Mrs. Beebe and Mrs. Eirich’s Third Grade

Mrs. Beebe
Mrs. Eirich’s
Third Grade
Hi, my name is Abrianna Rose Nemitz. When you
read this story, you will notice the story is not just
about me, It’s about my Mom and Dad (Nicole and
David). Most of my pictures are in different spots.
You will see my cottage, my Grandma’s house, the
church for my Mom’s wedding, my house in Michigan,
my old apartment, and at church for my Aunt Eve’s
My Mom really is a funny lady. Sometimes she’s
serious. You don’t want to see her serious. My Mom
is actually really nice. My Mom and I spend a lot of
quality time together
My Mom loves getting her hair done.
She loves flowers, kids, and pets like
dogs, fish, birds, and Guinea pigs. Oh,
and she loves necklaces too!
Mom is 29 years old and Dad is 34 years old. They
got married 9 years ago. I was their first child. My
Mom and Dad are divorced now, but they’re still very
good friends. Sometimes I wish they would just get
back together.
Before my parents divorced, we had two doge names
Cuddles and Keena. We had to give Keena away first
because she would be naughty with my baby sister Jahnika.
Cuddles was next because she was nipping Jahnika. Mom
and Dad did not like that one bit.
My Mom and Dad try to make Christmas special
for us, so they asked Santa for a bouncing horse.
It’s only for kids, but my Mom and Dad rode on it
too. The horse can go up and down or back and
forth. I really love that bouncing horse. Christmas
is my favorite time of the year.
My Mom and Dad love the cottage, My Mom only
went deer hunting once, My Dad went a whole
bunch of times. Once everyone at the cottage
made venison sausage. It was very gross.
Now you know a little about my Mom and Dad!
Bede is a yellow labrador puppy. She has been in my
family all my life. Bede is AKC registered. AKC
registered American Kennel Club (AKC) is the chief
organization of dog breeders. It recognizes and
registers 122 breeds of pure breed dogs. A pure breed
dog is one whose sire (father) and dam (mother) belong
to the same breed. When the ancestors are known and
registered by the breed club, the dog has a pedigree.
The AKC divide its 122 pure breed into 5 groups: (1)
sporting dogs, (2) hounds, (3) working dogs, (4) terriers,
(5) toy dogs, and (6) non-sporting dogs. Mom said that
they got Bede from a kennel and she is a sporting dog.
Bede is the most mellow dog you’ll ever meet. Even if
you play in the snow, she is not very frisky. She will just
sit in the snow.
Bede’s favorite holiday is Christmas. Bede
has always spent Christmas with us. She
loves milkbones so much. She gets a
milkbone for her Christmas present.
Bede loves kids. She has always been nice
to them. Bede is good with anybody.
When I was almost one years old, Bede
was always there for me. When I cried,
she would push me in the crib, then I
would stop crying.
Bede likes to jump onto the bed and play.
Taking her to bed is better then a stuffed
Bede loves to hunt. Bede likes to go hunting
with my dad. She goes goose hunting and duck
hunting too.
When Bede returns from hunting, we need to
give her a bath. She smells of pine trees.
When we clean the ducks, Bede gets the heart,
gizzards, and liver.
Bede loves to walk with us, because she hates
to be alone. Bede tries to come with us
wherever we go. She even goes with us
when we go trick-or-treating on Halloween.
Bede’s favorite spot to lay is by the couch.
She always looks at you when you talk. Bede
lays by the fireplace because it is warm and
comfy. She is getting older and needs to rest.
Bede always gets a tree with us. She
has since she was a puppy. She picks
at a tree by smelling it. Bede loves
finding trees when we walk with her.
She loves to walk too.
The only thing she hates is riding on a
tractor because she hates loud noises and
the tractor is loud.
Bede like birthday parties. She likes them because as we
drop food on the floor she snatches it. Bede gets a lot of
hugs too. Aunt Nancy and my cousin Nicole hug and pet
Bede too.
Bede was not a happy camper when we got
Abby. Abby is a black labrador puppy. Abby
barks at Bede. It is funny because when they
come in from the woods, they race.
Bede likes to sleep, and Abby would rather play.
Bede doesn’t like being barked at.
Bede is a great dog. She has lived a happy life. I hope we
have Bede for a long time. Bede is so gently and loving. She
is the best dog.
I flew to Disney World with mom, dad, and my sister.
