Nazi Parades and Public Spectacles Elliot, Hamish and Connor

Nazi Parades and Public
Elliot, Hamish and
• The Nazi Party actively used Parades and Marches
during the 1920’s and earl 1930’s
• This was to raise the profile of the party
• Intimidate voters and opposition
• Create the impression of a large, well supported and
disciplined organisation
• Theatricality of these marches (wearing uniforms,
medals, banners and choreographed singing) captured
many people’s attentions
Book Burnings
• Berlin- May 1933
• Carried out by the National Socialist German
Student Body
• Ceremony to burn books by pacifist, socialist,
Jewish and other authors whose ideologies were
seen to be subversive to Nazi ideology
• Heinrich Heine, German Jewish Poet: “Where
they burn books, one day they will burn human
Nuremburg Rallies
• Annual rally of the NSDAP in
Germany held from 1923-1928
• Used as a large Propaganda event
especially after Hitler's rise to power
• They gathered to listen to his
• These rallies consisted of flags,
stirring music accompanied the
marching columns and salutes
• Films were made of these rallies and
were shown in cinemas so
even non- participants
could be over-awed
by the experience
Key Celebrations in Nazi calender
30 January- Day of seizing of power
24 Feb- Anniversary of founding of party
March (1st Sunday)- Commemoration of heroes
20 April- Hitler’s BIRTHDAY WOOP!! (house party at Hamish, he
won’t hear the music)
1 May- National Labour day
May (2nd Sunday)- Mother’s day
21 June- Summer solstice
July (2nd Sunday)- Day of German culture
September- Nuremberg rally
October- Harvest
9 November- Remembrance of Munich Putsch
21 December- Yuletide
Meetings, Rallies and festivals
• Attracted Nazi supporters and bystanders that
might be juan over
• Goebbels said that rallies transformed a person
from a little worm into part of a large dragon
• On festival days streets would be festooned with
swastika flags
• Failure to support this might be reported to the
• Government coordinated various sporting bodies under a
• Hitler Youth/DAF organised mass sporting activities e.g. gymnastics
• These were used to improve the fitness of soldiers and improve
health for child bearers
• Government made great efforts to ensure the Berlin 1936 Olympics
were a propaganda success
• On new stadium there was a memorial to all dead soldiers, thus
linking sport and militarism
• Hitler: “He who wishes to live must also fight and he who will not
strive in this world of struggle does not deserve the gift of life”