Bilag 5 - Respondentskemaer Farvekodning: Blå: Neutralt udsagn

Bilag 5 - Respondentskemaer
Blå: Neutralt udsagn
Rød: Kritisk udsagn
Grøn: Positivt udsagn
Konstruktionsbevidsthed Holdning
It’s about a group who decided to do
The problem is you had to do it on
Just basically showing what every
something, and then they find out they camera and with a very short deadline.
groups go through in group
have taken a mouthful of what they
formation. At one point, you change
could do. And then they just decide to
for problem formation and work
make a video of what they decided
questions. So you change a lot of
not to do or how they come to that
things in group work. (Kåre)
process. Saying basically “We can’t
do this, and what can we do. We can’t
I think it is pretty clear. Because you
just saying we can’t do without saying
see the group members and the
what we should do”. (Kåre)
discussion, you have among the
group. (Suzan)
The more you watch it, the more you
I thought – I remember some of the
understand. (Suzan)
videos from showtime, the Danish
I mean, if your film is about filming
videos – and emm, I remember
your own process, then I get it in the
saying to one of you (peger på sine
beginning. (Suzan)
gruppemedlemmer), when we were
sitting in the big room, that I like
I got it at the first time.
yours a lot, because it was so
Maybe I thought it was more like a
different from the others, the other
making-of, not that much meta. (Lluis)
Danish videos. Like it really “skildte
sig ud”. (Suzan)
It shows problems that you have with
your work. It’s basic problems that
you find every time you work in a work
project. (Laura)
You don’t see a really big difference
To be honest, I don’t really felt that I got
You can really see, like, a little the
between the characters. They had
such a good impression. You didn’t really
role of each one in the group.
different opinions, but they were
get to know the characters that much,
There’s always like in every group,
like ... Everyone had all feelings about because it was really fast. (Suzan)
the ones that’s in terms of the group
the process but they were all kind
of … (Lluis)
and have to take the other one, like
Yeah, but if you see the interviews of the
make them … (Lluis)
two girls and the two boys and then
The girl who was here before, with the Christoffer alone. It seems that you (peger I thought it was really nice that you
short hair. Pernille, yeah. I had an
på Christoffer) were a bit out of the group. (Christoffer) accepted that criticism.
impression that she was like the older, I don’t know if it was intentional. More like To be honest I really didn’t get like a
the mom, the wiser.
an outsider. (Lluis)
deep impression. (Suzan)
And then I had, the other guy (Marc),
he’s not here right now. I had an
I actually had sympathy with you
impression that he was just a bit like, I
(peger på Christoffer), because I felt
don’t know, maybe he was like very
like you were locked up in a corner
critical towards everything. Yeah, that
by two women. And that it could be
was my impression.
like very harsh sometimes. (Suzan)
And then I had the impression that
you (Sofie) were a bit in the middle,
But I think my impression is also
the mediator, trying to get hold of all
influenced by the fact that some of
the ideas and makes sense. (Suzan)
you are sitting here right now.
In the beginning I didn’t really get the
The thing that’s not really clear to me, all
structure, I thought you were jumping
these parts where (...) this was planned or really know if you are acting or the
It’s like a good thing that you don’t
back and forth in between “handling”.
improvised? (Lluis)
real thing. (Lluis)
(Taler om allerførste scene) (…) and it
I really liked that you showed what
wasn’t subtitled, that’s a bit funny. (Kåre)
happened behind the scenes.
(Taler om allerførste scene) No, I
didn’t get that. (Suzan)
(Om “To dage tidligere”-skiltet) Yeah, I
didn’t see that. (Laura)
You are filming you, discussing what
you are going to do? It was a bit
That would have made everything much
confusing. (Kåre)
more logical. I didn’t see the “Two days
earlier”, but I think it actually makes
And you sum up the whole topic in
sense. (Kåre)
the end with the storyboard. That
really like connects. (Suzan)
Yeah, because first you are a bit
confused. Because there is not
really a timeline in the first
beginning, but in the end it becomes
more clear. (Lluis)
It keeps curiosity about what is
going on. (Laura)
The way you’re filming, and the way
the interviews are done also, you
really feel like: This is real. (Lluis)
If your basic idea is crap, it’s better to
I wasn’t sure about what the idea
It encourage people to relax and take
rethink everything. (Lluis)
was or what the message was?
all the approaches you get along the
way and use them in a constructive
way. It doesn’t only have to be used for
Be creative and not get stuck. You
know. (Laura)
I think it’s encouraging. (Suzan)
people in a RUC project group, it can
also be used with very basic groups.
