Reporting and Presenting Research Findings Effective Writing Clear, concise, direct Thoughts are complete Attention given to details such as grammar, spelling Flow of thoughts Quantitative Research Reporting Recall, the opening sections of the proposal should be the foundation of the section introduction Background Research Problem (w/ research concepts) Methodology & Procedure Sample frame Research Instruments Reporting The Findings Frame a percentages and proportions in absolute numerical terms “Sixty percent (n= 18) of the sample either strongly agreed or agreed with the statement that the holiday season tends to cause a great deal of anxiety.” The Use of Data In Reports Tables should support discussion points 90 “Third quarter performance peaked dramatically in the East relative to the West and North. Overall brand performance remained stagnant from region to region in the first, second, and fourth quarters.” 80 70 60 East West North 50 40 30 20 10 0 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Discussion & Interpretation Graphics, tables in the context of the written presentation should be minimized More is not necessarily better Discussion & Interpretation Revisit the Research Problem Statement Organize discussion around concepts of interest, research concepts Don’t just spout numbers; tell the story behind the data Highlight, topline, and synthesize information Discussion & Interpretation Leave the reader with food for thought What does the quantitative data suggest? Based on complete evidence in the data gathered, what conclusions can be drawn? What recommendations, suggestions can be made to address the marketing problem? The Conclusion & Recommendations Make proactive recommendations for marketing the product based on the evidence uncovered in research Look for opportunities to appeal to the target market Are there benefits that should be addressed? Are there attributes that have unique appeal? The Conclusion & Recommendations Look for opportunities in target market segmentation Are there segmentation considerations? What should the message strategy be? Appendix References Cite Exhibit tables in a separate appendix section Each table labeled with a numerical identifier Columns are clearly labeled Reminder: SPSS printouts should be not be bound with the report The Use of Data In Reports Bar charts are appropriate for category comparisons Pie charts visually represent portions of the whole The Written Presentation – Part II Organization of the written presentation for Quantitative Research should follow a recommended format The Written Presentation – Part II Introduction/Background Research Objectives Concepts of Interest Research Method Discuss method, instrument, and implementation of method (e.g., means for recruiting, ) Research Sample Discuss sample frame, number recruited, profile of participants Remember: Classification questions The Written Presentation – Part II Findings Organize presentation sub-topics by COI Discuss questions that fall logically into COI area Quantitative Research Conclusions Limitations Recommendations for Future Research The Written Presentation – Part II Marketing recommendations Recall the purpose of the research exercise was “to understand college students’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors” toward the Nintendo Wii Based on what your team found, what can you offer Nintendo in terms of research insights that can be used for marketing? Remember The final project should: Reflect a comprehensive research report (including secondary, qualitative, & quantitative) Include recruitment screeners from qualitative research The Oral Presentation Tips for the Presentation All members need not present, but all must attend Put the strongest person(s) forward Use others’ strengths where necessary Support your team members Support other teams Presentation Do’s in 8 minutes or less Do introduce yourself and your team members and your project focus early in the presentation Do establish an outline that will be used to present your research Do highlight, summarize the process and findings from research Do rehearse before the presentation The Biggest Do Be professional, but DO HAVE FUN Presentation Don’ts Don’t hide behind an avalanche of slides/overhead transparencies Don’t be a distraction to yourself or to the speaker (Be attentive) Don’t stop the presentation because the “script,” or the technology, isn’t working It’s not about the show, its about the information No one knows the data better than you and your team Presentation FAQs Can we use Powerpoint technology to make the presentation? Are all group member required to present? Will the instructor need a copy of our presentation in addition to the report? Course FAQs When will I get my final grade? How should I access my grade? Can I email or call you earlier than the posting date to get my grade? Will I be able to see the final project after the grade is in? Can I or my team have the final project returned at the end of the semester? Details Office hours during the exam period Please review your scores thoroughly before Friday, December 12, to ensure accuracy in points total
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