Roll Call of the States 13th Annual National Association of State Military Resource Managers Florida – June 2005 Alabama NASMRM POC – Wayne Pratt [email protected] Interesting Facts: •Alabama workers built the first rocket to put humans on the moon. •World’s first electric trolley system was introduced in Montgomery in 1886. • In 1902 Dr. Luther Leonidas Hill performed the first open heart surgery in the Western Hemisphere by suturing a stab wound in a young boy's heart. • Birthplace of Joe Louis, Hank Aaron, Nat King Cole, the Temptations and of course, Jim Nabors (HEY ANDY!) Alaska NASMRM POC – Richard Turcic [email protected] Interesting Facts: • The Trans-Alaska Pipeline moves up to 88,000 barrels of oil per hour on its 800 mile journey to Valdez. • In 1926 13-year-old Bennie Benson from Cognac, Alaska designed the state flag. • Juneau is the only capital city in the U.S. accessible only by boat or plane. • In 1915 the record high temperature in Alaska was 100 degrees Fahrenheit; the record low temperature was –80 degrees in 1971. • In 1867 United States Secretary of State William H. Seward offered Russia $7,200,000, or two cents per acre, for Alaska. Arizona NASMRM POC – Diane Freeman [email protected] Interesting Facts: • Leads the nation in Copper production and the amount of copper on the roof of the Capitol building is equivalent to 4.8 million pennies. •Considered by flag experts to have the best-looking flag of all the States. •The bola-tie is the official state neckwear. (something to be proud of!) •Famous Arizonan’s: Lynda Carter (Wonder Woman); Apache Kid (Outlaw); Barry Goldwater (Politician) Arkansas NASMRM POC – Linda Barron [email protected] Interesting Facts: •Has the only public diamond mine in the world at Crater of Diamonds. • Sam Walton founded Wal-Mart stores in Bentonville. •Milk is the official state beverage. (Such a wholesome state) •Famous Arkansans: Johnny Cash, and General Douglas McArthur. •Home of Glen Campbell – California NASMRM POC – Bob Olsen [email protected] Interesting Facts: •Dick and Mac McDonald opened the first McDonald’s restaurant in San Bernardino. •California consumes more bottled water than any other product. • Former Actor Arnold Swartzenager becomes California governor. • Famous Californian’s: Robert Redford (Actor); Julia Child (Chef); Jeff Gordon (Lincoln Steven’s double) • California is in the news lately for this Famous Neverland celebrity. Colorado NASMRM POC – Carol Mentone [email protected] Interesting Facts: • Home of the United States Air Force Academy. •Denver, lays claim to the invention of the cheeseburger. The trademark for the name Cheeseburger was awarded in 1935 to Louis Ballast. •The word “Colorado” means “colored red.” •Famous Coloradans: Tim Allen (Actor); Ted Mack (TV Host) Connecticut NASMRM POC – Joseph Duberek [email protected] Interesting Facts: •The first automobile law was passed by the state of CT in 1901. The speed limit was set at 12 miles per hour. It was also the first state to issue permanent license plates for cars. •Connecticut is home to the first hamburger, Polaroid camera, helicopter, and color television. •Famous Nutmeggers: Benedict Arnold (“Hmm, never trust them thar Nutmeggers”); Benjamin Spock (pediatrician) Florida NASMRM POC – Ralph K. Johns [email protected] Interesting Facts: •Gatorade was named for the University of Florida Gators where the drink was first developed. •The first Snapper riding lawn mower was developed in Florida. (Now that’s impressive!) •NASMRM thanks Florida for their hospitality and dedication to our organization! • Famous Floridian’s : Janet Reno (that says it all!); Dwight Gooden (Baseball Player); Faye Dunaway (Actress) Georgia NASMRM POC –Ray Godleski [email protected] Interesting Facts: •Coca-Cola was invented by Dr. John Pemberton in May 1886 in Atlanta and first sold at Jacob’s Pharmacy in Atlanta. • In Gainesville, the Chicken Capital of the World it is illegal to eat chicken with a fork. •Famous Georgian’s: Hulk Hogan (Now there’s the man!); Jackie Robinson (Athlete); Ray Charles (Singer) Hawaii NASMRM POC Thomas T. Moriyasu [email protected] Interesting Facts: • The only state in the U.S. that grows coffee. • More than 100 world-renowned beaches ring Honolulu. • SNOW?? I think not. • Home to Tom Selleck (Where has he been?) • Famous Hawaiian’s: Don Ho (brings back memories) Idaho NASMRM POC – LeRae Nelson [email protected] Interesting Facts: •Home of Sun