (Delayed-OEM) service with the set up of two new plants that are operative since June 2008 in Livorno & Pisa, Italy, with an actual max capacity of 6.000 vehicles per months. In Poland has been just started a new plant for supporting Chevrolet Europe on LPG retrofittment. Thanks to the present structure, BRC is able to fulfill all the request arriving from Italian and European Car Manufacturers and Importers (14.000 vehicles/months production capacity). 2*DEPARTMENTS marketing production logistics installations engineering emissions lab quality E N G I N E E R I N G B R C G A S A N D R & D E Q U I P M E N T The BRC Engineering Department represents almost 10% of the entire workforce, and is in charge of: • Mechanical components R & D • Electronic components R & D • Production line engineering and development • Industrialization of production and productive process rationalization • Advanced electronic R & D • Engine Tuning Dept. (ACM) • Emissions Laboratory • Technical assistance to the installer • Component Testing Department 2*DEPARTMENTS marketing production logistics installations engineering emissions lab quality E M I S S I O N S B R C G A S L A B E Q U I P M E N T ■ BRC Gas Equipment has developed within its facilities an advanced and complete emission/power test laboratory with three benches (emission, power and engine) equipped with a sophisticated modal analysis analyzer, in order to be able to provide all the analysis reports required by all OEM and DOEM Clients about emission and calibration parameters, drivability and all the test required for international homologation. BRC laboratory is certified by TUV agency. 2*DEPARTMENTS marketing production logistics installations engineering emissions lab quality Q B R C G A S U A L I T Y E Q U I P M E N T BRC Gas Equipment is certified UNI EN ISO 9001:2000. This target has been reached and guaranteed by the BRC Quality Dept through a day by day auditing of all production phases, lines, vendors and final product test. It is under progress the certification process to get ISO/TS 169.49:2002 certification. 2*DEPARTMENTS marketing production logistics installations engineering emissions lab quality B R C G A S E Q U I P M E N T 3 o u r p r o d u c t s I N J E C T I O N B R C G A S S Y S T E M S E Q U I P M E N T ■ The BRC Gas Equipment multi-point phased sequential injection system, called “SEQUENT”, is the most advanced technology available on the marketplace in the field of CNG and LPG gaseous injection for controlled ignition engine feeding (aspirated and turbocharged). Latest product, the “Sequent Direct Injection”, has been the first LPG kit available for new direct injection petrol engine retrofitting. New products are under development in order to enable BRC Gas Equipment to remain the leading brand in the alternative fuel retrofitting kit. ► injection in the gaseous phase ► multipoint sequential system ► OBD compatibile 3* OUR PRODUCTS injection systems traditional systems service stations ■ The Sequent systems is designed to meet the technical requirements of the present and future car generations, concerning emissions, diagnostic and integration with the original system, following latest E-OBD II norms. approval T R A D I T I O N AL B R C G A S S Y STE M S E Q U I P M E N T ■ BRC Gas Equipment can offer a complete range of components for vehicle retrofitting to LPG and CNG in full safety for every specific requirements, offering a good solutions for both traditional engine systems (injection and carburetor). All the BRC components comply with most stringent international rules in force ECE ONU R67-01 for LPG and ECE ONU R110 or ISO 15500 for CNG applications. All electronic devices comply with EC 95/54 and ECE ONU R10 [electromagnetic compatibility] 3* OUR PRODUCTS injection systems Traditional systems service stations approval CNG COMPRESSOR STATIONS B R C G A S E Q U I P M E N T ■ BRC Gas Equipment has developed a CNG refueling station, and is engaged in designing and manufacturing complete “build inhouse” products. The technical state of the art of BRC compressor is guaranteed by skilled engineers and technicians well experienced in CNG applications. BRC has thus reached, high targets in terms of safety, reliability and performances. Furthermore the user-friendly architecture of BRC machine implies easy servicing and operating. BRC compressor comply with P.E.D. the European rule in force on high pressure CNG machinery. 