Bilag 4 - Transskriptioner 1 Solointerview med Nickolaj 2 3 Sofie: Hvad er din erfaring med film? 4 5 Nickolaj: Jeg har klippet to musicals. 6 7 Sofie: Hvor meget erfaring har du med gruppearbejde? 8 9 Nickolaj: Jeg har kun lidt erfaring fra RUC, plus det vi lavede på gymnasiet. 10 11 Sofie: Hvad mener du overordnet om filmen? 12 13 Nickolaj: Jeg synes, den er rigtig god. Plottet er godt – overraskende. Det er godt, at man først 14 tror, man ser en film om et projekt, og så finder ud af at filmen er projektet. 15 16 Sofie: Kan du prøve at genfortælle handlingen. 17 18 Nickolaj: Det starter med man ser en gruppe, der har en ide om et projekt, så ser man de filmer 19 og snakker om, hvordan det skal fungere, der er én, der fortæller, hvordan de skal lave det. På 20 et tidspunkt går det ikke så godt, og nogen foreslår, at man skal starte forfra. Og så kommer 21 overraskelsen, hvor nogen står med et storyboard og fortæller, at man nu laver en film om et 22 gruppearbejde, der ikke gik så godt. 23 24 Sofie: Hvor mange gange har du set filmen nu? 25 26 Nickolaj: Jeg har set den to gange i alt. Jeg forstod den lige godt første som anden gang. 27 28 Sofie: Forstår du kronologien i filmen? 29 30 Nickolaj: Det forstår jeg først til sidst, når storyboarded bliver præsenteret. Så forstår jeg godt, 31 man har set fortiden før. Jeg har ikke bemærket skiltet ”To dage tidligere”, nej. 32 Sofie: Forstår du metalagene? 1 33 34 Nickolaj: Jeg forstår godt metalagene. Det forklarer I godt til sidst i filmen, synes jeg. Det virker 35 godt, at forklaringen først kommer til sidst. Interviewbidderne fungerer godt. Det virker som om, 36 det bare er jer, der sidder og snakker, og at det ikke er instrueret. 37 38 Sofie: Hvordan oplever du karaktererne? Hvem sympatiserer du mest med? 39 40 Nickolaj: Jeg har ret meget sympati med ham (Christoffer), der skal fortælle gruppen, at han 41 synes, det ikke går så godt, selvom han ikke har noget andet forslag. Og så synes jeg det er 42 synd for de to piger, fordi de sidder på den anden side og egentlig synes, at det går meget godt. 43 Jeg har ikke selv oplevet lignende situation eller dilemma. 44 Man får ikke særlig sympati for de to andre drenge: de er bare fyld. Jeg kan egentlig ikke huske 45 deres rolle særlig godt. Dem har jeg ikke bidt så meget mærke i. 46 47 Pernille: Lægger filmen op til, at man skal sympatisere med en bestemt karakter? 48 49 Nickolaj: Det er nok fordi, jeg føler, det ville være ubehageligt at være ham (Christoffer). Så ja 50 det er nok filmen, der lægger op til det. At man skal synes, det er ubehageligt. Jeg ville ikke 51 have gjort det samme. Jeg ville have ventet til jeg havde et alternativt forslag. Mest fordi jeg selv 52 hader, når folk kommer og ikke har et forslag. 53 54 Sofie: Hvordan oplever du ellers karaktererne og deres roller? 55 56 Nickolaj: Jeg tænker det er dig (Pernille), der instruerer og har styr på det med filmen og 57 virkemidler. Sofie er den der tager bolden og er sådan lidt leder. Christoffer er skuespiller og det 58 er hans begrundelse for at være der. De to andre står for lyd og teknik. 59 60 Sofie: Hvad ser du som budskabet i filmen? 61 62 Nickolaj: Det ved jeg faktisk ikke. Hvis der skulle være noget, ville det være ... Jeg er helt tom! 63 Måske at man skal tage gruppearbejde mere seriøst og snakke sammen i stedet for bare at 64 køre ud ad en tangent. Det dur ikke bare at holde sin følelser inde – så bliver det et meget langt 65 semester – kommunikation og ærlighed. 66 2 67 Sofie: Vi tænker: ”Man kan altid få vendt det dårlige til noget godt”, ”Gruppearbejde er 68 pissehårdt, og man bliver uvenner, men i sidste ende skal det nok gå”. Det synes vi også er 69 vigtigt at sige til de nye RUC-studerende. 70 71 Nickolaj: Sådan har jeg det også. 72 73 Pernille: Det er også noget med ”At finde løsningen i fællesskabet”. Er det noget du kan bruge i 74 din egen proces? 75 76 Nickolaj: Ja. Det kører ikke altid lige godt i vores gruppe. Men det bliver bedre, fordi vi bliver 77 bedre til at snakke sammen. For os handlede det om, at vi var for dårlige til at lave aftaler og 78 holde deadlines. Vi har en god vejleder, der hjælper med at alt fungerer – også det sociale. 