Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) NMCP SCHEMES Jawhar Sircar Additional Secretary & Development Commissioner Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Government of India 09 May 2008 MEETING OF DIRECTORS OF MSME DIs New Delhi 1 NATIONAL MANUFACTURING COMPETITIVENESS PROGRAMME - COMPONENTS Full Name of the Scheme Short Name Marketing Support/Assistance to MSMEs BAR CODE Support for Entrepreneurial and Managerial Dev INCUBATORS Enabling Manufacturing Sector to be competitive thru Quality Mgt. Standard & Quality Tech. Tools QMS/QTT National Campaign for Investment in Intellectual Property IPR National Programme on Application on Lean Mnf. LEAN Mini Tool Rooms proposed to be set up by Min. of MSME MTR Promotion of ICT in Indian Manufacturing Sector ICT Technology & Quality Upgradation Support TECH UP Design Clinic Scheme for design expertise to Mnf. sector DESIGN Marketing Assistance/SMEs and Technology Upgradation Activities - Ministry of SSI in co-operation with TIFAC/CSIR MARKETING 2 NMCP – New Activities (Over next 4 years) No Name of the Component Rs. Crore 4 years Total Project Cost GOI Share 2008-09 GOI Share (BE) 1 BAR CODE 1.50 1.50 0.20 2 INCUBATORS 79.45 66.50 8.00 3 QMS / QTT 50.00 40.00 7.00 4 IPR 55.00 50.00 8.00 5 LEAN 230.00 185.20 20.00 6 MTR 350.00 135.00 20.00 7 ICT 100.00 65.50 10.00 8 TECH UP 214.56 78.60 10.00 9 DESIGN 50.00 41.00 5.00 10 MARKETING 53.00 26.50 4.00 1183.51 689.80 92.20 TOTAL 3 STATUS OF NMCP SCHEMES Rs. in Crore S. No. Name of Scheme (Cost of Scheme / Rs Cr.) EFC Clearance RE 2007- 08 BE 2008 - 09 i Bar Coding (1. 5) Operational from 01/6/07 0.1 0.20 ii Incubators (79.45) 0.1 8.00 iii QMS / QTT (50) 0.1 7.00 iv IPR (55) 0.1 8.00 v Lean (280.80) 0.1 20.00 vi MTR (210) 0.1 20.00 vii ICT (100) 0.1 10.00 viii TECH UP (93.50) 0.1 10.00 ix Design (50) 0.1 5.00 x C Watch (53) 0.1 4.00 01.0 92.20 Total 4 1. BAR CODE Existing MDA Scheme modified to popularize Bar Coding Bar Coding an effective Tool to improve marketability Reimbursement allowed : One Time Registration Fee 75% of Annual Fee for 1st 3 years (Bar Code Certificate) 1400 SMEs to be Benefitted during 11th FY Plan Need to Ramp-up Scheme In the Context of Retail Boom / Exports Guidelines on www.dcmsme.gov.in 5 1/2 2. INCUBATORS (E & MD) Object : Assist Incubation of Innovative Ideas Encourage Ideas to Become SMEs Total Project cost – Rs. 79.45 cr GOI Share – Rs. 66.50 cr 2008-09 BE – Rs. 8.00 cr Final Approval Awaited Guidelines on www.dcmsme.gov.in Forms under Issue Rs. 80 cr Project for 100 Business Incubators (BIs) 6 2/2 2. INCUBATORS (E & MD) 100 BIs to be Located in R&D Institutes @ 25 p.a Govt. Grant (Max. 85%) = Rs. 4 to 8 lakhs per Idea Each BI to Assist 10 Ideas / Units R&D Institutions and BIs to Suggest & Nurture Can also be Dovetailed with other Schemes Tie Up ‘Successes’ with VC / Angel Funds Publicity & Proposals Essential for Success 7 1/2 3. MINI TOOL ROOMS ON PPP MODE 10 Major Tool Rooms set up - German, Dutch, etc. They are essential for MSMEs for Tools & Industrial Trng. Tooling & Training Needs of MSMEs rising rapidly As Govt. Funding is Limited, PPP is Emphasised Total Project cost – Rs. 210.00 cr. GOI Share – Rs. 135.00 cr. 2008-09 BE – Rs. 20.00 cr. EFC and FM have Cleared. CCEA Note with CAB SECT ILFS appointed Transactional Advisor Guidelines by early June 8 2/2 3. MINI TOOL ROOMS ON PPP MODE MTR cost may range from Rs. 2 cr. to Rs. 25 cr. Govt’s VGF @ 40% maximum Expected Govt. Funding = Rs. 135 cr. Total Cost of Projects : Rs. 350 cr. in 4 years To be Managed by Private Partners only Local Industry to gain from Services / Skills Traditional Centre-State Option also open GoI - Rs. 9 cr. and State - 6 cr. Another Option GoI – Rs. 9 cr. and State + Pvt. (Rs. 6 cr.) 9 1/3 4. IPR CAMPAIGN IPR Tools Trade Secret Patents Indl. Design Copyrights G.I. Trademark Most MSMEs unaware of IPR Benefits / Norms Total Project cost – Rs. 55.00 cr. (GoI = Rs. 50.00 cr.) 2008-09 BE – Rs. 8.00 cr. EFC has Cleared. Details Thrashed with Stakeholders Scheme Ready. Guidelines Awaiting Approval 7 FOCUSSED ACTIVITIES : Immediate Publicity Required 10 2/3 4. IPR CAMPAIGN 1) 150 Awareness & Sensitization Programmes Rs. 1 lakh per Programme, by Assn etc. = Rs. 1.5 cr. 2) 30 Pilot Studies with Assns./Clusters = Rs. 75 Lakh Rs. 2.5 lakh each for Diagnosis & Actions 3) 50 Interactive Seminars / Workshops To Discuss Study Reports and Implementation @ Rs. 2 lakh = Rs. 1 cr. 4) Short / Long Term Training of IPR Cadre for MSMEs 50 ST (2-3 weeks) and 10 LT (6 months) @ Rs. 6 lakh (ST) and Rs. 45 lakh (LT) = Rs. 7.5 cr. 11 3/3 4. IPR CAMPAIGN 5) 40 IP Facilitation Centres by SPV on PPP For Handholding SMEs in IPR, on Low Fees @ Rs. 65 lakh = Rs. 26 cr. 6) Financial Assistance for Patents and GIs (Rs. 10 cr.) Patent @ Rs. 25,000 for Domestic, Rs. 2 lakh for Int’l GI Regn. – Rs. 1 lakh per case 7) Activities with International Agencies (Rs. 2 cr.) Best Practices, Capacity Building, Exchanges 25 nos. Domestic @ Rs. 5 lakh / 10 Int’l @ Rs. 7.5 lakh 8) Miscellaneous and Contingency (Rs. 1.25 cr) 12 1/3 5. QUALITY MGT. SYSTEMS / TOOLS ( QMS / QTT ) MSME’s ISO Reimbursement Scheme Successful QMS: ISO-22000 (Food), ISO-18000 (Health) etc. QTT: Introduce proven Tools like 6-Sigma, 5-S, Kaizen, TPM, TQM etc. Total Project cost – Rs. 50.00 cr (GoI = 80%) 2008-09 BE – Rs. 7.00 cr Scheme Ready. Guidelines Awaiting Approval 13 2/3 5. QUALITY MGT. SYSTEMS / TOOLS ( QMS / QTT ) 5 Activities to Further Propagate Quality Mgt: 1) Compulsory Courses in ITIs / Polytechnics QCI/NPC to prepare Course Curricula 1800 ITIs / Rs. 4.25 cr p.a = Rs. 17 cr 2) Assist International Study Missions For Detailed Study of Best QM Institutions 2 missions / Rs. 1 cr p.a = Rs. 4 cr 3) Special Programmes for Threatened Products Detailed Analysis of Selected Imports Leading to Improved Indian Products 2 Sectors / Rs. 0.6 cr p.a = Rs. 4 cr 14 3/3 5. QUALITY MGT. SYSTEMS / TOOLS ( QMS / QTT ) 4) Implement Quality Mgt Techniques in Clusters 400 Units (in Clusters) to be Studied for QM Relevant QMS/QTT to be Implemented 