TRI-CITIES TEN ESSEE MAGAZINE 2 Health & Wellness November 2014 - TTi-Cities Tennessee APPALACHIAN CHRISTIAN VILLAGE: Premier Senior Living that Doesn't Break the Bank I f you are like most people. you worry about the eost of heahhcare and the future . As our health needs cbange. we all want to feel eonfident that the future will be secure and comfonable. Finding appropriate accommodations fOT all tbe places life can take you Can be a challenge for seniors. But Appalachian Christian Village can steer you in the right direction that can improve you or your loved one's quality of life. P ine Oau and Magnolia C rossing at Appalachian Christian Village (ACV) are more affordable than most people realize, helping you get quality care without draining your ban k account. Appalachian Christian Village has served thc Tri_ Cities for nearly five deeades . ACV is the only Continuing Care Retirement Community in Johnson City. TN. The AC V community spans Washington County and consists of multiple sites that offer services such as independent living. assisted living. secure memory care, respite. adult day care, skilled care, and long term nursing care. ACV provides a wide variety of choices for its residcnts. while promoting complete body and mind wellness. The staffof Appalachian Christian Village actively strives to rn~ the "total"' need of each individual SO that everyone will feel at home throughout Our community. AsSISTED LIVING Appalachian Chri5tian VIllage offers two outstanding assisted living choices. Pine Oaks and Magnolia Crossing are the premier assisted living communities of Appalachian Christian Village. We offer a full range of seNices and help with activities of daily living . Pine Oaks is located JUSt otT University Parkway in Johnson City and features 70 newly renovated apanmenlS that provide an all-inclusivc living e ~ perience. Also located at Pine Oaks is the new Loving Touc h Memory Care . It is a state of the an community designed fOT Alrl>eimc-rs and dementia care with staff trained in the latest care techniques. In addition. Pine O aks also offers Respite and Adult Day Care. Mllgno/ill Crossing offers 20 of our largest assisted living apanments all located On OUT Sherwood campus which features ground level access . Magnolia Crossing offers a great deal of activities for their residents while maintaining a high level of privacy and serenity. There i~ no entranec fee for aSl;isted living and portions of yOUT monthly service fcc may be tax deductible. Li ke Pine Oaks. Magnolia Crossing also offers all inclusive pricing. ABOUT ApPAlACHIAN CHRISTIAN VILlAGE Established in 1966. ACV is one of the first established Continuing Care Retirement Communities in East Tennessee. and a not -for-profit organiUltion that is governed by a local Board of Trustees. The community offers a continuum of care with Independent Living, ASI;isted Living, Long-term Care. Memory Care. Adult Day Services, and Respite Care Services. Appalachian Christian Village is a member of LeadingAge (AAHSA), LeadingAge Tennessee (fNAHSA). American Health Care Association (A HCA), and Tennessee American Health Care Association (TNHCA). Schedule a visit today for Pine Oaks or Magnolia Crossing and learn how Our affordable, allinclusive pricing package assists you with your goals for value and security. For more infonnation, please visit www.christianvillage.orgorcall 877-302·8720. ~~Iachian Christian Village 877-302-8720 WWW.CHRlSTIANV1LLAGE.ORG ________________________ www.tnhe a lth a nd we _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ New N.,e. New Look. Advanced Care for Ch ronic Pa in. Could it be Chronic Pain? Far too many people believe ongoing aches and pains are just part of life. Regardless of your age or your health, ongoing pain that affects your daily life is not a normal condition. Chronic pain demands immediate medica l attention, arid in most cases, it can be effectively managed. If any aspect of yOUf daily rife is disrupted by pain occurring for one month or longer, you may be experiencing chronic pain, Even pain that is not constant may still be chronic. If you're suffering, rest assured. the staff and resou rces at PainMO ' are here to help. PA I N & WEL L NE SS C LIN ICS Live more. Hurt less. Don'! let pain rule yOUf life. Talk to your phYSiCian about PainMD ~ or ca ll us at Kingsport: (423) 245-3170 or Greeneville: (423) 787-0400 www.painmdclin PainMO' accepts Medicare, Workers' Compensation and most commerCial insurances. PainMO ' Greeneville PainMO ' Kingsport 906 Tusculum Boulevard Greeneville. TN 37745 (423) 787-0400 1700 Pinebrook Drive. Suite 2 Kingsport. TN 37660 (423) 245-3170 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www .tnhe althandwe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ lhat'$ wilY"" cr$01$d Shap&lhe Sial", 10 parlnorwilh _S10 ;m"""" p/1y$ica1 edoca1ion And teach kids to stay ad i.. and hea"tyy; Leam moreat sIIape\tlestate.eom A not-for-prof it. Tennessee-based company. +.1Ul or Tennessee The Power of Blue ___________ ~~~::~~~~~:w~w:w::.'~n'he~lth~ndwe l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ LETTER FROM EDITOR O il, how I odon: lIw: monrh of NO"ember! Tho crisp Au'''''''' daY' pill 0 sprin, in my Slep. and rh. monrh i. cro .... nN .... ith my favorir. hooliday-1"hanIu&ivm,. The older I Ft. I lose my encbanuncnt ,,·i.b s"'i/ and 1m thankful for lIw: s;mplc: rhinas oflif. ristu;" /Ton. of ..... I" m 10 lhankful for my loving husband, ... y . ,,_ - . III)' "",ide, ful fom;l y and in.ta ..... . ... pponivc fricndl. All of \tIt$c P"OPie fill my What You Need to Know November 2014 18 About Constipation 2 AWalael\ian ClviSliall Village: PrVITlI(Jr SenIOr living ItIaI Doesn', Break the Bank 20 Fighting the Flu 21 6 Epilepsy Awareness Month 22 Help CNldren Navigate 7 62+11-1ow HECM for Purchase Can Help You WI • SeIers Mar1IaI 8 Nationalliaalthy SKIn Month Life's CharI Safe, W:IrIOOg Stair un Knee Pain In Athletes: Pain Synckome Patel~ aI To Care For OrpharlS Understanding Food Addiction, II 29 November Can Be Fine for Diabetes AwaJW'IeSS Morlth Diabetic Eye Disease 30 15 Are You w-ing Proper Diabetic Footwear? 16 Eat,PnIi!e~mBe~ 31 Hdday FaYOriIes Can Be Healthy runni.., clun .."a1.... incIoof plumbin& churthcs lO ..otnd. transporWion, and most of all, rrudoon. Did roo mow _ ofobc world', popu- H:Io., if>- 25 November Running EVENTS 26 GINI Americar1 Smok~ 27 Show Hope: A Movement Caught Between Two Worids C"'" "'''''"'' iIO much n>OR. tarion litcnlly do "'" M\,C \tIt$c dunp7 I lU"CfItly ..... rhis SIIn in Jonesborough: 28 My Torrid Love Affair w~h EO 12 The Sandwich Generation: 14 ooes M adicare Plan Re\iew? 10 Proper Service Is the Key to a 100. IIw II AmtricanII f"ood in ...... pIIiI1rieI. bean. Iku lhm: is Of. can SO often take for cranu:d- 23 . . - . 24 ... You Done You" Y8lWly AntiQlddanl . & Skin Health 11 II 's Never Too Late to Play! ''''' """""'" "''''e' Appalachian Sustainab4e De>oelopmeut: Planting Seeds of Hope ... One Comm.rity at a Tme Recipe: RoO( Vegetable Pan Roast with C hestnuts and Apples This J;J, is "p'''''''' ",_";".,n/>,, .f_ '? .fIt.... ""'"" """"'" PiIgIims 'Nith a PIxpose f.dl f""",.;u s: IWttI pomOCl ••".'<nuu. "",pic »'fUp • • nd.ppIes. Enjoy! - I robleopoon putt ....p. .,.....p p<>OI<><>. pedtd and - 21org< .....,. cur into T.. . .... . . . - I..,.~ .... "'.I1".Ine ..., be b..oId in __ 800 Tn. inducIing: ~'. -,'. ~ ' .r.::I dentiJ. Ol'licel. Firol 0 copy of you. FREE .... tIh " Wen..... Mag".I"" in Bris'or. John ...... CII)'. Klng. port orol SY.rouroling ..... . To get your arti c le publi s h e d li nd for li d flIt" . c a ll 615.584.1833 Jodl@ ln he a lthandwe llne « ..... - ~ ... - ~ - .... _ _ """-..--- ..- ,--- " ."""I'AI-CITIEI TE.NE$SEl HI;fII.'" ....£ ... UI _:I014 ... _ ..... _ _ ... i ..... _ '" _ . .... ... quoIC ". CII1C liuie II uuly ;~ ..... I. ~'(11 i ~ my II_year old ..... In .... nighrly pr3)'CD. Ire no......-en pnys, "LtwtI, ,Ir""k J_IM.U ,10 .. /Ai" xs MII,I"_/argmUig 10 'Ir,,~k ,_1M. ~ One of rlre """fire .....Y' to higher quality oflif. i. _imply to be &r*kM. I . ... II""iC you dun", rhil monrh ofNovcmbcr to ...Tit. do..." each day 5 rhinp you .... thankful for. Somc1imct if . the heer" pace of our lifc that b lindo us 10 tire gitU wc'vc been ,iven. l)evcloping mir.::lful~ i. the II1tidole to thi&. Sec the articlc on pa~ 23 to help you live. more mindful li fe. Hcalth chal· lenges lik. diabetes (pa~. 14. 15). cancer. or .'·cn ' bout wj,h the Au (p. 2(1) ClIl quickl y '''U(I1 UI to our gratitude for the aiA of healrh. I hive Icamod rhat whatev ... our challenges mi&ht be. we III h..e thinas to be grareful for. B. mindful and be grateful ! I hope you ar.::l you. loved ones h,,·c . fabulous Thanks· giving. Ar.::Ithonk YOU for taking the time to ~ad this mag.,.; .... ! SERVlNG5,6 _ 1f2 <up odo<r "'n<pr - In <up chockcn Of ••c............. Of anned bor-ood>wn bro<h _ 2 tobIapoonI u....rt... bull" Trl-ClfMa T.......... HHI'I!" _ " . .. Editor ....... . ,. ....,,"';d! ~~6' .lonlo l~Xs y<H< ,Io,,,.kell GH1M,-.tltj" PREPARATIO N 25 MIN TOTAL TIME. I HR 10 MIN ~ •J - , 'IIIO-CtnU TV<QSE ........lH & WEllNESS 2-""" dlunks - 2 m...:hum ..... ott ...... each au i"1O 8 . . . """""sh tht a_ 1 <up ..... um.poe""' ...-hoI< ct....nuu (6ouno:o) _ 1f4 rup """.-virgo" oh", 011 _ 1 u hlopoon .hyme ...... - Sah and frcohly ground pcppct _ 2 ...... 'um ....... pMctl and a u in.o 2_irKh <hunks - 2 latgC ,"n ' I'f'ks. ouch .. G... nny 5nmh . .".... and rut in.o righ.h< Dittcdo ... I Prmrat tht - . . to 400" In • small .. uapon. combo.... rhe ad.. "'n<pr. chd<en " od<. bull" and ....p. syrup and brtns '0a bod. Cook ..... I1IoOdmtdy high .....r un.d .... """" by h.tlf. abou, 15 m,"IU'" ~1c-1n • +"k, ,n.Iorg<.JuIIow -"'''11 pan. r_ ,he ....... 1"""10<1. OIl""" and ct..... nyu ... rh tht 01,,,,, 001 and thyme: "'""'" w; . nd p<pp<t. Tude ,he ...... """""1\ ,he 00 ...... .-.geubI<s and roau for 20 moou, ... Gmdy lUI" tht ><g«.bIa. odd .he . ppk:o . nd",... for 20 m,"u,.. Iong<"!. Of un, ,1 :oil of ,he .-.geubI<s and .1>< apples . 1< tend.. and hghdy browned. Add rhe sou« and rou gr",ly. 1hn.r., '" a pia" ., . nd oervt SOI.!IOiO'. _ _ . """""'" TVENU _ , . . . 'MllHlM _ _ ... ",.,.., _ _ ...... "" _ _ _ ... _ _ na.errolVOESSO .-.1>t. Vl'ElJ.l<ESS _ ..... _ _ .., • _.* . _ 10 _ " ' - . ... _ .... _ n'IIIKJT"ES ~ IVollH & =='=.. ==.. ~.;:'..~'.~'~~ '_: "==:="=' '"" =' ='="':=" === ' "' := ":":= " :"' := " :':': " =="=":='='=='.==. . =. . "you have. healthy .e<lpe It..!: you low, send II ln! E.....II II 10 Jod~nhHltkanctw.llnfts.(om. ~~~~~::========::::============================= www_ tn ll e~lth~nd w e llne$S. c om Tri - Citi e s T e nnessee· N ovember 201 4 Health & Wellness 7 62+? How HECM for Purchase Can Help You in a Sellers Market Buy Now. .. Sell Later By ~Campbell I t wa sn't long ago we couldn't sell our homes for a fair price. Then the market turned, and we joined the leg ion of buyers bidding and com· peting for our Oream Homes- in a heated sellers' market. The 62+ Solution Today 62 + sellers and buyers can be the big winners in this intense housing market. In 2009 the FHA (Federal Housing Administration) created the HECM (Home Equity Conversion Mortgage) for Purchase program- to enable those of us 62 + to buy our Dream Home for only 40%-55% of the sales price (based on the age of the youngest buyer-borrower) and never make a monthly mortgage payment as long as we live in the home. " With the present, pent-up demand, your present home - once on the marketw;U see more activity, likely sooner than you cou ld have imaginedl So serious 62 + buyers and sellers have bum their 2014 strategies around the spe<:ial benefits of the HECM for Purchase. Knowing the growing demand for move·up homes, they've priced/listed their current homes agg res· sively, giving t hem flexibil ity to react to market conditions. They can do this because they·1I be buying their next home for less- only needing to bring 40%-55% of sales price of their Dream Home from proceeds of their current home·s sale OR from other personal assets. Buying Time ..