Oplæg // Presentations Title: User Involvement in Design Presenter: Wafa Said Mosleh Description: The presentation will introduce students to a range of methods that focus on the involvement of people in processes of design. Through the use of concrete examples the participants will get an understanding of how people/users can help address issues related to everyday practice or use of products. The main emphasis will be put on how the methods can be involved, the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, as well as what the outcome of them could be useful for. Language of presentation: UK ________________________________________________________________________________ Title: Sustainability and Fair Division: The Perspectives from Philosophy of Science and Ethics Presenters: Anne Gerdes & Klaus Robering Description: Sustainability involves the fair division of some resources, typically between partners – such as generations of humans – separated by some span of time. Thus the Brundtland Commission of the United Nation explains: “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without comprising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. We shall deal with the questions: What could “fairness” mean? How one can achieve it? Why one should or ought to be fair at all? Whereas the first two problems involve issues from the philosophy of science, the third one is a genuine ethical problem. Language of presentation: UK ________________________________________________________________________________ Titel: CSR – Konceptet, motiver og standarder Oplægsholder: Dennis van Liempd Indhold: Præsentationen vil give en kort afgrænsning og historie af CSR-konceptet, forklare forskellige CSR-definitioner, beskrive drivkræfter og motiver for CSR og give en oversigt over CSR-standarder på politik-, proces- og resultatniveau. Præsentationen vil kort introducere følgende standarder og guidelines: UN Global Compact, UNPRI, OECE Guidelines for MNEs, ISO14000 og ISO26000, SA8000, og GRI. Sprog: DK ________________________________________________________________________________ Title: Marketing Communication Presenter: Bo Mortensen Description: Marketing communication is central to a firm's ability to establish contact to and have a dialogue with customers and other key stakeholders. The right communication strategy enables the creation of a specific understanding of the firm and its products, which can be especially important in regard to issues like sustainability. The presentation gives students an introduction to the basic concepts of marketing communication. The focus will be on how to work with an integrated communication plan where coherent use of a variety of tools creates synergy and consistency. Language of presentation: UK ________________________________________________________________________________ Title: Sustainable Web Communication - Towards a Description Presenters: Lars Johnsen & Nina Bonderup Dohn Description: In this presentation we will attempt to describe what we understand by sustainable web communication. We will deal with web communication both as a human activity as well as a technological artefact focusing on factors that we as web writers and designers can control or influence to ensure sustainability such as: designing for accessibility for people with disabilities designing for reuse across technical platforms and media supporting knowledge sharing practices on the Web communicating in a socially responsible fashion Language of presentation: UK ________________________________________________________________________________ Titel: Henimod en ny æstetik for bæredygtigt design Oplægsholder: Mads Nygaard Folkmann Indhold: Hvordan ser bæredygtigt design ud? Hvilket udtryk har det? Hvilke forventninger har man til det? Men også: Hvordan taler det bedst til nutiden? Med udgangspunkt i æstetikteori og nyere teorier om bæredygtighed i design vil oplægget præsentere og diskutere en række forestillinger om en ny æstetik for bæredygtigt design, der placerer bæredygtigheden et sted mellem praktisk planlægning og æstetisk avantgarde. Oplægget vil argumentere for, at det er gennem at søge de nye udtryk, en ny æstetik for bæredygtigt design, at man som virksomhed og som designer kan bringe sig i front. Sprog: DK ________________________________________________________________________________ Titel: Sådan laver du verdens bedste præsentation Oplægsholdere: Merja Ryöppy & Preben Friis Indhold: Fredag er sidste dag i Camp Get Closer, hvor I skal præsentere ugens arbejde for jeres virksomhed. Så torsdag er det tid til se på jeres arbejde og planlægge, hvordan det skal præsenteres til folk, som ikke har været en del af jeres intensive uge. Det er her, vi kan hjælpe jeres gruppe! Har I brug for friske øjne til at se på jeres præsentation, give feedback eller måske komme med gode råd og ideer, så