100 Units / Rs. 2.5 cr p.a = Rs. 10 cr 5) QM Awareness Programmes among MSMEs 400 Programmes in 4 years in Selected Areas To Address Both Middle Mgt. & Shop Floor Levels 100 nos. p.a @ Rs. 1.25 lakh x 4 years = Rs. 5 cr 15 1/2 6. LEAN MANUFACTURING Lean Manufacturing (LM) is Production of Goods Using less of all Inputs SMEs either Don’t Know or Can’t Afford This, Flagship Scheme of NMCP Total Project cost – Rs. 230.00 cr. GOI Share – Rs. 185.20 cr. Rs. 224 cr. for 700 Mini Clusters (80% by GoI) Rs. 2 cr. Admn./Monitoring Rs. 4 cr. For Awareness/ Publicity 2008-09 BE – Rs. 20.00 cr. EFC Cleared. Discussion with FM (?) 16 2/2 6. LEAN MANUFACTURING LMP to Cover 7,000 to 10,000 units in 4 years Thru Mini Clusters @ 10 units per LM Consultant 100 to 300 LM Consultants required p.a. – Expensive Govt : Private Funding = 80 : 20 (1st Yr), 0 : 100 (2nd Yr) Rs. 32 lakh per Mini Cluster / Rs. 24 lakh per Consultant Industry Associations to Execute, thru IAs & SPVs Lead / Locate / Appoint / Pay / Monitor IAs to be paid Rs. 8 lakh for Project Management Services Industry to Drive & Create Capacities in Private Sector EFC has ordered Review/Stop Work after 1st 100 ! 17 3/3 OTHER NMCP COMPONENTS: UNDER FORMULATION 7) TECH UP Scheme under Total Redrafting 8) MARKETING Scheme under Total Redrafting 9) ICT Scheme under Total Redrafting 10) DESIGN Adviser appointed. Guidelines by June 08 18 THANK YOU 19 OTHER SCHEMES RAJIV GANDHI UDYAMI MITRA YOJANA RGUMY to Handhold New Entrepreneurs Support thru Lead Agencies – Udyami Mitras, i.e: -- To Link Entrepreneurs, Projects, Banks & Admn. UMs to assist Project Selection & Preparation Pursue with Banks and Government Agencies UMs to Receive Payment Per Case – Rs. 6000 & above Support to 1.5 lakh entrepreneurs Awareness & UM Identification are Essential. 20 1/3 7. TECHNOLOGY UPGRADATION Total Project cost – Rs. 93.50 cr. GOI Share – Rs. 76.54 cr. 2008-09 BE – Rs. 10.00 cr. Revised EFC Finalised. Under Submission Focuses on Energy and Certification 6 Activities Proposed: 1) Renewable Energy : 5 Demonstration Projects in 4 yrs UNIDO / GEF Programme on Bio Fuel / Gas R&D Centre of Excellence at IISC Bangalore Training / Website / Propagation Rs. 1 cr. p.a = Rs. 4 cr. GEF Funding – Rs. 0.8 cr. 21 2/3 7. TECHNOLOGY UPGRADATION 2) Implement Energy Audit Advice in 1200 units Based on PCRA’s Audit of 2000 units (own cost) Rs. 9 cr. (on 60% Government Aid) p.a. = Rs. 36 cr. 3) Assessment Study & SPV for CDM To set up 4 SPVs p.a Rs. 0.15 cr. per SPV = Rs. 2.4 cr. for 16 SPVs 4) Awareness Progs. For CER/CDM (Carbon Credits) 150 Progs. p.a @ Rs. 33,000 each = Rs. 2 cr. (4 yrs) May revise CDM Intervention, if successful 22 3/3 7. TECHNOLOGY UPGRADATION 5) Voluntary Product Cert. Reimbursement (Rs. 47.10 cr.) 800 Units/Licences (ISI Mark) p.a Rs. 1 lakh (max.) per Unit/Licence = Rs. 27.52 cr. (4 yrs) 325 Units/Licences for Int’l Cert. for CE, ANSI etc. p.a Rs. 2 lakh (max.) per Unit/Licence = Rs. 19.58 cr. (4 yrs) 6) Continuous Appraisal & Miscellaneous (Rs. 2.0 cr.) For Mid-Course