The Game of Go “Gentlemen should not waste their time on trivial games -they should play go.” -- Confucius, The Analects ca. 500 B. C. E. Anton Ninno Ph.D. [email protected] [email protected] Roy Laird, JAPAN CHINA KOREA Go has several names. The Chinese call it wei-chi, also spelled weiqi. In Korea it’s baduk. Westerners generally use the Japanese word term i-go, or just go, because Japanese pioneers like Kaoru Iwamoto supported American go in the early days. THE MOST POPULAR GAME IN THE WORLD TODAY Millions of fans in Japan, China, Korea Top players earn millions International tournaments pay up to $400K THREE CLASSIC GAMES BACKGAMMON: Man vs. fate Element of chance Risk/gambling (doubling cube) CHESS: Man vs. man War paradigm “Perfect information” Attack -- Total victory GO: Man vs. self Open paradigm Share -- victory by one point “Personal best” THE ULTIMATE MERITOCRACY “Go is the one game in which . . . everyone starts out equal, everyone begins with an empty board and with no limitations, and what happens thereafter is . . . only the quality of your own mind.” -- William Pinckard, “Go and the Three Games “ in The Go Player’s Almanac The traditional go board has a 19-line grid. Beginners play on small 9 or 13-line boards. Go boards are made of wood. The pieces are called stones. The best stones are made of clamshell and slate, but glass stones are less expensive. Good stones are usually kept in wooden bowls. The lids are used to hold any captured stones. Players take turns putting stones on the 361 intersections made by the 19-line grid. Black goes first. Nine handicap points are used to balance players of unequal skill. Each intersection is a point of territory, and each captured stone is also worth one point. Go players hold the stones between their first and middle fingers, like chopsticks. They snap them down on the board with a sharp click. The goal is to surround more points of territory than your opponent. Players may surround and capture their opponent’s stones. To be safe from capture, a group of stones must have two eyes, meaning two or more, separate empty intersections inside its walls. Players stake out the territory they want, and then they fight and build walls to keep it. The game is over when neither player can find anything else to do. Beginners often find it difficult to know when a game is over. Each player rearranges the opponent’s territory to make counting easy. GO AND CHESS A Comparison Larger board, more plays per game (200-300 vs. 50-60) Strategic vs. tactical Simpler rules; all pieces are equal Becomes more complex as pieces fill the board Blends competition with other elements Win by one point, not total destruction Universal ranks -- any two can play No stalemates or draws -- a winner every time GOALS AND OBJECTIVES CHESS GO Opening (Fuseki) Control the center Stake your claim Middle (Chuban) Gain tactical, material advantage Defend, dispute claims Endgame (Yose) Close in for the kill Finish the details DEPTH OF COMPLEXITY Árpád Élo 43 levels COMPUTERS CAN’T PLAY! Go is so complex that the best programs routinely lose to talented children. Computer programmers call it “the last refuge of human intelligence.” HANDICAP: THE GREAT EQUALIZER Because the board is empty at the start of the game, the stronger player can give his opponent a “head start” to even things out. Nearly any two opponents can play a game that either of them could win.. COMMERCIAL PROGRAMS Strongest ones are 6-8 kyu Best ones make studying fun -- problems, games Record and study your own games UNIVERSAL RANKING SYSTEM Similar to martial arts, golf Rank yourself by playing ranked opponents All serious players know their rank Honest players will lose half of their games Ultimately players compete with themselves GO ETIQUETTE Play to the opponent’s right hand “Thank you for teaching me” Prisoners in the lid Count the opponent's territory Return your stones to the bowl GO ON THE INTERNET FREE! At least 1000 online any time of day or night Anonymous play Ratings are 3-5 stones lower FREE SOFTWARE Igowin -- Handtalk -- GnuGo (open source) - Game collections TIME CONTROL Regular time plus overtime (byo- yomi) Asian style: x periods of y seconds each Canadian style: x stones in y INTERNET GO SERVER The original -- since 1991 500+ participants online at all times Many strong players Simulcast important tournaments Everyone sees everyone KISEIDO GO SERVER 400-1000 players of all levels at any time Room-based environment Java-based -- runs on everything OTHER SERVERS YAHOO! GAMES: 250-500 players at a time, including lots of beginners and others who like to play on a 9x9 board. ASIAN SERVERS: Some sites in China, Korea and Japan are enabled -- to varying degrees -- in English TURN-BASED SERVERS: Leave a message with your next move instead of playing in “real time” Find them all at ADVICE FOR BEGINNERS Play quickly -- “lose 100 games” Play stronger opponents Ask for comments Avoid repetitive thinking -- just try something Keep your stones connected -- separate White Go is at least 2000 years old, probably much older. No one knows where it came from. Some people think the board and stones were originally used to foretell the future, or as a calculator. “When you and I discuss philosophy, it is as if we play go. If you do not answer, I will swallow you up.” -- Zen Master Hongzhi ca. 700 