• Savvy 62+ sellers are also building in longer dosing/escrow timelines into their listings- for their comfort, COnvl!nience an-d sanityl The longer escrow period coincides with and provides them- now buyers - a longer timeframe to find, and then close, on tkei r Dream Home. At the same time, bel:ause they're buying their Dream Home for 40 to 55 cents on the dollar, they're able to finally get all the options they've wanted in their next home AN D still retain a large portion of their departure home·s equity to invest or add to their cush ion/nest egg/portfolio in this next stage of enjoying their new life. Additionally, if you are interested in buying from a bu ilder, it ma kes sense to start looking r.ow, make you r offe r, get under contract and get started on construction. In this Seller's Market you've litt le to fear, as attrac· tive, well-priced and ma intained homes are quickly snapped up. What's the worst that could happen? Uke some of our buyers, you could be trave lling th is great country- seeing more places on your Buc ket list I .t.rc<I Compbell, HECM fo< Pun:1>o« :;pec;. lm NMlSIJSII6S67 TN M""""I. l.nd<, li<on>< IIS103. CI 2014 R eft~ M ~ fu""; .... llC. 14SS 8",od St .• 2"" floor. 81oomfield, NJ 07003. NMlS ID . 1019941 . www.nmIKOn ... mer_ . ...OfJ. AlIRIfh" Ro><Md. , ~ , is ~ ~ . 10< p,..,.rty " "", . homeo"' ..... in,u.. <><o. and pt..,.rty m.;nt ..... nu , "HEeM I, a _ ·"","red (lob' pay. b .. upon dof.u1t Of a ..... tu,;!y eftnt . Tho>< motoNl, h""" ,,," boon .mewed, .1>P,.,....j Of ;" ued by HUD. FHAo<.ny """,mmen' ~. ANGEL CAMPBELL REVERS ~ M O RTGAG E SPECIAU ST HECM FOR rURCllASE SPECIA LI ST NMLS"506S67 DIRECT: 4 23-773 - 3309 E FAX : 8 88 - 573 - 9027 acamjK>ell Free HECM for Purchase Home Buyers Seminars Reverse Mortgage Fund ing's Tennessee Branch Manager, Angel Cam pbell (NM LS 506567). conducts free inform ational HECM Buyers sem inars or personal cons ultations. Call 423- 773 -330 9 or email acamp be ll@ reversefu nd ing .com fo r mo re info rmatio n o n future sem inar dates. w_.Reversel nfo4Se . ______________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------- RMF .. ""-,, MO.j(,A(' www . tnhe ~ lth~ndwe l l 'lJ~"'M. LL( """ .H.e' 8 Health & Wellness November 2014 • Tri-Cities Tennessee November Is NatIonal Healthy Skin Month ANTIOXIDANTS & SKIN HEALTH By DermalOlogy Associates Cosmetic Center O ur skin is our first line of defense against all sorts of environmental assaults -\.JV radiation, pollution, smoke exposure, and the normal process of aging. And, no matter how hard we try to protect our skin from the sun's destructive rays, damage occurs. Da rk spots, pre· mature wrinkles, leathery skin - these are all signs of long·term damage. Fortunately, there IS a solution. Antioxidants are nature's way of not only reversing past damage but also allowing the body to build up its defenses so it is more protected from future exposures. Most of us have heard of the term Hantioxidants; but do you really know what they are? Antioxi· dants are nutrients and enlVmes which prote<:t cells by neutralizing free radicals. Free rad icals can be created by both environmental and internal factors; excessive sun exposure, pollution, cigarette smoking and alcohol use, as well as stress, can lead to the formation of free radicals. Once free radicals are formed, they can start a chain reaction that can damage the body's cellular structures. Fortunately, antioxidants neutralize free radicals and slow, and in some cases, even reverse cellular damage. enhanced IN protection, as well as increased col lagen produ~tion, which tan de<:rease the appearance of damage from past sun exposure. CEFeru/U;- /s used for. • Sl<in damaged by sun exposure • Poor skin elasticity • Fine lines and wrinkles Resve'fltrol8 e- • Sl<in redness. Phloretin CFPhloretin CF- is also a daily treatment that protects against a variety of skin complaints. Phloretin is derived from apples and is known for its anti-inflammatory and anti ·fungal prop· erties. Additionally, it accelerates cell turnover, increases elastin production and slows the destruction of collagen. Phloretin CF· also contains L·ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which Is known for its ability to prote.::t the skin from UV rays;. Phloretin a - Is used for: • Sun-<lamaged skin The Cosmetic Centers at Dermatology Associates offer SkinCeuticals· , an advanced sk incare line backed by science. Oesigned to prevent future damage, protect healthy skin and address previous damage, SkinCeuticals· antioxidants are Resveratrol 8 E- is a nighttime formula that al lows the body to, essentially, repair itself. 8y boosting the bodys internal antioxidant defenses, the skin is a~e to repair any accumulated free radical damage, and prOlect against further damage. Resveralrol B E-;s used for: " Redness/uneven color/motHed appearance of the skin " Loss of elasticity. If you've ever heard that a glass of red wine at night is good for you, then you've probably heard of resveratrol. Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant fo<Jnd in grapes, red wine and nuts, and has been called the "longevity mOlecule" due to its effects on long-term health and life span. Resveratrol works by neutralizing free radica l damage and repairing the viSible effects of prematurely aged skin. • Neutralizing age-act('lerating internal free radicals • Promoting skin's natural repair to dim inish tile visi~e signs of accumulated damage • Strengthening functionality to resist I'>I!W damage. For more information on how these antioxidant treatments may help enhance yourskin health, you may schedule a complimentary consultation at any one of our three Cosmetic Centers in Bristol, Johnson City, or Kingsport. a must-have for an effective skincare regimen. To maximize the effiCiency of their super antioxidant formulas, once absorbed, SkinCeuticals· products can't be washed or rubbed off, remaining protective for up to three days;. Outlined below are three of our most effective antioxidants we offer: C E FerullcC E Ferulic· is a daily application that contains three separate antioxidants - making it a powerful formula for protection against UV rays and prema · ture ag ing . Made of L-ascorbic acid (vitamin q, alpha tocopherol (vitamin E), and ferulicacid, which is a plant-based antioxidant, C E Ferulic· provides ________________________ -----""00" .. 0 - - . ~ -~ www . tnhe~lth~ndwe l Kingsport 1423) 246-4961 2300 West Stone Drive Bristol (423)764-7131 31B3 West State Street Johnson City (423)928-9014 1021 West Oakland Avenue ________________________ 1 DAYS A WEEK CaD and let us knowyou are onyour W'9... orj ust Walk-In! 423.194.5590 Walk-In Clinic Operaling Houts MOfIdo)' - Friday I 8:00 on. -8:00 pm Salu nl.oy 1 9:00am_5:00pm S.ndoy I 9:00 om _ 5:00 pm .lOl Me<! Tech P~'kw>.y ....,....C).79U!" • Sui,. 110, John..,n Cily. TN 376G-i _ """" ~ ~_ ':::==================~W~W~W~.~"~"~'~'~";h . ndw ___________________ 10 liea~h & Wellness November 2014 - T ri-Cities Tennessee Proper Service Is The Key To A Safe, Working Stair Lift By John E. Carter, Sales Manager Concise Consulting Inc. A s with any tool in yQur hQuse. accessibility and mobi lity equipmcm need to be properly serviced tQ maintain the reliability and safety of the device. If you negle<:t your stair lift. you might find yourself stuck Qn the wrong floor. Basic care can add to the life of your device. as well as prevent some unnecded service calls. Stair Lift Problems Thc mQst CQmtnQll problem with a stair lift is a triggered safety featur<:. In-home stair lifts typically have at least Ihree safely catches: a pan on the foot r<:stthat stops the device if;t feels an obstacle. a seat cutoffswitch. and a swilch at Ihc lOp and OOIlQm of the rails that pr<:vent the lift from going QVcr ils track limil. Che<:k thallhere ar<: nQ QbSlacies and thallhc seal is locked intQ Ihe CQrre<:t p<>sitiQn. [fyQU have a cable driven system. which uses a cable tQ pull the lift up and down. make sur<: it is tight. Ifit is slack then i1 has triggered a safety catch and locked the lift in place. wiving Ihis problem will take rome strength due 1Q the weighl Qf the unil. but if yQU pull the cable slraight up this will release the safety ca1ch It the oollom of the unit, and then slowly lower the cable back in place hetwecn Ihe tracks. Common Maintenance Your stair lift should be cleaned or serviced every s ix months. This is very imp<>nant. eSpe<:ially Qn any cable driven lift system. Keeping the tracts cleaned is very imp<>nanl 10 preserving the life of your lift. To do this, spray W D 40 into the track tQ loosen the din. Then take (Ot>.tacles..;l1 stoplhe lit't«>mpktoly) a ciean rag and screwdriver and push the rag into the oonom of the tract. Using the screwdriver, push the rag al11he way lQ the top. D<:> this Qn b<:>th tracts and when cleaned lighlly spray White Lithium Grt:ase. (not W-D 40) into both sides, not the boltom. of the tracks. That will keep the track well lubricated and din free. Periodically. you should check on the cable. If it is frayed. bent or the lift has SlOpped, because the cable has unspooled off the dmm. Call a service technician immediately. because the cable nc<:ds tQ he Baneries Most Slair lifts are equipped Wilh IWO rechargeable balteries located wilhin the unit. Typically, all stair lift manufacturers offer at least a Qne year warranty on their bal1eries. but occasionally one or ooth will fail. It is never recommended 10 unplug a unit unless il is being serviced. because the baneries will lose str<:ng1h if nOt constantly charged. UnfQnunalely. if ;t is a ballery is~ue. ooth bal1eries necd to be replaced: again. that is a recommended service call. Prevention is always the best solution. To keep your lift mnning smoothly you shQuld have if service agreement in place and h"'e your unit che<:ked and cleaned every six months by a ccnified technician. "Living alone at my age would be impossible without my stair lift:' Jean, Fall BranCh, TN Concise Consul/inB, Inc. is a mobility soIutiCHIS specialist. Our mission is tQ improve Ihe quality oflife fQF thQse who wanl indepcmlent Jiving. Accessibility ami mobility are Ihc driving force of our Durable Medical Equi~ ment division. Veteran owned and servicing the Tri-Cities. we are cerTified dealers. installers. and mQbility specialists for lIannar. PVI. EZ-Acccss. ConverTa-step. as well as several orher companies. Mobility Solutions Specialists Sales-Service-Installation Stair Lifts • Mobility Lifts· Accessibility Ramps Eatt T. nn,,"" Owned .nd Ope.,ted 1-866-852 -1167 WWW .CONCIS eCO NSU LTIN G.US .. _"\".= _- =:: _ _ ,............. ,~~~~~~~=~,~.~rt~.~~ro~"~'~"~K~O~",~'~'~";"~~.'~'~~~~~~~~ done by a cel1ified r<:placcd. and thistechnician. should only he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www .tnhe althilndwe Tri-Citles Tennessee - November 2:01 4 Health & W~ 11 Knee Pain in Athletes: Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome By JoM PaszkiewiCZ, PT, MS, COMT, Results physiotherapy Of the seven most common sports injuries the knee is associated with two of them ACL Tears and Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS). This month we will focus on PFPS. Wh;u ere the common symptoms of PFPS syndrome? Usually Ihis condiTion ~nts a~ pain on either side of the patella (kneecap) or on the front of the knee. II is onen dcsi::ribed as a deep ache or a sharp pain. In mon: advaroced cases, symptoms of "grindi"," or "popping" of t~ kneecap may .lso be present. 11 is onen wone when performing repelitive 5pOfIing III;tivities $Uth as running. landing after a jump. and quid; swu and Slops. During nonna.l daily activities it is limiting ",-ben going up or down stairs. :;quailing. sining for prolonged times or aner ge1ling up from sil1ing for an extended period. of the thigb. Rc:-cducation of the quadriceps muscles has been shown to be: benditial in lrealing this condition as "l:11. Taping of the patellll may help imprm'e the tfllCking of the kneecap and take srrn$ off of the ligalTlCfllS that stabilize the kneecap. Appropriate footwear or supportive 011hotic5 may need TO be: implemented if poor foot biomechanics are a contributing f""'tor. Rest or modified acti vity from IIggraYJIting activities and lpor!5 may be needc:d to KIlle innammation to allow "".tment to COITttt the contributing factors. Physical therapy is an optimal treatment for pa«:llofemoral syndrome in alhletes. A rehabilitation program should be 5pceifically designed to liuitthe needs of the athlete so they can retum to pre-injury status as quickly as possible . It should also include a home cx~ise program to maintain results and prevent reoccurrence of 5yrnptOn1S.. Athletes should SCl:k OUT a physicaltherapi" thai U$CS the COITttt combination of both manual therapy and exereisc to rehabilitate their injul)' most effcaiveiy. Whet .,e the ceUHS of PFPS syndromel This is. complex c:ooditioo with a varie1y of con· tributing factors. "The ~ is ClUght in the middle of twO retali"ely complex areas--the hip and the foot. Most o;onunOnly it is caused by poor tnCking of the kncec;l.p on the femllf. the long bone of the thigh. This may be due to imbalance in the thigh mll$Clcs, poor fOOl biomcdunics, or wcakncss of Ihe glutcal muscles at the hip all causing abnonnal lTIOyement of the ~ and kneecap. placing abnormal stress on t~ knee. 00 I n.e-ed e rllferrllifrom e physldlln for physical therllpy? No. In TenneliSCI: you can be treated by a physical therapist without a referral from a physician. AI Results PhysiOTherapy we can have you in for your appointment the same day in m(l$t cases. Early inlC1"\"enlion with physiclll t~y is proven to shorten the rehabilitaTion procas and significantly reduce the O'o-erall cost of treatment. Kingsport (423) 343-7570 444 Oincllfte1d St. Ste. 102 Johnson City (423) 232-8302 101 MIld iedt Pall<w1P)'. SIc. 301 Morristown (423) S8?5023 Whllt \rutmenu lire ;&V.II.ble for 2tOS.