Side 501 - ENG

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501 Again the wheels of the light-loaded vehicle
* let
* lastet
revolve about their axles.
* dreje ( sig ) omkring >
* aksel
The soldiers light campfires as the darkness falls.
* tænde >
Revolving about its axis (pl. axes),
* bevæge sig omkring ngt.
* lejrbål
* mørket >
* ~ falder på
* akse
the earth revolves about the sun.
* joden
A revolution of the earth around itself takes
* omdrejning af ngt. om ngt.
a day and a night while the revolution of the earth
* & et døgn
round the sun takes a year.
The soldiers march out of the royal town,
* omløb
* marchere / drage ud af >
* kongelig
* by
~ kongebyen
* lastet
10 followed by fully loaded vehicles,
* fuldt
carriages and waggons loaded with supplies.
* belæsset / lastet med ( forsyninger )
As soon as possible, the royal army sets off.
* tage afsted
The soldiers march out and march on the hostile city state. * marchere ud
* … imod
Starting to move along roads towards the city state,
the troops join (E) the roads towards the city state.
The territory of the kingdom marches with the territority of
the usually peaceful city state in a pathless area.
The royal town’s territory marches upon the territory of
the usually friendly self-governing town in a trackless area.
* følge >
* vejene mod ngt.
* have grænse med ngt.
* uvejsom
* grænse op til ngt.
* venlig
* selvstyrende
* uvejsom
- `…
20 Ready to do battle for their ( mother / native ) country,
* kæmpe for >
* ~ fædreland
the troops camp near where the kingdom adjoins / joins
* støde op til /
* støde op til ngt.
the land of the city state.
ligge tæt på ngt.
* landområde
Ready to battle for their homeland, the troops camp fast by * parat til at kæmpe for > * hjem- /
* tæt ved ngt.
the river where the kingdom and the lands of the dependency * lydland
of the city state adjoin / join along the river.
The soldiers unharness the horses, and fasten them to
* støde op til /
* støde op til hinanden
ligge tæt på hinanden
* tage seletøj af ( hest )
* fastgøre ngt. til ngt.
the waggons, unfasten the ropes and the tarpaulins,
* løsne >
* reb
* presenning
and unload the waggons.
* læsse ngt. af
Clouds of flies gather on the horse droppings (pl.).
30 The soldiers erect / pitch their tents.
Putting () `up their tents, they fasten the tent poles
and the canvas to the ground with guys (& guy ropes )
* ~ sværm
* hestepærer
* rejse telt / slå telt op
* =
* fastgøre >
* ( telt-) dug
* til jorden med >
* telt-
* pæl / stang
* teltbardun
and tent pegs.
* -pløg
The soldiers spend the night under canvas.
* ~ overnatte i telt
The tents have a small window covered in wire mesh
* tråd -
to keep out flies.
* net
502 In times of war there is a need to maintain morale (U)
* opretholde
* fællesskabsfølelse
korps- / kampånd / -gejst
in the country.
The king tries to keep the morale of the country up
in war time.
* holde << oppe
The king regards it as his moral obligation
* moralsk
* forpligtelse >
and moral duty to give moral support to the soldiers.
As there is a need to boost morale in the army,
the king goes to the front on a morale-boosting mission.
* =
* pligt til at -
* give > * =
* styrke / øge >
* på >
* støtte til ng.
* fællesskabsfølelse
korps- / kampånd / -gejst
* styrkende
* mission
* begejstrings-
Morale amongst officers is expected to be high at all times. * <<
10 So officers have to keep up morale.
Morale amongst many privates lowers as they realize
they are going to fight for real.
* ~ holde gejsten oppe
* =
Officers who maintain high morale have to restore
and build morale amongst the privates.
The officers succeed in raising and improving the morale
of those privates who are suffering from low morale
* opretholde >
* ( en ) høj gejst
* opbygge >
* gejst
* hæve >
* forbedre >
* & fuld af kamgejst
They take up combat organization
* indtage >
with strong fighting spirit.
* … kampgejst
20 Army units are ready to launch an attack.
* hær-
* arranger sig til kamp
* kampformation
* enhed
* foretage >
* foretage >
Ready to mount an attack and do battle, the soldiers load. * foranstalte >
* angreb
* ~ gå i kamp
‘ Shoulder arms ! ’ the officer orders, telling them to
* tage ngt. på skulderen
~ ‘’ gevær på skulder ‘’
The kingdom is ready to join battle.
* ~ gå i kamp
It’s ready to join battle with the city state.
* … mod ng.
Scouts are sent out to scout ( around ) and reconnoitre.
* spejder
The army sends scouts to make (a) reconnaissance.
* rekognocering
* angreb
* angreb på ng.
Ready to give battle, they load / o-f charge their guns.
hold their weapons against their shoulders.
* gejsten
Eager to fight, the troops embattle.
They are prepared to make an attack on the city state.
* genopbygge >
* gå i kamp
* lade >
* lade
* skydevåben
* våben
* spejde
* rekonoscere
It has scouts out in order to reconnoitre the border.
* have ( spejder ) ude
* rekognoscere /
sondere ( sted )
30 Reconnaisance platoons / patrols and scouting parties * rekognocerings- * deling / patrulje * spejder- * deling
are sent on reconnaisance missions along the border.
* rekognocerings* mission
Having intrepidly crossed the border, some intrepid scouts * vovemodigt
are out in order to scout out the lie E/A lay of the `land
* udspejde / undersøge /
rekognoscere >
beyond the border.
The city council wants to check () out the lie of the land.
* kontrollere >
They want to find out / see how the land lies
* =
before they make exact war preparations.
* vovemodig
* hvordan landet ligger
~ situationen
* <<
503 The dependency of the city state has a sleepy little town
* søvnig
situated near the border.
* placeret, beliggende
Travellers usually have some news (U) for the townfolks.
* nyheder
They usually have an interesting piece / bit of news to tell.
* nyhed
‘ What’s the latest news (sg.),’ an innkeeper asks.
* hvad er >
Hesitating to break the news ( to him ), a traveller asks
* afsløre, hvad der er nyt ( overfor ng. )
* sidste nyt / de seneste nyheder
in return, ‘ Do you want the good news or the bad news first.’ * gode
* nyheder
One day he has some alarming and terrible news.
* alarmerende
‘ Hear some news,’ he says.
* hør >
10 He brings news that kingdom troops have been seen.
Travellers report enemy troop movements
* dårlige
* frygtelig
* =
* nyheder
* noget nyt / nogle nyheder
* bringe >
* nyheden om at -
* rapportere /
* fjentlig
* troppebevægelser
berette om ngt.
* -koncentrationer
and troop concentrations.
Report has it that the neigbouring kingdom has mobilized
and trouble is brewing.
* forlydener siger / det forlyder at * ballade
‘ Have you got any news about the situation ? –
have you got any news on the war threat ? ’ people ask,
Have you heard the news ? ’ they ask, ‘ Have you heard
the latest news; kingdom troops are crossing the border.’
‘ That’s news to me,’ people reply.
* være i gære / ~ under opsejling
* noget nyt om ngt.
* =
* nyheden / -erne
* det sidste nye
* … nyt for ng.
20 News of the threatening situation spreds quickly
* nyheden / -erne om ngt.
around the town.
Messengers pass on news that war is brewing.
So scouting ( around ) behind enemy lines,
the scouts reconnoitre the enemy territory.
* sprede sig
* sendebud
* nyheden /
* være under opsejling
-erne om at * spejde ( omkring )
* bag fjendens linier
* rekognoscere /
* fjende
undersøge / opklare ngt. ~ fjendtligt
* spejde ( omkring )
Scouting ( round ) in enemy territory,
scouting ( out ) the position and size of the enemy army,
* udspejde ngt.
they reconnoitre the enemy’s line of march.
* opklare >
Even if they travel far, the scouts travel light.
* rejse
A scout must be physically strong and mentally agile.
* fjendens
* langt
* rejse
* territorium
* & fjendeland
* ~ marchretning
-vej, -rute
* ~ med lidt bagage
* kvik
30 Light on their feet, having the agility of an athlete
* ~ let til bens
* adræt- / behændighed
the agile scouts are ready to move like ( greased ) lightning. * adræt, behændig
Scouting (a)round with great agility
the light-footed scouts scout (a)round for informarion.
* spejde omkring
* som ( smurt ) lyning
~ så hurtigt som lynet
* med ( stor ) behændighed
* letfodet
* spejde omkring efter ngt.
- `…
Scouting (a)round, light of foot and fleet of foot,
* =
* ~ let til bens
the fleet-footed scouts scout ( round ) for useful information
* rapfodet
on the march along the border of the dependency.
* på grænselandet
They scout ( out ) the territory for ways to advance.
* rekognoscere / udspejde /
undersøge ( område ) for ngt.
* ~ rap på fødderne
* spejde efter ngt.
* rykke frem
504 In order to camouflage themselves,
* camouflere ( sig )
the scouts smear mud on their faces.
Having smeared their faces with mud, the scouts sneak,
* smøre / tvære ngt. ud >
* i ansigtet
* smøre ngt. med ngt.
* snige sig
creep,and crawl along in the rank grass, rank with
* snige sig > * kravle afsted * overfrodig * overbegroet
( stinging ) nettles and thistles growing in the rank soil.
* ( brænde- * nælde * tidsel * overfrodig * jord (-bund )
( A& kravle )
med ngt.
stikkende )
Some plants grow only in light soil while other plants
manage to grow in heavy soil.
Sneaking `up on the enemy and sneaking around,
* let
* =
* tung
* =
the scouts are ready to flee at lightning speed,
* flygte
10 and hide in the rank bushes with lightning speed.
* overfrodig
The scouts are careful to agree on a place to meet.
* … omkring
* snige sig ind på ng. / ngt.
* med lynets hast
i lyntempo
* =
* aftale / blive enige om ngt.
They may arrange to meet at a place where two paths join * arranger / aftale at or at a point where two streams or other watercourses join.
A scout must posses great patience as he might have to
wait around patiently for hours waiting his chance.
Waiting his opportunity, he has to stay in a place
with nothing particular to do.
* sti
* å / mindre vandløb
* mødes
* vandløb
* =
* ~ forholde sig afventende * afvente >
* chancen
~ det rette øjeblik
* =
* uden at have ngt. særligt at lave
He must be prepared to wait ages and be very quiet
* vente >
as the slightest sound might betray his presence.
* afsløre >
20 He must never have ants in his pants.
* have >
* ~ i evigheder
* tilstedeværelse
* myrer
* i sine bukser
~ sidde som på nåle, være utålmodig og urolig
Having a sense that something important might happen,
the scouts wait about (E) for ages.
* forholde sig afventende
Having scouted about (E) for a place to sleep,
they unroll their bedrolls.
* i evigheder
* være på udkig / lede efter >
* rulle ngt. ud
* ~ gå i seng
The may bed down in dirty sleeping bags
invaded by bloodsucking bed bugs.
* sovested
* sammenrullet soveudstyr
* sove-
* blodsugende
* pose
* ~ væggelus
Sometimes they sleep on a bed of straw
* leje
surrounded by clouds of buzzing mosquitoes.
* sværm
A bee, wasp, scorpion, or plant may sting ( you ).
30 Mosquito(e)s, ants, and snakes bite ( you ).
* bi
* summe
* hveps
* myre
Stings and bites may trigger a violent allergic reaction.
* stik
Many animals will only attack if disturbed.
* angribe
Having sneaked / snuck up on an small outpost
* snige sig ind på ngt.
in the middle of the night, a scouting patrol
* spejder- / opklarings-
makes a sneak attack under ( the ) cover of darkness (U).
rekognoscerings* snig* angreb
Having overpowered the soldiers, the scouts interrogate
the soldiers for useful information.
Some questions clearly nettle the captives.
* skorpiom
* myg
* stikke ( ng.)
* bide ( ng.)
* bid
* overmande ng.
* fremkalde
* patrulje
* i ly af >
* mørket
* afhøre ng.
* irritere / ærgre / pikere ng.
* fange
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505 During winter they have to endure treacherous weather, * forræderisk
and long hours of darkness and cold.
* lange
Sometimes they take shelter from bad weather
to wait out a storm.
* vejr
* stunder
* ~ med mørke
* søge >
* kulde
* ly
* ~ for ngt.
* afvente at ngt. ( slemt ) er forbi / overstået
They shelter from the rain to wait the storm out.
* være i ly for ngt.
They wait for the deluge to stop.
* vente på at -
Just after a light breakfast of light food,
* enkelt, letfordøjelig
the scouts gather their light equipment.
* uvejr
* vente på at ngt. holder op
* styrtregn
* =
* let ( udstyr )
They bring some light salted meat with them.
* let-
10 They keep scouting while it’s still light, and sometimes,
* lyst
when it’s dark, scout under cover of darkness.
* det er >
At night, if they find a lightproof hide, they light a fire.
* lystæt
Having lighted / lit the fire, they cook a light meal
* =
by the fire as the only lighting.
* saltet
* mørkt
* gemmested
in subdued / dim / soft lighting.
* mørket
* tænde >
* ild / bål
* let måltid
* ved >
Sitting around the fire, they enjoy the lightly-cooked meal
* i ly af >
* ild / bål
* belysning
* let tilberedt
* dæmpet >
In spite of a consummate taste for good food,
* <<
* på trods af ngt.
* fuldendt
* smag for ngt.
kên`sûmit / `kånsêmit
a scout can’t afford to refuse a revolting dish.
On the other hand, in the hour of need, he may even eat
20 food of rank smell and taste with a ferocious appetite.
at -
* afslå ngt. * afskyelig
* påtrængende * lugt * smag * glubende ( appetit )
ram, stram
* giftig
and some mushrooms are rank poison to which there is
* svamp
no counterpoison or antidote.
* modgift
* skrap
* … mod ngt.
A scout reports,’ An invasion seems imminent.’
* berette ‘ … ‘
The scouts are anxious about the imminence of invasion.
* ( truende ) nærhed
Although a scout should be a good sleeper,
* ~ persom med et godt sovehjerte
Sleeping in light sleep, he should wake up
30 even at a light sound or a light noise.
* gift
A holiday may be the antidote to stress.
he must be a light sleeper who sleeps lightly.
* ret ( mad )
* i nødens stund
Some animals and plants are poisonous,
tillade sig
* umiddelbart forestående
* ~ typen, der sover let
* sove
* sove let
* let søvn
* svag lyd
* vågne
* svag støj
He should be able to ignore his sleepiness.
* søvnighed
A bad sleeper may have to take a sleeping draught
* ~ person med et dårligt sovehjerte
* sove-
* =
* -pille / tablet
or a sleeping pill / E& tablet.
A scout must be awake to danger,
and be prepared to wake to find himself in captivity.
Awaking to his surroundings, he will awake to
find himself in deep trouble.
* drik
* vågen overfor ( fare )
* vågne op til at * vågne op til >
( finde sig selv )
* sine omgivelser
~ finde ud af, hvor man er
* i fangeskab
* =
506 Having accompliced a thorough reconnaisance,
* rekognoscering
a returning scout reports to the head quaters.
* melde sig til ng. / ngt.
It used to be, ‘ No news is good news. ‘
* ingen nyheder er gode nyheder
The scout, in brief, reports (up)on activities indicating
* kortfattet
an imminent / impending threat of war.
* rapportere om ngt.
* overhængende
umiddelbart forestående
* fortrop
An enemy vanguard is reported to have ( pas.) been seen. * fjentlig
Having reported having seen a van,
* være rapporteret at -
* rapportere /
* fortrop
it seems we’re coming under attack. ‘
melde om at * rapportere /
melde, ’ … ’
* komme under angreb
10 An officer debriefs the returning scouts.
* få oplysninger af / udspørge ng.
he reports, ‘ War rears its ( ugly ) head –
* rejse / vise sit grimme
røre på sig
The scouts prepare a report and make a report.
* udarbejde >
They give reports on their mission and observations.
* afgive rapport / beretning om ngt.
They give a report of the situation,
* =
and give reports about the enemy.
* rapport
* =
* & indberetning om ng&t.
The scouts report as soon as they return.
* rapportere, indberette
They report to their officers as soon as they come back.
* rapportere / melde sig til ng.
They report on the situation along the border.
* rapportere om ngt.
They report on the situation to their officers.
* … om ngt. til ng.
They report having observed enemy troops.
* … at -
20 They report every observation about the enemy
* aflægge >
* … ngt.
They report every observation to their officers
* … ngt. til ng.
They report the enemy well armed. ( v + subst.+adj. )
* … ( at ) ng. ( er ) ngt.
They report the enemy as well armed.
* … ng. som ngt.
They report the enemy as being well armed.
* … ng. som at-
They report the enemy preparing to advance.
* … ng. i færd med at -
The report that an attack is imminent.
* rapportere / indberette / melde at -
They report where and how the enemy troops are grouped, * rapportere hvxx
report what artillery they have observed,
* =
and report when everytning has been observed.
* =
30 Reported to ( pas. ) hold several positions, the enemy
* være rapporteret at -
is reported to be well armed, and to be preparing an attack.
* =
While the scouts make reports by word of mouth,
* aflægge >
the secretaries transform the oral reports into
reports in writing.
* rapport
omforme ngt.>
* holde >
* ~ rapport
* mundtlig
* position
* rapport
* til ngt.
* i skrift
~ skriftlig …
The debriefing officer makes a written report for
the town council.
The report triggers ( off ) (a) panic among the council.
* udspørgende
* by* udløse ngt.
* skriftlig
* indberetning til ng.
* råd
* panik
507 The newspapers have only reports to go on.
* avis
* forlydender
The papers receive reports of enemy troops.
* … om ngt.
They receive reports that war is imminent.
* forlydender om at -
Report goes that a war cloud is near.
Current report has it that war is in the offing.
The report goes that the city state is in imminent danger
of invasion.
* nært forestående
faretruende nær
* forlydende
* gå på / sige /
* ~ krigstrussel
vil vide at * nuværende * =
* =
* ~ i farvandet
under opsejling
* forlydende, rygte
* gå på etc. at -
Enemy troop movements are reported in the local press.
* rapporteret om ngt.
The papers print the latest news and reports
* avis
10 as soon as news on the latest deveopment is coming in.
* ~ at holde sig til
* den lokale presse
* trykke >
* nyheder
* beretning
* … om ngt.
People read all about it in the newspaper.
* i avisen
In a brief summary, articles on the front page
* kort
* opsummering
give a brief account of the scouts’ observations,
* =
* beretning om ngt.
and a brief discription of the situation.
* =
* beskrivelse af ngt.
A number of newspapermen, journalist, reporters
and newshounds work for the local newspaper.
* bladmand
They collect news and write articles.
* indsamle >
The editor decides what should be included in the paper.
* redaktør
A newspaper proprietor owns a newspaper.
* avis-
20 The newsmen work in the newsroom.
* journalist
* rapporter
* =
* nyheder
* skrive >
* artikel
* ejer
The most `newsworthy events are front-page news.
* bladmand
* nyhedsværdifuld
Newspapers are sold at newspaper stands.
* avis-
* bod
In Britain you go to the newsagent’s or paper shop
* avis-
* ~ kiosk
to buy newspapers.
* nyhedsredaktion
* forside-
The `newsagent sells magazines, sweets, cigarettes etc.
* avismand / -handler
In US a newsdealer sells newspapers.
* =
The first issue of the paper hits the newsstands at noon.
* udgave
Never before has a news item, a news story
* nyheds-
* indslag
* …-rapport
30 People who can afford it buy a / the daily newspaper
* daglig / dagens
to read about local, regional, national and international news.
* nyheder
outside news.
Some people only subscribe to or take a weekly paper
for instance a Sunday paper.
* =
* udløse >
* nyheds- / presse-
* avisbod
* -historie
* salg
* avis
* agentur / bureau
* udefra kommende ( nyheder )
* abbonere på >
* søndags-
Some people collect newspaper / press clippings.
* avis-
A collection of cuttings may be made up of a series of
* ( avis ) udklip
newspaper articles.
* sg. et stykke slik
pl. slik, søde sager
* ramme / nå ( ud til ) >
or news report triggered such sales of the newspaper.
A news or press agency provides the papers with
* nyhed
* avis-
* =
* ugentlig
* avis
* =
* udklip
* dannet ud af >
* artikler
508 Compositors and printers work in the printing office,
* sætter
* trykker
* tryknings -
in the composing room and the pressroom respectively.
* sætte-
The compositors report in the morning.
* rum
~ sætteri
* melde sig, ~ møde
They report for duty early in the morning.
* … til tjeneste / på arbejde
They report to the foreman compositor’s office.
* melde sig ~ på / ved etc. > * faktor
* rum
~ trykkeri
* trykkerum
They report to the foreman compositor.
* kontor
* … på / ved ngt.
* til tjeneste
~ melde sig på arbejde på / ved ngt.
* melde sig til ng.
They report to the foreman for duty.
* … til ng.
They take an hour for lunch, and report `back at noon.
~ melde sig på arbejde hos ng.
* melde sig >
They report to the foreman’s office for duty.
* til tjeneste
* tilbage
10 A paper carries a report on a trip to the theatre of war,
* bringe > * rapport om ngt. * skueplads  * krigs-
and carries reports of the situation.
* …>
* meldinger om ngt.
The alarming news is reported in special issues.
* alarmerende * nyhed / -er * rapportere / * udgave
A newssheet is a small newspaper with only a few pages
* nyhedsbrev
to present news within or to special groups.
bringe <
All news indicates an invasion.
* alt nyt / alle nyheder
The city state is in imminent danger of being invaded.
* i > * umiddelbart / nært forestående
It is reported that troops are crossing the border.
overhængende, truende
* det rapporteres at -
The papers report that troops are crossing the border.
* rapportere / berette at -
The border is reported to ( pas.) have been crossed,
* rappporteres at -
20 and the king is reported to have declared war.
* pege på ngt.
* fare for at -
* =
* … for at -
He is reported as saying that he is going to
be hailed as the saviour of the city state.
* hylde ng. som ngt.
Although a peace-loving person by nature,
* af natur
the king is reported as war-crazy by his enemies,
* rapporteres at være ngt.
* krigsgal
and accused of having plunged his country is into war.
* kaste ( land ) ( hovedkulds ) >
* ud i krig
War correspondents report on news from the theatre.
Scribbling ( away ) every time an opportunity offers,
a reporter makes reportage (U) from the dependency.
* krigs- * korres-
* rapportere om ngt. * skueplads
* skrive / grifle løs ( derudad ) * lejlighed * byder sig
* reportage
ri`på~tid§ / repå~`ta~§
His writing looks like a mass of scrawl(s) / scribble(s).
30 By the light of nature, the enmity seems an enigma
* krusedulle
* umiddelbart
* fjendskab
* gåde
i `nigmê
as inscrutable as any unintelligible puzzle or conundrum.
* ugennemskuelig * uforståelig * gåde
* ordgåde
Unintelligble to everybody, the root of the conflict is
* uforståelig for ng.
above the council’s comprehension,
* hinsides ngs.
and beyond the townspeople’s comprehension.
* =
Yet the crossing of the border is the trigger for war.
* ~ udløsende faktor for ngt.
The council has to grasp the nettle (E) of war.
* ~ gribe om nælden mht. ngt.
It is the trigger to mobilize.
* udløsende faktor til at -
It is the trigger to general mobilization.
* … til ngt.
* roden til ( konflikt )
* forståelse / fatteevne
509 The kingdom and the city state are at war.
* være i krig
There is a war on, and people are struck dumb.
* ~ der er krig
They are left speechless, unable to comprehend.
* =
The reason for war is impossible to comprehend
* … ngt.
for people of both parties.
Nobody can comprehend why war broke out,
* fatte / forstå
* … hvxx
comprehend what may have led to the outbreak,
* =
or comprehend who may profit from war.
* =
Nobody comprehends that a war could be possible.
* være / blive målløs
* fatte / forstå at -
10 Unprepared for war, unable to comprehend how
* uforberedt på >
it has been involved in war with the neigbouring kingdom,
* bringe / komme i krig med ng.
the city state is suddenly at war with its neighbour.
* være i krig med ng.
In a hurry to arm, the citizens of the city state get busy
arming against the kingdom.
Despite a shortage of equipment and munitions (pl.),
* have travlt med at - * opruste
* få travlt med at gribe til våben
* … mod ng.
* mangel på / underskud af ngt.
up-to-date weapons, guns and ammunirion, the government
* ammunition
strives for the highest degree of mobilization.
* stræbe efter ngt.
So with only a short time for armament, the government
* … hvxx
* krig
* våbenmateriel
* udrustning, oprustning
strives to arm all men capable of bearing arms.
* << at -
20 While guns roar and thunder in the distance,
* buldre, brage
the citizens equip and arm themselves for war,
drøne, larme
* udstyre sig
* bevæbne ng.
* ~ våbenføre
* tordne etc.
* bevæbne sig >
* til krig
A council of war is given the brief of reorganizing the army. * ~ krigsråd
It’s the council’s brief to prepare for defence too.
Hoofs thunder in the streets when the officers
bring orders and messages around.
Carriages clank as they carry war materiel to the front.
* give ng. instruks om /
få til opgave at * det er > * ngs. instruks / * forberede
* forsvar
opgave at sig på >
* hov
* buldre etc.
* skramle, rasle
* krigs-
* materiel
All the 24 hours, people hear the thunder of hoofs / hooves, * buldren etc.
* hov
clank of carriages, and the tramp of boots in the streets.
* skramlen etc.
30 The sound of tramping boots, of thundering hooves and
* trampe
clanking carriage wheels make people tense and strained.
* skramle etc.
It makes it difficult to let a man get some sleep,
and have a ( good ) night’s rest.
* trampen
( kun best. ental )
* buldre etc.
* anspændt
* =
* lade en mand få sig noget søvn
* få sig en god nats hvile
Having to be shod, a horse is sent to the ( black>) smith.
* blive skoet
He uses ( a pair of ) pincers for pulling () out old nails.
* ( en ) knibtang
Shoeing the horse, he puts new horseshoes on the horse. * sko >
* smed, grovsmed
* hest
* sætte > * hestesko * på ( hest )
He fastens each shoe by hammering nails into the hoof.
* sko
* hamre >
Hitting the nails with his hammer, he nails the shoes to
* søm
* hammer
the bottom of the hoofs / hooves.
* støvle
* hov
* søm
* i hov
* sømme ngt. til ngt.
[email protected]
510 The royal army attacks at dawn.
The king’s forces attack the city state’s outposts,
* angribe
* angribe ngt.
and bombard outpost fortifications, fastnesses,
* bombardere ngt.
and strongholds with light and heavy artillery.
* =
The opening attack is fast and `furious: it’s done
very quickly with a lot of effort and energy.
Although the outposts come under attack from several
sides, the defenders intend to stand `fast.
Determined to stand `firm, the defenders fire back.
* fæstning
* =
* let …
* tungt artilleri
* indledende angreb
* hurtigt og voldsomt
* komme under angreb
* stå fast, ikke rykke tilbage
* =
* fyre / skyde tilbage
10 As the guns fire in quick / rapid succession,
* i hurtig rækkefølge
the bombs go off quickly one after the other.
* gå af
* ~ den ene hurtigt efter den anden
The gunners utter war cries and battle cries.
* artillerist
* krigsråb
Gunpowder smoke hangs `heavy in the air.
* krudt-
The smoke lies heavy on both sides of the front.
* ligge tæt på ngt.
Clouds of gunpowder smoke drift across the battlefield.
* sky af ngt.
Now and then powder smoke clouds the sun from view.
* krudt ( -røg ) * skygge / dække for synet af ( solen )
The thunder of gunfire, roaring in the distance,
* bulder, brag
bears / gives wittness to the terrible situation.
The loud reports of thundering guns leave its mark on
20 life everywhere in the town.
* røg
* kamp-
* hænge tungt >
* kanonild
* i luften
* buldre etc.
drøn, larm
* ~ vidne om ngt.
* drøn fra ngt. * buldrende * ~ sætte sit præg på ngt.
The shifting fortunes of war may drag () out the war.
* skiftende * lykke  * krigs-
If the war drags on and it becomes winter,
* trække i langdrag
the days will be short; the night will be fast approaching
* falde hurtigt på
as the daylight will be fast disappearing.
* svinde hastigt
* trække ( krigen ) ud
nærme sig hastigt
( komme … ud af syne )
As it start to blow hard, the soldiers look up towards
* blæse kraftigt / volsomt
the heavens, worrying / worried ( that ) the heavens open
* himlen * ængstende sig / * himlens sluser åbner sig
i.e, it would start to rain heavily.
* regne kraftigt / voldsomt
ængstelig for at -
It may hail heavily, snow heavily, and freeze.
* hagle …
* sne …
Despair hangs `heavy in the stifling air.
* hænge tungt i >
* fryse
* kvælende
* luft
30 Acts of war itself cost casualties but besides that
* ~ krigshandlinger
heavy showers, heavy rain, heavy hail, heavy snow,
* kraftig byge * … regn * voldsomt haglvejr * … snevejr
(a) hard, sharp, and severe frost, and treacherous ice are
* hård / skarp / streng
likely to inflict heavy casualties on both sides.
* påføre ng. > * svære tab
So besides ammunition and food supplies,
the transportation corps (sg. / pl.) must supply the troops
* koste >
* frost
* døde og sårede
* forræderisk
* is
* på begge sider
( af dræbte og sårede )
* ~ forsynings-
* korps, ~ tropperne
kå~ / kå~z
with heavy ( winter ) coats and heavy ( winter ) boots.
* tyk
* frakke
* kraftig
* støvle
511 Reconnaisance patrols survey the damage
inflicted by the bombardment.
* rekognoscering- / * patrulje
opklarings* påføre ngt.
Continuing heavy bombardment hinders the troops from * vedvarende
engaging in close combats in a pitched battle.
So far, none of the warring parties has / have fortunately
suffered heavy casualties.
Exposed to continued bombardment, in order to avoid
* nær-
* kraftigt
* overskue /
tage et overblik over ngt.
* bombardement
* hindre /
hæmme ng. i at * i regulært
* slag
~ i slagorden
* parter
* kamp
* krigsførende
* =
* lide >
* ~ alvorlige / svære tab
* udsat for ngt.
* vedvarende
* på åben mark
heavy fighting in the field, the troops of the city state
* hård
are ordered to withdraw from the battle-scarred outposts to
* trække sig tilbage fra ngt. * arret,~ mærket * til ngt.
10 the well-fortified town as soon as there is a lull in
* velbefæstet
the bombardment.
Prepared for continual / continuous fights,
and (a) continuous / continual ( state of ) alert (U, sg.)
* kæmpen, ~ kampe
efter kamphandlinger
* pause / kortvarigt ophold i ngt.
* uafladelige
* fortsat, vedvarende
* alarmberedskab
the troops withdraw.
The town is protected by a well-developed system of
supposedly impregnable defensive military works.
It is surrounded by an outer system of defence works:
moats, ramparts, bulwarks and other fortifications.
* uindtagelig
* militære
* forsvars* voldgrav
* værker
* vold
* bastion
* bolværk
* hoved ( fæstnings-) værk
* i ly af >
* mørket
A number of bastions are attached to the main work.
20 All troops escape under cover of darkness.
‘ Come on ! Be quick ! the officers call.
* vær hurtig
After just a single confused indecisive battle
* forvirret
and no heavy fighting, most of the soldiers
* heftig
still have a lot of fight left in them.
* kampgejst / -vilje
* uafgjort
Both parties caught / captured a few enemy soldiers.
* tage ng. til fange
So a few soldiers are taken captive / prisoner,
* tage til ( krigs-) fange
and kept under armed guard.
A pitched battle between the kingdom and the city state
* ~ befæstninger
* slag
* kamp
* tilbage i sig
* væbnet bevogtning
* regulært slag mellem
is avoided in the first place.
* i første omgang
30 There were few casualties on the battlefield / <ground,
* på slagmarken
and only a few soldiers are battle-scarred.
* ~ mærket af krigen
A few young soldiers had a shell shock.
* granat-
The shelling took all the fight out of some of them.
* granatbombardement
If a person suffers from battle / combat fatigue,
* kamptræthed
* chock
* ~ fratage ng. al kampgejst
any sudden noise may trigger a memory
* fremkalde / udløse >
and trigger a massive response.
* =
* minde
* reaktion
512 Surrounded by inner fortifications, the town itself is
* fæstningsværk
embattled by a town wall and citadels surrounded by a moat. * befæstet
The town wall has crenelated embattlement
a parapet or cresting with merlons and crenels.
From the watchtowers, behind the battlements (pl.),
the defenders watch the attackers through the loopholes.
* bymur
* brystværn
* bymur
* kastel
* kreneleret
* =
* murtak
* udkigstårn
* angriber
The enemy (sg.) approaches the town.
* fjenden
As the enemy (pl.) come nearer ( to the town ),
* fjendestyrker ( pl.)
* …til ngt.
10 As the enemy apparently is not keen to make /
keen on making a direct attack upon the town,
* =
he obviously decides to beleaguer the town.
* åbenbart
In order to lays siege to the town, the beleagerer
move into position.
Moving the guns into position, the enemy troops
prepare to besiege the town.
* brystværn
* skydeskår
* brystværn
* forsvarer
they don’t come too close to the town.
* voldgrav
* skydeskår
* nærme sig ngt.
* komme nærmere ( til ngt.)
være ivrig efter / opsat på at -
* foretage /
sætte >
* ( et direkte ) angreb ind på ng.
* belejre ngt.
* foranstalte belejring af ngt.
* belejrer
* rykke / gå >
* i stilling
* rykke ngt. >
* =
* belejre ( by )
The soldiers unload the animals and the vehicles.
* aflæsse ngt., ~ tage læsset af ngt.
The besiegers have plenty of arms (pl.).
* belejrer
Their firearms are made ready.
* ildvåben
* klargøre
20 The soldiers inspect all the muzzle-loaded guns,
* ~ forladet
* ildvåben
cannons and small-arms (pl.).
* glds. kanon
Rust attacks metals so metals rust.
* rust
As the soldiers remove the muzzle protectors,
* munding
they remove the caps and covers of the muzzle-loaders.
When the soldiers load a firearm (&sg.),
they must be able to load quickly.
* masser af ngt.
* våben
* håndvåben
* angribe ngt,
* ruste
* beskytter
* kapset, hætte
* dækken
* lade >
* forlader
* forladet
* ildvåben
* =
The guns load at the muzzle.
* lades
As the town in arms prepares for war,
* ~ under våben
* munding
* forberede sig til ngt.
people prepare for wartime conditions.
* forberede sig på ng.
30 In fear of a heavy defeat, the beleaguered townsmen
* af frygt for ngt. * ~ knusende * nederlag * belejret
arm themselves with all kinds of weapons and join the army. * bevæbne sig
* krigsforhold
* våben
* ~ melde sig til > * hæren
A lot of veterans join up: they join up to defend the town.
* melde sig til hæren
In the event of an attack, in the likely event of an attack
* i tilfælde af ngt. * i det ( sandsynlige ) tilfælde af ngt.
on the besieged town, every living thing is supposed to
resist in arms.
* belejret
* … for at -
* forsvare ( by )
* ~ alt levende
alt hvad der kan krybe og gå
* ~ gøre væbnet modstand
513 Some people suddenly see the light.
* se guds lys, blive omvendt
Pinninig their faith on God, they pin all their hopes on Him. * sætte sin lid til ng.
