Demographics 1/6/13

Opener: What do you know about the
world based on the information on the
site? What is your evidence?
Material World
Directions 5 countries
China, India, Japan, Mali and United
• Under each country you will analyze 3 slides.
1. What do the numbers tell you about the living
conditions for a typical family? Describe them.
Homes, landscape, health, materials
2. After reading the paragraph assess your analysis
in #1?
3. After looking at the pictures what questions do
you have about this country?
China Demographics
Population: 1.3 billion
Population density: 627 people per sq. km.
Total fertility rate: 1.7 children per woman
Population doubling time: 67 years
Percentage urban/rural: 37% urban, 63% rural
Per capita energy use: 905 kg. oil equivalent
Infant mortality: 32 deaths per 1,000 births
Life expectancy: 69 (male), 73 (female)
Adult illiteracy: 7.9% (male), 22.1% (female)
Internet users: 46 million
The nine members of this extended family—father
Wu Ba Jiu (59), mother Guo Yu Xian (57), their
sons, daughters-in-law, and three grandchildren—
live in a three-bedroom, 600-square-foot dwelling
in rural Yunnan Province. While they have no
telephone, they get news and images of a wider
world through two radios and the family's most
prized possession, a television. In the future, they
hope to get one with a 30-inch screen as well as a
VCR, a refrigerator, and drugs to combat diseases in
the carp they raise in their ponds. Not included in
the photo are their 100 mandarin trees, vegetable
patch, and three pigs.
China: The Wu Family
India Demographics
Population: 1.0 billion
Population density: 318 people per sq. km.
Total fertility rate: 3.0 children per woman
Population doubling time: 36 years
Percentage urban/rural: 28% urban, 72% rural
Per capita energy use: 494 kg. oil equivalent
Infant mortality: 66 deaths per 1,000 births
Life expectancy: 62 (male), 64 (female)
Adult illiteracy: 32% (male), 55% (female)
Internet users: 7 million
At age 25, Mashre Yadev is already mother to four
children, the oldest of whom was born when she was
17. Each morning at their home in rural Uttar Pradesh,
she draws water from a well so that her older children
can wash before school. She cooks over a wood fire in
a windowless, six-by-nine-foot kitchen, and such
labor-intensive domestic work keeps her busy from
dawn to dusk. Her husband Bachau, 32, works roughly
56 hours a week, when he can find work. In rough
times, family members have gone more than two
weeks with little food. Everything they own—
including two beds, three bags of rice, a broken
bicycle, and their most cherished belonging, a print of
Hindu gods—appears in this photograph.
India: The Yadev Family
Japan Demographics
Population: 128 million
Population density: 336 people per sq. km.
Total fertility rate: 1.3 children per woman
Population doubling time: 289 years
Percentage urban/rural: 79% urban, 21% rural
Per capita energy use: 4,316 kg. oil equivalent
Infant mortality: 3 deaths per 1,000 births
Life expectancy: 78 (male), 85 (female)
Adult illiteracy: 1% (male), 1% (female)
Internet users: 56 million
Like many Japanese women, 43-year-old Sayo Ukita
had children relatively late in life. Her youngest
daughter is now in kindergarten, not yet burdened by
the pressures of exams and Saturday "cram school"
that face her nine-year-old sister. Sayo is supremely
well-organized, which helps her manage the busy
schedules of her children and maintain order in their
1,421-square-foot Tokyo home stuffed with clothes,
appliances, and an abundance of toys for both her
daughters and dog. She and her husband Kazuo, 45,
have all the electronic and gas-powered conveniences
of modern life, but their most cherished possessions
are a ring and heirloom pottery. The family's wish for
the future: a larger house with more storage space.
Japan- the Ukita Family
Mali- demographics
Population: 12 million
Population density: 9.1 people per sq. km.
Total fertility rate: 7.0 children per woman
Population doubling time: 23 years
Percentage urban/rural: 26% urban, 64% rural
Per capita energy use: 22 kg. oil equivalent
Infant mortality: 118.7 deaths per 1,000 births
Life expectancy: 48 (male), 49 (female)
Adult illiteracy: 64% (male), 84% (female)
Internet users: 30,000
It is not unusual in this West African country for men to
have two wives, as 39-year-old Soumana Natomo does.