står vi til rådighed hele dagen. I kan finde os i lokale 51.01 eller sende en sms til 3026 4015. Sprog: DK Title: How to do a Presentation Presenters: Merja Ryöppy & Preben Friis Description: Friday is the final day of the project when you will be presenting your work to the company. On Thursday it is time to wrap up your work and plan how to present your findings to people who have not been part of your intensive week. That is where we can help your group! If you need fresh eyes to look at your presentation, give feedback and maybe some good advice or ideas to help you shape your presentation, you are welcome to call us. We will be available all day in room 51.01 - or you can leave a message on 3026 4015. Language of presentation: UK ________________________________________________________________________________ Title: The Dynamics of Sustainable Development Presenter: Janne J. Liburd Description: Arguing against sustainable development as an achievable goal, the objective of this research presentation is to represent a complexity of stakeholder alliances associated with UNESCO World Heritage status of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). The GRB has lost more than 25 % of its coral reef and biodiversity since its inscription as UNESCO World Heritage in 1981. Placed on the World Heritage in Danger list following from a range of unsustainable practices and lack of preservation of site integrity, I present the dynamic stakeholder relations and strategic use of the World Heritage brand in one of the world’s most iconic tourism destinations. Language of presentation: UK ________________________________________________________________________________ Title: Product Design: Optimizing Time and Human Resources with Rapid Prototyping: A Hands on Tutorial to Use a Prototyping Tool to Design Websites and Apps Presenter: Rocio Chongtay Description: Unsustainable software development processes are characterized by endless cycles of produce-first fix-later and end-products that mismatch customers’ expectations. One of the best tools for a sustainable software development process is good communication between relevant stakeholders during the product specification process. A proactive communication approach can be reached by using rapid prototyping tools during the product specifications process. In this “hands on” tutorial I will introduce you to a rapid prototyping tool that helps to optimize time, resources and results involved in the product specification for websites and apps. Language of presentation: UK ________________________________________________________________________________ Titel: Pitch-værksted Oplægsholdere: Ivan Tyrsted & Lone Toftild Indhold: Som afslutning på Camp Get Closer skal I pitche jeres idé foran et dommerpanel. Det handler selvfølgelig meget om, HVAD I siger. Men det handler også rigtig meget om, HVORDAN I siger det. På workshoppen fortæller vi, hvad en pitch er, hvordan den kan opbygges, en masse do’es and don’ts, og der bliver lejlighed til at øve jeres pitch og få feedback på den. Sprog: DK ________________________________________________________________________________ Titel: Bæredygtig ledelse Oplægsholder: Marianne Storgaard Indhold: Mange virksomheder lever i dag under et øget forventningspres fra interne og eksterne stakeholders, som på den ene side måler værdi i vækst og profit, men som på den anden side også kalder på miljømæssig og social værdiskabelse. Det handler altså om at forene økonomiske resultater med forsvarlig hensyntagen til menneskelige og miljømæssige ressourcer. Præsentationen her fokuserer på ledelsens rolle i denne udvikling, og på hvordan bæredygtig ledelse adskiller sig fra traditionel ledelse. Sprog: DK ________________________________________________________________________________ Titel: Designeksperimenter – en vej til viden og praktisk problemløsning Oplægsholder: Jens Jørgen Hansen Indhold: Hvordan kan man både løse problemstillinger og skabe ny viden? Oplægget præsenterer en metode for, hvordan projektgrupper i campen systematisk kan arbejde med designeksperimenter og diskutere, hvilke principper der kendetegner et bæredygtigt designeksperiment. Designeksperimenter indgår i forskningstilgangen Design Based Research. Udgangspunktet er et virkelighedsnært problem, som skal analyseres, eksperimenteres med og løses – og det sker ved at udvikle, afprøve og forbedre et design. Et design kan både være et konkret artefakt og principper for en organisations arbejde med for eksempel kompetenceudvikling, hvor designeksperimenter ses i samspil med en større sammenhæng, en læringsøkologi. Sprog: DK ________________________________________________________________________________ Title: Social Sustainability in Design. The Case of Little Sun Presenter: Toke Riis Ebbesen Description: This presentation is an attempt to understand the tensions of everyday and