Research Project #1 In the Beginning : The Rise of the

Research Project #1
In the Beginning : The Rise of the
Nazi Party
World War I was pivotal in setting Germany up to follow the Nazis and Adolf
Hitler. You will now go back to Germany and see for yourself the impact
Hitler had on the German people. Using the links listed below, write the
answers to the following questions on your answer sheet:
1. How did the end of WWI leave Germany open to follow a man like
Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party?
2. When did Hitler become the official leader of the Nazi Party?
3. What was Mein Kampf?
4. What reason did Hitler give for attempting to annihilate the Jewish
Internet Links...In the Beginning : The Rise of the Nazi Party Holocaust
Timeline---Rise of Nazism
Why Did Hitler Choose to Persecute the Jews?
Research Project #2
Nazi Propaganda
Hitler led a very successful propaganda campaign against the Jews.
Wherever they could the Nazis used art, posters, pamphlets, cartoons and
even postage stamps to get their anti-Semitic message across to the
German people. Sneak a look at some of this propaganda. Then answer the
questions on your answer packet.
1. What is the definition of propaganda?
2. How did the use of propaganda aide Hitler’s leadership?
3. In Chapter IV of Mein Kampf, Hitler reveals his ideas about
propaganda. Write at least three of the criteria Hitler believes about
4. Look at the cartoon on the right. What is it trying to say?
(If you are unsure, look for the analysis in your research.)
5. Examine the many examples of Nazi Propaganda.
Pick one of the cartoons or posters and print it out.
On the print our, explain the message and why the cartoon
and do a quick sketch of it. Then explain what it means.
Internet Links...Nazi Propaganda
Anti-Semitic Films
Anti-Semitic Cartoons
Research Project #4
The Nuremberg Laws
On September 15, 1935, the Nuremberg Laws
were passed. These Laws severely limited what
Jews could do in Germany. Using the internet
links provided, list five restrictions these laws
placed on German Jews on your answer sheet.
Internet Links...The Nuremberg Laws
The Nuremberg Laws
Jewish Virtual University : The Nuremberg Laws
The Nuremberg Race Laws
Research Project #5: The 1936
Germany had been awarded the 1936 Olympic games back in 1932, a year
before Hitler came to power. Berlin was to be host to the summer
competitions while the winter competitions would be held in Bavaria. The
IOC almost moved the games because the Nazis' racist and anti-Semitic
nationalism was contradictory to the whole spirit of the Olympics. Your
assignment is to attend these games and bring back answers to the
questions listed below. Be very careful. Security is extremely tight!!
1. What was Hitler's goal in hosting the 1936 games?
2. How many gold medals did Jesse Owens win?
3. Who was the only Jewish athlete to compete for Germany in the 1936
Winter Games?
4. Who was the only Jewish athlete to compete for Germany in the 1936
Summer Games?
Internet Links...The 1936 Olympics
1936 Olympics--FactMonster
The 1936 Games
The Nazi Olympics
Research Project #6
On the nights of November 9-10, 1938 violence erupted against the Jews in
Germany and Austria. Your assignment is to find out why this occurred and
what happened to thousands of Jews as a result. Be very careful--keep your
identity a secret--the SS is EVERYWHERE!!
1. What happened on the night of Kristallnacht?
2. What was the German reason for taking such drastic action?
3. How many Jews were sent to concentration camps as a result of that
4. What happened to the Jewish businesses?
Internet Links...Kristallnacht
Night of Broken Glass
Jewish Virtual University--Kristallnacht
Kristallnacht--University of Tolerance
Research Project #7
The Final Solution
The Final Solution was the way the Nazis decided to deal with the
Jewish problem. This 'Final Solution' would result in the death of
over 5 million European Jews. Go behind the front lines and
discover how this could be accomplished in a 'civilized world'.
1. What was the Madagascar Plan?
2. Why didn't the process of emigration (leaving Germany) work for
the Jews?
3. Describe how the Jews were transported to the death camps.
4. Who was in charge of transporting the Jews to the death camps?
Internet Links...The Final Solution
The Final Solution
The Final Solution--USHMM
Auschwitz and the Final Solution
Research Project #8
The Concentration Camps
One of the most challenging assignments you will have in this time travel is to break into the concentration camps
and report on them. You will find this assignment extremely unsettling, but the world must know what is happening
there. Be careful that you do not end up as one of the victims!
1. Chelmno was one of the first death camps. Describe how the gas vans work.
2. Describe the living conditions at any of the concentration camps.
3. Forced labor is part of the concentration camps. How many hours are prisoners forced to work each day?
4. Describe the food given each day to a prisoner at Auschwitz.
5. How many people will eventually lose their lives at Auschwitz?
6. Using a map, name the six extermination camps that are located in Poland.Birkenau
Internet Links...The Concentration Camps
Extermination Camps in Poland
The Camps
Auschwitz Alphabet
Living Conditions and Forced Labor
Research #9
Medical Experiments
Jews became targets for gruesome medical experiments by SS
doctors. Jews were maimed, disfigured, tortured and put through
incredible pain in these experiments, and the majority of them died
ghastly deaths. Step back in time and gather information about
these atrocities.