My dad said that we were going to the Dells. My mom
and dad said that we were going to visit the airport. I
knew that we were going to fly somewhere and it wasn’t
going to be the Dells. When we were at the airport, I
saw a sign that said “Florida”. We went into the room
next to the sign. When someone said “Flight 2421,
now boarding,” we boarded.
We found our seats, buckled our seatbelts and waited to
take-off. The plane ride went well as we flew. We
finally arrived in Florida. We got our luggage and then
drove to our hotel.
When we got to the hotel, we checked into our room
and put our bags in the room. I was starving , so we
went to get lunch.
First we went to the Magic Kingdom. We went
to the bumper cars because they were first. I
wasn’t very good at driving the bumper cars.
We went to Pizza Planet and I got a medium -sized
pizza for myself. There were video games, pizza, and
balloons there.
I went river rafting. We had to wait a long time to be
able to go rafting. The rafting trip was sure worth the
There was a holographic fire by the waterfall and the
heat was pressing on us.
The next day we went back to the park.. There was a test
track at the park. It was a raging car of terror.
We also went to the carwash. It’s a place where it mists to
cool off.
Then we went to the mall. We only looked, but there was
an ornament store. My parents bought a Tinker Bell
ornament. I got Mickey Mouse. I don’t remember what
my sister got.
On our walk to the gates to get to our hotel, we saw a Bugs
Life poster. My mom had to take pictures.
We got to the gates and went into the hotel and
swam in the pool for four hours. Then we got
our stuff and drove to the airport.
I was looking forward to going back home. It’s
always nice to go on vacation, but it’s better to be
My name is Bobbie Quella. I have a best friend
named Michelle. I’ve known her since I was five
years old. Michelle has three cats and two dogs.
Michelle is an only child. She wishes for a sister
or a brother.
When Michelle turned seven, she had a
swimming pool party. Michelle had a
pinata, a regular cake, and an ice cream
cake for her birthday.
Michelle got a lot of presents for her
birthday. One present was a Powder Puff
Girl Tent. Her birthday party was really
The party was crazy because the kids were jumping
here and there almost everywhere. They were jumping
in and out of the swimming pool. The dogs were
playing too. We had a lot of fun.
Sometimes Michelle has sleepovers and we sleep in
the Powder Puff Girl Tent. I look forward to seeing
her again soon.
Michelle and I are great friends and always will be
On a warm August summer day, a month before my
7th birthday, my dad had an early birthday present for
me. “Hey Brett!” my dad said. “Do you want to go to
Southern Canada?” “Yes!” I answered quickly. “We’ll
go in a week or two. We’ll have a great time!” Dad
As we waited for the day of our trip to arrive, we
started packing. The big moment arrived late at night.
Dad and I hopped in the truck and we were off!
On the way, we saw a gas station. At the gas station
there was a big walleye statue. We had to pay $1 to go
on it. The statue was 20-30 feet tall. It stood on stilts.
I sat up there and we got 4-5 pictures, then it was time
to leave.
As we got on our way to the cabin, we decided to get
bait. We bought blood suckers for bait.
We finally arrived at the cabin. We checked in right
when we got there. We rented a cabin on the cliff. The
woods were thick and large.
Dad and I went on a walk. When we came back we
had a campfire. It was clear and starry outside. Dad
and I had a nice talk.
The next morning, we went fishing. I got to drive the boat.
A 25 horse power engine pushed the boat pretty fast. We
were lucky, we caught 4 Northern Pike. Then we went back
to the cabin.
I couldn’t wait until supper. We had delicious
Northern Pike that night!
Over the five days we were at the cabin, we caught
4 fish.
It was a really fun time in Canada!
My family is very important to me. We
have a lot of fun with each other.
Every year we get to go to Wisconsin Dells with
our cousins Chase, Shauna, and their parents.
This year we went to Witches’ Gultch. It’s an old
cave and it’s sort of like a history museum.
Then we went to Noah’s Ark. Noah’s Ark has
awesome water slides.
After Noah’s Ark we usually go to Pizza Pub.
Pizza Pub is a pizza restaurant with really yummy
food. My mom always makes me eat a salad. My
first drink is Root Beer, then Mountain Dew.
Later on, I eat pepperoni and sausage pizza. That
is also a tradition!
