Pinocchio Pinocchio PINOCCHIO PINOCCHIO PINOCCHIO PINOCCHIO PINOCCHIO P I N O C C H I O PINOCCHIO Pinocchio is known for having a short nose that becomes longer when he is under stress, especially while telling a lie. he was created as a wooden puppet, but dreamt of becoming a real boy. Pinocchio is often a term used to describe an individual who is prone to telling lies. His clothes are made of flowered paper, his shoes are made of wood and his hat is made of bread MORE INFO ON PINOCCHIO Mister Geppetto, a fictional character, is the creator of Pinocchio in the 1883 novel, 1940 film and subsequent versions • Italian author and journalist, best-known as the creator of Pinocchio, the wooden boy puppet who came to life. His nose grew larger when he told a lie and returned to normal size when he told the truth. The story has inspired many film makers, among them Walt Disney, whose animation from 1943 is well known. ASLO ITS MADE BY GABBY REMEMBER MADE BY GABBY
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