It is never too late to change your
I don’t know, for me it’s just maybe a (Suzan)
topic. Just takes a bit more work.
reconfirmation of how fucked it can
be to be in a group. (Suzan)
There is always a way out. (Lluis)
I didn’t really learn anything new, but
it’s a good, really good umm
representation, or something like
that, of a groups work. (Lluis)
Filmen som
I think in your video you touch a lot
Der spørges, om de ville vise filmen til
of different topics, and maybe that’s
nye studerende på RUC:
not the best way to communicate to
new students who are very nervous
Yeah, it would be like "See
and confused and have a lot of
people, we were just like
expectations. Because you’re trying
you" and they find a solution.
to make a horror movie in the video
as well. (Suzan)
students, but maybe a month
‘cause when you come to reality it is
in the group work. (Kåre)
different, it’s more real. It’s not
gonna leave the best impression
‘cause it’s a little scary, but we can
put in a way where we say it’s not to
scare you, but tell its normal to get
stuck. (Laura)
Forslag til ændringer
I would not show it to new
But in the video, it’s more realistic,
Storyline more clear, and the issue
and topics, narrow it down. (Kåre)
The whole "I felt like this was not
working so we should change things
or stop" is very important because a
lot of times people don't want to say
anything, and they just do things to
do it. (Kåre)
If you want to encourage people I
would put a message in the end. If
you wanna communicate a problem
you need to be more clear. Nice with
a closing. (Laura)
Der spørges, om det ville være
bedre med den oprindelige start
med Christoffer, der spørger, om det
hele skal laves om:
It would be more clear but
I also like the thing about
not knowing what’s going
on. (Lluis)
You could in the middle
have some confused
people debating. (Kåre)
Konstruktionsbevidsthed Holdning
Det starter med, at man ser en gruppe,
Jeg synes den er rigtig god. Plottet
der har en idé om et projekt, så ser
er godt – overraskende. Det er godt,
man de filmer og snakker om, hvordan
at man først tror man ser en film om
det skal fungere, der er en der
et projekt, og så finder ud af at
fortæller, hvordan de skal lave det. På
filmen er projektet.
et tidspunkt går det ikke så godt, og
nogen forslår, at man skal starte forfra.
(Svarer på, om filmen virker
Og så kommer overraskelsen, hvor
realistisk) Ja. Jeg synes ikke, der er
nogen står med et storyboard og
noget tidspunkt, hvor det virker som
fortæller, at man nu laver en film om et
om det er skuespil – bortset fra de
gruppearbejde, der ikke gik så godt.
scener, hvor det er meningen
(western og gyser).
Jeg har set den to gange i alt. Jeg
forstod den lige godt første som anden
Jeg tænker, det er dig (Pernille), der
Det er nok fordi, jeg føler, det ville være
Har ret meget sympati med ham
Jeg ville ikke have gjort det samme.
instruerer og har styr på det med filmen ubehageligt at være ham (Christoffer). Så
(Christoffer), der skal fortælle
Jeg ville have ventet til jeg havde et
og virkemidler. Sofie er den, der tager
ja, det er nok filmen, der lægger op til det.
gruppen, at han synes, det ikke går
alternativt forslag. Mest fordi jeg selv
bolden og er sådan lidt leder.
At man skal synes, det er ubehageligt.
så godt, selvom han ikke har noget
hader, når folk kommer og ikke har et
Christoffer er skuespiller, og det er
andet forslag. Og så synes jeg det
hans begrundelse for at være der. De
er synd for de to piger, fordi de
to andre står for lyd og teknik.
sidder på den anden side, og
egentlig synes, at det går meget
Har ikke selvom oplevet lignende
situation eller dilemma.
Får ikke særlig sympati for de to
andre drenge (Andreas og Marc): de
er bare fyld. Jeg kan egentlig ikke
huske deres rolle særlig godt. Dem
har jeg ikke bidt så meget mærke i.
Det forstår jeg først til sidst, når
Jeg forstår godt metalagene. Det
storyboardet bliver præsenteret. Så
forklarer I godt til sidst i filmen,
forstår jeg godt, man har set fortiden
synes jeg. Det virker godt, at
forklaringen først kommer til sidst.
Har ikke bemærket skiltet ”To dage
Interviewbidderne fungerer godt.
Det virker som om, det bare er jer,
der sidder og snakker, og at det ikke
er instrueret.
Det ved jeg faktisk ikke. Hvis der skulle
Følelsesmæssigt, er jeg nok ikke
Det kører ikke altid lige godt i vores
være noget, ville det være ... Jeg er
blevet så meget klogere. Jeg vidste
gruppe. Men det bliver bedre, fordi vi
helt tom! Måske at man skal tage
allerede godt, det er vigtigt at tale
bliver bedre til at snakke sammen. For
gruppearbejde mere seriøst og snakke
sammen. Jeg har været på
os handlede det om, at vi var for
sammen i stedet for bare at køre ud ad
arbejdsmarkedet i seks år, inden jeg dårlige til at lave aftaler og holde
en tangent.
kom herind, så det ved jeg godt.
Fagligt har det nok givet mig det, at
Det dur ikke bare at holde sin følelser
jeg ikke længere er så nervøs over
Vi har en god vejleder, der hjælper med
inde – så bliver det et meget langt
det projekt, vi er i gang med, fordi
at alt fungerer – også det sociale.
semester – kommunikation og
jeg ligesom er blevet bekræftet i, at
det nok skal gå alligevel.
Socialt tror jeg heller ikke jeg er
blevet så meget klogere.