When I was five, we went to a park in Lutsin
Minnesota. There was also a ski hill in the same
park. At the park, we went to a wind slide. The air
pressure from the slide was so strong, we had to sit
on a mat. We went up and down the slide. I was
getting tired of going up and down. I got a
headache from the speed!
Besides traveling, Christmas at the Schuh’s is a family
event. We always watch a Christmas story. It’s a
“movie”. We usually eat while we’re watching the
movie. Later on we open presents. Paper is
everywhere, even in the air. The house is shaking
and ribbons are in people’s hair
I can’t wait till our next Christmas. As you can see
we have a lot of family fun.
A long time ago, I had two dogs, named Jake and
Hunter. They were Dobermans.
The dogs ears wouldn’t stay up like a Doberman’s
should, so we had to put bandages on their ears.
The bandages on my dog Jake’s ears didn’t work His
ears went down like a piece of paper. Hunters ears did
stand up straight.
When Jake was four weeks old and Hunter was four weeks
old, Hunter got sold to our cousins Harley and Zach.
Hunter once ran away from Harley and Zach, but we brought
Jake over to look for him. We never found Hunter.
We think he may have crossed the road and gone into the
water in the ditch. Hunter never cam e back.
Jake grew into a good watch dog. He never let anyone
into our garage entrance.
He is nice to me and he is playful . I like to play fetch
with him.
He is my Doberman called Jake!
I was born November 7, 1994 in Appleton. I ws
the third child in my family. I was a happy and
healthy baby. I weighed 11 pounds when I
entered the world. My mom thought I broke the
scale. I had darker hair when I was a baby and it
stood up. I had a lot of hair for a baby.
When two came I was good at walking. I hardly
ever fell over. My hair turned a lot brighter too. It
went from black to blond. I think two came and
went too fast!
At three, I started liking police officers. My
friends dad is a cop. I got my own police
uniform. It had a bag and everything. When I
grow up I wasn’t to be a cop. I am trying to be a
cop already.
When four came, I started liking birthdays.
I wanted a little cop car, but I didn’t get
one. I felt bad, but it was OK. Because I
will always have my family. That is good
enough for me. Ever since four I loved
birthdays, especially mine.
When I was Five, I had a birthday. I had a cake with
crayons on it. I looked small, but my mom said I was
tall. I didn’t like being small because people teased me.
I don’t five to come again!
Six came. It was OK! I stopped getting teased. I
wasn’t small, I was tall, I think! On my sixth birthday,
I got a big toy. It was a yellow Tonka machine. It
could lift plastic bags. They were a little heavy, but
not that much. That machine broke and my dad got
mad and kicked it. That was the best sixth birthday a
six year old boy could ever have!
Seven was awesome. I could do a lot more stuff like
swim. I was a lot taller than my sister because she
was only four. My clothes were better. Seven came
and went fast. It was OK!
Eight came flying in. It was like a bird. I started
liking super stars. I liked to put my hands up like a
super star would do after the song. My favorite super
star was Justin Timberlake. He was awesome. Eight I
wished would never go! But it did!
Nine…here it is. I started doing more. I took
swimming lessons. Swimming is fun! I got more
clothes. I am really tall now and I have short brown
hair. Nine is cool! I wish it would never end.
This Halloween we wanted to do something different.
So we had a Halloween party! We had a lot of work to
do. We made punch with gummy worms in it, cake
with spider webs on it, and green jello shaped liked
hands, and a lot more!
We had to put up some decorations too. So we
put fake spider webs on the walls and pumpkins,
skeletons, and a lot of bats on the walls too!
I was in charge of inviting my friends over. My
brother invited his friends too. One of my friends
whom I invited was Matthew. He was a pirate.
Matthew had a light-up sword.
I was a dead soldier! I was shot in the head too.
My grandma put the costume together .
Two of the parents
who came to the party
were Conor, Matthew’s
mom. She was a witch.
Christopher and
Parker’s mom was a
fortune teller. So was
my mom!
My brother was Zorro for Halloween. His costume didn’t
take long to make.
I had a pistol too and
I knew how to use it!!
When almost everyone was there, we gathered up by
the pumpkins and said “HAPPY HALLOWEEN!”
It was a fun time! We all went inside for a break.
Then when everyone started leaving, we said…”WE
When I was a second grader, I made my First
Communion. It was a big event. First Communion
means to receive the bread and wine of Jesus
Christ. We prepared for this all year, and every
week we went to religion classes. My Mom and
Dad had gotten me a new suit for my special day.
