ASEAN ICT Masterplan 2015 ASEAN-ITU Seminar on ICT Accessibility and Assistive Technologies for Equity in Society 25-26 August 2014 Bangkok, Thailand 1 Introduction The 10th ASEAN TELMIN endorsed ASEAN ICT Masterplan 2015 (“AIM 2015”) to chart the development of ICT in this region and harness the potential of ICT in establishing an inclusive, vibrant and integrated ASEAN Community 2 The 10th ASEAN TELMIN KL, Malaysia - 2011 Launch AIM 2015 3 Vision: Towards an Empowering and Transformational ICT: Creating an Inclusive, Vibrant and Integrated ASEAN Strategic Thrusts: • Economic Transformation • People Empowerment and Engagement • Innovation • Infrastructure Development • Human Capital • Bridging the Digital Divide 4 Vision Empowering - Equipping stakeholders with the right skills, technology, connectivity and information to harness ICT to its fullest Transformational – Harnessing ICT to fundamentally change the way we live, learn work and play Inclusive - Involving all the stakeholders in ASEAN-government , citizens and businesses, developed and developing, rural and urban, young and old, and those with and without disabilities Vibrant – Creating an environment that is innovative, entrepreneurial and exciting for ICT to flourish and succeed Integrated - Connecting the people of ASEAN between its citizens, government and businesses 5 4 Key Outcomes ICT as an engine of growth for ASEAN countries Enhanced quality of life for the peoples of ASEAN Recognition for ASEAN as a global ICT Hub Contribution towards ASEAN integration 6 7 8 Timeline 2010-2015 9 Strategic Thrust Pillar 1: Economic Transformation 10 Strategic Thrust Pillar 1: Economic Transformation (2) • • Determine best practice models most suitable for ICT partnerships between the government and the private sector across ASEAN Adopt best practice PPP models for ICT projects to promote clarity and transparency between governments and the private sector in ASEAN 11 Project Implementation under Thrust 1 Develop a framework to • Sub-Working Group on Spectrum Management facilitate harmonised • Survey of Existing ICT Standards and ICT regulations ICT products Share various PPP models and practice • PPP Model for ICT Facilitate sharing and exchange business information • Stocktaking on business information to be shared among ASEAN 12 Standards in ICT sector Country No of standards 12 1 56 656 N/A N/A 113 117 88 179 Country No of standards ● Most countries declare national standard by adopting international standard and using localization to fulfill their national deviation. ● Standards are accessible in English Strategic Thrust Pillar 2 : People Engagement and Empowerment 14 Strategic Thrust Pillar 2 : People Engagement and Empowerment (2) 15 Strategic Thrust Pillar 2 : People Engagement and Empowerment (3) 16 Project Implementation under Thrust 2 Survey and study identify gaps and determine eservices to be developed • ASEAN e-Government Strategic Plan 2020 • ASEAN e-Services Identification Outreach campaign to promote awareness of cyber-security • ASEAN-Japan information Security Policy Meeting • ASEAN-ITU Forum on Promoting Effective, Trustworthy and Secured Social Media Study to lower intraASEAN roaming charges • Study on International mobile voice and data roaming charges • ASEAN – EU Workshop on Voice and Data Roaming Promote secure transactions within ASEAN • Intra ASEAN Secure transactions Framework Phase I and II 17 e – Gov’t Strategic Plan 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Beyond 2020 Strategic: Define e-Government Provision Plan • • The e-Government services development provision plan/policies The e-Government services interoperability provision plan/policies Strategic: Develop Online Service Component • Online Service Component Development Strategic: Strengthen ICT Infrastructure • • The Broadband Telecommunication Infrastructure The Mobile and Wireless Telecommunication Infrastructure ASEAN eservice Interope rability Recommendation: Enhance Laws and Regulations to support e-government • Establish Laws and Regulations to support e-government Recommendation: Develop ICT Human Capital According to AIM 2015 • Develop national-wide literacy standards for quality and Quality development • Leverage Information and Communication Technology Education • Regional-wide professional certification recognition 18 Strategic Thrust Pillar 3: Innovation 19 Strategic Thrust Pillar 3: Innovation 20 Project Implementation under Thrust 3 Recognise and reward ICT innovators • ASEAN ICT Awards 2014 Ensure every child has access to broadband Internet • Digital Divide Task Force • Facilitating the provision of Broadband to every School by Strengthening USO Policy Launch the ASEAN CIO Forum • 3rd ASEAN CIO Forum Develop ASEAN digital content exchange • Community e-classroom • ASEAN Digtital Content Exchange at KL Converge 21 The 1st ASEAN CIO Forum Bangkok, Thailand , 2012 22 • • • • • • Public Sector Private Sector Corporate Social