System Dynamics Applications at the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Dr. Jack Homer Institute on Systems Science and Health University of Michigan School of Public Health May 6, 2009 Agenda Background Diabetes Policy Model Cardiovascular Disease Policy Model National Health Policy Model and Game CDC Mission The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) serves as the national focus for developing and applying disease prevention and control, environmental health, and health promotion and health education activities designed to improve the health of the people of the United States. CDC administers the Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant and specific preventive health categorical grant programs while providing program expertise and assistance in responding to Federal, State, local, and private organizations on matters related to disease prevention and control activities. What Accounts for Poor Population Health? Evolving Views • God’s will • Humors, miasma, ether • Poor living conditions, immorality (e.g., sanitation) 1840 • Single disease, single cause (e.g., germ theory) 1880 • Single disease, multiple causes (e.g., heart disease) • Single cause, multiple diseases (e.g., tobacco) • Multiple causes, multiple diseases (but no feedback dynamics) (e.g., multi-causality) 1980 Dynamic interaction among afflictions, adverse conditions, and intervention capacities (e.g., syndemics) 2000 • 1950 1960 Milstein B. Hygeia's constellation: navigating health futures in a dynamic and democratic world. Atlanta, GA: Syndemics Prevention Network, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; April 15, 2008. < Richardson GP. Feedback thought in social science and systems theory. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1991. CDC’s Simulation Studies for Health System Change Overall Health Protection Enterprise SD Identified as a Promising Methodology for Health System Change Ventures 2000 2001 Syndemics Modeling Neighborhood Transformation Game 2002 2003 Diabetes Action Labs UpstreamDownstream Dynamics 2004 Fetal & Infant Health National Health Economics & Reform 2005 2006 Obesity Over the Lifecourse Selected Health Priority Areas Health Protection Game 2007 Cardiovascular Health in Context 2008 Re-Directing the Course of Change Questions Addressed by System Dynamics Modeling Prevalence of Diagnosed Diabetes, United States 40 Historical Data Million people 30 Simulation Experiments in Action Labs 20 10 Markov Model Constants • Incidence rates (%/yr) • Death rates (%/yr) • Diagnosed fractions (Based on year 2000 data, per demographic segment) Trend is not destiny! 0 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Honeycutt A, Boyle J, Broglio K, Thompson T, Hoerger T, Geiss L, Narayan K. A dynamic markov model for forecasting diabetes prevalence in the United States through 2050. Health Care Management Science 2003;6:155-164. Jones AP, Homer JB, Murphy DL, Essien JDK, Milstein B, Seville DA. Understanding diabetes population dynamics through simulation modeling and experimentation. American Journal of Public Health 2006;96(3):488-494. SD Model Uses and Audiences • Set Better Goals (Planners & Evaluators) – Identify what is likely and what is possible – Estimate intervention impact time profiles – Evaluate resource needs for meeting goals • Support Better Action (Policymakers) – Explore ways of combining policies for better results – Evaluate cost-effectiveness over extended time periods – Increase policymakers’ motivation to act differently • Develop Better Theory and Estimates (Researchers) – – – – Integrate and reconcile diverse data sources Identify causal mechanisms driving system behavior Improve estimates of hard-to-measure or “hidden” variables Identify key uncertainties to address in intervention studies Forrester JW. Industrial Dynamics (Chapter 11: Aggregation of Variables). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1961. Practical Options in Causal Modeling High Expansive Impractical Too hard to verify, modify, and understand Scope (Breadth) Focused Simplistic Low Low High Detail (Disaggregation) Broad Structure of the Health Protection Enterprise Society's Health Response “UPSTREAM” General Protection Targeted Protection “DOWNSTREAM” Primary Prevention Demand for response Becoming safer and healthier Safer Healthier People Becoming vulnerable Tertiary Prevention Secondary Prevention Vulnerable People Becoming afflicted Afflicted without Complications Developing complications Afflicted with Complications Dying from complications Adverse Living Conditions Milstein B, Homer J. The dynamics of upstream and downstream: why is so hard for the health system to work upstream, and what can be done about it? CDC Futures Health Systems Work Group; Atlanta, GA; December 3, 2003. Milstein B, Homer J. The dynamics of upstream and downstream: why is so hard for the health system to work upstream, and what can be done Gerberding JL. FY 2008 CDC Congressional Budget Hearing. Testimony before the Committee on Appropriations, about it? CDC Futures Health Systems Workgroup; Atlanta, GA; 2003. Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies, United States House of Gerberding JL. CDC's futures initiative. Atlanta, GA: Public Health Training Network; April 12, 2004. Representatives; Washington, DC; March 9, 2007. Homer JB, Hirsch GB. System dynamics modeling for public health: background and opportunities. American Journal of Public Health 2006;96(3):452-458. Diabetes Policy Model (with Division of Diabetes Translation 2003-07) • Diabetes programs face tough challenges and questions – With rapid growth in prevalence, is improved control good enough? – Studies show primary prevention is possible, but how much impact in practice and at what cost? – How best to balance interventions? • Model developed with program planners, diabetes researchers, and epidemiologists • Applied initially to U.S. overall, later applied to 13 different states * Done in conjunction with Sustainability Institute and the Center for Public Health Practice at Emory University Jones AP, Homer JB, Murphy DL, Essien JDK, Milstein B, Seville DA. Understanding diabetes population dynamics through simulation modeling and experimentation. American Journal of Public Health 2006;96(3):488-494. We Convened a Model-Scoping Group of 45 CDC Professionals and Epidemiologists in December 2003) to Explore the Full Range of Forces Driving Diabetes Behavior over Time Civic Participation Forces Outside the Community • Social cohesion • Responsibility for others • Macroeconomy, employment • Food supply • Advertising, media • National health care • Racism • Transportation policies • Voluntary health orgs • Professional assns • University programs • National coalitions Health Care & Public Health Agency Capacity Personal Capacity Local Living Conditions • Understanding • Motivation • Social support • Literacy • Physio-cognitive function • Life stages • Availability of good/bad food • Availability of phys activity • Comm norms, culture (e.g., responses to racism, acculturation) • Safety • Income • Transportation • Housing • Education • Provider supply • Provider understanding, competence • Provider location • System integration • Cost of care • Insurance coverage Health Care Utilization • Ability to use care (match of patients and providers, language, culture) • Openness to/fear of screening • Self-management, monitoring Metabolic Stressors • Nutrition • Physical activity • Stress Population Flows Rehab of High Risk General Population Become High Risk High Risk Not Prediabetic Prediabetes onset Rehab of Undx PreD Undiagnosed Prediabetic Diabetes onset from Undx PreD Diagnosis of Prediabetes • Baseline Flows Rehab of Dx PreD Diagnosed Prediabetic Diabetes onset from Dx PreD Undiagnosed Stage 1 Diabetics Progression of Undx S1 to S2 Diagnosis of S1 diabetes Diagnosed Stage 1 Diabetics Stage 2 Diabetics Progression of Dx S1 to S2 S2 deaths • Percent of patients screened • Percent of people with diabetes under control Standard boundary of most epi models and intervention programs Model Overview The model also subdivides the diabetes and prediabetes population stocks into stocks of diagnosed and undiagnosed (not shown here), and includes population inflows and non-diabetes deaths. Unhealthy days & costs from diabetes Diabetes prevalence People with Normal Glycemic Levels Prediabetes onset Unhealthy days & costs per person with diabetes Diabetes Complications onset People with onset People with People with Complicated Uncomplicated Prediabetes Diabetes Diabetes Recovery Obesity prevalence Black & Hispanic fractions Prediabetes detection and management Diabetes detection and management Elderly fraction Death Data Sources for Diabetes