Creating Killer Posters in PowerPoint Poster Definition A large document that succinctly communicates the results of research both graphically and in print Purpose The ideal poster is designed to... provide a brief overview of your work initiate discussion attract attention give you something useful to point to as you discuss your work Purpose stand alone when you're not there to provide an explanation let people know of your particular expertise provide a place to set your handouts Why PowerPoint? 1. Most people have used PowerPoint to create presentations. 2. PowerPoint is a very user friendly program. 3. Most people have access to PowerPoint. 4. PowerPoint is readily compatible with other Microsoft programs such as Word, Excel, and Access. 5. PowerPoint presentations (already created) can be quickly adapted to a poster. Getting Started • Using a template ostertemplate.ppt ple.ppt Resources • Text • Graphics • Specifications from Venue Parts Main parts may include (for example): Title Introduction Overview Methods & Materials Results Discussion of results Conclusions Parts Citations Acknowledgement of support from others Further information all can be assimilated by viewers in 10 minutes Best Poster Award Getting Feedback • Create a Rough Draft • Ask others to review it and give their feedback • Get comments on: Word count, prose style, idea flow, figure clarity, font size, etc. • Upload to and ask people to leave electronic post-its Printing Your Poster Contact Imprints: ACS Printing: http://acs/print/cplot1.php Making Your Poster Readable • Use dark backgrounds sparingly • Don’t exceed 40 characters/11 words (on average) width for text boxes • Avoid blocks of text longer than 5 sentences Making Your Poster Readable • Use italics instead of underlining • Use lots of white space • Use bullet points wherever appropriate Suggested Typefaces Trebuchet Verdana Tahoma Arial Lucida Sans Text Sizes • Main Title: 80 pt • List of authors 60 pt • Topic Headings 60 pt • Main Text 32 pt – 36 pt • Captions 28 pt • Citations, etc. 24 pt Let’s Create a Poster My docs > IC Exercise > poster class > new class text My docs > IC Exercise > poster class > new poster image Agreement Between Structural Measures of Glaucoma Progression using Heidelberg Retina Tomograph Topographic Change Analysis John P. Dunn, Frederick G. Boyd, Peter J. Wiley, Philip J. Roswell, Kevin T. Smith, Hamilton Glaucoma Center, Department of Ophthalmology, University of California, San Diego PURPOSE To investigate agreement for glaucoma progression using Heidelberg Retina Tomograph Topographic Change Analysis (HRTTCA) and stereoscopic optic disc photography. Inclusion Criteria • Open angles. • Best corrected acuity of 20/40 or better. • Spherical refraction within ± 5.0 D, and cylinder correction within ± 3.0 D. INTRODUCTION • Confocal scanning laser tomography can be used to produce a topographic height map of the optic disc and peripapillary retina with high spatial resolution. • ≥4 good quality serial 15º HRT images (usually performed annually) from the study eye (randomly selected) over a period of ≥4 years. • A good quality optic disc photograph taken within 3 months of the first HRT, with a later photograph with a close chronological match to the final HRT. HRT-TCA-based progressive optic disc changes Eyes with a cluster of ≥20 super pixels of topographic change within the disc margin compared with baseline in 3 consecutive sets of follow-up images were considered to have confirmed progression. • The photograph pair was graded for evidence of progression. If no progression was detected, it was assumed that no progression had occurred earlier to this date. The Heidelberg Retinal Tomograph Report. Exclusion Criteria • Non-glaucomatous secondary causes of elevated IOP. • Other intraocular eye disease. • Other diseases affecting the visual field. • Eyes which had undergone a trabeculectomy during the period of follow-up. Stereophotograph-based progressive optic disc changes • 61 subjects were included. The characteristics of the subjects are presented in Table 1. • Agreement for detecting progression by stereophotographs and HRT-TCA was fair (Kappa = 0.29, SE = 0.11). • 7 eyes progressed on photographs between baseline and the ante-penultimate HRT, 6 (86%) of which also showed evidence of progression on the HRT-TCA (Table 2). Agreement Analysis • A second stereophotograph was then matched as closely as possible to the last HRT date. • The high spatial resolution of the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph (HRT; Heidelberg Engineering GmbH, Dossenheim, Germany) allows the regional variability of measurements to be calculated2,3 which, once known, permits the detection of a statistically significant change in the same optic disc over time. • A recent longitudinal study comparing change detection using HRTTCA and standard perimetry-based glaucoma change probability analysis in 77 eyes showed agreement between these techniques of 27% for detecting change. • Disagreements between the two graders were resolved either by consensus or by adjudication by a third experienced grader. • A stereophotograph was matched to within three months of the baseline HRT date. • This has potential advantages over conventional disc photography in terms of rapid image acquisition, quantitative analysis, and the ability to obtain highquality images without pupil dilation.1 • Recently, this statistical technique described by Chauhan et al4 has been incorporated into the HRT. The technique has the advantage that the user is not required to draw around the disc margin (contour line) and does not rely on an arbitrary depth for the definition of disc cupping (reference plane). RESULTS METHODS • If progression was detected, a stereophotograph matched to the ante-penultimate date (i.e., the latest date at which HRT progression could be confirmed by 2 subsequent follow-up HRTs), or close to it, was compared to the baseline photograph. • The result of the latter photographic-pair grading was used to compare with the HRT-TCA result. • If photographic evidence is considered the ‘gold standard’ for judging whether progression has occurred, the HRT-TCA had a sensitivity of 86% (95% CI: 56.2 to 100%) and specificity of 70% (95% CI: 57.3 to 83.5%). • By recording location of change we were able to compare the quadrants in which change had occurred. The position of the areas of change corresponded exactly between HRT-TCA and photographs in those eyes where the two techniques agreed. CONCLUSIONS • HRT is the only instrument that has been available for this period of time and whose measurements have been consistent despite changes in imaging technology. • High sensitivity achieved with HRT-TCA for detection of glaucomatous progression in eyes that had progressed by photographs, but specificity was poorer. Low specificity might be attributable to early detection of progression by HRT-TCA. • Evidence of glaucomatous optic disc progression was based on standardized assessment of simultaneous stereoscopic photographs by two experienced graders. HRT detects progressive changes due to glaucoma Heidelberg Retinal Tomography (HRT) • In eyes where both photography and HRT-TCA agreed that progression had occurred, the quadrants of change corresponded exactly. • Concordance between photographs and HRT-TCA of 72% compared with a previous study that reported 81% concordance.5 Figure 3 • Current study had longer period of follow-up and more patients with photography and HRT than previous study. Literature Cited 1. Zangwill LM, Berry CC, Garden V, de Souza Lima M, Weinreb RN. Effect of cataract and pupil size on image quality with confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy. Arch Ophthalmol1997;115(8):98390. Quantitatively measuring the three vital structures, cup, rim, and RNFL, needed to make a complete assessment of glaucoma. 2. Chauhan BC, LeBlanc RP, McCormick TA, Rogers JB. Test-retest variability of topographic measurements with confocal scanning laser tomography in patients with glaucoma and control subjects. Am J Ophthalmol 1994;118(1):9-15. 3. Brigatti L, Weitzman M, Caprioli J. Regional test-retest variability of confocal scanning laser tomography. Am J Ophthalmol 1995;120(4):433-40. HAVE FUN!!!
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