Armed with inveterate optimism, they withstand despair.
* bestyrket af ngt.
As they put / place their trust in the Light of the world,
* sætte sin lid til ng.
they join religious connections.
* knytte ( alle sine ) til ng.
* indgroet
* ~ Jesus Kristus
* tilslutte sig ngt.
* religiøs sekt
Armed with pen and paper, the reporters are busy.
* bevæbnet med ngt.
The secret service is besieged with questions
* hemmelig efterretningsvæsen
… `…
* belejret med ngt.
( Eng. )
from the reporters about the besieger.
* rapportere /
The papers report eyewitness reports
10 in newspaper reports in light sentences,
Viderebringe ngt.
* reportage
in direct speech and in reported speech.
* direkte tale
The paper is printed in lightface and boldface
i. e. lightface and boldface types and print.
A committee makes a report on war preparation(s).
When the committee reports the bill on war tax,
the council adopts the report without further ceremony.
* øjenvidne-
* rapport
* letforståelig ( sætning )
* indirekte …
* mager skrift
* …>
* ( halv-) fed skrift
* …>
* type
* skrift
* kommite
* rapport /
* krigsforberedelse
betænkning om ngt.
* aflægge beretning om ngt. * forslag om > * krigsskat
* godkende beretningen
* ~ uden videre
`serImê- E/A -mêuni
The bill is passed without any further ceremony.
* vedtaget
The council calls to arms, and declares a state of
* kalde til våben
* =
* erklære >
* tilstand af >
* nødstilfælde ( ~ undtagelsestilstand )
20 It issues a call to arms, and declares martial law.
* opfordring til militærtjeneste * << * krigsretstilstand
militær undtagelsestilstand
* ruste sig
The armouries are all opened, and the town arms.
* våbendepot
The authorities arm every man, physically fit.
* bevæbne /
Having a lot of spunk, every man mentally and physically
udleverevåben til ng.
* ( gåpå-) mod
fit is arming for the fight.
Every spunky townsman takes up arms,
and spunkily counterattack.
* modigt
and band together to help the soldiers.
* væbne sig til kampen
* rask, livlig
ready to rise up in arms against the enemy,
* duelig
* fysisk
* egnet
kvik, modig
* rejse sig >
Women and children troop out in the streets,
* fysisk
* gribe til våben
ruste sig
* i væbnet kamp
* gå til modangreb
* flokkes, myldre
* slutte sig sammen for at -
30 Old men link `up with / join the women.
They link up with / join the women for war preparations
on the home front.
* tilslutte sig / gøre fælles sag med ng.
* … med henblik på ngt.
* på hjemmefronten
They join ( with ) the women to improve war preparations.
* slutte sig til ng. for at -
They link up / join with them in making war preparations.
* … for i fællesskab at -
Old men and women join together to inspire the soldiers.
* slutte sig sammen
Old men link up / join with the women in a campaign to
* gøre fælles sag med ng.
inspire the men with martial spirit and martial virtues.
* forberedelser
* fylde ng. med >
* i en kampagne for at -
* krigssoldater-
* ånd
* dyd
514 Feeling a strong sense of civic pride and responsibility,
* borgerlig
members of the gentry troop spunkily on their way
* bevæge sig /
to join the civic guard(s) / trainband (hist.)
komme i flok
* melde sig til ngt.
som borger
* modigt, frisk
gævt, rask
* borgervæbning
Counseling together, members of the high-born citizenry * rådslå sammen
* højbåren
* borgere
* lette sit >
* hjerte
- `…
spunkily lighten their hearts.
The town manages to raise an army of a few thousands
of warlike men.
* modigt, friskt
gævt, rask
* rejse >
* en hær på x
* ~ beredt til krig
Armed to the teeth, they are ready to go to war,
* bevæbnet til tænderne
* gå i krig
and make a ferocious counterattack.
* foranstalte ngt.
* voldsom
* modangreb
10 Making reports on war preparation, the papers
* lave en reportage om ngt. * krigs-
* forberedelser
report ( on ) all kinds of warlike preparations.
* rapportere om ngt.
As the town prepares to go to war against the warlike
kingdom, you hear the tramp of marching feet in the streets.
Marching with heavy and noisy steps, the soldiers tramp
down the streets.
* krigs-
* gå i krig mod ng.
* krigerisk
* trampen ( kun best. ental ) af ngt.
* traske, trave
Ready to go to the war against the enemy,
the soldiers tramp the streets.
* gå i krig mod ng.
* traske / trave i ngt.
All available forces are under arms.
* være under våben, ~ være rustet til krig
While they prepare to go to the wars,
* ~ drage i felten
20 the children play with their warlike toys.
The joints are much frequented by soldiers on leave.
fri `kwentid / jævnligt
The soldiers are frequent quests: guests who go to / visit
* krigs-
* legetøj
* knejpe, beverding
* besøge ngt. flittigt
* flittig
* på orlov
* gå / komme på
the cheap pubs frequently.
* jævnligt
The atmosphere lightens as beer is gulped down.
* stemning
A troop of whores hang out in the joint
* flok
doing their best to lighten the soldiers mood.
A harlot approaches a possible customer
who sends her an enigmatic smile.
* lette
* skøge
* skylle ngt. ned
* hænge ud
* lette ngs. >
* i knejben
* humør
* skøge
* henvende sig til ng.
* gådefuldt, uudgrundeligt
’ I’ve run out of spunk,’ he murmurs enigmatically.
* gåpåmod, ( & sperm )
* =
30 The dependence of the city state (up)on imported
* ngs. afhængighed af ngt.
foods is a serious problem as trading has becomes light
* handel
since the outbreak of war.
* udbrud
As the town is heavily dependent on import ,
food conditions are always bad during a war.
* stærkt afhængig af ngt.
* under en krig
Some foods become a luxory in wartime city state.
* krigstidens
As to regulate wartime shortage(s), strict business
* krigstids-
regulations apply in wartime.
* sløv
* gælde >
* mangel ( mangler )
* i krigstid
[email protected]
515 People normally just stock up (on) food moderately.
* lagre op /
* moderat
~ til husbehov
They just load up on (A) foodstuff moderately.
erhverve sig rigeligt af ngt.
* =
Some people are, however, badly reported.
* ~ være berygtet, have et dårligt ry / omdømme
Some people are badly reported of hoarding food
* berygtet for at -
during the war.
* hamstre ngt.
~ samle ngt. til forråd
* mens krigen varer
Signs of hoarding have been reported.
* hamstring
Signs of hoarding are fast appearing.
* ~ dukke hurtigt op
Strange happenings are reported in the town.
* mærkelige
Dodgy, questionable, and shady characters have been
* lusket
* rapportere / ind-, berette ngt.
* begivenheder
* tvilvsom
* lyssky
10 seen in the night with armfuls of articles in short supply. * med en arm- / favnfuld af >
Suspect / suspecious characters have been seen
* type
* ~ mangelvarer
* mistænkelig
* type
carrying short-supply goods by the armful.
For the duration of the war, the hoarders exploit
* bære ngt.
* ~ mangelvarer
* så længe / mens ngt. varer
the food shortage(s) by buying and selling goods
* fødevare-
under the counter.
* under bordet ( disk ), ~ illegalt
By buying and selling on the black `market,
the black marketeers hoard food and money illegally.
As there is an escalation in food prices
* mangel
* på det sorte marked
* ~ sortbørshandler
* opmagasinere ngt.
/ -grosserer / -haj
* ( gradvis ) stigning i ( pris)
there is a thriving black market in foods.
* blomstrende
20 Many foods are only available on the black market.
* tilgængelig, til at skaffe
Joining `hands with the long arm of the law,
* med armene fulde /
favnen fuld
* person, der hamstrer
* sort
* marked for ngt.
* på det sorte marked
* gøre fælles sag med ng.
law-abiding citizens join `battle with criminals over hoarding. * lovlydig
* politiet
* gå i kamp mod ng. > * ~ på grund af ngt.
People inform the police about suspecious activities.
* & indgive politianmeldelse om ngt.
People report suspecious light-fingered individuals
* (an-) melde ng.
* mistænksom
- `…
trampling ( on / over ) law and order.
* langfingeret
* trampe på ( lov og orden )
Criminal offences are reported at a higher frequency.
* hyppighed
Inveterate criminals case the joint: they look carefully
-` around the place so that they can plan how to steal things
* forhærdet
from it at a later time.
30 A wholesale dealer reports his stock stolen.
* grossist
* ~ udspionere stedet
* handler
~ grosserer
The wholesaler reports the theft.
* =
He reports the theft to the police.
* … ngt. til ng.
He reports the thieves ( to the police ) ( for theft ).
* (an-) melde ng.
He report the thieves for stealing food.
* … ng. for at -
He report the thieves to the police for stealing food.
* … ng. til ng. for at -
Even gang warfare has been reported.
* bande-
* melde ngt. + adj.
* (an-) melde ngt.
* til ng.
* for ngt.
* krig
516 The city council declares war against hoarding
* erklære krig mod ( hamstring )
It declares war on hoarders and hoarding-related crimes.
* =
The police report several thefts and violent incidents.
* rapportere om ngt.
The police say that they react as fast as they can.
* så hurtigt som -
The paragon of virtue in some people battles with
* mønster
the tempter.
* -relateret
* begivenhed
* dyds-
* kæmpe med ngt.
* fristeren
All the forces of good join together:
all the forces of good join together to fight crime.
They join with each other in fighting crime.
* de gode kræfter
* slutte sig sammen
* … for at -
… i at -
10 Many sacrifice their free time to join the hunt for hoaders, *
and join the search for black marketeers.
fritid * tilslutte sig / deltage / * eftersøgning efter ng.
være med i >
* …>
* eftersøgning af / jagten på ng.
Church leaders join the campaign to curb hoarding
and black-marketeering.
* …>
* kampagne for at >
* dæmme op for ngt.
* sortbørshandel
Most people join ( with ) the police in the campaign to
* tilslutte sig ng.
* i kampagnene for at -
deltage sammen med ng.
check black-marketing.
They join ( with ) the police to search for black marketers,
and join ( with ) them in hunting criminal elements.
All kinds of honest people join / combine forces:
* <<
* slutte sig til ng. for at * =
* kriminelle
* ~ slå kræfterne sammen
they join / combine forces ( with each other ) to fight crime.
* … med hinanden
20 All good people join forces with the police;
* … med ( politiet )
they join / combine forces with the police to fight the bad.
* … for at -
* de / det slemme
All the good join `battle: join battle with the criminals.
All decent people battle with crime and criminal elements.
* kæmpe / slås med ng&t.
They fight a battle with crime and offenders.
* kæmpe en kamp mod / med ng&t.
de gode
* gå ind i kampen
By joint efforts, all the forces of good battle against crime * ved forenede anstrengelser
and criminal elements.
Fighting a battle against hardened criminals,
the pillars of society fight an uphill battle against crime.
The police battle for control of the market.
30 They battle to gain control of the market.
* kæmpe en kamp mod ng.
* samfundsstøtte
* forhærdet
* kæmpe for ( kontrol )
* … at -
It’s doubtful whether the police can win this battle,
* & det er et spørgsmål /
controll of the market, the police fight a losing battle.
* lovovertræder
* kæmpe imod ng&t.
* … svær / vanskelig … mod ngt.
* kæmpe en kamp for ngt.
Fighting a battle with the criminal elements for total
* … mod ng.
They fight a battle for control of the market.
and whether the criminal elements will lose the battle.
* elementer
spørgsmåler er om * tabe >
* vinde > * denne kamp
* kampen
* kæmpe >
* en kamp med ng. om ngt.
* kæmpe >
* ~ en på forhånd tabt / forgæves kamp
517 The criminals keep within darkness at night.
In the darkened streets along the darkened houses,
* mørke
* mørk, -lagt
it’s easy to sneak around without being noticed,
* snige sig omkring
and escape under cover of darkness.
* under dække af / i ly af >
Sneak thieves go about their business as usual
without making the slightest noise to give them away.
People, however, report offenders for criminal activities.
* liste-
* tyv
* & ubemærket
* mørket
* gå i gang med ngt.
* gøremål
* afsløre ng.
* (an-) melde ng. for ngt.
Every time the police arrest a hoarder, or a black marketeer, *
or anyone who shelters such scoundrels from the police,
10 the police search for a hoard of food and money.
* hamstring / forråd af ngt.
The police march the offenders away.
* føre / slæbe ng. bort
Marching them off, they march them off to jail.
* … afsted
Warnings against antisocial behaviour are posted
* samfundsskadelig * opførsel
* slæbe ng. i fængsel
* sætte ngt. op
in conspicuous places.
* iøjenfaldende
A cop reports another cop to his superior
* indberette ng. til ng.
He submits reports against the cop,
* indgive rapport mod ng., ~ indberette ng.
reporting his irrigular procedures:
* =
procedures highly against the regulations.
* alvorlig
His red hair has always made him conspicuous in town,
* imod >
* forordning
pl. & reglement
* bemærkelsesværdig, iøjenfaldende
20 but when it has come to daring situations, he has often
* vovelig …
been conspicuous by his absence.
* <<, ~ glimre
He’s many times been reported for arriving late,
* overtrædelse af reglementet
* (an-) melde / notere for at -
and many times been conspicuously absent from a meeting. * bemærkelsesværdig
* ved sit fravær
* komme for sent
* fraværende fra ngt.
518 A consummate spy reports for duty.
kên`sûmit / `kånsêmit
A spy makes a promise of secrecy,
and works under promise of secrecy.
The town relies on the spy’s professional secrecy
* fuldendt ( dygtig )
* spion
højt kvalificeret
* ~ aflægge
* løfte
* stole på
* professionel
* holde på en hemmelighed
and be able to observe the deepest secrecy.
* iagttage >
spying which is called counter-espionage
* tavsheds-
* under tavshedsløfte
so a spy must be able to keep a secret,
A counterspy directs his spying against the enemy’s
* melde sig til tjeneste
* tavshedspligt
* ~ den dybeste diskretion
* kontraspion
* spioneren
* kontraspionage
- `espiêna~§
or counter-intelligence.
* =
10 One of the spies who had to report sick for a brief time
* melde sig syg
now reports fit for duty.
* melde sig >
* kort >
* klar til tjeneste, ~ rask
He had a light attack of influenza,
* let
Ailed (o-f) by influenza, he had been bedded with the flu.
* gøre ng. syg
The spies are called to a briefing by the head of
* indkalde ng. til ngt.
the secret service and the intelligence service.
* tid
* angreb af >
* influenza
* bringe ng. til sengs
* med …
* informations- & /
* efterretningstjeneste
* hemmelig theneste
… `…
The spies report for a meeting to have information
and get instructions.
* møde op til ngt.
The head of the secret service briefs the spies.
* briefe / informere / instruere ng.
He briefs them about the situation,
* … ng. om ngt.
20 and brief them on what intelligence to collect.
* … ng. om ngt.
* oplysninger
/ efterretninger
The head of the secret service counsels caution.
* tilråde ngt.
Giving the spies good counsel, he gives good counsels.
* give ng. rådgivning
Giving a good counsel, he counsels them to be careful.
* et ( godt ) råd
The spies are armed with secret information
* være udstyret med ( information )
* snige sig bagom ngt.
and spy in the enemy-occupied territory.
* spionere
* diverse
According to his lights, every spy spies on the enemy.
* ~ af alle evner
Spying upon the enemy, the spies spy suspicious things.
* =
30 Spying suspicious people, they spy into their affairs,
* … ng.
and spy () `out suspicious movements (pl.)
* udspionere >
* råd
* råde ng. til at -
before the have to sneak / creep behind the enemy lines,
He brings his spying equipment and sundry other items.
* indsamle <
* fjendefjendtlig
* fjendebesat
fjentligt …
* udspionere ng.
* pludselig få øje på ngt.
* spionere i ngt.
* adfærd
Being a spy is neither an easy job nor light work.
* let / nem opgave
An intelligent and clever spy sticks to his brief.
* intelligent
Having the intelligence to keep his own counsel,
* ~ være klog nok til at - * holde sine planer for sig selv
he is intelligent enough to hold his tongue.
It’s never part of his brief to speak to the press.
* klog
* =
* instruks / opgave at -
* … arbejde
* holde sig til sin opgave
* ~ holde tand for tunge
~ ikke røbe noget
519 A spy must never have a treacherous memory
* forræderisk, upålidelig
and no memory should be effaced from his mind.
* erindring
* hukommelse
* udviske / udslette ngt. fra >
* sind
Far from being self-affacing he must be clever enough to
efface himself at times
He must spy out the `land before he decides what to do,
and never be `light headed or `light minded.
Over-indulgence in alcohol easily turns a `clear-headed
and `healthy-minded person into a light person
* være selvudslettende
* klog nok til at -
* ~ holde sig i baggrunden
* sondere terrænet ~ se, hvordan landet ligger
* tankeløs, uklar, ør
* tankeløs, ustadig
letsindig, skødesløs
* klarhovedet
svimmel, i vildelse
* overdreven nydelse af ngt.
* =
10 Indulging in frivolous pleasures, a `light-headed
* tomhjernet, overfladisk
letsindig, tankeløs
* hengive sig til ngt. * intetsigende
* fritidsligegyldig, unyttig beskæftigelse
* =
* fornøjelse
* takeløs etc. <<<
and `light-minded drunk easily betrays himself
* tankeløs etc.
* afsløre sig
by light conduct.
* letsindig etc.
* opførsel
who indulge in a frivolous pastime / hobby.
So a spy should stick to light beer in order to stay
light-footed and light-handed.
* lys, svag
* letfodet
* let på hånden
He must be able to make light work of spying.
* ~ gøre det overkommeligt at -
Making light work of it, he mustn’t make light of it, though. * ~ gøre det overkommeligt
He must never make light of difficulties and danger
but never treat any kind of information frivolously.
He must realize that a seemingly frivolous point
20 or a frivolous case may be of crucial importance.
In the capital of the kingdom, the counterspies mingle
discreetly with people of all classes.
* bagatelisere / tage let på /
* tage let på det
slå det hen
* vanskelighed * fare
ikke ænse / lade hånt om ngt
* letfærdigt / lemfældigt med ngt.
* behandle ngt. >
* være opmærksom på at * =
* afgørende
* blande sig >
* med ng.
Mixing with all the world, they sneak a look at everybody. * blande sig > * alle og enhver
med ng.
Sneaking a glance at everybody, they sneak a peek at
all and sundry.
The spies frequently drop into joints and dives,
and all kinds of high (-class) and low (-class) pubs.
gud og hvermand
* =
* dumpe ind på ngt.
* beværtning, værtshus
beverding, knejpe
* =
* beværtning
* mærkelig, mærkværdig, umage
One of them is a obviously a frivolous low-class drunk
* overfladisk, pjanket, pjattet
Taking a few sneaking looks, glances and peeks at
* kaste et >
stjålent blik på ng.
* =
* alle og enhver, gud og hvermand
A spy spots an odd couple of differently dressed men.
30 while the other one is betrayed by his aristocratic accent.
* ubetydelig
* vigtighed
* være afsløret af ngt.
* tage >
* hemmelig
* kig på ngt.
the men, apparently occupied in frivolity, the spy notices
* fjanteri, pjat, pjank
a treacherous smile on the noblemans face.
* forræderisk, upålidelig
* på ngs. ansigt
Overhearing them / ( them say(ing) ) a couple of remarks,
-` he succeeds in getting hold of some landmark news.
* smil
troløs, svigefuld, lumsk
* tilfældigt høre ng. / ( ng. sige ) ngt.
* få fat i / opsnappe ngt.
* skelsættende
The frivolities betray a shady connection between
the criminal `underworld and some of the aristocracy
* fjantet bemærkning, bagatel, småting
* underverden
of both the kingdom and the city-state.
[email protected]
520 The spy finds the suspicious couple `out, but before
* afsløre / aflure ng.
he can find () `out further information, the men disappear.
* … ngt.
Asking around, the spy try to find `out about the men
* finde ud af noget om ng&t.
and the fragments and snatches of their conversation.
* brudstykker
* =
Everybody in the dive is ( as ) silent as the grave.
* beværtning
* tavs som graven
Unable to find anything else `out about the two men
* finde ud af ngt. om ng. / ngt.
and their conversation, the spy hastens / hurries home.
In order to handle a tricky situation, a spy must have
* skynde sig
* penibel, vanskelig
a selection of sneaky tricks up his sleeve.
* hemmelig, beskidt
10 He must always have a sly trick to play.
* =
Even if it may be a hideous and revolting sight,
* have >
* & fidus, kneb
* =
* i ærmet
* at udføre
* hæslig, ubehagelig * oprørende, ubehagelig * syn
and his hands may be smeared with blood,
* indsmurt i ngt.
a spy must be ready to shed blood,
* udgyde >
and ready to shed his blood for his compatriots.
* …>
As the spies return, they report to their superior for
a debriefing.
Debriefing the spies, the head of the secret service
debriefs the spies on the intelligence collected.
A spy may need a brief pause to collect his thoughts
* blod
* sit blod for ng.
& sætte sit liv på spil for ng.
* melde sig til ng. med henblik på ngt.
* afhøring, udspørgen
* afhøre / udspørge ng.
* … om ngt.
* kort >
* pause
20 He may pause for a brief moment to gather his thoughts. * holde pause
So sometimes there’s a brief ( moment of ) silence
as a spy may have to search his memory
* =
* samle >
* øjeblik
* kortvarig ( kort ) >
* ubemærket
until he inconspicuously begins his spying activities.
* i al ubemærkethed
when in activity, the sleeper agent is a pillar of strength.
* få øje på / opdage ngt.
* spionerings-
* aktiviteter
* være drevet >
* fra pille til pæl, ~ hid og did
~ rende fra Herodes til Pilatus
( uden resultat )
* ~ agent / spion i venteposition * søjle af > * styrke
* ~ tage det sure med det søde
The head of the secret service for his part immediately
* for ng’s vedkommende
30 reports to the mayor, and gives an intelligence report.
* melde sig hos / til ng.
it’s adequacy and brevity.
* stilhed
* ( sin ) hukommelse
He has to take the bad with the good.
A thoroughly prepared report is conspicuous by
* =
and who lives an inconspicuous ordinary life there
Even if he is driven / pushed etc. from pillar to post
* tankerne
* samle >
( * øjebliks )
* granske >
A month ago a sleeper spied the enemy behind the border. * spion i venteposition
A sleeper is a spy who is sent to a particular place
* landsmand
* grundigt udarbejdet
* tilstrækkelighed
* aflægge >
* efterretningsrapport
* være bemærkelsesværdig /
iøjenfaldende // & glimre ved >
* korthed
521 After a short briefing, the mayor decides to call
* briefing
the city council and hold a council as soon as possible.
* byråd
In the light of the latest intelligence report,
the matter appears in a new light.
* indkalde >
* holde møde / råd
* i lyset af >
* efterretnings-
* report
* fremstå >
* i et nyt lys
The city council must see the matter in another light.
* se på / betragte ngt. >
The secret service must see the matter in a different light.
* =
A messenger is send to deliver the message.
* budbringer
Bringing the message to the councillors,
* bringe ngt til ng.
* i et andet lys
& med andre øjne
* aflevere >
* meddelelse
* rådsmedlem
he conveys a message to each council member
* overbringe >
* meddelelse * til >
10 to report for an emergency meeting.
* om at -
* melde sig til >
A wide section of the citizenry is represented
* rådsmedlem
* hastemøde
* bredt * udsnit af ngt. * befolkningen * representeret
on the council.
* i rådet
Having reported to the mayor’s office,
* henvende / melde sig på ngt.
the councilmen and councilwomen meet
* rådmand
in the council chamber to take counsel ( together ).
* i>
At the hastily called council meeting, the head of
the secret service gives the council a full briefing.
* rådkvinde
* råds-
* haste-
* sal
* indkaldt
* fuld >
* ~ rådføre sig med ng.
’ Please be brief,’ he requests.
* fatte sig i korthed
20 The mayor carefully listens to all kinds of counsel(s),
* lytte til >
before he takes counsel from the council members.
* ~ følge ngs. råd
either a counsel of despair or a counsel of perfection
-` -
* råds-
* møde
* briefing, information
The mayor takes counsel with all the councillors.
To begin with, many of the councillors come up with
* ~ holde rådslagning
* rådgivning / råd
* fortvivlet råd
* uopnåeligt råd
-` -
They see a `war- torn (attr.) town in their mind’s eye.
* se ngt. >
Picturing a war-ravished town in your mind’s eye
* ==
it’s only natural to become a war-weary citizen.
* krigshærget
* ~ i ånden
* krigstræt
Briefly, saner / wiser counsels prevail in the end.
* kort fortalt
A majority of the councillors counsel patience.
* råde til ngt.
Temporarily, the councillours take counsel of their pillow.
* tage råd af >
* fornuftigere * råd
~ fornuften
* sejrer
* hovedpuden
~ sove på det
30 The mayor regularly briefs the council about the situation, * informere / orientere / underrette ng. om ngt.
and brief them on what they could do.
The council expects to be fully briefed at all times.
* instruere ng. om ngt.
* være informeret
522 Launching renewed intelligence operations,
* igangsætte /
the head of the secret service briefs the spies to spy on
indlede ngt.
* instruere ng. om at -
suspicious people within the city state itself.
Some spies and townsmen bring much news (sg.),
* efterretningsoperation
* meget nyt ( mange nyheder )
* lidt … ( få … )
and some bring little news .
Much news comes to light.
* komme frem ( i lyset )
The latest report brings many new data to light,
* kendsgerninger
unfortunately placing the matter in a bad light.
Althougt the report puts the matter in a bad light,
10 several items of news are interesting.
* bringe frem ( i lyset )
* stille sagen i et dårligt lys
* =
* emne
Some bits of news are quite interesting,
* nyheds-
* ( enkelte ) nyheder
and some pieces of news are very interesting
* =
as facts that hardly bear the light of the day.
* tåle >
* dagens lys
* nyhedspunkt
* ~ en nyhed
An item of news seems to be a bit of news
which sheds light on a question.
* kaste >
This piece of news discloses a datum
* lys over ngt.
* ~ enkelt nyhed
that eventually throws light on the matter.
* afsløre >
* kaste >
* kendsgerning
* lys over ( sagen )
When it finally sheds light on it, it really throws light on it. * =
Alhough the secret service could not trace any particular
20 person, it seems a townsman has turned traitor.
It seems he has turned traitor to the city-state as well as
to the king of the neigbouring country.
* =
* spore ng.
* byboer / -fælle
* blive >
* forræder
* … mod ng.
Playing one state off ( against ) the other,
the conspirators created the armed conflict.
Near to `consummating a traitorous regicide,
the conspirators are trying to step () `up the conflict
and escalate the war.
* spille en ( stat ) ud mod den anden
* skabe >
* konflikt
* fuldende /
* forræderisk
* kongemord
fuldbyrde ngt.
* optrappe ngt.
* eskalere / optrappe ( konflikt )
Looked in that light, the conflict is less enigmatic.
* ( set ) i det lys
* gådefuld
In the light of subsequent events, a reaction from the king * i lyset af >
30 had to be expected.
The vast majority of people of both states find the traitor’s
shady activities a hideous crime.
The traitor is much maligned / slandered by the press.
* ( de ) deraf følgende
* begivenheder
* hæslig / modbydelig >
* forbrydelse
* blive omtalt ringeagtende af ng., tale dårligt om ng.
523 Now the events are beginning to march.
* begivenhederne >
people look for suspicius people among them,
* ~ begynde at tage fart
~ der kommer skred i tingene
* krigsophidsere
* afslå >
* kamp
~ nægte at gå i kamp
* rygte om ngt. * under- * & virksomhed * spredes
spreder sig
* iblandt dem selv
and look for traitors from among them.
* =
The police look for warmongers who refuse battle.
As the rumours of subversive activities spread,
People look for suspicious people in their midst,
and look for traitors in their own ranks.
While the town has been under arms,
* & i deres midte
* i egne rækker
* under våben, ~ mobiliseret
the enigmatic person has been seen at various joints
* gådefuld
10 in merry company.
* i muntert lag
Although the customers kick over the `traces
* snusket værtshus
beverding, knejpe
* ~ slå til skaglerne, slå sig løs, skeje ud
as is their usual practice, this enigma of a person has
* ~ som ng. har for vane
apparently kept his own counsel.
* ~ holde sin råden hemmelig
The enigma, however, one day betrayes itself
as the enigma eventually betrays himself.
Dressed up as a sneaky guest in a pub, a spy in disguise
happens to get into (a) conversation with another sneak.
As the spy tells a story about playing some sneaky tricks
* gåde / -fuld ting
* =
* lusket, lumsk
* komme i snak med ng.
20 the person he’s talking to.
* & samtalepartner
Deceived by the spy’s pretended sneakiness,
* luskepeter
* lave ( lumske ) numre
* opnå accept fra ng.
and joins in the conversation.
* afsløre sig
* … person
himself , he eventually gains a certain acceptance from
At some time, a third person sits down by the table,
* gåde
* på et tidspunkt
* sætte sig ( ned )
* deltage sig i ( noget der er i gang )
* bedraget af ngt.
the two other ones feel somehow reassured, and free to talk. * føle sig
* foregiven
* beroliget
The conversation so far reveals that they side neither with * afsløre at nor against either side in the war.
As they are on nobody’s side, they hold no brief for (E)
neither the king nor the city-state.
Remarks on warmongering arouse / excite the spy’s
30 curiosity and suspicion.
At a time when nobody seems to pay attention,
the waiter sneaks a note to the latest arrival.
Just after the waiter has sneaked the latest arrival a note,
* luskethed
* ~ i stand til at tale frit
* holde med >
* være imod ng.
* være på ngs. side
* ikke holde med ng.
* ophidselse til krig
* nysgerrighed
* vække ngs. >
* mistanke
* på et tidspunkt
* give ngt. ubemærket til ng.
* sidst ankomne
* give ng. ngt. ubemærket
the latter leaves the table to enter a communicating room,
* tilstødende
leaving the spy with a sneaking suspicion.
* lumsk
The spy has a sneaking suspicion that the latest arrival,
* ved bordet
( mistanke, man ikke tilkendegiver )
* få / have en … om at -
* mistanke
speaking with no trace of an aristocratic accent,
* uden spor / antydning af ngt.
is living a double life.
524 Probably on the track of the crime, the spy is convinced
* sandsynligvis
that he’s on the right track.
* på rette spor
Possibly on the track of the traitor, the spy is quick to
* på sporet af ngt.
* på sporet af ng.
* hurtig ( i vendingen ) til at -
find an excuse to leave the table in order to keep track of
* holde sig på sporet af / orienteret om ng&t.
the suspect and more information.
Wanting to pee or shit provides a pretext for absence.
* & trang til
So he may leave the table on / under the pretext that
* under påskud af at -
* tisse
* skide
* levere et påskud for
he has to have E/A take a pee or take / E& have a shit ).
He could leave the room on / under the pretext of having
10 to go for a pee (E) or move / empty / open the bowels.
Anyway, on some pretext ( or other ),
he then steals his way to an adjoining room.
From the adjecent room, he creeps up the stairs of
* lade vandet
* under påskud af at -
* gå for at <<
* have afføring
* <<
* under et eller andet påskud
* liste sig vej til ngt.
* tilstødende
* =
* liste op ad
a ladder to the attic.
Through chinks in the floor of the loft (eE), the spy is
able to intercept fragments of a revealing conversation.
* loftsrum
* sprække
* loft / loftsrum
* opfange / opsnappe ngt.
-` -
As he relates the accent of both of them to the aristocracy,
his suspicion is confirmed.
Even the `fragmentary conversation betrays the fact that
* forbinde ngt. med ng.
* fragmentarisk
* afsløre ( den kendsgerning ) at -
20 one of them must be the rank traitor wanted by the police. * afskyelig
Remarks on escape plans betrays one of them to be
* bemærkning om ( flugt plan )
the aristocratic subversive who has been working
* samfundsundergraver
in collusion with subversive powers in both states
* i hemmelig samarbejde med ng.
in their attempt to subvert the legal governments
* undergrave ( regering )
in order to make the nobility regain its former / olden power.
* fordums ( magt )
At one time ( = at a time in the past ) the nobility
had / held the king in the palm of their hand.
* afslørende
* & eftersøgt af ng.
* afsløre ng. i at -
* samfundsundergravende
* på et tidspunkt, i en periode
* have / holde ng. i sin hule hånd
At the time ( = at a particular moment or period in the past), * på den tid ( det tidspunkr / i den periode)
the nobility had the power struggle in their pocket.
* have ( magtkampen ) >
* i deres lomme
~ være sikker på at vinde ( … )
[email protected]
525 Able to speak without (a) trace of aristocratic accent,
* … spor / antydning af ngt.
this nobleman, disguised as an simple city-state citizen,
has persistently incited the public of the city state.
* vedholdende
He has incited war: he has incited the public to war.
* opfordre / -hidse til
He has incited the crowd to be up in `arms about
* ophidse ng. til at
the poor armament and the want of aggression.
His incitement (U) to war and his incitements to
be up in arms have been met with sympathy.
Even though he holds no brief for either side in the war
10 this aristocratic `warmonger has gained a hearing
by false pretences.
* militær, -rustnin
* opfordre / -hidse ng.
* … ng. til ngt.
* være på krigsstien over
* mangel på
* angrebslyst
* incitament /
* =
opfordring / -hidselse til
* vinde gehør
* ikke holde med
* krigsmager
* vinde >
* gehør
/ -hetzer
* ved hjælp af falske forudsætninger / foregivende
Under false pretences he has produced any incident as
a pretext for an / further escalation of the conflict.
On false pretences he has incessantly tried to
raise war fever and precipitate a counterattack.
Everybody in their senses, however, should know
that the battle is to the strong.
* under …
påskud for ngt.
* under falske …
* vække >
* krigsbegejstring
(løfte, rejse)
* ved sine fulde fem
* vinde slag / kamp
As it’s even too weak to give battle, it would be
* indlade sig i kamp
The city-state would lose the battle at any one time
even before it had started, and put it in a tight spot.
Realizing he is in a tight spot, the traitor seems to be
trying to persuade his interlocutor to arrange a comfortable
* fremprovokere /
fremskynde ngt.
* den stærke vinder slaget / kampen
The army is far too weak to win a battle after all.
20 a desparate undertaking to offer battle.
* optrapning af ( konflikt )
* håbløs / halsløs gerning
* =
* tabe slag
* til enhver tid
* sætte ng. i en klemme
* i en klemme
* samtalepartner
escape from the city state in order to get out of a tight spot
* komme ud af en klemme
The spy is hot on the traitors `tracks.
* ~ på sporet af ( og tæt på ) ng.
Hot on his `trail, the spy tries to call reinforcements.
* =
The traitor, however, smells a rat and takes flight
* lugte lunten
* forstærkning
* tage flugten
at / with lightning speed.
* med lynets fart / hast
30 (As) quick as / like / in a `flash, he climbs a tree.
* på et øjeblik ( lysglimt ) lynhurtigt
Lightly jumping a wall, he escapes like lightning.
Nimble on his feet he escapes the long arm of the law
like greased `lightning.