79 80 Sofie: Hvordan er du blevet klogere – følelsesmæssigt, fagligt og socialt? 81 82 Nickolaj: Følelsesmæssigt er jeg nok ikke blevet så meget klogere. Jeg vidste allerede godt, det 83 er vigtigt at tale sammen. Jeg har været på arbejdsmarkedet i seks år inden jeg kom herind, så 84 det ved jeg godt. 85 Fagligt har det nok givet mig det, at jeg ikke længere er så nervøs over det projekt, vi er i gang 86 med, fordi jeg ligesom er blevet bekræftet i, at det nok skal gå alligevel. 87 Socialt tror jeg heller ikke, jeg er blevet så meget klogere. 88 89 Pernille: Virker filmen realistisk? 90 91 Nickolaj: Ja. Jeg synes ikke, der er noget tidspunkt, hvor det virker som om det er skuespil – 92 bortset fra de scener, hvor det er meningen (western og gyser). 93 94 95 96 97 Fokusgruppeinterview med Arianna, Kåre, Laura, Lluis og Suzan 98 99 Sofie: What did you think about the movie in general? 100 3 101 Lluis: I think it was a really good idea like to create like … as of my experience when something 102 goes really bad, you really try to make it go bad, make it go right. 103 Maybe you can make it a little bit better, but if your basic idea is crap, I’m not saying your idea is 104 crap, but if your basic idea is crap, it’s better to rethink everything. 105 But I have a doubt. The thing that’s not really clear to me, all these parts where (...) this was 106 planned or improvised? 107 Like when you record some of the parts, this was after you rethink the idea? I don’t know how to 108 say it. 109 110 Christoffer: It’s a mix. After we realized we couldn’t keep the idea, we had to reconstruct the 111 whole lot of things. Of course the interviews was made afterwards and the thing in the basement 112 was made afterwards. 113 114 Lluis: O.K., it was not real. 115 116 Christoffer: No, but when we were out shooting, that was pretty much … whenever you could 117 not see the camera it was the real footage ... 118 119 Lluis: It’s like a good thing that you don’t really know if you are acting or the real thing. 120 121 Christoffer: Anyone else? 122 123 Laura: I think you found a really good solution to the problem. I think we all at the beginning, as 124 we all had the same project, was a bit confused about we were doing about the project. And you 125 found a really good solution. 126 127 Arianna: I really liked that you showed what happened behind the scenes, I really liked that. 128 129 Kåre: I was confused, like Lluis. You are filming you, discussing what you are going to do? It 130 was a bit confusing. 131 132 Sofie: Yeah it’s a bit meta. 133 134 Kåre: It was really like … but it makes sense. 4 135 136 Sofie: Does it? 137 138 Suzan: Yeah, my thoughts when I watched it first time which was at the showtime. I thought 139 maybe as a group you had a lot of problems. Because of the whole group dynamic thing feels a 140 bit undefined. I don’t know. 141 It seems like you didn’t really have had a lot of communication. So I thought it was your way of 142 handling the whole problems by filming the reflections you have had about the group dynamic. 143 But I don’t know if that was the idea. But as Lluis said I wasn’t sure about what the idea was or 144 what the message was? 145 146 Sofie: We will come back to that later. Can one of you explain the story? 147 148 Kåre: Its about a group who decided to do something, and then they find out they have taken a 149 mouthfull of what they could do. And then they just decide to make a video of what they decided 150 not to do or how they come to that process. Saying basically “We can’t do this and what can we 151 do?. We can’t just saying we can’t do without saying what we should do”. 152 Just basically showing what every group go through in group formation. At one point you 153 change for problem formation and work questions. So you change a lot of things in group work. 154 The problem is you had to do it on camera and with a very short deadline. 155 156 Suzan: And you sum up the whole topic in the end with the storyboard. That really like connects. 157 158 Lluis: Yeah, because first you are a bit confused. Because there is not really a timeline in the 159 first beginning, but in the end it becomes more clear. 