Model Source Topics U.S. Census Bureau • Population size and projected growth • Fractions elderly, black, Hispanic • Health insurance coverage Vital Statistics • Total deaths • Diabetes-related deaths - any listed National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) • Diagnosed diabetes prevalence (US) National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) • Undiagnosed diabetes prevalence (US) • Prediabetes prevalence (US) • Obesity prevalence (US) Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) • Health behaviors: Taking meds, Eye exam, Foot exam, HbA1c test, Flu shot • Unhealthy days • Diagnosed diabetes prevalence (US, states) • Obesity prevalence (US, states) Research Literature • Effects of risk factors and management on onset, complications, and costs • Costs of diabetes and prediabetes care Comparing and Combining Strategies Monthly Unhealthy Days from Diabetes per Thousand U.S. Morbidity from Diabetes Simulated 1980-2050 600 Status Quo* 500 400 300 200 1980 Combination * Status Quo assumptions for post-2005: (1) Obesity plateauing per CDC Obesity model projection; (2) Age and ethnicity per Census projection; (3) Health insurance and non-diabetes death rates unchanging; (4) Disease management unchanging 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 With a combination of improved control and aggressive primary prevention (obesity, prediabetes), growth in the burden of diabetes could be limited for the next 10 years and for decades beyond. Cardiovascular Disease Prevention (with Division of Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention, 2007-10) • What are the key pathways of CV risk, and how do these affect health outcomes and costs? • How might interventions affect the risk factors and outcomes in the short- and long-term? • How might policy efforts be better balanced given limited resources? Quality of primary care provision Access to and marketing of primary care Anti-smoking social marketing Sources of stress Access to and marketing of mental health services Psychosocial stress Utilization of quality primary care Tobacco taxes and sales/marketing Access to and marketing regulations of smoking quit products and services Smoking bans at work and public places Smoking Secondhand smoke Diagnosis and control Access to and marketing of healthy food options Downward trend in CV event fatality Chronic Disorders Healthiness of diet High BP High cholesterol Junk food taxes and sales/marketing regulations Obesity First-time CV events and deaths Diabetes Extent of physical activity Access to and marketing of physical activity options Particulate air pollution Access to and marketing of weight loss services Costs from CV and other risk factor complications and from utilization of services The CDC has partnered on this project with the Austin (Travis County), Texas, Dept. of Health and Human Services. The model is calibrated to represent the overall US, but is informed by the experience and local data of the Austin team. Homer J, Milstein B, Wile K, Pratibhu P, Farris R, Orenstein D. Modeling the local dynamics of cardiovascular health: risk factors, context, and capacity. Preventing Chronic Disease 2008;5(2). Available at Homer J, Milstein B, Wile K, Trogdon J, Huang P, Labarthe D, Orenstein D. Simulating and evaluating local interventions to improve cardiovascular health. In submission to Preventing Chronic Disease. Risk Factors for CVD Psychosocial stress Utilization of quality primary care Smoking Secondhand smoke Diagnosis and control Particulate air pollution Downward trend in CV event fatality Chronic Disorders Healthiness of diet High BP High cholesterol Obesity First-time CV events and deaths Diabetes Extent of physical activity Obesity, Smoking, High BP, High Cholesterol, and Diabetes are modeled as dynamic stocks—with multiple inflows and outflows (e.g., see next slide) Data sources: NHANES, NHIS, MEPS, AHA/NIH reports, Census, Vital Statistics, Framingham risk calculators, literature on risk factors and costs Obesity Stock-Flow Structure Non-obese teens turning 18 Non-obese adults aging Obese adults aging Obese teens turning 18 Adults becoming obese Non-obese non-CVD Non-obese adults adult immigration Non-obese adult deaths Adults becoming non-obese Non-obese adults surviving CV event Obese non-CVD adults Obese adult deaths Obese adult immigration Obese adults