Jumping down nimbly right into a flower bed,
the escapee lands lightly and safely on his feet.
( så ) hurtigt som lynet
* rask
* springe over ngt.
* adræt
* på fødderne
* klatre op i ngt.
* ~ hurtigt som lynet
* lovens lange arm
* ( som smurt lynen ) ~ lynhurtigt
* adræt
* flugtpersonen
* blomster* lande
* let
* bed
* på fødderne
526 Trampling on flowers and trampling over small bushes, * trampe på ngt.
he tramps his way in the dark sometimes through bushes
* traske sig vej
with thorns rending his clothes.
* torn
Trampling flowers and thorny bushes along the wall,
* … over ngt.
* i mørket
* flænge ngt.
* nedtrampe ngt.
* tornet
and tramping through heavy wet soil along the moat,
* traske ( gennem ) * tung * våd
he tramps the bank of the moat to find a safe escape route.
* … ad ngt.
As he soon realizes that he has to swim across the moat
he doesn’t hesitate to take of his jacket and swim the moat.
* jord
* voldgrav
( øverste lag )
* sikker
* flugt
* rute
* bred
* svømme ( over ) ngt.
Coming upon a path(way) on the other side, nothing more * støde på ngt.
10 than a practicable dirt track, he starts to run like hell.
Light on his feet, he manages to make a quick getaway
through a deserted stretch of rank swamp along the river.
Running and flowing through the landscape,
* farbar
* sti
* jordsti
* ~ som død og helvede
* let til bens
* øde
* foretage en hurtig flugt
* strækning
* overbevokset
* løbe
the river twists and winds through vast tracts of
* sno sig
swamp, meadows and woodland.
* sump
Once in a while he takes a rest hiding in the rank growth.
* gemme sig
After a couple of day’s flight through a tract of swamp,
* strækning
* sump
* flyde
* =
* strækning
egn, område
* skovområde
* eng
* overfrodig
* bevoksning
egn, område
he tracks down a hiding place which adjoins the river.
So after a long tramp across swampy areas,
20 he succeeds in tracking the secret hiding place down.
Eventually having traced the secret fastness,
he finds a dilapitated shack or shanty and a small boat.
* finde frem til ngt.
* gemmested
* travetur ( gennem ngt.)
* støde op til /
ligge tæt på ngt.
* sumpet
* <<
* opspore
* sikkert skjulested
* faldefærdig
* skur
To be able to push the light-draught E/A -draft boat into
* med lav dybgang
* båd
the water, the traitor has to lighten the boat of bilge water.
* lette ngt. for ngt.
Surrounded by a swarm of insects, he begins to bail (`out)
in order to bail () `out the boat.
Annoyed / bothered / irritated by a cloud of insects
swarming around him, he bails water `out.
By bailing out a lot of water, he lightens the boat.
* ( skibs- ) bund
* sværm
* lænse
* lænse ngt.
* generet / plaget /
irriteret af ngt.
* sværme rundt om ngt.
* =
crawl around disorient(at)ed as their cover disappears.
* sværm
* lænse / øse ngt. ud
* gøre ngt. lettere
30 After some bailing, the boat lightens enough to be moved. * -ning
An army of woodlice and other creepy-crawly
* vand
* blive lettere
* bænkebider
* småkravl
* kravle
* desorienteret
A woodlouse is a terrestrial crustacean.
* <<
Animals leave a trace / a track in the mud.
* aftryk
The muddy bank shows traces and tracks of animals.
* =
* land (-levende )
* krebsdyr
* fod- / krybe- etc. spor
* =
527 As soon as it gets light, the police find the place
where someone has trampled the flowers down.
* trampe ngt. ned
* … ngt. ihjæl
Among the flowers, trampled to death,
the police find traces of fresh footprints.
* spor af ngt.
As the escapee has trampled down the flowers
* nedtrampe ngt.
along the wall, and left clear footprints in the soil further on,
* tydelig
the police easily find fugitive’s tracks.
* flygtning
Following his track(s), the police track the fugitive to
* ( øverste lag ) jord
* følge ngs. spor til ngt.
10 A jacket, full of rends, indicates the fugitive’s
* flænge
route of escape.
* flugtvej
his tracks there, armed police proceed with the pursuit.
They pursue and chase the escapee with ferocious dogs
trained in tracking.
* fodspor
* spor
the edge of the moat.
Having traced his tracks to the opposite side, and traced
* fodaftryk
* give et fingerpeg / vidne om ngt.
* spore ngt. til ngt.
* finde frem til ngt.
* bevæbnet
* forfølge ng. /
* forfølgelse
* vild, glubsk
* jagte ng. med ngt.
* følge efter spor
Uneducated dogs should wear muzzles.
* uopdragen
* mundkurv
-` -
According to the circumstances, very fierce, violent,
and aggressive dogs should be muzzled.
* give ng. mundkurv på
An army of unarmed volenteers take up the chase.
* hær
* ubevæbnet
* frivillig
* optage forfølgelsen
20 Hot in the heels of the police, the volenteers assist
* ~ lige i hælene på ng.
the police in pursuing the traitor.
* forfølge
Even if the city is under `siege, curious citizens swarm to
* under belejring
that one of the town gates which are protected from
the enemy by impassable swamps, morass and quagmire.
* ufremkommelig
* flokkes til
* farlig sump
* hængedynd
The place swarms with police, and people swarm all over
in danger of being trampled underfoot in the crowd.
* myldre med ngt.
* myldre + adv.
* trampe ngt. under fode
A swarm of curious citizens are dogging the police:
they are dogging the ( foot>) steps of the police.
Where the fugitive has left no tracks,
* sværm
* følge lige efter
rende i halen på
* =
* ikke efterlade spor
and where the trackers are unable to trace his tracks,
* sporfølger * finde ngs. spor
30 the tracker dogs scent the fugitive.
* spor-
* hund
* få færten af ng.
By means of his scent, the police keep track of the fugitive. * duft
The police track him to the swamp adjecent to the river.
* følge ng’s spor til ngt.
Having traced him to somewhere in the swamp,
* spore ng. til ngt.
the police, however, lose ( all ) track of the fugitive.
The dogs lose the scent of the fugitive as he has been
* holde sig på sporet af ng.
* tabe ( ethvert spor ) sporet af ng.
* miste / tabe færten af ng.
* stødende op til /
tæt på ngt.
smart enough to tramp through flooded areas, deluged /
* oversvømmet
* oversvømme ngt.
flooded / inundated / overwhelmed / swarmped by the tide. * oversvømme ngt.
528 As the police have lost all trace of the fugitive,
* tidevand <
* tabe ethvert spor af ng.
they are so far unable to trace the whereabouts of the traitor. * spore / finde frem til ngt.
Vanished without a trace, he is lost without trace.
* forsvinde sporløst
Even if the trackers search tracts of swamp and woodland,
* strækning
they can’t find any trace of tracks, or any other trace of
* opholdssted
* sporløst forsvundet
område, egn
* spor
* stier / spor
* =
the fugitive.
The fugitive seems to have vanished in a flash of blue.
* ud i den blå luft
The papers scented the story early on.
* opsnuse ngt.
* på et tidligt tidspunkt
Swamped / deluged / `inundated / overwhelmed by / with * oversvømmet / = / = / overvældet af ngt.
10 calls, the police are flooded with ( a deluge of ) calls,
* henvendelse * oversvæmmet af ngt. * syndflod * =
and must thus be careful not to be on the wrong track.
* være på vildspor
The police must take care not to be thrown off the scent
* lede på vildspor
as subversive people might try to put the police off the scent. * samfundsomvæltende
A rumour, however, is traced back to a tramp and a map. * rygte
The secret map is traceable to a disreputable hobo.
* =
* spore tilbage
* vagabond
* mulig at spore
* berygtet
* vagabond
* spore ng. til ngt.
* navngiven
Having traced the map to a named bum (eA),
the police trace the tramp to a disreputable joint.
* =
* berygtet
* værtshus
* på sporet af og lige ved at nå
~ lige i hælene på
* = ( hale )
Tracking the tramp all over, the police are hot on his track, * eftersøge ng.
hot on his trail, and hot on his tail.
* =
20 On the track of the tramp, the police are in that way
* på sporet af ng.
hot on the trail of the map, and by that means
* på … ngt. og tæt på
on the trail of the traitor.
* på sporet af ng.
Having traced the map and traced the tramp,
* finde frem til ng.
and track down the map.
* =
The tractable tramp readily gives the map up.
* føjelig, villig
In order to save his skin, he willingly give up the map
* hytte sit skind
to the police.
As the map shows the site of the traitors hiding place,
30 the fugitive is now traceable.
* derved
på den måde
* =
* opspore / finde frem til ngt.
the police track the tramp `down in the smokey dive,
* bums
* tilrøget
* beredvilligt
* =
* … ng.
* værtshus
* af- / udlevere
* =
* beliggenhed
* sporbar
He’s traceable to a located place.
* =
The police believe they are on the scent of the traitor.
* på sporet af ng.
They are convinced that they are on the right track.
* på rette spor
The police produce a tracing.
* kalke
A policeman traces the map on `tracing paper.
* kalkere ngt.
He traces the map by putting a piece of strong
* kalkere
* stedfæstet
* kalkerpapir
transparant paper over the map, and then draw the lines
* gennemsigtig
-` -
he can see through the tracing paper.
529 Having set out with tracker dogs, the police follow
* tage afsted
the route shown / indicated on the tracing.
* kalke
Hot on the track / trail / tail of the traitor, the police are,
however, betrayed by a troop of startled birds.
* på sporet af og tæt på
* afsløret af ngt.
* flok
Great events and small occasions.
* lille årsag, stor virkning
When the flock of birds land(s), they (it) land(s) in a tree
* flok
nearby the fugitive’s `refuge.
* opskræmt
* lande
* tilflugtssted
When the noisy birds light, they light on the boughs
* lande
* … på ngt.
* tyk gren fra stammen
of a nearby light-demanding tree.
* lyskrævende
10 Warned by the noise, the fugitive scents that something
* fornemme at -
is wrong: that there’s danger, and trouble afoot.
* ( noget er ) galt
Scenting danger, the traitor jumps into the boat
and pushes `off.
* fare
* støde fra
* lække
Through a leak, water swamps the little boat.
* gennem >
Water keeps leaking into the boat.
* sive ind i ngt.
After the fugitive has done a short reach of the river,
* tilbagelægge >
The dice are heavily loaded against the traitor.
* på vej
* vejre >
The boat, however, leaks: it leaks water.
the leaking boat is swarmped by entering water.
* fare på færde
* lække ngt.
tage ngt. ind
* oversvømme /
svømme ind i ngt.
* læk
* strækning
* lækkende
* oversvømme ngt.
* ~ ng. have alle chancer imod sig
stå overfor en stor overmagt
* tilstand
20 In a sinking condition, the boat doesn’t manage
* i synkefærdig
the treacherous rocks in the treacherous whirlpools.
* forræderisk / lumsk ( klippestykke )
The traitor has to battle hard just to stay afloat.
* kæmpe hårdt
He’s fighting a battle for survival.
* kamp for >
* klare ngt.
* =
* strømhvirvel
* holde sig flydende
* overlevelse
As soon as he manages to swim ashore and get to his feet, * i land
he takes () up the flight on feet.
* tage flugten
* til fods
After a while the fugitive is run down by a dog.
* indhente ng.
Chasing his arse, it snaps at his trouser seat.
* jagte ngt. * rumpe, røv * snappe efter > * buksebag
So he lays about him (<self ) (E) with a stick.
* slå vildt omkring sig med ngt.
He lays about the dog with the stick to prevent it from
* angribe ng.
* kæp
30 biting his leg.
* ~ bide ng. i benet
If it bites on to his leg, he risks its bite to rend his leg.
* bide sig fast i ngt.
When it catches / seizes / grabs / takes / gets (a) hold of
* få fat i ngt.
his trouser leg, the traitor counters as he hits the dog’s
* bukseben
muzzle with a blow of a heavy stick.
* snudeparti
The dog is forced to let go (of) its hold.,
* ~ slippe taget
* risikere ngt. at -
* flænse ngt.
* give igen
* slag
* svær kæp
Forced to let go (of) the fugitive, the dog runs away
uttering a howl rending the air.
* =
* flænge luften
[email protected]
530 An unarmed pursuer now catches `up with the fugitive.
Caught up (E) by the pursuer, the fugitive lays about
* indhente ng.
* =
* angribe ng.
his pursuer with the stick.
* med ngt.
Hitting out wildly, the fugitive hits `out at his pursuer.
* slå ud
* slå ud efter ng.
Dodging a blow of the stick, the pursuer manages to grasp * undvige ngt.
the fugitive by the wrist so the stick falls to the ground.
Laying about them ( moving their arms and legs in every
* gribe / få fat i / holde fast i ngt.
* ved håndleddet
* slå vildt omkring sig
… -` -
direction ), the fighters for a while lay about each other
* kæmpende
until the fight turns into a regular fist fight.
* nævekamp
* angribe ng.
`Setting about (E) each other ( with their fists ),
* angribe ng.
* med ngt.
10 violently exchanging blows, the fighters try to
* udveksle >
* slag
land a blow on his opponent’s head / in his opponent’s face.
* placere >
Throwing punches at each other, the agile fighters try to
* rette >
* slag
* i ngs. hoved / ansigt
* slød mod ngt.
* adræt
* placere >
give / strike his opponent a blow to the head by landing
* give / slå ng. et slag i hovedet
a punch in his face, right on his nose, chin, cheek, or jaw.
* stød * i ngs. ansigt * på ngs. * hage * kind * kæbe
Being agile / nimble fighters, both of them dodge narrowly * adræt
* undvige
* ramme ved siden af
and miss narrowly alternately.
Having missed hitting the fugitive, the pursuer eventually
receives a counterpunch, a heavy blow to the head.
* ~ ramme forbi ng.
* ~ få et knytnævestød
tilbage fra modparten
20 As a knockout punch / blow lands on the pursuer’s head, * knockoutstød
he is knocked out by a severe blow in the face.
Knocked out by a single blow to the jaw,
he lands heavily on the ground.
* lige akkurat
med nød og næppe
* lige akkurat
* slå ng. ud
* enkelt
* hårdt slag
* lande / havne i ngs. hoved
* alvorligt
* slag
* slag
before another pursuer catches up with him.
The next pursuer to catch him up (E) is a policeman
armed with a truncheon E/A nightstick / eE baton.
* & skynde sig med at -
* i ansigtet
* på kæben
* lande tungt
The fugitive loses no time in grabbing / siezing the stick
* i hovedet
* på jorden
* gribe fat i / snuppe ngt.
* indhente ng.
* =
* ( politi-) stav, knippel
`bat(å)n E/A ba`tå~n
Even if he has lost his helmet in the heat of battle,
* hjælm
the policeman `sets about the fugitive with his baton,
* angribe ng. med ngt.
trying to hit the fugitive on the head.
* ramme ng.
Parrying a shower of blows, the fugitive fights hard
to ward off the blows with his stick
30 He fights hard to fend off the blows from the baton,
* parere / afværge ngt.
* i hede  kampens
* i hovedet
* byge
* slag
* afværge ( slag ) med ngt.
* afværge ( slag ) fra ngt.
and prevent the policeman from catching / grabbing /
* få tag >
seizing / taking / getting hold of him.
* … i ng.
* knippel
Even though he’s hit by the truncheon E/A nightstick,
* ( politi-) stav
he fights to land a counterblow on the policeman’s head.
* placere >
531 Even if he’s hit by a couple of counterstrokes,
* slag tilbage
the policeman keeps `setting about the traitor.
* angribe ng.
* modslag
The fugitive tries to dodge continuous close combat.
* undgå ngt.
Dodging behind trees, he dodges / avoids / evades
* springe / smutte til siden
getting into uninterrupted hand-to-hand fighting.
* i hovedet på ng.
* vedvarende
* nær-
* undgå at -
* uafbrudt
Eventually seeing his chance to deal the fugitive a blow,
* kamp
* ~ nærkamp
* tildele ng. >
* et slag
the policeman succeds in dealing a blow to the fugitive
* =
with such power that it not only breaks the stick in two
* ikke bare / blot / kun
but also brings the fugitive out of action.
* gøre ng. ukampdygtig
10 Dealing a blow to the head of the disabled fugitive,
* levere > * et slag * i hovedet på ng. * ukampdygtig
the policeman lands a heavy blow on his head.
* placere >
A violent blow lands in the fugitive’s face.
* voldsom
Having received a severe blow to the head,
* få >
* brække ngt i to ( stykker )
~ brække ngt. midt over
* voldsomt
* slag
* slag
* lande
* et alvorligt slag
the traitor falls heavily to the ground.
* falde
He hits the ground in a heavy fall.
* tungt
So at last, the march of events forced the traitor
* gang  begivenhedernes
to give in, give it up, surrrender and give himself up.
* tungt
* i ngs. hoved
* i ngs. ansigt
* i hovedet
* til jorden
* fald
* opgive kampen
* =
* overgive sig
* =
give op
* tyngende, byrdefuld
Wearing burdensome chains,
the captive is marched through the streets,
* tilfangetagen
20 greeted with jeers and taunts.
* blive mødt med ngt.
* føre ng. gennem ( gade )
* hånlige bemærkninger
Jeering at him, the crowd jeer the traitor.
* hånle ad ng.
The jeering crowd taunt him about the fate awaiting him,
* hånende * håne ng. med ngt. * skæbne * vente ng.
* håne ng.
* … ng. med ngt. * nedsættende ( bemærkning etc. )
and taunt him with slighting remarks and names.
‘Just wait – we’ll get back at you for what you’ve done,
people cry tauntingly at the traitor.
* bare vent
* hævne sig på ng. for ngt.
* hånligt
‘Just you wait ! ‘ people jeer, showering him with curses. * vent du bare * håne * overøse ng. med forbandelser
They load cusses on him for denial of his country.
* dænge > * forbandelser * over ng..
They load him ( down ) with abuse.
~ overdænge ng. med …
* overdænge ng. med ngt.
They curse him for his acts of treachery.
* forbande ng. for ngt.
30 They cuss him for treasonable acts and offences.
* =
People in the street need no burden of proof.
* ~ bevisbyrde
Fastening the accusation of ( high ) treason on him,
* fæstne >
they fasten the crime on him, and fasten the blame on him.
‘ You’re an out-and-out traitor, a villain of the first water,
a criminal of the deepest dye, a burden for the society,’
* fornægtelse
af ngt.
* fornærmelse
* gerning af >
* forræderi
~ forræderisk gerning
* forræderisk ( gerning etc. )
* anklage for højforræderi
* på ng.
~ hænge ng. op på ngt.
* =
* ~ af den værste slags
* skurk
* =
af første / værste skuffe
* af dybeste
* farve
* byrde / belastning for ng.
~ af den værste slags
the crowd jeer all at once.
* håne
* alle på en gang, ~ i munden på hinanden
The traitor is taken into custody.
* tage ng. >
He is in custody awaiting trial.
* være i forvaring
* i forvaring
* afvente >
* rettergang
532 Social ambition had betrayed the dastard (o-f) into
* & snobbet ærgerrighed * forlede ng. * usling * til ngt.
irreparable ferocious folly.
* uoprettelig
The dastard (o-f) nobleman and sneaking betrayer
was an enemy of reform and a sworn enemy of the king.
Political conflicts and personal enmity towards the king
made the dastardly (o-f) cuss revolve grandiose schemes.
* vild, grusom
* idioti
* ussel, nedrig
* lusket
* forræder
* fjende / modstander af ngt.
* svoren … af ng.
* fjendtlighed / uvenskab overfor ng.
* ussel * skabning * overveje > * storslået * rænkespil
Having revolved a secret plan in his mind,
the traitor had allied ( himself ) with an uncle of the king,
/ -stilet
* hemmelig
* alliere sig med ng.
* onkel til ng.
a rejected pretender to the throne but long since forgotten, * afvist
10 in fact, a simpleton out of the running long ago.
* tronpretendent
* dumrian
So the traitor had let the simpleton `in on part his plan.
* ude af spillet
* lade ng. blive inddraget i >
They had made / formed / forged an alliance
* skabe >
* for længst
* for længe siden
* plan
* alliance
to carry the war into the enemy’s camp and bring () down / * bringe krigen over i fjendens lejr * styrte / vælte ng.
vippe ng. af pinden
overthrow / topple the king.
* =
So having entered into an alliance
* træde ind i >
* alliance
to carry the war into the enemy’s territory / country,
* <<
the allies only waited their chance to unseat the king.
* allieret * vente på en lejlighed
-` -
The common enemy that united them was liberal reforms,
* fælles
* vælte ng.
/ et belejligt øjeblik til at - vippe ng. af pinden
* fjende
and a king trampling on the rights of the nobility.
* trampe på / ~ være hensynsløs overfor ( rettighed )
20 The nobility consider the king to trample over their views.
* … ( synspunkt )
The unscrupulous traitor had concealedly planned
to poison the king.
He waited his chance to poison the king with strychnine
* i det skjulte
* forgifte ng.
* lure på chancen til at - * … ng. med ngt. * stryknin
or other deadly poison either by poisoning his food,
* dødelig
or by lacing the king’s drink with a tasteless poison.
* blande ngt. med ngt.
He had only been waiting his opportunity.
* vente på >
A conspiracy of nobles deplorably approved of
* beklageligvis
the traitor’s dastardly plan.
* gift
* forgifte ngt.
* ( sin ) chance
* godkende / billige ngt.
* ond, nedrig
kryster-, kujonagtig
Although they might not approve of poisoning,
* forgiftning, & giftmord
30 in the eyes of the aristocracy, the removal of the king
* i ngs. øjne
would appear in the light of a godsend.
* komme / være som
After the poisoning in contemplation, the poisoner to be
* under overvejelse
* ng. sendt fra himmelen
/ en guds lykke
* giftmorder  * kommende
had planned to then incite people to rise in revolt against
* rejse sig i opstand / -rør
the Privy `Council.
* geheimeråd
533 Falsely accusing the Privy `Councillor of being
* geheimeråd
involved in treason and regicide, the real traitor and regicide
* kongemorder
intended to make the Privy Council appear in a bad light
* få ng. til at -
in order to stir `up a revolt against him.
* anstifte >
Accusations of being in collusion with the city state
* stille ng. i et falsk lys
and falsly put the real traitor in a good / favourable light.
* … godt lys
* handle >
would put the Privy Council and the city state in a bad light,
* … dårligt lys
10 and poison relations between the two states,
* forgifte ( relationer )
and trigger a wave of rioting.
* udløse >
When people would breake out in revolt,
* revolte / oprør /
opstand mod ng.
* være i ledtog med ng.
were made to place the Privy Councillor in a false light,
Accusations of acting in collusion with the city state
* fremstå i et dårligt lys
* i ledtog med ng.
* bølge af ( opstand )
bryde ud >
* i opstand / oprør
and rise in revolt against the Privy Council,
* rejse sig i >
* … mod ng.
the revolutionary traitor should play a leading part
* revolutionær ( forræder )
as a revolutionary in a revolution in the country.
* =
In the head of a revolutionary aristocratic movement,
the dastard would revolt against the Privy council, alleged
* revolution
* i spidsen for ng.
* gøre opstand / -rør
* påstået ngt.
treacherous by baseless / groundless / unfounded rumours. * grundløs
The traitor was convinced that the revolution
* & omvæltning
20 would poison the atmosphere in the royal court,
* forgifte ngt.
and that the poisonous atmosphere
* giftig ( atmosfære )
would lead to a revolution in the royal court.
* & omskiftelse i ngt.
Misled about the traitor’s dastardly intentions,
* vildledt omkring ngt.
members of the aristocracy in opposition to a change in
the social order were supposed to regard
* sociale orden
him the saviour of the established order.
* frelser af ng.
Being a saviour in the opinion of the opposition,
* rygte
* ussel, nedrig
* fortsæt
* … antaget at * etablerede orden
* i ngs. øjne
efter ngs. mening
the traitor believed the queen dowager to be sidelined.
* fornem enke
* kørt ud på et sidespor
His being chosen the new Privy Councillor
30 should crown the achievement.
Starting a revolution in the ways of governing the nation,
he would cause a revolution in politics.
* være valgt / udpeget ( til ) ngt.
* sætte kronen på værket
* omvæltning af / i ngt.
* =
As the queen mother was believed to be marginalized too, * dronninge moder
and pushed to the sidelines, the traitor believed (that)
* marginalisere ng. ~ køre ng.
( afdød konge / dronnings moder ) ud på et sidespor
* =
his efforts would be crowned with success.
It should consummate the traitors plan,
* krone ngt. >
* med held
* fuldbyrde / -ende ngt.
and be the supreme consummation of his career.
* -lse af ngt.
534 The capture of the public enemy
* samfunds-
places the matter in the proper light.
* sætte ( sag ) >
* fjende
* i det rette lys
New findings prove the traitor to have light / nimble fingers. * have fine / adrætte fingre, & have lange fingre
~ være tyvagtig
All the documents, made to smear his enemies,
* smæde / tilsvine ng., rakke ng. ned
and smear their reputation, are discovered and disclosed,
* & skænde ngs.
uncovered and unveiled to be counterfeits and forgeries.
gode navn og rygte
* =
The king has consummately been misled,
* =
* forfalskning
* =
* på fuldendt vil
thrown off the track, and thrown / put off the scent
helt og aldeles
* lede på vildspor
by consummate counterfeiting and forgery.
* fuldendt
10 The light-fingered traitor is revealed and exposed as
* fingernem
a consummate counterfeiter and forger.
* fuldendt
With consummate skill, he has counterfeited
* afsløret
* vildlede
* =
* falskneri
* =
* afsløret
* afsløret som
vise sig at være
* =
* falskner
* … dygtighed
and forged signatures, documents, and money
* =
in order to wage a smear campaign.
* føre >
* forfalske ngt.
* smædekampagne
Some signatures are just an illegible scrawl / scribble.
* krusedulle
No doubt the traitor is the one behind a massive flood /
* være den, der står bag ngt. * massiv * strøm af ngt.
a deluge of poison-`pen letters smearing the king.
The smear and the other nefarious activities were part of
* syndflod af ngt.
* anonymt
* nedrakning, tilsvining
a campaign to injure / damage the king’s reputation.
* skade ngs. >
20 Carrying on a smearing campaign,
* smædekampagne
he wanted to fish in troubled waters.
* fiske i rørte vande
The real documents were written in secret ink.
* ~ usynligt
The traitor had tried to smear the King’s aide-de-camp.
* smøre / bestikke ng.
* bagvaske ng.
* skændig
* ry, omdømme
* blæk
* adjudant
eid dê `ka~mp
At last all the connective facts come out.
* forbindende ( kendsgerninger )
It comes out that the traitor’s men had lein down in wait.
* … at -
* lægge sig på lur
As they lay in wait, they didn’t have a long wait.
* ligge på lur
* venten, ventetid
Lying in wait for the messenger, the traitor’s men
* … efter ng.
didn’t have a long wait for him.
The traitor’s men, awaiting the dispatch, unfortunately
* vente på ng.
* have held til at -
and intercept the message.
* opsnappe ngt.
the light-fingered traitor had then faked a letter.
He had faked `up a response in lying treacherous words
as if the city state was all on the traitor’s side.
* budbringer
* venten på ng.
30 had the good fortune to intercept the messenger
Having nefariously dispatched the messenger,
* komme frem
* sendebud
* stoppe ng. ( på deres vej )
* skændig
* gøre det af med / dræbe ng.
* efterligne / lave en afterligning af ngt.
* =
* på ngs. side
* løgnagtig
* bedragerisk ( ord )
The conspirators had then dispatched the fake letter,
* afsende ngt.
* falsk
being positive that the fake response
* være overbevist om / sikker på at -
would dispatch their evil and nefarious plan.
* fremme ( plan )
* =
[email protected]
535 Quite true ! The conspirators’ schemes, wiles (pl.) and
* ganske rigtigt
other underhand / <ed methods had provoked / set () `off /
* underhånds-
* rænker
* list
* udløse ngt.
fordækt, lyssky
touched () off / triggered ( () off ) / sparked ( () off ) a war,
* =
undesirable for nobody but themselves.
* uønsket for ng.
Luckily, the traitor is found out / uncovered / unmasked /
* afsløre ng.
unveiled, and captured so the conspiracy is brought to light / * =
exposed / uncovered / unveiled before heavy fighting
* =
erupted and made both parties suffer heavy casualties.
* bryde ud
Wherever there is war there is misery and outrages.
* afsløre ngt. ( kriminelt )
* ~ hårde kampe
* overgreb, skændselsgerning, grusomhed
10 When the police disclose / reveal the secret information,
* afsløre ( ngt. hemmeligt )
the news of the outrages committed by the traitor,
* skændselsgerning
of the double-dealing and the conspiracy, spreads quickly.
* dobbeltspil
* begå <
- `…
The news outrages the public.
* forarge / oprøre ng.
It outrages all decency and all sense of justice.
* krænke ngt.
Outraged at the news, people are are outraged by
* forarget / oprørt over ngt.
the news of attempted poisoning.
After this news has seen the light, everybody taken `in
* =
* ~ forgiftningsforsøg
* nyheder (m.sing) * se dagens lys
komme frem i lyset
by the double-`dealer (E) finally sees the light.
* bedrager
People both in the kingdom and the besieged town
20 now see the matter in a new and different light.
When people see the matter in another light,
… nyt / anderledes …
* se ngt. i et andet lys
The response to the revelation of the plot is one of outrage. * afsløring af ngt. ( hemmeligt )
The exposure of the conspiracy and the nobleman’s
exposure as a traitor cause popular outrage.
The revelation of the conspiracy’s outrages,
* … som
* forårsage
* offentlig
* afsløring ( af ngt. hemmeligt )
* … om ngt.
the traitor’s outrageous plans, generate public outrage.
* forargelig
People are filled with a sense of moral outrage at
* forargelse
* afsløring af ngt. ( kriminelt )
and the startling disclosures / revelations about
* bedraget
ført bag lyset
* få øjnene op
* forargelse
* skændselsgerning
* skabe > * offentlig
* … forargelse ved / over ngt.
the plans of overthrowing the king.
30 Even opponents of reform express moral outrage over
* <<
the conspiracy and the traitor’s outageous behaviour.
* forargelig, oprørende, skændig
Conspirators do outrage to the rule of law.
* begå / øve vold mod ngt -
A conspiracy to outrageously murder the king is not only
* på skændig vis
an outrage in itself / on its own but an outrageous attack on * skændselsgerning
* forargelse
* retssikkerheden
* voldsom
national security, and an outrage against the constitution.
It‘s outrageous ( that ) someone would use murder
as a political means; It’s an outrage.
* den nationale sikkerhed
* krænkelse af ngt.
* oprørende at * det er en skændsel
536 The traitor is waiting trial for ( high ) treason
* afvente >
which carries the death sentence.
* medføre >
* retssag
* dødsstraf
The poisonous bastard won’t get off / be let off lightly.
* modbydelig
He won’t get off / be let off with a light sentence.
* slippe med >
He deserves a severe punishment,
* streng
and is likely to be given / receive a heavy sentense,
* få >
either a life sentence or a death sentence.
* døds-
* bastard
* straf
* hård dom / straf
* livstidsdom / -straf
* ~ man ligger, som man reder
The traitor always had a rebellious streak.
* rebelsk, oprørsk
10 Somehow cursed, driven by ferocious determination,
* forbandet
he’s always been the `rebel of the family even as a child.
* rebel / oprører
* =
As he grew older he turned into an rebellious teenager
* oprørsk
* slippe let / billigt
* en mild straf
As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.
Already as a baby he was a bit of a rebel.
* højforræderi
* anstrøg, træk
* drevet af >
* vild
* beslutsomhed
* familiens
always rebelling against his parents and his strict `upbringing. * gøre oprør mod ng. & ngt.
His childhood was poisoned by his abusive father.
* forpestet af ngt.
Rebellion against authorities starts in the home.
* oprør mod ( autoritet )
Rebelliously revolting against parental authority,
* oprørsk
he unstoppably rebelled against parental discipline.
His family sometimes thought he was under a curse.
* grusom og voldelig
* begynde
* gøre oprør mod ( autoritet )
* gøre oprør mod ngt.
* under >
20 Legend has it that some people become witches
* legenden >
able to use witchcraft to curse a person, a thing, or a place.
* forbande ng&t.
* en forbandelse
* fortæller at -
The traitor was known as an ungovernable rebel in politics. * ustyrlig
Even if he was notorious for his rebellioness,
he usually managed to maintain a facade of charm.
* i hjemmet
* oprører
* oprørskhed
* bevare / opretholde >
* facade af ngt.
fê- / fa`sa~dê
Behind his facade of seductive charm, lurked, however,
* bag > * facaden af > * forførende /
* lure >
tillokkende ( charme )
* når >
* ingen >
his real self, expressing itself when he believed no one
* ~ sande jeg
was wathching / on their guard.
* se på / være på vagt, ( & ~ i et ubevogtet øjeblik )
In the inavitable habit of gloating secretly,
-`vit -
and muttering curses under his breath,
30 he was unavoidably in danger of revealing his true self.
-`vêud In an unguarded moment, he now and then failed to
-` suppress a gloating look or a gloating smile.
Once in a while , losing his self-control, he couldn’t help
fling a gloating remark, or couldn’t help but
* uafvendelig
* mumle ngt.
* hovere
* i det skjulte
* ~ som ikke kan høres af andre
* uafvendeligt
* afsløre >
* ( sit ) sande jeg
* … ubevogtet / uopmærksomt øjeblik
( hvor man ikke vogter sig )
* hoverende
* udslynge >
* <<
* ikke lade være med at
bray with laughter as he gloated about his own success,
* skråle af ngt.
* brøste sig af ngt.
gloated at his rival’s defeats, and gloated over their
* hovere /
* =
være skadefro over ngt.
537 Throwing new light on mysteries of long standing,
* kaste nyt lys over ( mysterium )
the outspokenness of the prisoner at the bar
-`sheds a new light on the whole matter.
* åbenmundethed
* arrestant * ved retsskranken
~ den anklagede
* <<
The events suddenly connect.
* hænge sammen
The city state again appears in a favourable light.
* fremstå >
It’s news to both parties that this nobleman,
* det er nyt for ng.
even considering his blatant and revolting manners,
* larmende
was able of having such an evil manner.
vulgær etc
* ond
Looked on in that light, an armed conflict was inevitable.
* langvarig
* i et gunstigt lys
* oprørende ( manerer )
* opførsel
* set i det lys
10 Seen in that light, the conflict is no longer
* =
enigmatic and incomprehensible.
* gådefuld
* uundgåelig
* uforståelig
When both parties look on the events in that light,
* betragt ngt. i det lys
the march of events is logical and comprehensible
* gang
to everybody.
* begivenhedernes
The conflict comprehended several grounds.
* omfatte / indbefatte ngt.
Both parties now comprehend these grounds.
* begribe / forstå ngt.
To some people ambition is the secret of success.
* hemmeligheden ved ngt.
They enjoy gloating over their social position
* hovere over ngt.
and fortunes, while they gloatingly show `off,
* -nde
20 even among people living in blatant poverty.
* skrigende ( fattigdom )
They often forget that ’ light (adv.) come light go ’,
‘ lightly come lightly go’, or ‘lightly won lightly held ’.