160 161 Christoffer: Yeah, it’s one thing we discussed a lot. How to tell the story so you wouldn’t just sit 162 and watch for three minutes while not understanding what was going on and then get the 163 explanation. 164 165 Lluis: But that was good (...) 166 167 Laura: It keeps curiosity about what is going on. 168 5 169 Sofie: So you get the whole thing when I’m standing there with the storyboard? That’s where 170 you get it? 171 172 Lluis: Yes, in my case at least. 173 174 Suzan: Yeah, the more you watch it, the more you understand. 175 176 Lluis: At the beginning I was like “Oh, they filmed themselves”, I got it from the first time. I was 177 like “They filmed themselves from the beginning, thats a good idea. They didn’t know what to do 178 and then just filmed themselves doing it”. I got it at the first time. 179 Maybe I thought it was more like a making-of, not that much meta. 180 181 Sofie: So before the last storyboard, you are all confused? 182 183 Laura: Not me. 184 185 Suzan: Can you ask the question again? 186 187 Sofie: When we present this film. A lot of people say they first get it when I present the last 188 storyboard at the end. 189 190 Suzan: I mean if your film is about filming your own process, then I get it in the beginning. 191 I think its pretty clear. Because you see the group members and the discussion you have 192 among the group. 193 194 Christoffer: What was your take on the message, if there is a message, in the film? Of course 195 the message could be just to document our own process, but if we have to use it communication 196 wise, perhaps there could be another message? So what did you see as the message of the 197 film? 198 199 Laura: Be creative and not get stuck. You know. 200 201 Suzan: Yeah, I was gonna say the same. 202 6 203 Kåre: It’s never too late to change your topic. Just takes a bit more work. 204 205 Lluis:There is always a way out. 206 207 Kåre: Yeah. 208 209 Sofie: Yeah, that was some of the messages. We also thought about message being something 210 that being in a team, a group is very, very difficult and hard. 211 212 Suzan: Yeah, it’s interesting, it can go very way possible direction. 213 214 Sofie: But everythings gonna be alright. That is some of the messages too. Do you think you 215 can use that in your own process? 216 217 Suzan: Like what exactly? 218 219 Sofie: If you are gonna do a movie. Maybe you can think “Oh, that’s what they did?”. You are a 220 bit too old for this target group. 221 222 Suzan: Because your target group is people who just started at RUC? 223 224 Sofie: Yeah, exactly? 225 226 Suzan: O.K., well they can be a target group. They haven't done a project yet. 227 228 Christoffer: One of the problems we see with the movie is that maybe it doesn’t give an exact 229 solution on how to fix things. So how to use the movie for everything? 230 231 Suzan: I think it’s encouraging. It encourages people to relax and take all the approaches you 232 get along the way and use them in a constructive way. It doesn’t only have to be used for 233 people in a RUC project group, it can also be used with very basic groups. 234 235 Laura: It shows problems that you have with your work. It’s basic problems that you find every 236 time you work in a work project. 7 237 238 Christoffer: Do you identify yourselves with a character or more characters in the film and why? 239 240 Suzan: To be honest, I don’t really felt that I got such a good impression. You didn’t really get to 241 know the characters that much, because it was really fast. 242 243 Lluis: You don’t see a really big difference between the characters. They had different opinions, 244 but they were like … everyone had all feelings about the process, but they were all kind of … 245 246 Suzan: The girl who was here before, with the short hair. Pernille, yeah. I had an impression 247 that she was like the older, the mom, the wiser. 248 And then I had, the other guy (Marc), he’s not here right now. I had an impression that he was 249 just a bit like, I don’t know, maybe he was like very critical towards everything. Yeah, that was 250 my impression. 