3* OUR PRODUCTS injection systems traditional systems service stations approval A B R C G A S P P R O V A L E Q U I P M E N T BRC COMPONENTS HOMOLOGATIONS ISSUED BY THESE BODIES: Ministero Italiano dei Trasporti, Luxcontrol (Luxembourg), TUV (Germany), D.O.E. (India), ARAI (India), INMETRO (Brazil), Bureau Veritas (Argentina) C E R T I F I C A T I O N S BRC APPROVALS: A N D H O M O L O G A T I O N S Ministero Italiano delle infrastrutture e Trasporti, TUV (Germany), VCA (UK), RDW (Holland), UTAC (France), ARAI (India), 3* OUR PRODUCTS injection systems traditional systems service stations approval B R C G A S E Q U I P M E N T 4 o u r m a r k e t s W O R L D W I D E B R C G A S M A R K E T E Q U I P M E N T Turnover trend 180 160 Million Euro 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 Turnover Forecast 168 Million € MTM 2007 TURN OVER • 35% in Italy • 65% abroad Europe Asia/Pacific/Africa South America 4* OUR MARKETS 43% *excluded Italy 16% 6% BRC worldwide after*market B R C W O R L D W I D E M A R K E T S H A R E BRC Gas Equipment global share = 18% OEM worldwide OEM vehicles BRC Group A f t e r B R C G A S M a r k e t | W O R L D W I D E E Q U I P M E N T After Market Sales Network in the world ASIA China, Korea, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vietnam AMERICA Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela OCEANIA AFRICA Algeria, Egypt, South Africa, Tunisia THERE’S A BRC DEALER WHEREVER THERE IS THE REQUEST OF ALTERNATIVE FUELS 4* OUR MARKETS BRC worldwide after*market EUROPE Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech. Rep, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, SerbiaMontenegro-Macedonia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine. OEM worldwide OEM vehicles BRC Group Australia. OEM B R C G A S and D-OEM | WORLDWIDE E Q U I P M E N T OEM & D-OEM customers in the world ASIA AMERICA AUSTRALIA EUROPE 4* OUR MARKETS ITALY BRC worldwide after*market OEM worldwide OEM vehicles BRC Group O E M B R C G A S D - O E M C U S T O M E R S E Q U I P M E N T O E M & C3 GPL Picasso LPG / CNG C4 CNG O E M O E M & D - O E M Legacy Outback Forester Impreza & ARGENTINA Fiesta | Ecosport Courier | Focus EUROPE Sprinter LPG a n d 4* OUR MARKETS Matiz Kalos Tacuma Nubira Epica Captiva Lacetti D - O E M EUROPE Matiz Kalos Aveo i n I T A L Y Picanto i n t h e EUROPE Focus C-Max Transit t h e CHINA Jimbei Volkswagen BRC worldwide after*market V 50 Hoover Outlander Lancer AUSTRALIA GM Rodeoi GM VZ D - O E M TURKEY Sequent systems installations Albea LPG I N Porter JOLLY Focus C-Max Fiesta 207 w o r l d AUSTRALIA L200 L300 ARGENTINA Partner 1.4 I BRAZIL Santana Kombi GERMANY Bus LPG INDIA I10 w o r l d INDIA Maruti | Suzuki Alto CNG Swift CNG PAKISTAN APV OEM worldwide OEM vehicles PAKISTAN INDIA Hyundai Santro, Indica Mitsubishi Lancer Indigo Marina BRC Group INDIA Matiz, Aveo Cedia OTHER COMPANIES OF THE GROUP B R C G A S E Q U I P M E N T JEHIN korea MTE Srl BRC Argentina WMTM Brazil UNDER PROGRESS BRC Pakistan 4* OUR MARKETS BRC worldwide after*market Rohan BRC (India) OEM worldwide OEM vehicles BRC Group MTE B R C G A S E Q U I P M E N T MTE This department is settled in a plant 35 km far from BRC headquarter. The production is focusing on: • ECU • Change over switch • LPG and CNG gauge sensors • Injector Emulators • Spark Time Advancer • General Electronic devices 4* OUR MARKETS BRC worldwide after*market OEM worldwide OEM vehicles BRC Group J E H I N B R C G A S LT D Ko r e a E Q U I P M E N T JEHIN Korea (13% MTM) PARTECIPATION Jehin Ltd, is located at 20 km far from Seoul, in the north-west area. It is a partner of BRC for the Korean and eastern markets, where it distributes BRC sequential injection systems. 4* OUR MARKETS BRC worldwide after*market OEM worldwide OEM vehicles BRC Group B R C B R C G A S A r g e n t i n a E Q U I P M E N T BRC ARGENTINA (99% MTM) Manufacturing and commercial branch. At the time being about 12 workers and technicians are involved in the manufacturing complete range of CNG kits for local market. 4* OUR MARKETS BRC worldwide after*market OEM worldwide OEM vehicles BRC Group W M T M B R C G A S B r a z i l E Q U I P M E N T WMTM - MANAUS (50% BRC BRAZIL) Manufacturing and commercial branch. At the moment about 90 workers and technicians are involved in the manufacturing of a complete range of CNG equipment for local market. 4* OUR MARKETS BRC worldwide after*market OEM worldwide OEM vehicles BRC Group B R C B R C G A S P a k i s t a n E Q U I P M E N T BRC PAKISTAN (99,8% MTM) The company has already got the approval from the local authorities. The headquarter is located in the commercial area of Karachi (biggest city in Pakistan) and is fully operative since September 2008. This company operates on the local aftermarket and provides the technical support to the installers and the OEM clients (Pak Suzuki, Dewan, Indus, etc..) 4* OUR MARKETS BRC worldwide after*market OEM worldwide OEM vehicles BRC Group B B R C G A S R C I n d i a E Q U I P M E N T Rohan BRC Gas Equipment Pvt. Ltd. India (50,01% MTM) The company has already got the approval by the local authorities and will be fully operative in summer 2009. This joint-venture company will produce BRC components for sequential kits in order to provide equipment to several local OEM clients (GMI, Maruti Suzuki, Tata etc..) 4* OUR MARKETS BRC worldwide after*market OEM worldwide OEM vehicles BRC Group
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