In fact, the ambitious traitor made no secret of
having comprehensive ambitions.
Although it’s a term of wide comprehension,
ambition is often an enemy to friendship.
* grund
* vise sig frem
* hvad der kommer let går let
* =
* ambitiøs
* gøre en hemmelighed ud af at -
* omfattende, vidtstrakte
* ambitioner
alsidig, storstilet
* indbefatning, rummelighed
* ambition
Climbers often quarrel and fall out (E).
* stræber
As a careerist climber easily quarrels with other people,
* karrierefikseret
and falls out with other careerists, he or she is likely to
* ~ stå i modsætning til ngt.
* skændes
* <<
slanderous remarks, to slander their chief competitors.
Even if there are laws against libel, and even if they risk to
* komme med >
* & blive uvenner
* … med ng.
* karrieremager
30 trample over other people, and trample on their feelings. * trampe på ng.
Some mean climbers make slanders, that is ( to say )
* forståelig
* … ngs. følelser
* bagtalelse
* det vil sige
* bagtale ng.
( mundtligt )
* injurieren / bagvaskelse
* hovedkonkurrent
* bagtalende
be sued for slander and libel in a libel case / action / trial,
* bagvaskelse
( bagvaskende bemærkning )
* injurieren * injureisag
some climbers don’t refrain from making libellous statements * afholde sig fra injurierende
as they have libels printed against their main rivals.
When they libel their main rivals, they want other people
* injurie / bagvaskelse mod ng.
* injuriere / bagvaske ng.
to have a bad opinion of them.
538 When you get down to the bedrock, the traitor
* nå ned til >
looked upon his ambition in the light of a sweetheart.
In spite of his ambition, the ambitious traitor, however,
* udbrud
wholly out of joint with his self-concept, self-perception,
* helt og aldeles
and self-image.
* selvopfattelse
and had had many relentless enemies.
As the traitor had never been able to trace the cause of
* grundfjeld
~ i bund og grund
* betragte ngt. næsten /
nærmest som ngt.
* ambitiøs, ærgerrig, målbevidst
never learned to control eruptions of blatant behaviour
So he was often at enmity with other people,
* værste rival
* kæreste
* larmende, højrøstet
grov, skamløs
* ude af sammenhæng med
* være >
* på fjendtskab ( -elig fod ) med ng.
~ uvenner med ng.
* have / få >
* ubøjelig, ubønhørlig
* fjender
* spore / komme frem til ( årsag )
10 his being sidelined, he was never able to reckognize
* erkende ngt.
blatant ambition as his chief enemy.
* åbenlys ( ambition ) * som > * ~ værste
His resentment at the relentless loss of nobel privileges,
* vrede / fortørnelse /
and his rage at the remorseless decrease in noble influence
bitterhed over ngt.
* ubønhørlig, uophørlig
made him adopt an uncontrolled and reckless behaviour.
* ukontrolleret
His burning and sleepless ambition nearly turned
the traitor into a remorseless and merciless murderer.
For ages, the nobility has profited from unrelenting,
and blatant exploitation of the lower classes.
Over the years, the traitor never wasted an opportunity to
* fjende
* ubønhørlig
* ubesindig, dumdristig
overmodig, hensynsløs
* aldrig hvilende …
* brændende
* samvittighedsløs
* nådesløs
* ubønhørlig, uophørlig
* åbenlys, grov, uhæmmet
* forspilde en mulighed for at -
20 relentlessly, unrelentingly and blatantly abuse his power. * ubønhørligt
* =
Lately, as the nobility’s influence remorselessly decreased, * skånselsløst
the traitor’s ambitions made him ready to remorselessly
* & uden skyldfølelse, & koldblodigt
get or even put his enemies out of the `way.
* få ( ng. fjernet )
* åbenlyst, groft
They resent his deceitfulness.
* rydde ng. af vejen
~ dræbe ng.
* retskaffen
* være / blive vred på ng.
ikke kunne fordrage ng.
* & fortørnet / krænket / bitter over
* svigagtighed
Commoners deeply resent the nobility’s exploitation.
* vredes / forbitres / fortørnes / krænkes over ngt.
They are resentful at being exploited.
* vred / fortørnet / krænket / bitter over at -
Resentful about the nobility’s outdated privileges,
* … over ngt.
Upright people strongly resent the traitor.
commoners are resentful of the nobility’s exploitation.
* =
30 Hard working poor people bitterly resent being exploited.
* vredes / forbitres / fortørnes / krænkes over at -
They resent the fact that they are being exploited.
* =
They strongly resent the nobility abusing their privileges
* blive vred på ng. for at -
They bitterly resent their abusing their privileges
* blive vred på ngt.
They resent leading / having to lead a life as inferiors.
* … over at -
Filled with resentment at being looked down upon,
they harbour resentment towards the nobility.
* fyldt med > * vrede / bitterhed / fortørnelse over at * nære … mod ng.
They bear deep resentment, not least / especially against * nære > * ( dybfølt ) vrede etc. * ikke mindst mod ng.
the traitor.
539 Many crimes are traceable to ambition.
His ambition can be traced back to his childhood
* kunne henføres til >
* & ærgerrighed
* spore tilbage til ngt.
as ambition often traces back to peoples’ childhood.
* ~ tegne et spor tilbage til ng.
His parents had been very ambitious for their children.
* ambitiøs på ngs. vegne
His elder brother, though intelligent, had suffered from
* mangel på …
a lack of ambition.
The traitor’s ambition was to seize control.
* ngs. ambition / mål er at -
He had the ambition of seizing control of his surroundings
* have den / det … at -
in order to bolster up / boost / increase / strengthen /
* styrke / øge >
10 reinforce his influence and power.
* … ngt.
Achieving his ambition of seizing control of the nobility,
he fulfilled his ambition to seize control.
His lifelong ambition was to be in control.
* nå >
* ambition om at -
* opfylde >
* … om at -
* livslang
Having the political ambition to be in control of his peers, * have >
* ambition ( var ) at * politisk
he had the burning ambition to become their leader in order
* … brændende … om at .
to bolster up / increase / strengthen / reinforce / boost
* øge / højne / styrke >
their morale, confidence and courage.
* & fællesskabsfølelse
Realizing his ambition of becoming leader of the nobility,
* ambition om at -
* selvtillid
he achieved his ambition of being in control of the nobility.
* =
20 The traitor had ambitiously traced his ancestry.
* ambitiøst
* spore >
In fact, he’s well-connected; he is connected with the king. * være af god familie
They are connected by marriage.
have gode forbindels
* forbundet >
Both their families can be traced ( back ) to France,
* spore ( tilbage ) til ( sted )
and both trace their line of descent from Normans.
* mod
* opfylde ens … om at -
* spore ngt.
* forfædre
* have ( familie-)
forbindelser med ng.
* gennem giftermål
* afstamning /
nedstamning fra ng.
Intensively ambitious, obsessed with the idea of becoming * ~ gennem ambitiøs
leader of the country, the traitor cherished an ambition to
* nære >
overthrow the king.
Nursing ambitions to become leader of the country,
* nære >
the traitor harboured an ambition of becoming king.
* <<<
30 The traitor was thwarted in his attempt to topple the king.
* være hindret i ngt.
The over-ambitious traitor’s over-ambitious plan
* en ambition om at -
* ambitioner om at -
* overambitiøs ( person )
to become leader of the country was thwarted by
* være hindret / forpurret af ngt.
* overærgerrighed
He never achieved his lifelong ambition of reaching
* få opfyldt >
* livslang … om at -
* = ( plan )
* nå >
the pinnacle of power as, in (the) course of time,
* tinde  * magtens
* med tiden
i tidens løb
the traitor’s sleepless ambition gradually poisoned his mind. * aldrig hvilende * gradvis, lidt efter lidt * forgifte ( sind )
Ambition often has undesirable consequences / effefts.
* uønsket
* konsekvens
* virkning
[email protected]
540 The prosecuter compares the misdeeds of the accused
to these of Peter denying Christ, and of Judas betraying him. * fornægte ng.
* forråde ng.
The prisoner at the bar mutters a curse / cuss at the judge. * ~ den anklagede
Even if he is charged with conspiracy to commit
* ed
* sammesværgelse om at -
high treason and regicide, he erupts, ’ I don’t regret a thing ’. * udbryde
All is fair in love and `war,’ he brays rebelliously
* fortryde / beklage ingenting
* i krig og kærlighed
gælder alle kneb
with no intent to regret, with no intention of being regretful, * ~ uden nogen >
and with no intention of regretting.
As he never awakened to any acknowledgement of
10 wrongdoing, it is not his intention to regret.
As nobody could awaken the traitor to any feelings of guilt,
* skryde
* oprørsk
* hensigt om at -
* =
* =
* vågne op til / ~ komme til ( følelse / erkendelse )
* det er ikke ngs. hensigt at * vække ng. til ( følelse / erkendelse )
~ en følelse / erkendelse af ngt. i ng.
he has no intention of regretting.
* ikke have nogen hensigt om at -
He doesn’t have the slightest intention of being regretful. * … den mindste / ringeste …
Showing no signs of contrition, remorse, repentance
* anger
* =
or regret for what he has done, he is not ( in ) the least /
* fortrydelse for /
yet anything but burdened by penitence for his acts,
* alt andet end
20 the traitor is not at all penitent.
* ikke spor, overhovedet ikke
* =
* ikke det mindste
beklagelse af ngt.
not the least bit contrite, remorseful, repentant or regretful. * =
* angerfuld
* = * = * optaget af <<
He accepts / bears / carries / shoulders no burden of sin. * acceptere / bære /
* syndebyrde
påtage sig >
On a charge of high treason and attempted murder,
* anklaget for ngt.
* mordforsøg
On the contrary / quite the contrary, in a braying voice,
the unrepentant traitor just curses his bad luck .
* tynget af >
* tværtimod
* anger ( især rel.)
* angerfuld
* skrydende
* uden anger
* forbande ngt.
‘ Damn it ! Bloody hell ! ‘ he flings unrepentantly.
* ~ forbandet, satans også * udslynge * uden anger
Even if facing the death penalty, the prisoner at the bar
* dødsstraf
utters cuss words and smear words.
* ytre >
* eds* ord
~ forbandelser
He shouts and curses; he cusses loudly.
* bande
Looking like anything but a penitent, a regretful, contrite,
* angrende person
remorseful, repentant and penitent sinner, he erupts
* angerfuld
slanderous, vilifying, and `denigrating epithets.
* nedrakkende
* smæde-
* ord
* bande
* beklagende
* synder
* angerfuld
* udslynge >
30 Convicted of high treason and attempted regicide,
the traitor is condemned / sentenced to death.
* dømt til >
The traitor, condemned / sentenced to death,
speaks without a trace of regret.
His facial expression, the look / expession on his face
* = * tilsmudsende
* prædikat
tilnavn, betegnelse
* & dødsdømt
* uden mindste spor af ngt.
* ansigtsudtryk
* døden
betrays nothing.
* afsløre / røbe ngt.
He repents ( of ) nothing; he is unrepentant.
* fortryde intet
He expresses / shows no penitence for what he has done.
* anger over ngt.
541 In spite of the fate that awaits him, the blatant traitor
* skæbne
keeps braying as he `denigrates / belittles the king
* braldre op
* =
* vente på /
forestå ng.
* larmende, højrøstet
pågående, grov, vulgær
* nedgøre /
forklejne ng&t.
and the reforms he stands for.
* stå for ngt.
Blatantly gloating over having deceived the king,
* larmende etc. * hovere over at -
* skuffe, bedrage
narre, føre bag lyser
* bedrage etc.
* alle og enhver
he gloats about having taken in all and sundry,
* plapre op om /
and having played tricks on both parties.
* lege kispus med ng.
braldre ud med at-
Gloatingly he bleats and blats, ’ Death awaits all men –
* hoverende
and nobody knows his fate in the last sleep,
* ~ døden
in the everlasting sleep, in the sleep of death.’
* =
* bræge
* =
* døden venter os alle
/ er hver mands eje
10 Despite the gravity of his crime and his denigration /
* alvor
belittlement of the king and his reforms, the traitor is,
* =
however, reprieved by the king.
* benåde ng. for dødsstraf
* nedgørelse
So the reprieved convict has to spend the rest of his life
in a cursed dungeon.
* for dødsstraf benået
* forbandet
One morning the jailer finds the life `prisoner sitting
motionless in his cell.
* fangekælder
* fangevogter
* livstids-
* fange
* ubevægelig
The gaoler (E) stands immovable at the sight of the lifer.
* fangevogter
* =
* livstidsfange
Although, in the gloom of the cell, he could scarsly trace
* mørke
* knap nok
* skelne >
the features of the traitor, he thinks that he can dimly
* ansigtstræk
* mene at -
* svagt
20 make out / distinguish / discern / perceive a trace of
* skelne ngt.
an anguished look on his face.
* forpint ( udtryk )
A harassed look on his face indicates a painful death.
* forpint, plaget
How did he die ? Was it poisoning ?
The police suspect poisoning but don’t know
* have en mistanke om ngt.
who to suspect of having poisoned his food.
* mistænke ng. for at -
Has he perhaps committed suicide ?
His life was brief.
* kort
Even at the death of a scoundrel (o-f) people shudder at
* slyngel, skurk
* forgifte ngt.
* gyse ved ngt.
( især en, der ikke er til at stole på )
* korthed
the thought of the brevity of human life.
30 Doctors carry out / do / conduct a post-mortem (E).
They perform an autopsy (A).
* udføre en obduction
* =
The post-mortem ( examination ) on the body
reveales traces of arsenic in his body.
* obduktion af ngt.
* spor af >
* arsenik
Even if any visible trace of the traitor is effaced,
* synlig
* spor af ng.
* udslette <
some people have a ( hard ) job effacing their memory of him. * & udviske >
* minde om ngt.
He’s the kind of type you can do without, to say the least. * kan klare sig foruden
* for at sige > * ~ det mildt
& gerne vil undvære
542 As ill luck would have it, but to the traitors advantage,
* ~ ved skæbnens ugunst
a lightsome, naive and gullible young woman had been
* let, yndefyld
seduced, deceived and betrayed by a court creep.
livlig, munter, letsindig
* forført * svigtet * =
By ill fortune this light-`hearted woman’s gullibility had
been exploited by the crawler’s misleading philandering.
Dallying over his work, this self-centered philanderer had, *
from time to time, dallied with the idea of marriage.
Flattery and a promise of marriage are the fast track to
some women’s heart, and a fast-track route to a love affair.
* godtroende
* hof * kryb, fedterøv
( ~ hofsnog )
ved skæbnens ugunst
* munter
* << -hed
* vildledende
* flirteri
smøle med ngt.
* selvcentreret
* flanør
/ -optaget
fra tid til anden * pjanke / lege med > * ide om ngt.
* smiger
* hurtig vej til >
* hjerte, & kærligned
* =
* kærlighedsaffære
10 Acting as a chaperon(e) for the young lady, her aunt had, * anstandsdame
* tante
as usual, chaperoned her on a social occation.
* agere anstands-
Young girls should listen to counsels of their elders.
* ved > * selskabelig * lejlighed
dame for ng.
* råd fra ng.
In good time before being sexually mature, the daughter
* & kønsmoden
was told about love life, lovemaking, and the curse (o-f).
‘ Don’t do anything you might regret,’ the mother had
warned her comely daughter.
* kærlighedslivet
* =
* menstruation
* beklage / fortryde ngt.
* attraktiv, køn
Far from being a frivolous and light-`minded girl,
the demure young lady just used to have a light heart.
In line with her budding / incipient sexuality,
20 she had begun to have a sneaking affection for men.
As her aunt had zealously watched `over her by,
she had felt conspicuous.
Passing the chaparone with a sly grin, a handsome young
* fjantet, pjanket, spøgefuld
* =
flagrende, overfladisk
* ærbar, dydig
* ~ munter / sorgløs natur
artig, koket
* ~ samtidig med ngt. * spirende * & kønsmodenhed
* hemmelig
* ivrigt, nidkært
* hengivenhed / ømhed / kærlighed /
lidenskab / passion for ng.
* overvåge ng.
* føle sig >
* iøj(n)enfaldende
* hemmelighedsfuldt, stjålent
the young lady wearing a demure but still flattering dress.
* smil
lusket, lumsk
* flatterende
* påklædning * ~ kaste et stjålent blik
flot for udseendet
på ng.
* tækkelig
* & køn
* kjole
A demure smile had lit up her features when this flirt
* ærbar * oplyse ngt. * ansigtstræk * flirtende person
nobleman, wearing flattering dress, had glanced slyly at
had given her a sly wink.
Her face had lit up when he had shown her atttention,
( få i ansigtet til at lyse op )
* stjålent
* ansigt lyser op
and sneakily started philandering.
* i al hemmelighed
30 Her eyes had beamed with joy every time he had
* øjne >
taken a sneaky glance at her.
* ~ kaste >
In her naivity, she had found it flattering that such
a courteous young nobleman had shown attention to her.
The nobleman had asked permission of the chaparone
* barnlig- /
* beleven
* blink
* vise ng. opmærksomhed
* flirte, gøre kur
* stråle af glæde
* et stjålent blik på ngt.
* finde det >
* smigrende at -
* ( vise opmærksomhed til ng. )
~ vise hende opmærksomhed
* ~ bede om tilladelse fra ng. >
for him to dance with the young lady.
* ~ om at ng. har lov til at -
At first the chaparone had demurred, but then finally agreed. * nære betænkeligheder, gøre indsigelse, tøve
By ill fortune, the young lady had accepted without demur. * ved skæbnens ugunst
543 Every time the chaparon had left the young ones alone,
either to relieve herself or go on / do an errand,
* forrette et ærinde
the young nobleman had flattered the young lady
* smigre
in his own cunning way.
* på ( sin egen ) >
Feeling a quiver of excitement run ( <ning ) through her,
she had felt flattered.
* uden betænkeligheder
/ protest / tøven
* forrette et ærinde
* durkdreven, snedig
* ~ måde
* føle > * ( svag ) skælven * løbe (-nede ) gennem ng.
* føle sig >
She had been clearly flattered at his attention.
* blive >
He had flattered her that she looked like a perfect beauty,
* smigre ng. med at -
* tydeligt smigret over ngt.
and had mentioned that her dress flattered her beauty.
* være flatterende for / klæde ngt.
10 His courtesy and flattering remarks had flattered her.
* belevenhed
Her being favoured by a handsome young nobleman
* smigrende
* smigre ng.
* favorisere / foretrække ng.
have ngs. bevågenhed
had obviously flattered her.
* tydeligvis
Her being in his good graces had evidently flattered her.
* ~ have ngs. bevågenhed
* tydeligvis
She had been plainly and visibly flattered.
* tydeligvis
* & synligt
In her naivity she had beamed with joy when he had
* naivitet
held out glittering / extravagant promises to her.
He had proposed marriage and cunningly promised
his betrothed the moon and stars.
* stråle af ( glæde )
* love ng. guld og grønne skove
* snedigt, udspekuleret
* ( sin ) trolovede
* love ng. >
* ~ guld og grønne skove
For some time, they had been seeing each other on the sly. * ~ i al hemmelighed
20 Promising her wonders, this inveterate liar had
* love ng. guld og grønne skove
taken advantage of her innocence, and deceived her into
* narre ng. til at -
spending the night with him.
* & have sex med ng.
She’d never had a sexual relationship before.
* have et sexuelt forhold
He had inveigled himself into her affections.
* indsmigre sig i >
in`veiglêd / -`vi~
Unable to see through his slyness and sneakiness,
* forhærdet
* lidenskaber
~ ømme / kærlige følelser
* hemmelighedskræmmeri
and find him out, she had let him coax, cajole, entice,
* afsløre ng.
* lokke / overtale ng. >
inveigle, and lure her into sleeping with him.
* = = til at -
* & have sex med ng.
30 Unable to rumble (E) him and rumble what he was up to, * afsløre ng.
* = hvxx -
she had let the man, betrothed to her, persuade, wheedle,
* trolovet med ng.
and seduce her into having sexual relations.
* … ng. til at -
So they had slept together for some time.
* & … sammen
* lokke / overtale >
* ~ have sex
544 After a while the light had, however, died out in her eyes * ~ glæden >
as she had begun to have her suspicions.
* ~ slukkes i ngs. øjne
* have sine tvivl, & fatte mistanke
In line with her growing suspicion that his only purpose
was to have sex with her, and that his interest in her was
* i takt / samtidig med ngt.
* komme i seng med / ~ have sex med ng.
purely sexual, the flirt had, at (great) lenght, made up all kinds * sexuel
of excuses and evasive answers in order to placate her.
* i lang tid
* undvigende ( svar )
* berolige / formildne ng.
Dallying along the way / line, liberal with promises,
* smøle
placating smiles, and soothing remarks, the cad never
seemed intended to make good his promise of marriage.
10 Having lost her patience, resenting the scoundrel’s
placatory remarks, the young lady had then naively asked,
’ How could you say you couldn’t manage without me ? ’
‘ Don’t flatter yourself ( that I have ever said so ),’
the bounder had answered condescendingly.
* ~ mens tiden går
* gavmild /
strø om sig med ngt.
* sjover, sjuft
mand, der behandler kvinder dårligt
opsat på /
* opfylde > * løfte om > * ægteskab
til sinds at ~ ægteskabsløfte
være // blive vred / fortørnet / bitter over ngt.
føle sig fornærmet / krænket / stødt over ngt.
* naivt
* bilde sig noget ind, ( bilde sig ind at - )
* sjover, sjuft
* nedladende
- di`sen -
This notorious womanizer only wanted to have relations: * berygtet
* skørtejæger
* have et sexuelt forhold
he had only wanted to have sexual relations with her,
* … til ng.
and had seemed to have no regrets about it.
* føle nogen beklagelse / fortrydelse over ngt.
Having found out the truth about this disreputable
* finde ud af / afsløre >
* sandheden
* berygtet
* sexobjekt
and `infamous philanderer, only regarding her as a sex object * =
20 she had felt outrageously betrayed.
* føle sig >
* groft
* forrådt
Having been stalled with empty promises along the way,
* holde ng. hen med ngt.
* hele tiden
alt imens
* =
and having been put off with talk along the line,
* holde ng. hen med ngt.
she eventually realized that the incorrigibel flirt had
* uforbedrelig
betrayed her trust over and over (again).
* svigte ngs. tillid
Finally, she had awoken to the fact that he had just been
`play-acting all the time while it lasted / it was going on.
Feeling a quiver of rage run(ning) through her,
* få øjnene op for
* spille komedie
* mens det stod på
* skælven af ngt.
* opleve en … følelse af forræderri
the poor girl felt a great sense of betrayal.
The lies and deceit were an unpardonable outrage on
* gang på gang
* utilgivelig
* krænkelse af >
30 private feelings.
* følelser
At ( long ) lenght, she had awakened to his deceit.
* langt om længe
Having landed her with a ruthless deceiver,
* skaffe ng. ng. på halsen * skånselsløs
her naivety had landed her with ruthless deceit.
Full of righteous indignation, she had, by turns,
* naivitet
* … ngt. …
* … retfærdig harme
* få øjnene op for ngt.
* =
* bedrager
* bedrag
* skiftevis
erupted into rage and shouted long desperate sobs.
* bryde ud i ngt.
Sobbing uncontrollably, she had sobbed her heart out.
* hulke
‘ I hate him,’ she had sobbed, sobbing () out her troubles.
* =
* hulk
* hulke >
* løs
* hulke ngt. frem
[email protected]
545 Having done well with his treacherous dalliance,
the deceitful court creep had ruthlessly jilted the poor girl,
and subjected her to indignity.
Eventually seeing his `play-acting (U) as
* have held med ngt. * forræderisk
* uærligt flirteri
fjas, pjank, ganten
* svigefuld * skånselsløst * svigte / slå op med ng.
bedragerisk ubarmhjertigt
give ng. løbepas
* udsætte ng. for >
* nedværdigelse, ydmygelse
krænkende behandling
* komediespil
a betrayal of her trust and betrayals of his pledges,
* svigt, ~ brud  * tillids-
* brud  * løfte-
she had, at ( long ) last, indignantly told him to go to hell.
* langt om længe * forbitret / -arget * gå ad helvede til
As her voice had quivered with indignation,
she had cursing in indignation.
* skælve af >
* forbitrelse / -argelse
* i harme / forarget vrede
Her indignation at such rough treatment is understandable. * = over ngt.
10 She had had the indignity of being ditched.
Her suffering the indignity of his breach of promise,
* lide den tort at * nedværdigelse ved /
* ( smide ngt. ud )
~ ( blive ) droppet
* brud  * ægteskabsløfte-
skam over ngt.
had been the final, ultimate, and crowning indignity.
Due to the court creep’s lies and untruthfulness,
* endelig
* værste
* ~ højdepunkt af > * =
* utroværdighed
the jilted lover had suffered the indignity of being treated
* forsmået
like a light-o(f)-love who sleeps around.
* kokette, flane
To her indignation, the young lady had, into the bargain,
found herself excluded from high society.
Being rejected, cast aside and cast off as a fast woman,
* lide >
* den tort at -
* sove med hvemsomhelst
være løsagtig
* oven i købet
løsagtig kvinde
* til ngs. forbitrelse
/ fortørnelse
* de finere kredse
* afvise /
( “ Poisonous “ is an example of a counterword. )
* kassere /
* =
* letsindig
kassere ng.
forstøde ng.
* nedværdigelse
* ingen let sag
* vække minder om ngt.
* skadelig, fordærvelig
* ord, der får en mildere betydning
Her having deceived herself, her letting her eyes deceive
* narre sig selv
and subjected to all sorts of indignities is no light matter.
20 It wakens memories of poisonous reading.
her into falling for his flattery had made her sick.
Everything had conspired to make her dreams of
engagement and marriage a misery.
* til at
* falde for
* smiger
* rotte sig sammen om at * forlovelse
She had been `outraged by the deceit and betryal.
* krænket af ngt.
Outraged at the way she had been treated,
* = over ngt.
she was filled with an overwhelming sense of outrage.
* opfyldt af >
Being an unsuspicious young lady, she had been
* troskyldig
30 subjected to all sorts of indignities.
* øjnene forlede en >
* gøre ng. oprørt
* gøre ngt. til >
* ( den rene ) elendighed
* følelse af >
* krænkelse
* udsætte ng. for > * alle slags / hånde * ydmygelser
She had resented it.
* være // blive vred / fortørnet / bitter over ngt.
She had been filled with deep resentment at the deceit,
* fyldt af >
and deep resentment against the court crawler (E).
føle sig fornærmet / krænket / stødt over
* ( dyb ) vrede / bitterhed over ngt.
* … mod ng.
* ( kryb ), fedterøv, spytslikker
She had not been able to conceal the deep resentment
* skjule >
she felt at the heartless, callous and cruel way
* hjerteløs
he had used her ( for his own ends ).
* udnytte ng.
He had looked upon her in the light of a toy
* dybfølt
* følelseskold
* vrede, harme
* grusom
* til egne >
* måde
* ~ formål
* betragte ng. > * nærmest som > * et stykke legetøj
and never inteded to fulfil his promise of marriage.
* opfylde >
546 She bitterly resented his influence over her
* være // blive vred / fortørnet / bitter over ngt.
but also cursed herself for not having seen at once
* bebrejde ( sig selv ) for at -
that he was that kind of man who is incabable of
* at -
maintaining / sustaining a relationship with the same girl.
* fastholde >
* løfte om >
* ægteskab
& ægteskabsløfte
* opdage / indse >
* ude af stand til at * forhold til ng.
She had resented having to explain it all over again.
* føle sig fornærmet / krænket / stødt over
She bitterly regretted ever having been so naive as to
* fortryde at gøre ngt.
tage ngt. ilde op
fall for a callous flatterer.
* være så naiv at -
* falde for ng.
She deeply regretted what she had done.
* afstumpet, følelseskold
* ( dybfølt ) fortryde hvxx
It had been naive of her to trust him: to believe him
* være naivt af ng. at -
* stole på ng.
10 and believe his promises.
* trop på ngt.
The jilted young lady had not only been indignant that
-`she had been deceived by a member of the court.
* forbitret / forarget / harmfuld over at -
but had subsequently been very indignant at the unfair way
* efterfølgende
she had been treated at the court by sexist men
* kønsundertrykkende
practicing a double `standard.
* udøve >
* smigrer
* tro på ng.
* forbitret / forarget /
harmfuld over ngt.
* dobbeltmoral
& dobbeltmoralsk
Many benefits apply only to men, much to her indignation. * gælde for ng.
Indignant with sexists, applying double standards,
* til ens store forargelse
* harm på * kønsundertrykker * anvende
* <<
benytte, bruge
* almindelig praksis
* …>
/ ( sæd-) vane
* overfor ng.
and indignant over the common practice of applying
* forarget / forbitret
double standard ( of morality ) to women,
* dobbeltmoral
20 the young lady had been very indignant about sexism
* forarget etc. over ngt.
and double-standard justice.
* dobbeltmoralsk ( retfærdighed )
/ harmfuld over ngt.
When her loving mother had told her to bear it lightly,
she had demurred, ’ No way ! ’
* kønsundertrykkelse
* ~ tage det let, ikke tage det så tungt
* protestere, gøre indsigelse
His revolting dalliance had filled her with revulsion (U),
* oprørende
The deceit had landed her in desperation.
* modvilje
* omsving i >
* ngs. følelser
~ følelsesmæssigt omsving
* ~ bringe ng. ud i ( desperation )
The deceiver had poisoned her mind,
* forgifte ngs. sind, ~ hviske ng. en djævel i øret
and caused (a) revulsion of her feelings.
and she hated him like poison.
Dallying with her affections this deceitful creep
30 had made a mortal enemy of the young woman.
Her outrage had triggered a chain of events that
eventually led to both war and peace.
* uærligt flirteri
* hade ng. >
* gante/ fjase / pjanke med >
* gøre >
* ~ som pesten
* følelser
* døds* fjende
~ gøre ng. til sin dødsfjende
* udløse en kæde af hændelser
* kryb
* af ng.
547 Feeling resentment against the court creep,
* føle >
the young lady, so discourteously jilted, had begun
harbouring resentment towards men.
* nære >
* vrede / fortørnelse / bitterhed mod ng.
* vrede etc. mod ng.
She began to bear resentment towards all men.
* =
The deceit had made her resent all men even the king.
* blive // være vred / bitter på
At accidental encounters with unsuspecting men,
* tilfældigt møde
ikke kunne fordrage
she got an indignant and resentful expression on her face,
* forarget, forbitret
and an indignant and resentul look in her eyes.
* =
She got into the habit of holding men at arm’s lenght.
* intetanende
* vredt etc.
* udtryk i ansigtet
* =
* blik i øjnene
* holde ng. >
* ~ på afstand
10 To avoid getting hurt, she had kept men at arm’s lenght
* =
and talked to them in a resentful voice.
* ~ med vrede / fortørnelse / bitterhed i stemmen
Sometimes it’s a war between the sexes,
and she had had a war on with the sexist philanderer.
Joining the battle of sexes, she wanted to battle with
the sexists, and battle against / combat sexism.
Awaking sexual indignation, awakening ( somebody ) to
* er det / & er der krig mellem >
* have en kamp
* kønnene
* kønsundertrykkende
/ krig kørende med ng.
* gå ind i >
* ~ kønskampen
* kæmpe mod ng.
* person,
* kæmpe mod /
* sexisme
der forherliger sit køn
bekæmpe >
* vække > * kønsmæssig * harme * vække (ng.) til ngt.
sexual indignation is half the battle
* den halve kamp / sejr
in the war against sexist exploitation.
* i krigen / kampen mod > * kønsunder- * udnyttelse
Due to the court creep’s lies about the king’s morality
* moralsystem
20 and moral standard(s), the whole court had, quite unjustly, * moralsk
incurred the enmity of the betrayed young lady.
* & norm
* pådrage sig > * ngs. fjendskab
* svigtet ( person )
fjentlig indstilling
In hateful opposition to the king and the court,
the traitor had known to fish in troubled waters.
W ith a conspiratorial air, the traitor had succeeded in
- `tåriêl
leading the jilted girl into a trap.
* ~ fiske i rørte vande
* medsammensværgerisk
* mine
* lokke ng. i en fælde
Obsessed by revenge / retaliation, she had, unfortunately, * hævn, gengældelse / =
then just walked / fallen into another trap.
* ~ ryge i >
Suddenly the plans of the rejected lover dovetailed with
* en fælde
* falde i hak med ( plan )
the traitor’s plans in her war with the deceiver.
* krig / kamp mod ng.
30 So there had been a sudden revulsion of her feelings
* omsving ( m. art & adj )
in favour of the traitor but detrimental to the court.
* til fordel for ng.
* skadelig for ng.
* opslugt / besat af ngt.
* til skade for ng.
Engrossed in revenge to the deceiver’s detriment,
she had occupied herself in activities to the detriment of
* … for ng. / ngt.
the king and the peace.
Blinded by outrage, she had been engaged along the line
in activities detrimental to herself and her own future.
Blinded by resentment, she landed herself in big trouble
* hele tiden
* til skade for ng.
* bringe sig i >
which might easily have landed her in court.
* … ng. i ngt.
548 She had promised to avenge the betrayal of her trust.
* hævne ngt.
* vanskeligheder
* brud
* tillids-
She had been determined to avenge herself on the man
who had betrayed her.
* hævne sig på ng.
* svigte ng.
She had promised to take ( her ) revenge (U).
* tage hævn
She had sworn to take ( her ) revenge on the betrayer
* … over ng.
who fraudently had had a sexual relationship with her.
* bedragerisk, svigagtigt
Her participation in the conspiracy had been in revenge for * som hævn for ngt.
the seduction and the breach of betrothal ( to her )
It had been an act of revenge.
* tillidsbrud
* hævnagt
10 Seeking revenge for his breach of promise,
* søge hævn for ngt.
she had vowed to revenge herself on the seducer,
* hævne sig på ng.
and men (all) of a piece with the court creep.
* af samme slags / surdej som
Blinded by thirst for revenge, the revengeful young lady
* ( ægteskabs- ) løftebrud
* tørst efter >
had betrayed her principles in order to
* hævn
~ hævntørst
* forråde / svigte >
get / have (her) ferocious revenge.
* få >
Being nobody’s enemy but her own,
* hævntørstig
* princip
* grusom
* hævn
* ~ være sin egen værste fjende
she had joined the conspiracy in order to be revenged on
* ~ få hævn over ng.
not only the court creeper but on all the men at the court
who she falsely believed to be tarred with the same brush.
* være tjæret med samme kost
20 Nothing seemed to wake () `up the avenger.
* vække ng., & få ng. til at vågne
~ være af samme slags / surdej
* hævner
So the traitor had let her in on part of the secret.
* indvie ng. >
The traitor had turned her into a poison pen.
* ~ smædebrevsskriver
The traitress had written subversive poison-`pen letters,
* undergravende
which had turned the court into a battleground for
* kampplads for ngt.
a struggle between the sexes and between countertypes,
* kamp mellem ng.