art objects, as they are interweaved in discourses of social design. The solar lamp "Little Sun" by the IcelandicDanish artist Olafur Eliasson and the Danish engineer Frederik Ottesen is used as case that blends the registers of social design and art, and as an example of how designers attempt to express meanings through design and through powerful mediations of the designed objects. Language of presentation: UK ________________________________________________________________________________ Titel: Cirkulær økonomi i modebranchen – et casestudie af børnetøjsvirksomheden Vigga Oplægsholder: Trine Brun Petersen Indhold: Modebranchen har, måske bedre end nogen anden branche, accelereret og perfektioneret den planlagte forældelse af varen. Den æstetiske forældelse, der betyder, at beklædning "går af mode” efter en eller ganske få sæsoner, betyder, at produkternes materielle holdbarhed ofte langt overstiger deres faktiske brugstid. Dette oplæg tager udgangspunkt i to forskellige bud på, hvordan man kan arbejde sig hen mod en større grad af bæredygtighed i modebranchen. Det ene bud fokuserer på ændrede produktionsmønstre og designstrategier, mens det andet fokuserer på, hvordan man kan ændre de aktuelle forbrugsmønstre i mere bæredygtig retning. Foredragets primære eksempel er børnetøjsvirksomheden Vigga, der har udviklet en cirkulær model for salg og brug af børnetøj. Sprog: DK ________________________________________________________________________________ Title: Sustainable Supply Chains Presenter: Jesper Kronborg Jensen Description: The presentation commences with what can be understood by an environmentally sustainable supply chain, as well as what motivates or drives the companies to develop their supply chain towards a better environmental performance. The purpose with the presentation is to provide the participants with knowledge of how a company can develop the supply chains in which it operates in order to reduce the environmental impact and create competitive advantages. This involves a discussion of the relationship between environmental and economic performance. Language of presentation: UK ________________________________________________________________________________ Title: Strategies for Sustainable Design Presenter: Niels Peter Skou Description: The presentation will introduce three different philosophies or strategies related to sustainable design: Cradle to cradle, durability, and social innovation. These strategies focus respectively on materials, the emotional relation between user and product and the social context around consumption. They should not be seen as ruling each other out, but rather as different approaches to the same complex issue of sustainability. The presentation will give examples and discuss how the different strategies relate and potentially complement each other. Language of presentation: UK Title: Communicating sustainability Presenters: Lasse Bastkjær Jensen, Head of Media Relations at Danfoss A/S Description: Danfoss is active in the global climate and energy debate. But how does a company balance between trustworthy information and “good stories” about sustainability seen from a media context? Which channels and materials have the best chance of getting the message out? These are some of the questions that will be answered when Danfoss’ head of media, social media and corporate web channels shares some of the company’s experiences with communicating sustainability. Language of presentation: UK Titel: Ambitiøse CSR-mål driver innovation og jagten på nye løsninger Oplægsholder: Dorthe Kallestrup, CSR Project Manager hos egetæpper Indhold: egetæpper er i dag en af landets bedste og mest ambitiøse virksomheder, når det handler om at arbejde strategisk med CSR. I dette oplæg tager Dorthe Kallestrup ”CSR-brillerne” på, når hun fortæller om den udvikling, virksomheden har undergået siden 1938, set fra en samfundsansvarlig synsvinkel, og hvordan CSR i dag er en integreret del af forretningsstrategien. Hun kommer omkring, hvordan egetæpper arbejder med CSR, hvorfor det er vigtigt, og hvilken betydning det har for egetæppers evne til at være innovative og arbejde på at skabe bæredygtige løsninger. Sprog: DK Title: CSR and sustainability in real life – The case of Arla Foods Presenters: Jan Dalsgård Johannesen, Director Sustainability at Arla Foods Description: Arla Foods has a great focus on CSR and sustainability and it has for more than ten years been embedded in the decisions made by the senior management. Based on this commitment, an environmental strategy, with clear objectives and covering the entire value chain from production of milk to the final products, has been written. If you are interested in CSR and how firms work with sustainability in practice, this presentation is a must for you. Language of presentation: UK
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