The day of my First Communion, we had a special
mass and I was in a big group along with my cousin
Brittney. After the mass, everyone took pictures
and we each received a certificate telling us that we
were presented to God in a very special way.
We went over to my cousin’s house later on for a party
and we ate, played, and opened up gifts. My Grandpa
and Grandma, Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins were all
there to help me celebrate. We went over to my house
for supper. Everyone was there and I got to open my
gifts. I got a prayer book, money, necklace, and a
photo album. Mom and Dad were so proud of me.
After supper we had cake and we went outside to play until
it got dark.. It was time for everyone to go and I thanked all
of them for coming and for sharing my special day with me.
My pet tortoise’s name is Loey. He’s no ordinary
tortoise. He is an African Sper Tortoise. He likes
to eat lettuce, broccoli, and carrots. He likes to
sleep, but really he likes to run. In a few minutes,
he can be three feet away!
Next is my pet elk Horas. He likes to run
around the fields, eat a lot, and fight with
other elk. He likes to eat hay, corn, and
hickory nuts. He’s my family’s biggest elk.
He’s about five feet five inches tall.
Now my other elk is
Agey. She likes to eat
hay, corn, and rotten
peaches. She really
likes to run, play, and
sometimes sleep.
She’s now an adult and has a
Now my other pets, Casey, Lucky, and
Toby are ring-tailed lemurs. If you look
closely you can see that they have black
rings on their tails. They eat grapes and
bananas. Their favorite things to do are
eat, sleep, and swing. They can swing like
My favorite pet is Sammy. He’s a brown
Cappuchin Monkey. Sometimes, he can get
our of his cage in the summer, because he can
tear apart the plastic around his cage. He’s
very sensitive. He’s nine years old. He loves
to eat chocolate, peanuts, ice cream, and just
about anything! The only things he doesn’t like
are cucumbers and bananas. He’s very strong.
Even his bites are painful.
Ever since Sammy
was two years old, he
protected my Dad.
Whenever he’s out,
he sits by my Dad. If
I hug or do anything
to my Dad, he’ll bite
me instantly.
He can bite hard. He’s very, very dangerous!
When Sammy was little, he would go to work with my
Dad, but he only went in a little cage.
Next is my cat Sweety. She’s a Minx Cat. She
likes to eat cat food, shrimp, and drink lots of
water. Sweety is interested in other animals like
monkeys, dogs, chickens, and geese. Sweety’s
the #1 cat in my house because she chases mice
and gophers! She caught forty mice and only one
Sweety had babies! She had five babies. We
were going to keep two, but my mom only let the
family have one. Some were black and some
were striped. We kept a striped one and named
her Mousers.
I also had two dogs Buck and Brudis. They both
liked to hunt, run around the field, and play all
day. When I blew bubbles, Brudis would come
and try to pop the bubbles with his nose, That
was the cutest thing he always did. Buck would
always protect me and my family. Brudis was a
Doberman Pincher and Buck was a Golden
Retriever. They no longer are living with us.
I used to have my dog Gracy. She liked to chase
our chickens and play ball. She was awesome at
playing ball. She could play all day long without
missing! She loved to eat dog food, any kind of
meat, and lots of dogbones.
Last but not least is my dog Bo. His breed is a Cocker
Spaniel. He loves to eat meat, any kind of dog food,
and dog treats. He loves to eat!. He can eat all day
and never get sick or full. He also likes to chase
chickens and play with other dogs. Bo likes to sleep,
but not a lot. He’s mostly active during the day.
I love all my animals even if they’re mean or scared. I
love them very much.
Hi, my name is Kellie Frank and this is my story
about the night I broke my arm.
One night in 1997, when I was 3 years old, I
broke my arm. It all happened when I just got
out of our goat pen from feeding the goats grain.
I quickly put the grain down and got out as fast
as I could so the goats wouldn’t ram me. After 5
minutes I climbed up a huge stack of bailed hay
to see if the goats were done with their grain.
When I was coming down I suddenly tripped on
a string and tumbled down all the bales and fell
flat on my back and arm. Boy did that hurt! I
ran to the house because it hurt so much.