Valley, recognized as the home of America’s first destination ski resort. •The Statehouse in Boise and dozens of other buildings in the city are geothermally heated from underground hot springs. •In Idaho law forbids a citizen to give another citizen a box of candy that weighs more than 50 pounds. (Should be a law against that!) Famous Idahoan’s: Joe Albertson (Grocery Store Chain Owner); Lana Turner (Acress) Illinois NASMRM POC – John Newman [email protected] Interesting Facts: •The Chicago River is dyed green on Saint Patrick’s Day. • Metropolis the home of Superman really exists in Southern Illinois. •The Illinois state dance is square dancing. (Kick your heels!) •Famous Illinoisans: Cindy Crawford (Model) (Don’t say anything boys!); Walt Disney (Animator, Businessman); Raquel Welch (Actress) (They grow em’ pretty in Illinois) Indiana NASMRM POC – Kami Woods [email protected] Interesting Facts: • Racing Capital of the World. •Home of Van Camp’s Pork & Beans. (Beans, Beans – the magical fruit) •In 1934 Chicago Gangster John Dillinger escaped jail by using a “pistol” he had carved from a wooden block. •Famous Hoosier’s: Jeff Gordon (Race Car Driver); Steve Alford (IOWA Basketball Coach – you can have him back); Michael Jackson (California loves him now!) Iowa NASMRM POC – Duane Jamison [email protected] Interesting Facts: • Home to more than 97,000 farms • Home of Quaker Oats, the largest cereal company in the world • Iowa State Fair ranked as the Number 2 “Top Place in • America” to go for summer fun. (Best darn Turkey Leg on a stick you’ve ever had!) • • Famous Iowans: John Wayne (Actor); Ashton Kutcher (Actor) Kansas NASMRM POC – Janice Harper [email protected] Interesting Facts: •Leads the nation in the production of Helium. (Talk like Donald Duck!) • Has largest flock of prairie chickens in North America. •At one time it was against the law to serve ice cream on cherry pie in Kansas . • Famous Kansans: Barry Sanders (Football); Walter Chrysler (Automaker) Kentucky NASMRM POC – Steven Waggoner [email protected] Interesting Facts: •The first enamel bathtub was made in Louisville in 1856. • More than $6 billion worth of gold is held in the underground vaults of Fort Knox. This is the largest amount of gold stored anywhere in the world. •Chevrolet Corvettes are manufactured in Bowling Green. •Famous Kentuckians: Diane Sawyer (journalist); Muhammed Ali (Living proof that boxing is not good for you!) Louisiana NASMRM POC – Donald Burgess [email protected] Interesting Facts: • Bayou (BUY-you) is a French word for slow-moving river. •The world famous “Mardi Gras” is celebrated in New Orleans. This custom was originated in Southern Europe – to celebrate food and fun 40 days before Lint – a Catholic time of prayer and sacrifice. (I wonder what the beads originally were meant for?) •FAMOUS Louisianians: Known for many fine musicians – Louis Armstrong; Fats Domino; and Jelly Roll Morton Maine NASMRM POC – Linda Gosselin [email protected] Interesting Facts: •Known to NASMRM members as having the best darn lobster in the U.S! • 90% of the country's toothpick supply is produced in Maine. •Maine is the only state that shares its border with only one other state. •Main’s state flower is the white pine cone and tassel (Must be a lot of dancers there!) •Famous Mainers: (Couldn’t find any? All famous people are from “away”) Maryland NASMRM POC – John Nickerson [email protected] Interesting Facts: • Home to the United States Naval Academy •The Official Sport of Maryland is Jousting •Annapolis is known as the sailing capital of the world. •Known to NASMRM members as the party capitol of the U.S. •FAMOUS Marylanders: Babe Ruth (Baseball Player); Frank Zappa (Singer?); Spiro T. Agnew (Vice President) Massachusetts NASMRM POC – Bill Bankert [email protected] Interesting Facts: •Boston built the first subway system in the U.S. in 1897. •The Fig Newton was named after Newton, Massachusetts. (There’s another one to be proud of!) •The first Thanksgiving Day was celebrated in Plymouth in 1621. •Famous BayStaters: Leonard Nemoy (Live Long & Prosper); John F. Kennedy (President) Michigan NASMRM POC – Alfred Christian [email protected] Interesting Facts: • Has more lighthouses than any other state in the country. • Has more than 11,000 inland lakes and over 36,000 miles of streams. • Detroit is known as the car capital of the world. •Famous Michiganians: Madonna (Eye Protection needed); home of many comedians (funny