251 And then I had the impression that you (peger på Sofie) were a bit in the middle, the mediator, 252 trying to get hold of all the ideas and makes sense. 253 254 Lluis: There’s not much (....) but you can really see, like, a little the role of each one in the 255 group. There’s always like in every group, the ones that’s in terms of the group and have to take 256 the other one, like make them …. 257 258 Suzan: Pernille was saying that if you criticize an idea, you need to come up with something 259 new. Was that your idea? (peger på Christoffer). 260 Was it because you rejected an idea, that’s how I understood it. 261 I thought it was really nice that you accepted that criticism. To be honest I really didn't get like a 262 deep impression. 263 264 Christoffer: Yeah, but it’s also a really short movie. 265 266 Suzan: But I think my impression is also influenced by the fact that some of you are sitting here 267 right now ... 268 269 Sofie: So you can’t say what you want to about all the characters? 270 8 271 Suzan: Not really. 272 273 Sofie: Maybe it’s just not comfortable to say it. 274 275 Suzan: No, like if it’s a part of the question, I can do it. But if it’s not, I don’t think it’s necessary. 276 277 Laura: I identify with the group the moment where you (Sofie) were like “Come on guys, it will 278 work out”, I felt like we had the same moment, when we were out filming the parade and we 279 were like “O.K., what are we gonna do with this?”. We were so lost and were like “Come on 280 guys” the exact same moment like you. 281 282 Christoffer: So you had another video idea? 283 284 Laura: No, we were filming, but we were filming for a different idea. 285 286 Lluis: Yeah, the idea were more focused on the whole parade thing. But after recording the 287 parade we were like really lost. We didn't have enough footage to make, we didn’t have 288 interviews from the people in the parade. 289 290 Laura: Yeah, things didn’t work out the way we wanted so we’re like “Fuck, what are we gonna 291 do?”. 292 293 Sofie: With whom did you have sympathy with? 294 295 Suzan: Of the characters? 296 297 Sofie: Yeah. 298 299 Suzan: I actually had sympathy with you (peger på Christoffer), because I felt like you were 300 locked up in a corner by two women. And that it could be like very harsh sometimes. 301 But other than that I don’t know, as I told you, because I don’t have the biggest impressions of 302 the characters. 303 9 304 Lluis: Yeah, but if you see the interviews of the two girls and the two boys and then Christoffer 305 alone. It seems that you (peger på Christoffer) were a bit out of the group. I don’t know if it was 306 intentional. More like an outsider. 307 308 Christoffer: I wasn’t available the day we shot the footage, so we had to take the interviews 309 another day. 310 But it is nice to know because it’s stuff that we don’t think about, or I didn’t think about. But it 311 makes sense that you know. 312 313 Sofie: It’s hard to see it outside. 314 315 Christoffer: But we can totally follow you. It’s not like we tried to make two fronts at war with 316 each other, we tried to do it very honest, you know. 317 318 Sofie: It wasn’t just the way, afterwards we saw that the girls just wanted to go ahead, and the 319 boys wanted to make something else, and that was just like a coincidence. 320 321 Suzan: Can I ask how you formed the groups in the workshop? Because it was very random for 322 us, he just counted, and … 323 324 (Tre minutters irrelevant snak) 325 326 Sofie: But ehmm, how do you get the structure? 327 328 Christoffer: Yeah, we’ve already talked a bit about it, but just to specify it. 329 330 Suzan: In the beginning I didn’t really get the structure, I thought you were jumping back and 331 forth in between “handling” … 332 333 Laura: … and the real scenes. 334 335 Suzan: But in the beginning (hun mener slutningen) when you (Sofie) hold the storyboard, as I 336 said before, I think it connected everything. 337 10 338 Lluis: (mumler noget) 339 340 Suzan: What? 341 342 Lluis: You said in the beginning. 343 344 Suzan: Oh, yeah yeah yeah. 345 346 Kåre: But, yeah, it was a bit like “Maybe we wanted to do this” (...) you go back to doing the first 347 thing you talked about – it’s a bit confusing. 