By the time my mom got home, my dad was asleep so
he couldn’t tell my mom what had happened that
The next morning my mom thought I was acting
pretty suspiciously because I could barely move my
arm, so my mom called my dad and he said “She fell
on her arm last night!” My mom was pretty surprised.
After she got off the phone, she called the doctor’s
office and made an appointment to have x-rays. I
ended up having about 3 or 4 x-rays and getting a cast.
I had to have the cast for about 6-8 weeks. My arm
got really warm when I had the cast on. When they
took it off of me, it felt much better because my arm
got fresh air. I don’t know how they took it off
without ripping it. Today I still have my cast. My cast
stinks a lot because it’s been on a plastic bag and then
in a box for 6 years.
I had a bunch of signatures on my cast from my
mom’s power company friends. They signed it when
we came there a couple days after I broke my arm.
I won’t ever forget that day I broke my arm!
My Grandma and Grandpa are the most
important part of my life. I have a Grandpa
who’s 90 and a Grandma who’s 78.
My Grandpa and Grandma live in Boise, Idaho.
Boise is a large city, but smaller than Chicago..
My Grandma spends lots of time with me, We
walk together and we shop together.
My Grandpa spends a lot of time with me too. We
fish together and walk together and we both like
sports. I spend as much time as I can with them.
My two week vacation always goes fast with my
My Grandpa and Grandma are sad when we leave.
We get ready to go. We leave at six to catch our
plane. We miss Grandma and Grandpa the instant
we leave the driveway. I always enjoy time with my
I am the second child in a family of six. My
family includes dad, mom, a sister Andrea, two
brothers, Zach and Spencer and me.
My Dad works construction. He helped to build the
Greenville WalMart. He also built something in
Michigan. He also built Wolf River Lumber. I even
got to help him. I got really messy.
Sometimes he is able to relax.
My Mom is very nice. She is a good cleaner and I love
her. Sometimes I help her clean. Once in a while, she
finds time to relax. One of her favorite places to relax is
on the couch.
I love the picture of my sister, brother, and me.
This picture was taken at Sears. I was 6 when
we took the picture.
I really like my sister. She is nice to me. We do a
lot of things together. My sister is 2 years older
than I am. She helps me with my homework. It is
nice to have an older sister.
Zachary is a toddler who likes to tease Spencer a lot.
Spencer is 3 years older than Zachary. It’s not easy
having boys in the house.
When I was younger I looked different that I do now. I
am a good worker at home.
My family is great. We have fun together!
I was 7 years old when we got Boomer. Boomer isn’t a
watch dog. Boomer is a golden retriever. He loves to
swim in our creek. Boomer jumps in the pool at my
friends house. If we hit our hand against our chest, he
will jump up and hug us.
Boomer is 2 years old now. Boomer is a nice dog.
He is funny and he is cute too.
Boomer is my favorite dog!
We got Maggie from my Mom’s friend. Maggie is
white, brown and black. Maggie is small and nice to
Maggie sleeps with me at night in my bed. I play with
Maggie all the time and she likes it a lot.
Maggie lets me scratch behind her ears and
under her collar too. Maggie snoops around the
house a lot and I find her in the bedroom all the
Maggie and I watch T.V. together. Maggie is a
beagle…a very good beagle. She and I play
One time we left Maggie home alone and she
went to the bathroom in my Mom and Dad’s
I play with Maggie outside all the rime. We play
tag, fetch, role, and run.
Maggie and I like to play with the family so much.
We like it a lot. Maggie and I watch “Cat in the
Hat” all the time.
Maggie, my little sister Kari, and I go to the store
for food for dinner sometimes. We stay home
sometimes after school together. Maggie
watches me do my homework. She loves to visit
Maggie is good at home some of the time. She
don’t mess in the house or hurt the furniture.
We love Maggie a lot and we won’t leave Maggie
home alone anymore because we love to have
her with us. She is part of our special family.
Hi, my name is Peter Tenpas. I am going to
tell you all about my deer hunting
experiences. I like my dad’s stand. A stand is
like a little hut on stilts. That is where you
shoot the deer. My dad shot a lot of deer in
it. It is located on my dad’s friend’s private
I like to look at the landscape outside of the stand
while I’m deer hunting with my dad. My first time
deer hunting, I did that. I saw a deer two years ago
in my dad’s stand. My dad didn’t shoot it because it
was a doe and he thought a buck was behind it.
