95-733 Internet Technologies Lecture 1: Introduction 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 1 Course Web Site • http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~mm6 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 2 Prerequisites • The ability to program in Java • Enthusiasm for programming • Interested in web technologies 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 3 Specific Technologies • • • • • • • • • • • Netbeans and Glassfish JavaScript, Servlets and Java Server Pages XML (various languages) AJAX Mashups Freebase Ruby Frameworks – Ruby on Rails Grammars - DTD’s, XSDL, JSON Schema XML Transformation - XSLT Semantic Web – OWL, RDF, Protégé, Jena 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 4 Structure of the Course • Lectures / class participation • Demonstrations • Homework (programming) • Midterm • Final examination 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 5 Readings • Readings from the required text are assigned for each lecture -- read them in advance • Readings from the web also assigned • For this week read “Programming the World Wide Web”, 7th ed. Chapters 1, 2 and 3. Especially chapter 3 on CSS. • For next week read “Programming the World Wide Web”, 7th ed. chapters 4, 5 and 10. • Chapters 4 and 5 are on JavaScript • Chapter 10 covers AJAX. • Read the article by Philip McCarthy of IBM on AJAX 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 6 Grading • Homework/Programming (3-5) 50% • One of the homework problems is designed by the student. A presentation and demonstration is required. See me soon about your topic. • For the student designed homework, small groups are permitted. Each student presents for the same number of minutes. • Midterm 10% • Final Exam 40% 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 7 Some Suggested Topics For Student Assigned Homework • Explore one of the many XML languages in more detail than we do in class. • Discuss and demonstrate an HTML5 element (audio, video, time, canvas). • HTML5 document structure • HTML5 Local storage. • Flash, PhoneGap, GWT, Jquery, etc… • SOFEA • Many other options exist. See the schedule for Technologies projects from previous 95-733 Internet 8 Master of Information System terms.. Management Rich Internet Applications • The traditional web employed thin clients. • In RIA, the browser is extended by downloaded code. • With AJAX, the downloaded code interacts with the server asynchronously. The client does not block. • This makes for a more responsive user experience. 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 9 RIA Using Ajax Asynchronous Java Script and XML • Why bother? - Everyone loves the browser but communication with the server is coarse-grained. A full page reload interrupts the interaction flow. • Example Applications: (Web 2.0) - Google Maps runs in a browser but behaves like an application. - Flikr photo sharing, Google Maps, Blackboard, etc.. use AJAX. 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 10 AJAX • • • • • • • • • • Typically uses JavaScript or VBScript on the client side. The server side might be in any language, e.g., PHP, ASP.NET, or Java. Any XML document or text may be returned to the caller. Simple text, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) or XML is common. Client-side Javascript libraries like Dojo or Prototype or Jquery may be used. Frameworks (RoR, JSF, etc.,) support Ajax. Normally, requests may only go back to the originating server. However, mashups (combining diverse site output) may still be constructed by having the originating server make calls to other servers. Client side mashups may also be built with a dynamic <script> tag. Ajax is important to mobile phones. JSON service access is easy See www.openajax.org 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 11 Before We Start • A servlet is Java code that runs on the server when an HTTP request arrives. • A Java Server Page (JSP) is XHTML+ Java and is compiled to a servlet. • JavaScript is not Java and runs in the browser. • XHTML is one of many XML 12 languages 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management This is a UML sequence diagram. This shows a typical AJAX round trip. A solid arrowhead represents a synchronous call. A stick arrowhead represents an asynchronous signal. 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 13 Typical Ajax(1) 1. Javascript and HTML is delivered to the browser. 2. The JavaScript code is pointed to by a <script> tag. 3. The HTML defines a button that calls a function. 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 14 Typical Ajax(2) 4. Within the function (which may be passed a URL with GET data) a browser dependent request object is created with a URL (and, perhaps, GET data). 5. A handler is defined. 6. The request object is told about the handler. 7. The request object is told to send a post or get request asynchronously. 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 15 Typical Ajax(3) 8. If POST is used, the send method is called on the request object with the POST data. 9. The handler executes on various state changes in the request object. 10.The handler accesses the server response by asking the request object first for its state (and if it's ready with no errors) its response. 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 16 Typical Ajax(4) 11. The response may be text, or XML or JSON. 12. The handler performs some action on the browser. This action may alter the HTML's DOM and change what the browser displays. 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 17 The XMLHttpRequest Object as Described by W3C • The XMLHttpRequest interface can be used by scripts to programmatically connect to their originating server via HTTP. • Implements an interface exposed by a scripting engine. • Supports any text format (not only XML). • Supports HTTP and HTTPS. • The term “Request” should be broadly defined to include Request and Response. 