~St. PFPS syndrome? Physical therapy offe-rs solutions to address the For a complete list of IocatlOllS and inioonaton underlying problems that commonly occur " 'ith reg.;rdiflg Results f'hysiothetapy Centers. visit us at PFPS. The pn".Iper treatmenl begins with identify. . ing what the contribUTing f"",tors are and addressing these lhrough COTJ"tttive ex~ises, manual If you would like individual que,tions therapy. taping and ortboliel. Strengthening and an,wer~ bv a ... nier clinician ".;,it re-c:ducacion of the hip mll$Cles. $pOCiflCally the www.rcsultsphysiethcrapy.cClm/ gluto:als h:as been found to signiflClntly n:duce au -a-physiClthera piS!. Slress on the knee by controlling excessive: motia:t F'HYSKlTI9APV _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ results 12 Keafth & Wellness November 2014 • Trj·Cities Tennessee The Sandwich Generation: Caught between two worlds. T he "Sandwich Generation" refers to Ihe l31ge number of aduhs who are dealing with bolh young children and aging parents. If you an: a member Qf this group, it may be chal_ lenging to find a safe and reliable in,'cstmen! that prote<:1S your family and addresses your specific needs. However, there are more options than you may realize. Preparing for thefulure. Caring for others is a large responsibility. But. there are many steps you can take 10 ensure thai your loved ones are taken care of if something happens to you . First, contact an estate_planning anomey 10 hdpyou write a will and update it when cin:umstanccs change. Secondly. think about pur- chasing life insurance, which can be tailored 10 the specific needs of you and your family. For inSlance, a tC1'Tl11ife policy can provide affordable death benefit protection for a certain number of years. and may be eligibic for conversion to a whole life policy at a future date. Whole life policies provide financial security later in life. and their cash value can be borrowed against to serve as an alternate souree of funds as needs arise . While there are events you can plan for, such as your retirement Or your child's education, caring for an elderly parent can be unpredictable. While savings and investment 3C<:OUmS can provide some assistance, so can the right insurance. Simply put, members of the Sandwich Generation do not need to go at it alone. Tenn insurance, whole life insurance, and long_tenn tafe insumnee are three strong solutions that can help provide financial prote<;tion forchanging needs. This educational. third-party artide is provided as a courtesy by Christopher O'Quinn, Agent, New York Life Insurance Company. To learn more ahout the infonnation or topics discussed. please conlaCt Chris by phone at (423)767.5064 or ( -mail: eaoquinn @ft.newyorklife.eom. -_........- . . . ..-... - , ..... __ -. ....... -....tho .............. _ ... ""'....,... ""' .. tho -, ChristOpher O"Qu,nn • New York ute Insurance Company 507 Laurel Avenue Johnson Oty, TN 37604 (423) 767-5064 [email protected] WW-N.t:.htistop/'oeroquinTl.COlll _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.tnhe a lth il ndwe llness.eom _ _ _ _ _.:::._ _ -=:::::::::~::':::~ Antioxidants - 11'@~@rn® past damage, i§l1l1l!~©1 up defenses, [pI11'@it~ from future exposures. Available at DERMATOLOGY ASSOCIATES :Ii Cosmetic Center King spo rt (423) 246-4961 .:.. Bristol (423) 764-7 13 1 Johnso n City (423) 928-9014 APPALACHIAN CHRISTIAN VILLAGE You ARE NEVER TOO OLD FOR FUN AND GAMES. By MOVI NG TO,.. W ELL RUN ASS I STE D LI VI NG AN D M f.MORyC,.. Rf COMM UN ITY. YOU G,o. IN TH E T I ME .... N D r EAC E OF MIN D TO DO T HE T HIN GS YOU REA LLY WA N T TO 00. EV EN I F T H AT M EAN S DO ING NOT HI N G . RIGH T HERE I N T HE H EA RT OF JO HN SON C ln' WIT H LO TS OF A MENI T I ES, rlN[ O AKS AN D M AGNOLIA C ROSSI NG AT A"!'ALAC HIAN CH RISTIAN VI LLAGE. 4'\ppaiachian , Christian Village Pine Oaks & Magnolia Crossing WORRY LESS AND ENJOY MORE! 877-302-8720 - www.t nhe a lt h .. nd we 14 Health & wetness November ZOt4 • Tri·Cltlu Tennessee In the early stales, Slron,er li,htin, and eye. ,llIsses may lessen vision problems caused by cataracU. At some point, however, sur,ery may be required to improve vision, NOVEMBER IS DIABETES AWARENESS MONTH DIABETIC EYE DISEASE Glaucoma tends to be inh"rited and may not show up until later in life, yet the American Diabetes Association reports that people with diabetes are 4mi more liktly to suffer with ,Iaucoma. Gliucoma is a condition thlt nuses dama,e to yoor eye's optic nerve and can worsen over time . It is often associated with a bu ildup of pressure inside the eve caused by an improper function of the eye's drainage system. The increilst(! pressure, called intril · ocular pressure, can dam"ge the optic neNe, which transmits ima,es to the brain. Dcca· slonlllly, intraocular PfeSSUre can ri$e to severe levels. In these cases, sudden eye pain, headache, blunt<! viSion, or the appea,,,nce of halos around lights may occur. Oftentimes the loss o f periphe rill or side vision ciln go unno· ticed until late in the disene. If dama,e to the optic nerve from high eye pressure continues, ,Iaucoma will cause permanent Ion 0 1 vision. Without treatmf'nt, ,Iaucoma can cause total permanent blindnMS within a few years. By Jch IS10n ~ Eye Clinic and Surgery Center E very patient with diabetes Is at ris k of developing diabetic eye disease, specifj· nlly diabetic r"tinopathy, Citiracts or ,laucorNl. It is imp<>rWnt for the diabetic P<'tient to have a dilated eye exam on II ~arty basis. The yearly dilated eye e ... m allows you to detect the disease earty, before iI. se-verely affeds yoor vision. To,ether, you ilnd your doctor can treilt t he disease and pre-vent blindness. Most utar.lct$ ter.d to advance slowly ar.d can ta ~ ~ars to mature. However, accordinB to the Amtriein Diabetes ~, p«IpIe with diabetes lin! 6CJ!I' more IibI'f to develop QUracts at a youncer ace. ~ an! a doudirc of the lens in the ~ - the part of the eyethat focuse:s Ii8t1I and produces dear images. The natu~ k!ns il; c:on.. taine<! In a capsule inloide of the~. As cells die they are trawed within this CIIpSUie, The xcumula· lion of these cells cauo;es the lens to cloud, maki ng Imaces look blurry, tuuv or faded. Because there isn't a $Udden deteriorilllon, you ITI'V be UI13b1o! to Thf're Is effective treatment lor diabetic eye disuse, It Is important to remembe, to have a comprehensive eve e xa m lit lent once a vear. The Physicians of Johnson City Eye CliniC and Sur,ery Center board certified ophthal· malo,ists specially t rained In the treatment o f diabetic eye disease. Johnson City Eye Clinic also offers the regions' only three fellowship trained glaucoma speciilli~ts and lellowship t rained pediatric specialist , ii'" Diabetic retinopathy is " compllntion of diabetes and a leadinB nuse of blindness. detectthe!.icnSofacataractortheeffect~h;we Diabetic retinopilthy occurs when diilbetes on your WIoo. A yearly visit: to your ~ doctor can damales the tiny blood vessels inside the relina, help to Identify cataracts ellrty on, but there are the lI,ht sensitive tissue at the back olthe eye. A some symplomsyou can look lor indudin&: healthy retina Is necessary lor ,oad vision. OVer • cloudy vision 888.929.JCEC (S232) • hilos around lights time diabetic reti nop at hy un worsen, ca using johnsonc! vision lou and usuall y il ffectins both eyes. There • frequent chanBes in glasses or contact le ns are very o ften no early warnlnll silinS; however, il prescriptions Bristol you see specks 01 blood, or spots, 'lioatin,- in • double vision in one eye 225 Mic1w7i MediCII Pirie • poor nl,hl vision your vision, s"" yoor ey" care profenional imme· Johnson City diat"ly. You may need treilm"nt before more ' Itcht sensitivity 110 Med Tech P"rkway s"rious blef'din, occurs. • seein, laded colors. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _- - - - - - - - -- - - - • JOHNSON CITY EYE CENTER Tri-Cltlu Tennessee - November 2014 Health & Wellness 15 November is American Diabetes Month Areec.ey,You Wearing Proper Diabetic Footwear? ~ Terry LiCensed PedorthotisI A re you living with diabetes and 1101 weanna the p<Qp<:r fOOlwear? For most people the answer is YES. Yet if you have diabetes and arc nOI wearing Inc proper footwear, you could potentially be facing IU1lputation. One maj<>r fa.cTor today of amputation is complications from ulcers that $1.ar1 on the fOOl; improper fOOlwar and 1101 having an accommodative ill$el1l11QSt often lead to these fOOl iSSlK'$. Diabetic Foot Problems An estimated 22.3 million people "'-ere livina with type I or type 2 dLabt1ts in 2012, up from 17.S miJlion in 2007. Tbere are 7 million people IMt are undiaanosed and 79 million pre-diabttics. New rescan:h $bows ~t W lOlal cost of diabe1es _ 524S biJlion in 2012 •• 41 % increase from W 5174 biJlion spent in 2007. I"rtsmtly foot problems ICCQUnt for 20% of the annual diabetic_related hospitalizations; more than SO% of the 120.000 0011traumatic, 10""(f~~trt1l1ity amputations each year ~It from complications from diabetes. Neuropathy, mechanical streSSeS, and angiopathy (ischemia) are the majorcause!offooc ulccn in diabetic patients. UowevCT. a number of other fa.ctors have been cited that include Ion of protective sensation, abnormal pressure. deformity, chan:ot deformities. connective tissue changes, infection, poor foot can: and ... improperly fining shoes. Mosc people don'I know that mOSI i~ c:ofllIIOOics will ply. portion or sometimes the full amount for dialxtic shoes and insau, if you meet W criteria. To meet w criteria. you must havee diabe1es mellifU$ and """CC a folIowina condition: • hiSlory of part;al or ~ fOOl amputation ha\"CC lhe COIl"eCt site and dctenni~ if your shoe " 'ill be off_tbc-Jhc:lr or CUSlOm. We .... ill also makee alStom diabelic: insnu 10 ao with your shoes. These are as important as the shoe. Jt allows 1110 10 be able to offload III«n and many foot conditionl. • hiSlory of foot ul«r • history of pre_UICC13tivcc callus formation • peripheral neuropathy with evidence of can us formation • fOOl defonnity • poor cireulation. Ii ;s important ~I you sec: your diabe1ic doctor also calltd In endocrinologist. You $bould sec: your mdocrinologiSi regularly to have )'OUI" fttl checked. Your rccl arc very importllnl so why would you neglect your fttl and ri!ik losing one or bolh? The nut time you see your doctor, make sure they a~ checking yollr fe<.:!. [f you are not currently wearing diabetic shoes. talk to your doctor aboUtlhcm. Fo~ "lor.! In/ormDIiDN Dr 10 $chedule on oppolrltm/.'n/, con/ocr Bri$lol Or/ho/ia &: Prosrhe/ies III 1-I100-J14-4447 Or ....."".MUIllloondp.conr. How we Can Help At Bristol OnhoIics and Pro5thcties our licensed ~itioncn arc highly skilled and trained 10 111«1 any root problem. Wee have had utcnsive training and arcc wntinoously rtSCaI"Ching new rndbod$ 10 rornbat any fOOl problems. All palien15 that.