Responsibility Digital Content Start-Up Company Research and Development 23 24 25 Strategic Thrust Foundation 4: Infrastructure Development 26 Strategic Thrust Foundation 4: Infrastructure Development 27 Project Implementation under Thrust 4 Establish ASEAN Broadband Corridor Establish ASEAN Internet Exchange Network Develop Common Framework for network and information security • Feasibility study on ASEAN Broadband Corridor • Regulatory-Operator Forum • Study on Internet Exchange • ASEAN Network Security Action Council • Intra-ASEAN Secure Transactions Framework • CIRT Readiness Assessment for CLMV 28 ASEAN Broadband Corridor 1. Group 1: High Affordability and Access Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore - Affordable broadband prices for most users - Population concentrated in urban centres - Widespread adoption of broadband 2. Group 2: Increasing Affordability and Access Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam - Affordable broadband prices for urban users - Urban centres with large population - Significant growth in broadband adoption 3. Group 3: High Opportunity for Development Cambodia, Laos PDR, Myanmar - Relatively lower affordability of broadband - Low urban population - Faster mobile than fixed broadband adoption rate 29 Group 2 : Recommended Strategies Strategy Action Establish national broadband agency Establish PPP Funding for Rollout Promote & provide incentives for infrastructure sharing Grants & Subsidies to end users for broadband equipment Develop national universal service program Universal Service Policy Technology Section Create Universal Service Fund Annual review USO obligation Simplify and unify licensing framework for rapid roll out technology New operators in the market Develop wireless spectrum Policy 30 Strategic Thrust Foundation 5: Human Capital Development 31 Strategic Thrust Foundation 5: Human Capital Development 32 Project Implementation under Thrust 5 Develop a registry of • Develop a registry experts and experts and innovators by stocktaking ASEAN innovators ICT experts Create ASEAN ICT Scholarship Develop ICT Certification and skills upgrading • Preparation of ASEAN ICT Scholarship Program • ASEAN ICT Skill Standards Definition and Certification Phase I, II • ASEAN ICT Skills Upgrading and Development 33 ASEAN ICT Skills Standard Definition and Certification • Definitions (5 areas) – Template Used for Definitions – Example of “Definition” Software development, ICT project management, enterprise architecture design, network and system administration, information system and network security • Accreditation – Accreditation Process • Mapping Standards – Mapping of Standards – Example of Mapping 34 Mapping of Standards Strategic Thrust Foundation 6: Bridging the Digital Divide 36 Strategic Thrust Foundation 6: Bridging the Digital Divide 37 Strategic Thrust Foundation 6: Bridging the Digital Divide 38 Strategic Thrust Foundation 6: Bridging the Digital Divide 39 Project Implementation under Thrust 6 Review of USO or similar policies • Workshop on setting up the framework for USO Funds Prioritise roll-out to schools • Workshop on provisioning broadband to every school • Community e-classroom Collaborate between ICT and education sectors • International Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology (iCTLT) 2014 Promote ASEAN integration through exposure to different cultures within ASEAN • ASEAN Cyberkids Camp Collaborate with relevant ministries • Collaboration with other Ministries to Measure ICT Adoption in ASEAN Bridge the digital divide within • Bringing Smart Devices to Underserved Communities ASEAN • The Training program of ICT and AT for elderly and 40 people with disabilities ASEAN Cyberkids Camp 41 Community e-Classroom 42 The Training program of ICT and AT for elderly & people with disabilities 43 AIM 2015 Mid-Term Review • The AIM 2015 reached its halfway mark in 2013 – thus important to take stock of progress and refine approaches if necessary 86% of AIM 2015 has been completed or are on track for successful completion. However, 4 out of 29 Action Points run the risk of not being fulfilled. Recommendations • 1. Rework “at risk” projects around clearly defined deliverables: • AP3: Facilitate sharing and exchanging of business information amongst ASEAN countries Survey of Business Needs for ICT and Information Exchange • AP13: Establish networks of Centres of Excellence (CoEs) Announce the Establishment of CoEs • 2. Refocus resources to maximise synergies • AP9: Promote secure transactions within ASEAN (+AP18&19) Identified Requirements for an Intra-ASEAN Secure Transaction Framework • 3. Reframe projects • AP17: Establish an ASEAN Internet Exchange Network Work Towards the Establishment of an ASEAN Internet Exchange Network Way Forward Mid-term Review of AIM 2015 Final Review of AIM 2015 Post - 2015 ASEAN ICT Masterplan Post- 2015 ASEAN Vision
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