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 18 W3C Example 1 Some simple JavaScript code to do something with data from an XML document fetched over the network: function test(data) { // taking care of data } 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 19 function handler() { if(this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { // so far so good if(this.responseXML != null && this.responseXML.getElementById('test').firstChild.data) // success! test(this.responseXML.getElementById('test').firstChild.data); else test(null); } else if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status != 200) { // fetched the wrong page or network error... test(null); } } var client = new XMLHttpRequest(); client.onreadystatechange = handler; client.open("GET", "test.xml"); 95-733 Internet Technologies client.send();Master of Information System 20 Management W3C Example 2 If you just want to ping the server with a message you could do something like: function ping(message) { var client = new XMLHttpRequest(); client.open("POST", "/ping"); client.send(message); } We are not establishing a callback handler. We are not interested in a response. 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 21 W3C Example 3 Or, if you want to check the status of a document on the server, you can make a head request. function fetchStatus(address) { var client = new XMLHttpRequest(); client.onreadystatechange = function() { if(this.readyState == 4) returnStatus(this.status); } client.open("HEAD", address); client.send(); } 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 22 State and State Change The state of the object. The readyState attribute must be one of the following values: 0 Uninitialized The initial value. 1 Open The open() method has been successfully called. 2 Sent The user agent successfully acknowledged the request. 3 Receiving Immediately before receiving the message body (if any). All HTTP headers have been received. 4 Loaded The data transfer has been completed. When readyState changes value a readystatechange event is to be dispatched on the XMLHttpRequest object. 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 23 Typical Interaction post JavaScript function XML XMLHTTPRequest handler HTML Button 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management - Executed on state change. - this.responseXML points to the root of the XML -write HTML to 24 HTML DOM A Complete Example From IBM Demonstrations: See article by Philip McCarthy on Ajax at: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/j-ajax1/ Eclipse workspace mm6/95-733 Visit http://localhost:8080/AjaxProject/index.jsp Netbeans workspace mm6/95-733/AjaxUsingNetbeans ACoolAjaxShoppingCart and ACoolAjaxShoppingCartImproved 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 25 Main Features of Index.jsp (1) This page needs access to these imported Java packages. <%@ page import="java.util.*" %> <%@ page import="developerworks.ajax.store.*"%> The store package contains Item.java, Catalog.java and Cart.java 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 26 Main Features of Index.jsp (2) The header holds pointers to script code to be included in the page and then executed by the browser. <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="ajax1.js"> </script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="cart.js"> </script> This is not constrained by the same origin policy! 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 27 Main Features of Index.jsp (3) The table body tag encloses table rows that are generated on the server. This is Java (part of JSP) and is not JavaScript. <tbody> <% for (Iterator<Item> I = new Catalog().getAllItems().iterator(); I.hasNext() ; ) { Item item = I.next(); %> 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 28 Main Features of Index.jsp (4) The addToCart call is a call on JavaScript. <!-- For each Item do --> <tr> <td><%= item.getName() %></td> <td><%= item.getDescription() %></td> <td><%= item.getFormattedPrice() %></td> <td> <button onclick="addToCart('<%= item.getCode() %>')"> Add to Cart </button> </td> </tr> <% } %> </tbody> 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 29 Main Features of Index.jsp (5) The <ul> and <span> tags each have a unique identifier. These identifier will be used by the event handler. <div style=”…”> <h2>Cart Contents</h2> <ul id="contents"></ul> Total cost: <span id="total">$0.00</span> </div> 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 30 Main Features of Item.java package developerworks.ajax.store; import java.math.BigDecimal; Getter and setters on code, name,description and price. public class Item { private String code; private String name; private String description; private int price; public Item(String code,String name,String description,int price) { this.code=code; this.name=name; this.description=description; this.price=price; } public String getCode() { return code; } 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 31 Main Features of Catalog.java(1) package developerworks.ajax.store; import java.util.*; public class Catalog { private static Map<String,Item> items; static { items = new HashMap<String,Item>(); items.put("hat001",new Item("hat001", "Hat","Stylish bowler hat (SALE!)", 1999)); : } 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 32 Main Features of Catalog.java(2) public Collection<Item> getAllItems() { return items.values(); } public boolean containsItem(String itemCode) { return items.containsKey(itemCode); } public Item getItem(String itemCode) { return items.get(itemCode); } } 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 33 Main Features of Cart.java(1) package developerworks.ajax.store; public class Cart { private HashMap<Item,Integer> contents; public Cart() { contents = new HashMap<Item,Integer>(); } 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 34 Main Features of Cart.java(2) public void addItem(String itemCode) { Catalog catalog = new Catalog(); if (catalog.containsItem(itemCode)) { Item item = catalog.getItem(itemCode); int newQuantity = 1; if (contents.containsKey(item)) { Integer currentQuantity = contents.get(item); newQuantity += currentQuantity.intValue(); } contents.put(item, new Integer(newQuantity)); } } 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 35 Main Features of Cart.java(3) public String toXml() { StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer(); xml.