surviving CV event Homer J, Milstein B, Dietz W, et al. Obesity population dynamics: exploring historical growth and plausible futures in the U.S. Proc. 24th Int’l System Dynamics Conference; Nijmegen, The Netherlands; July 2006. Tobacco and Air Quality Interventions Tobacco taxes and sales/marketing Anti-smoking Access to and marketing regulations social marketing of smoking quit products and services Psychosocial stress Utilization of quality primary care Smoking bans at work and public places Smoking Secondhand smoke Diagnosis and control Particulate air pollution Downward trend in CV event fatality Chronic Disorders Healthiness of diet High BP High cholesterol Obesity First-time CV events and deaths Diabetes Extent of physical activity Data sources: NHANES, NHIS, MEPS, AHA/NIH reports, Census, Vital Statistics, Framingham risk calculators, literature on risk factors and costs Health Care Interventions Quality of primary care provision Psychosocial stress Access to and marketing of primary care Tobacco taxes and sales/marketing Anti-smoking Access to and marketing regulations social marketing of smoking quit products and services Utilization of quality primary care Smoking bans at work and public places Smoking Secondhand smoke Diagnosis and control Particulate air pollution Downward trend in CV event fatality Chronic Disorders Healthiness of diet High BP High cholesterol Obesity First-time CV events and deaths Diabetes Extent of physical activity Data sources: NHANES, NHIS, MEPS, AHA/NIH reports, Census, Vital Statistics, Framingham risk calculators, literature on risk factors and costs Interventions Affecting Stress Quality of primary care provision Access to and marketing of primary care Sources of stress Access to and marketing of mental health services Psychosocial stress Tobacco taxes and sales/marketing Anti-smoking Access to and marketing regulations social marketing of smoking quit products and services Utilization of quality primary care Smoking bans at work and public places Smoking Secondhand smoke Diagnosis and control Particulate air pollution Downward trend in CV event fatality Chronic Disorders Healthiness of diet High BP High cholesterol Obesity First-time CV events and deaths Diabetes Extent of physical activity Data sources: NHANES, NHIS, MEPS, AHA/NIH reports, Census, Vital Statistics, Framingham risk calculators, literature on risk factors and costs Healthy Diet Interventions Quality of primary care provision Access to and marketing of primary care Sources of stress Access to and marketing of mental health services Psychosocial stress Tobacco taxes and sales/marketing Anti-smoking Access to and marketing regulations social marketing of smoking quit products and services Utilization of quality primary care Smoking bans at work and public places Smoking Secondhand smoke Diagnosis and control Access to and marketing of healthy food options Particulate air pollution Downward trend in CV event fatality Chronic Disorders Healthiness of diet High BP High cholesterol Junk food taxes and sales/marketing regulations Obesity First-time CV events and deaths Diabetes Extent of physical activity Data sources: NHANES, NHIS, MEPS, AHA/NIH reports, Census, Vital Statistics, Framingham risk calculators, literature on risk factors and costs Physical Activity & Weight Loss Interventions Quality of primary care provision Access to and marketing of primary care Sources of stress Access to and marketing of mental health services Psychosocial stress Tobacco taxes and sales/marketing Anti-smoking Access to and marketing regulations social marketing of smoking quit products and services Utilization of quality primary care Smoking bans at work and public places Smoking Secondhand smoke Diagnosis and control Access to and marketing of healthy food options Particulate air pollution Downward trend in CV event fatality Chronic Disorders Healthiness of diet High BP High cholesterol Junk food taxes and sales/marketing regulations Obesity First-time CV events and deaths Diabetes Extent of physical activity Access to and marketing of physical activity options Access to and marketing of weight loss services Data sources: NHANES, NHIS, MEPS, AHA/NIH reports, Census, Vital Statistics, Framingham risk calculators, literature on risk factors and costs Adding Up the Costs Quality of primary care provision Access to and marketing of