GETTING STARTED STEP Abrasion of the glass surface to bond with a medium grit paper (thisisevenmorenecessaryinpresenceof smoothandshinyceramicfrit). Arbejdsgang for 1 sikker udskiftning af limede frontruder på motorkøretøjer med TOTALSEAL produkter STEP 2 Degreasing and removal of dust and possible invisible silicone contamination from the new windshield Spray TOTALSEAL Safe & Clean on the perimeter of the glass surface to bond. Then wipe with clean lint-free cloth, following a single clockwise or anticlockwise movement, avoiding to brush back and forth - then let it dry. START ALTID MED AT PUDSE RUDEN OG KONTROLLÉR FOR RIDSER OG FEJL STANDARD WORKING CYCLE homologation OEM We make it possible SIMPLIFIED WORKING CYCLE Application of TS 7000 Application of TS 7016 Cleaning / activation of both contact surfaces (glass and body) with cleaner activator TS 7016 Apply a film of TS 7016 through a special pre-soaked napkin or drawing directly from the bottle with a special swab or lint-free cloth. WipeofftheexcessofTS 7016. Operation to be performed in one step avoiding movements back and forth. Allowtodry(abt.5min.) PåføringSTEP af TS 7000 3 Primer application on the glass STEPS 345 • STEP 4 • Rengøring og/aktivering af begge kontaktflader med KOMBI aktivator TS 7000 På ruden: Påfør TS 7000 på den flade hvorpå der skal limes. På karosseriet: Påfør TS 7000 på den flade hvorpå der skal limes. Påføres med fnugfri klud. Skal udføres i én arbejdsgang med eller mod uret. Bemærk: VedPrimer ridser eller bart metal bruges primer 5025 application on the car body På MALET overflade: Afluftningstid 5 min. Påfør sort primer TS 5025 STEP På restlimstreng: TS 7000 kan også bruges til følgende: Påfør sort primer 5025 eller transparent • På “gammel” limstreng TS 7000. Hvis bilen har fået malet en rude• Encapsulated/forlimet rude fals eller der er slebet for rust skal der kun bruges primer 5025 • Glasses with ceramic frit and no ceramic frit: apply a film of black primer TS 5028 or TS 5028 C with a wool dauber or a lint free cloth on the surface to bond following a single clockwise or anticlockwise direction. • Encapsulated / co-moulded glasses: apply a film of black primer TS 5025 (withadauber) or transparent activator TS 7000 (withalintfreecloth)ontheplasticor EPDMcontactsurfacetobondfollowingasingle clockwise or anticlockwise direction. • Unpainted metal body (galvanized steel and aluminum): apply on the contact surface a film of black primer TS 5028 / TS 5028 C (OEM)ortransparentactivatorTS 7000. • Painted metal body: apply on the contact surface a film of black primer TS 5025 (OEM)oractivatorTS 7000 transparent. • Pinchweld: apply on the contact surface a film of black primer TS 5025 (recommendedonscratchedareas). • Plastic* surface (ABS, SMC, RIM,): apply on the contact surface a film of black primer TS 5025(OEM). • PC: apply on the contact surface a film of black primer TS 5028 C (OEM)oractivatorTS 7000 transparent. • Trace of previous sealant: apply on the contact surface a film of black primer TS 5025(OEM)ortransparentactivatorTS 7000. 5 * In presence of plastic supports, preliminary adhesion testing is always highly recommended NOTES FOR ACTIVATORS AND PRIMERS: TS 7016, TS 5028, TS 5028C,TS 5025, TS 7000 They provide a minimum and a maximum time of use in the application phase: • Mintime:dryingtime(5-10min.) • MaxtimeTS 7016 = 4 hours TS 5028 = 3hours TS 5028 C=3days(TS 5028 and TS 5028 C can be reactivated with TS 7016 ) TS 5025=1hours. TS 7000 = 24 hours They provide a maximum time of use once the package (bottle) is opened. As an indication: • 30ml:Usewithin2-3days • 250ml:Usewithin6-7days Cleaning / activation on both contact surfaces (glass and body) with the single activator TS 7000. Apply a