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"); xml.append("<cart generated=\""+ System.currentTimeMillis()+ "\" total=\""+getCartTotal()+"\">\n"); for (Iterator<Item> I = contents.keySet().iterator() ; I.hasNext() ; ) { Item item = I.next(); int itemQuantity = contents.get(item).intValue(); xml.append("<item code=\""+item.getCode()+"\">\n"); xml.append("<name>"); : xml.append("</cart>\n"); return xml.toString(); } 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 36 Main Features of CartServlet.java(1) private Cart getCartFromSession(HttpServletRequest req) { HttpSession session = req.getSession(true); Cart cart = (Cart)session.getAttribute("cart"); if (cart == null) { cart = new Cart(); session.setAttribute("cart", cart); } return cart; } 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 37 Main Features of CartServlet.java(2) public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws java.io.IOException { Enumeration headers = req.getHeaderNames(); while (headers.hasMoreElements()) { String header =(String) headers.nextElement(); System.out.println(header+": "+req.getHeader(header)); } Cart cart = getCartFromSession(req); String action = req.getParameter("action"); String item = req.getParameter("item"); 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 38 Main Features of CartServlet.java(3) if ((action != null)&&(item != null)) { if ("add".equals(action)) { cart.addItem(item); } else if ()….. } String cartXml = cart.toXml(); res.setContentType("text/xml"); res.getWriter().write(cartXml); } 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 39 Main Features Axis1.js (1) /* * Returns an new XMLHttpRequest object, or false if the browser * doesn't support it */ function newXMLHttpRequest() { var xmlreq = false; // Create XMLHttpRequest object in non-Microsoft browsers if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { xmlreq = new XMLHttpRequest(); } 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 40 Main Features Axis1.js (2) else if (window.ActiveXObject) { try { // Try to create XMLHttpRequest in later versions of Internet Explorer xmlreq = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e1) { // Failed to create required ActiveXObject try { // Try version supported by older versions of Internet Explorer xmlreq = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e2) { // Unable to create an XMLHttpRequest by any means xmlreq = false; } } } 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 41 Main Features Axis1.js (3) /* Returns a function that waits for the specified XMLHttpRequest to complete, then passes it XML response to the given handler function. req - The XMLHttpRequest whose state is changing responseXmlHandler - Function to pass the XML response to */ function getReadyStateHandler(req, responseXmlHandler) { 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 42 Main Features Axis1.js (4) // Return an anonymous function that listens to the // XMLHttpRequest instance return function () { // If the request's status is "complete" if (req.readyState == 4) { // Check that we received a successful response from the server if (req.status == 200) { // Pass the XML payload of the response to the handler // function. responseXmlHandler(req.responseXML); } else { // An HTTP problem has occurred alert("HTTP error "+req.status+": "+req.statusText); 95-733 Internet Technologies }}}} 43 Master of Information System Management Main Features Cart.js (1) // Timestamp of cart that page was last updated with var lastCartUpdate = 0; // Adds the specified item to the shopping cart, via Ajax call // itemCode - product code of the item to add Establish handler and pack up and send the request. function addToCart(itemCode) { var req = newXMLHttpRequest(); req.onreadystatechange = getReadyStateHandler(req, updateCart); req.open("POST", "cart.do", true); req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); req.send("action=add&item="+itemCode); } 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 44 Main Features Cart.js (2) /* * Update shopping-cart area of page to reflect contents of cart * described in XML document. */ function updateCart(cartXML) { var cart = cartXML.getElementsByTagName("cart")[0]; var generated = cart.getAttribute("generated"); if (generated > lastCartUpdate) { lastCartUpdate = generated; var contents = document.getElementById("contents"); contents.innerHTML = ""; 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 45 Main Features Cart.js (3) var items = cart.getElementsByTagName("item"); for (var I = 0 ; I < items.length ; I++) { var item = items[I]; var name = item.getElementsByTagName("name")[0].firstChild.nodeValue; var quantity = item.getElementsByTagName("quantity")[0].firstChild.nodeValue; var listItem = document.createElement("li"); listItem.appendChild(document.createTextNode(name+" x "+quantity)); contents.appendChild(listItem); } } document.getElementById("total").innerHTML = cart.getAttribute("total"); } 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 46 Shopping Cart Interaction post addToCart(itemCode) XML XMLHTTPRequest HTML Button UpdateCart reads XML writes HTML 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management Anonymous handler - Executed on state change. - req.responseXML points to the root of the XML - calls updateCart 47 Main Features Cart.js (4) The handler is reading data with the following format: <?xml version="1.0"?