348 349 Christoffer: So in the first scene – you know – the first scene in the basement where you (Sofie) 350 say “Fuck”, you don’t really know? 351 352 Suzan: No, I didn’t get that. 353 354 Kåre: And it wasn’t subtitled, that’s a bit funny. 355 356 Sofie: It was in the beginning, I don’t really know. But “Fuck”, it’s still English. 357 But it says in the sequence afterwards, where I’m standing in my Roskilde T-shirt, that : “Two 358 days earlier”, “To dage tidligere”. 359 360 Kåre: Argh, might have been lost in the ermmm. 361 362 Laura: Yeah, I didn’t see that. 363 364 Sofie: Yeah, it was in Danish so, and it wasn’t translated. 365 366 Lluis: Yeah ok, that’s true, there’s something. 367 368 Kåre: That makes, that would have made everything much more logical. I didn’t see the “Two 369 days earlier”, but I think it actually makes sense. 370 371 Laura: But it was in Danish? 11 372 373 Sofie: Yeah, it was in Danish, so you (peger på Kåre) could. 374 375 Laura: But he didn’t see it. 376 377 Sofie: Yeah, but it’s like ermm, covered (...). 378 379 Christoffer: Did you (Suzan) see it? 380 381 Suzan: Yeah, but I think that I didn’t really think that much about the “Two days earlier”. Maybe, 382 I don’t know, if you wanna show it again? 383 384 Christoffer: No. 385 386 Sofie: But we talked to – we spoke to a guy yesterday, who saw the film without subtitles, and 387 he said that he didn’t notice. 388 389 Suzan: I did, but I didn’t really think about what it meant. 390 391 Sofie: Yeah. 392 393 Suzan: It’s there like two or three seconds. 394 395 Kåre: Really? 396 397 Lluis: I saw it, but I didn’t understand it. 398 399 Christoffer: No no, but still, you know, it’s very understandable because you don’t really get any 400 information, and all of the sudden it just says “Two days earlier”. Two days earlier from what? 401 Some people sitting in a random room saying random stuff, you know. 402 We don’t have enough questions, blah blah blah. 403 404 Laura: So who came with the idea about the end? It was everyone? 405 12 406 Sofie: Down at the basement where I was really pissed at the guys, because: “What are you 407 doing?” – and then I just saw a camera, and then I thought it could be funny if this camera was 408 turned on and had filmed all the things and me going crazy, and then that could have been fun. 409 410 Suzan: I thought – I remember some of the videos from showtime, the Danish videos – and 411 emm, I remember saying to one of you (peger på sine gruppemedlemmer), when we were 412 sitting in the big room, that I like yours a lot, because it was so different from the others, the 413 other Danish videos. Like it really “skildte sig ud”. 414 415 Lluis: (...) you really feel, it’s really close to reality for me, like the ways (…), the way you’re 416 filming, and the way the interviews are done also, you really feel like: This is real, and you 417 know… When you say like you made interviews, what were you saying, like what you were 418 saying was scripted? Or you were just more or less improvising. 419 420 Sofie: The interviews? 421 422 Lluis: Yeah. 423 424 Christoffer: Improvised. 425 426 Sofie: Yeah, we just told about our feelings and how we felt yesterday. 427 428 Lluis: Because it’s really ... you really feel ... 429 430 Christoffer: We didn’t write scripts for any of the scenes, well we had like: “You walk in from over 431 here because ...”, but most of it had something to do with how it really happened. 432 433 Sofie: (...) 434 435 Christoffer: But it’s nice too, that you felt it was real, because it’s very essential. 436 437 Lluis: (...) 438 439 (Tre minutters irrelevant snak). 13 440 441 Sofie: Have you gotten any wiser? 442 443 Suzan: I don’t know, for me it’s just maybe a reconfirmation of how fucked it can be to be in a 444 group. 445 446 Lluis: Yeah, I mean you don’t, I didn’t really learn anything new, but it’s a good, really good umm 447 representation, or something like that, of a groups work and sometimes. 448 449 Kåre: It’s hard to boil down like three months of decision-making into four minutes video. 