I had to play my GameBoy so I wouldn’t get
bored, because we were there from 6:00 A.M. to
5:00 P.M! I was really hungry too, so my dad
and I ate a lot of sandwiches! My favorite is
ham and cheese. Mmmm!
My dad got a buck 4 years ago. It would’ve had 8
antlers, but one broke off in a fight with another
deer. My dad got another deer that year too, it was
a doe. That year I was too young, so I didn’t go
with him. I was only 4!
My dad has lanes in the trees so he can shoot the
deer easier. They are like stripes on a zebra. When
you look our of the front part of the stand you see
the lanes like stripes. He usually shoots the deer
from the left side, but this year he got one from the
right. Four years ago, he got a deer from the left
side. I was amazed by how much the trees have
grown from last year.
My dad got a 6-point buck last year. It was very big even
though it was pretty young. I named him Moonlight
because his eyes shone like the moon,. After we shot him,
we went to a gas station to get him tagged, When you tag a
deer you register it by the law. You have to get your deer
tagged. He would’ve had 7 antlers, but it lost one in a fight
with another deer.
My dad usually gets some good-sized deer when he
hunts. It’s hard to believe this, but my dad’s gun is
over 50 years old! He got it from my grandpa, but it
still shoots good. If my dad wouldn’t have gone
target shooting and adjusted his scope, he wouldn’t
have shot the deer. From his stand he shot it right in
the back of the neck!
Remember to be careful when you hunt
because you never know what could
happen. Take care of your equipment and
have fun! Join me again! THANK YOU
Hi! My name is Sarah Fannin. I am nine years old
and live with a family of eleven. I am in 3rd grade
and live in Hortonville, Wisconsin.
My whole family is very good at singing or playing
an instrument. I plan on playing the flute. I hope
to take flute lessons this summer.
My brothers and sisters and I go to the
Hortonville School District. We are all different
ages. Some are in college, high school, middle
school, elementary school, and my oldest sister,
Betsy is married.
Last April, I received my first communion at Most
Precious Blood in New London. My sister made a
special cake that said Christian and Sarah with a
rosary and a cross on it. Christian (my little
cousin) was baptized the same day. Our day was
One of my family’s traditions is to go to Jellystone
Park and camp. We have a lot of fun in only 4
days. The park has a swimming pool, a go-cart
renting house, mini golfing, and hay rides.
There are two mascots named Yogi and Booboo.
There are all kinds of activities to do with them.
In the morning they have you wake them up and
raise the flag with them. Our family has a lot of
fun at Jellystone. It is nice to have a little fun
before school starts.
Every year my family goes to visit Sister Veronica!
She lives in a convent which is a big house and it
has a lot of sisters. There are a lot of rooms too.
My favorite room is the craft room and there are a
lot of things made by the sisters. At the end of
every visit sister gives us junk. Junk are things she
doesn’t use and she puts them in boxes. We have a
lot of fun with them. I always remember our visits!
We try to visit every year.
Summer is a big part in my family so I’m looking
forward to this summer. These are some of the things
we are planning to do, go to Jellystone, get flute lessons,
and go to the convent.
Once I went to Arizona for five days so I could
stay with my aunt. We had to drive to Chicago
and took a plane from there. On the first day
my aunt showed me where she worked. ( She is
an EMT) She works at a fire station.
After we left her work, we went to the zoo. I saw a
whole herd of zebras. The most exciting thing I saw
was a wild snake. I also saw a lizard. He was a
The next day we went to a place called Rawhide. I
even got to pan for gold.
I also went to a candy shop. I had a lot of candy!
I had to leave on my third day in
Arizona. Before I left, I went
swimming in the evening.
Luckily for me the sunset was
It was a GREAT TRIP!
In the summer, we like to go camping.
Sometimes we go fishing. We put my Grandpa
and Grandma’s camper right near the lake. I
enjoy sitting by my Grandma’s camper. We like
watching the lake.
My Grandpa likes to take me fishing. He gets my
fishing pole ready. I have a bright red fishing pole.
My Grandpa puts on a bug lure. Maybe I will catch a
big fish.
When we go camping, my Mom and I like to style
each others hair. My Mom puts my hair in a pony
tail because we run a lot. I like my hair up because
it is warm our when we go camping. I like to put
my Mom’s hair in piggy tails. My Mom looks good
in piggy tails.
I am looking forward to going camping next
summer. Our family has a good time.