More wives mean more progeny—and a greater chance you
will be supported in old age. Soumana now has eight
children, and his wives, Pama Kondo (28) and Fatouma
Niangani Toure (26), will likely have more. How many of
these children will survive, though, is uncertain: Mali's
infant mortality rate ranks among the ten highest in the
world. Some of the family's possessions are not included in
this photo—another mortar and pestle for pounding grain,
two wooden mattress platforms, 30 mango trees, and old
radio batteries that the children use as toys. (Note: The
Natomos appear on the adobe roof of their house in
Kouakourou. An infant son is nestled in his mother's arms.
One daughter is absent.)
Mali- the Natomo Family
United States- demographics
Population: 292 million
Population density: 29 people per sq. km.
Total fertility rate: 2.0 children per woman
Population doubling time: 116 years
Percentage urban/rural: 78% urban, 22% rural
Per capita energy use: 8,148 kg. oil equivalent
Infant mortality: 6.7 deaths per 1,000 births
Life expectancy: 74 (male), 80 (female)
Adult illiteracy: 3% (male), 3% (female)
Internet users: 165 million
Rick and Pattie Skeen's 1,600-square-foot house lies on a
cul-de-sac in Pearland, Texas, a suburb of Houston. The
fire hydrant in this photo is real, but not working—a
souvenir from Rick's days as a firefighter. Rick, 36, now
splices cables for a phone company. Pattie, 34, teaches
school at a Christian academy. To get the picture,
photographers hoisted the family up in a cherry picker.
Yet the image still leaves out a refrigerator-freezer,
camcorder, woodworking tools, computer, glass butterfly
collection, trampoline, fishing equipment, and the rifles
Rick uses for deer hunting, among other things. Though
rich with possessions, nothing is as important to the
Skeens as their Bible. For this devoutly Baptist family, like
many families around the world, it is a spiritual—rather
than material—life that matters most.
United States- the Skeen Family
What does this information tell you
about wealth around the world?
• Write in the following structure…
– Claim:
– Evidence:
– Analysis (bridge)
– Evidence:
– Analysis (bridge)
• You will complete the vocabulary chart… your
job is to come up with an example you can
understand…. There are a couple of examples
on the following slides.
• You must be finished by….
• Demographics:
relating to the study of
changes that occur in
large groups of people
over a period of time.
– The income level of the
people in north
– The population density
of roosevelt high
school has increased
over the past 5 years
Qualitative v. Quantitative Evidence
• Qualitative: evidence that can be observed
but not measured.
• Quantitative: evidence that can be measured
Country Analysis
• Charting Country Demographics Activity…
– Listen to the directions
– Participate with your group
– Finish by…
Gallery Walk
• Set up your charts at a table for other
students to view.
• With a notebook silently go around the room
reviewing other people’s work.
– What trends do you notice about each of the
– Are there any countries that break this trend?
– Why?
• You will need to be able to discuss these
answers with evidence.
Opener: Quickwrite 1/11
• How have you worked over the past 4 days?
– Write about one thing you have accomplished?
– Write about one thing you should have
accomplished but did not?
– Approximately, what percentage of time spent in
class was spent working?
Country charts
• Sit clearly in your groups.
– iPads are only for being on CIA World Factbook (if
other sites are discovered you will have it taken)
– Phones etc. will be taken and delivered to deans
– There are student experts available to help you
complete your tasks.
– You must be done by__________________
Small group Discussion with two other
• What do you notice about the population of
each of the seven continents?
• Are there any countries that break the trend
or pattern?
• What is Hans Roslings Claim?
– His Evidence(3 pieces)
• Given this & the charts you’ve completed what
have you learned about population around the
Where is the World’s Population
Distribution of population is not
• Concentration: where population is clustered
and where population is sparse.
– Concentration- is determined by census data &
can be viewed on a cartogram.
Population Concentrations
• Clusters: 2/3 of the world are clustered in four
regions-- ** low-lying areas, with fertile soil &
temperate climate. Most live near the ocean
or a river w/ easy access to an ocean.
– 1. East Asia
– 2. South Asia
– 3. Europe
– 4. Southeast Asia
Sparsely Populated Regions
• Over time humans occupy more of the Earth’s
surface… the permanent human settlement ecumene
has increased.
• Why are some regions sparse?
– Dry lands- 20% of earth is too dry for farming. Much of the
world’s oil is found here.
– Wet Lands- found near the equator… rain & heat deplete
nutrients from soil and makes agriculture difficult.