primary care Sources of stress Access to and marketing of mental health services Psychosocial stress Tobacco taxes and sales/marketing Anti-smoking Access to and marketing regulations social marketing of smoking quit products and services Utilization of quality primary care Smoking bans at work and public places Smoking Secondhand smoke Diagnosis and control Access to and marketing of healthy food options Downward trend in CV event fatality Chronic Disorders Healthiness of diet High BP High cholesterol Junk food taxes and sales/marketing regulations Obesity Extent of physical activity Access to and marketing of physical activity options Particulate air pollution Access to and marketing of weight loss services First-time CV events and deaths Diabetes Costs from CV and other risk factor complications and from utilization of services Data sources: NHANES, NHIS, MEPS, AHA/NIH reports, Census, Vital Statistics, Framingham risk calculators, literature on risk factors and costs A Base Case Scenario for Comparison Assumptions for Input Time Series through 2040 • Prior to 2004, model reflects historical… – Decline in fraction of workplaces allowing smoking (1990-2003) – Decline in air pollution (1990-2001) – Decline in CV event fatality (1990-2003) – Increase in diagnosis and control of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes (1990-2002) – Rise & fall in youth smoking (1991-2003) – Rise in youth obesity (1990-2002, 2002-2020P) • After 2004, make simple yet plausible assumptions… – Assume no further changes in contextual factors affecting risk factor prevalence (aside from rise in youth obesity) – Changes in risk prevalence after 2004 are due to “bathtub” adjustment process (incidence still exceeding outflows) and population aging – Provides an easily-understood basis for comparisons Base Case Trajectories 1990-2040 Quality of primary care provision Access to and marketing of primary care Sources of stress Access to and marketing of mental health services Psychosocial stress Tobacco taxes and sales/marketing Anti-smoking Access to and marketing regulations social marketing of smoking quit products and services Utilization of quality primary care Smoking bans at work and public places Air pollution control regulations Smoking Smoking prevalence Secondhand Secondhand smoke smoke Diagnosis and control Access to and marketing of healthy food options High cholesterol High Obesity Obesity prevalence Extent of physical activity pollution <Aircontrol pollution regulations> Downward trend in CV CV event event fatality fatality multiplier Uncontrolled Chronic Disorders Prevalences High BP Healthiness of diet Junk food taxes and sales/marketing regulations Access to and marketing of physical activity options exposure Particulate air pollution Particulate air PM2.5 Access to and marketing of weight loss services High cholesterol blood pressure Diabetes Diabetes First-time CV CVD events and deaths per 1000 deaths <Populati on aging> Population Age 65+ fraction aging of the population Costs from CV and other risk factor Totalcomplications consequence and from utilization of services costs per capita The model contains 56 causal linkages requiring the estimation of relative risks, effect sizes, or initial values, most of which involved some level of uncertainty. The upper edge of the sensitivity range results when all uncertain parameters are set to their “lowest plausible impact” values. The lower edge results when all are set to their “greatest plausible impact” values. Total Consequence Costs per Capita (2005 dollars per year) The 15 components include: (1) “Care” [3 interventions] (2) “Air” (smoking/pollution) [6], (3) “Lifestyle”: Nutrition, physical activity, & stress reduction [6] Deaths from CVD per 1000 Estimated Impacts of a 15-Component Intervention, with Sensitivity Ranges 4 Reductions vs. Base Case CVD DEATHS Base Case 0% 20% (15-26%) 2 Combined 15 interventions with sensitivity range 60% Deaths if all risk factors = 0 0 1990 3,000 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 DIRECT DIRECT & & INDIRECT INDIRECT COSTS COSTS Base Case 2,000 Combined 15 interventions with sensitivity range 1,000 0% 26% (19-33%) Costs if all risk factors = 0 80% 0 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 Contributions of 3 Intervention Clusters Contributions to CVD death reduction: (1) Care: strong from the start; 