film of TS 7000, both on the ceramic frit of the windscreen and on the body, with a lint free cloth. Operation to be performed in one step by avoiding movements backandforth.WipeofftheexcessofTS 7000 Thenletitdry(5min.Approx.) ThetransparentactivatorTS7000canbealsosuitablefortheother followingtypesofsupport: • Paintedmetal • Unpaintedmetal(galvanizedsteelandaluminum) • Traceofprevioussealant • Encapsulated/co-mouldedglasses: IMPORTANT! In order to preserve, as long as possible, the characteristics of the primer / activator once the bottle is opened , please take care to close it again, immediately after use, always using the safety switch before screwing the plastic cap. Shake the bottle of primer / activator well before using the product. Limning og positionering af ruden på karosseriet: Do not use the same dauber or swab for different applications. Bonding and positioning of the glass on the body STEP 6 Characteristics Extrusion rate Product Type Curing time Open time crash test * Effettuato mm / 24 h TS 180 TS 180 HV TS 5033 Drive Away Time 23°C - 50% R.H. g/min o 2 airbags 1 or no airbag Min. Diam. 5 mm 23°C - 50% R.H. 23°C - 50% R.H. 23°C - 50% R.H. 4 bars - 23 °C 23°C - 50% R.H. 5-10 C 1 K PU TS 110 ANBEFALEDE KØR-VÆK TIDER 0 - 1 airbag 15 Fast 80 - normal Ultra fast 80 - normal 85 4 High tack 20 - very high 5 4 Universal modulus 80 - normal High modulus 60 - normal Totalseal 180 Ultra fast 40 - high 5 4 4 2 airbag 3h 12 * 1h* 1h* 1h* Totalseal 1trucks etc.) 1 K PU (specific150 for big windshields 1 and fixed glasses- buses, Glass weight TS 108 T 0 10-15 C 15-23 C 26-30o C 23-26 C • Placetheglasswithin: -5min.fromthebeadextrusion(TS 180, TS 180HV, TS -1h130’airbag 2 airbag 0 - 1 airbag 2 5033) airbag 0 - 1 airbag 2 -15min.fromthebeadextrusion(TS 110, TS 108 T) 30’ • Holdtheglassagainstthebody,(inordertopreventapossibleslightslip),withappropriatebelts,for: 5 10 3 3 0,5 -15min.approx.frompositioning(TS 180, TS 180HV, TS 5033) 30’ -40min.approx.frompositioning(TS 110, TS 108 T) 30’ 1 • Donotwashthevehiclefor24hoursafterbonding 1 0,5 1 0,25 airbag 0 - 1 airbag 2 airbag 1 0,5 1 0,25 0,25 0,25 Drive Away Time Note: Skin forming and curing time of the adhesive depends on atmospheric conditions present in the environment. The parameters provided refer to applications carried out at room Kg 3hi timer Alle KØR-VÆK tider er30angivet ved 50% relativ luftfugtighed. 15 3 temperature(20-23°C)andrelativehumiditylevelofapprox.50%. 50 Kg 7h Any change of the level of temperature and atmospheric moisture in the air may produce significant changes on the above mentioned parameters. Denne tabel er din guide KØR-VÆK tid. 100 Kg til en9hsikker Forfurtherdetailsandinformation,pleaserefertotheTechnicalDataSheets,alsoavailableatthebelowHutchinsonwebsites: 1 K MS POLYMER TS MS 155 HM Withabatteryorpneumaticgun(providedwithpressingpiston),applyabeadofonecomponentpolyurethaneadhesive TS 110, TS 180, TS 180HV, TS 5033 or TS 108 T (specificfor:buses,trucksetc.)allalongtheglasssurfacetreatedaccording tothestandardorsimplifiedcycle.Thebead(h2cm.approx),canbeappliedinformofaprism,throughtheuseofapre-cut nozzle,orbyusinganormalstandardnozzle,purposelycutdiagonally. o o o 5 4 1h* 1h * Crash test ThetechnicalstaffofHutchinsonisavailableforadditionalexplanationandassistance. Work cycle for safe replacement of fixed glasses and windshields vehicles with TOTALSEAL SE FLERE of TIPS OG VEJLEDNINGER PÅ products DANGLAS.DK HUTCHINSON Sealing Systems LJF - Sealants and Adhesives - 84 -116 Rue Salvador Allende B.P. 1016 - Tel. +33 (0) 1 34 23 34 23 Fax +33 (0) 1 34 23 35 82 - [email protected] - - DANGLAS.DK • FABRIKVEJ 19 • 8800 VIBORG • 7070 2677 • [email protected] 002
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