Heat Atlases in Local Energy Planning The demands are estimated based on a heat demand model that uses building information: • • Year of construction • Size of the building • Type of building The heat atlas also includes information about current heat supply technology as well as heat demand reduction potential for each building. • • • • A heat atlas is a geographic representation of heat demands typically related to buildings or industries. Heat atlases exist in many forms and on different levels of detail, from household level to city scale. Application of Heat Atlases Presently in Aalborg, we focus on: The Danish Heat Atlas In local energy planning, heat atlases are often used to answer questions like: Steffen Nielsen Assistant Professor Department of Development and Planning Aalborg University Denmark E-mail: [email protected] What is a Heat Atlas? Has been developed and used since 2008, and estimates heat demands at individual building level of all buildings in Denmark. The primary use of heat atlases is to estimate heat demands geographically. This is useful for energy companies, researchers as well as local authorities for making energy plans or strategies. • • • • How large are the heat demands? What is the current heat supply? Which district heating (DH) expansion possibilities exist? What are the possibilities of end-use heat demand reductions? Having geographically distributed heat demands, enables an assessment of technical solutions, like DH, that are very dependent on the local geography. So far existing analyses in development of renewable energy systems have been carried out: Expansion of DH systems and conversion of natural gas areas Exploration of new DH areas Interconnection of DH systems Mapping energy vulnerability Assessing economic potentials for enduse efficiency Current Focus • • Improving the Danish Heat Atlas with measured consumptions data from half of the Danish buildings. Looking into the possibilities of establishing heat atlases for areas in other countries. Also with a focus on the data requirements to establish heat atlases in varies contexts. Two articles about heat atlases High resolution heat atlases for demand and supply mapping, Bernd Möller & Steffen Nielsen http://dx.doi.org/10.5278/ijsepm.2014.1.4 A Geographic Method for High Resolution Spatial Heat Planning, Steffen Nielsen http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2013.12.011 Recent studies The TURAS Project Case Study of Aalborg District Heating Potential in the Central Denmark Region Heat Saving Potentials Copenhagen Energy Vision 2050 The current version of the Danish Heat Atlas has been developed as part of the TURAS project. In the project, the heat atlas was further used to assess different scenarios for renewable energy systems in the town of Aalborg. The aim of this project was to develop a screening tool for district heating potentials in the Central Denmark Region. The potentials were found by examining the economic cost of expanding DH to individual heating solutions. In a study of Copenhagen, the heat atlas was used to estimate heat demands as well as reduction potentials in the end-use. Viborg Hald Ege Egedal 1. nordvest 1. nord 6. øst 6. Utterslev 1. vest 7. nord 7. øst 7. nordvest Vinkel 6. syd 7. syd Hjermind 7. Kirkebjerg Sønder Rind Middelhede Gammel Almind Almind ! Dollerup Tolstrup Gårde 7. Katrinedal Brandstrup 76 - 100 101 - 150 3. øst 151 < 3. syd 9. nord 9. øst 8. Valby Gullev Tange 8. nord 8. midt Høbjerg Elsborg 9. vest9. Vesterbro 2. nord 4. øst Borridsø Bredholt 9. Sydhavn 2.vest 8. syd 2. Sundbyvester 4. syd 8. sydøst Ans Levring 4. Sundbyøster 9. midt 8. vest Sahl Sjørslev Duelund 51 - 75 3. nord 3. Indre By Hvorslev Gerning Fårup Rødkærsbro Vindelsbæk Vium 5. nordvest 5. midt 5. øst 5. vest 5. syd 4. nord Lysgård Demstrup 36 - 50 5. Nørrebro 1. syd 7. Vanløse Bjerringbro Vindum < 20 5. nord Mammen Rindsholm kWh/m2 1. Østerbro 21 - 35 7. vest 7. Brønshøj Birgittelyst Neder!Hvam Legend 6. nord 9. syd Vejerslev Skræ Kongensbro Iller Thorning Kjellerup 2. syd Skorup Nørskovlund Nørre Knudstrup Truust Tanghus Astrup Grønbæk Fjernvarme-forbrugerpris Fårvang Billigere end 800 DKK/MWh Hinge 800 - 1000 DKK/MWh Vinderslev Horn Dyrere end 1000 DKK/MWh Pederstrup Serup Lemming Gråmose TURAS project Frederiksdal Potentiale for fjernvarme Omkostning til fjernvarmeudvidelse Gjern Resdal Grauballe Billigere end biomasse/varmepumpe Svostrup Sejling Sinding www.turas-cities.eu Kragelund Refshale Billigere end naturgas Skægkær ! Skannerup Billigere end olie Dyrere end olie Øster Bording Silkeborg ! Voel Nyt biomassefyret værk billigst Veje Engesvang Central Denmark Region (in Danish) http://www.rm.dk/siteassets/regional-udvikling/energi/strategiskenergiplanlagning/fokusgruppeost/analyser/afgransning.pdf Kommuner Copenhagen Energy Vision http://vbn.aau.dk/da/publications/copenhagenenergy-vision%28ccf7d834-06d0-4666-bd5250c22c0ea96e%29.html
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