HR Business Partnership Workshop for Ernst & Young and Kuwait Petroleum Company

HR Business Partnership Workshop
for Ernst & Young and Kuwait Petroleum
Dr. Terry Rodriguez
June 7 & 8, 2011
• Terry Rodriguez, EdD Leadership
– Assistant Professor in Organization Behavior and Human
– 9 years as Senior HR/OD Consultant, Principal, TRL &
– 14 years+ in HR in Fortune 50 companies, Director
• You!
Years with KP
Years in HR
What you enjoy the most about being in HR
Workshop Outcomes - 1 Day
Human Resource Business Partnership
• Explain why the HRM process is important.
• Discuss the environmental factors that are driving a changed role in HRM.
Identifying Best Practices in HR Business Partnership
Define and assess relevancy to KPC.
Describe the positive impact of HR Business Partnership.
Discuss the major sources of resistance to a changed role in HR.
Identify key HR internal customers
Key Competencies for HR Business Partners-beyond technical HR knowledge
• Discuss leadership values and impact on HR services
• Understand need for change management skills
• Explain role and importance of “Knowledge of the Business”
Next Steps in Transition to HR Business Partnership
What Does “HR Business Partner”
Mean to You?
• We believe deeply that human resources are very important in
building, creativity and development process. Therefore, we give them
our top priority, and allocated intensive programs to upgrade and
improve national cadres and future leaders, with a budget matching
the achievement of this goal. We will spare no effort in supporting
human resources morally and financially, with following up their
performance to ensure our progress.
Farouq Al-Zanki
Deputy Chairman &
Chief Executive Officer
The Importance of Human Resource
Management (HRM)
• As a significant source of competitive advantage
– People-oriented HR creates superior shareholder
• As an important strategic tool
– Achieve competitive success through people by
treating employees as partners
• To improve organizational performance
– High performance work practices lead to both high
individual and high organizational performance.
The HRM Process
• Functions of the HRM Process
– Ensuring that competent employees are identified
and selected.
– Providing employees with up-to-date knowledge
and skills to do their jobs.
– Ensuring that the organization retains competent
and high-performing employees.
Arabian Society of Human Resource
Management-2010 Conference
• Conference theme for the 10th ASHRM International
Conference & Exhibition: “HR is Business”-- Themes:
• “What does HR bring to the table to help advance
organizational capability?”
– Driving operational efficiency & effectiveness
– Strengthening leadership capabilities
– Creating an adaptable workforce investing in critical talent
HR’s Traditional (Transactional) Role is
• Critical mass of changes in the competitive landscape:
Growing operational complexity
Ongoing scarcity of talent
Greater workforce mobility
• Need for HR to play a greater role
• Technology use and outsourcing
• Reduced HR’s traditional—transactional--role.
Corporate Leadership Council 2007
“Building Next-Generation HR–Line Partnerships”
• Based on analysis of more than 17,000 line
managers, 3,000 HR business partners, 101 CHROs,
and more than 100 interviews-global study
• Council identified the HR business partner(HRBP),
and specifically the strategic partner role of the
HRBP job, as the key to HR strategic effectiveness.
Describe the Difference Between
Transactional HR and Strategic HRBP
• What KSA’s are needed?
• Does the organization culture need to change
to support strategic HR? If so how?
• How comfortable are you with new
– What things do you like?
– What components do you dislike?
How Do You Currently Rate Your
• Confidential
• Your perceptions count!
Effective HR–Line Support Drives Talent
and Business Outcomes
• When business units receive effective support
from HR, business unit revenue and profits
• HR effectiveness positive impact on:
Employee Performance: 21%
Employee Retention: 26%
Revenue: 7%
Profitability: 9%
• For a business unit with 100 million KD in revenue,
effective HR support translates to an increase in
revenue of $7 million KD.
Four Roles That HR Business Partners Play
HRBP activities include:
Strategic partnering --33% -highest impact
Operations management—11% next
Employee mediation
Emergency response
What Do You Think Strategic
Partnership Includes?
HRBP Strategic Partner Activities
• Adjusting HR strategies to respond to changing needs
• Developing the next generation of leaders
• Identifying critical HR metrics
• Identifying new business strategies
• Identifying talent issues before they affect the
• Prioritizing across HR needs
• Redesigning structures around strategic objectives
• Understanding the talent needs of the business
The Challenge: It’s Both the Person
and the Job
• Person-KSA’s and competencies: 54%
• Design of Job: 43%
• HR Function Structure and Budget: 3%
Focusing on the person in the HRBP job is critical,
but incomplete.
HR must (re)examine the design of the job and the
interactions with the line to improve
Impact of HR Knowledge on Strategic
The most important knowledge is business
acumen: 21% maximum impact on strategic role
Business acumen:
“…a deep understanding of an organization’s
internal and external business environment.”
Work in Teams of 4
• Work on the two items and chart your
• Select a spokesperson
Dynamics in the Middle East
• The 2009 Arab Human Capital Challenges Report : “Exceptional economic
growth in the Arab region over the past decade has not coincided with
equally buoyant labor and human resource development, raising obvious
concerns for sustainable and balanced growth”.
• Only 38% of Arab CEOs believe there is an ample supply of qualified
national labor,
– Heavy reliance on the recruitment of expatriates.
• 90% of Gulf CEOs value their expatriate senior management
• Only 68% shared similar views towards their national senior management.
Dr. M. M. Mahmoud, Executive Director, Madinah Institute for Leadership and
Entrepreneurship (MILE), Madinah Knowledge Economic City, Madinah, Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia
Root Causes: Arab Human Capital Study
• Limited availability of experienced national professionals.
• Historically the older generation in the Gulf region has
had lower labor force participation rates.
• Lower levels of education
• The older age cohort is less accustomed to a modern day
competitive environment
• Arab world has one of the lowest labor productivity
growth rates.
• How does this affect HR’s responsibilities?
Most Important Development
Experiences Are on the Job
On the Job—66%
Coaching and Mentoring—3%
Ideas for Development-- Which Are
You Doing?
• Modify work to adapt to changing circumstances
• Persuade senior managers to take difficult
• Engage in business forecasting or planning
• Work with vendors or consultants to deliver
• Make decisions that could satisfy customerscustomize HR solutions
• Make the business case for specific HR programs
or initiatives
Ideas for Development-- Which Are
You Doing?
Work on change management initiatives
Gain exposure to global operations
Work on cross-functional teams
Work on mergers and acquisitions
Presence of a development plan
Effectiveness of development plan
Work with line managers to understand
business needs
• Customize and deliver HR strategies
A Relationship Set Up to Fail
• PBG found that even skilled HRBPs were often
undermined by low quality HRBP–line interactions
– No shared accountability
– Incompatible goals
• Skill sets in building successful interactions help:
Self Assessment
• How do you evaluate yourself? No wrong
answers—this is a learning process!!!
Skill Sets
• Innovation
– Identify a major problem within a business that requires critical
trade-offs between objectives, then develop and propose a
solution -----24%
• Business Acumen
– Work with a line manager to identify and implement a new line
program that solves a business problem -----14%
• Leadership
– Lead the development and implementation of a new HR
initiative that solves a critical business problem----- 19%
• Metrics Use and Development
– Work with an expert who can teach how to apply metrics and
measurement to solve business problems----- 12%