9% (2) Air: good from the start (less pollution, secondhand smoke) and growing (due to smoking decline) to 6.5% (3) Lifestyle: small at first but growing to 5% Deaths from CVD per 1000 (Clusters layered in cumulatively) 4 Reductions vs. Base Case CVD DEATHS Base Case 1) Primary Care 0% 20% 3) + Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Stress 2 2) + Air Quality & Tobacco 60% Deaths if all risk factors = 0 0 Contributions to cost savings: (1) Air: strong from the start (pollution, SHS) and growing (due to smoking decline) to 18.5% (2) Lifestyle: small at first but growing to 8.5% (3) Care: negligible (not cost saving) Total Consequence Costs per Capita (2005 dollars per year) 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 DIRECT & INDIRECT COSTS 3,000 1) Primary Care Base Case 0% 2,000 26% 2) + Air Quality & Tobacco 1,000 3) + Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Stress Costs if all risk factors = 0 80% 0 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 National Health Policy Model & Game (with Office of the Director, 2008-09) • Americans pay the most for health care, yet suffer high rates of morbidity and premature mortality—esp. high among the poor and uneducated • About 16% of Americans have no insurance coverage • Over 75% of Americans think the current system needs fundamental change • Many health leaders realize we need a broader view of health, including health protection and health equity Nolte E, McKee CM. Measuring the health of nations: updating an earlier analysis. Health Affairs 2008; 27(1):58-71. Blendon RJ, Altman DE, Deane C, Benson JM, Brodie M, Buhr T. Health care in the 2008 presidential primaries. New England Journal of Medicine 2008;358(4):414-422. Gerberding JL. Protecting health—the new research imperative. JAMA 2005; 294(11):1403-1406. Gerberding JL. CDC: protecting people's health. Director's Update; Atlanta, GA; July, 2007. The U.S. Health Policy Arena is Dense with Diverse Issues Insurance overhead Extent of care Overuse of ERs Healthier behaviors Adherence to care guidelines Safer environments Access to care Socioeconomic disparities Insurance coverage Out-of-pocket costs Overuse of specialists Primary care supply Citizen Involvement Reimbursement rates Provider efficiency Simulating the Health System Integrating prior findings and estimates • On costs, prevalence, risk factors, health disparities, health care utilization, insurance, quality of care, etc. • Our own previous health system modeling* Simplifying as appropriate • Three states of health: Disease/injury, Asymptomatic disorder, No significant health problem • Two SES categories: Advantaged, Disadvantaged (allowing study of disparities and equity) • Start in equilibrium (all variables unchanging), approximating the U.S. in 2003 • Some complicating trends not included for simplicity: aging, migration, technology, economy, etc. * E.g., Homer, Hirsch, Milstein. Chronic illness in a complex health economy: the perils and promises of downstream and upstream reforms. System Dynamics Review 2007; 23:313-343. Some key concepts and measures Concept Proxy Advantaged & Disadvantaged Prevalence Initial Values (~2003) Sources Household income (< or ≥ $25,000) Advantaged = 78.5% Disadvantaged = 21.5% Census Adults: 22 specific conditions Kids: 12 specific conditions Overall = 38% D/A Ratio = 1.60 (= 53.6%/33.5%) NHIS JAMA High blood pressure High cholesterol Pre-diabetes Overall = 51.5% D/A Ratio = 1.15 NHANES JAMA Mortality Deaths per 1,000 Overall = 7.5 D/A Ratio = 1.80 Vital Statistics AJPH Morbidity Unhealthy days per month per capita Overall = 5.26 D/A Ratio = 1.78 BRFSS Health Inequity Fraction of unhealthy days attributable to disadvantage Attributable fraction = 14.3% (calculated) Health Insurance Lack of insurance coverage Overall = 15.6% D/A Ratio = 1.82 Census Sufficiency of Primary Care Providers Number of PCPs per 10,000 Overall = 8.5 per 10,000 D/A Ratio = 0.76 AMA Austin Study* Unhealthy Behavior Prevalence Smoking Physical inactivity Overall = 34% D/A Ratio = 1.67 BRFSS JAMA Austin Study* Unsafe Environment Prevalence Survey response: “My neighborhood is not safe” Overall = 26% D/A Ratio = 2.5 BRFSS Austin Study* Disease & Injury Prevalence Asymptomatic Disorder Prevalence * CDC/SD study of cardiovascular risk in Austin/Travis County, TX. See Homer J, Milstein B, Wile K, et al. Modeling the