1. There are three broad classes of medical experiments done at
Dachau. What were they?
2. Why were the freezing/hypothermia experiments carried out on
3. Why did Josef Mengele do so many experiments on twins?
4. List three other medical experiments that were carried out on the
Jewish prisoners.
Use the links on the next slide to answer these questions.
Research Project #9
Medical Experiments Continued
(Internet Links)
Internet Links...Medical Experiments
Josef Mengele
Mengele, Angel of Death
Jewish Virtual Library--Medical Experiments
Medical Experimentation--Twins
Medical Experiments--Types
Freezing Experiments
Lists of Medical Experiments
Research project #10
Children and the Holocaust
It is estimated that 1 1/2 million of the 6 million Jews
murdered during the Holocaust were children. The
number of children who survived is estimated to be in the
mere thousands. Here you will investigate the plight of
Jewish children during this time period.
1. Why did the Nazis consider children unproductive?
2. What was the fate of most Jewish children?
3. What was Kindertransport?
4. Using the link, Biographies of Children, choose a child
and tell what happened to her/him.
Use the links on the next slide to answer the above questions.
#10--------Children and the
Holocaust (Internet Links)
Internet Links...Children and the Holocaust
Children and the Holocaust--USHMM
Children and the Holocaust--What
Happened to Them?
Research Project #11--------The
At least two million Jews survived the Nazi terrorism in Europe because of
aid given by courageous men and women who deplored what Hitler was
doing. They put their own lives at great risk to save Jewish lives. Your task
here is to find these people and tell the world about them. Look up the three
people listed and briefly explain how these ordinary citizens helped save
lives. Locate answers to questions 3 and 4.
1. Alexander Roslan
2. Cathie Poirier-Prous
3. Varian Fry
4. When Paul Gauinger allowed Jews to cross the border to safety in
Switzerland, what happened to him? How was he able to accomplish this?
5. What does the term 'Righteous Gentile' mean?
Internet Links...The Rescuers
Album of Rescuers
Holocaust Rescuers
Varian Fry
Research #13
Jewish Resistance
Many people think the Jews went to their deaths "like sheep to the
slaughter.” That is not true, they fought back in many different ways.
Your assignment is to infiltrate the ghettos and concentration camps
and find out how they defied the Nazis. Needless to say, watch your
1. How long did it take General Himmler to put down the uprising in
the Warsaw ghetto?
2. How many prisoners were able to escape from Auschwitz?
3. Why was it more difficult for prisoners to resist after being placed
in concentration camps?
4. Name three methods Jews used to try and resist their fate at the
hands of the Nazis.
Task #13--------Jewish Resistance
Continued (Internet Links)
Internet Links...Jewish Resistance
Jewish Resistance
Resistance in Concentration Camps
Resistance 1942-1944
Rescue and Resistance
Project #14--------Holocaust
You have almost finished your assignment on the Holocaust. You
are now going to look at numbers and statistics. You will be shocked
at the numbers that show the enormity of human loss during this
short time period.
1. How many Jews were murdered during World War II?
2. How many non-Jewish civilians were murdered during World War
3. What other groups of people were persecuted and murdered by
the Nazis?
4. What country lost the largest percentage of their Jewish
5. What countries lost over 50% of their Jewish population?
Task #14--------Holocaust Statistics
Continued (Internet Links)
Internet Links...Holocaust Statistics
Holocaust--36 Questions
Project #15 --------Holocaust Art
and Literature
Art and literature helped document what happened during the
Holocaust and gave the victims a voice so the rest of the world will
not forget. Your final assignment is to take a look at some of the art
and poetry created by adults and children in concentration camps.
1. Look at the art work of Yehuda Bacon and Waldemar
Nowakowski. Pick one picture from either artist, copy it and paste it
into a Microsoft Word document. Your teacher can help you do this if
you do not know how. Below the picture, in your own words, tell how
it makes you feel. What is the author trying to say?
2. Go to the poetry site and pick one poem. Copy one verse like you
did with question #1 Using the same sheet of paper as you did for
question #1, paste the verse. Below the verse explain in your own
words how this poem makes you feel. When you are finished get
permission from your teacher to print this out.
Attach this document to your webquest packet.
Task #15 --------Holocaust Art and
Literature Continued
(Internet Links)
Internet Links...Holocaust Art and
Holocaust Artists
Holocaust Poetry
Each team member must orally share some
aspect of the research project
Each team must submit a bibliography of a
minimum of five resources they used to compile
information and present
Each team must rehearse project
Okay to read from prepared notes
Each slide must consist primarily of images
Project due 5/27 this is the only activity on this
date. All teams will present.
Directions Continued
Each slide will have a maximum of 20
words. No reading off of slides.
Each slide must have at least 1
image/symbol related to topic.
Maximum of 10 slides not including intro
slide with team names.
Each presentation max. 10 minutes
Going over time/best grade a C 75pts.
Teams must present a different topic. If
there are 7 teams, there will be 7 different
No late presentations, no make-ups due to
limited time left on school calendar.
If a student is absent presentation must go
A presentation rubric will be provide by