~ seen for diabelic shoes and inxns Ilf"l: given I compk1c rOOl chcotk. Wee do a Monofilamenl test on your reet and 1150 lake a temperalUre ~ading. We will lalk 10 you 10 see what kind ofissucs you are having or had in the paSI. Wee will do a complete fOOl inspection. Once the foot exam 1$ complete we will discuss diabeiic sOOcs. Wee offer a wide variety of shoes, but sometimes due to fOOl conditions you may have to have ruslom shoes. Often tirrlC$ some people may need a CUSTom shoe because they 'imply can't fit into an off the sbel( shoe or they have. \kformilY ofthe fOOl. We will measu~ your feel fordiabttic $hoes 10 assure ""CC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - www .tn healthant!welltluS .eom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 16 Health &. Welness November Z014 Tri·C,ties Tennessee Eat, Praise Nutrition, and Be Merry! Holiday Favorites Can Be Healthy By Monique RiChafd MS, RON, LON he ho1ida~are here, and inAmeriea.thal can C(juate 1'1 a few, '1r several, 'splurges' in tum eontribuling to a shrinking wallet and an expanding waistline , Before giving praise and thanks for the many blessings you have, make sun: )'0\1 and your family arc: gelling their hnlth I'ICeds mc1 with a ll the beneficial nutrients the foods plentiful this time o f ~ar offer. A I'Cgistem! dieti_ lian nutritioniSt (RON) is able to individualize )'QUI" nutrition plan based on your needs, goals, environ ment, genetic pm:Iispositions. health ronditiOll, ph ysical tetivity and many 0Ihc:r facton . .... sk your physician about 5C'hcduling. visit with me today. During the holld.ys: InStead of a traditional store· bought or homemade piecruSI, try an apple crisp Uiing oatmeal and brown sugar to save on the calories. Try the recipe at fat and http ://lowcaloriecooking.about.comIodidessensir/a pplecri~. htm. Go casy on the apple cider because it tends to have some Mkkd sugar, but mi~ing it with an unsweetened tea Of watc:r is a ~al option 10 gc'I a tasty treat and healthy benefits. T Cntnlnrrles The Heillth Benefits: This garnet C'1l'1red fruit is tart and powmul. Cnm· berries ha"e been reponed to prc'"ertl uri..ary tract (UTI) and infections ~h has shown that the ben<:fits may be linked t'1 the many phylonulOOts (cheminl compounds in plant-based foods) that SU, 'C offbacterial W'D"1h and infeclion. Studies have also shown evidence of specific anti .inflammatory propenies which m~y lowcr risks for cardiovascular disease. Cranberries an: a strong source of antio~idants (which preserve cc ll intcgrity) incl..ding vitamin C and have bt::<:n associated with anti-caneer properties. Cranberrics an: also packed with manganese too. so along with the anti-oxidants, they help boost our immune s~tem -proI~ing from the common cold Of nu. Throughout tM}"Nr: JIISI I handful ofcranber· ries (In ha,"C healthful benefits. SO add 114·\12 cup 10 smoothies. cerca.I, or salad Make a trail mix with equal pans 1/3 cup each of dried eran· berries, nuts, and pretzels. Try 40"1.. cranberry juice cocktail (no sugar added) with 4 01.. seltlCf watct for a refreshing and tasty drink. Tips: Because cranberries are naturally tan. they are generally paired with a 101 of lUgar. Look for the whole natural betTy in the produce Of freezer S«1ion. juices that ha,'e no Mkkd sugar (in any form). or have "cry minimal. .- .... h, the apple pie, apple eri~. candied apples, and apple cider. . . Conjured up arc: memories of child· hood and wann holiday gatherings. Maybe we don't always have time to make from scratch from apples "'C picked al the orchard, but apples arc: a great fall Slaplc that ven.uilc:, satisfy· ina-and aI:t 50 good for us. = Throughout the ,.ilr: Buy a ~g of apples and keep lhemon your counter in I nicc dish reminding )'0\1 to grab one on your way to $Chonl Of work every day. Chop up the apples and lOSS them in a salad. tuna or chicken/turkey salad sandwich for a sweet and tasty crunch. Cu t in half and top each half with a teaspoon of natullli peanu t bunt r for a greal energy packed snack of protein and carbohydrate before: or after working out. Top Y, cup of low_fal COItage cheese with apple chunks and cinnamon for. satisfying and lIcal!hy snack . Tips: Along w ith being inc~pcnsi,'C, appln are easily portable and keep fOf quile a while in the ,'efrigeralor Of on the counter. Try to eat with the skins on though : a lmost half of the vitamin C content is just underneath the skin. Pumpkin and SWNt potatoes (.nd other squash varletl'. tool Th' Health B,n,fiU: Pumpkins and sweet potatoes have a lot in common; Ihey are loaded with vitamin A and antioxidant carotenoids (you've heard of bcta-carotenc. responsible for the rich orange color, like carrots). Both are good :;ourceS of vitamins C, K, and E, and lots o f miflmlls, including magnesium. potaSSium, and iron. Half a cup of eanned pumpkin has 6.S gnms of t,:arbohy. dnue and l.S gnms offiber. During the Holidays: We 1Ia"e all been witness to The Heahh Benefits: Apples are • great soun:e the pretty glass planer adorned with the canned of fiber (insoluble and soluble). Soluble fiber eranbetTy sauce complete with the jo:llied ridges, helps 10 P""'"Cflt cholesterol buildup in the lining but making homemade cranberry sauce is su]lCf of blood vcsscl ....alls. redocing the incident of s imple and SO much bc:ner for you. Your guests will be praising this tasty s ide d ish inste:ad of the atherosclerosis and heart disease. The insoluble fiber in apples provides bulk, holding water to dish it sils 011. The internet has lots of easy recipes cleanse and !TIO\'e food quickly through our with only thm: or four ingredients, try them out and dig~sti,'C system. Rich in vitamin C, vitamin make it your own delicious goodnesi. One to try is: B-6. and small amounts of various minerals. hllp:/isavorys wccii ifc .coml2009l ll lsimplc-and apples (small-medium) are usually less than 80 amazing-cranberry-puce·m:ipcl. Also, top salads with dried eranberries and walnuts this :;cason or ca lories cach. All of this makes apples a great option for a ~k Of meal addition fOf ilS natural try steamed green beans with toasted slivct"ed carbohydrate: and vitamin-rich composition. almonds and cran~C$ on lop. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w . tnhe :;t lt h:;tndwellne u. eom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- -- - - - - - - - - - Tri-Cities Tennessee During the holidays: Yes, yes, the famous pumpkin and ~weet potato pies are no doubt a favorite, S ....·eet potato casseroles topped with marshmallows. the buner and sugar just run together in this orange dream. This year. try some variations to knock out calories, fat. and sugar and keep the luxuriousness of these staples. Pumpkin mousse cups are super easy and deli~h. try thi~ recipe: hnp:/ Pumpkin-Mousse-2 Panially boil sweet potatoes to get them a linic softer in onier to make it easicr to eut or chop for baking, roasting or other recipes. if you prefer. You can also put them in a wok, thinly sliced, or use your microwave to cook. November 2014 Health & Wel lness 17 Sources: hup:llwww.whfoods.comlgcnpage.php?lnamefoodspic<: & dbid ~ t 4 $ ~hcatthbenc fi 1:$ Accessed September 29, 2014 hnp:llurbanext.illinoi •. edulapplesfo utrition,cfm Accessed $q)l<cmber 29. 2014 NuU The Health Benefits: Nuts are rich in protein, omcga·3 fatty acids, potassium. B vita· mins, Vitamin E and fiber. They hav e been lin ked to lowering cholesterol, preventing caniiova$Cular conditions. lowering blood pr=urc. and lowering the risk of colon and other types of cancer, The Omega-) fatty acids found in nutS also offer some benefits in conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, certain cases of Schizo. phrenia. depression, and Alweimer 's disease. The benefits and components of nuts are ~tin being c~tensively researched and more and more positive findings arc ocing investigated. Also, try baking or roasting sweet potatoes and topping with some cinnamon and a sprinkle of sugar. The skins add the benefits of fIber and minerals , You can also boil and mash s"'eet potatoes Or yams instead of russet potatoes and driv:1c with maple syrup. Cube a variety of squash and sweet potatoes and roast with some seasonings for a great addition to a holiday meal. During the holidays: Opt fw a fruit and nUl tan (gluten·free. instead of a heavy pecan pie this year. or $Calc down from the pie to indio vidual pecan tan cups. These easy recipes will help you decide: http;lIglutcn--d.airy-sugarfrec,coml?p=1108 http://allm:ipes .comlRecipeitiny.pecan·tansi Throughout the year: Don't just wait until Thanksgiving to create some nutritious dishes with these powerhouses. Canned pumpkin is sold throughout the year and can be added to smooth· ies (great with peanut butter, plain yogun. cinnamon. nutmeg , touch of syrup or honey, and soy milk), pancake bal1er. used in place of oil for muffins, breads. and baked goods. mixed in oatmeal or yogun or spread on toast. Sweet potatoes can be thinly sliced for a baked version of sweet potato fries and pumpkin and squash Can make great soups or mealtime additions when prepared similar to many other vegetable favorites. The versatility and variety of options with these vegetables sh<mld be admired and Ulilized all year long letting your creativity now during the holidays. Instead of making a cheese ball C"'S\ use almonds, peanutS, and walnuts as an appetizer ponioned out in ramekins and topped with a sliver of fine cheese or piece of dark chocolate covered fruit. Top the green salad with walnutS (with the cranberries). feta cheese. and a light vinaigrelle for a nice change of taste. hup:llwww.nutrition-and-you.comlapple-r... it.html Accessed On September 29. 2014 http://www.shcknows.comlfood •• nd.=ipesl anideslS032541. wect-potaco.nutrit;on<ooking$wtt\.pOI3tocs Accessed on September 29, 2014 hnp:llwww.nutrition·and-you.cominut$_nutrition.btml Accessed on Septcmber 29, 2014 detail.asp~ Throughouttht year: Usc nuts in a homemade trail mix for a quick and nutritious snack. Add peanuts to a stir·fry for added protein. pizazz. and crunch. Make a fruit and yogurt parfait and top with a variety of chopped nutS. You can toast pine nuts. almonds. and walnuts ocforeadding to salads, breads. or dcsscns for a more flavorful and poignant alternative. State,! TIps: Buy nUlS in bul k and freeze or refrigernte to keep them fresh longer. Keep ponions in Tlps: For cooking purposes. choose smaller sized check because nuts are high in fOIl and calories. A pumpkins, for tenderness and mOre flavor. Select handful (2-3 oz.) is a serving. Don't forget about pumpkins with thcir stems intact and free ofblem . 301 Med Tecb Parkway, JOhn..,D City, TN 37604 other varieties of nuts too, there are several. Did ishes and those which feel heavy for their size , A 42)·794· 5$50 I www .... YQU know 49 pistachios are a serving and shiny skin indicates the squash was picked too provide 6g of protein and 3g Qf fiber? (cracking soon (unless the grower waxed them); look for a them is half the fun). dull skin. ________________________ www.tnhe a lth a ndwe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Franklin Healthcare Associates 18 Health &- Wellnes.s November 201 4 - Tri-Cltles Tenness ee What You Need to Know About Constipation By Gastmenlerok)gy Associates C onotipolion means dilfemll ohinp 10 diffemll peq>le. You may Ju".., constipaI;"" if you ","v.: three Of r...."Cf bowel """,-emcnIJ ;n I week or if """,I i. hard, dry, painful, or difflClll, to pal. Some people willi oonstipation b.:k ~ and Whol tflU_ dono 10 find ttl. ~ of am.lip,llilon' To lind 001 why you bayO ~tiPOlion, your doctor will perfonn I ~ phy3.ical cnminItion. The docIOr moy abo onIer one or """" 10SIS if I serious poobkm islllSpCClCd II It.. tIIUSC of <:CnS1iPOlio1'1. - CT scan ofabdommlpclvis • CT coIonojpophy reel full or bIoolCd. hi,.., Some people tlunt Ihoty ODOSIipalioa if \hey don' t ,..".., • booo"d ""","....... , "'""'Y """~..... bcnvcl _ ore dilfCfenl foo eo.-ayone. Tk roods )"011 m. how mucb you um:isc. Ind .,.".,. rK'lOn ./Totl ~ booo"C1 habits. day. AI 0... Ii.... or anotho:r, &I.- ~ JCII COMtipilCd. In mosI c.ases.. jl Lam for only Wl\(d )'0\1 ~ .... Iw causes COMtipalion, you can • shon Ii .... """ i. IlOl lake Sleps 10 pt'e'"Ul1 it .mow. WhM U\IWS wlltll~ f To.....Jemand wIIa1 cll\lSeS COMtiplolion. j, helps 10 know bow \he Iatgc in,ts,ine works. The luge inlestine rm>OVCI mosI or \he "'..,<If (l0I'II stool and .twlg.. ;1 f'rom .. $em;' liqui.d 10. solid waite. The I..... inleslinc lbc:ft "",,"'os the Jloollhrough the and anus . . . bowel move ....... l. Constipllion o«un when 0I0OI passes lhrough lhe large intes,ine 100 slowly. WbCfI Il00111&)'1 ;lIlhe 'lI1C ;nl(Stine: '00 long, lhe intesti"" removes 100 m""b Wiler. and Ihe 01<>0' MeOWCI hlrd IIIId dry. 5om.ln.flyl., thot moy auS. amltl~llon Indud.: • Changing you. normal diel. exe.d ... or Imvel hab;" • Igno<ing lhe: urge: 1o bowel moV(m(fI1 • F«li"3 ,101 Ofsl",SS • E.aling a low_fIber die! • NO! drinking enough liquids. eSpeCially WII •• • Taking c~ki,,", or iron supplemonlf diumks. l1so i<Jooy,'11 as waler • Taking medici"", , as painkillers w;lh pill.: medici"" for dq:>resIion: lind 501'l'IO AIIUCids ha"". code"..: Some rTMdlul amdillont Ihall'NlW UIrM confllp,llllon Ind~: • ~gnancy or hayinl giy ... binh • Problems ... ilb the _let 0( DONa in tbo imtlliM. _rum, 0( lOllS • Itri1abIe Jxw,~1 .yndlOl". (IBS). • DOrIdition in ,,1IK:h \he """'" that IXlllbOI the: ttlus<1et in the inlClli"" arm'l .......tina ....... y: the: imOSlu.o bee ....... """" ......ili'~ and .