> <cart generated="1200367057873" total="$19.99"> <item code="str001"> <name>String</name> <quantity>1</quantity> </item> </cart> 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 48 Another Example From Sebesta Chapter 10 A form is required to collect name, address, zip, city, and state. The zip code entry causes an asynchronous call on a servlet to automatically complete the city and state fields. The asynchronous call is made when the user blurs (or moves away from) the zip code field. This demo is in the Netbeans project mm6/www/95-733/AjaxUsingNetbeans/SebestaAjaxExample. 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 49 Index.jsp Main Features <tr> <td> Zip Code: </td> <td> <input type = "text" name="zip" size = "10" Locations onblur = "getPlace(this.value)" /> written to by </td> ajax handler </tr> <tr> <td> City </td> <td> <input type = "text" name="city" id= "city" size = "30" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> State </td> <td> <input type = "text" name="state" id="state" size = "30" /></td> </tr> 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 50 Javascript Main Features function getPlace(zip) { var xhr; if(window.XMLHttpRequest) xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); else xhr = ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if(xhr.readyState == 4) { var result = xhr.responseText; var place = result.split(', '); document.getElementById("city").value = place[0]; document.getElementById("state").value = place[1]; } } xhr.open("GET", "ZipToCityStateServlet?zip="+zip,true); xhr.send(null); } 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 51 Two Servlets - One for AJAX protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); try { // Return simple text to Ajax request if(request.getParameter("zip").equals("15216")) out.println("Pittsburgh, PA"); else out.println("New York, NY"); } finally { out.close(); } 95-733 Internet Technologies } Master of Information System Management 52 Another For the Form out.println("<h2>Name: " + request.getParameter("name") + "</h2>"); out.println("<h2>Street: " + request.getParameter("street") + "</h2>"); out.println("<h2>Zip: " + request.getParameter("zip") + "</h2>"); out.println("<h2>City: " + request.getParameter("city") + "</h2>"); out.println("<h2>State: " + request.getParameter("state") + "</h2>"); 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 53 XML Or JSON ? (1) <Person firstName="John" lastName="Smith"> <Address> <streetAddress>21 2nd Street</streetAddress> <city>New York</city> <state>NY</state> <postalCode>10021</postalCode> </Address> <phoneNumber type="home"> 212 555-1234 </phoneNumber> <phoneNumber type="fax"> 646 555-4567 </phoneNumber> </Person> 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management From Wikipedia.org 54 XML Or JSON ? (2) { } "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "address": { "streetAddress": "21 2nd Street", "city": "New York", "state": "NY", "postalCode": "10021" }, "phoneNumbers": [ { "type": "home", "number": "212 555-1234" }, { "type": "fax", "number": "646 555-4567" } ] If this text is in the variable coolText, then we can create a JavaScript object with the line of code: var x = eval("(" + coolText + ")"); And access the data with x.phoneNumbers[0]. 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management From Wikipedia.org 55 Which To Use? 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 56 Which To Use? JSON has some advantages over XML: JSON messages are smaller and therefore faster. Very little parsing is required. JSON is simpler and simple is good. XML has some advantages over JSON: If the document is to be integrated more or less intact, XML is better. With JSON, you would need to construct the tags. XSLT can be used to transform a response into an appropriate format. XML Signature and XML Encryption not available for JSON. 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 57 Some Popular Toolkits Any survey of all of the toolkits would quickly be obsolete. • jQuery supports Ajax • ASP.NET AJAX This is the free Microsoft AJAX framework. • Google Web Toolkit (GWT) Write in Java and generate JavaScript. • Direct Web Remoting (DWR) Easily make calls on Remote Java Objects through JavaScript. • Dojo A free JavaScript library increasing the level of abstraction. • Prototype A JavaScript Framework that aims to ease development 95-733 Internet Technologies of dynamic web applications. Master of Information System Management 58 jQuery AJAX Example <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="jquery.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("button").click(function(){ $("div").load('test1.txt'); }); }); </script> </head> <body> The syntax is: $(selector).action() A $ sign to define/access jQuery A (selector) to "query (or find)" HTML elements A jQuery action() to be performed on the element(s) Document ready before running jQuery. <div><h2>Let AJAX change this text</h2></div> <button>Change Content</button> </body> </html> From W3C Schools 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 59 Dojo Ajax Example dojo.io.bind ( { Note the use of url : “getCityState.php?zip=“ + zip, JSON to describe load: function( type, data, evt ) { an AJAX call. var place = data.split(‘, ’); if(dojo.byID(“city”).value = “” dojo.byID(“city”).value = place[0]; if(dojo.byID(“state”).value = “” dojo.byID(“state”).value = place[1]; }, error: function(type, data, evt ) { alert(“Error in request, returned data:”+data); }, method: “GET”, mimetype: “text/plain” } From Pg. 414 ); Of Sebesta 95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management 60
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