The court had become a battlefield for counterculture,
* i ( en del af ) hemmeligheden
* ~ anonym smædebrev
* køn
* modsatte typer
* kampplads for ngt.
for counterreplies and counterreplying,
* modsvar
counterattacks and counterattacking,
* modangreb
counteraccusations and counterblasts,
* modbeskyldning
30 countercharges and countercharging,
* modanklage
* modkultur
* gensvarelse
* genangribning
* voldsomt modtræk
/ modsvar
* -anklagning
Joining a band of conspirators, and getting in on a secret * tilslutte sig > * bande * blive inddraget i >
are dallying with grave / great / real / serious etc. danger.
The traitress had had a sneaking doubt.
* flirte med ngt.
* få en stille tvivl
* hemmelighed
Being in on the conspiracy, she had had a secret doubt.
* være inddraget i ngt.
In the event, she had got cold feet.
* ~ da det kom til stykket
* få kolde fødder
In her secret heart, she realized her blunders
* ~ i sit stille sind, inderst inde
* dumhed, fejltrin
* have en stille tvivl
would lead to eventual disaster.
* i sidste ende
549 In the king’s presence, she had irretrievably betrayed
* uhjælpeligt
her fear, therby nearly betraying herself.
* dermed / derved + -ing
Her mouth quivered slightly as she had one day talked to
the king, and realized his true attitude to(wards) sexism.
She had realized that he truly believed in equality between
men and women, and intended to promote sexual equality.
Accordingly / therefore, he had planned a legislation
to combat gender inequality and sexual discrimination.
Her odd behaviour in her parade of secrecy had soon
* afsløre / røbe ngt.
* = sig
* skælve
* holdning overfor ngt.
* køns-
* ligestilling
* i den forbindelse / derfor
* bekæmpe >
* kønsulighed
* kønsdiskrimination
* hemmelighedskræmmeri
10 betrayed the fact that something was brewing / cooking, * afsløre at -
* noget er i gære
that there had been something in the wind,
* der er ugler i mosen / noget galt
that there had been mischief / trouble in the wind,
* =
As some problems connected, the king had had a sneaking * forbinde sig
hænge sammen
suspicion that some people had got something cooking.
Conspiracy is no light error and no light sin.
At long length, by the light of conscience,
the traitress wanted to retrieve her mistake.
* have noget hemmeligt under forberedlse
* ubetydelig
* fejl
* =
* ~ ved at rådføre sig med sin samvittighed
* råde bod på >
* synd
* fejl
~ gøre ngt. godt igen
Wise after the events, she wanted to retrieve her error.
* bagklog
She had realized that only by betraying a confidence,
* afsløre / røbe >
* fortrolighed
* redde >
* situationen
20 she would be able to retrieve the situation.
* =
* fejl
In order to retrieve her character, she had then, in secret, * genvinde
* sit omdømme
~ redde skinnet
* angive / forråde ng.
betrayed her fellow conspirator.
Quivering with fear as she made a contrite apology to
* i al hemmelighed
/ det skjulte
* medsammansvoren
* skælve af ( frygt ) * give > * angerfuld * undskyldning
kên`trait / e& `kån -
til ng.
the king, she had begged of him to pardon her for her offence. * tilgive ng. for ngt.
Contritely admitting her guilt, and repenting of her crime,
she had asked / begged his pardon for her wrongdoing.
* angrende
Seeing the error of her ways, she came to repent.
* indse >
Sincerely repentig her injustice to the king, she repented
* =
her hasty rash precipitate and premature decisions.
* angre / fortryde ngt.
* bede / trygle om >
* (ngs.) nåde / tilgivelse for ngt.
* ~ sine vildfarelser
* forhastet
* uret mod ng.
* umoden, forhastet
* angre / fortryde
* = ngt.
* beslutning
`premêt$(u)ê / -`t$uê
30 So she secretly revealed all her secret to the king.
* i hemmelighed
By her revelation, she landed the conspirators in it.
* ~ bringe ng. i knibe
They were nicely landed.
* ~ sidde kønt i det
As good luck would have it / by good fortune
* ved skæbnens gunst, til alt held
* =
or rather thanks to the king’s knowledge of human nature,
* takket være ngt.
and his kind heart, the traitress was forgiven by the king
* gode hjerte
who granted / gave her a ( royal ) pardon.
* give ng.
More frightened than hurt, the unlucky jilted young lady
landed on her feet without detriment to her or her future.
* ~ menneskekundskab
* kongelig
* tilgivelse / benådning
* & slippe med skrækken
* ~ slippe heldigt ud af kniben
* uden skade på ng.
/ at få ødelagt ngt.
[email protected]
550 A peacemaker `sets about the task of restoring peace. *
freds- * gå i gang med ngt. * genoprette > * freden
Setting about restoring peace, he has consultations with / * … at * have samråd med ng.
he consults ( A& with ) both warring parties .
Taking counsel with both countries engaged in warfare,
* rådføre sig med ng.
* krigsførende
* holde rådslagning med ng.
* krigsførende
the comprehensive peacemaker gives counsel.
* alsidigt begavet
Giving counsels, he gives a good counsel.
som fatter meget
* give råd
Without cease, he counsels an armistice.
* uden > * ophør / ophold
* yde rådgivning
* et godt …
10 the ceasefire, both sides affirm / confirm that they
* tilråde > * våbenhvile
( kun i denne forb.)
* råde ng. til at * ~ indgå en / slutte våbenhvile
( vedvarende )
* uophørlig
* tilråde at * erklære våbenhvile
/ -holdelig
( midlertidig )
* bekræfte ngt.
* forpligtelse til / tilsagn om /
engagement i ngt.
* … at -
agree on a ceasefire.
* være enig om ngt.
Counsel(l)ing the parties to conclude an armistice,
he ceaselessly counsels calling / declaring a ceasefire.
Having affirmed / confirmed their commitment to
Agreed / agreeing on a cessation of hostilities,
both parties agree to / consent to cease hostilities.
* enige om ngt.
* ophør af ngt.
* blive / være enige om at - * = * stoppe / indstille ngt.
Being agreed on a truce, they call / declare a truce.
* være enig om ngt.
As both parties agree to cease fighting / to fight,
* stoppe / ophøre med at -
the commanders-in-chief order the soldiers to cease fire.
* fjentligheder
* våbenhvile
* erklære …
* ~ stoppe / indstille skydningen
The soldiers are greatly relieved to hear / know the news.
* være ( meget ) lettet over at -
News of peace negotiations / talks spreads quickly.
* nyheden om ngt. * fredsforhandlinger * spredes
People in the besieged city are immensely / extremely
* være ( umådeligt / særdeles ) >
relieved ( that ) they never had to suffer an attack.
* lettet over at -
20 All but the warlike speculators welcome the news.
* alle undtagen
* =
* blive udsat for …
* ~ hilse nyheden velkommen
They greet the news with enthusiasm.
* hilse > * nyheden / nyhederne * med ( begejstring )
Both parties welcome the news that there’s really
* … om at -
no reason for enmity.
When people see the events in that light,
* se / betragte ngt. i det lys
there’s a sudden revolution in public `feeling,
* omskiftning
and public `opinion in favour of reconciliation.
* … mening
When the parties view the conflict in a proper light
they have no grounds for breaking the truce.
As all hostilities cease, no violation(s) of the ceasefire /
30 truce is (are) reported.
The hostilities are, to E/A for all intents and `purposes,
* offentlig
* stemning
* forsoning
* se / betragte ngt. i det rette lys
* ingen grund(e) til at * ophøre
* …
* ~ så godt som
* bryde våbenhvilen
* overtrædelse af …
551 The king holds a meeting with his city-state counterpart. * modpart
The two parties issue a letter / statement of intent.
* hensigtserklæring
As soon as a conclusion of peace is made,
* indgå fredsslutning
the king and his counterpart countermand their previous
* tilbgekalde / annullere ( en ordre )
orders, and both parties countermarche their troops.
* lade marchere samme vej tilbage
When both parties decree ( that ) there should be
* dekretere / befale at -
an end to the fighting, the combatants lay down their arms,
* nedlægge våbnene
and the siege is raised.
* hæve belejringen
As the rain ceases and the sky clears at that particular day, * stoppe / holde op
10 people flood into the streets to celebrate the peace.
When peace is made, and arms are laid down,
the king issues the decree repealing martial law.
* klare op
* strømme ud i ngt.
* slutte fred
* nedlægge våbnene
* udstede > * dekret * ophæve > * krigsretstilstand
All prisoners of war are released.
* krigsfange
When the soldiers countermarch,
* marchere samme vej tilbage
everybody is happy about the countermand,
* tilbagekaldelse
and happy about the countermarch.
* tilbagemarch
As everybody is happy to accept that none of the parties
have won or lost the war, neither party is proclaimed to have
* vinde / tabe krigen
won a victory nor suffered a defeat in the war.
* … en sejr
20 When the soldiers return home, their families are joined
* blive forenet >
by their fathers and sons.
* med ng.
Peace is restored, and friendship prevails anew.
* genoprettet
All together, in the light of a happy ending,
* i lyset at -
the prospect is encouraging.
* udsigterne
* lide nederlag
* herske
* påny
* opmuntrende
552 With the passage of time, the march of time
* med tiden
eventually effaces all enmity between the towns.
* slette / udviske >
* tidens gang
* fjentlighed melem ng.
Time is a great healer.
* ~ tiden læger alle sår
Although the opposing armies had skirmished,
* være i forpostfægtninger
the skirmishes had fortunately never developed,
* forpostfægtning
so the armies had never really joined in battle.
* ~ komme i kamp
The war clouds turned out to be more of a war of nerves.
* ~ krigstrussel
Quite few actually died in battle.
* dø i kamp
As quite few were killed in action,
* falde i kamp
10 only quite few actually died in war.
The war widows were taken good care of.
* udvikle sig
* ~ nervekrig
* dø i krigen
* krigs-
* enke
A war criminal is a person guilty of a war crime a cruel act * krigsforbryder
done during a war which is illegal under international law.
The Geneva Convention is an international agreement
* genevekonventionen
first made in Geneva, Switzerland in 1864 followed by
many nations establishing rules for the human treatment
of prisoners of war and of the sick, the wounded,
and the dead in battle.
No war crimes were committed
20 so no one has been put on trial for war crimes.
* krigsforbrydelse
* krigsforbrydelser ( norm. pl. )
* stille for retten
The two states re-establish diplomatic relations.
* genetablere >
Kingdom-city state relations are restored.
* relationer
In spite of the effacement of old inscriptions,
* udviskning af >
* diplomatisk forbindelse
the memory of the notorious traitor is never effaced.
Having studied the revealing documents closely,
the historians fasten the documents together.
In order to join the documents together,
they make some holes in one side of each document.
As they bind some documents together,
* minde om ng.
* inskription
* berygtet ( forræder )
* udviskes
* historiker
* fæstne sammen
* sammenføje ngt.
* binde ngt. sammen
they join them with bands
* sammenføje ngt. med ngt.
30 The documents are bound together loosely.
* =
* bånd
553 In the light of recent times / the recent past,
politicians realize that there’s always a need for combined /
-`joint / (E) joined-up thinking between the governments.
From now on the two states hold regular councils,
and settle every a skirmish by joint consultations.
* i lyset af >
* de seneste tider
~ udfra de seneste erfaringer
* sammenhængende
* … mellem ng.
* holde >
* regelmæssige
* skærmydsel
As a lot of cases and problems are joint concern.
indledende strid
* fællesanliggende
Both governments and all good forces are involved in
* all gode kræfter
the joint developement of a common constitution
* fælles
to unite the countries and unify the peoples.
* forene ngt.
10 The countries need joined-up (E) government.
* forenet / fælles
* møder
* fælles
( * ansvar / bekymring )
* forene ng.
The king plays a conspicuous and prominent part / role
* iøjenfaldende
in the negotiations as the formal head of a transitional
* i ngt.
* regering
He still reads books that smell of the lamp,
and is still eager to pass the lamp of freedom.
The connection between the ideas of the books
* forbindelse
and a democratic future of the communities is obvious.
* indlysende
* forestille sig >
20 with a democratic government.
In that connection, the king proposes an plebiscite on
the countries’ future system of government.
* i den forbindelse
the two parties decide on a mandatory plebiscite.
In this connection the parties decide to
take an advisory referendum the same time round.
* overgangs- >
* give frihedsfaklen videre
* =
At a council meeting, in connection with the proposal,
* rolle >
* være tunge af lærdom
So he wants to hand the lamp of freedom.
The king fancies a united constitutional kingdom
* fremtrædende
* forenet
* konstitionelt ( kongedømme)
* folkeafstemning om ngt.
( især om grænsespørgsmål )
* rådsmøde
* i forbindelse med ngt.
* bestemme sig til ngt.
* besluttende
* i denne forbindelse
* afholde en vejledende >
* folkeafstemning
( om lovforslag )
Some matters are decided by the referring of the question * henføring af ngt. >
to a direct vote of the electorate.
Taking a mandatory plebicite together with
* til ngt. * direkte afstemning
* vælgerskaren
de stemmeberettigede
* afholde en besluttende folkeafstemning
30 a consultative referendum, the two countries
* vejledende …
take a popular vote on cession of sovereignty.
* … folkeafstemning
The changes are approved by blebicite and referendum.
om ngt.
* folkeafstemning
Having had a vote on the issues, having held a blebicite
* ( af-) holde …
* afgivelse af >
* suverænitet
together with a referendum, the two lands unite in
* forene sig i ngt.
a democratic union with extensive local self government.
* union
Leaders from both sides sign a joint declaration
* udbredt
* selvstyre
* fælles erklæring
issuing a joint statement.
* udstede / udsende
554 The next time round the united countries hold a vote
* i næste omgang
* & udtalelse
* holde afstemning / valg
so the voters can vote in an election; they hold an election * vælger * vælge i * afstemning om personer * holde …
so the electors can elect their leaders.
The king is the formal head of the whole country,
* vælger
* vælge
now a constitutional monarchy in which the power of the king
or queen is controlled by a set of laws and basic principles.
The vast majority of people pay homage to the king.
* hylde ng.
Applauding and cheering him wherever he shows up,
* bifalde med klappen
crowds of people pay tribute to the king.
* ~ hylde ng.
10 The king is acclaimed for and praised for having
* hylde / rose ng.
believed in and followed democratic principles, and,
* tro på >
througout his life, warred with lust for power and corruption.
* kæmpe mod >
The king admits, though, that in his early days
temptation warred with conscience.
The local political parties join / combine forces:
* … med råben
* rose / hylde ng.
* følge >
* princip
* begær efter ( magt )
* ( fristelse ) kæmpe mod ( samvittighed )
* slå kræfterne sammen
the parties join forces with each other;
* =
the royalist parties join forces with the republican parties;
* = med ng.
( If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em )
* hvis du ikke kan slå dem, så slut dig til dem
they join forces to form a national goverment;
* … for at -
20 they join forces with each other to form a government.
* slå kræfterne sammen med ng. for at
Nearly all parties join forces in the joint efforts to form
a coalition government.
A joined-up (E) government is eventually formed.
* fælles bestræbelser på at
* koalitions- / samlingsregering
* regering samlet af det bedste
As no one really seems to question the royal town as
seat of government, the country’s government is based there. * regeringdssæde / -by
The former city state becomes a province equal in status
its city, Newburg, becoming provincial seat of government.
The unification of the two states, the introduction of
democracy and parliamentarianism are considered one of
* ~ ligestillet
* forening
* parlamentarisme
30 the most important events in the history of the two states.
The king’s visit to Newburg links in (eE) with
the opening ceremony of the local parliament.
Cheering people swamp the streets.
* begivenhed
* være sammenkædet med ngt.
* ( folk ) oversvømme ( gade )
The streets are swamped with cheering people
as the king rides through the town in a landau.
The four wheeled carriage, its top folded back,
is drawn by four horses.
* oversvømmet af ngt.
* landauer ( = slags hestevogn )
* & overdække
[email protected]
555 It’s a time of rapid and revolutionary change.
* revolutionerende
At the same time as many countries in this period of history
undergo a social and cultural revolution, imaginative,
* under - /
* omvæltning
* fantasifuld / -rig
gennemgå >
ingenious, resourceful, and inventive people come up with * snild, snedig
revolutionary ideas within science and technology.
* & nyskabende
Prompted by entrepreneurial spirit,
all kinds of entrepreneurs swamp the government with
inventive ideas and plans.
Some people are too ingenuous.
* tilskynde / drive ng.
* iværksætter
* oversvømme ngt. med >
driftig person
* opfindsom
( ideer, planer )
* naiv, troskyldig
oprigtig, åbenhjertig
10 Ingenious technology together with entrepreneurship,
* sindrig ( teknologi )
entrepreneurial skills and flair, revolutionize production.
* iværksætter-
The united kingdom has a revolution in production
* iværksætterånd
* driftighed
* revolutionere ngt.
* & sans
* ~ opleve en gennemgribende forandring
indenfor ngt.
and communications.
As the economy of the royal town is linked with that of
* samfærdselsmidler
* hænge sammen med ngt.
Newburg, the economies of the towns are inextricably linked. * uløselig
* forbundet
Many companies and businesses from either region join up. * slutte sig sammen
The previous owners are now joint owners.
* fælles ejere
Enterprises from one region join up with enterprises
* foretagender
* slutte sig sammen med <
from the other region.
20 They combine with other enterprises in order to
* slå sig sammen med ng.
to gain the economic strenght to venture into / (up)on
* opnå >
costly projects.
* ( ekstraordinær ) kostbar, udgiftskrævende
Joint enterprises and joint ventures give the local
economy a much needed shot in the `arm.
If a project is a joint venture and a joint enterprise,
* styrke til at -
* driste sig ind i ngt.
* fælles * foretagende * = ( risikobetonet ) foretagende
* ~ saltvandsindsprøjtning
* fælles satsning
a possible loss will be easier borne by two or more companies. * tab
The government passes a bill on land reform
* ~ jordreform
concerning `landowners and landholders, landownership
* jordejer
and landholding based on outdated privileges.
* jordbesiddelse
30 The land reform is a `landmark passage,
* skelsættende
and a landmark in the history of the region.
* milepæl
In the old days, when primary agricultural production
played a far more important role than manufacture
* bære / tåle <
* jordbesidder
* jordejerskab
* vedtagelse
and trade, the power of the landowning nobility was based on * jordejende
vast landholdings.
* jordbesiddelse
556 Landholders who don’t want strangers to be on their land * være på ngs.
can tell them to get off their land.
Landholders who don’t allow strangers go onto their land
have notices put up saying not to trespass on private land.
Signs read,’ No trespass ’ E/A ‘ No trespassing ‘,
‘ Trespassers will be prosecuted ‘.
The landed aristocracy claims that the government
* jord, ( land- ) område
komme ud af ( område )
* gå ind på ( område )
* sige at -
* trænge ind på >
* privat jord / område
* læses ( ej -ing form )
* ~ ingen adgang for
* uvedkommende indtrængende
* landbesiddende
is in breach of the constitution, and that a new law
* ~ være på kollisionskurs med ( grundlov )
is in breach of the right of ownership of private property.
* =
10 Advocates of the landed interest bring the case of
* godsejerstanden
expropriation before the Supreme `Court.
bryde / overtræde ( = )
* privat ejendomsret
The court issues a summons against the government.
* udsende
The government is summonsed for implementing a law
* stævne ng. for ngt.
in breach of title of land.
* stævning …
* ( jur. ) ejendomsret
It’s a landmark case.
* skelsættende ( sag )
Advocates must neither trespass on the time of a hearing
* overtræde, ~ misbruge ( tid )
nor trespass on the patience of the court.
* retsforhandling
* = ( tålmodighed )
The judges of the High `Court reach a landmark decision.
* skelsættende
The complaining landowners lose the case.
* godsejer
* tabe sagen
20 Having made a landmark ruling in favour of the defendant * komme med > * skelsættende * afgørelse / kendelse
the High Court issues a landmark ruling going against
* udsende >
the plaintiff.
* sagsøgeren
* =
* =
* gå imod ng.
The Supreme Court issues a writ against the complainant * udstede > * domsdokument * mod > * sagsøger
for ignoring the law.
* for at -
The landed proprietors are served with a writ telling them * ~ godsejer
to parcel out some of their agricultural land.
* få forelagt ngt.
* udstykke ngt.
* agerland
Communists want to abolish private property.
* privat ejendom
Some landowners have to give up much of their land
* landområde, jord
Many landed estates were managed by land agents (eE).
* ~ ejendom med jordtilliggende
30 Large areas of farmland are parcelled out into smaller
* landbrugsjord
lots to be farmed by local farmers.
* jordlod
Other wooded lands, arid and stony lands as well as
marshy and swampy lands, are bought up by the state
* godsforvalter
* udstykke ngt. i ngt.
* skovbevokset * område
* fugtig
* <<
* tørt
* sumpet
* stenet * område
* område
either to be laid out as public nature reserves,
* udlægge ngt.
or to be cultivated into arable land.
* kultivere / jordbearbejde ngt. til >
The wetlands and wetland habitats are home to
* natur reservat
* vådområde
* levested
* afgrøde
* =
557 Flat farmland is suitable for growing crops while
* fladt
* agerland
undulated hilly land is more suitable for grazing.
* bølget
* bakket
* frodigste
* græsnings-
a beautiful landscape of undulating hills.
The land reform allows more farmers to work the land.
that keep a record of areas of land, and who owns them.
Some lands undergo several years of dry weather.
* ( land-) område
* område
* bølgende ( bakker )
* ~ arbejde med / dyrke jorden
More people are able to farm the land and live off the land. * =
Land registries E/A offices are government offices
* land
* =
a large variety of wildlife; wetland plants and animals.
Some of the richest grazing lands are in areas with
* dyrkbar
* & få sit udkomme fra jorden
* tinglysningskontor
* være udsat for /
opleve ngt.
10 As the land becomes very dry and hard, a severe drought
makes it is impossible for the farmers to work their farm.
* drive >
* ( bonde- ) gård
Having to give up farming, the farmers leave the land to find * landet ( udenfor byerne )
work either in towns and cities or in a foreign country.
Many people, affected by unemployment, dream of
* fremmed >
emigrating to foreign lands (poet.), like America and Aus>
* udvandre til ngt.
tralia each representing a land of freedom and opportunity.
* land med ( frihed )
Like the Promised Land in the Old Testament the dream
* det forjættede land
of America stood for the land of milk and honey.
Many people occupied by emigration plans live far away
20 in dreamland.
Having got all the requisites for the journey
the emigrants made the first part of the journy by sea.
* land
* fremmed
* stå som > * landet, ~ der flyder af mælk og honning
* udvandrings- ( plan )
* drømmeland
* fornødenheder til ngt.
* udvandrer
After many days at sea, they looked forward to sight land.
* ~ få øje på >
When the ship made (a) landfall the emigrants looked
~ land i sigte
* ~ få landkending, komme i land
forward to be back on ( dry ) land.
* land
* tilbage på landjorden
They were more than happy to be on firm ground again.
* ~ have fast grund under fødderne
Passing a health examination on Ellis Island was requisite
* nødvendig >
for entry into the United States of America.
Having immigrated to America from all parts of Europe,
* land
* for ngt.
* adgang til /
~ indrejse til ngt
* indvandre til ngt. fra ngt.
30 many immigrants had to make the rest of their journey
* indvandrer
by land to arrive at / get to / reach their destination.
* over land * ( an-) komme til / * bestemmelsessted
In North America, the land rises to the West into
the Appalachian Mountains.
* landet
* Appalacherne
nå ( til ) >
* rejse sig
* mod vest
apê`lei t§ên
( To the ) west of the Mississippi ( River ),
* vest for
* Mississippi
the Appalachians are succeeded by plain(s), the prairie
* <<
that streches out all the way to the Rockey Mountains
* strække sig
which slope down towards the Pacific Ocean.
* skråne ned mod >
* afløst / efterfulgt af >
* slette
* prærie
* =
* Stillehavet
Part of the plain streaches out as desert wasteland.
* strække sig ud som >
* ( ørken ) ødemark
558 The white settlers regarded the American Indians (as)
* bosætter, nybygger * indianer
savages, and called them Red Indians or Redskins
* vildmand
which today are considered derogatory / <tive names.
* nedsættende
As Christians they considered that they had a moral right
to take over the land from the pagan Native Americans.
So even though the Native Americans lived from hunting
* indianer
* hedensk
buffalo(es) on the prairie, the white settlers considered
* bisonokse
the prairie (as) vacant land.
* frit / herreløs
In the past many countries were warrior nations
10 whose people were skilled in fighting and warfare.
* rødhud
* prærie
* land ( -område )
* kriger-
* nation
* krigsførelse
In America in the past some Indian tribes were notoriously * notorisk, ~ berygtet som
Going on the warpath the indian warriors made
war(like) preparations preliminary to a warlike expedition
Being on the warpath as a preliminary to war
* krigerisk
* gå >
* på krigsstien
* krigsforberedelser
* være >
* på krigsstien
or celebrating a victory, the warriors danced a war dance
* krigs-
decorated with warpaint.
* krigsmaling
Some primitive people, living in the tropical rainforest,
* forud for ngt.
* kriger
* krigs-
* togt
* forløber for ngt.
* dans
* primitiv
* folk
* regnskov
~ naturfolk
hunt and go to war with poison arrows.
* gift-
20 Being hit by a poisoned arrow means certain death.
* giftig
Some plants and animals contain a deadly poison.
* dødelig
In the long run the native Americans, however, didn’t
* pil
* gift
have / stand an earthly chance of defending their territories
* have en jordisk chance for at -
against the Europans armed with guns.
The early pioneers on the prairie found vast areas
of grassland(s), both rich and rough pasture(s).
* pioner
* græsland
( -områder )
So from about 1820 many of the first immigrants
* frodig
* barsk
* græsningsland
( græsgange )
were cowboys employed in breeding stock
* & kvæghyrde
* opdrætte >
by herding cattle on the vast areas of permanent pasture.
* drive / vogte >
* kvæg
30 The government in some states in the Mid West granted
a piece of virgin land in virgin territories to immigrants
* jomfruelig
in order to have the prairie cultivated.
* besætning
* græsningsland
* jord
So a farmer who, in his native country, used to be
a smallholder (E) may now be the owner of 500 acres of land. * småjordbesidder, småbonde
559 The settled farmers’ arrival at the prairie led to conflict.
The sedentary farmers’ entry into the prairie led to
* fastboende
* ankomst til ngt.
* =
* =
to inevitable conflicts between the nomadic cowboys
* nomadelevende
who needed open land for herding cattle and `rounds-ups,
* sammendrivning
( i.e. driving the herds to the market ) and the farmers
* hjord, flok
who enclose their land to protect their crops.
* indhegne ngt.
Some cowboys looked at their horse in the light of
a sweetheart.
Rail transport and barbed wire fences rendered
10 the cowboy’s job of herding and range riding `obsolete.
Fiercely proud of their native land, some immigrants still
long to return to their homeland / motherland ( fatherland ).
Immigants coming to New York between 1892 and 1943
landed at Ellis Island.
They were landed at an immigrant examination station
* betragte ngt.
* ~ nærmest som ngt.
* kæreste
* gøre ( ngt. + adj.)
* vogte
* vældigt
* riden vidt omkring
* stolt af ngt.
* bedaget
* føde- / fædre* land
* =
( især tyskland )
* lande ved ngt,
* sætte ng. i land
on the island to be checked before they were either
granted entry or refused entry into the US.
* få ( bevilliget ) / afslået indrejsetilladdelse i ( land )
20 The Prohibition was the period from 1919 - 33 in the US
* ~ forbudstiden
when it was illegat to produce and sell alcoholic drinks.
A prohibitionist was a person who supported the act.
* forbudstilhænger
`Speakeasies, illegal drinking dens, soon appeared all over. * ( tale+sagte ), smugkro
* druk-
* ( hule ), ~ bule
[email protected]
560 To create economic growth and welfare in a country
characterized by obsolete privileges is a difficult `enterprise.
* foretagende
The new enterprising government comes up with
* foretagsom
an enterprise for economic growth and welfare.
Having temporarily reprieved a number of public jobs,
* plan for ngt.
* redde ngt. fra dødsdom, ~frede ngt.
the government passes laws on private enterprise
* privat foretagsomhed / initiativ
and free enterprise.
* fri … / frit …
The enterprising laws faciliate the establishment of
* foretagsomheds- / initiativfremmende
small and big enterprises; private companies, organizations
* foretagendde, virksomhed
10 or businesses for commercial purposes.
People of enterprise, enterprising spirits,
* folk  * iværksætnings-
* iværksætnings- * ånd
& iværksættere
farmers and tradesmen, manufacturers and businessmen
who revolve enterprising schemes in their minds
* vende og dreje > * foretagsom ( plan ) * i tankerne
are granted cheap loans and apt possibilities to fulfil
* passende
their entrepreneurial ambitions.
* iværksætter-
~ tumle med / overveje ngt.
The central government as well as the local governments
are in the head of the management of state enterprise (U)
* statslig
and public enterprise.
* offentlig
They make laws and regulations concerning the foundation
20 and running of public institutions and services.
Contracting () `out jobs to be done by people from
* foretagsomhed
* =
* udlicitere ngt.
outside, the govenments contract ()` in private individuals
* få kontrakt med ng.
and private companies.
If a company contracts a task out, it must take care
to contract the right people `in.
A commercial enterprise is usually a private enterprise but
* udlicitere ngt.
* få kontrakt med ng.
especially in Britain a state enterprise or a public enterprise * statsis a commercial organization owned by the government.
Builders such as property developers,
* virksomhed
* offentlig
* =
* bygherre
30 property developing companies,
* …-virksomhed
and ( firms of ) building contractors buy land to build on it
* =
or organize the building of all kinds of buildings.
The reverse of / other side of { the picture / coin is that
* privat
* individ
~ privatperson
* ejendoms* udvikler
~ byggeentreprenør
* ~ bagsiden af medaljen
many much-loved landscapes and old buildings will disappear, *
and many people will mourn ( for ) their passing /
* begræde >
the loss of a piece of their cultural inheritance.
* tabet af ngt.
561 Over a period of years, the national and local
* over en periode på nogle år / en årrække
governments propose and adopt various projects to develop
farming, industry, housing, trade, communications,
* boligbyggeri
and public utilities.
A foundation-stone ceremony usually marks the start
of the building of an important new building.
Whether it’s a major private or public enterprise,
* samfærdselsmidler
* offentlige værker og foretagner
( el, gas, vand, transport etc. )
* grundstenshøjtidelighed
* foretagende
the people behind hope to have the king as guest of honour
* ~ æresgæst
at the foundation-stone laying.
* grundstens-
10 At the laying of the foundation stone, the king lays
* =
the foundation stone on a bed of concrete.
* grund-
* nedlæggelse
* sten
The foundations are bedded in cement.
* fundament
Some developers suggest to connect / join / link
* forbinde >
the royal town and Newburg by better communications.
* ngt. og ngt.
In order to connect / join / link the towns, the government
* ngts. forsvinden
* ~ underlag af >
* lægge ngt. til rette i ngt.
to connect / join / link the royal town to / with Newburg.
* forbinde ngt. med ngt.
* = ngt. og ngt.
a railway is built to link the towns together.
* kæde ngt. sammen, ~ forbinde ngt.
20 Joined / linked together by roads, railways (E)
* forbundet af ngt.
and waterways the two towns are joined / connected /
* vandvej
linked by a system of communications.
* forbundet af >
Clouds of smoke rise from the funnels or chimneys
* sky
* jernbane
* forbundet / = >
* samfærdselsmidler
* skorsten
of the steam engines and clouds of steam rises from
* dampmaskine
the cylinders of the railway engines of the steam trains.
* skorsten * jernbane * maskine
In America the rail system consists of railroads (A)
and the smoke from the steam locomotives (eA)
* =
* forbinde ngt.
plans to build a new main road and a canal
In order to join the royal town and Newburg together
* beton
* jernbanesystem / -net
* =
* damp* tog
( -stamme )
* jernbane
* lokomotiv
or railroad engines rises from a ( smoke>) stack.
* lokomotiv
Eventually the rivers, the `tributaries, and adjoining canals * biflod
30 link up.
As the river finally join the sea at Newburg
the waterways link up with the sea.
The main road is built to link () up the royal town with
* være forbundet, hænge sammen
* mødes med ( havet )
* være forbundet med ( havet )
* forbinde ( by ) med ( by )
* skorsten
* tilstødende
Newburg and link up the towns in between.
Linking a number of towns up, the main road eventually
links the royal town up with Newburg.
Canals, roads and railways are built by joint efforts.
* forbinde ( byerne )
* derimellem
& … de mellemliggende ( byer )
* =
* forbinde ngt. med ngt.
* ved >
* forenede
* anstrengelser
fælles kraft
562 The main roads (o-f: high roads) are fast roads.
Byways join secondary roads which join the main roads,
and several main roads join at the royal town.
* hoved-
* ( afsides ) bivej
* hovedvej
In GB a highway is the formal word for a public road. )
* =
The first time round a railway link connects
* i første omgang
* spor
Railway E/A railroad tracks connect a number of towns
In Britain the trains depart and arrive from a number of
platforms where people get on and off at the station.
* støde op til /
stå i forbindelse med ngt.
* offentlig vej
* togforbindelse
* forbinde >
* ngt. med ngt.
Soon the country has miles of track (U).
10 in a number of railway lines.
* bivej
* ~ mødes ved ngt.
( In the US a highways connects the larger towns.
the royal town with the provincial capital.
* ~ vej, beregnet til hurtig kørsel
* vej
* tog-
* linie / -forbindelse
* perron
In America a number of a track indicates the particular track * spor
that a train leaves from or arrives at.
Several train and bus services connect a number of towns. * ( tog- / bus- ) befordring
* forbinde ngt.
As a train is faster than a bus, it’s quicker to go by train.
~ forbindelse
* hurtigere
* hurtigere at -
The railway is the fastest way to get from town to town.
* hurtigste vej / måde at -
Some large cities are connected by a high-speed rail link.
* højhastigheds
The sleepers (E) which support the railway track
* svelle
20 rest on ballast, a bed of broken stones.
The tracks or rails are fastened to the ties (A)
bedded in ballast (U) of broken stone.
When a railway connects the two towns, the local train
* ballast
* jernbane-
* ~ underlag
* fastgjort til ngt.
* ~ lagt til rette
* ballast af >
* hovedbanegård
At the shunting yard (E) or marshalling yard, the tracks
* ~ rangerbanegård
and rails form a vast tracery where the shunting engines
* fletværk
shunt the railway carriages and wagons to different tracks.
* rangere ngt.
or travelling for fun they join (E) the train.
* knust
* sten
~ skærver
* forbinde ngt.
* ~ have direkte forbindelse til ngt.
Many people get on the train every day; going to work
* skærver
* svelle
Some local trains connect with the national train.
30 the railroad cars and freight cars.
* forbindelse
* tog spor
connects with other trains at the main station in both towns. * have forbindelse til ngt.
At a switching yard (A), the switching engines switch
* ~ tage toget
/ med tog
* ranger-
* lokomotiv
* passagervogn
* godsvogn
* ~ rangerbanegård * rangerlokomotiv * rangere ngt.
* ~ passagertogvogn
* stå på >
* ~ tage toget
Travellers hope to arrive in good time for their connecton to * forbindelse til >
* ~ godsvogn
* toget
other destinations.