-;:'Iivo to food. _~ pi. and _ • 0i""",0$, _ condilioa in wtoich I per-. has hip blood loUB*'. also eolkd hypaglyttttlia. bccauK It.. body connot UK blood &1_ 0( blood oupr fO(......., • Hypolbyroidism. I DOrIdirion in whkh the thyroid &land does DOl produce enough hOld""" 10 moe! the: body', ncaIo and many of the: body', f\mction slow <:\ov.." 01'1' "' - Colo"o.....j>jI - the: docIOr looks II the: Iarac inIWu.o with _long. fbible tube ",ith • """""" 10 the: end that tfit;pIays irna&eo .... TV Iafttl. • SiglOlou.opy _ the: docIOr inser1s I thin, f1c:>.ibIe tube into It.. rer:tum. ThiI soopo ,,"IPI"" doclor -.isualize die loll !llird or your Iarac imesline. • CoIorectaIlmol$ll $NtIy you ",'allow ImIIl capP,let that <In be....", on '" N1ty IS t1t.ey """.., throuch the: Large inltstil\e and ",us • Anorer:taI function !CSt - ..aJ rnanornetJy (p'essure KnSQr1t d><d: the: function and ......ilivity of..,..,..,,) Wld/or balloon c:qlIJbion !CSt (_ small balloon is inserted into tIt.e TO<:tunt and the: unount oflin1e il lIkeslO CJlpo:l lhe: bIolloon is rneISt.tml) • [kf(:(:Q(!J1tl)hy an x_my $bow$ how ~1l1 per-. con hold Ind ",'IICU>.I< StOOl Who! un I do _bout conlllp,llllon' You Cin lIk. St:\'t11t1 strps 10 I"""""'IInd relieve constip&IH>n. I. 1:'''1 "''''~f1bn. ~'iber helps form ...n, bulky stool$ and is found in marty ""getablcs, fruits. and groins_ Your doctor tilly SUIIF$I you like fiber pills Of powder 10 he:lp son ... or bulk up It.. otool. Be ....., to like lhe: fiber with plenty of "'''ler as di=Ier!. Some people e. pnicr<:e pi and blooliJli at iiI'$! whc:n taki"i ••1m fiber. Be ....., to Ie! your dexlor know if you .... ba,i"l pmbl<1l\S thaI do IIO! Il" IWlly In .... few dltyl. 1. Drilo/r pie"" o/_tor ...01 "'Iter III,NIb $N~1t a/noil.nd ...,,,,,blejNica IIIId d~,.,_p$. l iquids ha,~ linlo o"«I ... ltoOI fornI: ~. drinking CIIQIIgh ftuids prevenIS dchydnrioa "lIi<:h 0... _ constipation. Do tIQl drink liquids thaI contain caJfcino or alcohol if you ..., fttlm, th~ or dchydmlerl. J. 1Ar_,It~ RqulM- C'lt<rl:iK belp your dilC$li"" sySlerIIlllty ocrivo and hcIlthy. ~ 2(1 10 JO minu!C:I "''''Y doy mil)' belp ~ conslipMion. .$'_ #. 'iJio~ wIIno,_frrldt~ Nrp "'~,Hwd _~L Allow yourxlf ......... Ii"", 10 max. ReIdi.., I book or mapriDC CIt! hdp)'Oll ",Iu.. If you <:aMOI( hI'~ I bowel ............... within 10 IllinIllCl, F' up ODd n:tItnt the: ...,.1 run" you F' the: Iqt. 5. u". /lxlli.w ...ty i/~r __ s.,,",- $10,,*,1£ laxatives..., modl<;int:s that belp you puol1OOl. If you ..., doing III the: riplt things ..:I you . . lIill constipated. your dextOr lI'IIy 'tICOIl.'OOlod 11au\i"" for I limiler! timo. Your do<'IOr win dctn'tninc whl(:h .... is ~ for you. Experienced Professlonsls innovative digestive ca.e 10..,.,0« 135 w." R.ovin< Rood. $wrc M 1Gnpp"r<. T<nl>tf4eO 37660 4ll.Z4um Bri.,.l ll5 M«Iial v."k lIo\Ile...«i Bri"ot. T<n.... _ 37620 4ll.27U l5() Abl ..p. Vl<JboIo 616~DrM Abinp>n. v;,p.;. 24210 ~1III1III1III1III1III~======·=ll=.n='.=M=~=====::;;;;:;:;;;;~;;;:;; _ 6. Clt«/r ~illt )'ONT 11«/", . """1 ''''Y "'etlkille$,.... ",,,-,. Ask your dexlOf if any or lhe: medications yoo ..., lIkinll could cause conSlip&lion_ Your doctor may ,uuc" malmenl to prev""l conSlipoli .... w hile On Ibcsc rnedicllionJ. Constipated and Miserable? No ... corollina pf-tietttl id' clillicil research ItudW. Call our rewan:h coordinators .1 423·23(}'3lS0. www . t n lle~lth~nd w ellne$ --------------------- results State of Franklin Healthcare Associates Welcomes Monique Richard Registered Dietician Services 301 Me<! Tech Partway, Johnson City, TN 37604 423-794-5550 I www .t nhe~lth .. ndwe 20 Health & Wellne» November 2014 - T r i-Cities Tenn e ssee FIGHTING THE FLU F lu ~ ue Ihou",1 10 sprud mainly from per$On to per$On Ilvouih dlOpIets rna when peopIt with Au couch. snee!e. or ~Ik. flu viruses sprnd when peojIle touch somethi", with flu virus on il ~nd then toudl their mouth, eyes. or nose. ~Iso m~ People infected with flu m~ be able to infect othe'B be&inni"ll d~ before symptoms develop and up to 5-1 diIVS after becomln, sick . That means you m~ be abloe to spre~d the flu to someone else befofe you know you ire sick ~s well ~s while you are sick. Young child.en. those w ho are severely III. and those who have severely weakened immune systems may be able to infect othef'l for longer than 5-1 days. Everyday preventive actions • Try to avoid close contact with sick people. • If you or your child gets sick with fiu ·llio.e Illness, stay home for at least 24 hours ~fter the fever Is gone e~cept to get medical care o. for other necessities. The fever should be 80ne without the use of i feve.· reducln, medicine. • While 'ick,limit contitt with othef'lllS much is possible to keep infecting them. • Cove. you. nose and m01.lth with i tissue wtlen you cough Of sMetre. Th.ow the tissue In the trash ifter you use it . • Wash you. hands often with ~p ind witer. If ~p and water a.e not aonil:able, use in ilcohol·bued hand rub. Franklin Healthcare Associates • Avoid touchine your eyes, nose ind mouth. Germs spread this way. • Clean and disinfect wrlice5 and objects thit may be with ~ke lhe flu. \I __ Because we .espect O1.Ir pitient$" busy lifestyles, we a .e to offer you the convenience of Cili Ahead Healthc..e . Just give uS I call and let uS know what time you plan to be at the Walk-In Cllnle o. let us know you a.e on your way. We will get you checked in over the phone and save you a spot forthe time that best fih your needs. When you arrive at the Walk· ln Cllnle, you will be .udy to see one of O1.Ir e~perienced providers. No time to ull ahead? No problem I You are weleame to Jus t Wilk· /n . We will ta ke It from there! -- y_ """'y I I:• • • -I:tOpIII s-.nb)·1 ':"_ · 5:" pm s..ioy I ". ... 5..... Have the flu? We can help1 e~cited Walk-In Clinic Operating Hours con~minated At Slue of Franklin Hea lthQre Walk. ln Clinic, we know your time Is We undef'ltand that getting sick or Inju.ed Is the last thin. you need w ith your hectic schedule. We also unOef'ltand that you don't have time to spend waiting In an Urgent Care lobby. Call Ahead Healthcare is Here! JlI_T.............,.._II. Contact Information ,....: 41J."'.!SM ["': .oW~ ....,.....""""'"' GUJ;nuI 1#1 MJ ~.:Jf1'f '"' fItI.,JOIff 1M:!Jl .. or.f*sl W.J..t-l.or! _ C l l y T'o" l7Mf 421.114.1'" Did you know? • Office Visit Co-PiIVS ... ther th,In U'I!ent Care or ER cost. • You do not have to be a patient 01 State of F.anklin Healthcare to be treated In our Walk-In Clinic. • No appointment needed. • For you. p.otettion, we have Sick and Well Lobbies. • If you a.e currently a Stale of franklin HealthCire p,atient, we have access to your reco.ds. This access your visit so much more efffcient and effe<tive. • We treat adults and children. • If needed, we will also he lp you establ ish with a p,'mary Cilfe Physician. • FLU VACCINES ADMINISTERED' 7 DAYS A WEEK' JUST WALK-IN www.tnhealth an dwellness .com Tri-Cities Tennessee· November 2014 Health & Wellness 21 IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO PLAYI By Logan Hellick H cabhy living is not just eating right and exercising. but also engaging in social activities and continuing to learn, The Active Older Adults (AOA) program at the Kingsport YMCA is dedicated tQ improving the Qverall well_being Qf Qur partilOipants by crcating activities and events for adults 5S and older \Q be involved and have fun, The Kingsport Y also partners with the SilverSneuers* exercise prQgram, which is Qffered as a part of select health plans at nQ additional COSt to Medicare-eligible members. This ineludes membership at the Kingsport y, alQng with access tQ the Kingsport Aquatics Center. Special exercise classes are offered tQ adapt to all levels of physical abilities, including those with arthritis and joint replacements. In addition to membership at the Kingsport Y, the SilvcrSncakers~ Fitness Program allows older adults to participate in the AOA program. We've been keeping busy and plan on continuing the trend' In October, the AOA program held an Alzheimer's Awareness presentation with Tabitha Ebbert, a representative from the Alzheimer's Association. She presented the basics of Alzheimcr's, the wamingsigns, andQthereducational facts about the disease thai affects more Ihan S million Americans. In conjunction with the presentation, Ihe program held a potluck-slyle event where participanls brought their favorite recipes. Field trips are not JUSt fQl" the YQUJlg anymore! 1l>e AOA prQgram al the Greater Kingsport Family YMCA also plans monthly trips for older adults 10 enhance connections and make new friends. Field lrips are an extra 005t tQ our AOA friends, but the Y works hard 10 Qffe, experiences of all kinds in Qrder tQ appeallQ differenl imercsts. In August, they traveled 10 Knoxville and boarded the Tennessee Riverboat OJmpany's lunch cruise for a leisurely ride down the Tennessee River, As the Volunteer Relations Director and AClive I at Ihe Kingsport y, I had many AOAs approach me and 11'11 me aboul the lively convCTSalions they had on Ihe bus there and back wilh people wilh whom they may not have spokcn with otherwise. The AOA program is such a great way IQ not only enrich social connections bUI also have FUN allhe same time. Many of the Kingsport Y's AOAs are retired and looking for ways tQ give back tQ their community. The AOA program gives older adults the tools they need 10 volunteer in the Kingsport area, In September, the AOAs traveled to the Se«>nd Harvest Food Bank of East Tennessee where they assembled over 1,000 bags for the "Food For Kids" Backpack Program which providc$ needy children with a bag full of kid-friendly food to munch Qn thrQughout the weekend. [1'1 October, Ihe AOAs wanted to give back \Q those who no longer have as much freedom as they once had. They look an afternoon to give their time at the Remington House, an Assisted Living facility located in Kingsport. Manicures were given, card games were played and fun was had by all! Our Qlder adults are some Qf Qur mQS! loyal Y members. The YMCA sees such value in cr'ealing programming for them in order for them to conlinue \Q keep active and enable them 10 grow in spiri!. mind and body. To learn morc Qr get involved in the program, contact the Kingsport YMCA today! F... more inloonation: YMCA \\Iemmont Center I Greater Kingspon family YMCA 1840 Meadowview Pkwy I Kingsport. TN 37660 I ymca1<ptorg{423.247.9622 September took them tothe Creation Kingdom Zoo located in Gate City, VA where they saw everything from dromedary camels to red ruffed lemurs! Their mOSt recent trip was to the Barter Theatre located in Abingdon, VA where they viewed the Southern comedy, "Driving Miss Daisy," ________________________ www.tnhe~lth ~~~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"Il~~~~~~:::~~ .. ndwe _ 22 Health &0 Welness November ZO 1-4 T",Cltle5 Tennessee November is National Child Mental Health Month Help Children Navigate Life's Challenges By Kathy Benedetto, SPE LPC LMFT Frontier Healtlt Senior V"IC& Prosidenl of Tenness" Children'S Services F or many of us, memories of our childhood are of carefree days. without awarcnen of the dangers in the world. But in an evcr· ehanging, media·saturated world. today'. youth may OOt have the same experiences. Children an: now exposed 10 u:Trifying news of death. war. disI:;uc, crime and ~hild abductions. Our instincts an: 10 sbc:ltcr and protect OUT children from frightening realities in the world. ootthis is noIalways possible. What we can do is help provide IJK, tools !hey need 10 face life's clLallcnges. Build ing Resilience In Children Children n«d to develop strengths, acquire coping skills. learn to recover from hards hips and prepare for any future hardships . They need resil. ience. that indescribable quality that allows us to experience difficulties and come back litronger. Rather than ICl1ing failure and fear overeome them, resilient people find a way to overcome the oblilacle. Arc we bom resilient? Or is resilience a quality we can teach and integrate into tile belLaviors of our children? In. MA Pm:nt 's Guide to Building Resilien« in Children and Teens: Giving your Child Roots and Wings. KtnDdh Ginsburg. M.D. MSED, FAAI', identifies SC''CtI MC'I~ of ra;ilience. While there an:: no g""""'ce$ for rcsilicncc. we can piloc chi ldren toward developi", D«ded skills to find their ,uy through life's clLalienges. We can help them to bccome ra;ilient, competent. content individuals who an: able 10 gel up e\'Cf)' time they r,lI. M • C4>,.,pnellce teaches you can handle a situation cffectivc:ly. frontier Health provides many school based progmns!hat belp promote the ,je,,'e!opml:nt of ra;ilicno;y including Project BASI C. School-Ihsed Mental Health l..i,i$005. and Student Assislan« Programs. • COlljidtllce helps you believe in your own abilities. • COIIIIU tion develops close family and community ties that create a strong sense of $C(urity. • C" ~r"C'tr creates a strong sct of morals and values to help distinguish right from wrong and develop empathy towards others. • COlltrlb,,';4>11 helps you undc~tand IJK, world is better because you an,: in it and tlLat personal conuibution is imporunt. Frontier Health is • leading provider of community behavioral health, mental health, substance abuse. co-occurring. developmental disabilities. recovery and vocational rehabilitation services in Tennessee and Southwest ViTiini• . Call-423-467·3600 in Tennessee and 276-523·8300 in ViTiinia, Or visit www.fronticrhealth .oTi. , CopillK skills teach you to rope cffedi"ely with Itrns to O'o-en::ome lifc's d ..,lIenges. • Ct"drol helps you n:al~ you !.aye control ovcr tbe OU\COlne$ of d«isions. Understanding you can make. difference promoles competence ""d confidence. GinsbuTi says that in addition to the 7 "C's," children need to know there is ~n adult in their life who believes in them and who will love them unconditionally. Adult menton and role models can have a huge impl(:t on how children view their ability IQ rope with adversity. Witnessing adults who have oven;ome utremc: hardships builds their eonfidmce that lJK,y can oVC'll:~, " .0 . eo. _. Orrj. TN 37111 ~~~~~~~~~~~~:::::=:=~ _ _ _ _too. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ w . tnheillthilndwellneu.eom: Tri-Cities Tennessee - November 2014 Health & Wel lnes5 23 MINDFULNESS By J ames 5<:hre nke r, MD ABIHM , Integrated Health Concepts W hal is mindfulness? II is likely the most imponam characler_ isric of humans. h is our ability IObesclf_aware in a posilive manner. II i. n01 shulling oul !he em'ironmem, ralher being lorally aware of it. [t is not just during a Reiki treatrnem. massage or acupuncture treatment. Yes. }'(Iu can achie"c it during toose limes; mosl of uS need practice getting there. and Ihcsc arc excellenl IOOls 10 usc. However. mindfulness needs 10 be all Ihe lime. You need 10 cuhivate a character of mindfulness so when you are prescnt}'(lU are a<;lually pruent. Th ink of your cl>Hd asking )lOU a question when you're driving_ You are probably going to be able to answer il oorrectly_ Now let's put you on an unfamiliar road, Dying 10 na" igatc traffic and find a store for the first time. You might say"AlIStin, please be quiet I am trying to concentrate," or )lOU may give a superficial and likely answer to satisfy him temporarily. There are a couple things here to recognize. First. your brain can multitask things il has meroorized easier than il can wh ile il is leaming. Second, you probably can't remember lhe details regarding lhe SlrelCh of road you travelled nver while listening and answerins your chi ld. Soeven when you were able to carry OUI the task, a 101 of new infonna_ lion is not processed consciously; it i. processed SIl~iously_ Now fast forward to your cu".,nt age. Whal have you m issed? lI ave you b«n truly P"<'SWI during your life or just mulli_tasking your way through il? Whal memories do you have? Are Ihose memories COrfttt or jusl bits and pi«es sewn together wilh fa bricated evenu? Were you mindful of the relationships thai crossed your path Or did most of them JUSt pass li ke a blur? O n a mOre personal notc, how did that disease JUSt show up ... how did those extra fifty pounds show up? Look at mindfulness from your heallh's standpo int. You have been lold the dangers of eating I toxic diet, of having a negative attil>Klc and of not exerelSlng. lI ave you listened? Did you hur" lIave you trans lated it into aclion? Cancel'. diabetes. hean disease and obesity don 't care if you intendedlo change. These are all preventable. bul preven tion is transla ted froln mindfulness. Be mindful oflhe infoonalion you arc hearing; how else can God communicate with you? II is your body and YO U are responsible for it. [fyou choose nOlln care for il. the .onsequened are yours as well. There is no bella living through demistry. just longer existence. Remember medications arc designed to enable you to cominue to live a dysfunctional life, 1101 improve it . r-------James H. Schrenker, Dev~l opln9 m l ndfutn ~$$ Be mindful of your breath, your pulse, your tensinn. As lhese change in a negative way, identi fy the emotion o r lhought that caused the physical "<'action. Nexl take three d«p cleansing breaths and ,,<,lease Ihis emolion with each exhalation . Then identify lhe lrisger to Ihe emotion and be ntindful that this trisger can only affect you nes ati" ely if you 1(1 il;}'(Iu are in control, not the trisger. No w expand this to all aspects of}'(lur life . How does Ihat food make ynu feel now and two hours from now? How does that medicalion aff«t }'(Iu? Ho w is }'(Iur mood, energy, mental clari ty? How are all these enhanced o r degraded by your da ily choices of lhoughts, diel and a<;livily. It wi ll nOi take you long to deteon;ne the "hsolul~ ~Sl porlr for }'(Iu to take in this life. Just be aware the choi ces you are making right now- today wi ll either enhance o r degrade your life. [n lhe end il is your choice. I choose love and everything !hat goes along w;th ;t. Have you been truly present during your life or just multitasking your way through it? If you need help in becom ing mindful please call us at 423· S73-9g70 to see Morita for Reiki, Eleanor for HypnoIhet'3py or Rei ki, Judy fo r Massage o r Don for Acupuncture. All praclitioners are very capabl e to help you "<'alize your highest potentia l. Call 423·S73-9873 10 sc hedule an appoint_ ment with Dr. Schrenker or Brandy for die-tary counsell ins . Our m ission at Integrated Hea~h Concepts is to bring compassionate, individual ized care to people. Our holistic approach empowers individuals toward better health by helping them see the relationship betweeo spiritual balance, emotional balance, a nd true welt-t>e;ng. We offer: • General Family Medicine • Ucensecl Dietitian and Certifie d • Diabet~ Educator • Male and Female natural hormone replacement • Intensive Thyroid testing and ba lance • Customized Supplement and • Nutra-ceutical program • E-Stim (Electro Stimulation) for pa in management and other health'related issues IHe Practitioners: James H. Schren ker, M.D, CMD Brandy P. Schrenker, MS,RD. CO( He idi Robella PA·C <Q"Y Integrated health partners Your Life In Balance Ptef....",.,1 prrKll/iotlm dNirO!td to ~)'OII~ B<llcnct in)'Olllli/e. , Reiki , Crani.,."",,,1 , Massage , HyptlOtherapy , ES<enUal oil' .,,," . Privale Yoga cla, , Rene. ology , Therapeulic Pedicure, • Nail Techn ician for fungal na ils CeI1423·SlJ·98lJ oplicll 2 fe r more dete j)s. Call1nl*9'''1'td H",/flt """nm al 423-11J ·M7" 10 "ltWu~ an appolnlm,nt or <olllnl*9"" '" _lilt C""r.,.u at42J·S13_M13 10 ... Dr. Sc/tl'ftl"'. ------------------------ www .t n he ~ lt h~ nd w e l lnes s .c o m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 24 Keatth & Wellness November 2014 • Tri·Cities Tennessee Have You Done Your Yearly Medicare Plan Review? Medka", is stronger Ihan ever wilh beuer chokes and lower coslS 10 yoo, • Expanded Medica", benefilS under Ihe Affordable C.", ACI conlinue I<> be availablc __ things like free p",vent.(uive benefils. CanCCT screenings, and yearly "Well,,"s" visilS. • You can save money ifyoo'", in lhe "donul hole" willi big discoonls on brand,name prescriplion drug., Each year. lhe", a", new heallh plan and prescripli"" drug co"enge choices. YO" should review your currem heallh and prescription drug coverage each falk and make your plan'••lill righl for you. .= What you need to know about the Marketplace l1Ic Heallh In"""""e Markelplace. a key pan of lhe Affordable Care AC1, i. a "'ay for individ .... ls. families, and ernploy«s of small \>u$in= I<> gel heahh covemge. Medicar. isn'l part oflhe Mukelplace, so you doo'l need I<> do an)"lhing. The MarkC1place doesn'l affect your Medicare choie<:s. and your benefil. havco'l changed. No mancr bow you gCI Medicare, whelher Ihrough Original Medica", or a Medicare Ad"anlage PI.,., (like an HMO or PPO). you have Ihe same be .... fil. and security you've al,,'ay. had. You don'l ha"e 10 make lIly change •. Remember. during Medicare Open Enrollmenl. you can decide to slAy in Original Medic .... or join a Medic .... Ad"anlage Plan. If you'''' already in a Medicare Advan'age Plan. you can use Open Enrollmenl '0 .wilch back 10 Original Medica",. 4 ways to get the help you need I. Visi' Medicare,govlfind-a-plan I<> use lhe MedicI'" Plan Finder. 2. Look al your mos' recen' "Medicare & Yoo" handbook I<> see a liSling of plaJl$ in yOUT area, You should al"" ",view any informalion yoo gel from your current plan. including 'he "Annual NOlice ofChange"lelle,. 3. Call I·BOO-MEDICARE ( 1-800-633-4227). and Illy ~Agen'-" TTY USC1'S should call 1.-877-486.2048. Help is IVlilabl. 24 hours a day. i""luding weekends, If you need help in a l""iug. Other than ElJglish or Spanish, 1e1 lhe cUStOmer ...-vice repI'C$CnlAli,,<, know lhe language. 4. Gt-t free personali~ed health ins~ counseling by calling your Slale Hcolth Insurance Assi'lAnee Program (SH IP). To gel Ihe phone number, vi,il!corl\aclS. or call 1-800 MEDICARE. ImportaDt Medicare Dates NOle: The Marke1place doesn'l offer Medica", Supplemen\ Insuranee (Medigap) policies or Part 0 <hug plaJl$. September 8. October- RevIew 8. co-mp;ore Review: Your plan mlY change. Review any nolices from your plan about ch.,.,ge. for ,he next year. b your plllll still right for you? Compare: Slarting in 0cI0ber. use Medicare'. tool. to find a plan !hal ,,-. your....e, Medicare can show you plan. in your area lhal may: • CO$\less • Cover your drugs • Lei yO" go 10 !II<: providers you wanl, like your doctor or pharmacy You can also gel • An eslimale of your oul-of_pockel C"'IS • Quality and cu<1omer ...-vice ralings finm current plan members Decide which plan will mCC1 your needs for neIl year. If you wanll<> change plans. coillhe plan yo" wanl I<> join. Medicare can also help you enroll-online, in person, al an evcm in your community. or on the phone, If you're salisfied Ihal your current co,'crage will meet YOUT needs for next year, you doo', need '0 do an)"lhing. Octobef I S- Open EnroUment begin. Thi. i. the one time of year when ALL people on Medicare can make changes to lheir heallh and prcscriplion drug plans for lhe neXt year. Decide: 0cI0ber 15 is the f1l'!l day you can change your Medicare ~ fortlC.'<tl-='. !>Kember 7- Open Enrollment end s In m<>S1 cases, December 7 is the las' day you can change your Medicare ro,'erage for lhe next year. l1Ic plan has gel your enrollment rcques' (Ipplication) by Deccmbe.-7. '0 hnuary 1· Coverage begi ... Your new eo"mgc begins if you .wilched 10 a new plan. If you $!IIy wilh!he same plan, any changes 10 coverage bentfils. or C<>:s1S for !II<: ntW year will begin on houary l. Making changes to your coverage after January 1 BC1"'cen J.,.,uary I- February 14 , if you're in a Medicare Advantage Plan. you can ltavc youT plan and swi'ch 10 Original Medicare, If you Swilch I<> Original Medicare during lIIi. period, you'll have until February 14 I<> also join a Medic .... Prcscriplion Drug Plan 10 add drug co"c-noge. Your co"erage will begin lhe firsl day oflhe monlh after lhe plan getS your cnrollmenl form, Do you need Ilxtnl Help payillg fOT Medicare pres<:ription drug coverage? If you hl"e limiled income and ",sou.. es. you may qualify for "Exlra Help" I<> pay youT pl'C$Criplion drug cOStS. socialsecuriry,gov/iI020 to apply ""Ii ..... Or, coli Social Securily 111·800-882·1213 and ask for form 5SA_iI020, TTY users should call 1-800-32HI778. s.o....;.: hnpo ://www,~ ,,,, .~1I 11ll(l,p;lr eMS""""" "0, 11220 R'vik<l~2014 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.tnhealthilndwe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Tri-Cities Tennessee - November 2014 Health & Wel lness Health&Weliness Running 1 1 .. 1 Saturday, Nov. 1 Jonesborough, TN 7th Annual Race for Ian 5K , 0000000000000000 Events 15 Saturday, Nov. 15 Abingdon, VA Glow Baby, Glowl 5K Run and Walk o 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 Saturday, Nov. 1 Abingdon, VA Run Fur Their Lives 5KJ10K Run and Strut YOYr Mutt Walk 15 , 000000000000000000000 Saturday, Nov. 1 Johnson City, TN Wizard Run (ETSU Homecoming Costumed 5K walklrun) , 000000000000000000000000 •• 8 a Saturday, Nov. Kingsport, TN BAE Veteran's Day Classic Ha" Marathon and 5K o 8 Saturday, Nov. a Tweetsie Trail, Johnson City, S 'mores Campfire Run (Fabulous Five Series) 15 22 9 Sunday, Nov. 9 Bristol, TN Subway SPEEDWAY IN LIGHTS 15K RUN and WALK presented by Fleet Feet Sports at Bristol Motor Spssdway 15 o ... Saturday, Nov. 15 Br1stol, TN 34th Annual Women's YWCA lurker Trot & GobbIer's Galt 15K RunlWaik 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 Saturday, Nov. 15 Greeneville, TN The VIBE 5 Presents ·Stars & Strides· A Veterans Day Tribute Glow Run o 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 , 0000000000000000000000 •• Saturday, Nov. 15 Erwin, TN Unicoi Unites Through Fitness 5K Run & 2M Walk Saturday, Nov. 22 Kingsport, TN Santa Special AniMile & 10Mile Human Race 0000000000000000000000000000. 