local dynamics of cardiovascular health. Preventing Chronic Disease 2008; 5(2). Connecting the Concepts: Start with the Outcome Measures Morbidity & mortality Health inequity Health care costs Several Drivers of Health Care Costs Insurance complexity Asymptomatic disorders Disease & injury Morbidity & mortality Health care costs Reimbursement rates Receipt of quality health care Health inequity Use of specialists & hospitals for non-urgent care Quality Health Care Improves Health Outcomes Insurance complexity Asymptomatic disorders Disease & injury Morbidity & mortality Health care costs Reimbursement rates - - Receipt of quality health care Health inequity Health care access Socioeconomic disadvantage - Self-pay fraction for the insured - Quality of care delivered Insurance coverage Sufficiency of primary care providers - Use of specialists & hospitals for non-urgent care A Shortage of Primary Care Providers Exists for Many Americans Shortage of Doctors an Obstacle to Obama Goals By ROBERT PEAR April 26, 2009 WASHINGTON — Obama administration officials, alarmed at doctor shortages, are looking for ways to increase the supply of physicians to meet the needs of an aging population and millions of uninsured The Robert Graham Center, with the National Association of Community Health Centers. “Access Denied: A Look at America’s Medically Disenfranchised”, Washington, DC, 2007. PCP Sufficiency: Supply vs. Demand Insurance complexity Asymptomatic disorders Disease & injury Morbidity & mortality Health care costs Reimbursement rates - - Receipt of quality health care Health inequity - - Self-pay fraction for the insured Quality of care delivered Insurance coverage Health care access Socioeconomic disadvantage - - Use of specialists & hospitals for non-urgent care Gatekeeper requirement - - - Sufficiency of primary care providers PCP net income Number of primary care providers Primary care efficiency PCP training & placement programs Upstream Determinants of Disease & Injury Environmental hazards Insurance complexity Asymptomatic disorders Disease & injury Morbidity & mortality Reimbursement rates - - Behavioral risks Health care costs Receipt of quality health care Health inequity Health care access - - Self-pay fraction for the insured Quality of care delivered Insurance coverage - Socioeconomic disadvantage - - Use of specialists & hospitals for non-urgent care Gatekeeper requirement - - - Sufficiency of primary care providers PCP net income Number of primary care providers Primary care efficiency PCP training & placement programs From Model to an Interactive Game HealthBound • • • • Experiential learning for health leaders Four simultaneous goals: save lives, improve health, achieve health equity, and lower health care cost Intervene without expense, risk, or delay Not a prediction, but a way for multiple stakeholders to explore how the health system can change Milstein B, Homer J, Hirsch G. The "HealthBound" policy simulation game: an adventure in US health reform. International System Dynamics Conference; Albuquerque, NM; July 26-30, 2009. Options for Intervening in the Health System A Short Menu of Major Policy Proposals Expand insurance coverage Improve primary care efficiency Improve quality of care Coordinate care Expand primary care supply Enable healthier behaviors Simplify insurance Change self pay fraction Change reimbursement rates Build safer environments Create pathways to advantage Strengthen civic muscle “Winning” Involves Not Just Posting High Scores, But Understanding How and Why You Got Them Scorecard HealthBound Results in Context HealthBound HealthBound HealthBound Progress Report Compare Runs Some Policy Conclusions • Expanded coverage and improved quality would improve health but, if done alone, would raise costs and worsen equity • Expanding primary care capacity to eliminate shortages (esp. for the poor) would reduce costs and improve equity • Cutting reimbursement rates would reduce costs but worsen health outcomes • Upstream protection (behavioral and environmental remedies) would— increasingly over time—reduce costs, improve health, and improve equity Milstein B, Homer J, Hirsch G. Are coverage and quality enough? A dynamic systems approach to health policy. Draft paper currently in CDC clearance. Secrets of Successful Modeling Projects • Learn the client’s perspective—think in practical terms