* rejsemål
Some lines and sections are heavily trafficked.
* toglinie
If a train is late, and you miss your connection
* ~ komme for sent til
you can spend the wait / waiting time in the waiting room.
At some sections no trains run on Sundays.
* vente-
* -strækning
* ~ stærkt
* direkte forbindelse
* tid
* vente-
* værelse / -sal
* strækning
563 The personnel might have to delay the departure
* personel
and delay the train due to technical problems, or the weather
* forsinke >
might delay the train so it might be some time overdue.
* være >
If a train’s arrival is delayed, an announcement might say,
* ( tog ) køre
* udsætte >
* afgang
* tog
* ( nogen tid ) forsinket
/ over den fastsatte tid
’ We regret to inform you that the train is late – the company
* beklage at -
regrets any inconvenience caused for our customers. ‘
* ulejlighed
The train service is, in the main, reliable.
* tog-
In bad weather all means of transportation are unreliable.
* upålidellig
* forårsaget for ng.
* ~ drift
* i det store og hele
for det meste
There may be a delay of half an hour / a half-an-hour delay. * forsinkelse på ngt.
10 A sleeper connects the main cities.
* trafikeret
* pålidelig
* ( halv times ) =
* sovevognstog
On the train people sleep in berths / bunks
* køje
in sleepers or sleeping cars.
* sovevogn
The train connects with the ferry at Newburg.
* have forbindelse med ngt.
It links `up with the ferry at a ferry berth at the estuary.
* færge
* ~ have forbindelse til > * færge- * leje * flodmunding
As the ferry berth in Newport it sails into a berth.
* lægge til
So as the ferry is berthed in Newport, it is put in a berth.
* lægge ( et skib til ankers / kaj )
On a ship, people sleep in berths / bunks.
* køje
* liggeplads
anker- / kajplads
* =
As developments proceed, both towns have good road, rail, *
and flight connections.
* forbindelse
20 There are good bus, train, and flight connections between * … mellem ngt.
the two towns, and years later both towns have good
flight connections to the rest of the world.
* … til ngt.
Many towns are provided with a waterworks.
* vandværk
Provided with water supply as well as sewers,
* vand-
* forsyning
* kloak
many towns are provided with purified, clean water
* være forsynet med ngt.
and sewerage.
* kloakering
* renset
* rent ( vand )
( = få indlagt vand og være kloakeret )
The waterworks control the purity of the drinking water.
* renhed af ngt.
Both towns also build gasworks so the streets and houses
* gasværk
can be lit by gas lamps or gas lights.
* oplyst af >
30 Gaslit streets have illumination provided by burning gas.
* gasoplyst
They are lit by gaslight produced by the combustion
of illuminating gas.
* drikkevand
* gas- * lampe
* gas-
* lys
* belysning
* gaslys
* forbrænding
* lysende
If a conduit leaks, the leak of gas must be traced back to
* ledning
* lække * læk
* spore ngt. tilbage til ngt.
rør, slange
its origin.
* oprindelse
At lighting-up time, when the sun has gone down
* ( lygte- ) tændings-
* tid
and darkness falls, the lamplighters light the street lamps
* mørket * falde på
or street lights (E&) on top of the lamp posts.
* gade-
564 Many buildings have water and gas laid on.
* lægge ( vand / gas ) ind
Each house is connected `up with a gas main
* lygtetænder
* lampe, lygte
* forbinde / tilslutte ngt. til ngt.
which is part of the gas mains (E), the local gas pipe system * ~ ledningsnet
wich distributes town gas from the local gasworks (pl.).
* gade- * lampe
* lygte* pæl
* fordele ngt.
* gas* by-
* hovedledning
* rør-
* gas
* system
* gasværk
A gas fitter and plumber connects the gas conduits
* ~ gas og vandmester
* ledning
rør, slange
* rør * ~ have forbindelse til > * hovedledning
together so one pipe finally connects up with the mains.
* <
The other ends of the conduits are provided with gas taps.
* gas-
A gas cooker E/eA stove with gas rings E/A burners
* gas-
* & samle
* hane
* komfur
* gas-
* ring / brænder
and a gas oven, are connected to a gas tap by a gas tube.
* gas- * ovn * forbundet til ngt. af > * gas- * slange
10 A meter reader reads the gas meter.
* måler-
* aflæser
The meterman makes a meter reading every year.
* ~ måleraflæser
A sewer contractor from the local drain service
* kloak-
planned a system for sewerage, the removal of waste water.
* gas* måler-
* måler
* aflæsnig
* ~ mester
* ~ kloalfirma
* kloakering / spildevandsafledning
`su~êrid§ / e& `sju~
Having bid for /A& on // tendered for a contrac,
he is asked to undertake the task / job of
* byde på >
* kontrakt
* påtage sig /
providing the palace with sewerage: a system of sewers
( underground pipes ) for carrying off sewage ( waste water ).
* opgave / arbejde med at varetage / stå for >
* forsyne ngt. med > * kloakering ( kloaknet ) * kloak
~ kloakere ngt.
* spildevand
`su~id§ / e& `sju~
As the sewermen carry out their work on the sewerage
* kloakarbejder
and the pipe fitters do their work on the sewer system,
* rør
20 they work together to carry out / perform the task / job.
* udføre >
Eventually they complete the task / job
* ~ lægger
* udføre >
* arbejde på ngt.
* udføre >
* =
* opgave / arbejde
* fuldføre >
as they connect the palace to the mains
* forbinde ngt. til ngt.
by connecting up the drains to the underground conduits,
* =
and connecting the conduits up with the mains.
* =
* =
* =
* afløb
* rørledning
A plumbing and heating engeneer installs central heating. * ( blikkenslagerarbejde og opvarmnings- * ~ mester )
A plumbing and sanitary engeneer installs sanitation
~ blikkenslagermester / gas og vandmester
* sanitet
* = ( sanitets- / vvs-installatør )
( sanitary facilities ); he puts in cold and hot (-water) taps,
* sanitetsfaciliteter
kitchen sinks, and toilets ( water closets), washbasins,
* køkken- * ~ vask * vand- * kloset
baths E/eA ( bath> ) tubs and showers in a bathroom.
* badekar
* installere >
~ toilet
* brusebad
* ( vand- ) hane
* ~ håndvask
* badeværelse
30 So some people have eE/eA take a bath or a shower
* tage ( et ) bad
while others bathe their body parts separately.
* bade ngt.
It’s a good idea to bath E/A bathe a baby
* bade ng.
* brudebad
Some people bath (o-f) E/A bathe every day.
* bade
It’s important to bathe a wound and apply a clean dressing. * bade ngt.
If they have problems with the plumbing,
they call a plumber.
* forbinding
* blikkenslagerarbejdet, vandrørinstalationerne
* blikkenslager / vvs mand
[email protected]
565 A private ( limited ) company, called XX Ltd.,
* aktieselskab
gets the chance to form a link-`up with a sleeping partner.
* sammenslutning med >
* limited, ~ A/S
* ~ passiv
* partner
( In US XX Inc. ( incorporated ) is a joint-stock company. ) * aktieselskab
So the investors link `up with a silent partner
in order to establish a light and power company.
Public and private investors have a joint interest in
the company.
* =
* slutte sig sammen med ng.
* etablere / oprette ngt.
* have >
* <<
* -selskab
* elektricitets
* fælles
* interesse i ngt.
The shareholders or stockholders (eA)
* aktieejere
have joint ownership and joint resposibility.
* have >
10 The company builds a power plant / station.
* kraft - ( ~ el- / elektricitets- )
The powerhouse is going to supply thousands of
households and businesses with electricity.
As it’s dynamic leaders soon have a reputation for being
* fælles
* =
* ~ værk
* dynamisk ( leder )
being an emerging economic powerhouse.
* ~ kraftcenter
A wide range of engines and heavy machinery
* ansvar
* med ngt.
* ~ energibundt
the building site with building material.
* =
* forsyne ng. / ngt. >
powerhouses, the united kingdom has the reputation of
Heavy trucks and heavy lorries (E) provide
* ejerskab
* ~ have ry for at * =
* tung
* lastbil
* bygge-
* =
* grund, plads
* tungt
* maskineri
make light work of building the station and producing
* ~ gøre det let / overkommeligt at -
20 electric power.
* ~ elkraft
lette arbejdet med at -
Overhead high-voltage / high-tension ( transmission )
lines supported by ( power ) pylons conduct the electricity
to ( transformer ) `substations.
The exploitation of electricity makes light work of
both light and heavy industry.
Joining one section of power line to the next,
the electricians join the power lines ( together ).
When the company try to figure out the future
electricity consumption, they join some points on a graph
30 and extend the line.
They join () `up some points or crosses
so the dots or crosses join up by lines.
* ~ luft
* højspændings-
( * overførsels- )
* ~ ledning * elkraftkabel
* til >
* pylon * lede ( elektricitet ) >
~ højspændingsmast
* transformator* ( under- ) station
* ~ lette arbejdet med ngt.
* let
* tung
* industri
* sammenføje ngt. > * ~ stærkstrømsledning * til ngt.
* elektriker
* sammenføje ngt.
* beregne ngt.
( el- ) forbrug * sammenføje ( punkter ) * på > * graf
* forlænge ( linie )
* forbinde >
* punkt, prik
* prik, punkt
* ~ være forbundet af ( linier )
* kryds
Parallel lines never join, meet or intersect.
566 The phenomenon or phenomena (pl.) of electricity
* støde sammen
* mødes
* skære hinanden
* fænomen
arise as a result of electric charge.
Electricity has two forms: static electricity, which depends
* opstå
* ( elektrisk ) ladning
* statisk ( elektricitet )
on stationary, positive or negative electric charges,
* stillestående
and current electricity, which consists of a flow of charges
* strømmende * elektricitet * bestå af > * strøm af >
specifically negatively charged electrons.
* negativt
Static electricity in the form of attractive force
* =
* =
* elektrisk
* ladning
* ladet
* elektron
* tiltræknings-
* kraft
between rubbed amber and pieces of straw, etc.,
* gnide ngt.
* rav
was known to the ancient Greeks but the word electricity
* oldtids- / antikkens / ( de ) gamle ( grækere )
* ord
10 was coined in the 16th century by Willian Gilbert
* præge < , ~ nydanne ( ord )
( from the greek electron, amber ).
* =
The distinction between negative and positive
* skelnen mellem >
* negativ
* positiv
electric charges was made at the beginning of the 18th century * elektrisk
but didnt acquire a theoretical basis until the discovery
* opnå >
of the electron in 1897 by J. J. Thomson.
Some materials can be magnetized.
* ladning
* ~ fundering
* opdagelse
* magnetisere ngt.
A `magnet or magnetic object is said to have a north pole * magnet
* magnetisk
* nordpol
at one end, and a south pole at the other end.
Attractive forces occur between poles of a different kind,
20 and between electric charges of a different kind.
Repulsive forces occurs between poles of the same kind
and between electric charges of the same kind.
As the magnetic needle of a ( magnetic ) compass is
* sydpol
* tiltrækkende / tiltræknings-
* kræfter
* frastødende / tiltræknings-
* kræfter
* ( magnetisk ) kompas
attracted to point north, the south magnetic pole of the eart
* ~ magnetiske sydpol
is near its north celestial pole ( the North Pole ).
* geografiske ( himmel ) nordpol
* Nordpolen
* strømmende
* elektricitet
Current electricity was first demonstrated by Wolta
in 1800 and there after investigated by Ampère.
Oersted’s discovery (1820) that a magnetic needle
was deflected by an electric current inspired Faraday
* jordens
* undersøge / udforske ngt.
* magnetisk
* nål
* afbøje ngt.
* elektrisk
* strøm
presse ngt. i en anden retning
30 to investigate the relationship between electricity
and magnetism, which led to the discovery of
* magnetisme
electromagnetic induction, the electric generator
* elektromagnetisk
* induktion
* elgenerator
skaber, danner
and the electric motor.
* elektro-
The theory of electromagnetism was elucidated
by Clerk Maxwell in the mid-1850s.
* motor
* elektromagnetisme
* belyse / forklare /
opklare ngt.
An electric current close to an iron object causes the object
to be magnetized and as well as a change in a magnetic field
causes an electric current in an electrical circuit.
* elektrisk
567 The core of the atom is the nucleus, a dense body only
* kerne
* strøm
* =
* ( atom- ) kerne
* kredsløb
* kompakt
one ten-thousandth of the diameter of the atom itself.
The simpliest atom, that of hydrogen, comprises a single
* hydrogen, brint
positively charged particle, the proton.
* positivt
* ladet
* proton
Nuclei (pl.) of other elements contain more protons
* kerne
* grundstof
and additional particles, called neutrons, of about
* neutron
the same mass as the proton but with no electrical charge.
Each element has its own characteristic nucleus
with a unique number of protons, the atomic number.
* atom-
10 The number of neutrons may vary.
There are 92 naturally occurring chemichal elements,
only two ( bromine and mercury ) are liquids at ordinary
* nummer
* kemisk
* grundstof
* brom
* kviksølv
temperatures, and only 11 are gasses.
All the other elements are solids, mostly metals.
* gas- / luftart
* fast stof
Where atoms of a single element have different numbers
of neutrons, they are called isotopes.
Although some isotopes tend to be unstable and exhibit
radioactivity, they all have identical chemical properties.
* radioaktivitet
* egenskab
- `ti -
The nucleus is surrounded by a number of moving electrons *
20 each of which has a negative charge equal to
the positive charge of the proton, but which weighs only
1 / 1,839 times as much.
Atoms are held together by the electrical forces of
* kræfter ( sg. kraft )
attraction between the surrounding negative electrons
* tiltrækning ( = tiltrækningskraft / -kræfter )
and the positive protons within the nucleus.
The latter repel one another with enormous forces;
* frastøde ( hinanden )
a nucleus holds together only because an even stronger force, *
called the strong nuclear force, attracts the protons
* stærk
and neutrons to one another.
* kerne-
30 The strong force acts over a very short range – the protons *
and neutrons must be in virtual contact with one another.
* ~ noget nær, så godt som
If, therefore, a fragment of a complex nucleus, containing
* kraft
some protons, becomes only slightly loosened from
* løsne ngt. fra ngt.
the main group of neutrons and protons, the natural electric
repulsion between the protons will cause this fragment to
* frastødning
fly apart from the rest of the nucleus at high speed.
It is by such fragmentation of atomic nuclei that
nuclear energy is released.
* atom-
568 In a neutral atom, the nucleus is surrounded by
* neutral, ikke ladet
the same number of electrons as it contains protons.
* energi
* ( blive ) frigjort
According to quantum theory, the position of an electron is * kvanteuncertain; it may be found at any point.
* teori
However, it is more likely to be found in some places
than others.
The region of space in which an electron is most likely to
be found is called an atomic shell or orbital.
* orbital
The simplest element hydrogen, symbol H,
10 has atomic number 1 and relative atomic mass 1.008.
Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe,
* relativ
* atom-
* masse, ~ vægt
* rigeligt forekommende
where it accounts for 93% of the total number of atoms
and 76% of the total mass.
It is a component of most stars, including the Sun
* komponent / bestanddel af ngt.
whose heat and light are produced through the nuclear-fusion * kernefusionsprocess that converts hydrogen into helium.
* proces
Deuterium and triterium are isotopes of hydrogen,
* omdanne ( brint ) til >
* =
* helium
* =
their nuclei consisting of one proton plus one or two neutrons
20 Helium, symbol He, has atomic number 2 and relative
* =
atomic mass 4.003.
Being non-reactive, helium is called a noble or inert gas.
* ædel
It is the second most abundant element in the universe
but is present in the earth atmosphere only in small quantities
Lithium ( Li ) no. 3 has two electrons in an inner orbital
and a third reactive electron in an outer orbital.
As the lightest of all metals, having a density of 0.57
it floats on water.
Carbon (C), no. 6, has four electrons in its outer orbital.
30 Nitrogen (N), no. 7, has five electrons in its outer orbital.
* =
* tæthed, ~massefylde
* kulstof
* kvælstof
Oxygen (O), no. 8, has six electrons in its outer orbital.
* ilt
Neon (Ne), no. 10, is an inert gas having eight electrons
* =
* inaktiv
in its outer completed orbital.
Sodium (Na), no. 11, has one electron in a third outer orbital. * natrium
Argon (Ar), no. 18 is the third inert gas having its outer
orbital completed with eight electrons.
* =
A chemical element which only exists in small amounts
on Earth is called a trace element.
* ~ sjældent grundstof
569 A molecule is a group of two or more atoms bonding
* molekyle
* binde sig >
together, and expressed in the formula for the molecule.
A molecule of an element consists of one or more
like atoms.
* sammen
* formel for ngt.
* ens
The chemichal properties of an element are determined by * egenskaber
the ease with which its atoms can gain / capture electrons,
* ( den ) lethed
or lose electrons surrounding in their outer orbitals.
A molecule of a `compound consists of two or more
* bestemt af >
* med hvilken -
* optage ngt.
* ~ kemisk forbindelse
different atoms ( i.e. of different elements) bonded together.
* bundet sammen
10 Molecules are either bonded together by ionic bonds
* binde ngt sammen
* ionbinding
in which the atoms gain or lose electrons to form ions
* ion
or bonded together by covalent bonds where electrons
* covalent
* binding
from each atom are shared in a new molecular outer orbital.
Two hydrogen atoms combine to form a hydrogen
* forbinde sig, gå i forbindelse
molecule, H 2, the two nuclei sharing a stable orbital of
* stabil
two electrons.
Atoms larger than helium has two electrons in an inner
orbital and up to eight electrons in outer orbitals.
Sharing loose electrons from their outer orbitals
20 atoms combine to form a molecule so that the molecule
has eight electrons in its outer orbital.
H2O ( water ) is a compound of oxygen and hydrogen.
* ~ kemisk forbindelse
Written in its constitutional formula: H – O – H
* konstitutions-
An ion is an atom or molecule that is either positively
or negatively charged as a result of the loss or gain / capture
* optagelse af ngt.
of electrons due to chemical reactions.
The simplest ion is H+, a single neutron occurring in water
* danne ngt.
* formel
* optagelse af ngt.
together with OH - in very small amounts ( 1/ 10, 000,000 )
but characteristic of acids and bases respectively
* syre
30 in increasing concentration.
H2O  H + + OH -
Hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions are very reactive.
* hydroxid
* reaktiv
Anabolism is the constructive metabolism;
* anabolisme
* & opbyggende
* stofskifte
the synthesis in living organisms of more complex substances *
from simpler ones, with the use of energy.
Catabolism is the destructive metabolism;
* kataboliske
* & nedbrydende ( stofskifte )
the breaking down of more complex substances
* stofnedbrydning
into simpler ones, with the release of energy.
[email protected]
570 CO carbon monoxide; CO2 carbon dioxide
* kulilte
* kuldioxid
NaCl sodium chloride, common salt is a chemical
* natriumklorid
* kogsalt
compound of sodium and chlorine ( Na+ : Cl - ).
* klor
HCl  H+ + Cl - ( hydrochloric acid )
* saltsyre
Haidrêu’klårik `asid
HNO3  H+ + NO3 - ( nitric acid ) ( `nitrat ion )
‘naitrik `asid
H2SO4  2H+ + (SO4) - - ( sulphuric acid )
H2CO3  2H+ + (CO3) - - ( carbonic acid )
* salpeteresyre
* nitration
* svovlsyre
* kulsyre
NaOH  Na + + OH - ( sodium hydroxide / caustic soda ) * natriumhydroxid
* kaustisk soda
NH3 + HCl  NH4Cl ( ammonia ) ( ammonia `chloride )
* amoniak
Hydrocarbons [ ’haidrêu’ka~bênz ]
* kulbrinte ( fossile brændstoffer, gasser olier )
pentane etc. * metan
* etan
* propan
* butan * pentan
H – C – OH
H – C – C – OH
* & træsprit
* aldehyd
formaldehyde acetaldehyde
* & finsprit
* propylalkohol
* keton
Organic acids
H – C – OH
Formic acid
l II
H – C – C – OH
acetic acid
propionic acid butyric acid * myresyre
* citronsyre * propionsyre
methansyre ethansyre
* smørsyre
H – C – C – C – OH
Lactic acid
H – C – COOH
H – C – COOH
H citric acid
* mælkesyre
571 Carbohydrates
* citronsyre
* kulhydrat
photosynthesis [ ‘fêutêu`sin#i#is ]
6 CO2 + 6H2O + E (energy)
C6 H12 O6 + 60 2
oxidation / combustion
Monosaccharide (C6 H12 O6) / disaccharide (C6 H22 O11)
* fotosyntese
* forbrænding
oxidation / iltning
* =
dai`sa -
glucose / grape sugar
* glykose / druesukker
`glu~kêus /-z ]
C– C
HO – C
C – OH
C – OH
C – C HO – C
C – OH
HO – C
C – OH
C – OH
* brintatomer bundet til kulstofatomerne
er ikke angivet
sucrose = saccharose ( cane sugar / * = / =
* rørsukker
`su~krêuz /-s
beet sugar ), lactose etc. according to spatial configuration. * roesukker
20 Trisaccharide: raffinose
* mælkesukker
* trisakkarid
Polysaccharides; starch(<es), cellulose, pectin, etc. are
* polysakkarid
* rumlig konfiguration
* =
* stivelse
* =
‘påli`sakêraidz ]
compounded of / from various monosaccharides:
* være sammensat af ngt.
Proteins: peptide linkings between amino acids.
R3 (radicals)
N – C – C – N – C – C – N – C – C – N – C – etc.
Proteins are compounded of large amounts of various
amino acids and seperated by hydrolysis: + n H2O 
* peptidbinding
* aminosyrer
* radikaler af aminosyrer
* hydrolyse
R1 – C – C
Essential amino acids and vitamins cannot be
* essentiel aminosyre
[ E: `vitêmin / A: vai … ]
manufactured by our bodies.
* producere
Fatty substances
* fedtstoffer
O – C – R1
C – OH
* =
C – OH
C – OH
Fatty acids
C – O – C – R2
O – C – R3
triglyceride / `lipid
* fedtsyre
* triglycerid / lipid
trai`glisêraid [ lai- / li-
572 The use of electricity as a source of energy
* kilde
developed for heating, lighting and motive power
* udvikle sig
in the 20th century.
* driv-
* kraft
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) invented the ( light ) bulb * ( lys-) pære
and many other electrical devices.
* påfund, anordning
apparat, indretning,
The palace has electricity laid on.
* lægge ( elektricitet ) ind
The power supply should be connected
* kraft- / el-
by a qualified electrician.
An electrician wires the palace for electricity.
* forsyning
* af ng.
* ~ uddannet
* forbindelse / tilslutning til >
the palace is now on the mains.
* have indlagt vand, el og gas
for electricity and lighting.
When the palace is wired for electric lighting,
they will have electric light in all the rooms.
The eyes of many people bulge in their sockets
as they experience the wonders of electricity.
* indlægge ( ledninger i ngt. til ) elektricitet
10 Provided with connection to the mains,
The electrician installs fixtures and fittings
* ( blive ) tilsluttet >
* installere >
* hovedforsynengen
* armatur
* armatur
* belysning
* belysning
* elektrisk lys
* øjne
* svulme op
* ~ øjenhuler
~ folk gør store øjne
Light bulbs eventually go, and have to be replaced.
* pære
The electrician join lamp sockets or lamp holders to
* forbinde > * lampe- * fatning * = * fatning * til >
* gå ( i stykker )
20 various bases and foots of lamps, to bracket lamps
* ~ fod
and to chandeliers.
* lysekrone
* fod
 * lampe
He provides the lamps with lamp shades or lamp globes.
* lampe-
He may fit a vase as a lamp with an electric flex E/eA
* udstyre ngt. som ngt.
* skærm
an electrical cord ( containing (a) wire ) and an electric plug * =
which can be plugged into an electric socket E/A outlet.
The wall socket or power point or plug E/A receptacle
has an electric switch or light switch.
* væg-
* =
* stikkontakt
* el-
* el-
A two-way adaptor is needed to plug () in two devices.
* ~ dobbeltstik
If they have to connect a lamp with a distant socket,
* forbinde ngt. med ngt. * fjern
* forlængerledning
with a plug and socket.
* hanelstik
A broken socket / outlet box is fastened together
* stikprop / stikdåse
* stik
* ( elektrisk ) stikkontakt
& elkontakt
* =
* =
* afbryder / kontakt
30 they need an extension ( lead ) E/A extension cord
* kuppel
* elledning
* metaltråd
* stikke ngt. ind i ngt.
* ~ arm * lampe
= lampet
* lyskontakt
* tilslutte ngt.
* ( hun- / ind-) stik
* hunelstik
* holde ngt. sammen
with a rubber `band (E& elastic `band ).
When the lamp and the extension ( flex ) / cord connect,
the lamp connects with the socket.
Some electrical appliances have a three-pin plug.
* gummibånd, elastik
* ~ være i forbindelse
* - - - med ngt.
* elektrisk / el-
* apparat
* trebenet ( stik )
Some electrical devices interconnect / are interconnected * stå i forbindelse med hinanden /
være forbundet med ngt.
with a cable connector, a flex or cord connector.
* forbinderkabel
573 In the evening, when they need to put on the light,
* tænde lyset
they turn on / switch on the light.
* =
Comfortably installed in a electrically lit-up home,
* behageligt
* -ledning
* installeret
* oplyst ( hjem )
the queen installs herself in her favourite chair.
If a light bulb goes or if something blows a fuse,
* anbringe / placere sig i ngt.
* ( pære ) gå * få en > * sikring * til at brænde over /
they change the bulb or change the fuse that has blown.
When they put a new bulb in a lamp,
they screw it carefully into the socket.
Before they go to bed, they put off the light.
* skifte ( pære )
* sætte ny pære i ngt.
* fatning
* ~ slukke >
10 When they turn off the light, they remember to
* -=-
swich off all the lights, and leave the room unlit.
* slukke >
* lyset
* lamper
* uoplyst, ~ uden lys
Children often leave the light on when they leave a room.
* lade lyset være tændt / brænde
‘ Put out that light ! ’ the parents reprove (the children).
* sluk …
‘ It’s a waste of energy if a light or all the lights are on
* lyskilde, lampe
in a place where no one is, ‘ the parents reprimand.
If there’s a faulty connection in the electrical system
it may short (-`circuit ) ( the electrical system ).
If a lamp or an electrical appliance breaks down
* ( sikring ) springe
* irettesætte / bebrejde ( ng.)
* alle …r
* brænde / være tændt
* irettesætte
* defekt, dårlig
* forbindelse
* kortslutte ( ngt. )
* gå i stykker
or is out of order, it may cause a short ( `circuit ).
* i stykker
20 If a fuse blows, the electricity is cut off.
* sikring
* kortslutning
* springer
* afbryde ngt.
So the light goes out, and the electrical appliances stop.
* lyset > * forsvinde, gå ud * elektrisk / el- * apparat
One evening all the lamps and lights suddenly go out,
* lamper
leaving everybody in darkness.
Everybody is left in the dark as all the lights are off,
* lyskilder
* efterlade ng.
* gå ud / slukkes
* i mørke
* efterlade ng. i mørket * lys (-kilder ) * være slukket
( ladt i mørke )
and all the rooms are unlit.
* uden lys
The rooms people stay in are in pitch darkness as well as
the whole building is in complete and total darkness.
When the room goes dark, it becomes so dark that they
* bælgmørke
* =
* blive mørkt
cannot see their hand in front of them in the darkened room. * se en hånd frem for sig
30 They can hardly see their hand in front of their face
* =
all over the darkened house.
* overalt i ngt.
After a while their eyes get used to the darkness.
* mørket
* =
* mørklagt
* mørklagt
All the lights are out, and as they can’t turn on the light,
they light a match, and put the lighted match to a candle.
Having lighted / lit the candle, they can see to replace
the fuse by the light of the candle.
* gået ( ud )
være slukket
* tænde >
All the lights are on again.
* =
* lys, lamper
When somebody goes to the toilet, a light goes on
* lys / lampe
working late at night.
* tændt ( = )
* erstatte / skifte ngt.
* komme igen
* =
* =
* være tændt
* alle lamper, ~ alt lys
During the night, lights come on and lights come off.
If a light is still burning in a room, someone may be
* tændstik
* i lyset fra ngt.
* lampe, lyskilde
only to go out after a while.
* lyset
* tænde ( stearinlys )
All the lights go on – all the lights come on.
574 Usually, all the lights are off during the late night.
* tænde >
* være slukket
* tændes
* =
* slukkes
* tændes
* slukkes
* lys / lampe
* brænde, være tændt
All the lights are burning when there’s a party.
* <<
Fluorescent lighting from fluorescent tubes and lights
* fluorescerende belysning
* lysstofrør
* lys
flå~`resnt / fluê `- / A& flu`-
is cheaper to use than light bulbs.
10 An electricity meter measures the consumption.
* elektriktricitets- * måler
In his carpentry or joinery, a carpenter, a joiner
* snedkeri * ( møbel- )
* måle >
* snedker
* ( møbel- )
* snedkerarbejde
or cabinet-maker, makes a box of the finest joinery for
* =
the meter, the main switch and the fuse.
* måler
In order to join two boards, he joins the boards together
by joinery joints.
In order to join one board to another, he makes dovetails
or tongues and grooves.
When he connects the boards, he puts them together
so cleverly that the join can hardly be seen.
* hoved-
* sammenføje ngt.
* afbryder
* føje ngt. sammen
* snedker-
* samling
* sammenføje ngt. med ngt.
* tap / sinke
* not
* fjeder
* forbinde / samle ngt.
* samling
20 When he dovetails boards together, the dovetail ( joint ) * samle ngt. med tap og sinke
* sinkning
sinke ngt. ( sammen ), tapsamle ngt.
is so firm that the boards connect with an excellent fastness. * fast
* sidde sammen
He sometimes joins pieces of wood firmly ( together )
with (a) strong glue.
* forbrug
* ( sammen- ) sætte / føje ngt. * fast
* fasthed
( * sammen )
* lim
If he glues / sticks the pieces together, they will be joined * lime ngt. sammen
* være sammenføjet
/ sat sammen
so well, and join so well that you can hardly see
* hænge / sidde sammen
the joins or joints where the pieces join.
* sammenføjning
A join may be called a joint, especially if it forms a corner.
He provides the meter cupboard with a door
* måler-
by means of a couple of countersunk hinges.
* forsænket
30 He uses a drill with different ( drill ) bits to drill holes.
* bor
A joiner only uses fastenings when necessary.
* fæstnemiddel
He uses beadings, strips of wood with a pattern on it,
* perleprofilliste
* kant-
* =
* skab
* hængsel
* bor
* bore >
* hul
( søm, skruer, beslag )
* liste
to decorate walls, doors and furniture.
Ornamental mouldings are glued on(to) tables and frames, * profil- / pynteliste
and below the junction of the ceiling and the wall.
A wall may be covered with tongue and groove boards,
sometimes having a grooved surface.
Some people are ( stuck ) in a groove / stuck in a `rut.
* lime ngt. på / til ngt.
* forindelsessted
* profil- ( bræt )
* rillet
* sidde fast i >
* rille / opkørt hjulspor
~ køre i samme rille / spor
[email protected]
575 A meter reader reads the electricity meter.
* måler-
* aflæser
* el-
* måler
The meterman makes a meter reading every year.
* =
If people don’t pay the bill, they may be disconnected.
* blive afbrudt, ~ få lukket for strømmen
The electricity supply is cut off at the mains.
* ( blive ) afbrudt ved hovedkontakten
The are disconnected for non-payment of bill.
* <<
Electricity has lightened many a task.
* lette ng.
The palace is provided with equipment to lighten
gøre ngt. nemere
* lette >
the load of domedstic work.
Household appliances make light `work of cleaning
10 and cooking.
A plumber connects some household machines up
* måler-
* aflæsning
* ~ manglende betaling
* arbejdsopgave
* byrde af ngt.
* ~ lette arbejdet med at *
* blikkenslager
* tilslutte ngt.
while an electrician connects up other machines.
They connect the machines to the main supply of
They plug () in the machines by fixing / putting
* =
* forbinde / tilslutte ngt. til ngt.
* tilslutte ngt.
* sætte >
the electric plug into a (power ) point (E), a ( mains or wall ) * ( el-) stik
socket (E) or a plug (E).
In America, they plug a piece of electrical equipment into
* hoved- * forsyning
* stik, kontakt
* =
* forbinde / slutte ngt. til ngt.
an outlet or a receptacle or into another electrical equipment. * stik, kontakt
20 The plumber disconnects broken-down machines.
He disconnects broken-down machines from the mains,
both from the water mains and the electricity mains.
Rusted or corroded pipe or tube joints
complicate (a) disconnection of a machine.
A plumber connects the water pipe from the cold water
supply to the washing machine or dishwasher.
Water tubes from the machines are linked to
the waste pipe or other drain.
* som er gået i stykker
* koble ngt. fra ngt
* hovedforsyningen
* ~ hovedvandrør
* ~ elnettet
* rusten * korroderet * rør- * rør- / slange-
* led,
* frakobling
* komplicere / besværliggøre ngt.
* forbinde / koble ngt. >
* vand-
* rør
* til ngt.
* ( vand-) rør / slange
* ~ afløbs-
The palace also has a telephone installed
* telefon
30 by a telephone engineer or telephone fitter.
* telefon-
Telephone wires are either supported by telephone poles * =
or dug into the ground.
* =
* frakoble
* forbinde ngt. til ngt.
* rør
* afløb
* installere <
* reparatør
* =
* montør
* kabel
* =
* pæl
When the engineer or fitter connects the telephone,
* reparatør
* montør
* tilslutte ngt.
he connects / joins the wire outside to a socket (E),
* forbinde ngt. til ngt.
* stik
a point E/A an outlet for a telephone inside the house.
* stik
* telefon-
A telephone cord with a plug connects the telephone with * telefonthe telephone socket / point / outlet.
The connection of the phone only took one day.
* ledning
* =
* stik
* tilslutning af >
* telefon
576 When you telephone or phone, you pick up the receiver. * telefonere
* ~ tage >
When you want to make a ( phone ) call you dial a number * foretage >
either by turning the dial or pressing the buttons.
* forbinde ngt med ngt.
* dreje >
* ~ telefonrøret
* ( telefon ) opkald
* drejeskive
* ~ trykke på >
A telephone operator at the telephone exchange used to * telefonconnect the telephone subscribers.
Trying to join the lines and connect the subscribers,
* operatør
~ telefonist
* forbinde >
* forbinde / tilslutte ngt.
* dreje ( taste )
* =
* knap
* central
* =
* abbonent
* linie
* forbinde ng.
the operator says,’ Hold on please, I’m trying to connect you - * hæng på, vent ( venligst )
* forninde ng.
~ få forbindelse
I’m trying to put you through.’
When you receive a call and want to answer the phone,
* få ng. igennem
* mod tage >
* opkald
10 you pick up the phone / receiver, and, talking into
* ~ tage telefonen
the mouthpiece, you may say hello or tell your name.
* ~ telefontragt
Someone else may ask who is on the phone.
* ~ hvem, der er i telefonen
If there is a cutting off, the subscribers are disconnected.