27 27 Thursday, Nov. 27 Kingsport, TN 5th Annual Chase the Turkey 5K Race and Family Walk Thursday, Nov. 27 Johnson City, TN Up & At 'Em Turkey Trot 5K Run & Family Walk Send us your event listings! If you would lik.e to see your event listed on our Calendar. e-mail your event date, location and contact information to jodi www.t n he ~ lt h~ nd w e l 25 26 l-ieatth & Wellness November 2014 • Tri·Cities Tennessee Great American Smokeout®: l~E Ii1IIEAT AMEIIlCA. 5tADKEDUr Join the American Cancer Society to finish the fight against tobacco Quitting smoking can save your life. Make a plan to quit for good on Nov. 20. Q uitting tobacco is not easy. but kicking the habit is one of the best ways to prevent cancer. Whether you're a smoker Or SOmOOne trying to suppon 3 friend Or loved one, the American Cancer Society can help, The Sociely enCQurages smokers to use the Great American Smokcout on Friday. Nov. 20, 10 make a plan to quit and urges everyone to take action and help finish the fight once and for all. Every person who chooses to put down cigarettes does it for their own unique reasons. That·s no differem fw T,'_C't'u usld~nI Cindy Lewis. She de<:ided to quit smoking in March of 1999 because of the damage the smoke would do in her house; she soon found out thaI the heahh bcnefilS far OUlweighed her need to light up. "' This is crazy. but I didn'l nece.uarily quit for my hrolth . .. Le»'is said. .. Ite had mowd into our n t'»' home a couple of months earlier and I had already decided Ihat II'" had worked too hard on this hOlUefar me smoke In it. lurn e'''''Ything broll'n and ha,,,, it smell bad. I had attempled to quil st.'e rallimes before bul /II'OJ" determined Ihtll this lime II'OJ" going to be different. I jlUt had to malee up my mind Ihal f 11"0.1" quilling and stick wilh il. And thai'.! lI'htll I did. f quit cold tllrkey - no ~Iches, no/hing. .. Lewis explained that quilling was one of Ihe hardest things she had ever done - even making hcr physically sick - but soon afler she started realizing (he positive effects oCher new freedom from eigarelles, "'I never realized whtll a nOJ"ty habit I had, ne,,,,, realized haw bad f smelled along lI'ith my halUe and car," she explained. ../ also never realized how short of breath IwOJ" and how il wOJ" affecling my health. In Ihese past 15 years, smoking has become mare and more unaCCt'plable making me ",,,,n mare glad f quit. .. She is also happy that. with help from the American Cancer Society Cancer Aeli(>n Network, Ihere are now laws in place 10 limit smoking in public places like restaurants, "'If someone choosi's to smalee others should nal ha,,,, 10 be subjec/cd 10 ii, .. Lewis said. "f n",...r IhoughlI lI'Ould be an advocate against smoking bUll am and will cominue to be, !wish I had never slarled but I am proud ofmyselffor quitting. I hear pcaple say. ·Oh. f colild never q,,;t. I'm 100 stressed Or I ha"e smokedfor 100 long.. Ifl quit, anyone can qllll. It'.! not easy bllt II Slire is worth it. "' THE OFFICIAL SPONSOR OF BIRTHDAYS ~ About the American cancer Society The American cancer Socitfy is a global 03ssroo!S foo:e 01 0l0<e than three million ~unteers saYIng lives and fighting lor e'>'efY birthday threatened by eo.oery &ancer In eo.oery communilj'. "-s \lie iargesl YOIun· tary health rnganization. the Society's efforts hIM! contribtJted to I 20 peftenl dedme ill &ancer deatll rates in \lie Us. since 1991. aod a 50 perteflt dlOll ln smoking rates, Thanks in part to OUr prol1fe$S nearly 14 million Americans"",o have had cancer and countless more VIIIo I\aYe lII'Oided tt"';l1 celebrate 0l0<e birthdar.; tIlis )'IIIIr. "-s we marl< OUr lOOth birthday in 2013, we're deteJTnillflll to finO$h \lie figM ag,ainst &ancer. We're finding cuteS as \lie nation's largest pfflate, OO!·/o(..prolit Investor in &ancer researth. ensuring people fadng &ance< I\aYe the help they need and continu ing \lie fight lor access to quaUty l>ealth &are. lifesaving screenings, dean air, alld more, For more Information. to get help. or to join the fight &all us al1)1ime, day or night at j.llOO· 227·2345 or ';sI! _& ________________________ www .lnhealthilndwe ________________________ TrI-Citlu Tennessee - November ZO 1 4 Health '" Wellness 27 November is National Adoption Awareness Month Show Hope: A Movement To Care For Orphans By Stacie Vining S how Hope" is a I'I'1oCM!fMfIt 10 eare for ~ the hope of a to orpNns in distress around the world. founded by Nashville based GRAMMY· Award Winning 0I"llNns. fa....,. ArtIsl Siew-n Curtis Chapmiln ind his wife Mary Belh, this nonprofit organllation Is helping 10 make iI differen<:e for millions of orphans and wi ltinl e/lildren. When the Chapm ans ildopted their daughter Shilohan~h Hope in 2000 Irom Chinil, they des· perately wanled 10 do somelhlnl about l he millions of waiting children who still needed loving Iilmilits. ln february 2003, they sl irted the OfliIniution Shaohilnnah's Hope, now called Show Hope, as an official SOld. Adoption Aid Grant. Sintt lIS Inception. Show Hope has helped provide lor_r homes throulh Adoption Aid IranlS lor more than 4,000 orphans Irom 50-+ counl ries, Inc:ludinl the U.S. In addition, more thin 1,500 orphans with spe6a1 needs have received critically needed medical (;are throulh Show Hope's Special QreCenters, giving them a hope lor iI family and a future. Through numerous other programs for Individuals, sludeng, families, and commu nities, Show Hope Is mobililing iI movement to tare for the world's children w ho need it most. s~ C&nI Cenlen in China This Pist summer, Show Hope celebrated the five-Y1!ar ilnniversary of M ilrla's 811 House of Hope (M8HOH). their flrsl Spedal Care Center. Named after the Chapman's younlest daughter Marla Sue, MBHOH is located In Luoyang, China, a city of more than six million people. Providing CIIre In one of the country's poorest provinces, Marla's 8il House of Hope Is iI beacon of hope not only for tl>! Henan province and the orphans il _ 5 , but also lor the world. &euuse of the generosity of lens 01 thousands 01 donors and monthly supporters these past five years, every ehild at Marla's Big House of Hope is provided with love, hope, and much needed ilcu te medical cilre. Additionally, the sta ff ilnd vol· unteers ilt Maria's 8ig House have been ab le to care lor more than 800 children since opening iiIS well is employ hundreds of lUOYin, residents. -- It Il/lIS also celebfated this pnt summer that. in early 2015, Show Hope will be openi"l their fifth Special Care Cenler. louted In Nanyans, China, this new tare center will provide highly specialized med ....1care for orphans In the area, with tl>! capiKity to provide medical CIIre to children at one time. n Show Hope is elICited to ex~nd their scope of work to Na.-.yarc. which is a city with a population of more than 10.5 million and Is the Ihird laf8l!lit dty In the Hen;," Province . This special care center will be three stories, more than 12,600 square feet and housed In a brand new complex developed as '" civil affairs project. "this new unit will not only allow us to servo!' a ,reater number of children with spedal needs, but in rime, we trust it wi. also .,eatty increase the survival ratl!li of children with ilCUte mediall needs In this resion; shilfes Scott Hasenbals, Show Hope's Executive Director. The . . . . yet, there Ii still such a need lor your helpl Did you know that millions of children around the world are waiting and lonsins for a famlty 01 their own7 A1thouah there ire many familiet willina to adopt, the cost of itdoption can be belWHn $25,000 and S4S,OOO. Additlonillly, lhere are hi&h costs ilssotlated with sustaining a Special Ore Center that proYidet hilh-quillity care to children who have ilCUte mediall needs. Many of these children will never know the love of i family beause 01 this finan<:ial barrier. Donatlng monthly towards an Adoption Aid finan· dal,rant is _11 is to their Speclill Ore Centers, you, too, can be i part of lranslorml"l the lives of e/lildren holistically, takin, them from OfPh,ans to bekNed $OrIS and dauatlters. To find out how you can help, or to obtain more InlorrNtlon, pluse visit ShowHope.OfJ. show H PE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A Movement To Care For Orphans _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www .tnheillthandwellnell. com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - - - - - - - 28 Health & Weiness November ZOl4 Tri,Cit'u Tennessee My Torrid Love Affair with ED UNDERSTANDING FOOD ADDICTION, PART II By Kimberfy Toby L Once I was f= of my obliptions al wort:. I would ravcoously hit the flSl food joints. sometimtS) or 4 in one evening. AI I was cali", the food from one place, I would drive to my nc:~1 delici0u5 deSlination. Then. I would make a final stop at my favorite bakery or grocery ston: to buy cupcakes and candy for when [ arrived home. !;t'. bo:gin " 'ith a tcchnical twiSl befon: I dc:l,·c into my lo,-e affair wilb EO. Eating Disorder. Did you know that at some point, 20 million "'Omen and 10 million men are !uffering from a significan1 eatinll disorder'? The National Eating Diwrder Associalion defines ED thi, way : I would eat all of Ibis food in .IWO hour or less time frame. get sick, feci a briefbigh.lbm. sleep ;1 offunti[ the roe~t day. My choices were killing InC .•• in an e:<t:rucialingly slow. painful manner. Eatln, Disarders swelt as Anoruia. bulimu., and bln,e eotillg disrmJu lulvde Ut1Tme emorio"-,, allitJUlu, and b<thavu.I'I sllrro,,,,,Jjng _I,M and food Wvu. Eating Disorders are serjalU emotional and phys ical problems that call Ita"f! life- titreotelllllg eOIUe<juent:u for malu olld fe"'ale8. i; If )'OIl read carefully. the e:<~uion "lifethreatening"' is used 1<) define the various forms of this disorder. and those who $Offer from an unMalthy relationship with food know Ibis 1<) bo: de\'lStatingly true. "The proble:m is thai if you have a weight iuue as • result of binge eating. mosl peop[c feel Ibey should bo: .ble 10 control it on hiJlhcr own. I know I did. I wci~ 23 4 pounds at a towering S'4". In my mind and what I projccted onto the world around me, was that I was • foodie who lacked self· control , .. that I ,,'as lazy and did n()I care. OIl, bul.1 did care... immcrtiC:ly! YC1. [ carried wilh me the physiul evidellCe of something much deeper than laziness. lack of wilipowCT. and the lovc of junk food. What others could nat tru[ysee was that my food addiction was the result of emotional psychological issues that I did n()I want to face; my dni& of choi« for nnpi", was food. and In my e~pc1irncc with SED. Binge Eating I was in Troob[c... capital T! Not only was I in tIM;: "obese" catcgOf)' on body mass index charts. I was wffering from persistenl digcsti,'c distress. depression. assiduous and unexplainablc aches and pail\$, IC1Iwgy. and most conc:eminl, hopelessness. [Iruly felt I was in a dank, [ighl[ess pit of despair withoulany way of escaping. O nce my symptoms began disrupling my work life (I did not much can: about my personal life al this point because I fclt ully and wonh[css anyway), and I aclmowLcdged Ibal .11 I did was ravctJOUSly cal to escape loneliness. pe1l'eived petWIIIl failure. and an unidentified sense of un"..,.,hi"en, then. I decided to do ton>Cthing about it. s parked a faint flicker of motivation. I began thinkinl about my sw~ aunt who died from her own food addiction; she " 'eighed over 400 powlds and lived as a =Iusc. I wanted man: for myself and hoped tllall OOIIld li'-e a life that would honor her and every person sufferi", from Ibis miSoef3ble cycle of food addiction. Atthis point, I began observing my bo:havior. The observations were enlightening yet horrifying. [ wO\lld crave food from the moment [ awoke until the mo~t 1 00II1d have my sn:rd affli r with the foods [ most desired: cupcakes. fast food french cr :,~:.~,,~______~~f":candy, '~~andand.. ':~W:.:'~':.:':":hh~:':':' i __,. du>AOS What others could not truly see was that my food addiction was the result of emotional and psychological issues that I did not want to face; my escape drug of choice was food. Stay tuned next month far the rest of the SlOt)'.