and understand how much transformation is really possible • Keep discussing scope, level of detail, terminology, intervention levers, validation, and documentation as project proceeds—be prepared to change course, even midway through project • Quickly develop a meaningful initial (prototype) model • Keep your eyes open for ways to improve the model—don’t depend on the client for that • Seek the most reliable data, but be open to data of many types • “Freeze” the model at an appropriate time to allow for full policy testing, reporting, and documentation Roberts EB (1978). “Strategies for Effective Implementation of Complex Corporate Models.” In Managerial Applications of System Dynamics, ed. EB Roberts (pp. 77-85). Pegasus Communications; Robinson JM (1980). “Managerial Sketches of the Steps of Modeling.” In Elements of the System Dynamics Method, ed. J Randers (pp. 250-270). Pegasus Communications; Homer JB (1996). “Why We Iterate: Scientific Modeling in Theory and Practice.” System Dynamics Review 12(1):1-19. EXTRAS Chronic Illness as a Cascade of Bathtubs Low risk Risk onset Risk prevention High risk Illness onset Risk mgmt Mildly ill Complications onset Bathtub = Stock Water from faucet = Inflow Drain = Outflow Hand = Intervention affecting flow Disease mgmt Severely ill Urgent & long-term care Death System Dynamics Health Applications 1970s to the Present • Disease epidemiology – Cardiovascular, diabetes, obesity, HIV/AIDS, cervical cancer, chlamydia, dengue fever, drugresistant infections • Substance abuse epidemiology – Heroin, cocaine, tobacco • Health care patient flows – Acute care, long-term care • Health care capacity and delivery – Managed care, dental care, mental health care, disaster preparedness, community health programs • Health system economics – Interactions of providers, payers, patients, and investors Homer J, Hirsch G. System dynamics modeling for public health: Background and opportunities. American Journal of Public Health 2006;96(3):452-458. Broad Dynamics of the Health Protection Enterprise Prevalence of Vulnerability, Risk, or Disease 100% Values for Health & Equity Size of the Safer, Healthier Population B Taking the Toll R Potential Threats Drivers of Growth B Prevalence of Vulnerability, Risk, or Disease Responses to Growth Health Protection Efforts B - Obstacles Resources & Resistance R Reinforcers Broader Benefits & Supporters 0% Time Milstein B. Hygeia's constellation: navigating health futures in a dynamic and democratic world. Atlanta, GA: Syndemics Prevention Network, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; April 15, 2008. <>. Planned Extensions – Next 2 Years Potential value (better health, lower cost) from • Treating borderline conditions (pre-hypertension, borderline cholesterol, pre-diabetes) • Focusing on prevention of recurrent events • Focusing on acute and rehab care • Further reducing control targets for blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose • Targeting other risk factors; e.g., excess salt, low vitamin D, periodontal disease, C-reactive protein • Targeting particular age-gender subgroups • Targeting African American or Hispanic populations Our NIH sponsors feel this analysis will help them set research priorities and extrapolate from clinical trials—more effectively leveraging the value of their (very expensive!) sponsored research. Other CVD Intervention Models System Dynamics: Heart Failure Homer J, Hirsch G, et al. Models for collaboration: how system dynamics helped a community organize cost-effective care for chronic illness. System Dynamics Review 2004; 20(3):199-222. Markov: Coronary Heart Disease Weinstein MC, Coxson PG, et al. Forecasting coronary heart disease incidence, mortality, and cost: the coronary heart disease policy model. American J Public Health 1987; 77(11):1417-1426. Micro-simulation (Archimedes): CVD Kahn R, Robertson RM, et al. The impact of prevention on reducing the burden of cardiovascular disease. Circulation 2008; 118(5):576-585. Statistical/Monte Carlo: Coronary Heart Disease Kottke TE, Gatewood LC, et al. Preventing heart disease: is treating the high risk sufficient? J Clinical Epidemiology 1988; 41(11):1083-1093. Our model is the most extensive to date in integrating evidence on multiple risk factor pathways, potential interventions, and outcome costs.
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