Basic Principles of Physical Fitness Chapter 2

Basic Principles of
Physical Fitness
Chapter 2
Physical Activity and Exercise
for Health and Fitness
Physical activity levels have declined
Healthy People 2010:
More than 55% of U.S. adults do not engage
in recommended amounts of activity
25% are not active at all
Levels of Physical Activity
Physical Activity on a
Physical activity:
any body movement carried out by the skeletal muscles
and requiring energy
planned, structured, repetitive movement of the body
designed to improve or maintain physical fitness
Physical fitness:
a set of physical attributes that allows the body to respond
or adapt to the demands and stress of physical effort
Lifestyle Physical Activity
For health promotion:
Expend about 150 calories—equivalent to 30
minutes of brisk walking—on most days
For health promotion and weight
Engage in 60 or more daily minutes of
activity to prevent unhealthy weight gain
Engage in 60-90 daily minutes of activity to
sustain weight loss
Moderate Amounts of
Physical Activity
Exercise to Develop Physical Fitness
Lifestyle physical activity improves health
but may not improve fitness
A structured, formal exercise program
improves physical fitness and provides
even greater health improvements
How Much Physical
Activity Is Enough?
Moderate-intensity versus high-intensity
Continuous versus intermittent exercise
Low-intensity exercise improves health
but may not be very beneficial for
improving physical fitness
How Much Physical Activity
Is Enough?
Health-Related Components
of Physical Fitness
Health-related fitness = physical
capacities that contribute to health
Five components:
1. Cardiorespiratory endurance = the ability of the
body to perform prolonged, large-muscle,
dynamic exercise at moderate-to-high levels of
Health-Related Components of
Physical Fitness
2. Muscular strength = the amount of force
a muscle can produce with a single
maximum effort
3. Muscular endurance = the ability of a
muscle or group of muscles to remain
contracted or to contract repeatedly
4. Flexibility = the range of motion in a joint
or group of joints
Health-Related Components of
Physical Fitness
5. Body composition = the proportion of fat and
fat-free mass (muscle, bone, and water) in the
Skill-Related Components of
Reaction time
Specificity—Adapting to
Type of Training
The body adapts to the particular type and
amount of stress placed on it
To develop a particular fitness component,
perform exercises specifically designed for
that component
Progressive Overload—Adapting
to Amount of Training
Placing increasing amounts of stress on
the body causes adaptations that improve
fitness; progression is critical
FITT principle for overload:
Frequency—How often
Intensity—How hard
Time—How long (duration)
Type—Mode of activity
Reversibility—Adapting to a
Reduction in Training
Fitness improvements are lost when
demands on the body are lowered
If you stop exercising, up to 50% of
fitness improvements are lost within 2
Individual Differences—
Limits on Adaptability
Everyone is NOT created equal from a
physical standpoint
There are large individual differences in
ability to improve fitness, body
composition, and sports skills
Designing Your Own
Exercise Program
Medical clearance
Fitness assessment
Setting goals
Time frame specific
Designing Your Own
Exercise Program
Choosing activities for a balanced
Include activities to develop health-related
components of physical fitness
Physical Activity Pyramid
Benefits of Different Types
of Programs
Guidelines for Training
Train the way you want your body to
Train regularly
Start slowly, and get in shape gradually;
do not overtrain
Warm up before exercise
Cool down after exercise
Exercise safely
Guidelines for Training
Listen to your body, and get adequate rest
Cycle the volume and intensity of your workouts
Try training with a partner
Vary your activities
Train your mind
Fuel your activity appropriately
Have fun
Track your progress
Keep your exercise program in perspective
Progression of an Exercise
Program: Get in Shape Gradually
Amount of Exercise for
Fitness Benefits
Choosing a Fitness Center
Trained personnel
Wellness Worksheet
Wellness Worksheets can be accessed online at
1. From the website above, click on “student edition” at the bottom
left column.
2. Click on “wellness worksheets”
3. Click on “126 Wellness Worksheets are available online” in the
middle of the page.
4. Click on “69: Your Physical Activity Profile” and complete the
5. Print out the completed worksheet and submit on Monday, January
Fahey/Insel/Roth, Fit & Well: Core Concepts and Labs in Physical Fitness and Wellness, Chapter 1
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