Changes Outsourcing / Hiring Experts etc. 23 1/3 8. MARKET ASSISTANCE & TECH. UPGRADATION (MARKETING) To Survive competition, Indian MSMEs need Modern Packaging & Marketing Techniques To Technically Study Competitors’ Products and Counter-respond NER Requires integration in Mainstream Markets Wide Ranging exposure to be Encouraged Total Project cost – Rs. 53.00 cr. GOI Share – Rs. 26.50 cr. 2008-09 BE – Rs. 4.00 cr. Preparing Revised EFC by 15th April 24 2/3 8. MARKET ASSISTANCE & TECH. UPGRADATION (MARKETING) Activities Proposed (Still under Preparation): 1) Tech. Upgradation in Packaging with IIP, NID, IITs Exposure to Best Technologies Cluster-based Studies for Status/Actions Unit-based Interventions on Cost Sharing 2) Study Competition for Self-improvement Exposure to Competitors’ Products in India & Abroad Detailed study of specific ‘Defeats’, with reasons Enterprise-led Improvement Programmes 25 3/3 8. MARKET ASSISTANCE & TECH. UPGRADATION (MARKETING) 3) Modern Management Techniques Adoption Basically Skill Development in Latest Technologies 4) NER Exposure and Marketing Assistance Connect NER Entrepreneurs to Mainstream Through Subsidised Exposure Visits to India’s best Participation in National Fairs, Study Missions and Workshops 26 1/2 9. PROMOTING ICT IN SMEs Low ICT Usage by SMEs – A Cause of Concern Most ICT Cos. Focusing on SMEs – but Slow Progress Intensive Discussions with Stakeholders of Major ICT Cos. Final EFC Draft being Finalised – Costing being Worked Out Total Project cost – Rs. 100.00 cr. GOI Share – Rs. 60.00 cr. 2008-09 BE – Rs. 10.00 cr. Original Project Cost – Rs. 207.00 cr. GOI Share – Rs. 104.00 cr. 2008-09 BE – Rs. 10 cr. Proposal for PPP / Cost-sharing on Most Activities 27 2/2 9. PROMOTING ICT IN SMEs Activities under Consideration: No. 1 Activities 25 Clusters a. Diagnostic Studies b. E-Readiness Infrastructure (25 locations) c. Web Portals (25) d. HRD e. Training Sub Total (Rs. 68.50 cr) GoI Cluster 2.00 13.00 15.00 7.00 5.00 0.00 4.50 10.00 3.00 9.00 42.00 26.50 2 Association Websites (@ Rs. 8L per Assn for 40 Assn.) 8.40 6.00 3 E-Catalogue Building & Hosting (10,000 units) 3.50 3.50 4 SME Networking Portals (PPP) 6.00 4.00 5 Project Office 0.10 0.00 60.00 40.00 TOTAL (Rs. 100 cr.) Hosted Models & Rolling Fund – Under Consideration 28 1/2 10. DESIGN CLINICS / SUPPORT Designs make SME Products Competitive Ballpoint Pens, Tooth-brushes, etc. Design Input Essential for Survival of MSMEs Cluster-based Design “Clinics” Proposed Suggestions / Specific Packages Required Need to Work Out Cost and Sharing Formula Previous Proposal mainly Governmental One National Centre with NID 6 Regional Centres and 225 Design Clinics 29 2/2 10. DESIGN CLINICS / SUPPORT Total Project cost – Rs. 50.00 cr. GOI Share – Rs. 41.00 cr. 2008-09 BE – Rs. 5.00 cr. Scheme held up due to lack of Specificities Discussions with FICCI, CII etc. on DPR has been Insisted. Bids called. Thereafter, EFC and CCEA to follow 3 months target 30
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