You put the receiver back on the cradle when you have
* ~ telefongaffel
* ~ svare på opkaldet
tage telefonen
* afbrudt
finished your telephone conversation, and want to hang up. * telefon-
* samtale
* ~ lægge på
afbryde samtalen
Soon there are telephone links to places all over the world. * forbindelse til ngt.
You may book an alarm call.
* bestille >
The emergency central has a simple telephone number,
* ~ alarmcentral
* ~ telefonvækning
easy to remember if you have to make an emergency call.
* foretage >
20 Once when there was a storm / flood / deluge of calls,
* uvejr / flodbølge / syndflod af >
the telephone lines to the Broadcasting House
* telefon-
were blocked by listeners protesting about a programme.
* lytter
If you may pay for the telephone and for the installation,
* alarm- / nødopkald
* linie
* installering
and perhaps for other installations once and for all,
* installation
you pay a once-and-for-all sum.
* engangs ( sum )
Keeping a record of all your calls, the telephone company
makes out a bill according to factual consumption.
Paying the electric, you may pay the bill for the supply of
electricity by monthly or quarterly instalments on account
* en gang for alle
* telefon* ~ udskrive
* selskab
* regning
The annual payment in relation to annual consumption of
* faktisk
* betale >
* forbrug
* el
* månedlig * kvartals ( -mæssig ) * afdrag * a konto
30 based on a ballpark estimate: an approximate, qualified * ~ slag på tasken
or rough estimate.
* opkald
~ telefonstorm
* radiohus
* groft skøn
* forbrug af ngt.
* tilnærmelsesvis
* kvalificeret
electric current ( or power consumption ) is `regulated
* elektrisk strøm
either by back payment or additional payment.
* tilbage-
* betaling
The company traces a curve of the rate of consumption.
* indtegne >
The telephone engeneers turn out in order to trace
* rykke ud
defects in the telephone network.
* strøm- * forbrug
* regulere ngt.
* ekstra-
* kurve over ngt.
* betaling
* takt, tempo
* opspore ngt.
* defekt / fejl
* telefon-
* net
di`fekts / `di~ -
577 The country’s growing prosperity and welfare
are based on the progress in farming and manufacturing,
* forarbejdning, fremstilling
trade and industry.
The progress is due to the enterprise and industry
of resolute people with enterprising spirit; men and women
* foretagsomhed
initiativ, virkelyst
* beslutsom
who enterprisingly get down to business.
* -t
Profiting from socially useful entrepreneurship,
the society honours men and women of enterprise.
A variety of manufacturers make `up a growing industry.
* samfunds/ -nyttig
* =
the major towns, rural landscapes change into
* landlig
industial and urban landscapes.
* industrimæssig
All kinds of goods and materials are manufactured
by machines and factory workers.
* driftighed, foretagsomhed
initiativ, iværksætterånd
* fabrikanter
* vokse op
manufactures (pl.) are produced in large numbers.
* foretagsom, initiativrig
* ånd
virkelysten, iværksætter* ~ gå til sagen
* gavnlig
10 As a variety of factories grow up in connection with
As there’s no shortage of possibilities, a variety of
* arbejdsomhed
* udgøre ngt.
* landskab
* bymæssig
* der er ingen mangel på ngt.
* indistri- / fabriksvarer
* fremstille ngt.
* fabriksarbejder
The industrial manufacture of goods and material
* fremstilling af ngt.
provides the consumers with a wide range of relatively cheap, *
industrially manufactured goods.
* industrielt
* fremstillet
20 The emergence of manufacturing creates a lot of new jobs. *
At this time, cities are growing at breakneck speed.
* med halsbrækkende fart
There’s no shortage of things to do in the big cities.
* der er ingen mangel på ngt.
Unfortunately not every kind of enterprise and not all kinds
of entrepreneurship are useful to society.
* ~ samfundsgavnlig / -nyttig
Some employers subject their workers to an inhumane
* inhuman, umenneskelig
callous and unfeeling treatment.
* barsk
* ufølsom
Some jobs in manufacturing are an inhuman strain on
the workers, and injurious to them / their health.
Some kind of enterprise is antisocial and subversive.
* umenneskelig
* belastning af ngt.
* skadelig for ng&t.
* samfundsskadelig
* samfundsnedbrydende
30 An organization may act as a conduit for subversive ideas. * kanal for ngt.
A company may act as a conduit for illegally obtained
money to be whitewashed.
* =
* penge
* ulovligt
erhvervet >
& sorte >
* hvidvaske <
Traffickers may use a port as a conduit for shipments.
* kriminel handler
Antisocial enterprise is a social evil,
* asocial
* kanal for ngt.
* forsendelse
* samfundsonde
and subversive enterprise is a public danger.
* samfundsnedbrydende
* til fare for samfundet
The authorities must constantly be on their guard to combat * bekæmpe ngt.
enterprise dangerous to society.
* virksomhed
* ~ samfundsskadelig
578 Years later the two towns still celebrate the peace
* fejre ngt.
by a joint festival.
* fælles
The special relationship between the two cities
is marked with special festivities, feasts and other events.
* fejre ngt.
* festival
* forhold mellem ng.
* markere ngt. * festlig- * & festmåltid * begivenhed
med ngt.
If a market or fair has special entertainment, that kind or
part of it is called a funfair (E) or carnival (A).
Organizations, celebrities and notables from either town
have joined with each other to make the idea come true.
Organizations have linked up for economic support.
* marked evt. m gøgl
* marked
* markedsgøgl
* =
* berømthed
* notabilitet
* ~ slå sig sammen for at - * ( ide ) ~ blive virkeliggjort
* slå sig sammen om ngt.
10 Bands have linked up with each other for a charity concert. * - - - med ( ng. )
The fees that charity organizations are offering
* betaling, honorar
bear no relation(ship) to the amount of work involved;
* ~ ikke stå i forhold til ngt.
it is not connected to the amount of work.
* =
When people from either town meet and clasp hands,
they are ready to join / combine forces.
* ~ give hånd / hinanden hånden
* slå kræfterne sammen, ~ gøre fælles sag
trække på samme hammel, løfte i flok
* tjene > * fælles * formål
Joint forces serve a common purpose.
* forenede * kræfter
United by a common purpose, they join hands,
* knytte sammen af ngt.
and band together to make the festival a success.
* ~ give hinanden hånden
* slutte sig sammen for at -
A band of organizers grub `up bushes, shrubs and herbs, * gruppe af > * arrangører * opgrave > * småbusk * urt
20 and grub `out roots to make room for the marketplace,
* =
and make way for access roads.
* skabe >
They use grubbers: grubbing mattocks, grub axes,
and grub hoes, to grub plants up and grub roots out.
In the evening the grubbers regard their grubby hands
and grubby clothes as sign of a well-done job.
* give plads for /
skabe plads til ngt.
* ~ plads til ngt.
* ryddehakke
* markedsplads
* tilkørselsvej
* =
* =
* =
* grave ngt. op
* person, der graver
* =
* =
* beskidt, snavset
* veludført
* arbejde
As farmers bring animals to be sold, the organizers
set () `up fences to enclose the animals.
Grubbing around / about in their enclosures and cages,
* opstille / -sætte ( hegn )
* rode rundt i jorden
pigs and fowl ( hens and cocks E/A roosters,
* fjerkræ
30 ducks and drakes, geese ( sg. goose ) and ganders )
* and
grub ( around ) for roots, worms and grubs.
* rode ( rundt ) efter ngt.
When a marked is held, many well-established tradesmen * marked
* indelukke ( dyr )
* indelukke
* høne
* andrik
* holde <
* gås
* orm
* bure
* hane
* gase
* larve, kålorm
* veletablerede
and shopkeepers set a business `up at the market place.
Having good connections among the well-to-do people,
many established businesmen are on the bandwagon.
* opsætte > * forretningdvirksomhed * markedsplads
* gode
* kundeforbindelser
* etableret
* velhavende
~ være noget ved musiken
The festival is a joint effort, jointly arranged by both towns * fælles
* indsats
jointly responsible for success.
* =
579 Some recently established businesses take / size
* tage / gribe >
the opportunity to build up a clientele.
* chancen /
A motley crew of small tradespeople, small tradesmen,
* i fællesskab
* kundekreds
muligheden for at * broget * skare
* små-
small shopkeepers, and street traders
* =
jump on / get on / climb / join the bandwagon.
* ~ hoppe med på vognen
Eager to do E/A make a deal at the market,
they hope to make ( pick up / strike ) a good bargain.
At the second-hand booth some grown customers
grub through piles of junk to find an antique.
An antique crown, a rare valuable coin equal to
10 five shillings, is accidently dropped.
It rolls along the table, drops to the ground
and disappears among junk and rubbish.
* handlende
* gade-
* på markedet
* ~ gøre en god handel
* ~ genbrugs- ( bod )
* rode gennem >
* voksen
* bunke
* ragelse
* =
* tabe ngt.
* rulle, trille
* falde
* ~ ned på jorden
* bras, ragelse, skrammel
* & affald, skrald
They grub about for the coin under the counter.
* rode rundt efter ngt.
Having grubbed around in the dirt for a while,
* rode rundt
a keen- / sharp-sighted street urchin (o-f), raggedly clad,
* skarpsynet
eventually finds the coin.
* gadedreng
* klemme / knue ngt.
* retmæssig
20 Although it says ‘ ingratitude is the way of the world ‘
* ~ utak er verdens løn
or ‘ there is no gratitude in the world ‘,
* =
the honest boy luckily gets a reward.
* belønning, findeløn
* laset
* beskidt
* ~ ærlighed varer længst
The children are invited to join in a generous competition. * være med / deltage i ngt.
join in and join in the fun.
* voksen
* ædel
* =
* melde sig til >
Elder children join forces with younger children.
* slå kræfterne sammen med ng.
Each side wins four events so everybody is happy
* disciplin
He ( really looks like he ) has been in the wars (E),
* klædt
* knytnæve
knyttet hånd
* formane
* kappestrid
* =
Each child of the two teams enters for three events.
30 – except for one boy who put his knee out of joint.
* rode efter ngt.
* skidt, støv, pløre
he proudly returns the coin to its rightful owner.
Everybody may join in the game so both boys and girls
* antikvitet
* antik * krone * sjælden * værdifuld * lig med ngt.
* bøje / bukke sig ned ( for at - )
‘ Honesty is the best policy ‘ the grown-ups admonish.
* handler
* ~ slå en handel af
The nearest people stoop to grub for the coin.
Squeezing the coin in his grubby fist,
* =
* få ngt. af led
* ~ være kommet slemt til skade
* morskaben
* sportsdisciplin
and his knee joint is very sore / tender.
His father has been in the war.
* led
* øm
* være med i krigen
Children are glued to a tombola booth and a lucky wheel / * ng. er klistret til ngt. * tombola * bod
* lykkehjul
wheel of fortune where you can win a jointed fishing rod,
* =
a puppet with jointed arms and legs, and other prizes.
* dukke
The children’s eyes are glued to the attractive prizes.
* leddelt
* fiske-
* =
* stang
* præmie
* ngs. øjne er klistret til ngt.
[email protected]
580 A butcher has butchered and cleaned a hog
* slagter * slagte ngt. * rense ngt.
in order to roast the whole carcass (E&:carcase ) on a spit.
* stege ngt.
Looking after the carcass roasting on the spit,
the butcher joints the carcass as he goes along.
* =
* udskære ngt.
A tame raven looks at the scenery.
* tam
Many people have a ravenous appetite and hunger.
* glubende
Visitors, fond of good food, are waiting impatiently
* glad for mad
to have a slice of pork cut off a roast of pork.
‘ Grub’s up ‘, the butcher eventually announces
10 as he cuts out a joint (E) of roast pork with a keen knife.
‘ They serve a good grub there’ and ‘ let’s get some grub,’
is soon heard all over the market place.
Behind the counters the counterclerks,
countermen and countergirls, grub the customers.
* slagtekrop
kadaver, ådsel
* galt ( E )
slagtesvin ( A )
* på spid
* hen ad vejen
* ravn
* utålmodigt
* skive af ngt.
* svinekød
* steg
* svinekød
~ flæskesteg
* ~ maden er parat
* udskære ngt.
* stykke kød
sædv. m. ben
* stegt
* skarp
* ædelse
* ekspedient, buffist
* =
* =
Eating between the main meals spoils their appetite.
* ødelægge >
The customers fetch the grub, and eat / grub ravenously.
* ædelse
Some young people have joined in a band.
* slå sig sammen i ngt.
The bandmaster or bandleader and the bandsmen or
* orkesterleder
* ~ fodre ng.
* appetit
* æde
* ~ hundesultent
* band
* orkestermedlem
bandmembers play on a bandstand which is banded
* =
20 with bands of all colours.
* bånd
* musiktribune
People are glued to their chairs listening to the music.
* være klistret til ngt.
The sheep, goats and calves for sale blat and bleat,
* bræge, brøle
so their blats and bleats mix with the music.
* forsyne med bånd
* =
* -n
The band goes the hole hog and plays several encores.
* ~ løbe linen ud
The celebration finishes with a breaking-up `ceremony.
tage skridtet fuldt ud
* slutte med ngt.
* afslutnings-
At the end of the concluding ceremony there are
* =
fireworks (pl.); plenty of fireworks are let E/A set off.
* fyrværkeri
* ekstranummer
* fyrværkeri
( -artikler )
The fireworks light () up the night sky.
( -forestillilng )
* lyse ngt. op
People’s eyes are glued to the sky
* ~ stift rettet mod ngt.
30 as the whole sky lights up.
Some children are glued to the spot at the explotions.
* lyse op
* ~ naglet til stedet
* højtidelighed
* ~ brænde /
skyde < af
Glu(e)ing to their parents they stick to them like glue.
* klæbe sig til ng.
At Christmas more young people join the waits,
* tilslutte sig /
* =
* som
* lim
* officielt kor / orkester
melde sig til ngt.
and the band goes from door to door.
The queen is a joint author of one of the songs.
* med- ( forfatter )
The band also sings at the end-of-term celebration,
* ( skole- ) afslutnings-
the Prize Day or Speech Day.
* højtidelighed
* =
* =
581 A housewife is battling with a knee injury.
Due to pain in the knee joint, she has just joined the ranks
of the unemployed.
She used to attend an aerobic class to do aerobics
but has now joined a sewing class.
Working at home, all her attention fastened on
her needlecraft as she has just applied a snap ( fastener ).
A skirt may fasten with buttons and buttonholes,
* kæmpe med ngt.
* knæ
* led
* slutte sig til ngt.
* de arbejdsløse
* deltage i ngt.
* aerobic-
* al ngs. opmærksomhed >
* hæfte ngt. sammen med ngt.
Even if she is chatting to her husband, her quick hands
* hurtig / rap …
* <<<
* … med at * fyr, gut
The lads are a group of friends that a man works with
* gutterne
Having got the go-ahead to meet with his lads,
* malle
* lynlås
* sytøj
* hurtigt
* blik
* ønske ng. god fornøjelse med ngt.
* slutte sig til /
mødes med ng.
* grønt lys til at * være sammen med ng. om at -
and join them for a beer after the match.
* =
go together and watch sports.
* slutte sig sammen med ng. for at *
They join together to benefit from good fellowship.
* slutte sig /
Most fans enjoy sports without joining a club
være sammen for at * melde sig ind i
or belonging to a club or team.
* kammerat
* fritid
he can join (with) the lads in watching sports,
Years ago he joined (with) this group of friends to
A lad (E) is a boy or young man.
20 or spends free time with.
* tryklås
* & lade ng. gøre som de vil
* ~ kaste ng. >
the match and in joining his lads (E).
* påsætte
* hæfte ende på ngt.
Giving him a quick glance, she gives him the `go-ahead.
Giving him a quick look, she wishes him pleasure in
* =
* lukkes med ngt.
10 She fastens the edges of the cloth together with pins.
never stop working.
* lave <
* hæfte på ngt.
* håndarbejde ( aktivitet )
* hægte
she gives his husband, Steve, the green light.
* hold
* sy-
* melde sig til ngt.
hooks and eyes ( or today a zip / zipper).
Fastening her needlework off,
* skade
* ( godt ) kammeratskab
* tilhøre / være med i / på ngt.
være medlem af ngt.
* stor klodsmajor
Pedestrian hulks and hulking lazybones prefer to be
* åndssløv
30 armchair fans, contenting themselves with ( watching )
* ~ sofa …
their team on TV.
* klodset
* dovenlars
* stille sig tilfreds med ( at ) ngt.
They would contend that watching the games on TV
contents them perfectly.
* hævde at * tilfredsstille ng.
Buckeling his belt, Steve fastens it with a buckle.
* spænde ngt.
Hurrying out, he does () `up / button ( up ) his coat.
* lukke / knappe ngt.
Having fastened () (up) his coat, he gets on his bicycle
* =
* spænde ngt. med ngt.
to join up with his friends and join up before the match.
* slutte sig til ng.
582 In passing, Steve says hello to his neighbour
* i forbifarten
who’s busy loading (up) his car with camping gear.
* læsse ngt. med ngt.
* slutte sig til
* & hilse på ng.
Steve rides a three-speed city bike; it has three gears.
* køre på >
* ~ -gears
He knows the quickest way to the stadium.
* hurtigste
* vej til ngt.
The aluminum E/A aluminium frame is much lighter than * aluminium
* spænde
* grej
* =
* cykel
* stadion
* stel
* lettere end
if built of steel.
The cycle has a white front light and a red rear light.
After dark and during hours of darkness
* front
* lys, lygte
~ forlygte
* efter mørkets frembrud
biking /eE cycling without lights is not allowed.
* lys
10 The streets are badly lit in the outskirts,
* dårligt
poorly lit in the suburbs, and well lit in the town centre.
* ringe
Better street lighting might reduce crime.
* =
* mødes
(A& stop lights) which regulate the behaviour
* =
of the vehicles, the cyclists, and the pedestrians.
* køretøj
A road user must stop at a red light.
* godt
* grønt
* gade-
* kryds
* stærkt traffikeret
* trafik-
* lys / fyr
* cyklist
* trafik
* lys
* rødt
* ~ trafikant
20 Patiently waiting for the lights to change,
* vente på at -
he must wait until the signal gives him the green light.
* vente (ind-) til
* fodgænger
* bevæge sig fremad
* lys
* stoppe / holde for >
* lysene
He can keep going as long as the lights are green.
* ~ lyssignal
Some road users speed up to catch the green light.
~ der er grønt ( lys )
* sætte farten op
* nå >
Some stretches of road have a linked traffic light system. * strækning
a motorist can pass all the lots of traffic lights.
If he doesn’t keep the right speed, he will have to stop
* rødt
* lys
* lysene
* skifte
~ lyssignal
* give ng. >
grønt lys
& vise grønt
* skifte til / blive >
* grøn
Eventually the lights turn green.
If a stretch has linked or phased traffic lights,
* =
* belysning
or streets join are normally provided with traffic lights
and the red `light shows that the traffic must stop.
* når det er mørkt
* oplyst
A crossroads or street intersection where two busy roads * vejkryds
The green traffic `light shows the traffic can go forward,
* ~ baglygte
* =
 vej-
* grønt ( lys )
* ~ grøn bølge
* =
* hele mængden /
* trafiklys
bunken af ngt.
at the next lot of traffic lights.
* ved næste …
30 Jumping the `lights, a foolhardy driver fails to
* ~ køre over for rødt
stop at a red ( traffic ) light and goes through a red `light.
* stoppe for >
* dumdristig
* ~ køre over fot rødt
Unfortunately, some vehicles drive into the red,
* ~ køre over for rødt
and fail to stop at the pedestrian crossing or cross-walk (A)
* fodgængerfelt / -overgang
as well some pedestrians cross against the red.
* ~ gå over for rødt
Accidents are waiting to `happen when `daredevil people
* ~ kan ske / opstå nårsomhelst
are lost on hard-`core `daredevils.
* vovemodig
det er kun et spørgsmål om tid før der sker ngt.
* undvige ngt.
( smutte undvigende gennem ngt. )
* blik / ord * irettesættelse * bebrejdelse * & misbilligelse
* være spildt / prelle af på ng.
* vovehals
583 In many countries, all roads have a speed limit:
* hastigheds- /
the fastest speed allowed by law.
* hurtigste
try to cross the street by dodging ( through ) the traffic.
Every look and word of rebuke, reproach and reproof
On some stretches of road there are speed limits,
* vejstrækning
the highest speed at which you can drive on a piece of road. * højeste
At stretches of speed restrictions, the cars have to
travel at certain low / slow speeds.
A `speed hump eE/eA bump is a raised area across
* fart
* <<
* fart /
* på et stykke vej
* hastigheds- / fart* begræning
* strækning
* ( bevæge sig ) /
* med lav hastighed /
i langsom tempo
~ køre
* vejbump
a road put there to reduce speed and slow () `down the traffic. * nedsætte farten
As the traffic slows down a sleeping policeman (E)
… -`10 decreases by its very nature the relative frequency
of road / traffic accidents on that piece of road.
Speeding ( his car ) up, a motorist may increase speed
without being aware a speed-limit sign.
The speed limit in streets and on particular roads
in urban areas may be 30 mph ( miles per hour ) equal to
* dæmpe … på ngt.
få ngt. til at køre langsommere
* vejbump
/ hastigheden
* blive langsommere
* ~ved sin umiddelbare egenskab * relativ * hyppighed
* færdsels- / trafik-
* ulykke
* sætte farten / hastigheden op ( på ngt.) * øge > * fart
* fartsbegrænsnings-
* skilt
* miles i timen
about 50 kph ( kilometres E/A <meters (km) per hour) or less. * kilometer i timen ( km / t )
ki`låmitêz, E&`kilêmi~têz
A motorist in a hurry is tempted to speed up ( his car )
* sætte farten / hastigheden op ( på ngt.)
and break the speed limit as well as a motorist fond of speed * bryde >
* fartgrænse
* glad
easily exceeds the speed limit.
* overskride >
20 The police set up speed traps in order to catch motorists
* fælde
speeding, and also to prompt motorists to slow down.
* køre for hurtigt * tilskynde ng.
keep their speed down and drive slowly in (some) places.
A motorist who fails to keep to the speed limit may be
caught in a radar trap and pulled `over by the police.
If a road / speed hog gets caught / stopped speeding,
the police will pull him over and give him a speeding ticket.
* fart* sætte farten ned
køre langsommere
* ~ trafikradio
* holde farten nede
ikke holde sig indenfor >
* radar- * fælde
* fange i >
* ( på ) sine /
visse steder
* fartgrænsen
* genne ind til siden
* motor- / fartbølle * blive fanget i / * køre for stærkt
stoppet for at >
* give ng. >
* genne ng. ind til siden
* ~ trafiksynder
He will be fined, and can be fined £ 500 for speeding.
* blive idømt /
Some cars drive very quickly.
* køre langsomt
* undlade at overholde /
The motoring offender will get a speeding ticket.
30 Some fast cars are famous for their speed.
* fart* =
til at -
The motoring news urges the motorists to
få en bøde
* hurtig
* hurtigt
* få >
* - - på x
* bil
* ~ fartbøde
* =
* ~ for at køre for stærkt
* fart
Driving at high speed and driving at (a) great speed,
speed hogs drive much too fast in the traffic.
* med høj fart
* med stor fart
* for hurtigt
Driving at full speed, at top speed, at lightning speed,
* med fuld fart
* med top fart
* med lynets hast
like a bat out of hell, they enjoy driving at breakneck speed. * ~ med en helvedes fart * med halsbrækkende * fart
They like to drive at a furious pace /A& drive flat `out.
( som en flagermus ud af helvede )
* i / med rasende fart
* køre >
* for fuld tryk
Many road / traffic accidents are due to excessive speed. * færdsels- / trafikulykke * overdreven / alt for høj * fart
584 Driving like lightning, some reckless `daredevils like to * ~ hurtig
drive dangerously fast and overtake other cars.
* dumdristig
* hurtigt
* faretruende
* vovehals
* overhale ngt.
Changing lanes from the fast lane into the slow lane,
some madcap speed hogs overtake on the inside.
The penalty for drink-driving / drunken driving
- `…
* straf
* spirituskørsel
… `…
(eA: drunk driving) or other reckless driving can be a fine.
A drink-driver may be disqualified (E) from driving.
- `…
* skifte > * vognbane * hurtig * kørebane * lang- * =
~ overhalingsbane somme
* kugleskøre
* overhale
* ~ indenom
* =
* uforsvarlig
* spritbilist
* kørsel
* bøde
* ~ blive fradømt retten til at køre bil
On top of a heavy / hefty fine for a motoring offence,
* stor betragtelig ( bøde )
* ~ trafikforseelse
a drunk driver (eA) may be banned (E/A) from driving.
* <<
10 Having their licence E/A license suspended,
* ~ få kørekortet fradømt, ~ miste kørekortet
puts most people in an unfortunate and awkward position.
* sætte ng. i en uheldig / ubekvem situation
* <<
More serious traffic offences mean prison.
* trafik-
On the lookout for traffic offenders, the police
* på udkig efter ng.
are keeping a ( sharp ) lookout.
* synd
* =
* holde >
Sometimes a car flashes past ( them ) at speed:
* ( skarpt ) udkig
* suse forbi ( ng. )
* ~ i høj fart
at a speed of maybe 100 mph / 160 kph
* med en fart på / hastighed af x
much exceeding the general speed limit.
In order to set off in persuing the daredevil speed hog,
the police officer presses ( down hard on ) the accelerator.
* gå i gang med at -
* forfølge ng.
* fandeivoldsk
* ~ trykke ( hårdt ) på speederen / gaspedalen
20 He puts his foot hard down on the accelerator.
As he steps hard on the gas ( pedal ) (eA), the police car
picks `up speed quickly, and takes up the chase.
As the police car quickly gathers speed, the policemen
pursue and chase the speed hog at high speed.
* ~ trykke hårdt på speederen
* =
* vinde fart
* optage >
* jagten
* ~ få fart på
* forfølge ng.
* jagte ng.
* med høj fart
Speeding along ( the road ) with police cars in hot pursuit, * drøne + adv. * derudad
the madcap hogs the road and speeds up as much as
* tossehoved
possible even if the road has a 50 mph / 80 kph speed limit.
Hotly pursued by police cars, the speed hog doesn’t mind
* tæt forfulgt af ng.
( ud- / henad ngt.) m. ng. lige i hælene
* ~ optage hele vejen
* speede op
sætte farten op
* tæt forfulgt
speeding in and out between the other cars on the road.
* drøne ind ( og ) ud
30 It’s very dangerous to overtake on a bend / curve.
* overhale
Having sped / speeded away at breakneck speed,
* køre hurtigt bort
* i et vejsving / en kurve
a speed hog sometimes get away from his pursuers.
Taking a worried glance at the speedometer / speedo,
* & fartmåler
the police officer is ready to step on the brake ( pedal ),
* træde på >
jam / slam on the brakes and brake sharply / hard.
* hugge bremserne i
As a car chase is dangerous for both the pursuer
and the driver pursued by the police, the officer may have to
pull `over, put `on / apply the brakes and give up the chase.
* bremse ( pedal )
* bremse hårdt
* biljagt
* forfølger
* fører
* forfulgt af ng.
& føreren af den den forfulgte bil
* trække ind til siden
* sætte bremserne i
[email protected]
585 Traffic going into town and out of town is light or heavy.
* let, svag
* stærk, tæt, voldsom
Traffic is heaviest at morning and evening rush hour (U),
* stærkest
* ved ( morgen / aften ) myldretid
* svagere
* svagest
lighter before and after rush hour, and lightest at night.
As it’s comfortable to drive to work and back in light traffic, * køre ( i bil ) * ~ til og fra arbejdet
many car owners are inclined to go in the car.
At rush hour, the motorists may have to cope with
horrendous / terrible traffic.
* være tilbøjelig til at -
In the rush hour, the motorists have to slow down
* i myldretiden
time after time, they may be late.
* hamle op med ngt.
* forfærdelig / skrækkelig
* køre (bil)
Getting caught / stuck in ( rush-hour ) traffic
* trafik
* stærk / tæt
* trafik
* ~ gang på gang
* sidde fast
* blive fanget / sidde fast
* i ( myldretids- ) trafik
* gang på gang
* komme for sent
* mareridt
A lorry may shed (E) its load, and cause a traffic jam.
* tabe ngt.
If a vehicle starts to sway, the driver easily loses control of
* svaje, svinge, gynge
the vehicle which, rocking from side to side, may turn over
* rokke, gynge, vugge
and land on its side, or land `up upside `down in the ditch.
* lande * på siden
* last
* køre i / med bil
* irriterende
* ~ sætte farten ned
Heavy rush-hour traffic is a nightmare.
Going by car or travelling by car or bus, both the driver
* trafik
* ~ tage bilen
* i myldretiden
Having then to drive in heavy traffic is annoying.
10 time and time again, and may get stuck.
* let
* traffikprop
* fra side til side
* ~ ende
* på hovedet
* & rejse
* grøft
* med / i ngt.
and the passengers must wear a seat belt ( or safety belt ).
* ~ have sikkerhedssele på
20 The driver must remember to put on his seat belt
before he starts to drive as well as all the passengers
* iføre sig >
* sikkerhedsselen
~ tage sikkerhedssele på
* køre
riding in the car or bus or travelling in the car or bus
* køre
must remember to fasten their safety belt.
* spænde >
* i bilen / bussen
In case of a head-`on collision / crash a person who hasn’t * ~ frontal
buckled (A) his safety belt might be thrown out of the seat,
* spænde >
and be injured by a collision with the inside of the car.
* sammenstød med
If there’s no headrest, a collision may inflict
whiplash (U) (up)on driver and passengers.
By driving a car or by riding or travelling in a car
* ~ nakkestøtte
* sikerhedsselen
* kollision, sammenstød
* sikkerhedssele
* sammenstød
* piskesmæld
* køre (en) bil
30 without a head restraint, you easily inflict (up)on yourself * ~ nakkestøtte
a whiplash injury in case of a collision.
* & rejse * i … / …
* piskesmælds-
* påføre ngt. >
* på ng.
* køre / & rejse
* i ( en ) bil
* pådrage sig >
* skade
When the head is moved forward and back suddenly,
it strains the neck joints, and causes serious neck injury.
* overbelaste >
Patients with broken bones may be ( put ) in traction.
* ( lægge ng. > )
* halsled, nakkehvirvel
* i stræk
A passenger riding in a car or riding a bus in the US, may * ~ køre i en bil
* ~ køre i / med ( en ) bus
ride to work, and be riding on the front seat or the back seat. * ~ køre til ngt.
After a drive or ride, the driver and passengers
* ~ sidde
* på for- / bagsædet
* køretur
* =
undo their seat / safety belts.
* ~ tage sikkerhedsselen af
586 The relation of many car owners to their car
* ngs. forhold til ngt.
is sometimes compared to a love affair.
* kunne sammenlignes med ngt.
They have no heart to part with their old car
even if it is on its last legs.
Modern cars are heavily provided with electronics
* ikke have hjerte til /
* skille sig af med ngt.
~ ikke nænne at * ~ være næsten udtjent
synge på sidste vers
* massivt / i den grad udstyret ( med ngt.) * electronik
so you only need to apply light pressure to operate
* påføre >
the electronic equipment.
Some vehicles are light and easy to drive
* let tryk
* let ( i vægt )
while others are heavy and more difficult to drive.
* tung ( i væft )
10 Only light vehicles are allowed into some streets.
* let
Heavier vehicles have to find alternatives.
* tung
Heavy `goods vehicles (HGV), articulated lorries (E)
* tungt
* let at * svær at -
* alternativ
anden mulighed
* sættevognstog
* last- * køretøj
or tractor- trailers (A), heavy trucks / E lorries are not
* =
allowed into town at particular hours or into certain areas.
* på >
* bestemte
* otte-
* ~ trins
A heavy vehicle may have a eight-speed gear box.
* tung
* lastbil
* ~ tidspunkter
* gear-
* kasse
A saloon ( car ) (E), also caled a sedan (A), has four doors * sedan
which make it easier for the back-seat passengers
* bagsæde
- `…
to get in and out ( of a car ).
A saloon has a boot (E) while a sedan has a trunk (A).
* komme / stige ind og ud
* firdørs
20 If a car driver or motorist parks his car
* bilist
and leaves the lights on, the battery may go dead E/A flat.
* lyset tændt
It’s very annoying to be light on (E) battery power or fuel
and stop at a ’ No waiting ’: a sign reading ’ No waiting ’.
Heavy vehicles are heavy on fuel / gas.
* bagagerum
* =
* gå dødt
blive flat
* have for lidt af
* ~ stopforbudsskilt
* ~ som læses
* tung
If the battery is flat E/A dead, the driver can charge ( up ) / * batteri
* pålidelig, driftsikker
* flat, dødt
recharge the battery by connecting ( up ) the poles
* =
* forbinde >
( of the cells ) of the battery with a charger.
* celle
* med ngt.
* lade op
* ~ stopforbud
* storforbrugende af
Old cars are heavy on oil, and not as reliable as new ones. * =
A battery needs time to charge ( up ) / recharge.
* =
* ( gen- ) oplade >
* pol
* oplader
* genoplade
30 Making sure that the lights are working, a driver must
* lysene
* ~ virke
control the headlights / headlamps both on full beam
* forlygte
* fjernlys
and on dipped headlights / beams (A: low beams)
* sænket >
* fjernlys
= nærlys
each tail light, brake light, and blinker ( E& indicator /
* baglys
A& turn signal ).
* =
* bremselys
A driver must dip his headlights for the oncoming traffic.
* sænke … ( skifte til nærlys )
If a driver forgets to lower the beams,
* =
an approaching driver is dazzled by the lights.
* modkørende ( fører, bilist )
Few people like to take advice from a back-seat driver.
‘… - … `…
* fører
is a fast road with at least two lanes in each direction.
* vej, beregnet til hurtig kørsel
* forlade /
* …vej
køre væk fra >
* til- og frakørselsvej
* komme /
køre etc. ind på >
* vejsammenfletning
So you have a slip road for driving onto the motorway,
* køre ind på ( en vej )
and slip road for driving off the motorway at a motorway exit. * køre væk fra ( en vej )
You can only enter or leave a highway etc. at special
intersections and ramps (A).
* blænde ng.
person, der blander sig i andres opgaver
* motorvej
intersections / (E) junctions and slip roads (E).
* modkørende
* bagsæde-
587 A motorway E/A highway / freeway / ex`pressway
You can only enter or leave a motorway at special
* blinklys
* frakørsel
* ( til- og frakørsels- ) rampe
A ramp on which you enter a freeway is called an on-ramp, * tilkørselsrampe
10 and a ramp, at an exit, on which you leave a freeway
is called an off-ramp.
* frakørselsrampe
Motorways are often built to lead traffic round a town
and heavily populated areas.
* udenom
* tæt
So people who used to live in idyllic surroundings,
* befolket
* idyllisk
i`dilik E/A: ai-
not long ago thinly and sparsely populated,
* tyndt
not only have to put up with a ruined and wrecked idyll
`idil / `aidl
but are also bothered by the noise of thundering traffic.
Night and day, all kinds of traffic pass thundering
* befolket
* døje med /
* spoleret
* =
* idyl
udholde ngt.
* være belastet / generet / plaget af ngt.