450 451 Sofie: Yeah. 452 453 Kåre: I mean, think about it, we have four weeks, or I think five weeks after the to do our project. 454 455 Suzan: Do you guys also have to write 30 pages? 456 457 Christoffer: Yeah, something like that. 458 459 Suzan: It’s not the regular 60 pages. 460 461 Christoffer: How about you, have you? 462 463 Laura: It’s the same about, learning about it’s hard to be in a group, but at the end you have to 464 make something work. 465 466 Christoffer: Does it look any different from your countries? Like is it different in Spain and Italy? 467 468 Lluis: No, no, in my case it’s more or less the same. 469 470 Laura: (...) people are more colored. 471 472 Lluis: Yeah, more shouting and more, and people are more excited. But yeah, it’s more or less 473 the same. 14 474 475 Laura: Yeah, it’s the same problems. 476 477 Suzan: Yeah, but I think our group is also a bit crazy. 478 479 Laura: Yeah, we are (...). 480 481 Kåre: It is an interesting effort in communication. 482 483 Suzan: What? 484 485 Kåre: It is an interesting effort in communication, to do group work. 486 487 Suzan: I didn’t get that part? 488 489 Kåre: There is a lot of communication that we need to. There was a lot of communication 490 problems the first week, and now we have sort of sorted out what people say when different. 491 492 Lluis: We’ve discovered each other a bit more. 493 494 Laura: We have learned to live with it. 495 496 Lluis: Like two weeks ago, there was really like tense situations. 497 498 (Laura peger på Kåre og Suzan) 499 500 Suzan: Yeah, for me. I have not been in a group with international students, and I have done 501 five 502 group projects. And it is very different from this group compared to my other groups. 503 504 (Irrelevant snak) 505 506 Arianna: I've actually never done project work in Italy, we don't do it, so we have no experience. 507 15 508 Christoffer: Do you think it would have helped to watch our movie before you started group 509 work? 510 511 Arianna: Maybe it would be a little bit more scary, because I mean everyone has different 512 opinion and everybody want to do things different so it was a little bit stressful watching it at first. 513 514 Suzan: But do you think that you would have gotten an impression by how project work is at 515 RUC by watching this video? 516 517 Arianna: Yes a little bit yes, in my mind, I mean an opinion of how all this works, because every 518 person is different so it's normal that everyone wants to do different things, it's quite normal, but 519 I think by watching this video it could be fun. 520 521 Christoffer: Let’s go to the next question: It's meant for new group students at Roskilde, do you 522 think it would you know have any impact on new students on how they see RUC and how they 523 would eventually go on and make a wrong? 524 525 Suzan: When I think back, like three-four years earlier, I think from my highschool when it was 526 group work it was very normal, the way you were, so I have always been used to group work, 527 also when I was at boarding school, but I honestly don't think you can imagine how it is before 528 you are working with it because RUC is very particular in that sense, and I can also feel that a 529 bit with you, Arianna, who said you never been in a group before, so I don’t know, that’s my 530 opinion, it's hard to imagine how it is. 531 532 Kåre: It changes from semester to semester because then you get more method or use another 533 methodology or your supervisor is from another university or have a third opinion, now this 534 semester I have one and then next semester you get another one. 535 536 Suzan: Yeah, I actually felt in the beginning, like are you serious? And the more I ‘studied’ it 537 became less serious, in the first semester in the house we had different rooms where you could 538 go around and like speak with other people who could be interested in the same topics as you, 539 so you just had to go and shop around. 16 540 And then you had to present yourself and it would be very transboundary, because you just 541 started at RUC and you had to sell yourself in order to be in a group with other people. Where in 542 art session? We made groups just by counting, we didn't even do that in high school. 