state) Gilda Radner; Lilly Tomlin; and Dick Martin Minnesota NASMRM POC – Terrence Palmer [email protected] Interesting Facts: •The stapler was invented in Spring Valley. • The first Intercollegiate Basketball game was played in Minnesota on February 9,1895. • The Mall of America in Bloomington is the size of 78 football fields --- 9.5 million square feet. •Famous Minnesotans: Jesse Ventura (Politician, Wrestler); Prince Rogers Nelson (singer “Are we sure that’s his name?) Mississippi NASMRM POC – Darryl Womack [email protected] Interesting Facts: •The first football player on a Wheaties box was Walter Payton of Columbia. •NASMRM members enjoyed the hospitality here! • David Harrison of Columbus owns the patent on the Soft Toilet Seat. Over 1,000,000 are sold every year. (Now there’s something to be proud of!) •Famous Mississippians: Oprah Winfrey (Talk-Show Host); Tennessee Williams (Playwright); Brett Farve(GOOD football player!) Missouri NASMRM POC – Mary Lea [email protected] Interesting Facts: •At the St. Louis World’s Fair in 1904, Richard Blechyden, served tea with ice and invented Iced Tea! •The state animal is the “Mule” (Nothing needs to be said here!) •The tallest man in documented medical history was 8 feet 11.1 inches tall from St. Louis. •Famous Missourians: Yogi Berra (baseball); Rush Limbaugh (journalist); Ginger Rogers (Dancer); Vincent Price (Scary Actor) Montana NASMRM POC – Karen Revious [email protected] Interesting Facts: The density of the state is six people per square mile. In Montana the elk, deer and antelope populations outnumber the humans. Famous Montanans: Evil Knievel (Daredevil Cyclist); Gary Cooper (Actor) Nebraska NASMRM POC – Shawn Fitzgerald [email protected] Interesting Facts: •Kool-Aid was invented in Hastings, Nebraska. • The 911 emergency system originated in Lincoln, Nebraska. •In Blue Hill, Nebraska, no female wearing a 'hat that would scare a timid person' can be seen eating onions in public. •Famous Nebraskan’s: Home of many fine actors such as Henry Fonda; Marlon Brando; Fred Astaire; and Montgomery Clift Nevada NASMRM POC – Miles Celio [email protected] Interesting Facts: •In 1999 Nevada had 205,726 slot machines, one for every 10 residents. •The only state with an entire museum dedicated to the life of Liberace. •The Largest gold-producing state in the nation. •Las Vegas has more hotel rooms than any other place on earth. •Famous Nevadans: Andre Agassi (Tennis Player); Pat Nixon (First Lady) New Hampshire NASMRM POC – Stephanie Milender [email protected] Interesting Facts: •New Hampshire was the first to declare its independence from Mother England. • Built in 1900 the Hampton River Bridge called the “mile-long bridge” was reputed to be the longest wooden bridge I the world. •Famous New Hampshirites: John Irving (writer); Franklin Pierce (U.S. President) New Jersey NASMRM POC – Wayne Hunt [email protected] Interesting Facts: •NASMRM members found out that travel advances don’t cover enough expenses! We loved the martini bar! •Atlantic City has the longest boardwalk in the world . •North Jersey is the car theft capital of the world. More cars are stolen in Newark than even New York City and Los Angeles put together. •Famous New Jerseyites: Whitney Houston (singer); Bruce Springsteen (musician, singer); Frank Sinatra (singer) New Mexico NASMRM POC – Valerie Martinez [email protected] Interesting Facts: • The Navajo, the Nation's largest Native American Group, have a reservation that covers 14 million Acres. •In 1950 the little cub that was to become Smokey the Bear was found trapped in a tree when his home in Lincoln National Forest was destroyed by fire. •NASMRM members learned the phrase “VIVA Tequila” and “Where’s the Pepto Bismol” •Famous New Mexicans: Demi Moore (actress); John Denver (singer) New York NASMRM POC – James Lamback [email protected] Interesting Facts: • The first pizzeria in the US was opened in 1895 in New York City. • New York City is the most populous city in the nation and has 722 miles of subway track. • The first state to require license plates on cars. • The first capital of the United States of America was New York City. •Famous New Yorkers: Humphrey Bogart (actor); Puff Daddy (singer); Norman Rockwell (artist) North Carolina NASMRM POC – Rodney Thomas [email protected] Interesting Facts: • The Krispy Kreme Doughnut was founded in Winston-Salem •Had the first state governor to be impeached – William Holden removed from