* larmende
måtte døje med ngt.
* nat og dag
* tordende, larmende
& hele døgnet / døgnet rundt
by their neighbourhood and past their houses,
20 causing pollution-related problems and illnesses.
* relateret
A bus load E/A busload of tourists alight from a bus.
* spredt
* bus- * fuld
* stige af ngt.
Some people on busses or trains are impatient to get off * i / med > * bus / tog * utålmodig efter at - * stige af /
while some people who are waiting for the bus or train,
push and shove to get on the bus or on the train.
* skubbe og mase
* stige på /
* bussen / toget
komme med >
Do not alight from a moving bus, train etc.
* stige af >
* ~ kørende ( bus / tog )
& i farten
’ Get a load of this ! ’ the guide starts telling about the town. * prøv at lægge mærke til dette
nu skal du / I se / høre etc.
The major events in the town are listed in the tourist guide. * væsenligste * begivenheder
* sætte ngt. på liste
There are loads to hear about the town,
* masser at -
loads to see all around the town,
* =
and loads to do round about the town
* =
30 ’ Get a load of this – get a load of that !
* læg mærke til ngt.
get a load of that house ! – get a load of this shop !
* =
they shout all at once.
* alle på en gang, ~ i munden på hinanden
An antique shop or rather a second-hand shop
* antik-
is stuffed with a motley collection of junk, rubbish, garbage
* broget
and real antiques.
* antikvitet
* forretning
* legetøjsforetning
A fairy may be good or wicked.
* alfe, fe
* ~ med film i
interesting picture motifs of photograpy.
* billed-
Photographing everything ( impressive //
* =
* samling af ngt.
A toyshop is a fairyland for children.
588 Many tourists, carrying a loaded camera, look for
* ~ genbrugs
* eventyrland
( alfe- / fe- )
* motiv
* fotografering
* fotografere ngt. ( + adj. / -ing. )
* betagende
* interesse
catching / capturing their interest ), the tourists
* fange ngs. >
take photograps / photos / pictures of people and places.
* tage >
* foto / billede af ng&t.
Either people have their own photo(graph) / picture taken * få taget ( et ) billede af sig
or they take their partner’s or children’s photo / etc., people
* tage billede af ng.
hope to photograph well and hate to photograph badly.
* ~ falde godt ud på foto
When a film is finished, the camera has to be
10 loaded with a new film.
* ~ sætte ( en ny film ) i ( kameraet )
So a new film is loaded into the camera.
* sætte ind i ngt.
The exposed film is developed in a darkroom.
* exponeret /
The speed of a photographic film indicates the degree
belyst ( film )
* hastighed
to which the film is sensitive to light.
* fremkalde <
* hurtig
ASA (American Standards Association) is used especially
* fotografisk
* film
The speed you use when you take a picture indicates
* hastighed / tid
A shutter speed of 1 / 250 or a faster speed must be set
depending on how quickly the object is moving.
* filme ngt.
A 400 ASA film is faster than a 200 ASA film.
20 the time taken by the camera shutter to open and close.
* mørkekammer
A fast film is needed for filming quick movements.
to show the speed of a film.
* … elendig / skidt …
* lukker
* ( lukker ) tid
The faster the speed the more light is required.
The `aperture is the opening that allows light that has
* åbning, hul
apertur, blænderåbning
passed the lens to strike the film.
* linse
* ramme ngt.
Controlled by the iris diaphragm, it can be set mechanically * iris-
or electronically at various diameters.
The aperture ratio or relative aperture, commenly known
* åbnings-
as the f-number, is a number defined as the focal length of
* ~ blænde
30 the lens divided by the effective diameter of the aperture.
* linse
A smaller f-number indicates a larger diameter aperture
* ( skillevæg )
~ blænde
* grad
* relativ
* åbning
* brændvidde
and therefore more light available for work in poorly
illuminated area, or for high speed photography.
* højhastigheds-
* fotografering
Small f-numbers involve, however, small depths of focus.
~ med små tider
* ~ dybdeskarphed
In his photo shop the photografic dealer sells films
* foto-
* handel / -butik
and cameras, and a variety of optical instruments
* optisk
( binoculars or field glasses, opera glasses,
* kikkert
magnifying glasses, telescopes and microscopes )
* forstørrelses-
589 If a cyclist has a flat tyre, he may have trouble with
* få / have >
the tube valve or the bicycle pump connection.
* slange-
* =
* teaterkikkert
* glas
* teleskop
* mikroskop
* flat
* ventil
* ~ sætte farten op
Having speeded / sped along, he eventually passes by
* køre hurtigt afsted
* dæk
* cykel- * pumpe-
* ~ ventil
* urforretning
Looking at a clock, he realizes, however, his watch is fast. * ur ( frit )
* ( armbånds ) ur
It’s ten minutes fast so he gets there in time.
* ~ det er x foran
He joins in a vast armada of football fans to meet with
* slutte sig til ng.
his friends.
* handler
* instrument
Having glanced at his watch, Steve quickens his pace.
a clock-and-watch shop.
* foto-
* gå for hurtigt
* hærskare af ng.
10 One of the lads gets a rap on the `knuckles for being late. * ( få et rap >
His friends give him a rap over the knuckles for not being
* på knoerne / fingerleddene )
få et rap over nallerne, ~ få en mild ( skide-) balle
* give ng. en balle
kritisere ng. for ngt.
* punktlig
They rap him across the knuckles for lack of punctuality. * ~ kritisere
They rap his `knuckles for being laddish.
* =
When either team’s anthem is played, all fans join `in.
* slagsang
All supporters (E) instinctively join in the team song.
* støtte
* punktlighed
* ~ ungdommelig i sin opførsel
* stemme i
* - - - med >
Joining in with the other fans, they join in (with) singing.
* stemme i med ng.
All members of a supportive association / society
* støtte-
* slagsang
* - - - i med at * forening
get a newsletter every month bringing the members
* nyhedsbrev
20 up to `speed: up to speed on the latest developements.
* ~ ajour, orienteret
* bringe ng. >
All fans are up to speed.
* =
Sports stars are always news.
* ~ godt stof
The two teams battle it out on the field in the cup final.
* ~ slås om det
* … med / om ngt.
Playing up and down the pitch (E), the players run and kick, * bane
head the ball, tackle, dribble, feint, pass, and shoot at goal * heade ngt . * takle * drible * finte * centre * skyde >
på mål
as best as they can.
Making dribbles, feints, passes and shots at goal,
both teams are pressing `ahead with vehement attacks.
Making tackles and playing rough (adv.) once in a while,
* så godt ng. formår
* ( lave > )
* dribling
* presse på med ngt.
* takling
* finte
* pasning
* skud
* voldsom
* angreb
* spille >
* råt
~ spille groft spil
30 they are pressing on with attacks, fast and `furious.
The new-mown grass and dry weather make
* presse på med ngt.
* nyslået ( græs )
* hurtig og rasende
the playing field a fast pitch.
Heavy rain makes it slow.
* ( spille- ) bane
* hurtig bane
* langsom
Hungry for a win, both teams battle hard all over the pitch. * sulten efter ngt. * ~ vunden kamp * kæmpe * hårdt
Victories are needed to bail `out the visiting team.
* ~ redde ng.
Only victories can bail the team out of relegation.
* … ng. fra / ud af ngt.
* nedrykning
[email protected]
590 A win is always good for morale.
* vunden kamp
* ( kamp- ) gejst / ånd, ( hold- ) ånd
The home team is on the right `track.
* på rette spor
It’s on `track: it’s on track for a medal.
* ~ på rette vej
It has talent, speed and power.
The team is up to `speed.
* ~ yde sit bedste
It’s full speed / steam ahead for the team.
* fuld fart frem for ng.
As the best professional players cost an arm and a leg,
* ~ koste det hvide ud af øjnene
a club has to pay an arm and a leg to get a good team.
The club now reaps the benefit(s) / fruit(s) / profit(s) /
* - - - til ( medalje )
* betale - - * høste frugten af >
10 reward(s) of the cost of bringing the team up to `speed. * omkostningerne ved at The club is up to speed regarding players, coaches
and training facilities.
The team is up to speed with the best European teams.
* være helt fremme
* sætte ng. i stand til at >
yde sit bedste
* angående / hvad angår ng&t.
* på højde med ng.
It’s extremely important that the team work in harness (E). * arbejde >
It’s crucial (that) each player works in harness with
the rest of the team, and pass ( the ball ) to each other.
Even if he is closely marked and covered, Owen
intercepts a pass from an opponent.
* i seletøj
~ arbejde sammen, trække på samme hammel
* - - - med ng.
* centre ( ngt. ) til ng.
* markere ng.
* dækkeng. ( op )
* opsnappe >
* centring
Even if his opponents, one after the other, try to tackle him, * takle ng.
20 Owens dribbles the ball along with artful short kicks,
* drible ngt.
* kort
* spark
~ dribling
makes a couple of feints, dribbles past a couple of
* lave >
defenders and scores a magnificent goal in the first half.
His fellow players look for a chance to pass the ball to him. * medHe scores a hat-trick as he thunders the ball past
the goalie three times.
Just before the beginning of the ( football ) season,
he landed a contract with the club.
* finte
* drible forbi ng.
* spiller
* centre ngt. til ng.
* score ngt.
* hattrik
( tre mål )
* sæson
* ~ erhverve sig ( en kontrakt ) med ng.
Right from the start, he has played a position in the attack * spille ( på ) >
in E/A on the first team.
* på ( første ) holdet
30 Speed is his greatest `asset as a football player.
* hurtighed
He’s a top goalkicker with an impressive acceleration /
* tordne / tonse ( bold )
* acceletationsevne
* en plads i ( angrebet )
* aktiv
(E&) turn of `speed.
* =
This year he landed himself a place in the national team.
* erhverve sig ngt.
He’s an asset to the team.
* aktiv / fordel / gevinst for ng.
The home team inflicts a humiliating defeat on
* ~ påføre ng. ngt.
the visiting team.
* plads
* på landsholdet
* udehold
They were trailing 2 - 1 ( two to one ) at half time,
and ended up with a 4 - 2 deficit.
* ~ være bagud ( to et )
* ved halvlegen
* med et ( fire to ) nederlag
591 Even if they don’t feel hungry during the excitement,
* føle sig sulten
the lads get hungry during the match.
* blive sulten
‘ All this cheering and rooting for the team is hungry work – * heppen
it made me hungry,’ one of them points out after the match.
* … på ng.
* påpege
They realize they are all hungry.
* være sulten
‘ What are we waiting for ? Let’s go eat,’ they all agree.
* hvad venter vi på
Having decided to drop into a joint to have a light meal,
* dumpe ind på >
they pop into a nearby fast-food joint to have a quick meal.
Fast food is quick and easy to prepare.
* ~ sultenfremkaldende
* ~ lad os få noget at spise
* beværtning
* =
* --->
* hurtigt >
* let ( måltid )
* hurtigt ( = )
* let at -
* tilberede
10 Nipping into a joint like this, people have food which is
* dumpe ind på >
prepared quickly and that you can take away with you.
* hurtigt
* tage med ( sig )
They gaze hungrily at the display of food.
* sultent
* udstilling af ngt.
A young American waitress waits (on) table (A).
* servitrice
Her nationality is revealed by her accent
At a waiting school as an apprentice waiter, she learned
* ~ tjener-
* skole
* varte op >
* ved bordet
to wait at `table and wait on people at a formal meal.
One of the lads makes a degrading facetious wisecrack
* biks
* opvarte /
* nedværdigende
* ved bordene
20 ‘ Did you learn how to eat with a knife and fork ? ’
* spise med kniv og gaffel
he wisecracks facetiously.
* bemærke
* varte op for ng.
* anstrengt vittigt
He says the most outrageous things sometimes.
* bramfri
Feeling degraded, apparently nettled by his remark,
* nedværdiget
* pikeret / stødt over ngt.
she leaves the table denouncing his criticism as
* frasige sig / fordømme ngt. som
‘ just one bad rap (A) ‘.
* elendig, uretfærdig beskyldning
( their wisecracking friend ).
They rebuke, reproach and reprove him
for his facetiousness and for being unfair on / to her.
Americans easily get a bum rap (A).
30 ‘ Well, what are you waiting for ? - go and apologize,’
* tjener-
* anstrengt /
* kvik / smart bemalplaceret vittig mærkning, vits
about Americans.
’ Don’t be so facetious,’ the other lads reprove / reproach
* lærling
* anstrengt vittig * irettesætte (ng.) / & bebrejde ( ng.)
* rapkæftet
* irettesætte ng. > * bebrejde ng. > * & misbillige ng. >
* for ngt.
* … at -
* uretfærdig mod / overfor ng.
* dårligt / uretfærdigt { omdømme / -tale
* hvad venter du på
the other lads urge ( him ).
‘ I’ll wait until / till she comes back,’ he answers.
* vente til
‘ I regret what I said and I deeply regret causing
* beklage hvxx -
you offence,’ he says with a regretful smile just to repeat
* for blot at -
his apology immediately afterwards less formally.
* undskyldning
* … dybt at -
* formelt
‘ I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings,’ he adds apologetically.
* såre >
* ngs. følelser
* undskyldende
The lads attack their meal with vigour.
* ~ gå ombord i >
* måltid
* med fuld kraft
592 One of the lads has great hopes in connection with
* i forbindelse med >
his recent job application.
* ansøgning
He hopes to have landed a job with a successful firm.
* ~ skaffe sig ( et job ) ved / hos ng.
He hopes to be joining the new company,
* ~ blive ansat i ngt.
and benefit from joining its pension scheme.
Applicants are considered if they give the impression of
* tilslutte sig >
* pensions-
* ( plan ), ~ ordning
* komme i betragtning, hvis -
being not only qualified but ( also ) reliable and hard-working. * ikke alene ngt., men også ngt.
He is waiting to hear from the company,
* vente på at -
and expects to hear from them very soon.
* forvente at -
10 He’s expecting a quick / rapid / speedy response.
* hurtigt >
‘ Newcomers run errands,’ one of the lads says jokingly
as he goes on asking, ‘ Have you heard about the job yet ? ’.
* svar (-reaktion )
* løbe >
* ærinder
‘ No, I’m still waiting,’ he answers.
* vente
He found the test relatively difficult.
* forholdsvis
He had to answer a series of quickfire questions,
* ~ hurtig efter hinanden
* svær
questions in quick succession: quickly one after the other. * i hurtig * rækkeQuestions were coming thick and `fast.
* ~ i stride strømme
The questioner expected quick answers.
* spørger
He expected him to answer quickly.
* hurtigt
20 The company had relatively few applicants for the job.
A company which is above nepotism always weigh up
the relative `merits of the applicants.
The personnel manager had the same surname as
* ~ det ene hurtigt efter det andet
& hurtigt efter hinanden
* hurtig
* forholdsvis
* svar
* få
* ~ være hævet over /
* nepotisme, begunstigelse >
holde sig for god til >
af slægt og venner
* relative
* ngs. fortrin / fortjenester
~ ngs. meriter i forhold til hinanden
* personale* chef
… `…
the one lad so were they related ?
* i familie
Was he any relation / relative ?
* familiemedlem
No, he was not related to him.
* i familie med ng.
He was no relation / relative to him.
* familiemedlem til ng.
Relatively speaking, the job provides a good salary.
* ~ forholdsvis betragtet
The personnel manager gave a brief summary of
* kort
30 the company’s history.
* opsummering / sammendrag af ngt.
For some time the company was on the wrong `track,
and had gone badly off the rails.
* på forkert spor
* ~ løbe ( slemt ) af sporet
Thanks to mutual responsibility, it’s now on the right track. * på rette spor
Better management principles have got it back on track.
* få ngt. tilbage på rette spor
The company has got back on the `rails.
* komme tilbage på rette spor
He told the job applicant briefly what had happened.
* kort
593 The relation of the management to the employees
* ngs. forhold til ng.
as well as the relation of the employees to the company
* =
have changed within the recent years.
When the former managing director took over the position
he inherited a poisoned chalice (E).
* ledende
* direktør
* forgiftet nadverbæger ( noget som forekommer
… `…
The managing director’s position has been a revolving door * svingdør
for several appointees.
attraktivt, men i virkeligheden er farligt )
* udnævn person
Members of the former management had left the company
like rats deserting / leaving { a / the sinking ship.
* som rotter, der forlader en / den synkende skude
… `…
10 Having been asleep at the switch / wheel for years,
* ~ sove i timen
they had deserted / left the sinking ship.
* forlade den synkende skude
The price of ( the company’s ) shares had fallen
at an alarmingly fast rate.
* aktiekursen, ( kursen på firmaets aktier )
* ~ alarmerende hurtigt
The fall in share prices caused a dramatic loss of morale * ~ kursfald
within the company.
The company had suffered from low staff morale.
* lide under ngt.
Many employees struggled with stress-related problems
* relateret
and illnesses.
Much illness is related to stress.
* være relateret til ngt.
* under press
may have / suffer a sudden attack of nerves.
* få >
unwilling to take the rap for what ailed the company.
The director of the board had called together
the members of the board for a council of war.
The members of the board had an argument
* ~ tage skraldet for ngt.
* ~ få ngt. til at skrante
* ~ bestyrelsesformand
* ~ krisemøde
* dreje sig om ngt.
costs / expenditures, proceeds and revenue / receipts.
* udgifter
30 There was a deficit / shortfall of millions in the total
* ~ et nervesammenbrud
* ~ bære en stor del af skylden
revolving around management and economy:
The board was chocked at the widening budget `deficit.
* medarbejdergejst
20 A person suffering from stress or someone under stress
Although the employees were much to blame, they were
* tab af korpsånd
/ kampgejst
* voksende
* underskud på ngt.
* provenu
afkast, udbytte
* budget-
* indtægter
* underskud
* ~ alt i alt
needed to be made up to bring the budget in balance.
* dække / opveje <
594 Already long ago, the old management received / got
* ~ modtage / få >
a rap on / over / across the knuckes.
* kritik
The then management had it’s / their knuckles rapped for
sleeping at the switch.
It was ( they were ) rapped on / over the knuckles for
having slept at the wheel.
Trying to grow the company, the old management had had
* daværende
* - - - for ngt.
* sove >
* ved afbryderknappen
~ sove i timen
* få kritik for ngt.
* <<
* få ( en forretning ) til at vokse
no idea of how to cope with quick-growing demands
* hamle op med /
related to the quickening pace of technological change.
magte / klare ngt.
* stigende
10 Deep deficiences in the communication system had
* ~ alvorlig
* hurtigtvoksende ( krav )
* tempo af >
* forandring
* mangel i ( system )
never been brought to light and remedied.
An unforeseen lull in consumer demand had caused
* bringe < frem i lyset
* stille periode /
afmatning i >
a deficit / shortage of orders, resulting in a lull in business.
* underskud /
mangel på ( ordrer )
Mounting costs and a deficit of several millions, regretfully * stigende
forced the ailing company to cut () down it’s activities.
The reliability of the economical results was questioned.
The auditor fastened on the unreliability of some figures.
* udbedre <
* forbruger-
* efterspørgsel
* = i ( forretningsaktiviteten )
* = på x
* skrantende ( firma )
* skære ned på /
nedskære ( aktivitet )
* troværdighed af ngt.
* betvivle /
sætte spørgsmålstegn ved <
* revisor * hæfte sig ved > * upålidelighed af ngt.
‘ Why do complaints always land on my desk ? ’ the former * lande / havne på ngt.
manager used to ask, trying to deny / disclaim responsibility * nægte / frasige sig >
20 for the ailing economy.
* ansvar for ngt.
* skrantende ( økonomi )
He had got to the stage where he wasn’t coping any more. * komme til det stadium
Unable to cope with the stresses and strains of the job,
the manager had placed reliance (up)on last year’s figures.
‘ Don’t get off the `track, we’re talking about this year’s
figures, not last year’s,’ a sceptic reprimanded.
* hamle op med ngt.
* sætte >
* klare den
* ~ al presset
* belastning
* sin lid ( tillid ) til ngt.
* ~ tale udenom
* irettesætte
The reprimand stopped / halted the manager in his tracks. * ~ nagle ng. til stedet
He stopped ( dead ) / halted ( dead ) / froze in his tracks. * ~ blive stående som naglet til stedet
The managing director who denounced the criticisms as
* afvise ngt. >
‘ just one bum rap after another ’ was dismissed / removed.
* ~ uretfærdig kritik
30 Having seen the (A: hand-) writing on the wall,
* se skriften på væggen
* som ngt.
other managers found out / realized / understood ( that )
* finde ud af / opdage / forstå at -
they were suddenly surplus to requirements in the company. * ~ være i overskud i forhold til >
Being clear about impending / imminent dismissals,
they decided to leave the company of their own free will.
Being clear that something was in the offing,
* behovene
~ være overflødig
* nært forestående ( fyring )
* være klar over ngt.
* forlade ngt.
* af egen fri vilje
* ~ være under opsejling
* være klar over at -
and being clear what was under way, they had left
* - - - hvad -
quickly / hastely.
* skyndsomst
* =
* forlade stedet
tage sin afsked
It needed a shot in the `arm to get back on the `rails.
* ~ saltvandsindsprøjtning
* ~ komme på rette køl
The issue proved less tractable than expected.
* sag
* håndterbar, medgørlig
The old management had miscalculated the tractability.
* - hed
[email protected]
595 The company needed quick results.
* hurtig ( resultat )
The issue had proved quite intractable.
* umedgørlig
New management was needed to restore morale,
* genoprette >
and cope with the quick-growing globalization.
* fællesskabsånden
* hamle op med ngt.
* globalisation
glêubêlai E/A -lê`zei$ên
In need of managers with a good track record in
* godt >
reorganizing working procedures, the board looked for new
10 managers with managerial skills and experience,
* ledelses-
* livsbane
* omdømme, vidnesbyrd
~ erfaringsgrundlag i / vedrørende at -
* dygtighed
* erfaring
and a proven track record of successful reorganization.
The board’s choice fell on an old pro, a real warhorse
who could cope with any situation.
He had actually served as an officer during the war
but started his career on the shop `floor.
* bevist
* præstations* vidnesbyrd om ngt.
~ meritdokumentation for ngt.
* gammel professionel
* garvet slider i politik
* hamle op med / magte / klare ngt.
* under krigen
* på gulvet / i bunden af ( en virksomhed )
He eventually landed himself a company directorship.
* få skaffet sig >
The new chief executive ( officer ) ( CEO ) or managing
* øverste administrerende leder
director (eE) was good news for the company.
Having battled their way to the top of their profession,
administrerende direktør
* & en god ting
* kæmpe sig vej til ngt.
20 a group of new managers immediately set about
* gå i gang med ( at ) ngt.
( the task of ) attacking the crucial problems
* angribe ngt.
in order to rectify / remedy the situation.
* rette op på / udbedre ngt.
Fully aware that it might be a difficult task, they had
gone carefully over the problems ailing the company
* … at * gå ngt. efter i sømmene
gennemgå ngt. nøje
in order to find out what was ailing the company. Page 600 ! * finde ud af hvad der -
Fully understanding the problems of the company
* klar over / opmærksom på ngt.
had been fully aware of the difficulties of the job.
* =
30 and faults, they had decided to go the whole `hog,
* plage ngt.
få ngt. til at skrante
* plage ngt.
* forstå ngt. // blive / være klar over ngt.
and alive to the gravity of the situation, the new management
With intent to correct, rectify and remedy mistakes
* direktørstilling
* korrigere /
* rette /
* fejl
rette >
korrigere >
* ( gå i lag med hele svinet )
~ tage skridtet fuldt ud, løbe linen ud
* =
and give every link of the organization a thorough going-over. * give ngt.
The new management detected fateful mistakes made
by an incompetent former management, unfit for the job,
and unfit to manage the company.
The company had developed plenty of structural faults
while a flood of faults had developed in the company.
It was clear ( to them ) whose fault the faults were, and
* grundig
* opdage / bemærke ngt.
* fejl ( -tagelse )
* inkompetent
* uegnet til ngt.
uduelig, uegnet
* uegnet til at -
* udvikle >
* fejl, defekt
* =
* opstå i ngt.
* ( det ) være klart ( for ng. ) >
it was clear ( to them ) that bad manegement was to blame. * ( det ) - - - at -
* hvis fejl ngt. er
* ngt. måtte gives skylden
596 Clear about rectification(s) of managerial mistakes,
* klar over ngt.
and faults in management structure, the new management
was quite clear what to do and how to do it.
* klar over hvad / hvorledes -
In reorganizing the company, the new management
* gennemgang
* rettelse
made it clear that they would immediately look for
* gøre det klart at -
the weak links in the operation of the company.
* de svage led i ngt.
Any person or process may be the weak or weakest link.
* det svage / svageste led
A chain’s weakests link is the measure of its strength.
* ~ ingen kæde er størkere end det svageste led
A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.
* =
10 Skivers are going to land themselves in big trouble
* pjækker * bringe sig selv i > * store vanskeligheder
if they bunk off ( work ) / skiv or keep arriving late for work, * pjække ( fra arbejdet ) * komme for sent på arbejde
or if they skive off early, skiving part of their ( working ) hours. * stikke af
The management prepared and produced a brief for each
* pjække fra ngt.
* instruks for ng.
Much to their regret, the company had had to cut down.
* til ngs. store fortrydelse
It was with great regret that the company had to
* - - - med stor beklagelse at -
cut down on its activities and trim staff.
* skære ned
* skære ned på ngt.
* trimme / beskære ngt.
Staff surplus to requirements had to be trimmed off.
* ~ udover det, der er brug for
So staff still in surplus was dismissed.
* i overskud
20 Although his mind rebels, an employer has to dismiss
* sind
surplus staff.
* overskydende
Businesses come and go with alarming frequency (U).
* virksomhed
Increasing competition demands depressed sales prises
* nedsat >
* skære ngt. væk
* ~ være i oprør
* med ( foruroligende ) hyppighed
* pris
which, other things being equal, leads to dropping, falling,
* ~ alt andet lige
* dalende
* faldende
and often plunging and slumping profits.
* styrtdykkende
* =
* overskud
As there’s no quick fix for globalization problems,
the new management is trying to avoid quick-fix solutions.
* ~ hurtig og nem løsning på ngt.
* =
There’s no snap solution to what ails the company.
* snuptags-
Other firms are waiting in the wings, ready to step in
* vente >
* løsning på ngt.
30 and make an offer should a current deal go by the board / * ~ gå i vasken, ikke blive til noget
* plage ngt.
* i kulissen
fall through / come to nothing.
The management is prepared for a poison `pill:
* =/=
* ~ bitter >
a form of defence taken by the company to prevent
or reduce the effect of a` takeover bid that they do not want,
* overtagelses-
for exampe by selling some of their important possessions.
Even if the precautions to be taken against a takeover
* pille
* bud
* tage forholdsregler imod ngt.
may be a bitter pill to swallow, the management
* bitter
won’t allow itself to be swayed by any alluring bid.
* få ng. til at vakle
* pille
* sluge ngt.
* lokkende
597 The company has forged strong links with big investors. * smede, ~ knytte >
A close link between management and employees
is of vital importance to have a good working relationship.
To have a good working relationship between
* stærke bånd til ng.
* tæt forbindelse mellem ng.
* have ( et godt ) >
* ~ indbyrdes arbejdsforhold
* have ( et godt ) >
management and employees, the senior management
* den øverste ledelde
has worked to establish a better working relationship with
* etablere /
* - - - mellem ng.
the middle management, the junior management,
* ( et bedre ) indbyrdes arbejdsskabe >
forhold til ng.
* mellemledelsen * ledelsen på det underordnede plan
but not least the man on the shop `floor.
* ikke mindst
It is an employee’s duty to follow orders from a senior,
10 an officer of higher rank, an officer senior to him.
The senior officers, office seniors, are instructed to
* ~ manden på gulvet
* overordnet
* funktionær
* overordnet
* ~ overordnet ng.
* funktionær
* … ( kontor-) …
take advice from juniors, office juniors, junior officers,
* underordnet (person ) * funktionær  * underordnert
officers junior to them.
* underordnet ng.
So since a compromise has been reached between
competing claims / interests within the company,
* knkurrerende
relations between employees and management (U)
* relationer / forhold mellem ng.
have improved.
Management-employee relations are good:
* krav
* relationer, forhold
management-employee relationship is now generally good.
* forhold
20 Employees are generally glad to be back in harness (E).
* i seletøj, ~ i den vante gænge
A new systen of management was needed in order to
* system
enhance and speed () `up working procedures.
* forbedre ngt.
All working procedures have speeded `up.
* blive hurtigere
As clients and consumers call for a fast responce time,
* efterspørge ngt.
there is a great demand for a quick / rapid / swift / prompt
* efterspørgsel efter ngt.
and speedy responce time.
* hurtig
All employees are instructed to act with speed
and efficiency.
They aim to increase the speed of communication,
30 production, and delivery.
* interesser
* instrueret om at * effektivitet, dygtighed
* hastighed af ngt.
* ledelses* øge hastigheden af ngt.
* hurtig
* reaktions-
* tid
* =
* handle
* ~ hurtigt
As the company compete with competing companies
on prices, the company has to sell at competing prices.
Occupational therapists advise, however, that, in order to
* konkurrere med >
* konkurrerende ( firma )
* på ( pris )
* … ( pris )
* arbejds-
* terapeut
avoid stress-related illnesses, busy people regularly need
* stressrelateret
a break in order to recharge ( their batteries ).
* genoplade ( sine batterier ), ~ få ny energi
598 After the management has established a successful
relationship with the union, the staff is more tractable.
* forhold til ng.
The union has close relations with the Labour Party.
* have >
By tradition, the union has good connections among
* ~ traditionen tro
the warhorses in the party.
Ordinary employees’ earnings are still low in relation to /
compared to those of the management.
All the arms of the company have direct computer links to
* føjelig, villig, medgørlig
* tætte
* forbindelser til ng.
* forbindelser blandt ng.
* ~ slider, garvet politiker
* relation / forhold til ngt.
* =
* afdeling / gren af ( virksomhed ) * forbindelse til ngt.
each other.
10 If the computer system needs to be restored, experts are
* genoprette ( system )
called in to remedy any deficiency in the computer system.
* ind- / tilkalde ng. * udbedre >
Organizers of public relations ( PR ) and trade relations
work to establish new international links.
They work to forge new international links in order to
deal firmly with foreign parters.
Having a lot of foreign relations, the company
* ufuldkommenhed
i ngt.
* ~ forholdet til offentligheden, & reklame
* oprette ngt.
* forbindelse
* ( smede ), ~ skabe ngt.
* forbindelse
* ~ handle fast
* med ng.
* udenlandske
* forbindelser
maintains trade links with all parts of the world
* opretholde ngt. * handels- * forbindelser med ngt.
in order to give faster response to consumer demand (U),
* hurtigere * reaktion på > * forbruger- * efterspørgsel
customers’ demands and clients’ requests.
* =
20 Supply and demand decide the price of a product.
* udbud
* klient, kunde
There may be a great / strong / huge demand for a product * stor / stærk / enorm
or there may be small demand or not much / little call for it.
* ringe / lille
The company and the staff are now up to `speed.
* ~ på fuld ydeevne
New management has brought the company as well as
* bringe >
* anmodning, forespørgsel
* efterspørgsel
* = efter ngt.
* efterspørgsel efter ngt.
the staff up to speed on latest developements,
* ~ på omgangshæjde med ( hensyn til ) ngt.
and up to speed with rival firms.
* =
The industry rely on costs remaining low,
and rely on their competitive position to strengthen.
On track for 10% growth, the company has hopes for
* stole på / være afhængig af ngt. <=> at * - - - ngt. <=> at * på vej til ngt.
* styrkes
blive stærkere
30 the fastest rate of increase for several years,
* højeste / hurtigste
and a tidy profit.
* betragtelig ( profit )
Many businesses profit from conspicuous consumption.
* rate / tempo
* væks-
* ~ forbrug for at gøre sig iøjenfaldende / bemærket
Snobs indulge in conspicuousness and buying of
expensive goods to make themselves conspicuous
* svælge i / nyde >
* iøjenfaldenhed
* gøre sig >
* iøjenfaldende
599 In the evening, the lads go to the cinema / movies.
A few specially invited guests have an opportunity to see
a film / movie at a sneak `preview before an official preview
* snig-
the evening before it has it’s premiere.
* have premiere
* forpremiere
* =
The cinema premiered the film quite recently.
* premierevise ngt., ~ give ngt. premiere
It was premiered only a week ago.
* =
The reviewers see the film the evening it premieres.
* anmelder
So the film is reviewed in the papers the day after.
* anmelde ngt.
The film received good reviews.
* få >
10 The cinema theatre has a revolving door.
( Fire ) extinguishers are put up along the wall
so a small fire can be put out / extinguished.
* ~ få premiere
* ( gode ) anmeldelser
* sving-
* dør
* ildslukker
* ild / ildebrand
After a while the operator dims the light.
* dæmpe >
As he turns down the light(s), the ceiling light(s)
* skrue ned for
and wall lights dim, the curtains are pulled aside.
* slukke <
* lys
* lyset
* lofts-
* lys
* væg- * lys * dæmpes * ( gardiner ) * trækkes til side
~ tæppet
When all lights have been put out / extinguished,
* lys
* slukke <
everybody in the darkened cinema auditorium directs
* mørklagt
their attention to the silver screen in eager expectation.
* sølverne
In the past a newsreel was ofte shown before the film.
20 It was a short film of news.
* publikumssal
( biograf- )
* ( i ) spændt forventning
* skærm
~ ( det ) hvide lærred
* ( nyhedsrulle ), ~ filmjournal, ugerevy
* film
Screen advertisements and a trailer come before the film. * ( skærm ), ~ biograf- * reklame
The film is a tragicomedy.
* trailer, forfilm
* tragikomedie
Having a darkly funny look at man’s weak points,
* ~ sort * humoristisk * syn på ngt. * svage * punkter
~ galgen-…
the tragicomic film looks at the lighter side of politics.
* tragikomisk
* ~ mere muntre side af ngt.
Having a darkly humorous look at politics, it looks at
some of the lighter moments from the world of politics.
The darkly comic film traces the tragicomically changing
* <<
* ~ mere muntre øjeblikke fra ngt.
* ~ sort * humoristisk * følge ngt. * på tragikomisk vis
relations between ambition, good intentions, and power.
The style of the film can be traced back to the days of
* spore ngt. tilbage til ngt.
30 the silent movie.
A young man from the wrong side of the tracks
joins a political party.
* fra den forkerte side af ( jernbane- ) sporerne
~ usle del af byen
* tilslutte sig / melde sig ind i ngt.
Even people from the right side of the tracks are charmed * ~ fra den fine del af byen
by his ability to empathize /eA connect with others.
Putting some politicians’ nose out of joint, the young
* føle / relatere sig til ng.
~ leve sig ind i andres følelser
* ( sætte ngs. næse af led )
tage opmærksomheden fra ng.
charmer is elected (as) member of the local council.
* vælge ng. som ngt.
ad 595 ) Having got to the bottom of the crisis,
* nå til bunden af ngt. ( problematisk )
the new management eventually understood the problems
* blive klar over / forsatå ngt.
being / lying at the bottom of the crisis of the company.
* være / ligge på bunder ag ngt. ( problematisk )