543 544 Kåre: I think that if we had known that our new project would also be our final project, I think we 545 would have done it in another way. 546 547 Sofie: If you are happy that you are new students at RUC, do you think the communication is 548 good? 549 550 Arianna: We are new students, and we have had the course and they explained the project work 551 in a different way and they chose dug bags and everything, and I was expecting something 552 more complicated and more academic and close and strict. And when I have started, I see more 553 options and more open. 554 555 Suzan: It doesn't have to be straightforward, that’s the whole idea of RUC. 556 557 Laura: But I like imagined a bigger project, and in the film it's just I think it's more general, I 558 compare it to my projects I did in Spain, we have to have an idea and have to be creative. 559 There’s a moment you get to a point you think "This is shit, we can't use this" and then you have 560 to start all over again. You can't relate. 561 562 Suzan: But I don't know if you have seen those videos? I think they are made by Train. There 563 are some animation videos how you work in groups and how they function. I saw those before I 564 started, they kind of give you an idea of how RUC’s groupwork works. 565 566 Christoffer: So maybe this as an communication project this isn't the best way to communicate 567 to new students because they have to experience it themselves? 568 569 Suzan: No, because I think in your video you touch a lot of different topics, and maybe that’s not 570 the best way to communicate to new students who are very nervous and confused and have a 571 lot of expectations. Because you’re trying to make a horror movie in the video as well, I see the 572 connection, but the videos on the web I think, it’s really good. 573 17 574 Laura: But in the video, it’s more realistic, because when you come to reality it’s different, it’s 575 more real. It’s not gonna leave the best impression ‘cause it’s a little scary, but we can put in a 576 way where we say it’s not to scare you, but tell it’s normal to get stuck. 577 578 Sofie: So you would show the video to groups with problems? 579 580 Laura: Yeah, it would be like "See people, we were just like you" and they find a solution. 581 582 Suzan: I was happy after watching your video, ‘cause I was in the same situation in my last 583 project. 584 585 Sofe: So it's better to show to people with problems than people who hasn't even started at 586 RUC? 587 588 Kåre: I would not show it to new students, but maybe a month in the group work. 589 590 Suzan: Yeah exactly. 591 592 Sofie: What changes would you suggest? 593 594 Kåre: Storyline more clear, and the issue and topics, narrow it down. 595 596 Laura: If you want to encourage people I would put a message in the end. 597 598 Suzan: “Two days earlier”, I didn’t get the point. 599 600 Laura: If you wanna communicate a problem you need to be more clear. Nice with a closing. 601 602 Kåre: The whole "I felt like this was not working, so we should change things or stop" is very 603 important because a lot of times people don't want to say anything, and they just do things to do 604 it. 605 18 606 Sofie: Before the film was finished, we had an introduction where Christoffer said "I don't think 607 this is working, would you mind changing it al all?" instead of me saying "Fuck". Would that be 608 better? 609 610 Lluis: It would be more clear but I also like the thing about not knowing what's going on. 611 612 Sofie: Our supervisor said it was to give too much away. 613 614 Kåre: You could in the middle have some confused people debating. 615 616 Christoffer: Did you understand the first introduction to the first movie idea? 617 618 Laura: Well, you film the same things but with different effects? 619 620 Kåre: Well, you always know people will die in the horror movie, because of the light and 621 sounds. 622 623 Christoffer: We only had four minutes so we didn’t have time. 624 625 Christoffer: I think we are done. 19
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