A.C.E. Painting with 17x17 board ca. 690 A.C.E. attributed to Kano Shoei (1519 - 1592) THE FOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS During China’s “golden age” (the Tang and Song dynasties ca. 700-1400 A.D.) the cultured person mastered four skills: painting, calligraphy, luteplaying and go. THE “MINISTER OF GO” Tokugawa Ieyesu, the first shogun, established four “houses” to study go and compete in annual “Castle Games” of great national importance. Each year’s winner became the go-doroko (“Minister of go”), occupying a cabinet-level position in the government. This fan from ca. 1800 shows two Chinese men playing go while a young man looks on. Go became a common theme in 19th century ukiyo-e prints. Here, Tadanobu, a famous samurai, fights off his enemies with a go board. In this scene from The Tale of Genji, two women reminisce about the brief relationships with the Prince while playing go, and find peace. General Kuan Yu, the hero of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, plays go while a surgeon attends his battle wounds. This ukiyo-e is by Katsushika Oi, daughter of the great Japanese master Hokusai, Repelling demons while playing go. (1861) Playing go with a demon (ca. 1835) WITH GO MAKE FRIENDS This scroll, commissioned by an American traveler in Beijing’s Tian’anmen Square, uses the traditional Chinese four-character proverb format to say that when friends play go, their playing strengths and their friendship both get stronger. CHAIRMAN MAO ON GO “[War is] like a game of weiqi . . . Strongholds built by the enemy and bases by us resemble moves to dominate spaces on the board.” -- Selected Military Writings HENRY KISSINGER ON GO “Chess has only two outcomes: draw and checkmate. The objective of the game . . . is total victory or defeat – and the battle is conducted head-on, in the center of the board. The aim of go is relative advantage; the game is played all over the board, and the objective is to increase one's options and reduce those of the adversary. The goal is less victory than persistent strategic progress.” -- Newsweek, 11/8/04 CITICORP CEO JOHN REED ON GO “Competition . . . [is] about positioning yourself wisely over time, not wiping the other guy out on specific products. I approach competition like the Chinese board game go. You see where the other players have put their chips, and decide where to put your chips.” -- John Reed, Chairman, Citicorp Harvard Business Review December 1990 THE WAY OF GO Troy Andersen • Global Local • Owe Save • Slack Taut • Reverse Forward • Us Them • Lead Follow • Expand Focus The Master of Go, Yasunari Kawabata’s poignant chronicle of this historic 1938 game between the last honinbo and a brilliant young upstart, won the Nobel Prize for literature. A BEAUTIFUL GAME Russell Crowe plays brilliant, unstable mathematician John Nash in A Beautiful Mind, Oscar-winner for Best Picture of 2001. In real life, Nash is a charter member of The American Go Association. Trevanian’s 1979 best-seller chronicles the life of Nicholai Hel, orphaned during WW I and raised by a Japanese go master to become the world’s most accomplished assassin. The Go Masters, an epic tale of an enduring friendship between two great players -- one Chinese, the other Japanese -- during World War II , brought Japanese and Chinese film teams together for the first time. It achieved wide popularity but is not currently available. In Pi, a cult classic, a demented mathematician tries to find a formula for the universe, using a go board. HIKARU NO GO In this popular “coming-of-age” story, the ghost of a famous player guides our hero to the pinnacle of the go world -- or does he? GO IN AMERICA Chinese immigrants probably played the first games in North America among themselves here in the 1800’s. Japanese professionals such as Kaoru Iwamoto 9-dan helped early US players, and The American Go Association was formed in 1937. Most major US cities have go clubs. THE IWAMOTO CENTER Mr. Iwamoto was in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. After seeing the results of first atomic bomb, he vowed to spread international peace and understanding through go. He established Go Centers in New York, Seattle, Amsterdam and Rio de Janeiro. IT’S A BIG CHALLENGE The number of possible go games has been estimated at 10761 (OMNI, June 1991), far more than the number of subatomic particles in the known universe. RATINGS Estimate based on current performance To get a rating? Play in a rated tournament Online ratings -- 3-5 ranks lower HOW DO YOU KNOW YOUR RANK? Beginners start at +/- 30-35 kyu Kadoban -- win three in a row = -1 rank >1 kyu = shodan (black belt, “new master”) 7-dan is the highest official amateur rank, but some 7-dans are stronger than others Pro ranks (Japan, China, Korea): 1-9 dan WHAT ABOUT EVEN GAMES? Evenly matched players choose for color -one takes a handful of stones, the other guesses “odd” or “even” by placing one or two stones on the board: the winner takes Black Black pays White 6.5 points komi for the privilege of making the first move GO IN THE WESTERN WORLD Did not transfer to Western culture “Outside the box” -- non-Western thought Lacks a decisive ending No culture-specific spinoffs Many books and websites want to help you learn about go. American Go Association -
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