office March 22, 1871. •Pepsi was invented and first served in New Bern in 1898. (We love Pepsi in the Midwest!) •Famous North Carolinians: Andy Griffith (actor); Howard Cosell (announcer); Richard Petty (Race Car Driver) North Dakota NASMRM POC – Darcy Schwind [email protected] Interesting Facts: Everyone in North Dakota has a milk mustache because it is the official beverage of their state! Lewis and Clark, Sakakawea, George Custer, Sitting Bull and Theodore Roosevelt lived out larger-than-life adventures here. Famous North Dakotans: Lawrence Welk (Band Leader); Louis L’Amour (author) Ohio NASMRM POC – Nadie Evans [email protected] Interesting Facts: •Akron is the rubber capital of the world. •Neil Armstrong from Wapakoneta was the first man to walk on the moon. •The Wright Brothers from Dayton are acknowledged as the inventors of the first airplane. •John Lambert of Ohio City made America’s first automobile in 1891. •The Cincinnati Reds were the first professional baseball team. •Famous Ohioans: Bob Hope (actor); Neil Armstrong (Astronaut); Cy Young (Baseball player); Halle Berry (Actress) Oklahoma NASMRM POC – COL Dale E Carney [email protected] Interesting Facts: • Home of Will Rogers, Vince Gill, Reba McIntyre, Toby Keith, Garth Brooks and the National Cowboy Hall of Fame. •State capitol building has an oil well underneath it. •The name “Sooner” comes from those landrunners who snuck past territory markers prior to the actual shotgun start of a land rush. •Best darn football team in the Big 12 (this hurts Lesa!) •Famous Okie’s: Dale and Donna Carney Oregon NASMRM POC Jason Schwabel [email protected] Interesting Facts: • Has more ghost towns than any other state. • State motto is “She flies with her own wings.” (Ghosts?) • The Columbia River gorge is considered by many to be the best place in the world for windsurfing. •Famous Oregonians: Doc Severinsen (Band Leader); Sally Struthers (Actress) Pennsylvania NASMRM POC – Patricia Sale [email protected] Interesting Facts: •In 1913 the first automobile service station opened in Pittsburgh . • Home of Hershey’s Chocolate • Philadelphia is the site of the first public zoo, the first daily newspaper published in the US (1784), home of the first computer (1946), and site of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. •Famous Pennsylvanians: Bill Cosby (actor); Lee Iacocca; (Auto Exec) Rhode Island NASMRM POC – William Henry [email protected] Interesting Facts: • The smallest state covering 1,214 square miles •First to take military action against England in Revolution by sinking one of her ships in the Narragansett Bay •First state to host open golf tournament in 1895. •Rhode Island has the oldest Roman Catholic Parish St. Mary’s. Famous wedding to be held there was Jacqueline Bouvier to John F. Kennedy in 1853. •Famous Rhode Islanders: Nelson Eddy (Actor); Spalding Gray (author) South Carolina NASMRM POC –Jean Abrahamsen [email protected] Interesting Facts: • First state to leave the Union at the start of the Civil War and the site of the first fighting of the war at Ft. Sumter. •The state dance of South Carolina is the Shag! •Most beautiful golf courses in the United States. •Famous South Carolinians: Dizzy Gillespie (musician); •Joe Frazier (prize fighter) • South Dakota NASMRM POC – Arthur F. Scheafer [email protected] Interesting Facts: •Sturgis is home of the annual Black Hills Classic Motorcycle Rally. • Mitchell is the home of the world's only Corn Palace. • The Crazy Horse mountain carving now in progress will be the world’s largest sculpture – if it is ever finished. • “Where the Heck is Wall Drug?” • “Dances With Wolves” filmed here. •Famous South Dakotans: Tom Brokaw (Journalist); George McGovern (Activist) Tennessee NASMRM POC – Russ H. Kent [email protected] Interesting Facts: • More National Guard soldiers deployed from the state for Gulf War I than any other state. • Graceland is the second most visited house in the nation. •Cumberland University lost a football game to Georgia Tech in 1916 by a score of 222 to 0. The Georgia Tech coach was George Heisman for whom the Heisman Trophy is named. • Tennessee is the home of the 2006 NASMRM Conference. •Famous Tennessee: Dolly Parton (Singer); Cybil Shepherd (Actress); Tina Turner (Singer) Texas NASMRM POC – Cathy Mann [email protected] Interesting Facts: •The King Ranch in Texas is bigger than the state of Rhode Island •The first word spoken from the moon on July 20, 1969 was “Houston”. • The state's cattle population is estimated to be near 16 million. •Famous Texans: Dan Rather (Journalist); Joan Crawford (Actress) Utah NASMRM POC – Denis Yoggerst [email protected] Interesting Facts: •Has the highest literacy rate in the country. Certain NASMRM members were made aware by local police, that Utah doesn’t promote beer consumption in public areas •Because of the state's inland location Utah's snow is unusually dry. Earning it the reputation of having the world's greatest powder. 