• . Takc care! I acknowledged something c15C in my life whieh Disorder. I discovered that in order to begin healing from any food tlddiction, you must come to a place of absolutc humility and admit that you do havc a problcm. This may sound familiar because as with :my tlddictian--akoholi$fO. drugs. se~. etc .......,.,., 10 fll'Sl admit that)'OU arc in trouble:. The: moment r admiued III<: problem and acknowledged Ihese behavion. I did some research and realized I had a medically =og· ni7.ed disorder. Then. I began my journey toward healing and. wllat r now know. lifetime manage~t of this addiction. About K[mbe rlyTo by A half Freneh. ha[fEasI TenllC$seean who clllTt1lt[ y \Caches French and Public Speaking 10 high sehoo[crs in the Tri-Citic:!l arcI. Kimberly has a passion for sharing her journey about health and fitness in order to belp others livc. more full and authent ic life! On nights and on weekends. yo u ca n find her in historic downtown Brislol [eadinll Zumba classes and emphasizinl that health and fitn~1S can bo: fun. Kimber[y has her B.A. in Speech Communica· lion and her Master 's in Education . She can bo: reached II [email protected]. did [ ~tlon burgers. nacho$.cupcakes? pittl, aU manner of www .tnheiOlthiOnd we l l n e l l . c o m - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tri-Cities Tennessee - November 2014 Health & Wellness 29 November Can Be Fine for the Outdoors By Johnny Molloy L ong about August. when summer days shMen. our minds invariably tum to fall. November-officially officially within the September 21 to O<x:embcr 21 boundaries of autumn-can paint a gloomy picture: barren. leafless trees. prolonged chill rain. a low slanting sun now weak on heat. short days, cold nights. "Not the greatest outdoor weather." you think. but when November actually arrives we arc surprised at the beauty it can deliver_ few trees hanging on with color standing boldly in now open woods. sunlight reflecting off clear Streams on~ shaded in vegetation. evergreens of pin", spruce. rhododendron and mountain laurel contrasting with brown mountain_ sides silhouetted by a crisp blue sky, free of Summer haze. Hey. the eleventh month of the year ain't so bad' November has its surprises. too. While hiking the Smoky Moumai!l$ I heard strange unidentifiable sounds--Was it people breaking wood? Was it a herd of animals treading on dry crackling leaves? But the heavy, loud breathing really threw me off. What was it---Sasquatch of the Smokies? Chill bumps crept over mc. yet J continued up the trail. I reached a gap and found the anSwer. In the midst of the leafless woods two bucks stood facing each other, Iheir chests heaving, attempting to catch their breath. Ignorant of me. they moved back and forth in concert. I inched closer, then realized the reason for such synchronicity- their antlers were interlocked! Thc twO were playing tug-of-war, antlers clacking loudly as they crashed around in the brush. All this expenditure of energy lefl heaving lungs. Maybe a female was nearby, and the bucks were competing for the right to breed with her. In between ballles, the bucks leaned against one another like twO prizefighters trying 10 grab air between punches. After watching the show for upwards of an hour I moved on, wondering what became of the animals. Bucks interlocked this way have ended up starving to death. November is also when you might see.---or hearrumed grouse. Sometimes they explode in flight before you, surprising the outdoorsman. Other times. you can'l sec a grouse but can identify their presence by the Strange thudding sound they make. known as drumming. This curious sound is made by the grouse beating their wings. On stage you have never seen a better actor than a mother grouse pUlling on her wounded bird act, to protect her nearby brood from intruders. Though found in lower coves and valleys, they reach their greatest numbers in rough and high mOuntains typical of our region. Open November woods may help you spot a bruin. Black bears are still feeding. primarily on oak acorns and hickory nuts. bUI also black gum and dogwood berries, black cherries, and the occasional persimmon. They may be scouting for dcnning locations, usually in the cavities of larger trees . Interestingly, the three most sought after dcnning trees are red oak, tulip poplar and chestnut oak. Views open up when the leaves drop to the ground. You can then see the topography of the land bener, as well as the geology. Rock fonnations you never knew were present show them_ selves while walking down the trail. Far off mountain ranges stand beyond what was once tree cover. The November fade can be depressing 10 some. but this transitional time from autumn to winter offers unique rewards after all. ________________________ www .tnhe althilndwe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 30 Keatth & Wellness November 2014 • Tri-Cities Tennessee Appalachian Sustainable Development planting seeds ofhope... one community at a time 7th Annual Conference Appalachian Fanners Market Association By Sylvia Crum W ith ,h. end of 2014 in ,i'c, loco! non· profi,. App.bchian Sustainable ~lop men' (ASD) look. forward 201 $; its 20'h ycu >CMOg .\Ou,h...... , Virginia and n""heas' Ten_ n...... C .... ed in 1995. ASD opero,.. 10 prng ... m. in ,h,ee !CCfO<$: lu". inable fOr<>trylwood p,<><Ioct., , •• gricultulCJfood ')'Stem developm.n, . nd f""" >«:C$$. As an organi .. 'ion ,h .. l"ng ' go '<COgniud ,he importance of local farmers .nd local f""", ASD h.. ,harp<ncd itS focU$ moe' ,h. nccd$ of ,he fC$iden" in i" foo, prin" '0 ,tU- '0 ~~-----. . Taddin8 pm'Cny by increasing """- A5 it mov.. fo~d. ASO will continue (O!C ..... ,he r<ginn by fulfilling its m;",ion of growing f""", communi,.,. and OPPOflUnm.s to build • thrivirt\ AppoIach>a. /\SO btli ...... ,h. , food sys .. m. an drive imp""",m.n .. in ,h. h•• lth of ,ural communi,ies .nd ,h" local devel_ opmen, i. bette, fur ,he communities i, "fVC$ bc<:au!C i, ""'I" doUa" drcul.,ing locally. ASO improves ,he well·being of ... idcnts in 14 coun,ies by irnpl.meming food a«cM $tra'cgi<> ,h.. uSC «Iucation ond economic d,ive" '0 provide greot.r acctU to and int.... ' in choosing '0 f... h, h""lthy, nUffi,iou. f""" How ASO create. im plct • Appolachian Harveu i, a f""" hub which «.oh.. .... il m.. ke" ,hit loal f.. m... could nO! o,h~r· wi!C '<;<;cO> and oceum p,.,duce ord." helping f.. m. . . .orn incom~ for ,h~.oJ. of,h.i, f,ui" and vege'able>. • Appalochian """.." Mtdtt As$odacion (AFMA) b,ings "'geth.r ",a,ket m.nage" ,o,hare ideas and ""petti«: wi,h ,he goal of inn.... ing m>Ike' viahili,y. AFMA support. EBT/SNAP .. formet. m.rkeu and provide. the ahility to r= through fund. fo, doubling SNAP benefits. local f""" guid. . .re produced annually which guide consume" to farme" and farm." m.. k." .nd which help ,hose in n~ by .h.,ing which farme" markets accept EBT. Conference, Seed Swap ,,' Winter Market November 15, 2014 • Rooted in Appolachia .. rvn micro·farmets in,er· ."ed in !Clling , locally yown p,<><Iuc. r.".u· ran ... and heol,h cart facili,i .. , '0 • Hcolthy Familie.-Fl mily Farm. r.ises mon.y to buy "oceond, p,<><Iua: from farme,", which i, then don.,ed 100% free of charse '0 Feeding Am.,ia and ,mall f""" pantri.., Practi...1 nutrition edu<;a· tion. fresh food , . "ing' .nd ... y ,edpeo ar. olon provided '0 f""" pan 'ry dien". • G arden BOI program provid.. contliner garden. '0 ,ho!C in n.ed. W.i,,-high and on "'''''', ga,d.n box.. . lIow"nio" an d ,ho.. wi,h di ... bili,ies 0, lock of yecn .p.a: '0 grow food fo, ,h.m!Clvco. • G,ow Your Own incre..... acccs.s '0 f ... h healthy f""" for ,ho.. in nMOl by ,.aching families how to g'ow f""" in hom.-based garden •. Thi .... ul" in mOre physical activity. imp'oved h.alth. h~ol,hi .. eating, greater oo<iai engag.m.nt, and th. opportu· nity to .lIn incom. from sales of cx<:css produce. At Virginia Highlands Community College REGISTRATION REQUIRED! asd@asdeve/ (276) 623-1121 Thls ~ar. Appalachian Farmers Market Association has joined ,he ""nual Seed Swap evenl with the W,nle< ConIe<ence and Market into one O""'t evenl l Save !he date and join "" for" full day 01 infoonatiYfl WOt1<shops gea,ed toward qop ptodU<;lion. food preparation, and speciatly crops. • Learning Landscopcs ,e.. h.. children , f""" come> f,om in ",hool and community based gam.n •• nd provide. children wi,h fresh. healthy f""" , .. 'ing" Children', ."i,ude> abou, vegetabl .. • rc ch.nged ,hrough .."ings which are much mo .. ,uca:ssful when ,hey have p.rticip .. cd in g,owing ,h. f""". APPALACHIAN In a rcgion known fot long·t .. m povnty. a choJI.nging ..".in and limi,ed inf...."uctu..; ASD worlts '0 I"o.,.r economic growth through the operation .nd juppon of bu.i ....... ,h.. gen ..... income fot loal fa,,,,e .. and f""" pr<><l""" ... ASD p."n • ....,ips and wo,ks '0 build "?,,city by hono,ingand fC$pc<ting 'he prople of "rn,.. sustatnaole DEVELOPMENT To learn more abo .. t Appolachi3n Su.. ainabl. D",..,lopmrnl, lik. ASD on AppaJochi.. _ _______________________ In "'~ ..m .... j'OUI ..... _ ' ...... (fIir*,l comtng """'" to • _ _ ASO"a RIA io m<MosIint<> Johnoon City ~1rI2014. _wil_~_'o fl'eoh, Ioeoly _ ""'" _ . . . " , _ a.aIlng .... _tIoo .. _ _ , - - ..... - , . Ingaottong_ I00<I_. VIsit www.n><>Iod"opp" '· ·hiLcom "' ....... _ . faccOOok or call 276·623·1121. www.tnhe~lth R_ ~ Agrkul."", ... an oronomj~ dr''''' 1III1111~~::::::::::::::::: .. nd we _ Tri-Cities Tennessee· November 20 I 4 Health & Wellness 31 Pilgrims with a Purpose 6y Eric Pot\ef, MD, Sanctuary Medical Care and Consulting, PLLC A s pilgrims in this lik weernbark upon an adven1ure filled with great stories. S10Ties of breathlessness. stories of laughter. and stories of woe fill our memories and await our tomorrows. HowevCT. all noble journeys. regardless of their rabbit trails and pit stops. must be destined for a singular end . Iluman life is no exception. The "end" for mankind determines more than eternity. It also concerns present spiritual wellness. As we alternate betwe<:n the peaks and valleys of the journey. today's wellness depends On Who is our end. Our own health or Our heavenly Father. Upon the peaks of life. the gripping wind may enchant us with imaginations of inner strength. We may rejoice in vinually soaring above the world and forget ourselves. Look at me! Look 3t what I acwrnplishcd' We forget thaI our glory is nOI the purpose for which we were placed upon the eanh. We forget Ihatthe glory of Anolher is our true calling. Within the depths of life. the valleys of despair. Ihe Slagnancy of the thick darkness may se<:m 10 choke us. We may agonize OVCT why we were born orwhy we were "faled"to such a state. Woc is me' I am undone . likewise. we forget Ihal our success and victory were never meant to be the end at which we aimed. We forget thai the glory of Another is our calling. This Other docs I>Ot need our success. One would hope lhat we might fare bener when neither the heights of success into~icate us nor the depths of suffering overwhelm us. However. in the midSI of everyday life. we strive but often away from the noble purpose of Another. As we consider our state. we see the rdlcclion of an aging monal and ask ourselves how we might improve what we pereeive. We ask how to lo"'CT Our cholesterol so that we might live a few more years. We ask how we might raise our hormone levels to invigorate our persona. We ask how we might lessen Ihe pain so we might remain independent jusl a linle longer. Though we are not wrong in seeking life. vitality. and relief. may we not forget the higher goal withoul which all else becomes possibly selfish. The higher goal. the noble goal. the true goal is to live for God's glory. Wh<llever you do. work <II it ..-irh all your hearl, as ",wkingfor Ihe wr<i. Mlfor men. (ColQ$!iiofl$ ):2)) So whelher you e<ll or drink or .... hatever you do. do il all fo, Ihe glory of God. (I Corinlhi(lIIs 10:31) This is I>Ot only the end to which our Journey should aim. bul the constant focus of our daily walk akrng Ihe palh whether on the peaks, in the valleys. Of somewhere in bw':ecn. May our years ________________________ www.tnhe~lth be filled with this purpose. May our vitality be harnesscd for this purpose. May both our suffering and our healing be turned to such a wonhy goal - the glory of God. Kccping this goal of God's glory constantly in mind, our spirits can be well whelher our bodies strive through life or limp along till the end. Either way. we will look back and give thanks for the blessings of our pilgrimage. Eric Potte r, MO Sanctuary Medical Care and Consulting. PLLC Wholistic Heal1hcare for the glory of God (Col. 3:23) Business: 423-%3-5982 or 615-714-0002 Website: .. ndwe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
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