– Cold Lands- near North & south poles is covered with ice or
the ground is permanently frozen (permafrost)
– High Lands- high altitude areas are too cold & snow covered
except near the equator where they may have more
Population Density
• Arithmetic Density: total # of people/ total
land area.
Population Density
• Physiological Density: land good for
agriculture is called ‘arable land’. # of people
supported by a unit area of arable land.
Population Density
• Agricultural Density: # of farmers to amount
of arable land. Helps explain economic
situation of a region. Developed countries
have lower. (why?)
What does the chart say about the
economics of the countries? Why?
% Farmers
% Arable
Opener: 1/13/14– find the answer
using the multiple choice worksheets
in your notebooks and discuss with
table group.
• Most of the world’s people live in
– the world’s poorest countries.
– the southern hemisphere.
– the developed world.
– China.
– urban areas in the developed world.
Learning Targets
• I can explain why the global population is
increasing using demographic data.
• I can tell the story of a community using a
population graph.
Quickwrite- How can #s and
demographics tell a story?
Why is Global Population Increasing?
• Components of population growth
– Crude birth rate (CBR) # of live births in a year for
every 1,000 people alive. A CBR of 20 means for
every 1,000 people 20 babies are born over 1year.
– Crude death rate (CDR) # of deaths in a year for
every 1,000 people alive.
– Natural increase rate (NIR) % by which a
population grows in a year. CBR-CDR: after you
change the numbers to percentages (from per
1000 to per 100)
• Rate of natural increase affects the doubling
time or the # of years needed to double a
– Historically NIR was almost zero.
– Early 21st century 1.2 % per year pop would
double in 54 years. By 2100 pop would be
– 1963 NIR was 2.2% if it stayed 2010 would be 10
billion and 2100 would be 50 billion.
Population through History
• CBR shows the distribution of NIR. Highest
CBRs are in Sub-Saharan Africa, lowest in
• Total Fertility Rate (TFR): the average # of
children a woman will have throughout her
childbearing years 15-49.
– World is 2.5
– Sub-Saharan Africa 5
Crude Birth Rate
Total Fertility Rate
• Crude Death Rate(CDR): doesn’t quite follow
the pattern because there is not such a drastic
– Highest CDR is 17 lowest CDR is 1
Crude Death Rate
What questions do the TFR & CDR maps
bring up?
• What is Hans Roslings Claim?
– His Evidence(3 pieces)
• Given this & the charts you’ve completed what
have you learned about population around the
Population Pyramid
Tell the story of these two charts…
85 +
80 84
85 +
75 79
80 84
70 74
75 79
65 69
70 74
60 64
65 69
55 59
60 64
55 59
50 54
50 54
45 49
45 49
40 44
40 44
35 39
35 39
30 34
30 34
25 29
25 29
20 24
20 24
15 19
15 19
10 14
10 14
% Males
% Females
% Males
% Females
Opener: 1/14/13
1. Throughout human history, world population
A. grown at a steady rate.
B. experienced numerous periods of dramatic
C. been confined to countries in the southern
D. grown most rapidly over the last 200 years.
E. grown most rapidly in the developed world.
One more…
1. ___________ occurs when a population is
adding a fixed percentage of people to a
growing population each year.
Arithmetic growth
Exponential growth
Demographic accounting
Learning Targets
• I can explain why population growth varies
among regions using the demographic
transition model.
• I can read/annotate/discuss and take effective
notes from a chapter in the AP exam.
Tell the story of this population
Why does population growth vary
among regions?
• Vocabulary Terms
• Demographic Transition model and what
countries are in which stages? What happens
in each stage?
• What population pyramid shapes tell you
about a country.
• Population control
• Malthus and overpopulation
All steps timed…
• Read/ Annotate
• Note-take: Cornell Notes for each section.
• Example notes on overhead
• Cornell Review
• Right side of Cornell Notes
– Pg 54
– Pg 56-57
– Pg 60-62
• Opener:
– Left side of Cornell notes & summary…
Population Policies
Study Groups
• Using your notes and vocabulary from the last
1. In a pair make a list of 5 possible questions
(using the left side)
2. Group up with another pair… go through at least
three of the questions. One person pose the the
question discuss possible answers… write them
3. Record your work with an in class iPad choose
the 5 minutes you want me to view.
Sample Questions