14 Alpine ski resorts operate in Utah. •Famous Utahns: Merlin Olsen (football player); Steve Young (Football Player) Vermont NASMRM POC – Barbara Jarrett [email protected] Interesting Facts: •Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream company gives their ice cream waste to the local Vermont farmers who use it to feed their hogs. The hogs seem to like all of the flavors except Mint Oreo. •Famous Vermont: Brigham Young (Religious Leader); Henry Wells (entrepeneur); Virginia NASMRM POC – Lynda Mann [email protected] Interesting Facts: •Virginia was named for England's "Virgin Queen," Elizabeth I. •The Pentagon has nearly 68,000 miles of internal telephone lines. •Famous Virginians: Eight Presidents were from Virginia: Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Harrison, Tyler, Wilson and Taylor. Washington NASMRM POC – James Peterson [email protected] Interesting Facts: • Home of the Supersonics, the Seahawks and the Mariners. • Produces more apples than any other state. • Home to the wealthiest man in the world – Bill Gates. •The only state named after a President. • Has the tallest mountain in the continental U.S.– Mt. Rainier 14,410 ft. •Famous Washingtonians: •Bob Barker (TV host); Bing Crosby (Singer, Actor); Kurt Cobain (Singer) West Virginia NASMRM POC – Samuel Peal [email protected] Interesting Facts: • First State to have a sales tax – effective July 1, 1921. • Nearly 75% of West Virginia is covered by forests. •Outdoor advertising had its origin in Wheeling about 1908 when the Block Brothers Tobacco Company painted bridges and barns with the wording: "Treat Yourself to the Best, Chew Mail Pouch.” •Famous West Virginians: George Brett (Baseball player); Peter Marshall (TV Host) Wisconsin NASMRM POC – Robert Treland [email protected] Interesting Facts: •Barbie Dolls originated in Willows, Wisconsin. •Milwaukee is home of Harley Davidson Motorcycles. •Milwaukee – home of other beverages! •Famous Wisconsin's: Chris Farley (Actor); Harry Houdini (Magician) District of Columbia NASMRM POC – Essie M. Thomas [email protected] Interesting Facts: • Home of the Federal Capital. • George Washington chose the sight for the future capital in 1791. • Worlds most famous address – 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue •Famous District of Columbians: Home to President George Bush dogs Spot and Barney Guam NASMRM POC – David M. Cruz, Jr. [email protected] Interesting Facts: • America’s gateway to the Western Pacific and Asia. •Guam was ceded to the US by Spain in 1898. Captured by the Japanese in 1941, it was retaken by the US three years later. The military installation on the island is one of the most strategically important US bases in the Pacific. • Where America’s new Millennium began. •Tony Curtis (actor) was wounded during the invasion of Guam in 1944. Puerto Rico NASMRM POC – Ebrahim Figueroa [email protected] Interesting Facts: •Represented in US Congress by a Resident Commissioner who had a voice in the House, but no vote. • Tourism is big – over 5 million visitors in 1999. •Puerto Rico has an overall literacy rate of 90%. •40% of the government budget is for education. (Impressive!) •Famous Puerto Ricans: Roberto Clemente (baseball player); Jose Feliciano (musician); Rita Moreno (actress) Virgin Islands NASMRM POC – Marcia Mills [email protected] Interesting Facts: •Tourism is the primary economic activity, accounting for 80% of GDP and employment. The islands normally host 2 million visitors a year. •One of the world's largest petroleum refineries is at Saint Croix. •No area in the world offers tropical sights as grand as those of the Virgin Islands, with some hundred islands and cays sprinkled over an area 40 miles long and 10 miles in the northeast corner of the Caribbean Sea. •Famous Virgin Islanders: Valmay Thomas (Baseball Player); Ray Seales (Olympic Medalist, Professional Boxer)
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