Paint Shop Tutorial

Paint Shop Tutorial
Essential Overview
New Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2 is the
ideal choice for any aspiring
photographer's digital darkroom. It's filled
with everything from easy automatic
photo fixes to precision editing tools. It
even includes a built-in Learning Center to
help new users get started right away!
Needed Items
The program can be downloaded or
 The program is available throughout the
 Previous knowledge of web editing
software will be useful but not required
because of installed tutorials.
Operating Requirements
Microsoft® Windows Vista™ or Windows® XP,
with latest service packs installed
512 MB RAM (768 MB recommended)
768 MB RAM required if using Windows Vista
1 GHz processor (2 GHz recommended)
500 MB hard disk space
24-bit color display, 1024x768 resolution
Microsoft DirectX® 9.0c or higher (included in
Windows Vista and XP)
Calibrating Your Monitor
With Paint Shop Pro you can use the
systems tools to adjust your image so that
you do not have to calibrate your monitor.
Touring the Interface
Visibility for most toolbars and palettes can br toggled on
or off (hidden) as needed (except the Menu Bar and
Status Bar). Most toolbars and palettes can also be
moved, resized, docked or floated.
Toolbars: The appearance of the toolbars in Paint Shop
Pro XI hasn't changed much from recent versions of PSP
although there are a few new tools. Making use of
toolbar shortcut buttons can really speed up your work.
Most toolbars can be customized by adding and
removing buttons.
Palettes: PSP XI contains 11 palettes. There are some
new and redesigned palettes in PSP X compared to
previous versions of PSP. Each palette has a specific
function such as the 'Tools' palette and the 'Materials'
The Workspace
The image here
shows PSP XI with all
toolbars and palettes
shown. As you can
see, this leaves a very
small image area. Not
good! To solve that
problem, visibility for
most toolbars and
palettes can toggled
on or off (hidden) as
needed. Overall there
are 8 toolbars in PSP
XI as well as 11
The Palettes
These three palettes are visible
when you open PSP XI for the very
first time:
Learning Center: This is a new
feature of PSP XI. The Learning
Center displays tool tips and
information about tools and
commands. The Learning Center is
located along the left margin of
your workspace and can guide you
step-by-step through common
photo-editing tasks.
Browser: Use this palette to browse
thru your file folders and visually
search for a particular image file.
Customization of PSP XI includes
the ability to dock the Browser
wherever you want it.
Tool Options: This palette is visible
when one of the Tools is selected.
The Tool Options palette contains
settings and controls for the active
tool and is positioned, by default,
just above the image area in your
The Toolbars
Toolbars contain
commands which
are 'shortcut'
buttons for the
same commands
found in the text
menus. You can
also create your
own 'custom'
toolbars for
specific projects.
The Menus
The Menu Bar is the main
text menu at the top of the
workspace, just below the
Paint Shop Pro title bar.
Select Close. Choose any
menu in the Menu Bar to see
that icons are now associated
with each command.
Opening Files
Choose File - Open from the file
menu. When you have activated
Open, you will be presented with
the Open dialog box as illustrated
The Open "Look In" file will be set
to the last folder you Ire in when
you opened a graphic. To charge to
a different folder, click on the drop
own arrow.
To open a graphic, double click on
the graphic name in the window or
type the graphic name in the File
name box and either hit the Enter
key or click on the Open button.
If you are searching for a graphic of
a particular file type, choose the file
type from the drop down list in the
"Files of Type" box. This will result
in only the graphics with the
selected file type being displayed in
the selection window.
Creating a New Image
To create a new
image, click on the
New icon on the
Standard Toolbar or
choose File - New
from the menu dropdown list. The New
Image dialog box
will appear allowing
you to set the
attributes for the
new graphic you will
be creating.
Accessing Files
Open - This option will open the selected graphics on your workspace.
You can double click on the graphic or drag a single selected graphic
onto the workspace. or Shift-double clicking (or dragging) on more than
one selected graphic will open all selected graphics on the workspace.
The Recent Folders drop down box contains a list of recently accessed
browse folders.
The Favorites folder contains pre-configured folders (Paint Shop Pro
graphics folders, My Documents and Temp Folder).
Closing and Saving
To close a currently open file, either
click on the "X" in the top right corner
of your graphic or choose File>Close
from the menu. If you have made any
changes to your graphic, you will be
prompted to save your changes before
the program closes the graphic.
Choose the folder you want to save to
from the Save In dialog box (see Figure
Give your graphic a name by typing in
the File Name dialog box.
Choose a file type from the Save as
type dialog box. When you hit the down
arrow on the Save as type box, you can
skip to a file type by typing the first
letter of the name type.
If the file type you chose has further
options, the Options box will be active.
Use What You Have Learned
Now use what you learned try a small
activity using Paint Shop Pro, if you have
any questions please refer back to this